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From media exposure to large-scale competitions, these individuals are living proof that a burning passion coupled with a brilliant idea can take you places.
COVER STORY Author Joe A. Graffagnino tells BookMad how a fire, a personal tragedy, and a search for truth inspired his book The Fix Is In: The Deutsche Bank Building Fire Conspiracy.
Sharpen your writing chops with these tips and tricks to help you write that masterpiece of a book.
BOOK CATALOG Browse through and discover your next literary purchase from a wide selection of titles from Partridge, Xlibris, and AuthorHouse.
Welcome to BookMad, the free magazine for all lovers of books and reading. If you’re an avid reader, an aspiring novelist or just want to self-publish your story, this is the mag for you. And you can read BookMad anywhere, anytime—on your tablet or smartphone. If you’ve got the story in your head and haven’t put it together on paper yet, learn how many self-published authors have faced that battle and gotten their stories published. Plus, learn from the many writing tips they disclose—all for free. If you are looking for new books in your favorite genre, thrillers to fantasy to personal memoirs— they’re all here to buy and download! So go on and enjoy this edition of BookMad and be sure to look out for next month’s, with more secrets of successful selfpublished authors, more writing tips and a whole new catalog of books to read and enjoy.
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Digging for the Truth As a telecommunications engineer for the US Postal Service and the General Services Administration, Joseph A. Graffagnino served the US government in a variety of positions for over forty years. Although he began with telecommunications advice articles, it wasn’t long before his writing branched out in a number of different directions. “Having diverse interests, I even wrote extensively on tropical fish!” Graffagnino says. The Fix Is In: The Deutsche Bank Building Fire Conspiracy tells the true story of the tragedy on August 18, 2007 that claimed the lives of two FDNY firefighters— including Graffagnino’s son. “While employed by the federal government I held many positions, such as purchasing specialist, contract officer, auditor, and telecommunications engineer,” Graffagnino says. “My experience triggered alarms on what the media and government officials were saying about that building fire and the prosecution process. I uncovered lies and misinformation created to protect government appointees and elected officials, all with the help of the district attorney’s office.”
“ Never limit yourself—explore writing in different genres, and manipulate plots and storylines to assist in your development. ”
The book took Graffagnino eight years to write, as a lot of the information it contains became available after the statute of criminal investigations expired. It also required Freedom of Information requests and copyright permissions because of the photos it includes. “I didn’t want other families to face this horror, because of greed and corruption,” Graffagnino adds. “I knew I had to write a book that would expose the truth, as well as those individuals who caused the fire and the reasons they did it. I was on a quest to open the public’s eyes, ears, and minds to the lies our elected officials spewed out.” “Never take for gospel what the news media and government officials say because they serve themselves and their future interests—not the public. You must dig for the truth!” Graffagnino offers some tips for aspiring writers who would like to follow in his footsteps. “I strongly suggest new writers take a couple of writing courses to obtain a basic knowledge of story rules and how they apply to your genre. Never limit yourself—explore writing in different genres, and manipulate plots and storylines to assist in your development. The bottom line is keep writing! You’ll improve as you write more.” He adds, “Don’t take no for an answer. Keep searching and you will find a way to get what you need. Never give up!”
T H E F I X I S I N - THE DEUTSCHE BANK BUILDING FIRE CONSPIRACY Jos eph A . G ra f f agn i n o E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 1 8 8 3 4 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Listening to Your Inner Voice “Gus and the Invisible Friend is a story about a family of kittens who are separated early in life and their quest to be reunited,” author Caryl Z. Sweet says. “It incorporates many of the wildlife species indigenous to the Low Country of South Carolina and is meant to be enjoyed by children of all ages, including those who read it to others.”
“ [Your dream] will happen in its own time—not necessarily in the time you think it should. ”
Although the book’s goal is enjoyment, its inspiration was anything but. “Originally, I was inspired by the personality of a cute little rescue kitten,” Sweet recalls. “But after an alligator grabbed him in the middle of the night, I found myself searching for an answer to the pain of his loss. Of course, such an awful thing does not happen in my story, but I do portray life in the Low Country as it is—its beauty, dangers, and conflicts.” Born in Chicago, Sweet’s early years were spent traveling from one military assignment to another, including two years in postwar Japan (her father was an army officer). She and her husband later settled in Maryland, where they raised their six children. “As typical of my generation, I did a lot of volunteer work, but I also owned and operated a fabric boutique for a few years,” Sweet says. “I love creating things, and to that end, I dabble in painting with oils, watercolors, and pastels, as well as pottery and woodturning. I’ve completed Master Naturalist and Master Gardener training in the Low Country, and I love to travel the world learning about different cultures and ways of life.” Since the book is about Beaufort, North Carolina, and the Low Country, Sweet plans to focus her marketing there. “I have a few book signing events coming up,” she says. “In addition, I have been asked to speak at local schools. My original goal was to give the book to my twenty-one grandchildren! I never aspired to be famous, but if my book can make someone happy or bring some good to the world, I will do everything I can to support that.” Sweet offered some valuable advice for both writing and life in general: “What I needed to hear along the way was, ‘Stay true to yourself.’ If you have a vision about a book you want to create, revisit and tweak it, but be careful not to abandon it— even if someone else tells you there is a better way to sell it.” “Do not give up your dream, no matter what,” she adds. “It will happen in its own time—not necessarily in the time you think it should. Most importantly, listen to your inner voice, and do what you intuitively know is right, no matter what.”
GUS AND THE INVISIBLE FRIEND Caryl Z . S we e t E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 8 9 7 3 5 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Jewels in the Rough Petals of Childhood: Smiling Gems is a fable of children practicing the true leadership qualities of compassion and camaraderie. “It’s about children learning and mellowing in different landscapes, working in collaboration with adults, and benefiting other deserving children by providing them a platform that opens the gates of recognition for them,” says author Shweta Upadhyay. The author’s message in Petals of Childhood: Smiling Gems is dramatized through Sona, a girl studying in one of the best schools of the city and living in her imaginative world who steps out to lend a helping hand to an unknown boy, Pawan, who works in a café. Sona and her family members make every possible effort in providing him with a better learning environment. Pawan, an avid pupil, accepts this help as an opportunity to learn and excel. A natural cartographer, the boy becomes an integral part of the family, who encourage, love, and support him unconditionally. Gratitude makes him a dazzling “gem,” as seen in the book’s title.
