BookMad Magazine (April-May 2018 Issue)

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From media exposure to large-scale competitions, these individuals are living proof that a burning passion coupled with a brilliant idea can take you places.

COVER STORY Fresh from finishing her twentyfourth book, The Blueberry Possums—And How They Came to Be, Xlibris author Lynette Collins talks about the inspiration for her love of writing.

WINNING TIPS FOR ASPIRING AUTHORS Sharpen your writing chops with these tips and tricks to help you write that masterpiece of a book.

BOOK CATALOG Browse through and discover your next literary purchase from a wide selection of titles from Partridge, Xlibris, and AuthorHouse.

Welcome to BookMad, the free magazine for all lovers of books and reading. If you’re an avid reader, an aspiring novelist or just want to self-publish your story, this is the mag for you. And you can read BookMad anywhere, anytime—on your tablet or smartphone. If you’ve got the story in your head and haven’t put it together on paper yet, learn how many self-published authors have faced that battle and gotten their stories published. Plus, learn from the many writing tips they disclose—all for free. If you are looking for new books in your favorite genre, thrillers to fantasy to personal memoirs— they’re all here to buy and download! So go on and enjoy this edition of BookMad and be sure to look out for next month’s, with more secrets of successful selfpublished authors, more writing tips and a whole new catalog of books to read and enjoy.

Happy Reading!



Michael Burns C OPYWR ITER

Ian Smith C O P Y W RITER

Dominic Genotiva DESIGN ER

Raymond Chin A S S O C IA T E D E S I GN ER

Marlon Flores DESIGN ER

Ronel Borres D E S IGN ER

Irene Sungahid DESIGN ER

Christina Lazaro S O C IA L M E D IA S P E C I ALIST

Take a little time and tell us how we’re doing.


Twenty-Four Books with Xlibris—and Counting! Lynette Collins’ twenty-fourth book published with Xlibris, The Blueberry Possums - And How They Came to Be, is a cute and sometimes funny little story following Potter, a very stubborn possum who simply does not like to feel the dirt beneath her feet. It is a feel-good story about remaining true to yourself, finding and building a life where you are accepted for who you are, and creating something new and beautiful for the future. Collins identifies herself as “a happily married woman and a devoted mother to my two beautiful children, who I have raised to be my best friends.” She adds that she has spent her entire life working hard in her family’s business to show her children that working hard pays off and will provide them with everything they will need. “Now that they have grown up, I have more time to invest into my dream of writing and to start achieving my own personal goals of becoming who I was born to be,” Collins says.

“ I have always had a vivid imagination, and now I have the tools to bring my voice to life by creating my books. ”

Regarding her literary inspirations, Collins considers herself a big fan of Beatrix Potter—the beloved children’s author and creator of such unforgettable characters as Peter Rabbit and Jemima Puddle Duck. “I struggled with dyslexia as a child, and I could never read her books; however, I always loved the illustrations. I felt like even though I couldn’t read the words on the page I could still understand the story being told,” Collins says. When she had children of her own, Collins made it her personal mission to overcome her dyslexia. “I would read them Beatrix books and fall in love with them all over again. I have always had a vivid imagination, and now I have the tools to bring my voice to life by creating my books.” Collins, for whom The Blueberry Possums - And How They Came to Be is her twenty-fourth book with Xlibris, states that “Xlibris is making my dreams a reality with ease.” Readers of her books will be delighted to know that she has more projects in the pipeline! Collins offers the following advice for aspiring authors: “Work hard, never give up, and be open to constructive criticism—but remember not to let it change your dream and what you want to achieve.”

THE BLUEBERRY POSSUMS AND HOW THEY CAME TO BE Lynette C ollins E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 4 0 4 0 3 6 | $ 4 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k


Inspirational Highs and Unthinkable Lows “Inspirational highs and unthinkable lows”—that’s how Leigh and Renee Macneil describe Leigh’s struggle with severe attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Leigh, a lifelong martial artist, has worked as a sales professional and mentor in the automotive industry for over twenty-two years. Renee was a public English teacher for thirteen years but now offers workshops and individual coaching for parents, educators, and anyone affected by ADHD. “When I’m not writing, I’m training for the Boston Marathon,” she said. The couple has been married for eleven years, and they currently reside in the Lantana, Texas, area with their “two very sweet, high-energy, strongwilled” daughters.

“ We wanted to show people a positive side to ADHD by turning its disadvantages into advantages, and we hope that this book brings hope to others. ”

Spaz: The True Story of my Life with ADHD chronicles Leigh’s struggles with the disorder and also includes supporting material and research on what is known about it today. The book, which alternates between memoir/short story and informational styles, presents a mix of humor and raw truth that will have you questioning everything you know (or thought you knew) about ADHD. “It took us about two years to write this book,” Leigh says. “We were inspired by a friend who used to tell us that Leigh’s stories of triumph over bullies, adversity, and ADHD gave her inspiration when parenting her son who has severe ADHD. We wanted to show people a positive side to ADHD by turning its disadvantages into advantages, and we hope that this book brings hope to others.” Leigh and Renee found that self-publishing through AuthorHouse was a perfect fit for their needs. “We felt that we had ultimate control over our work and did not feel that we had to change our message to cater to a large publishing company’s rules,” they say. “Our publishing consultant at AuthorHouse has been so supportive and helpful. We’ve really enjoyed feeling like we have someone there rooting for us this whole time.” While promoting Spaz has kept the couple busy—they had a book release party in October and maintain an active Facebook fan page—they’re also working on a children’s version. “Set aside time to write each day,” say the Macneils. “Even if you don’t accomplish anything during that time, make a point to sit down with your work every day.”

S P A Z - THE TRUE STORY OF MY LIFE WITH ADHD Leig h Ma cne il wi t h R e n e e M a c n e i l E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 6 2 0 9 2 9 4 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k


Conscious and Unconscious Journeys Spinning into Oblivion, the first novel by Santhosh Gangadharan, is certainly for readers who enjoy a work that is profound and challenging. “It discusses the evolution of souls,” Gangadharan says, adding, “The book talks about the power of subconscious mind over the conscious mind of human beings and how humans react to the dreams they see when their conscious mind is at rest.” The story takes the form of a quest, encouraging the protagonist to traverse much of Asia in search of the answers to certain riddles. Exotic locales include the sand dunes of Dubai and the Sufi centers in Konya, Turkey. “Finally,” says Gangadharan, “he goes back to the place of his birth in the rain forests of Borneo to get definitive relief from the stress he undergoes.”

