BookMad Magazine (January-March 2023 Issue)

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Browse through and discover your next literary purchase from a wide selection of titles from AuthorHouse, Partridge, and Xlibris.



From left to right, top to bottom:

“The Golden Cobweb”


19Th-CenTury russian liTeraTure -NINE gOlDEN vOICESDonald E. Brown | ISBN: 9781665569019

a ColleCTion of Columns Rick T. Rae | ISBN: 9781665573122

a misfiT’s Vision Ron Brown | ISBN: 9781665563758

a PaTh To fuTure sales suCCess


a Primer on The saPienTifiC meThod DISCIPlINE FOR ONTOlOgICAl ClARITy Jerome Jacob Rappoport | ISBN: 9781665567824

a sPy walks inTo This bar


a sTory Teller’s sTory odie Hawkins | ISBN: 9781665572385

a TeaCher’s sTorybook ExPANDED EDITION—80 SHORT STORIES Raymond J. Golarz | ISBN: 9781665558143

a VoiCe will run John f carver | ISBN: 9781665572675

a warrior and a PoeT PRINCIPlES & POEMS Jason a. Henderson | ISBN: 9781665564502

adVenTures aT ToP TraCTor aCademy Ricky adlam | ISBN: 9781665563352

alPha BOOk ONE: FIRST AlPHA-SAPIENS Stanley l. Bradley | ISBN: 9781665561266

anCienT healinGs, modern miraCles HOW 3,000 yEAR OlD METHODS ARE TRANSFORMINg THE lIvES OF ORDINARy PEOPlE IN THE 21ST CENTURy Dawn Ressel | ISBN: 9781665571104

and Three more bible sTories ThaT neVer haPPened…buT maybe Could haVe Robert Bailor | ISBN: 9781665566483

army braTs: daVid, Pernilla and The maGiC dino draGon Henry louis Haynes | ISBN: 9781665572590

behold The God wiThin me: behold The lord Jesus Barbara ann Mary Mack | ISBN: 9781665572316

beTween THERE IS A DIFFERENCE lIvINg THE BETWEEN OF MENTAl HEAlTH Mick Humbert | ISBN: 9781665567985

beTween Two worlds Raymond G. Schmidt II | ISBN: 9781665571029

beware of The mombie ozzie Morrow Jr. | ISBN: 9781665561297

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

biG boys don’T Cry D.E. Bailey | ISBN: 9781665561075

broomsTiCk Tales PANDORA’S PUzzlE BOx arnie Grimm | ISBN: 9781665563895

bubbles The duCk Dania Zanaid | ISBN: 9781665543552

Children of hoPe: The sTory of le minh dao Michelle le chen | ISBN: 9781665555036

CliCk #6 OF THE DETECTIvE WIllIAM RyAN SERIES G. T. Engelke | ISBN: 9781665570046

CliPPinGs from a CluTTered mind Terry Trautman | ISBN: 9781665565608

Condemned To run P. l. Byers | ISBN: 9781665572132

CoVid, CanCer, and CallinG A MEMOIR OF FAITH AND HEAlINg Quentin W. Goodwin | ISBN: 9781665569620


A RECIPE FOR THE BEgINNINg ACTOR Jim Ryan, PhD | ISBN: 9781665571968

CriTiCal essays on ayn rand’s The founTainhead Emre Gurgen | ISBN: 9781665566872

deaTh and defleCTion A BEN TIME MySTERy T. a. Huggins | ISBN: 9781665563673 en mi Casa y en la esCuela angelita Valdez and Marisela Sierra | ISBN: 9781665569873

eVen shorTer sTories iV Rodney Paul Williams | ISBN: 9781665565066

eVol vOlUME 1 SON OF MElANCHOly Jean carlo Baldrich | ISBN: 9781665570992

faCes of deaTh RESURRECTION Monty | ISBN: 9781665556392

false-PosiTiVe: The QuaranTine Verses Geoff Peterson | ISBN: 9781665568678

feedinG Time TAlES OF My CAT COMPANIONS Steven Roesch | ISBN: 9781665545891

for where you Go i will Go DESTINATION COlORADO Bob cox | ISBN: 9781665574730

from afriCa To ameriCa

A yOUNg BOy’S JOURNEy David Sarpong Kyere | ISBN: 9781665555500

from darkness To liGhT

THE ANxIETy & DEPRESSION OF A TROUBlED POET King Dre Pencasso | ISBN: 9781665574204

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

fuel for The mind, body, and soul John and Mick Toscano | ISBN: 9781665571166

fundamenTals chasidey Ricks-Green | ISBN: 9781665557733

GalaCTians ii Nasser abuhamda | ISBN: 9781665570879

GeorGe ClinTon


God’s GraCious Glory

A BOOk OF POETRy AND PHOTOgRAPHy Jean Marie Patty | ISBN: 9781665575423

Golden leaVes

James Stephen christian | ISBN: 9781665568418

Golden seeds Deborah cromer | ISBN: 9781665565189

GrowinG uP PerfeCT lawrence caplan | ISBN: 9781665566988

handCrafTed ouTGo

A COllECTION OF POEMS Kasey c. Jones | ISBN: 9781665564823

haPPy ValenTine’s day lillian Pearl | ISBN: 9781665567411

hardeninG by audiTinG


helPinG you ThrouGh your loss ExPlAININg, UNDERSTANDINg, AND SHARINg yOUR FEElINgS cindy Moynes | ISBN: 9781665564885

her demons THE MENTAl ANgUISH Tara D. Harris-fuller | ISBN: 9781665564663

hiGh lonesome Stan cosby | ISBN: 9781665573047

house of The Guardian anGel Gemini Krikkett | ISBN: 9781665566704

how To do ThinGs oscar lee Michel | ISBN: 9781665558051

in faVor of The sainTs lIvINg, STANDINg AND TAkINg POSSESSION OF THE kINgDOM IN THIS EvIl DAy Don upham | ISBN: 9781665562706

in my own words


Damion J. chandler | ISBN: 9781665564724

in Vino VeriTas

A gUIDE FOR HOTElIERS AND RESTAURATEURS TO SEll MORE WINE adam Mogelonsky & larry Mogelonsky | ISBN: 9781665569606