“ The imaginative world of children is bountiful, mesmerizing, and magnificent. ”
Upadhyay adds that her book is “a narration of a girl’s inner voice practicing selferudition by watching mundane activities, practicing true principles of management and leadership, and keeping her curiosity and imagination intact in her wondrous, imaginative world.” The author herself is a denizen of the education field, having spent ten years in the industry. She is also a neurolinguistics programming coach, an Educational Learning Partner with the International Institute of Teachers Training Program, the director of Kids Krishna Public School Utai Bhilai, and the founder of Zruta Educom. After spending a few years teaching at an international school in Saudi Arabia, Upadhyay’s quest for learning about children took an interesting turn. “I began to scribble down my experiences. Expressing children’s novelties made me a storyteller,” she says. Upadhyay found herself connecting effortlessly with kids and children of all age groups. “I began to venture into their world through their lucid yet pristine imagination. Having a word with them every day brought me close to their world, and I acknowledged that they actually practice the qualities elders just talk about and verbalize.” Imagination, Upadhyay believes, is the soul of creativity. “The imaginative world of children is bountiful, mesmerizing, and magnificent. It encourages young minds to think out of the box, experiment with the lessons learned inside four walls fearlessly but wisely, and interpret the results as per their standards,” she says. There is no marketing scheme for that, Upadhyay argues. “Children need a motivating and enriched environment that serves as the right mold for them. Family and school is the mold that governs their growth factors. True leadership qualities are practiced by children. They come to accept others as they are, with their limitations and without judging them, and learn to act accordingly.”
P E T A L S O F C H I L D H O O D - SMILING GEMS Shwe ta U p a d hy a y E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 7 0 1 7 4 6 | $ 4 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k
A Tale of Exploring and Maturing At just nineteen, Partridge Singapore’s Rampria Mohana Sundaram has brought us a story of exploring and maturing in The Village Princess. The story involves Shamala, a young girl from the Malaysian state of Perak, traveling alone to Rome. “Shamala is a dark-skinned girl who goes against all odds,” says Sundaram. “Her journey to Rome is a way of finding her life purpose. It’s not easy for an uneducated and dark-skinned village girl to survive in another country without knowing their language and culture.” The book, based on true events, “is written not to inspire but to redefine the real definition of beauty and love,” says Sundaram. Shamala “plucks away the sadness from her soul and replaces it with love, adding a pinch of magic.”
“ As magic and fantasies can happen in this real world, this story might be a turning point to any woman. ”
As for the author herself, Sundaram is an avid nonfiction reader with a passion for helping young women who are discriminated against because of their physical appearance. “As magic and fantasies can happen in this real world, this story might be a turning point to any woman after they read it and understand its depth,” she says. Sundaram also believes that age should never stand in one’s way and says, “I am simply a true believer that age should never be a bar to your dream, no matter how small or big it is.” Commenting on her writing inspirations, Sundaram says, “I love to portray inspiring true stories and true events in society and the world. This is where my interest primarily lies.” While she is not planning a sequel to The Village Princess, Sundaram does plan to have the story made into a movie. Sundaram views her purpose in writing as altruistic. “If a small change in your life occurs after reading this book, the real purpose of me writing this book will be achieved,” she says. As a final message to future authors, Sundaram says, “Believe in yourself and keep going, and along with that, Partridge will continue to boost up your journey from time to time without any hardship and also with their lovely service. If this is your dream, keep swimming, no matter how hard life hits you back—because that is what success stands for.”
T H E V I L L A G E P R I N C E S S - BASED ON TRUE EVENTS Rampria Moha na S u n da r a m E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 7 4 4 2 4 8 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k
Of Art and Motherhood “Nap Time Paintings is the narrative of cohesive bonds between mother-artist, husband, children, and the writings and art that emerge from those bonds,” says author Jennifer Hynes. She adds that her book represents, through writings and visual representations, the “meristems” (a botanical term for the growth tissue in a plant) of the growth of an artist and her family. Hynes is an author and artist based in Marin County, California. Nap Time Paintings: Thoughts on Motherhood through the Eyes of an Artist is the first book she has published. “I wrote this book because I found it difficult to find anything that addressed the struggles artists face as new parents and how parenting changes studio life,” she says.
“ I found it difficult to find anything that addressed the struggles artists face as new parents and how parenting changes studio life. ”
At a time when she would have loved to read something that gave her inspiration and hope, Hynes instead found herself floundering in motherhood and missing her life before children. Searching bookstores and the internet, all she found were books with titles like What to Expect, The First Two Years, and Cooking for Baby. “These were great books, but I yearned for more—to learn how moms who were also artists did it!” she says. “It took me a year to figure it out, but I learned how to get back into the studio and make art. I learned that even an hour in the studio is enough time to fill that creative void and connect with a deeper me.” Within Nap Time Paintings, Hynes says, is “a close written and visual documentation of lives, of an artist and mother, of a father and husband, of the new lives of their twin children, and of the satellite project of paintings and writings that grew from and orbited around a family for the past four years.” The writings discuss a myriad of subjects, including nature, the passage of time, dirty diapers, insomnia, depression, and moments of great creative exhilaration. Hynes draws her inspiration from figurative-abstract artists such Nathan Olivera, Jay DeFeo, and Jean-Michel Basquiat. She states, “I love reading memoirs by authors like Anne Lamott and Cheryl Strayed, I love reading Raymond Carver stories, I grew up reading The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter S. Thompson and books by Charles Bukowski.” In addition, she has been inspired by her brother, who is a writer, artist, and filmmaker. Hynes also cites her mother, another artist, as an inspiration. “She passed away way too soon. I wish she could see the person, writer, artist, and mother I’ve become!” Nap Time Paintings has been reviewed by the Pacific Book Review Star and the US Review of Books and has been nominated for the Montaigne Medal.
N A P T I M E P A I N T I N G S - THOUGHTS ON MOTHERHOOD THROUGH THE EYES OF AN ARTIST Jennif e r H y ne s E-boo k | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 4 3 4 5 5 5 7 1 | $ 3 . 9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
During the laborious and stressful writing process, most authors tend to focus their thoughts on the story, the title, and the front cover. Unfortunately, there are several other very major aspects of a book that should be considered well in advance of sending the book to publication. You don’t want to have to make these decisions in a rush or when you are exhausted from having finished your manuscript. Please make sure to carefully consider the aspects below while you are writing your story. Font style and size: The key requirement here is that the font is readable and does not distract from the story. After that, it is down to personal preference, but please save the funky fonts for your marketing materials. One way to help you decide on a font is by finding one that you like in a book that you have read and then to either track down its name (some books include the font style on the copyright page, the page before the table of contents) or look for a close match. Some popular fonts include Baskerville, Sabon, Garamond, and Utopia. Regarding font size, most writers tend to opt for 10 or 12. A font size that is too large makes the book look cheap and not serious, whereas a small font size is likely to alienate readers when they open it up in a bookstore. Book length: How long, in pages rather than story, do you want your book to be? With all the options available in modern technology, the length of your story is not the only variable that is responsible for book length. A typical “full” page in the average-sized book has a maximum of four hundred words, so you can divide the total number of words in your book by four hundred to determine the number of pages that you will have. The fewer words you put on a page, the longer your book will be. However, bear in mind that book length is proportional to book price. For a fiction work, it is advisable to have at least three hundred words on a page. Selfhelp and business books can get away with fewer words on a page, though less than two hundred will have a negative effect on shoppers. Back cover description: Some people may judge a book by its (front) cover, but nearly all potential readers look at the back cover before buying. The back cover is a tremendous opportunity for you to write something compelling about your book. You will want to avoid specific details but also give people enough information to make them open the book. The total amount of words on the back cover should not exceed 220. Make sure there is a fair amount of empty space (i.e. breaks between paragraphs), that the sentences are relatively short, that the print is not small, and that the words are not against a background that makes the text difficult to read—avoid white text on a black background. Table of Contents: In addition to the back cover, potential readers also look at the table of contents. Hence, referring to each chapter simply by its number, e.g. “Chapter 1,” will not be advantageous. Instead, especially for self-help and business books, make sure to have an interesting title for each chapter. This also works well for thrillers and other fiction—just look at the chapter titles that Ian Fleming used in his 007 novels! Book subtitle and elevator pitch: Especially for nonfiction works, subtitles are essential. The successful formula is a catchy title plus an informative subtitle. This is a two-pronged attack, as it both attracts and informs the shopper. As for the elevator pitch, this does not go into your book itself, but it is the concise way that you respond when you are asked, “What is your book about?” It should be fifteen seconds long and is basically a short extension of your subtitle. This will be extremely important for marketing your book, both orally and in writing.