“ The book is a mixture of facts and fiction, where there is only a thin line that divides the two. ”

What makes this deep tale even more of a challenge for the reader is the avoidance of a clear distinction between reality and metaphysics, and between this world and the afterlife. “The book is a mixture of facts and fiction, where there is only a thin line that divides the two,” says Gangadharan. “The notion of spinning at high revolutions to bring about masslessness and thereby being able to interact with the departed souls in the other world is the pivotal point in the story. The fact that being closer to one’s place of birth enhances the chances of increasing the positivity of his soul is brought to forefront in the book.” Like his protagonist in Spinning into Oblivion, Gangadharan’s travel history has a variety of locations. Born in Borneo, he has sojourned in Dubai and Kuwai, while pursuing most of his studies in India. Currently, Gangadharan works in Oman and is on his way to attaining a postgraduate degree in chemical engineering. In addition to his itinerant background, Gangadharan’s inspirations include his son, who is a short-story writer and avid reader, and his interest in dreams. “Dreams need not necessarily be related to the things or people you have been thinking about. They can be spurred by something that had been lying dormant in your subconscious mind,” he says. In some ways, Gangadharan’s dreams have been an inspiration as well as a guide: “When I just close my eyes, several frames rush past my eyes. Some relevant images move in front of my eyes along with a host of irrelevant things. I try to train my mind to hang on to the best of the frames that could assist me in my writings.” Talking about his publishing experience, Gangadharan says that “the best part was the editing of the text written by me. I learned a lot from my editor at Partridge. It gave a tremendous insight into the world of language and literature as a whole.” He advises future authors to adhere to his “TIN” principle: “Keep your TIN at hand’s reach so that when you get a Thought, Idea, or Notion, you can jot down in a book. Later, when you think of writing an article, story, or book, the contents of your TIN will come in handy.”

SPINNING INTO OBLIVION Santh os h G a ng a d h a r a n E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 4 8 9 3 9 | $ 4 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k


Introspection for All to Share “Broad and deep” would be a phrase suitable to describing author X. W. Ng’s passions. She describes her interests as being “from all things arty-farty to the whole other universe of geeky stuff.” Ng studied chemical engineering as an undergraduate, pursuing her “curiosity for understanding the mechanics behind how things work and the interest in building and creating solutions,” and currently runs a technology company. However, her hobbies tend to be at the other end of the spectrum, comprising of cooking, music, reading, and writing, and extending to sports and fashion. Ng’s new book, Because I Care, captures this wide range of interests, while

“ My book was inspired by a simple intention to share my thoughts and inner world beyond myself. ”

addressing them more deeply. “It conveys my most intimate thoughts about my many passions,” Ng says. While Because I Care is profoundly introspective, it is actually an expression of the author’s interest in other human beings. “I have specific compassion towards three groups of people in society,” Ng says. “Those trapped in modern slavery, vulnerable children from broken families or suffering harsh circumstances, and ex-convicts striving for a second shot in life. In everything I do, I hold tight to the commitment that I contribute positively to these people in the best way I can.” Unsurprisingly, Ng counts several famous philosophers among her literary inspirations. “I am very much inspired by great philosophers of the past, such as Aristotle and Friedrich Nietzsche, and believe they teach us so much that is still relevant in the modern day, if only we actively sought to uncover and assimilate their prized teachings,” she says. Ng adds that her book was also inspired by “a simple intention to share my thoughts and inner world beyond myself, as I believe ideas and thoughts are worth sharing and exchanging. At a personal level, it would also be interesting for me to look back on this book after a good few years and observe how my thoughts may have changed as my life experience develops.” Summing up the message of Because I Care, Ng states, “I would like my readers to appreciate the concepts of love and tolerance that I’ve shared in my book.” As a contemplative individual, Ng says that “the writing process itself” was her favorite part of her publishing experience. “This may sound silly,” she says, “but there were a few times when writing about some of my most heartfelt passions that it touched me to tears.” She describes her experience with Partridge as “incredible,” adding, “My publishing consultants were responsive and open to discussing alternatives and solutions when issues cropped up.” Ng’s advice for aspiring writers is simple and unambiguous: “I would say just go for it. Overthinking often stops us from doing things out of unnecessary or irrational fears or worries.”

B E C A U S E I C A R E - A COLLECTION OF THOUGHTS X.W . N g E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 7 4 3 9 4 4 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k


The Novel That Nearly Wasn’t Mirela Roznoveanu’s book Life on the Run is a novel of intellectual dissent and of great inner tensions, with unpredictable resolutions. Roznoveanu has structured her book around the theme of freedom. “Life on the Run is a poignant novel and an essential historical and human document,” she says. “As a novel, it captures the visceral experience of immigration and exile in a way few other books, fiction or nonfiction, can match.” The novel evokes ancient Romanian culture—from which the author is descended—rich with magic, portent, and enigma, and its poisoning by communism.

“ I was often fired from jobs in Romania because I wasn’t politically correct. ”

“Life on the Run also provides a fresh view of the dynamic, jarring culture of America,” Roznoveanu says. The novel incorporates fragments from the author’s journals dating to the period immediately following Romania’s 1989 revolution. By preserving the records of these events, Roznoveanu and her novel have saved from oblivion the memories of democratic activists, artists, and journalists whose hopes for a free Romania surged with Ceausescu’s fall—only to be brutally crushed. Published in Romania twenty years ago, Life on the Run was never sold in Romania’s bookstores. The publisher went bankrupt right after the printing, and the copies ended up in a warehouse. Roznoveanu translated her novel into English because, as she says, “Little is known in the West of this critical period in which ruling communists changed their skin without ever releasing their grip on power. The novel brings that human tragedy to life. I lived it, and I still live with its consequences—as Romania does today.” The novel is hence a triumph of freedom of the press as well as one of the self-publishing industry. Roznoveanu is a literary critic, writer, and journalist. She has published novels, literary criticism, essays, and poetry. A dissident journalist during the turbulent period of communist Romania’s late eighties, Roznoveanu was dismissed from the literary magazine Tomis in 1974 on account of her views. “I was often fired from jobs in Romania because I wasn’t politically correct,” she says.