Jake miller ii: THE MIllENNIAl MOB Bill Mack | ISBN: 9781665570572

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

Jewel of The souTh CIvIl RIgHTS BIOgRAPHy OF REV. DR. l.E. BENNETT Sharon K. Bennett | ISBN: 9781665569057

lady liberTy weePs A DREAM DISENCHANTED Joel Waddy | ISBN: 9781665569132

leaders beCome leadershiP | los líderes se ConVierTen en liderazGo you BETTER STaND youR WaTcH | ES MEJoR qUE SOSTENgAS TU RElOJ Dr. Emmett Emery Sr. | ISBN: 9781665571296

leadinG PerformanCe… beCause iT Can’T be manaGed HOW TO lEAD THE MODERN WORkFORCE larry G. linne & Drew yancey | ISBN: 9781665566315

life deaTh JudGmenT & eTerniTy George E Pfautsch | ISBN: 9781665563505

life wiThin a CirCle Nydia Ponder | ISBN: 9781665562263

lil dibby and The differenT skin Colors c.J. cotten | ISBN: 9781665560894

liTTle one, you are loVed albert Grieve | ISBN: 9781665558860

loVe should iT be Tiffany carter | ISBN: 9781665554695

loVe, relaTionshiPs, and, someTimes, JusT leTTinG Go Reginald D. Smith | ISBN: 9781665561358

loVe’s elliPsis THE WAy OF WISDOM Don claybrook, Ph.D. | ISBN: 9781665564427

maGo moVemenT f.Ziamond | ISBN: 9781665571678

manna: unleash The ride. inTernaTional moTorCyCle shows. Com [2013-2014] vOlUME 21

Queen olympia Victoria | ISBN: 9781665561495

mob MOTHER OF THE BIBlE Prof Dac | ISBN: 9781665574112

mommie Tells Nettie algenia Reaties | ISBN: 9781665556736

murder on main sTreeT

MySTERIOUS ISlAND OR HAUNTED PlACE? Hunter laroche | ISBN: 9781665563543



muTT and JaCk’s exTraordinary adVenTure Jodi Dickey | ISBN: 9781665571074

my enChanTed window


my Grand ole lifeTime A MEMOIR allen McNair | ISBN: 9781665568562

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

no humans reQuired

THE gRAPHENE AgE Gregory corben | ISBN: 9781665563710

no measurinG Cookbook legendary cheryl Scott | ISBN: 9781665574990

no safe PlaCe Michael Hilliard | ISBN: 9781665562423

onCe uPon a Time in baseball My PASTIME SUMMERS Jan Sumner | ISBN: 9781665562898

ouT oVer blue waTer Sean f. Tierney | ISBN: 9781665567947

Peek inTo my seCreT CloseT Doreen Pratt | ISBN: 9781665561235

Play wiTh The moon A COllECTION OF NEW AgE POEMS lance lamons | ISBN: 9781665565141

Poems for ConserVaTiVes POlITICS AND MORE Pat Morrell-Donnelly | ISBN: 9781665564700

reVenGe of The riTChie boys HOW ESCAPINg gERMAN JEWS HElPED DEFEAT ADOlF HITlER AND HIS gANg OF NAzIS carl l. Steinhouse | ISBN: 9781665570268

rose or Thorn? Susan Taylor Shupe | ISBN: 9781665574266

saVaGe’d lOvE + TRUST = BETRAyAl courtney Harvey | ISBN: 9781665564656

seCreT PassaGes noThinG eVer haPPens in TuTTlebury Johnna anne Gurr | ISBN: 9781665558693


self disCoVery Journal

122 THOUgHT PROvOkINg qUESTIONS lydell M. King | ISBN: 9781665562645

silenCe whisPers Shiera Potmis | ISBN: 9781665575638

skeleTons in The CloseT 39 CHIllINg AND DISTURBINg STORIES Mia lyttle Twysted | ISBN: 9781665572040


Sunny Day | ISBN: 9781665531863

snow day Deb Drissell & Glenn Green | ISBN: 9781665574365

sTandards for auThenTiC learninG exPerienCes

STRENgTH DERIvED FROM UNITy Delfin Merlan, Ed.D;carr Wheat, Ed.D | ISBN: 9781665555258

sTar-sTruCk / “foreVer” SONgS COllECTION francesca Moran | ISBN: 9781665566766

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:


Dr. Diana Prince | ISBN: 9781665566599

summer Chillers

WE MAkE CHIllINg FUN FOR EvERyONE K. MacDonald | ISBN: 9781665569187

Take him To CourT Sarah Mackey | ISBN: 9781665574761

ThaT noble maGnifiCenT Journey FROM PAlMyRA TO THE gREAT SAlT lAkE Shell B. abegglen | ISBN: 9781665569682

The adirondaCk adVenTure A NOvEl Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665570466

The adVenTures of sam, The suiTCase Mary Satian | ISBN: 9781665572750

The adVenTures of Tina and randy THE PARlOR, THE IRON, AND THE PIlOT Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665571326

The aliCe marshall JaCkson sTory “I lIvE ON” alline carter Rivers | ISBN: 9781665569552

The ambiTious VillaGe maid avis Notice-Harrison | ISBN: 9781665553773

The answer Tom Mangino | ISBN: 9781665557351

The burl beComes The blossominG William flewelling | ISBN: 9781665569217

The Cabin in The woods J.f combs | ISBN: 9781665561860

The CaPTiVes of PiraTe island Bernadette o’connell | ISBN: 9781665562164

The ConsTruCTion ProJeCT A SHORT STORy Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665570190