4 Tips on How NOT to Write A STEP-BY-STEP a APPROACH TO MARKETING YOUR BOOK Protagonist There are many ways to write one’s protagonist: paragon of virtue; trickster and con artist; and even morally ambiguous to the point of being a villainous protagonist. Whichever kind of protagonists you choose and however you choose to write them, here are four near-universal tips on how not to write your protagonist. Inconsistent It is important for your protagonist to be consistent. Throughout the twists, turns, deceptions, and revelations of your story, your protagonist needs to be a rock of stability. Your protagonist is an anchor to which readers can attach themselves and whom they can trust to guide them through the events of your story. Create certain core aspects and characteristics of your protagonist early on, such as morals, personal taboos, or tendencies. This is often helped by quickly showing your protagonist’s moral code. This does not mean the character has to be nice or a good guy, but it helps the reader to know with certainty what your protagonist will or will not do. And when your protagonist’s moral code is challenged by events or circumstance, it can be an amazing character moment. If your protagonist does act outside or against their moral code, keep in mind that people normally do not do so without having drastic reasons. Boring Above all else, avoid a boring protagonist—make your protagonist interesting. Something about the protagonist has to hook readers early in your story and has to make a reader interested enough in your character to follow them throughout the story. What makes your character likeable and interesting, witty, funny, righteous, cunning, outrageous, or larger than life? How do they make you laugh, cheer, or drop your jaw? Think about the qualities that you admire in others—in friends, family, or personal heroes. Which of those qualities makes you want to be around that person or emulate said quality in yourself? If you are writing an antihero, give them a sarcastic or dry sense of humor. Make him or her witty and cunning, or any other prominent quality to make your reader laugh, empathize, or gape in awe. If you are writing a villain-protagonist, strive to make your readers root for the villain in surprise to themselves. Your protagonist will be the person whom your readers will be following for most of the story, and if they are not compelling, your readers will not keep reading. Unlikeable With the above being said, keep in mind it also greatly helps when there are aspects of your protagonists readers will often like. Even if you are writing an antihero or villain protagonist, your protagonist should have qualities that your readers can respect and admire. Even if your protagonist is a shameless thief, they can have people close to them whom they will never take advantage of. Even if your protagonist is on a quest for bloody revenge, they will not harm or involve the innocent. More than one book has been put down because the protagonist was completely loathed by the reader. Perfect Going almost hand-in-hand with a protagonist who is unlikeable and boring is a main character who is perfect. A protagonist with “perfect looks,” who is “good at everything,” whom “everybody loves,” is just as bad as a protagonist who has no redeeming qualities. At least even the most villainous and foul protagonist can still be interesting. There is nothing relatable to a perfect protagonist for a reader. While, if done right, it is possible to have a saintly or Gandhi-like character in your story, it is very rare for such a character to serve as the main protagonist.
A Window to the Soul by William Dickie A Window to the Soul contains many poems on a number of varied subjects, but I could say the one true thread connecting all of them is the thread of love. Whether it is a poem on divine love or human love, love for pets or love for the environment that you find yourself in, all the poems are connected with this in mind. The book also contains poems created for family and friends with a strong bond of love flowing through these sections. The result is a powerful yet compassionate collection of poems. About the Author William ‘Bill’ Dickie grew up in a small town called Saltcoats, situated on the Ayrshire Coast, in Scotland, about 30 miles from the iconic city of Glasgow. He grew up in this town with his family of one brother and one sister and his loving parents and set his foundation to be curious about life and question everything, leading to travel and work within Scotland, initially living in Edinburgh for 10 years and finally ending up in the Granite City of Aberdeen and the oil and gas industry, an industry which he has spent more than 25 years in.
A WINDOW TO THE SOUL Willia m Dickie E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 0 3 5 0 9 2 9 0 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Blueprint for Immortality by Julian Valderrama Blueprint for Immortality focuses on the world of quantum physics and spirituality to examine what creates success and what does not create success. It also examines how general spiritual beliefs and other philosophical teachings perfectly parallel new lessons in the field of quantum physics. All three fields of knowledge are essentially giving light to powerful common denominators of practical data. They are lessons about the universe taken from a different frame of mind. They are different sets of filters of perception describing our reality. These ideas will be examined from the simplest form of understanding in connection to success and then explained how it relates to a few quantum experiments and then brought back to the principle.