L I F E O N T H E R U N - A NOVEL Mirela Roz nov e an u E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 4 7 3 8 6 5 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k


Taking a Pen to History

As with people, history is complicated and nuanced. Rarely, if ever, is history cleancut or black-and-white, with one side or individual being the sole party at fault. Unfortunately, over the centuries and generations, the retellings of history have been at times altered, exaggerated, or even ignored—sometimes for the sake of simplification or to push an agenda. Hence, for the benefit of nonfiction writers and authors of historical fiction, today we discuss historical revisionism. Whether writing fiction or nonfiction, it is vital that authors be aware of historical revisionism, understand what it is, and know when to embrace or avoid it. What is Good Historical Revisionism? At its most basic, historical revisionism is a historiographic (having to do with recording history) term meaning changes, adjustments, or reinterpretations of the historical record due to new evidence and understandings of the subject history. Perhaps an ancient text has been retranslated in a more nuanced and comprehensive manner, adding a whole new dimension to the events inscribed, or perhaps science has revealed the true sex of the remains of an acclaimed Viking warrior, shedding light on a long-gone society’s views and practices on gender. New, valid evidence requires a re-examination of the history under the light of new knowledge and understanding. Sometimes, due to lack of evidence to the contrary, historians might try to explore new and alternative explanations for historical events, acts, and decisions. While there is nothing wrong in this form of historical writing, authors must clearly acknowledge what evidence does or does not exist, and acknowledge the limitations and weaknesses of their theories. What is Bad Historical Revisionism? Unfortunately, history is written by humans, with human fallibility, and thus is prone to whichever biases or even agendas drive such people. Sometimes history is revised not for the sake of historical fidelity or truth but to serve a specific means, to impart a message that goes against what actually happened or simply to apply meaning where it is impossible to know for sure. The most egregious cases in modern years have been attempts by some to deny the Holocaust of the Nazi regime. This is despite mountains of evidence, including personal accounts from prisoners, Nazis, and Allied soldiers, as well as material and documentary evidence. Ultimately, historical revisionism has served both positive and negative purposes. Proper historical revisionism is needed to maintain academic integrity when new information and evidence comes to light. But as we said, history is written by people and thus is susceptible to their biases, emotions, and motives. History can and has at times been revised to serve purposes contrary to the truth, whether by being ignored, de-emphasized, rewritten, or even outright denied.


Five Facts and Tips about Copyrights Today we’d like to talk about something that isn’t exactly near and dear to most authors’ hearts: copyrights. After all, this isn’t character development, story structure, or dialogue; this is the legal stuff, the information you hope you never need to know. But copyright information is like your cholesterol count—you might not want to know it, but it’s probably better if you do. In that spirit, we present five tips and facts about copyrights. Let’s begin with the most important: When in doubt, talk to a lawyer. This is the tip that takes precedence over all the others. If you’re not sure, talk to an expert on copyright law. It’s okay to do some research on your own, but if you need definitive information, make sure you talk to an attorney whose specialty is copyright law. You don’t have to register your work to be protected by copyright law. If your country is a signatory to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (most countries are, the United States included), your work is protected as soon as you create it, as long as it’s in a form that’s “perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.” In other words, if you typed it or wrote it down, it’s protected. You can’t copyright an idea. Let’s say you’re eating dinner with your friend, and you tell him your story idea about a dinosaur theme park. That night he goes home and writes Jurassic Park. Can you sue him? Yes. Will you win? No. Although you had an idea, you didn’t put it into a perceptible form (see our previous tip). You need to fix the date of your copyright. So if you’re protected automatically, why bother registering your work (with the Library of Congress, for example)? Because if someone does steal your story and the matter goes to court, it’s important to establish whose work was published first. In the absence of a registration, other evidence (such as witness testimonies) can be presented; however, it’s likely the other side will have witnesses too, so a registration is always a much better friend to have in your corner. What about a “poor man’s copyright?” You’ve probably heard about this one before: just mail a copy of your book to yourself (don’t open it when you receive it). The date on the package, stamped by the post office, will unofficially “register” your work, right? Unfortunately, no. There’s no provision in US law for such a thing, and it’s never actually been tested in court. Besides, if you’re going to the trouble of wrapping up your book and mailing it anyway, why not just get it registered? The subject of copyrights is extremely complex and case-specific, but this should be enough information to get you started. Just don’t forget our first tip: For the best, up-to-date information about copyright law, talk to a lawyer!

And Some Will Triumph by Virginia Frusteri Sollars And Some Will Triumph is the story of a psychiatric nurse who comes to California with her daughter to work at the Raine Correctional Facility. She relates stories of the inmates and nurses in a moving tale of regret and hope and of tragedy and redemption. She finds herself caught up in a world unlike any she has known, a dark place full of secrets, a place where she must fight the system to care for her patients. But outside that building, with its cells and bars, lies a sinister presence that may alter her life forever. About the Author The author was raised in Brooklyn, New York and became a registered nurse in 1980, working as a psychiatric nurse for most of her career. She worked in the jail system for 26 years, caring for and treating the mentally-ill. She lives in Southern California with her rescued cats. She has one daughter, three grandchildren, a sister and a boyfriend of many years. She loves the outdoors and enjoys swimming, hiking, and biking.

And Some Will Triumph - Stories of the Mentally Ill in a Correctional Setting and the Nurses Who Care for Them Virginia F rus te ri S o l l a r s E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 7 7 6 4 9 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Ascension by Brandi Lynn Smith Kate’s life has been fairly quiet since rescuing her friends in the Alpha Units from Blade, but the short reprieve doesn’t last. The pendant she obtained, the one Blade had been searching for, seems to be causing a stir with Kate’s powers. What are these strange foreign symbols she is now seeing? Does the necklace have anything to do with what is happening? Kate knows who to turn to for help but getting that help means returning to the one place she never planned on ever going back to. About the Author Brandi Lynn Smith was born in Colorado and is a cake decorator by day and a fiction writer by night. She’s had an interest in writing since picking up a Lisa Frank folder and creating her own world in the second grade. Most of her characters have moved on from fluffy, colorful creatures to more peoplebased; her inner child tends to lend a hand for creating the impossible. When not writing, she tends to roam the outdoors and look for inspiration in small places.