The CoVid ChroniCles and more David J. Holcombe, MD | ISBN: 9781665570817

The downfall of ameriCa Jake Klausner | ISBN: 9781665564359

The elf who didn’T belieVe in Children Sara Madden | ISBN: 9781665572521

The forTune 500 bend in Time researCh ProJeCT A NOvEllA Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665571333

The Gabriel ChroniCles BOOk 2—NEW HOME Dennis flannery | ISBN: 9781665573160

The GlobeTroTTer alfred Balm | ISBN: 9781665541190

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

The God PloT TIMEkEEPER’S TAlE Gary B. Boyd | ISBN: 9781665568449

The haPPiness CaTCher Merry colbert | ISBN: 9781665572880

The healinG Game A vIETNAM SOlDIER’S STORy charles louis Singleton | ISBN: 9781665566148

The house uP doC Polly holler J.f combs | ISBN: 9781665525015

The Journey wiThin kEEP MOvINg FORWARD anita Harraway | ISBN: 9781665564021

The lasT Two Jews of kabul Paul Winick | ISBN: 9781665564243

The lonG island horror A MODERN NOvEl Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665570480


The messy in The middle Stephanie l. McWhorter | ISBN: 9781665565967

The PaTh To resolVe The Cmi millennium Problems Shi feng Sheng and Danny Wong | ISBN: 9781665553360

The PerPeTual Journey: GrowinG a sTronG healThy relaTionshiP Mark Sanders | ISBN: 9781665565288

The PresidenT’s seCreT a royal bloodline

WHO SHOUlD BE kINg? AN UNTOlD STORy Michael V. Roberts Sr. | ISBN: 9781665561761

The sCourGe Tom Mayer | ISBN: 9781665568142

The seCreT red raider Richard a. Boehler, Jr. | ISBN: 9781665570176

The snail raCe Brandon Gibney | ISBN: 9781665551762

The TanGled rose A STAND AlONE SEqUEl TO NO ESCAPE Della May olson | ISBN: 9781665538770

The Thin blue line UNDERCOvER OPERATIONS Robert D. Garcia | ISBN: 9781665560016

The warrior’s Guide UNDER ARMOR lane Jester | ISBN: 9781665569262

Threads of a TaPesTry lIvINg gOD’S ART laura J. Miller | ISBN: 9781665563581 Tilden Ralph Thurston | ISBN: 9781665572224

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

Till heisT do us ParT Jeanne callahan and Michael Harvey | ISBN: 9781665564120

Till The sTars burn ouT aboVe you vOlUME 1 IN THE SERIES: “WE MAy NEvER PASS THIS WAy AgAIN” Daniel Hudson | ISBN: 9781665564618


Eva Pilch | ISBN: 9781665561693

Treasure of sikhism AMBROSIAl gUTkA Bhag Bhullar | ISBN: 9781665563765

TrumP PromoTion

THE UPPERCUT James Marsh Sternberg, MD ( Dr J ) | ISBN: 9781665559515



undersTandinG soCialism

Madeleine Templeton | ISBN: 9781665567510

unexPeCTed A DAvID ARDEN ADvENTURE Sarah Wylde | ISBN: 9781665558877

w.o.r.d.s. WISDOM TO SURvIvAl Elizabeth fabien | ISBN: 9781665567282

war sTory Poems Robert J. adkins | ISBN: 9781665564861

we are The CareTakers Titus Pankey III | ISBN: 9781728351469

we found The losT sand Creek siTe lOST By AN HISTORIAN’S MAP FOUND By A SOlDIER’S ClUE chuck Bowen and Mike Bowen | ISBN: 9781665561570

whaT did we do?

THE SURvIvAl OF HUMAN lIFE yolanda c. Wilson-Dellerva W. collins | ISBN: 9781665572026

when hiP hoP Grew in brooklyn Michael Bishop | ISBN: 9781665555173 who we all were c a larsen | ISBN: 9781665562508

why me, lord?

A STUDy OF THE BOOk OF JOB Paul Grams | ISBN: 9781665572682 will you be my...? angela Reynolds, Ed.D | ISBN: 9781665563611

you Turn my Pain inTo loVe John Tarpley | ISBN: 9781665534406

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:


THE lIFE ON THE CHAIR Daisuke Ito | ISBN: 9781543771503

a nesT of idle PuPPeTs Hayley Poh | ISBN: 9781543770438

anT inVasion lee De lun | ISBN: 9781543770353

bedTime sTories for The ill Nicholas ong | ISBN: 9781543770032

blaCk herTz

THE NEW WORlD ORDER Karen a. D’cruz | ISBN: 9781543770728

Comiendo sabroso DElICIOUS MExICAN FOOD RECIPES Jorge Bernal Márquez | ISBN: 9781543770865

desserT Time Tales COllECTION OF SHORT STORIES vOlUME 1 Walter Hyde | ISBN: 9781543771015

Jerald The Chair

THE MAN WITH FIREy HAIR Ritvik Gupta, Pan Jiarong oscar | ISBN: 9781543769005

liVinG aboVe sin and deaTh anthony ametu ajayi and Damian ajayi | ISBN: 9781543775037

no one’s home angie Z | ISBN: 9781543771947

onCe one’s ThouGhT Wong lok In lauren | ISBN: 9781543771039

Piano TeChniCal exerCises for finGers indePendenCe and CoordinaTion vOlUME II Deng liang | ISBN: 9781543771886

Poems PaVe our liVes


self-healinG islamiC reCoVery Journey Nur azlinda Zulkifli | ISBN: 9781543771572

sPy and oTher shorT sTories Reuben Israel | ISBN: 9781543766950

Tao-Tossed ThouGhTs ARTIClES, SPECUlATIONS, A TAlk, AND PHOTO-ESSAyS Rohan de Soysa | ISBN: 9781543771367