About the Author Julian Valderrama was born in Bogota, Colombia. When he was 11 years old, they moved to Orlando, where he has lived all his life. His mom did her best to raise him in her Christian faith, which powerfully influenced the author’s thinking and behavior. At one point, Valderrama decided to objectively study the scriptural reference he was taught to respect. The application of universal principles helped the author to get to where he currently is in his discovery of powerful purposely hidden secrets that can empower each individual, thus came into completion his writing of “Blueprint for lmmortality.” BLUEPRINT FOR IMMORTALITY Julian V a ld e rra m a E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 2 3 5 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Body Weight Regulation: Essential knowledge to lose weight and keep it off by Joseph Proietto This book aims to educate the reader on the best strategy for losing weight and keeping it off long term. After many years of managing obesity, the author has found that to achieve the best results, it is essential to understand the true nature of obesity. Thus this book first discusses the way the brain regulates body weight and how obesity cannot be caused only by poor lifestyle choices. It reviews the overwhelming evidence that obesity has a strong genetic or epigenetic basis and gives an evidencebased, detailed strategy on how to lose weight and keep it off. About the Author Author Joseph Proietto (MBBS, PhD, FRACP) has treated patients for more than twenty years and has undertaken both laboratory and clinical research on obesity. He is the senior author in two landmark papers. The first, published in 2011 in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, discovered the biological reason why it is so difficult to maintain weight loss long term. The second, published in 2014 in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology found that it is easier to lose weight rapidly and that rapid weight loss does not lead to more rapid weight regain. BODY WEIGHT REGULATION: ESSENTIAL KNOWLEDGE TO LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF Jos eph P roie tto E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 9 7 0 3 6 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
It Came by Loss by Bill McCausland It Came by Loss is a tale about Pete Gordon at the hospital bed of his charismatic mother as he struggles with her demise from alcoholic liver failure. An attraction with a nurse draws Pete to reveal his vulnerabilities. He is haunted by the tragic death of his friend, Alf, when the man surfed monster waves. Pete’s position at a marine center involves a research trip with unstable Dr. Fields. He and his new girlfriend advise against diving after a violent squall. Fields is lost at night. Pete rescues him in the dramatic ferocity of the sea. From his connection with Valerie, Pete rises from the tragedies of his past. About the Author Bill McCausland has a doctorate in clinical psychology and is APA board certified in the treatment of alcohol and other psychoactive use disorders. He also has a master of fine arts in creative writing. Bill McCausland has also published In the Mouth of the Wolf that tells the story of three war veterans, their different levels of trauma, and the readjustment when they return home from war. The novel covers the adjustment of their wives to the veterans’ homecoming. In the Mouth of the Wolf is a powerful story. IT CAME BY LOSS B ill McC a us la nd E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 0 0 7 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Jack’s Journey by Jack H Garven Jack’s childhood and formative years on the family farm in Scotland during World War II are recounted here. This is followed by an account of Jack and Pat’s journey enriched by salient stories and poetry along the way. A keen interest in things mechanical became a passion and a driver for Jack in the fields of construction and commissioning. Various projects and locations are discussed, including working in the Middle East deserts to Alaska and the North Sea, and their effects on family life. Pivotal moments occur almost in an unplanned way but formed a cohesive picture through time. About the Author Jack, born into a farming family in rural Ayrshire, Scotland, knew he was heading for a farming future. That changed when he married a girl from the industrial town of Kilmarnock. Their fifty years of marriage were adventurous, often difficult, with five children and working in many remote locations in foreign lands. Jack discovered his passions to be engineering, construction, and poetry. Retirement to Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland, due to his wife suffering a stroke, was the thirty-sixth house move they made. His wife died the following year. Jack continues to live in Crieff but is thinking of one more move. J A C K ’ S J O U R N E Y - WITH POEMS AND STORIES Jac k H G a rv e n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 9 3 9 3 3 | $ 2 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Send Me by Nicola Di Matteo All over the world, like a train that first comes to a halt, then goes back again, the progress of the civil societies strangely and mysteriously stops and returns to a sort of obscure High Middle Age. One day, the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael together with the Seraph Daniel appear to four young farmers, the Oeedah brothers and ask them go to the Earthly Paradise and accomplish a difficult and dangerous mission. Will they succeed in their task? About the Author I am Nicola Di Matteo. I was born in Italy in 1964. I grew up in a small lovely village on the Samnite Mountains. Like the most of the traditional Italians, I have always felt a strong call for America and for its evocative tradition. At the same time, all through my life, from high school student to my career as a medical doctor (Psychiatrist), I have had an exciting interest in Philosophy and ancient Greek and Latin literature, as well as other kinds of humanities.
S E N D M E - OEEDAH AWAY Nicola Di Ma tte o E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 6 5 3 3 2 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The $240 Million Professor by Richard T. Cheng This is the story of Richard T. Cheng’s life and how he found success in the midst of overwhelming odds including a childhood ravaged by the civil war in China. It charts his adventures and extraordinary experiences all of which form a story that is poignant, inspiring and compelling to read. Be inspired as you follow the author’s real-life journey. One that transformed him from a struggling Chinese immigrant to The $240 Million Professor! About the Author Richard Tien-Ren Cheng was born in 1934. Since the age of three, he had been suffering from the war between China and Japan and the Chinese civil war. He eventually moved to the United States, struggling for 10 years between studying and working. He became an educator in the field of computer science. He was promoted from assistant professor to associate professor to full professorship in six years and to eminent professorship in another three years. In 1985, he left his position and established a small company which he later transformed it into a multimillion-dollar enterprise. T H E $ 2 4 0 M I L L I O N P R O F E S S O R - GROWING UP THROUGH TWO WARS Ri chard T. C he ng E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 1 2 9 1 0 | $ 2 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Sky Is Not the Limit by Maggie Richardson Meet Ross Hutchison, the man who doesn’t just make the days count—he makes the minutes count. He has crammed many lifetimes into one life and made many friends along the way. The Sky Is Not the Limit chronicles the notable life and times of choreographer, dancer, and life-lover Ross Hutchison and the impact he made to the world and the people whom he had the pleasure of meeting. Discover the remarkable man behind the personality who lived his dreams to the top. Discover the extraordinary person behind “the Ross Hutchison.” About the Author Maggie Richardson is a Kiwi-born Australian with a love for the written word. Her work has been seen in newspapers, anthologies, and The Australian Women’s Weekly. She has one published poetry book, The Dance Goes On, and two published textbooks, Starting a Business in Australia and Starting and Surviving in Business in Australia. Her work has also been seen in Australian Womans Weekly (short story), various anthologies, and newspapers. This is her first biography.
T H E S K Y I S N O T T H E L I M I T - TALENT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING Mag g ie Richa rd s o n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 9 5 9 6 4 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
WHY DID YOU COME IF YOU LEAVE AGAIN? Volume 1 by Conradin Perner This book is an ethnographer’s personal account of the five years he spent in one of the remotest parts of Africa. It sheds light on the long and tedious process of ethnographic fieldwork. It is both personal and profound, varying between moments of actions and reflections and eventually leading to an intimate encounter with an African culture. The many riveting stories told in the book are signposts of a spiritual, psychological, philosophical, and physically exhausting expedition through arid savannah, flooded plains, and compact walls of elephant grass to the spiritual home of a courageous people. About the Author Dr. Conradin Perner has worked as a professor of French literature; as an ICRC delegate in Asia, India, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Africa; and as a commander of peacekeeping forces in the Nuba Mountains in Sudan. After fifteen years of ethnographic research on a little-known people in the east of South Sudan, he worked as a humanitarian agent and adviser for the ICRC, UNICEF, and UNESCO and eventually as a senior peace adviser for the Swiss government in South Sudan. In 2013, he received an award from the Human Rights Commission in Austin, Minnesota, United States. WHY DID YOU COME IF YOU LEAVE AGAIN? VOLUME 1 - THE NARRATIVE OF AN ETHNOGRAPHER’S FOOTPRINTS AMONG THE ANYUAK IN SOUTH SUDAN Conra d in P e rne r E-Book | I SB N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 1 0 8 5 1 | $ 4 . 99 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
A Father’s Belief by Giacomo Amato
Nino Leno’s family was the first generation that immigrated to America. He was Sicilian fisherman by trade. They went and lived in Red Hook section of Brooklyn. Nino and his son, Gino, both stood firm against all challenges in the new land of America. Nino opened a pizza store for a better life for his family. Gino met Maria, and fell in love. He later got Maria pregnant, and they got married. After that, Gino began to have a conflict with Maria’s uncle, Fat Joe Massa, an American gangster. Gino overcomes treachery and deceit from this so-called American mafia uncle.