A s c e n s i o n - An Alpha Units Novel B rand i Ly nn S m i t h E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 4 5 5 0 2 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Coup d’État in the Land of Zep Tepi by Buiteboer In Volume 1, the most controversial discovery to jump from the mists of mythological time into the 21st century exposes information concerning goings on in Ancient Egypt. Volume 2 of Coup d’état in the Land of Zep Tepi - A Progress Report picks up narrative threads of the ongoing search for clues as to how and why the Bachwezi staged an outfiltration to off-worldly realms. It traces the outlines of shocking revelations, and the search for a lost Story Hunter takes on new and increasingly surreal dimensions when one-legged angels start dropping in from the thin blue Darfuri desert sky. About the Author Buiteboer likes to describe himself in many different ways. Sometimes he is an Outfiltration Technician – meaning that he finds ways of dislocating consciousness from the here and organic now of planet earth. Alternatively he is known to say that one has to move through this planet without allowing any of the shit to stick to you when you’re on the way out. Like a proverbial Teflon Man (the one to whom nothing sticks) Buiteboer, can therefore, at best, be introduced as someone who hails from a country at the top of the world. C o u p d ’ É t a t i n t h e L a n d o f Z e p T e p i - A P rogress Repor t : Vo l II B ui teb oe r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 7 5 9 4 2 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

In . . . tanglement by Sophia What seems like devastation and destruction of the mind, soul, emotion and spirit – awakens a strength and understanding that could not have been gained from anything less than a traumatic happening for any woman. Life for Beth seemed usual and situations were turning around. The events about to take place were beyond her understanding and comprehension at the time. Her journey of discovery through the adventure, heartbreak, tears and excitement leaves the reader captivated by all that is imaginable and beyond. It resonates deep within, for we all possess, all that is needed in order to search for the truth. About the Author Energy and emotion captivated as words are expelled onto the pages yielding the story through the eyes of the traveller. Grace and mystery her friends, understanding and wisdom her results. Pathways of new enlightenment emerge, which shock and hold the reader’s attention to push them deeper into finding the truth.

In . . . tanglement Sophia E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 7 6 8 7 1 | $ 7 . 00 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

On a Quest of the Light by Paruyr Hayrikyan Paruyr Hayrikyan presents his experiences as a freedom fighter through a letter to the love of his youth whom he lost during his eighteen years in prison and exile for dissident activity. Written in the form of a personal memoir, this book tells a chapter in the history of the fall of the Soviet empire that is rich with crucially important and nearly forgotten details. The memoirs also discuss dissident movements form across the Soviet Union (Ukrainian, Russian, Georgian, Jewish, and pre-Baltic movements) through the author’s friendships with his counterparts, owing to their shared sufferings and dreams in Soviet prisons. About the Author Paruyr Hayrikyan was born on July 5, 1949 in Yerevan (USSR). He was the leader of the democracy and independence movement in Armenia and sentenced 4 times (total 20 years) by the KGB. He was forcibly deported to Ethiopia in 1988. In 1990 he was internationally recognized as the “Founder and Leader of the Democracy Movements in the Soviet Union.” In 2013 there was an assassination attempt on candidate Hayrikyan during the Armenian Presidential election. He’s still recovering after three surgeries. Hayrikyan (poet, composer, politician, constitutional lawyer, writer, etc.…) is presently working on his idea of “Absolute Democracy” and prison memoires. On a Quest of the Light Paruy r H a y riky a n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 1 7 8 5 0 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Pafinna’s Prophecy by Gael Whelan In an attempt to discover why the mourning dove has changed its call, Tracey and her new friend Jonathan, stumble on a bigger problem! Two white lion cubs have been born and are already on a death list. Because of rife superstition, the local people believe that albino animals are portends of death. To counter Pafinna’s Prophecy, Tracey, Jonathan and the Khoi San brothers work together with an indigenous Australian man and members of the Masawani Game Park as they set off on an adventure to save the lives of the cubs. About the Author Gael Whelan was born in Scotland and went on her first journey, as an infant, from the United Kingdom to Canada on the Queen Mary liner. This was to be the first of many journeys to come. When she was three years old she moved to Africa with her family. It was here that she learned that Africans referred to a “journey” as a “safari.” Somehow the family adopted “safari” for every trip. The earliest safaris took the family along the strip roads of Northern and Southern Rhodesia (Now Zambia and Zimbabwe), where they encountered many animals and people! Pafinna’s Prophecy Gael Whe la n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 7 6 3 7 6 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k

Politics & the Struggle for Democracy in Ghana by Dr. Joseph K. Manboah-Rockson This book is a pioneering attempt to describe the Ghanaian political system, define its parameters, its structures and analyze the ups and downs of democratic transitions and the struggles thereof. The book is a good fit for students pursuing courses in political science at the university level in Ghana or studying social science at Ghanaian Senior High Schools. Discover, learn and understand more about the ins and outs of Politics & the Struggle for Democracy in Ghana. About the Author Dr. Joseph Kwabena Manboah-Rockson is a former assistant professor at Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston and a director of international relations office at San Jacinto College, Houston. He taught courses such as American Political System, International (African) Politics, Politics People Play, Criminal Justice, and Constitutionalism in America. Dr. Manboah-Rockson holds a bachelor of international business administration (BBA) degree from the famous Barton Business School at Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas; a master’s degree in political science from the prestigious Baylor University in Waco, Texas; and a doctorate degree (PhD) from the world-class University of Cape Town in South Africa. P o l i t i c s & t h e S t r u gg l e f o r D e m o c r a c y i n G h a n a - An Introduction to Political Science Dr . Jo s e p h K . Ma n bo a h - R o c k s o n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 6 3 2 4 6 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Forgotten War by Joseph F. Maraglino Author Joseph F. Maraglino shares his story in The Forgotten War: Fire and Death. As a firefighter, even though you’ve fought similar fires, many times you never take anything for granted. He wrote this book to enlighten the families of firefighters who were fighting the war in the ’60s and ’70s in the South Bronx. Firefighters are constantly fighting the red devil—fire every day. Firefighters take oaths to protect life and property, and they risk life and limb. This book is not just to praise the NYCFD; it’s for all firefighters, especially volunteers, who do their regular jobs. About the Author Born in New York City in 1939, Joseph F. Maraglino went to St. Anthony School, graduated in 1953. He went to Mt. St. Michael’s academy until 1954. He Went to Marisc Preparatory until 1957 before returning to Mt. St. Michael’s academy in1957 where he graduated and went to Iowa College until 1959. He became a bookkeeper until 1962. He went into the US army from 19621964, becoming a fireman in 1964 until 1988 where he was injured and had to retire. He had so many injuries that he is now almost a paraplegic.