The loVe sonneT Radhika Bhave | ISBN: 9781543770513

The Phoenix in The mounTain Willow Wang | ISBN: 9781543770414

Then, i dare! Softwinds | ISBN: 9781543772005

under The sPell of fliCkerinG liGhTs Sanjay c Kuttan | ISBN: 9781543771473

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

uVaaCha FROM BEyOND THE CROWD Sandipa Bhattacharjee | ISBN: 9781543770940 wakaf Tuan farrer SETTlEMENT OFFICER abdullah Sani bin Ismail | ISBN: 9781543771145

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

“shakers and moVers”


Michael a. Stanley-Raynor | ISBN: 9781669841302

a Call for PeaCe CC AT WAR’S END Mark urizar, abdullah Musazay | ISBN: 9781669832065

a ColleCTion of arTiCles on PhysiCs and oThers

Jin Tong Wang, Ph. D | ISBN: 9781669813644

a loVe sTory beTween 2 worlds! charlie lord | ISBN: 9781669840220

a roadmaP To PoliTiCal Power George Dimitroulis | ISBN: 9781669832324

a soldier’s resT aDW Muirhead | ISBN: 9781664107755

a sow’s ear vIRgINIA’S gIFT Geoffrey Gilbert | ISBN: 9781669832034

a Tale of serPenTs and sand M. R. Duncan-Taylor | ISBN: 9781664107946

a Tale of Two sisTers Karen Parkman | ISBN: 9781669852209


My MUMMy RAN AWAy lyne facey | ISBN: 9781669888987

adam & sTeVe: mind, body & soul workbook Dr. Debbie Williams | ISBN: 9781669826583

amballore Thoma SECOND EDITION Jose Thekkumthala | ISBN: 9781669843429

an ameriCan woman THREE SHORT STORIES Theresa Migno | ISBN: 9781669846918

anwar WAR, lOvE AND COUNTRy Rejoice Kur | ISBN: 9781669831310

beyond The wound – healinG our TraumaTiC PasT FINDINg BAlANCE AND HARMONy IN AN UNBAlANCED WORlD charles Ellis | ISBN: 9781669848233

blessinGs abound Sharon Bray | ISBN: 9781669837848

blood beef, dead shrimP & Gold Gary P. flood | ISBN: 9781669829959

bounded raTionaliTy The enCounTer HUMANITy’S DEATH WISH COMES ClOSE TO FUlFIlMENT Kenneth Moore | ISBN: 9781664107977

bounded raTionaliTy The enCryPTion HUMANITy’S DEATH WISH COMES ClOSE TO FUlFIlMENT Kenneth Moore | ISBN: 9781664107892

Cherished family sTories for our Cherished Children


C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:


Dr. David l. Mount | ISBN: 9781669849001 d. C. deadly Climb Paul Mitchell | ISBN: 9781669819868

deaTh of a salesman’s son A DRAMATIC PlAy arthur Estrada, Ph D | ISBN: 9781669841319

d-faCT\or THE FACTS ON “D-FACT” By lIz FITzgIBBON Sabbath | ISBN: 9781664107823

die, moTher Goose, die Jim Malloy | ISBN: 9781669835486 does The woman of my dreams exisT? Phillip Parcheminer | ISBN: 9781669851066

don’T read This book! WHEN NOT TO READ ACCORDINg TO ANASTASIA, AlMOST 4 yEARS OlD Tavis & Jennifer Glassman | ISBN: 9781669838012 ellie vOlUME 1 E.M. Palma Gamboa | ISBN: 9781669848639

eloise’s lasT wish chris te lindert | ISBN: 9781669830511

emPTy Pillows: healinG maTTers of The hearT TRIlOgy I Michael Taylor | ISBN: 9781669827726


Dr. Kiumarss Nasseri Dr. Paul Mills | ISBN: 9781669817260

ePiTaPh ExTREMISM (aNacHRoNISM, aNaRcHISM, INfaNTIlISM, NIHIlISM) oR a MoRE PERfEcT uNIoN (BREacH oR BRIDGE MESSaGE To aMERIca) Dr. carolyn laDelle Bennett | ISBN: 9781669824978

fear of beGinninG IN THE BEgINNINg WAS CREATIvITy Hilary Zakria | ISBN: 9781669889243

firsT farmer on The moon Phoenix Phoenix | ISBN: 9781524501402

forbidden loVe Moody Kim | ISBN: 9781669829409

freedom marCh CC AND THE CHIlDREN OF THE WORlD Mark urizar, abdullah Musazay | ISBN: 9781669830474

GardeninG in your nineTies

THE SEqUEl TO SEx IN yOUR SEvENTIES Doreen Wendt-Weir | ISBN: 9781664106154

Gone To earTh a younG ameriCan woman disaPPears in The souTh PaCifiC

BASED ON A TRUE STORy anthony R. Wells | ISBN: 9781669853558

hallyu and world PeaCe chung Hyo lee | ISBN: 9781669838975

hidden TruTh & oPen lies oma | ISBN: 9781669886235

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

home catherine Holtschke | ISBN: 9781669830689

hoPe & desPair

A SElECTION OF POEMS chevonese Brown | ISBN: 9781669848172

i loVe you James l. Mccray | ISBN: 9781669803638

influenCes from The beinG’s inner domain book 1 THE DOMINATINg FORCE WITHIN US Racq Thah | ISBN: 9781669844303

influenCes from The beinG’s inner domain book 2 THE DOMINATINg FORCE WITHIN US Racq Thah | ISBN: 9781669845355

inVesTinG for beGinners Kevin T Muir | ISBN: 9781669888710

JaCob` ladder Towards eVolVinG, wise CiVilizaTion beyond saPiens Benjamin Katz | ISBN: 9781669851615