A F A T H E R ’ S B E L I E F - BASED ON THE REAL STORY OF SICILIAN IMMIGRANTS Giaco m o A m a to E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 6 3 8 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Multinational Corporations and Host Communities by Christian S. Yorgure, PhD This book, a by-product of a combination of experience and research, contains the model that may potentially end violent conflicts between multinational corporations (MNCs) and their host communities. The author believes that MNCs and host communities can engage in gainful transactions. Thus, he developed the zero-violent conflict model, a checklist for multinational corporations and host nations’ consideration when choosing host communities for MNCs and accepting MNCs for host communities. The chapter on social change is an attempt to make a case for implementing the zeroviolent conflict model.
MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND HOST COMMUNITIES - PROPOSING THE ZERO-VIOLENT CONFLICT MODEL Chr is tia n S . Y orgu r e , P h D E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 9 1 3 6 | $ 9 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
A Global Nomad in Search of True Happiness by Hani Ibrahim Khoja
In A Global Nomad in Search of True Happiness, author Hani Ibrahim Khoja claims that every human being in history was created a “Khalifa,” with a life purpose to make our world a better place—the ultimate formula for being truly happy. Moreover, he aims to bridge the gap between Americans and Saudis. Having lived his life between both cultures, Khoja highlights the similar values they share. “I aim to outvoice the extremists, who have created unjustified distrust on both sides. Most Americans feel Saudis are violent, backward and unapproachable, while many Saudis see Americans as imperialistic warmongers.”
A GLOBAL NOMAD IN SEARCH OF TRUE HAPPINESS H ani I b ra him K ho j a E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 7 2 6 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Me and Snap by John W. Bruner Growing up in Carroll, Iowa in the 40s, 50s, and early 60s was so exciting and so much fun that words cannot capture the reality of it all. Author John W. Bruner and his brother Snap were Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn with one major difference. They actually did all this stuff and somehow lived to tell about it. Each chapter is written according to his recollections. The chapters are not in chronological order. So kick back and read them at any time and in any order that piques your interest.
M E A N D S N A P - TWO IOWA BROTHERS: TRUE GUT-BUSTING TALES FROM THE 50S AND 60S John W. B rune r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 9 2 3 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Angels in the Snow by Michael Dealy
Michael Dealy welcomes everyone to a story that takes place on a zigzag path through the snowdrifts of December. A story book for all ages, Angels in the Snow is a reflection on topics ranging from baseball to the challenges that life presents. Readers will witness a wondrous journey of a boy and his dad meeting wind and ice and snow with a certain determination that does not necessarily take them to their goal in mind but helps them find their way to Christmas.
ANGELS IN THE SNOW Micha e l De a ly E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 0 1 3 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Havana, there you go! by Michael Dalling As the US and Cuba move closer to establishing normal relations, greater opportunities open up for travel to this mysterious and beautiful Caribbean island nation. The country’s capital, Havana, is itself going through a transition. Habana Vieja, the old city of Havana, dates back nearly five hundred years to the Spanish conquistadors, and its remarkable churches, palaces, castles, monuments, and other antique buildings are now being restored. Havana—there you go! captures the city with its friendly people and potent energy, a photographer’s dream, and its images a tribute to the allure of this fascinating and remarkable city.
H A V A N A , T H E R E Y O U G O ! - THE CHANGING FACE OF CUBA Micha e l Da lling E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 7 2 0 3 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Anton Müller by Patrick Faure
The rewards of nanotechnology looked so promising! Yet Max Foreman—the CEO of Pessinus Industries, the corporation that created nanotechnology—is on the run. Unwittingly, he has unleashed a technological Armageddon that’s being orchestrated by his largest client, US General Buzz Hamilton. In Anton Müller, Max confronts the frightening ghosts of the past and an even more terrifying vision of the future. In a world where human greed and passion prime over the fundamental need to defeat the implacable logic of technology gone wrong, will Max be able to stop the annihilation of the better part of the human race?
A N T O N M Ü L L E R - BOOK 2: IN THE MAX FOREMAN SERIES Patr ick F a ure E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 9 5 7 3 9 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Singer at Penn Station by Josephine deBois Sergeant Samuel comes across Olis, a brilliant but illegally performing street singer with no memory of his past. As the goodhearted Samuel decides to help Olis, he becomes embedded in a complex case with its roots in the Vatican. With the help of unlikely comrades, Samuel uncovers how the power greedy servants of the church ruthlessly exploit individuals who are driven to insanity. He also learns of one cardinal’s wicked plans of achieving the highest positions in the church. At the end, will Samuel go against his better judgment and reveal the horrifying secrets revolving the church and the cardinal?
T H E S I N G E R A T P E N N S T A T I O N - A SCRIPT BASED ON A TRUE STORY Jos ephine d e B ois E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 3 2 6 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Back to Life, Back to Reality by Steven Desantis
Back to Life, Back to Reality is an information-based literature that unwinds what we were taught to deem healthy. This book unravels many dogmatic systems that have been placed in society for the main reason of making more money for the pharmaceutical industry working against us, not for us. This book was written because one man (Steven) refused to allow these socalled truths to go unnoticed. Back to Life, Back to Reality is intended to provide a platform for people to stand on and believe in the power of nature and not a manufacturing system.
BACK TO LIFE, BACK TO REALITY - AN INFORMATIONAL GUIDE TAKING YOU BACK ON A JOURNEY TO RECLAIM YOUR HEALTH AND FREEDOM Steven De s a ntis E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 3 3 0 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Metallurgical Murder by Clayton Benjamin Pinkos Few could have guessed how it was done, but many knew why it was done. FBI agents Jarrick and Gina peel back the layers of an assassination plot that was accomplished without a bullet or a gun. When patriotic senator Robert “Bob” Foster is killed in the mountains of West Virginia, it wasn’t his love of speed but his love for his country that ended his life. The weapon? An often-overlooked industry whose intended purpose is to improve the qualities of steel. Jarrick’s unique knowledge and skills coupled with Gina’s intellect and iron will lead them down an unfamiliar path.