T h e F o r g o tt e n W a r - Fire and D ea th Jos eph F . Ma ra g l i n o E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 4 1 4 1 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in A u di o B o o k , P a pe r ba c k an d Hard b ac k

The Tree Who Didn’t Want to Grow by Tammara Or Slilat The little tree doesn’t like the things that keep happening to it, such as leaves growing and falling off and the wind forcing it to do tricky gymnastics moves. He continues to dream about returning to the safety and warmth of the seed in the ground, until one day, when a terrible crisis forces him to grow up and make the decision to live according to his full potential, as a tall, strong tree. Through the tree’s story, young readers find the courage to face their own difficulties and come to terms with the changes life throws at them. About the Author Tammara Or Slilat is an acclaimed poet and a writer. She has published five poetry books for adults and holds an MA in Creative Writing and English Literature from Bar-Ilan University. This is her debut children’s book.

The Tree Who Didn’t Want to Grow Tamma ra Or S lilat E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 8 1 2 6 4 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k

The VIP by Chiku Abeze Akpa Nku, a young successful business executive decided to join politics against his wife Ifeoma’s counsel. Although he won, a most unwelcome event claimed his attention – the love of women. Later, his political career was seriously threatened and he was forced to fall back on what had been his pillar of support, his loving wife. But the reunion was short-lived as the military overthrew the civilians and jailed the entire political class. About the Author Chiku Abeze was born in Enugu in 1973. He had his early education in towns that are now parts of three states in southeastern Nigeria. He hails from Ogidi in Anambra state. He is a medical doctor and author of two political books. Twentyfive years after the fall of the second republic, he wrote an article in the Sun titled ‘Remembering the Second Republic’. He comments on sundry national issues whenever he deems it necessary. This is his first fiction.

The VIP Chi ku Ab e z e E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 7 5 9 5 9 | $ 3 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

White and Green by Ahmad Al Dosari White and Green: Seasons of Moroccan Tea is a great book in which the reader enjoys the pleasure of narration and the events that create a background for the poet’s imagination, which soars with viewless wings of poesy. The novelist’s poetic language is distinguished because it perfectly exploits figures of speech and irony. It describes a journey to Morocco, the land of a thousand and one nights. Morocco is a charming country that embodies the past and the present, different cultures, identities, wars, and variable civilizations of the Romans, the Phoenicians, and the last Islamic Arabian kingdom in Cordoba. About the Author Ahmad Al Dosari is a Bahraini poet and novelist. He published many collections of poetry, novels, and literary studies. He has a PhD in literature and philosophy from University of Geneva. He has translated different books from French to Arabic. He is the author of Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Opera, the first opera written in Arabic. It was performed in Doha on the largest open theatre in the whole world. Ibn Sina Opera was performed in Arabic and English by the best operatic worldwide. His novel Ibn Zuraiq Al-Baghdadi: A Passenger of Time was widely received when it was first published. W h i t e a n d G r e e n - The Sea son s of Moroccan Tea Ahmad A l Dos a ri E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 1 6 4 6 8 | $ 4 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

A Passage to America by Joseph M. Cheruvelil

A Passage to America: Notes of an Adopted Son is an anecdotal autobiography of Prof. Joseph M. Cheruvelil, a naturalized citizen of the United States. Submerged in this long narrative is a social history of three generations from British subjects in India to Baby Boomers and Millennials in America. Prof. Cheruvelil, who taught many years at St. John’s University in New York, is a Catholic in religion, a Hindu in culture, a conservative in politics, and an eclectic in taste. The book abounds with succinct comments on the major issues and potentates of the world from a global perspective.

A P a s s a g e t o A m e r i c a - Not es of an Ado pt ed So n Jos eph M. C he ru v e l i l E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 6 0 7 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Living with Murder for Thirty Years by Gwen Beaudean Thoma, EdD Murder affects more people than the victims. It affects their families and the community. It affects the police who work on these cases, which may go unsolved for years. This book is a dramatic account of Gwen Beaudean Thoma’s experiences over the thirty-year period that these murders went unsolved and cold. She became more cautious and aware of her surroundings. She had heard much about serial killers. She hopes that you find this book intriguing and it gives you some insight into how life can suddenly take a turn by hurling us into events we never planned for.

L i v i n g w i t h M u r d e r f o r T h i r ty Y e a r s Gwen B e a ud e a n T h o m a , E dD E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 9 1 5 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Baby Blue with a Dab of Grey by Destiney Perez

Kaia Hunter and her husband, Trevor, have dreams like every parent to someday have children to invest their love into. When the two become pregnant once again for the fourth time, they come to find a sense of hope they’ve never had before—a new hope. Kaia had never known a perfect life and is well aware that it wouldn’t magically become so. Upon a series of events, this new yet flawed hope becomes a way of life for her. But to keep this hope in hand and heart, she has to fight for it, for herself.

B a b y B l u e w i t h a D a b o f G r e y - A Story of Love, L oss, and Recov ery Des ti ne y P e re z E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 0 7 5 5 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Exploration Pilot by Kendall B. Krogstad Gripping flying adventures punctuate a fascinating twenty-year career in aviation in the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. Perilous missions, in-flight emergencies, impending disasters, and actual calamities throughout the United States produced heart-pounding episodes, and the author’s Alaskan adventures top the list. The author’s skillful storytelling provides insights and sidelights to near-fatal incidents as well as heartwarming and humorous events that enrapture the reader. His final adventure and the abrupt end of his flying career is defined by narrowly surviving, the victim of vicious criminal activity.

E x p l o r a t i o n P i l o t - T he Flying Adve nture K endall B . K rog s t a d E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 2 8 0 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Divine Providence by K. R. Copeland

What if Noah’s curse of Ham’s son Canaan to be a “servant of servants” was not as damning as many have been led to believe? And in accordance to the eternally binding laws of the new covenant, divine providence, hidden treasure repairs a breach in the development of a people called Israel that has long been assumed but never addressed. The Holy Scriptures highlights a very revealing travesty and injustice that places the descendants of Ham as the intended recipients of the yet-to-be-revealed blessings that support the restoration of the divine order of worship.