Jazzy and rhumbi Dori Seider | ISBN: 9781669844273

JusT a hinT of auTumn A TREASURE-HOUSE OF REFlECTIONS aND IMaGINaTIoN Barbara Mccarthy | ISBN: 9781669831426

JusTiCe? J. D. Henington | ISBN: 9781669831204 kids c. M. Johan | ISBN: 9781669841777

kira unexPeCTed Margarethe Jahn | ISBN: 9781669819387

leT us noT Talk falsely now T. Patrick Graves | ISBN: 9781669834915

leTTers To losT loVers and oTher sTories laurel Dime | ISBN: 9781669831679

leViTiCus THE BooK of a WoNDER lawrence Williams, III | ISBN: 9781669838340

life wiTh desTiny Maurice Nachtigal | ISBN: 9781669835677

like faTher Nicholas Day-lewis | ISBN: 9781669831471

loVe seaT Mark Barnett | ISBN: 9781669845256

loVinG arms Can haunT you Dianna cross Toran | ISBN: 9781669834656

meeT JoyCe d. ellis Hikia Dixon | ISBN: 9781664108486

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

misTress rebeCCa arriVes

Veronica Garrett | ISBN: 9781669845454

my firsT alPhabeT affirmaTions book POSITIvE AFFIRMATIONS CAN CHANgE THE WAy yOU SEE yOURSElF AND THE WORlD AROUND yOU Golden Buenafe | ISBN: 9781669830313

my Passion beCame my obsession My JOURNEy WITH ANORExIA NERvOSA IN My 40S Doris cowan | ISBN: 9781669831761

my windows, my Views ... my life and TraVels

STORIES FROM A lONg lIFE WEll-lIvED Barbara Mccarthy | ISBN: 9781669830542

mysTery and romanCe in The moonliGhT laura lonshein ludwig | ISBN: 9781669847489

new enGland’s GreaTesT boxers Bob Trieger | ISBN: 9781669837121

nursinG shorTs: sTories abouT beinG a nurse by a nurse Vennie anderson | ISBN: 9781664108905

PoeTiC Prose Jane alise lenzen | ISBN: 9781669840800

QuanTum mindseT and meTaThinkinG - THE ROyAl PATH FOR TOTAl FUlFIllMENT amar Kapoor, M.D. | ISBN: 9781669854265

realiTy: TruTh, words and loVe Vincent M. Riccardi | ISBN: 9781669842262

sCaTTered To The winds Joy Thomas | ISBN: 9781669832621

season To TasTe Patsy cormier | ISBN: 9781669824138

seCreTs ThrouGh The lens connie Eales | ISBN: 9781669831037

sinCe you asked, here’s a sTory Dr. Daniel Singh | ISBN: 9781669853688

sins of The faTher JUSTICE PART II J. D. Henington | ISBN: 9781669831280

soldier Girl

My lIFE BATTlINg BIPOlAR DEPRESSION ann Michael | ISBN: 9781669827481

sTories rePeaT ThemselVes oNcE uPoN a TIME...aND NoW yoshimasa ogawa | ISBN: 9781669829805

sTreams of liGhT A COllECTION OF gOSPEl POEMS Emmanuella Nneka arukwe | ISBN: 9781669827160

swordbane Paul Joseph Santoro Emerick | ISBN: 9781669843191

Tales from The hiGh lonesome vOlUME 2 l. Scott Hancock | ISBN: 9781669846284

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

Taylor says no! coral lindt | ISBN: 9781669831655

The Call Theresa Tulloch | ISBN: 9781669854937

The CallinG of rose Nicey Hamilton | ISBN: 9781669839309

The CourT-marTial of CaPTain John armsTronG lIFE, DEATH, AND POlITICS IN AMERICA’S FIRST REgIMENT Ellen Denning Smith | ISBN: 9781669824008

The end of iris Morgan T. Hickman | ISBN: 9781669801955

The feelinGs wiThin a kid Poems vOlUME 1 Robert E. Parker | ISBN: 9781669847502

The Giza eniGma RIDDlES UNDER THE SAND Miles augustus Navarr | ISBN: 9781664118188

The Gold of reVelaTion vOlUME TWO ashley DD Hajny | ISBN: 9781669831792

The heidi Conundrum Kevin Read | ISBN: 9781669888055

The leGend of lake PonTCharTrain Suzanne Wallace | ISBN: 9781669846611

The mis-eduCaTion of The saVaGe SAvAgE RITES Jason cavil | ISBN: 9781669816201

The PsyChiC and The wiTCh ParT 2 STORIES FROM THE BOOk OF BEllA Ricardo Martinez | ISBN: 9781664193932

The soul of an arsonisT austin Mccawley | ISBN: 9781669812074

The suGar kinG: leon GodChaux A NEW ORlEANS lEgEND, HIS CREOlE SlAvE, AND HIS JEWISH ROOTS Peter M. Wolf | ISBN: 9781669829294

The Treasured sTories and memoirs of Vernie Pharr kinG: adVoCaTe, leader, and eduCaTor Danielle T. Hillie | ISBN: 9781669834403

The TwisTer a SGT. DElaNEy “DooM SQuaD” NoVEl Jim Malloy | ISBN: 9781669848912

ThinkinG on The oTher side of zero AN INTUITIvE PHIlOSOPHy OF MIND, MEMORy AND REAlITy alan Joseph oliver | ISBN: 9781669888024

ThrouGh his eyes only Vincenzo Rulli | ISBN: 9781669830412

ToasT for rosie Kazzia Kelly | ISBN: 9781669830931

Trials for The Gods Rebecca J. Sotirios | ISBN: 9781669887515

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

From left to right, top to bottom:

under The same sky


Joann Sims | ISBN: 9781664199224

Van Gross of monTe CrisTo ESSAyS, COMMENTARy, POETRy, THE TABOO 1997–2004 “THE EARly yEARS”

Kenneth Bruce Van Gross, M.D. | ISBN: 9781669801740

where am i? RIDDlES FOR kIDS

GaIl BoWlING | ISBN: 9781669829102


why were reliGions CreaTed?