METALLURGICAL MURDER Clayto n B e nja m in P i n k o s E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 3 6 3 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Critical-Care Nurses’ Perceived Leadership Practices, Organizational Commitment, and Job Satisfaction by Ngozi I. Moneke
Having been on the receiving end of leadership behaviors gave Ngozi I. Moneke a firsthand opportunity to observe diverse nurse leaders at both extremes of the spectrum—from laissez-faire leadership style to dictatorial leadership style and everything in between. Each encounter has enriched her life immeasurably and she gives back by sharing with novice managers and those aspiring for a leadership role an awareness of some valuable information needed as they forge their career paths into a leadership role, knowing that one of the keys to effective leadership is the ability to stay intellectually curious and committed to learning. CRITICAL-CARE NURSES’ PERCEIVED LEADERSHIP PRACTICES, ORGANIZATIONAL C O M M I T M E N T , A N D J O B S A T I S F A C T I O N - AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS OF A NON-PROFIT HEALTHCARE Ng ozi I . Mone ke E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 5 2 4 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Locked Up and Put Away by Booker Geez This tell-all book is a glance into the crooked world of a city agency with a spurious attempt to have an inordinate turnover rate of the staff that eclipse any other agency in the city. When society asks where the wild things are, the answer is that they are in detention. Locked Up and Put Away educates parents and their teenage children on the dangers and toxic atmosphere that thrive in these facilities while it attacks street culture at its core. It’s a raw depiction of how life is on the front line in detention.
L O C K E D U P A N D P U T A W A Y - MY 10 YEARS AS A JUVENILE COUNSELOR B ooke r G e e z E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 9 0 5 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Franklin Merrell-Wolff: An American Philosopher and Mystic by Doroethy B. Leonard
This is a memoir of the life of Franklin Fowler Wolff, whose pen name was Franklin Merrell-Wolff. It is about his inner and outer journey through his life of 98 years. His time at Stanford and Harvard developed his keen intellect in philosophy and mathematics, which in turn led him to seek a deeper meaning. This book follows Wolff’s participation and then abandonment of available spiritual groups of the early 1900s. He considered his marriage to Sarah Merrell a spiritual partnership, between the two of them developed a relationship with several students and associates who were also spiritually oriented.
F R A N K L I N M E R R E L L - W O L F F : A N A M E R I C A N P H I L O S O P H E R A N D M Y S T I C - A PERSONAL MEMOIR Doroe thy B . Le on a r d E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 3 8 8 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The War in Bosnia by Muhamed Borogovac The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an unheard-of tragedy. Before the eyes of the entire world, a state is being destroyed, and the people (population) of a nation are suffering the genocide and ethnic cleansing. All the principles of humanity, morals, and international rules have been trampled. The question most often asked is, how could that happen today when the genocide committed during World War II is so well known (the Holocaust) and when the international community had the will and the means to protect the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
T H E W A R I N B O S N I A - HOW TO SUCCEED AT GENOCIDE Muha m e d B orogo v a c E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 0 0 9 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Getting Over the Bump in the Road by Nancy Johnston Toll
Written for anyone experiencing cancer or helping to care for someone in need, this book describes the experiences of a breast cancer survivor, her outlook on the disease, and how she grew to understand the importance of helping others. Readers will find a refreshing take on how to cope with the ups and downs experienced by anyone needing long-term care and some concrete ways you can help those going through chemotherapy and radiation. Sometimes poignant, sometimes humorous, this book will help you get through those bumps in your road.
G E T T I N G O V E R T H E B U M P I N T H E R O A D - HELPFUL HINTS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND CAREGIVERS Nanc y J ohns ton T o l l E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 2 4 9 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Just an Old Made Up Mess by A. M. Wadkins Meet A. M. Wadkins and learn about the promise she made on a mountaintop in Virginia so long ago. Travel back in time as she meets the people that helped shape the United States. Witness their struggles in defining not only who they would become, but who this country would become. Be there as men are sent off to war to fight for either the North or South. Continue on through the turning of century, when life seemed golden. Take a walk through history with the people who lived it and get to know the faces that made it possible.
J U S T A N O L D M A D E U P M E S S - A STORY ABOUT THE WADKINS/WATKINS LINE OF NORTH CAROLINA A. M. Wa d kins E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 8 1 2 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
God’s Hidden Treasure by Batya Shemesh
The period of history between Moses and the Second Temple period is a big question mark in the minds of historians. When was the Torah written? How is it possible that we still have the same Bible that was written over 3000 years ago? What happened to the Ten Lost tribes? Why is there no mention of the story of Esther in world history? Why is Judaism passed on only through the mother? Batya Shemesh was bothered by these questions and more. With God’s help she discovered that many of the answers were secretly hidden in the Bible, waiting to be discovered.
GOD’S HIDDEN TREASURE B atya She m e s h E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 3 0 8 9 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Intimate Disclosures by Lawrence W. Manglitz Intimate Disclosures contains selections of poetry and prose from the work of an aging Midwestern man— looking back at people, events, sexual experiences and cultures, and the church that has formed him. The content draws on his childhood, family, World War I and II, and summers in Spain as well as The Villa in the Algarve, Portugal, teaching in Turkey, two gay poets, and his envisioning of the myths, history, rituals, and the incarnation of his Catholic faith as he lives and approaches his death. He embraces the gift of life and the wonder of consciousness.
I N T I M A T E D I S C L O S U R E S - RELIGION, POETRY, SEXUALITY, ILLUSION, REALITY, AND PERVADING NOSTALGIA Lawr e nce W. Ma n gl i t z E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 5 7 2 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Mystical Union by Stephen J. Bost
Wisdom was in abundance in the ancient societies of Greece and India, but today it seems to be in short supply. Why is that? Where did wisdom go? This book was written to help us rediscover that lost wisdom and to incorporate the concepts of the sages and the mystics into our lives. Some new manuscripts I have included which talk about some of the differences between eastern and western religious thought and the ideas of the Islamic mystics, in which their concepts could help us all solve our problems with radical Islamic ideology.
M Y S T I C A L U N I O N - AND THE METAPHYSICAL PHILOSOPHY OF YOGA Stephe n J . B os t E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 4 1 1 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Alexei’s Blue Marble by Michael R. Robinson Alexei’s Blue Marble tells the story of Alexei and his crazy cruise. During the cruise, Alexei finds many adventures and makes new acquaintances who have profound impacts on his present and future life. It includes a beautiful girl and a boy with an attitude who sees Alexei as a threat to him. Alexei loses his kidney. Hospitalized and under anesthesia, he had a dream: a face-to-face encounter with the long passed Russian prince Alexei Romanov, who helps convince him that it is good to be alive.