D i v i n e P r o v i d e n c e - Hidden Treasure K . R. C op e la nd E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 1 3 4 3 6 | $ 1 3 .99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Transition America by Dr. David Garrahan In Transition America, Dr. David Garrahan addresses the serious primary issues facing our government and the American people and put forth proposals to correct the misguided path that our nation is on. Attention is focused on the economy, national security and terrorism, health care, education, and a foreign policy that shapes our military strategy. This is a formidable undertaking, as each of these issues is properly the subject for an entire book. Try not to cast the book aside because the recommendations are too radical. It is time to think outside the box for guidance.

Transition America Dr . Dav id G a rra h a n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 0 3 3 3 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Generation of the Damned by H. David Brace

Author H. David Brace bares his heart and soul in GENERATION OF THE DAMNED. This book follows the life of a typical Baby Boomer born after the Second World War, growing up in the 50’s and early 60’s which were the author’s happy times which would end with his enlistment in the Marines! The book explores his political fallout from that war, the lessons he learned and the life he led that made him into who he is.

G e n e r at i o n o f t h e D a m n e d - B ab y Boomers a n d t he Vie t n a m W a r H . Dav id B ra ce E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 5 1 6 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Adjustment by John Gess The Adjustment continues the story of Jacob Cahill, the son of American missionaries in China who were killed during the great purges of Mao Tse-tung early in his reign. Now back in America, fifteen-year-old Jacob adjusts to the enormous changes in his life and the society around him, using his great gifts to not only survive but thrive. Yet there are roadblocks thrown in his path as the racial fires are burning harshly in 1960s America. As he faces those who violently confront him, he must make difficult choices of life and death and question his morality in the process.

T h e A d j u s t m e n t - A Ja co b Ca hill N o vel John G e s s E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 6 0 4 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Missing and Exploited by Ken Baysinger

Missing and Exploited is Ken Baysinger’s third novel. The first two, “El Camino” and “Deadly Gold,” are receiving five-star reviews from readers. Readers of this latest work say that it is his best yet. Ken lives on the Willamette Riverfront, where his novels take place. He and his wife, Linda, enjoy the river from the deck of their twenty-eightfoot cruiser and from the cockpits of their kayaks. Ken was an advertising professional for many years before redirecting his creative talents to writing novels.

M i s s i n g a n d E x p l o i te d K en B a y s ing e r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 2 6 8 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Turd Burglar by McGoat Up in the Mountains Hugging the Sun Down in the valley’s Eternal Dawn Big scruffy beard Eyes of blue Colorful hooves Strong horns too A humorist who Puts on a show Who is McGoat??? What? Don’t you know? The Turd Burglar McGo a t E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 8 4 2 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

MOUNTAIN GIRLS by Phillip Clemons

Terry Campbell had almost been killed while serving with his Special Forces Group in Afghanistan. He survived, came home, went to college, then to law school, and now he was a successful attorney in a rural southern town. He had an attractive fiancĂŠe, a solid law practice, and enough money to live on. Life was pretty good, until one day he met a beautiful, brown-eyed mountain girl who totally turned his life upside down.

MOUNTAIN GIRLS Phi llip C le m ons E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 8 8 2 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Pony Tales by Chuck and Marion Sokolowski A warm and fascinating collection of short stories emanating from the 1950s through contemporary times, capturing the incredible world of Thoroughbred horse racing and American history. The American spirit is uniquely portrayed, through history, simply as a Thoroughbred horse race being prepared and vigilant for the start. As the race begins and as each horse conquers their obstacles and hit the finish line in victory, win place and show, just how America and racing somehow simultaneously prevail. You’ll travel with Chuck and Jim and others along the way from decade to decade rubbing elbows with many famous and alluring characters.

P on y T al e s - C apti v ating S tori e s Ab out Th oroug hb r ed Hors e R acing Chuck a nd Ma rio n S o k o l o w s k i E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 8 0 9 4 | $ 6 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Parallel Universe by Keith Caravaggio

The USS George Washington, while undergoing its preflight check down in orbit over Earth for its scheduled mission to Titan, is struck by a strange energy vortex. Time travel, for them, was just fanciful theory unlikely to leave the realm of flashy science fiction novels…or so they thought. The baffled crew members, trying to make sense of it all, must go to the one place on this Earth that is truly hell to be saved. In that place they will redeem their integrity by throwing off the shackles they attached to themselves in the dishonorable world they come from.

Parallel Universe K ei th C a ra v a g g io E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 1 0 4 4 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Good-Time Cooter by Cooter Good Time Cooter is Randolph Garland Smith’s gift for those who are looking for more in the Lord than a routine. Smith believes the Lord always has more for those that are seeking Him; and in the pages of this book are some exciting experiences he had the opportunity to live out. Many of them are humorous and some are serious. Some will make you laugh and some will bring a tear to your eyes. It is the author’s prayer that as you read, you will find yourself in some of the same situations and witness God’s goodness in all situations.

Good-Time Cooter Coote r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 4 7 5 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Relationships Are Value Propositions by Sam Egube

Author Samuel Egube argues that right is an illusion of time and knowledge; what is true today may be wrong tomorrow with more knowledge. Without doubt, relationships are God’s gift to mankind— vehicles for achieving production, reproduction, and the source of all influence and leverage. Readers are urged to be deliberate and strategic about relationships; the book uses tested principles to explain relationship acquisition, drawing from both romantic and business scenarios. It argues that relationships are sustained only by the value they bring and are driven by the objectives for which they were acquired in the first place.

Relationships Are Value Propositions Sam E g ub e E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 5 2 7 9 1 | $ 5 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Wolves for Hire by Cole Phoenix This memoir, Wolves for Hire, will bring the reader to the conclusion that this is a one-of-a-kind situation that has resulted in truly a unique true story. As it’s a little less about what is thought to be stalking in a traditional sense and delves a little more into the questions concerning what is required to create the stalking conditions described in the following pages, it also questions the complicity and involvement of a number of people along the way, not to mention the time and resources that undoubtedly have been committed.

Wolves for Hire Col e P hoe nix E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 5 1 4 4 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

She’s got the Jack by Suzanne Eglington

Kate and Robert’s marriage hasn’t even been a year, yet it felt like they have already spent a lifetime together. Kate finally understood Robert’s overprotectiveness as she learns more about his former years. She was his prize; everything that he did was for her and their future. She only had known of one other man who needed and suffered the training that Robert craved—Uncle Jack. In her uncle’s presence, Robert seemed to be just a pup; starstruck by her crazy uncle who has decided to hang around for a while—which might be a just advantageous for Kate.