William John Meegan | ISBN: 9781669843122

zelma’s aPhorisms old sChool wisdom, insTruCTiVe, insPiraTional, hilarious, To ouTraGeous Maurice W. Dorsey | ISBN: 9781669840183

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

bend don’t break: my son’s survival

Austin first experienced health issues in 2012 from an allergic reaction to a commonly prescribed medication. A rare, serious disorder ensued, followed by seemingly endless bouts of both mental and physical crises. For years, his mother’s top priority was to keep her youngest son alive. With every hurdle and brick wall that she navigated, she wondered why it had to be so hard. Surely others were seeking answers for their sick loved ones. In this age of information overload, where were all the answers hiding?

About the Author

Cindy Weber, a wife and mother of three, a health and wellness expert, a former classroom teacher, shares her memoir filled with experiences, challenges and solutions to help her son with both physical and mental health crises. She grew up on a dairy farm in the rolling hills of Wisconsin, where she and her ten siblings, with their strict Catholic upbringing, were instilled values and a strong work ethic. However, her solid foundation and life experiences proved little help when it came to addressing the precarious and unfamiliar terrain of both physical and mental illness.

c indy Weber E-Book | ISBN: 9781669806837 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover b end d on’ T b reak: m y s on’s s ur V i V al

building a sustainable Coaching Culture

This book helps organizations build a sustainable coaching culture up for success, a culture that will bring you and your organization a greater success. It is designed to guide you “How-To” build a sustainable coaching culture. It provides step by step guide, profuse use of sample framework, strategy, roadmap, matrix, assessment form, sheet, evaluation methods and many tools and even an employee coaching mobile application. It is special made for you to draft your coaching strategy deck for high level presentation and implementation.

About the Author Eng Hooi (Hooi) was the Head of Organization Development and Global Master Coach for a major technology firm in Asia, where his key mandate is to develop Talents and Learning strategies for organizational development and also to create a coaching culture for future growth. He believes coaching is the key enabler to achieve business success.

Eng Hooi, Ng E-Book | ISBN: 9781543765571 | $7.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover b uildin G a s us T ainable Coa C hin G Cul T ure - a sT e P by s T e P Guide T o C oa C hin G C ul T ure im P lemen T a T ion


A child’s fear of the dark causes a lack of sleep, which can negatively affect their concentration, mood, motivation, and overtime can harm their overall development. Listening to your child is the first step that can help control their fear.

This book is based on my fear of the dark, depicting real-life events using fictional characters.

About the Author

Preston PL is a first-time author. He has lived in Australia and internationally gaining knowledge that allowed him to write without too much thought and reading to his family came naturally. His experiences allowed him to bring it all together, which he would do all over again.

Preston P l E-Book | ISBN: 9781543768299 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover d ark - f ear of T he d ark

education and science

All you do in life may need to be figured out. Hence, the guiding themes of this book: you may need to figure out how you live to discover how you learn, to decide how you think, and to choose how you respond. These may be levels or stages you need to figure out to become more informed and advance how you live, learn, think, and respond to the things. This is why I connect the things you need to do to the things you need to act through to gain a sense of how you are and what you may become.

About the Author

Christopher K. Slaton, EdD, developed the Progressive Investing Institute of Focused Learning in 2000 to study child development through the application of action research, systems thinking, and human science. His interest has always been focused on the study of human contact, human cognition, and human behavior.

c hristopher
E-Book |
a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover e du C a T ion and sC ien C e - The b rain’s b ody h el P T o i m P ro V e b rain, b ody, and s ense eV en T s
K. Slaton, Ed.D.
ISBN: 9781669815433
by christopher K. Slaton, Ed.D.

flight feathers

O air carry my breath to distant miles

Where youth grows as wild rose and time never dies Keep me alive as a walking dream Where my eyes can visualize the world unseen There is a true depiction of human emotions and a fine portrayal of a deep connection with nature. Shubneet Kaur has the skill to create tender loveliness in her poetry. The style and creativity have a magical effect and leave an indelible imprint on the reader’s mind.

About the Author

Shubneet credits perseverance as her greatest virtue. She has B.Ed, BSc degree, a PGD in food and nutrition, and is a distinction holder from Punjabi University. A Dietitian by profession with the heart of a poet and passionate artist: her poetry and paintings were published in leading Indian newspapers. Born into a doctor family, she inherited the instincts of a philanthropist, and she has worked with many charitable organisations. Shubneet was awarded by Danik Bhasker as one of the ‘51 Most Inspiring Women of Punjab’.

Shubneet Kaur E-Book | ISBN: 9781543768770 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover f li G h T f ea T hers

Goa dancing with the speakers

Find in this book, not only a true life story, but a first-hand record, of what life was like in Goa, in those crazy days in the mid ‘80s with spontaneous open air parties, shaped by the finest, cutting-edge dance tracks available at that time… See how God led the author on a turbulent path to re-discover Jesus as his Saviour, and get answers to Goa’s many questions!

Discover God’s subtle working in the special moments of our daily lives… an undeniable proof to the supernatural character of God. And lastly enjoy an unusual collection of Bible Quotes!

About the Author

Mischa HK grew up in Germany with a passion for Creativity and Dance Music. Building traditional Pipe Organs, a friend introduced him to Goa, this little paradise in India and its rave culture…, but through it all God had other plans…, Mischa lives now in Dubai with his family!

Mischa Henry Kerber

E-Book |
9781543765205 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover Goa d an C in G wi T h T he sP eakers - f rom Goa Tran C e T o Chris T

i am brother oji

This biography celebrates and honors the life and work of Adisa Oji, the only demonstrator involved in the Royal Ontario Museum protest who went to prison for his actions. While the ROM episode provides a point of departure, the narrative framework goes beyond and connects the past with the present to create an enchanting hero’s journey. The arc of this narrative will trigger constructive and lively, informed debate on who is or what it means to be a person of African ancestry living in a milieu embedded in a history of colonialism and slavery.