ALEXEI’S BLUE MARBLE Micha e l R. Rob in s o n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 3 7 1 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Somewhere Between Heaven and Earth by Deborah Perrone
In the middle of a treacherous storm, David Preston, determined on arriving home in time to witness the birth of his seventh child, rescues a young woman, Jessie, who is injured. Being a good Samaritan, he takes her home with him. He, being the seventh son of a seventh son, in his family line, he expected another son. However, to his family’s surprise and delight, this birth delivered a set of twins, a boy and a girl. The plot thickens until the final climatic decision that only Jessie can make. But will she be able to live with herself?
S O M E W H E R E B E T W E E N H E A V E N A N D E A R T H - B O O K 1 : GIFTS OF GOD Debora h P e rrone E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 2 2 3 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Project Sunrise by Daniel Buchanan Set in the year 2035, Project Sunrise is a fictional tale about a highly advanced aircraft capable of incredible speeds and other high technical advancements. The aircraft is put to the test to rescue some of the inventors and to stop an impending nuclear attack against the U.S. This book centers on the creation of the SR700, the world’s first highly technologically advanced aircraft. This aircraft is created by a team of scientist put together by Zack Stellar and his brother Pat General Joseph Tillman and his team assist Zack with the rescue and stopping the attack on American soil.
P R O J E C T S U N R I S E - THE RESCUE Danie l B ucha na n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 6 9 4 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
by Robert Burns Clark This is the tale of two boys who lied their way into the army when they were only 14. The boys, knowing nothing but violence in their young lives, solve every problem they encounter by killing their antagonists. The story follows them for the rest of their days, which are filled with more killing and heartache. They kill over a hundred men in one day at a railway camp in Colorado, where the railroad’s thugs are torturing and killing conscripted Chinese laborers. Finally old and in their sixties, both discover, at long last, peace and redemption.
SPURS Robert B urns C la r k E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 0 5 6 1 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Southern Sensei by Mark Preston The combination of southern hospitality and a structured recipe for lean operational success has led author Mark Preston to a passion for continuous improvement. He shares this passion with readers in Southern Sensei. This book has been designed to take your team on a structured and sustainable journey of improvement, not only as a team. It will also challenge your personal spirit of leadership. By applying these lessons in a fun way, it will inspire the entire team to take your company to a level of excellence.
SOUTHERN SENSEI Mark P re s ton E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 2 5 0 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Akshaya Patra by Signet Il Y’ Viavia
The Miracle of Light - The Secret of Initiation. SelfRealization - inner guidance - Moral causes — the true gifts of God lie fallow centered in the gravity within us, awakening the soul’s depth as esoteric experience — developing faculties and ideals hidden from the ages. Discovering ancient insight. Truth is rooted in morality. Morality is the miracle of Life’s initiation. Morality the final destination. Love and Light the miracle of initiation. Profound insights colliding in the realms of self-mastery and fate, in the Logos Mystery. Genius is wasted in our lifetimes. Why wait, a fool, sitting idle day by day?
T H E A K S H A Y A P A T R A - THE MIRACLE OF LIGHT THE SPIRIT OF INITIATION Si g ne t I l Y ’ V ia v ia E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 2 2 6 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Crohn’s Crisis and Christianity by Loretta D. Eastwood According to mayo clinic, “Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition. Inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease can involve different areas of the digestive tract in different people.” This memoir on Crohn’s Crisis and Christianity is written to bring awareness to Crohn’s disease and the author’s journey through it. It is also a gift to get to know God, the Heavenly Father whose grace abounds on His children— through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.
CROHN’S CRISIS AND CHRISTIANITY Loretta D. E a s tw o o d E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 6 8 0 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Father’s Voice by Thomas C. Stewart
With the threat of hatred, deception, unrest, wars, terrorism and uncertainty, as well as famines, global warming, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. how will you survive these last days in order to save yourself and others? The answer to this dilemma lies within the truth of God. Jesus stated in John 8:32: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Herein is the reason for this book. Wherever you find yourself in these last days, please know it is virtually impossible to know the truth, and not be free.
T H E F A T H E R 1 S V O I C E - AN END TIMES SURVIVAL SERIES, VOLUME #1 Thoma s C . S te w a r t E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 3 6 1 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Boat Captain’s Conundrum by Tom Corbett PhD In The Boat Captain’s Conundrum, author Tom Corbett completes an intellectual journey that reflects on his four-plus decades as a scholar and doer of social policy. This final volume completes the trilogy. This work takes the reader on quite a different journey, a path that goes deeper into how to think about the big policy issues and social challenges of our times. In the end, Corbett makes a number of compelling points. Becoming a successful policy wonk is more than conquering the technical skills of doing quantitative analysis. It demands that we do more than merely dissect issues with analytical acumen.
T H E B O A T C A P T A I N ’ S C O N U N D R U M - A WHIMSICAL TOUR THROUGH A POLICY WONK’S MIND Tom C orb e tt P hD E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 8 2 0 9 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Journey of Two Souls by Linda Darlene Marie Sharpe
We are all on a journey. At this time, many of us baby boomers are on a journey of caring for our aging parents. Any life journey has its ups and downs. Many children never see this in their future. There are lots of feelings: frustration, hopelessness, anger, and inability to cope. The Journey of Two Souls is about Linda Darlene Marie Sharpe’s mother and their journey, with her mother becoming the person cared for and the author the caregiver. It is honoring her own mother and her struggle. It is a book of care, love, support, and hope.
THE JOURNEY OF TWO SOULS Li nda Da rle ne M a r i e S h a r pe E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 0 2 0 0 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Footsteps in the Sand by William Knippschild “Once upon a time, so begin all fairy tales.” This time though, the author narrates not a fairytale but their own saga as a family; as individual parts of that unit; and as human beings trying to find their niche in this world. Footsteps in the Sand is William Knippschild’s memoir that chronicles his life from birth until the present time. It is about their family and problems, their joys, trials and tribulations. He paints his schooling, work, and his accomplishments. He also takes readers through his many travels. This is one man’s journey which can be relatable to many.
FOOTSTEPS IN THE SAND Willia m K nip p s ch i l d E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 7 8 8 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Omega’s Promise by J. R. Birschbach
America as we know it has completely transformed. The US is ruled by a ruthless dictatorship. A genetic experiment gone wrong has made 90 percent of the newborn population male, making women a treasure that is fought over. In order to obtain that treasure and get married, a dangerous series of mind games and combat tests known as the Tournament must be won first. In this romantic dystopian thriller The Omega’s Promise, Allazar must fight not only to survive in a game but for the rights of all those who were wronged by a corrupted, greedy, and bloodthirsty government.
THE OMEGA’S PROMISE J. R. B irs chb a ch E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 3 3 6 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Feathers and Petals All Over the World by Jian Xu Author Jian Xu reveals Feathers and Petals All Over the World. The book is an illustration of Chinese traditional art style, calligraphy. In each painting, there is a national bird and national flower of each country, and there is a brief introduction of that country, the bird, and the flower. You will surely enjoy looking through the illustrations and learning the national birds and flowers of each country. Delve into its pages and discover a fun learning experience.