S h e ’ s g o t t h e J a c k - T he Kate and Robe rt Ch roni cles Suz anne E g ling to n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 0 2 1 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Life-Inspiring Poems by Patricia Peterson In this book, readers will find a collection of evocative poetry that explores varying subjects, from faith, courage, remembrance, love, hope and longings. Some are a tribute to friends and loved one. Others are a reflection of the author’s rich and vast imagination, weaving words together to create magic that can pull at readers’ heartstrings and evoke their emotions. Many express relatable feelings that everyone goes through, from pain, grief, hope and wants to questions that echo one’s dreams and yearnings. So delve through the pages of this book and find poetry that can speak to your heart.

L i f e - I n spiri n g P o e m s - Book III Patr icia P e te rs on E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 5 6 6 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Soul, Mind and I by Ina Vez

Soul, Mind and I� is a book of spiritual poetry, it is about Souls journeys and quests, astral travels, experiences of higher self, as well as mind and soul connection, where both are wizened by life. This books mission is to bring good old forgotten back to a new audience with new perspective, at the same time to place emphasis on out-of -box thinking, bringing forgotten culture and wisdom to intertwine with modern day living. The poetry here, also tackles self-critique and realization, that certain aspects of life, requiring to be spoken about in order to resonate with each of us. Soul, Mind and I Ina Ve z E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 2 7 7 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Follow Your Passion and Live Your Life by Andrew Eilers The book is written to provide information and concepts for people who are tired of living a life that they believe is for others but don’t know how to change that. This book is called Follow Your Passion and Live Your Life because it provides the tools for people to decide what is most important in their lives (their passions) and how they can transition from being primarily focused on activities they have to do toward the activities they truly want to do (live their lives). In addition, the book shares personal stories and the direction Andrew Eilers has taken.

F o ll o w Y o u r P a ssi o n a n d L i v e Y o u r L if e Andre w E ile rs E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 8 8 9 5 | $ 9 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Strange Estrangements by David Hoeft

A nympho has an abnormal and uncontrollable sexual ​ desire and an insatiable compulsive need for sex, which is impersonal as to a partner for the purpose of ​ having sex, has no emotional intimacy with the sex partner, and achieves no sexual satisfaction for the ​ woman. She has an insatiable impulse to engage in sexual behavior, has lower sexual inhibitions, ​ experiences an increased ability to obtain orgasms, and has a greater number with the same partner and of a ​ greater duration. She is in a relentless pursuit of new sexual partners with no inhibitions.

S t ran g e E s t ran g emen t s - A Stor y of Lov e, I n f i d eli ty, S e x, & Mu rd er Davi d H oe f t E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 6 5 5 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

My Journey to Love: A Lesbian Romance Novel by CJ Mann Karen Murphy is a sweet and very dedicated elementary​ school teacher that is searching for true love with​ another woman. However, she soon realizes this is no​ easy task and finds herself entangled in many exciting​ yet complicated situations along the way. So come along​ and share the wild ride with Karen to find her true soul​ mate but, most importantly, as Karen searches hard​ to find the love within herself she so desperately longs​ for. This story will truly leave you inspired romantically,​ emotionally, and spiritually. Yes, prepare for the most​ wild, unpredictable, and sensual journey of your life!

M y J o u rne y t o L o v e : A L es b ian R o man c e N o v el CJ Ma nn E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 0 8 4 2 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k


by Randy Winston Hillier Teeneagram, an introductory guide, helps teens and young adults understand their personality and the way they interact in the world. Based on the system called the “Enneagram,” readers will learn what makes them and others think and behave in particular ways. A card game is included in the book to assist in determining the reader’s type and how he/she fits into the system. Teeneagram offers a brand new way of understanding oneself and others as a young person develops his/ her identity and chooses a path in life, relationships, friends and romantic interests. It is fun, easy to read, and informative.

T e e n e a g ra m - Iden tit y Search Made Easy Randy Wins ton Hi l l i e r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 2 9 4 0 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Art with a Recipe by John Nieman John Nieman is a multitasking creative talent. As a trained chef, he has experience in several New York restaurants. Beyond working on the line, he succeeded in staking several successful Manhattan eateries, which are ranked in the top fifty in New York City. He is also an internationally respected fine artist, with many solo shows and exhibitions throughout the U.S., Canada, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, Ireland, and Thailand. He has published four novels and four books of short stores. The father of five, he currently resides in New York.

A rt w it h a R e c i p e John N ie m a n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 9 0 9 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Fantastic Turtles by David Stewart

After finding some old submarines on a nearby deserted island, The Fantastic Turtles follow their leader, Sarde, as he heads south. Ending up at the home of their longtime rivals, the Falgans, they begin to exact some long-awaited revenge, with some unexpected results. Laugh and cry as most of The Fantastic Turtles overcome many different obstacles to survive, while some find other ways to cope with the ever-present dose of reality. A humourous look at the adventures of the Fantastic Turtles.

The Fantastic Turtles Davi d S te w a rt E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 2 8 3 9 3 | $ 5 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Missionaries’ Son by John Gess

Spirited out of his home village at the age of three by his godmother after the murder of his parents, Jacob Cahill is entrusted to her son, the fugitive Wu Chanming, during tumultuous times in starvation ravaged China. The upheaval of Mao’s revolution puts a premium on learning survival skills as Wu and his fellow Buddhist monks try to teach the boy everything they know. But, as the monks learn quickly, it’s never enough. The boy’s capacity for learning is beyond imagination, frightening one of the monks and leading to his Judas moment of betrayal. Jacob must run to survive.

T h e M i ss i o n a r i e s ’ S o n - A Jac ob Cahill Novel John G e s s E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 2 7 4 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Belle of Collingwood by Marjorie Day Here is the tale of three women from different stations in life. The challenges they face in life in the Victorian era are not so different from women today who also seek love and fulfillment in their lives. Narrated by a ghost in the first chapter, the story has elements of both mystery and suspense. The author interviewed older residents and did research to try to get in touch with the essence of that time which gives an authenticity to the writing. This book also abounds with descriptions of everyday life and gives the sensation of going back in a time machine.