About the Author

Mello Ayo is a writer, poet, and speaker who seeks to transform, uplift, inspire, and connect with others through words, sounds, and images. Born in Falmouth, Trelawny, he was raised in the salubrious hills of Brown’s Town in the parish of St. Ann. His most recent publication is Good Morning, Afrika!, a photo-travel journal based on a trip to Ghana. Other self-published works include Love Rhapsodies and Blues, a collection of love poems with a revised edition published 2002. Mello’s work has also been included in T-Dot Griots, An anthology of Toronto’s Black Storytellers (2004) and Stories We Don’t Tell (2019).

Mello a yo E-Book | ISBN: 9781669809357 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover i a m b ro T her oJ i

John lee Johnson in the Valley of the sun: along Came Jones

This Western story that follows John Lee Johnson is different. It pits the money and influence of a wealthy man against the strongest and most singular man in Texas. Their struggles against each other influence so many other singular individuals that are caught up in this eventual death struggle. This is a classic story of good versus bad. The reader may wonder if good will really win in the end.

c onn Hamlett E-Book | ISBN: 9781665544535 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover
l ee Johnson in T he Valley of T he s un: a lon G Came Jones

Justice in your Court

You are in the jury box to decide fifty real-life cases. In each case, you are given the facts and basic law involved, and then you decide what the verdict should be. After deciding the dispute, you are provided the actual verdict reached in the case. This book is comprised of a wide variety of case issues: constitutional matters, free speech and freedom of religion issues, death penalty cases, immigration rights, police tactics, and trademark infringement disputes to list a few. But this is not a legal text. This book has been written for the general public—no legal training is necessary.

About the Author

For 35 years, Tom Borcher argued his clients’ cases before juries in the courts of California and Georgia. He retired in 2014 and moved to Huntsville, Alabama. In Justice in Your Court, he translates the excitement and drama of the courtroom to the written page. His live program, You Be the Judge, has entertained and educated audiences, including adult continuing education classes, high school students, church groups and even a yearly presentation at the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. The live program follows the same format as the case studies included in Justice in Your Court.

Tom Borcher E-Book | ISBN: 9781669824060 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover Jus T i C e i n y our Cour T - w ha T would i T look like? 50 real-life C ases for you T o de C ide


She was gentle in her ways yet firm in her resolve. She was at her most resourceful when she had the least. She was of quick mind, and she rose above obstacles and challenges. She was always beautifully dressed in exquisite, selfembroidered sarees. She wore flowers in her hair. She was a Burmese gem, fearless and ever ready to conquer rough soils. Leelavathy Singh (Leela Dutt) was a woman ahead of her time, and this is her story.

About the Author

Mohana Gill was born in Burma. She moved to Malaysia in 1966 and lectured at the University of Malaya, before giving it up to be a full-time mother to three boys. She has authored over 20 books and won multiple prestigious awards. This is her most personal work to date.

E-Book | ISBN: 9781543769852 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover l eela

marble, Grass, and Glass

This historical narrative delves into the lives and struggles of East Indian indentured servants in various British colonies between 1838 and 1917. It tells about the author’s ancestors migrating from India to British Guiana, now Guyana. This book creates clarification and an understanding of what really happened to the 1.2 million people who were tricked into making the long journey to various parts of the world and the abuse that they were subjected to. Some died while still bound to the estates, leaving orphans behind. Many endured, survived and prospered. This is their story.

About the Author

B. Sham Moteelall was born on a farm in Guyana, South America. In the late 1960s, he became a chemistry and science teacher and in 1970, he immigrated to the USA to further his education. He has now been in the workforce for over 50 years. His diverse career was mostly spent in business management, working for corporations with international presence. Sham is currently an active farmer in the State of Minnesota and the president of his company, LIFE Consulting LLC (Learn Information From Experience). His passion is on sustainable food production and to find creative ways to grow future food sources from natural and biological processes.

B. Sham Moteelall E-Book | ISBN: 9781664184725 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover m arble, Grass, and Glass

my Child, my legacy

This inspiring entrepreneurial story presents a thoughtprovoking case on gratitude and self-reflection. Here, CJ Lim shares valuable wisdom, insights and personal stories as an educator, an entrepreneur, and a father. During the years of exploring his career and business path, CJ discovered his passion and purpose in life. Then come along his family. He invited his wife and children to join him along this journey of personal development and they explored the wonders of the world together. They discovered the world through travelling, and focused on becoming the better version of themselves through their experiences.

About the Author

CJ Lim is a person that believe in lifelong learning. He enjoys working with parents, educators, and change makers to transform the ways education is delivered in schools. He has a master in entrepreneurship and an engineering degree. He is a certified financial literacy trainer and a certified NLP practitioner.

CJ l im E-Book | ISBN: 9781543768107 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover m y Child, m y l e G a C y - a Passiona T e Tea C her, a Curious e n T re P reneur, a l o V in G f a T her

nathunter and the adventures in space

This story is about Nathanael, a seven-year-old boy who is also a superhero in a superhero school. He is a hunter who hunted deer, lions, and tigers. Mr. Brave is the one who teaches Nathanael how to use his superpowers properly. One beautiful spring morning, at seven o’clock, he receives a radiation message sent from space. It reads, “Amazing Nathunter, please help us! We need help for this. A rude alien is on our planet. We will give you ten pieces of gold if you help us.”

Will Nathanael succeed in his mission? Read to find out!

About the Author

Nathanael is a young author who came up with the idea of writing this book. At the time of this writing in 2022, he was seven years old, being born in 2015. He attends a Primary School in Singapore, and he has a strong calling to write and print books. He first wanted to print out his books when he was in Kindergarten grade 2.