F E A T H E R S A N D P E T A L S A L L O V E R T H E W O R L D - CHINESE PAINTINGS OF NATIONAL BIRDS AND FLOWERS Ji an X u E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 1 4 4 8 4 8 4 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Princess and the Rogue in the Tears of Hathor by Richard J Johnson
The Princess and the Rogue is a tale of an unlikely friendship between the royal princess of the Chinese empire and a penniless street thief. Together, they set out to solve the mystery of an ancient myth and find the magical Tears of Hathor. The Tears are the only thing that can lift the fearsome curse that plagues the Chinese people and their Emperor. Through a series of daring and action-filled adventures, the princess and the rogue battle evil forces as they pursue their quest.
THE PRINCESS AND THE ROGUE IN THE TEARS OF HATHOR Ri chard J J ohns on E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 4 9 4 9 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Princess and the Rogue in The Spell of the Sorceress by Richard J Johnson Li and Aramis have the magical Tears of Hathor that can end the drought that has stricken China. However, on the way to China they become separated and Aramis is trapped in a dungeon. Li, unaware of this, returns to China and uses the Tears to bring the rain, only to discover that a sorceress, Daji, is taking over the Empire. When she falls under Daji’s spell, all seems lost. However, an unusual group of friends rescue Aramis, and head to China to find Li. Many adventures occur as they defeat the sorceress and reunite Li and Aramis once more.
THE PRINCESS AND THE ROGUE IN THE SPELL OF THE SORCERESS Ri chard J J ohns on E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 8 3 0 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Singularity by M. M. Clark
There comes a time for everyone when knowing something deeper about life changes from idea to action. You have begun to feel the greater consciousness pushing you to accept responsibility for what you have created and sparking a desire for growth and movement forward into the possibilities of a higher-evolved humanity. Whatever has brought you to this moment, now is the time. You are suddenly aware that you are ready to realize the truth of the life you have chosen. This is called the search, which only ends when you find your truth. No one can supply that for you.
THE SINGULARITY M. M. C la rk E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 2 9 7 7 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Maya, My Journey from Show Dog to Therapy Dog by Steven Wincor This is the story of Maya’s journey from being a show dog in Texas to her new life in California. She evolves into an experienced therapy dog who travels around the San Francisco Bay area, and beyond visiting retirement homes, schools, rehab centers and many other places. Maya is joined by her brother, Aiden, on the therapy visits where they spread their love and caring to everyone. Together, they have over five hundred visits and have seen thousands of people. The story, told by Maya, tells children of her life experiences and travels. The book is a second-grade level book.
MAYA, MY JOURNEY FROM SHOW DOG TO THERAPY DOG - THE ROAD TO SHARING A DOG’S LOVE WITH ALL MANKIND Steven Wincor E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 6 1 6 6 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Spirit of a Fighter by Vannead Horn
The Spirit of a Fighter provides details about the personality of a boy who did not want to accept his unlucky destiny. He wants to show the whole world how such a very poor kid could fight and manage his life from being bullied by his peers in his home country, and how he could survive the Killing Fields of the Khmers Rouges.
THE SPIRIT OF A FIGHTER - FROM CAMBODIA, VICTIM OF THE KHMER ROUGE GENOCIDE, TO FRANCE THEN USA. Vanne a d H orn E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 6 4 5 9 1 5 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Don Tweedie Fighting Bandsman’s Last Stand by Terry Tweedie Don Tweedie, Fighting Bandsman’s Last Stand is a story of courage, determination, heroism, faith, love, and mateship throughout World War II. Don Tweedie’s last stand against the Japanese was in 1942 at Holland Hill, Singapore where he was severely wounded. This book is written in three parts, and outlines his childhood/teenage years and leads into World War II, and then how he dealt with the images of war when he returned home in 1945.
DON TWEEDIE FIGHTING BANDSMAN’S LAST STAND Terr y Tw e e d ie E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 1 8 5 2 3 | $ 4 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
To You, Madam by James Norman
Most love stories are pretty much the same. A man and a woman come together, fall in love, and pursue their dreams of happiness. Yet each story is as unique as the individual lovers. In this story, the couple struggle against great odds for their love for each other but also for the continuation of a family line that is threatened with the real possibility of extinction. The driving force comes from the love, strength, wisdom, and spirituality of the matriarch. She supplies the strategy and determination needed to save the bloodline and the vast holdings of the Covington Family.
TO YOU, MADAM James Norm a n E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 5 5 7 8 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
The Goffman Lectures by Thomas Hood; Dwight Van de Vate This book consists of essays presented as lectures to undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The context was a special class during which students were reading the published work of Erving Goffman and writing about what they were reading. Professor Hood and Professor Van De Vate often handed out printed versions to the students during presentation. The lectures themselves were presented some years apart, since the two departments agreed to offer the course only occasionally. The essays were designed to stimulate questions about what Goffman concludes, as well his techniques of observing and analyzing social life.
THE GOFFMAN LECTURES - PHILOSOPHICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL ESSAYS ABOUT THE WRITINGS OF ERVING GOFFMAN Thoma s H ood ; D w i gh t V a n de Va t e E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 2 6 6 2 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Where No Gods Have Gone Before by Ola and the Navigator
Climb aboard an adventure into the mystery of our existence beyond anything you’ve imagined! These messages reveal the story behind the ”intelligent energy” that created everything in one ”big Bang”, why you are ”known and loved” and, how important you personally are in this story. Now is the time for the emergence of the evolution of humankind into conscious knowing of itself as the source, seeking to know ”Who am I?” same as you. As above, so below. The new birth of ongoing creation to go where no gods have gone before!
WHERE NO GODS HAVE GONE BEFORE Ol a and the Na v i ga t o r E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 6 9 8 0 8 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
Isis in the City by EE Hunt Those of us who have lived in big cities can imagine the danger presented by radical Islamic terrorists, but suppose at the last New York City Thanksgiving Day parade, the ISIS members in this book had terrorized bystanders. Would it have been such a fun day or a very tragic one? In this book, the heroine, Fatima, is attacked in Central Park only by a Frisbee that narrowly misses her. The terrorists, however, are after bigger game than one lone woman. They are after the very heart of the city today after its prior attack on 9/11.
ISIS IN THE CITY EE H unt E-Boo k | I S B N: 9 7 8 1 5 2 4 5 7 3 1 6 4 | $ 3 .9 9 Als o a v a ila b le in P a pe r ba c k a n d Ha r dbac k
W.E. Welbourne, author of
Airing date: November 13-19, 2017
Nicholas Snow, author of
Malayan Enigma
An Andrew Bond WWII Adventure Smooth Radio Four Counties Airing date: November 6, 2017 & November 12, 2017
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