The Belle of Collingwood Marj orie Da y E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 7 7 2 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Seasoned Life

by Paul Kasonsole-Mukungu This book draws parallels of our human lifespan, to that of the weather seasons of: spring, summer, autumn and winter. The author assumes the useful years of our being to be eighty. He divides these years, equally, into the four seasons, being twenty years each. The author notes that, while we all can survive spring, summer and autumn, we surely go to sleep in winter. We never start the cycle all over, again. The message of the book is that all seasons are beautiful and it is in our interest to take advantage of each season while it lasts.

T h e S e a s o n e d L i f e - A Firepl ace Tale Paul K a s ons ole -M u k u n gu E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 4 8 2 8 7 5 8 7 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Fundamentals of Herbal Medicine by Dr Kofi Busia Fundamentals of Herbal Medicine consists of cuttingedge materials drawn from diverse, authoritative sources, which are sequentially arranged into a multipurpose, ‘one-stop shop’, user-friendly text. It is divided into four parts as follows: (1) historical overview of some indigenous medical systems; (2) phytochemistry and mode of action of major plant metabolites; (3) systems-based phytotherapeutics, discussion on how major bodily dysfunctions can be treated with herbal remedies; and (4) 153 monographs of some medicinal plants commonly used around the world. This book, in its heart, demonstrates the scrupulous intellectual nature of herbalism, depicting it as a scientific discipline in its own right. Fundamentals of Herbal Medicine - Major Plant Families, Analytical Methods, Materia Medica Volume 2 Dr K of i B us ia E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 9 2 8 2 0 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

The Ugly Knight by Stands with a Roar

The Ugly Knight is a story of truth, honor, and valor. It imparts to the reader that there is more value in a good heart than one’s appearance. It is an adventure of the most unlikely ugly of knights, who sets out on a quest to save the day. In return for his pure heart and unselfish intentions, he is rewarded with more than his heart could ever have imagined.

T h e U g l y K n i g h t - A S t o r y of T rut h, H ono r a nd V a lo r Stands w ith a Ro a r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 5 2 8 3 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Rescues to Arrests by Mark Cleavenger In a career spanning thirty-seven years both as a beach lifeguard and police officer, Mark Cleavenger gives us a look at true accounts of dealing with the public. Majoring in Western philosophy, he kept a personal journal since 1980. He chose to impart his extraordinary career through selected verses that provide the lessons and raw emotions of police work. Mark was an accomplished swimmer and flat water kayak athlete, making it as far as the 1992 Olympic trials. He has two adult children and currently lives in Camarillo, California, where he continues to supervise beaches in Malibu, California.

R e s c u e s t o A rr e sts - A Pe a ce O ffice r ’ s Car ee r Th r o u gh Ve rs e Mark C le a v e ng e r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 2 5 3 3 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

War of the Heroes II by Ryan Campbell

This tale is not for the faint of heart. I know you’ve probably heard that before, but in this case, it’s true. This is a tale of loss and love, fear and regret, hate and revenge. This story is not to teach a lesson, but to educate the people on forces beyond our control. Whether you take my story to heart or see it as a mere fictional tale, you will know the name Ammera and will come to fear it. To be truthful, it’s just a story. It’s not like if you don’t read it, you’re going to die.

W a r o f t h e H e r o e s I I - Th e Ammera Legacy Ryan C a m p b e ll E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 7 3 0 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Out of Balance by Brigitta Gisella Geltrich-Ludgate The two novelettes in the book Out of Balance refer to two almost impossible situations, one between heaven and the underworld and the other between two brothers about the house of their father. Each has a hero or heroine who has to work his or her way through the imbalance - in the novelette “Out of Balance,” it is St. Michael and in the “Odd House” it is Sally Biskaier – in order for them to find the contentment and happiness they are looking for. Readers are invited to partake in this insightful literary journey.

O u t o f B a l a n c e - Two Nove lettes B ri g itta G is e lla G e l t r i c h - L u dga t e E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 3 2 7 3 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

What Are You Willing to Give Up for Happiness? by SHOHREH ROSTAMI AFTAHI Ph.D

When the series of experiences and emotions that consume you seem to forge the path ahead, how can you gain control? How can you push through to betterment when your mind is pulled in a thousand directions? This book will walk you through some of life’s toughest lessons. Shohreh R Aftahi, PhD paints her memories as a mother and a business leader to reflect on how detaching from ego, replacing the idea of ownership with that of privilege, and finding emotional and spiritual balance amid the storms can be the ultimate recipe for the best possible you. For more information on the book, visit: W ha t A r e Y o u W i l l i n g t o G i v e U p f o r H a p p i n e s s ? SHOH RE H RO S TA M I A FT A HI Ph . D E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 0 6 2 1 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Better by Car by Far by Steve Jamnicky Have you ever wanted to go for a really long drive and explore along the way? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just take off on a long journey and start a whole new life, a life of discovery and adventure, satisfying your curiosity about the modern and ancient worlds, and the cultures of two completely different continents? Do you want to know about some of the most amazing places on the planet? If yes, then join author Steve Jamnicky on an inspiring, epic journey through the northern and southern hemispheres, through the continents of North and South America, by car.

B e t t e r by C a r by F a r - A Jo u rne y by C a r f rom N ort h Ameri ca to S o u t h Ameri ca Steve J a m nicky E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 0 4 3 0 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

Notes About the Constitution by Bahadir Gezer

Author Bahadir Gezer believes it’s a serious business to talk about the constitution. But it also can be fun. Enjoy reading the constitution while it lights up your imagination. This work tries to be looking at things from a different perspective while remaining to stay traditional. The “Random Notes” section had been tried to be restful for the mind, off from politics. It’s just that we can and got to realize that the constitution is actually entertaining. The constitution is the law of the history and the future which secures the freedom and the right to survive and justice.

Notes About the Constitution B ahadir G e z e r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 9 4 3 3 6 | $ 2 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

For the Love of a Man by Amrinder Bajaj Amrita is forced to submit to an arranged marriage with an incompatible husband.Her virtue is irrevocably stained when she gives in to an unsuitable lover who has being pursuing her for years. All too soon, the price of illicit love exceeds its pleasures. Her parents condemn her, her sons despise her and her husband tightens the chains of matrimony despite her infidelity. She seeks peace in the lofty reaches of the Himalayas and returns with the knowledge that she is a complete and powerful being in her own right who does not need the support of subjugating men to sustain her.

F o r t h e L o v e o f a M an Am ri nd e r B a ja j E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 9 3 5 1 3 | $ 2 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k

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