Nathanael’s hobbies include Robotics, Reading, Writing and Drawing. He also has enjoyed reading many books, like Roald Dahl’s BFG, and more.

Nathanael c heong E-Book | ISBN: 9781543771374 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover n a T hun T er and T he a d V en T ures in sP a C e

Pieces of identity

Nothing prepared Simon Fielden for the discoveries he made researching the abandoned French farmhouse he had bought as an escape from the pressures of London life and his own demons. Tracing its story from its origins in the 18th century through the years of the German Occupation, Simon’s maison de reve became, through a terrible error of judgement, a place from which he and his wife, Becky, had to flee. A study in ambiguity, Pieces of Identity accompanies Simon on his journey of self-discovery where, even in his new life, not everything, as he found to his cost, was as it seemed.

About the Author

After a distinguished career in education administration, Donald Naismith retired to ‘one of most unfashionable and unknown parts of France’ where he now lives with his family and which provides the setting for this story. Educated at Belle Vue Boys Grammar School in Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire where he grew up and at Clare College, Cambridge where he held an Open Exhibition in History, he was appointed CBE and Chevalier des Palmes Academiques in 1995 for services to education in England and France.

Donald Naismith E-Book | ISBN: 9781665557276 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover Pie C es o f i den T i T y

Prem kissa

Being a Brahmin, Prem hated the caste system in which he grew and lived in. He graduated as an educated teacher from an established university. Soon, he was introduced to and then married a pretty damsel. He grew up to be an elegant, handsome and charming person, and his journey abroad highlights his attributes, friendliness, career, aligned with his explorative ideals, romance and dreams in all of his endeavors. He was the only member of his family who wanted to get away from the poor life in India, and decided to get away to London, which leads to the second book.

About the Author

Pravin Maharaj started this book as his family history and autobiography. But as he started to write, he changed the structure, and created fictional characters, and added new direction to the story. In doing so doing, he created a character named Prem, and his life history is portrayed, and his journey across three countries, in six completed books, and the seventh is on its way. The first book and the title give a broad spectrum about Prem and Kissa (Hindi) means story. It leads into the second book “London Awaits” where Prem and his young family leave for better prospects.

Pravin Maharaj E-Book | ISBN: 9781543770650 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover Prem k issa

Proclivity mistaken Path

An insurgent organization expanded its wings by confiscating innovative technology to access confidential information from companies and wealthy individuals. To later establish a silent revolution and secretly acquire various assets and biowarfare. The anarchists expanded and circulated globally, committing arsenal attacks, and devastating war crimes. Auspiciously, an international intelligence agency recruited a universal asset because of her superior strength and resolution to impossible missions. She wanted to avenge the organization’s members for years since they haunted her family. As she connected the dots and used the agency as a catalyst to wield collaborated forces to dismantle the global barbarous and treacherous terrorist networks. The pinnacle of events ignited her soul, compelling her at a time into a silent rage to vindicate her abductors who were behind the most unscrupulous crimes. Desperately, she wanted them to serve justice.

About the Author

K. A. Marson is the author of Proclivity Mistaken Path. A resident of New York for forty years, she has had a plethora of experience researching and analyzing innovative companies for top investment companies. Along with inspiration work in real estate, education, and writing various financial analyses, written synopsis, and overviews. She balances a family and career as well as enjoys quality time, various sports, and supporting her community.

K. a . Marson E-Book | ISBN: 9781665551540 | $6.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover Pro C li V i T y m is T aken Pa T h

The domain of arrogance

God, unhappy with mankind, has sent a blue comet to destroy the earth, but has offered one chance and set a nearly impossible task: to place a golden disc on the outstretched left hand of a tall, gilded statue of Mother Mary atop a cathedral in Avignon, France. The golden disc must be found in one month’s time. Once the disc is in place, God will cause the comet to miss the planet. Faced with this daunting mission, a group of heroes, knowing that the fate of the world lies in their hands, proceed with determination, courage and, above all, faith.

About the Author

Charles Grotsky grew up in New Jersey in the 1950s. He learned to read and write at an early age, and developed an interest in science, history, and art.

A graduate of Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, he lived in Bellingham, Washington from 1977 to 1994. In 1982, he backpacked through Asia for six months and imported and wholesaled scarves from India between 1984 and 1989. He has visited Europe and Mexico.

From 1995 to 2001, he directed a speaker’s bureau in California and has been a sales representative for many companies. Charles lives on the island of Kauai where he is a writer and a photographer.

c harles David Grotsky E-Book | ISBN: 9781669812524 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover The d omain of a rro G an C e

The eye of The seeker

Eighteen-year-old Anna lives in a world surrounded by walls, laws and the practices of her people’s faith. Looked down upon by the leaders of her community for her abundance of curiosity and her questioning of their ways, Anna is singled out and accused of a prophecy she knows nothing about. Cursed with a destiny she does not understand and forced beyond the walls of her community into the war-torn outside world, Anna must discover the truth of who she really is and what she really believes.

About the Author

Jessie Keith, a passionate storyteller has always felt most at home when reading or listening to music. He enjoys hiking, movies, and game nights with friends, and spending every moment with the love of his life, Melody. They reside in Middle Tennessee with their dog Sirius. This is his first book, with many more to come.

Jessie Keith E-Book | ISBN: 9781665569392 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover The e ye of The s eeker

The Guru and the english rose

Witness the remarkable story of how one woman went on a quest to create a life of purpose and passion. Along the journey she was tested, challenged, disappointed, surprised, betrayed, loved, empowered, elevated and enlightened. Her life took her from the west to the east, from the known to the unknown, from the modern to the ancient and from this journey emerged a life of authenticity, courage and miracles. Full of wonderful wisdom lessons, Sally’s story is inspirational, impactful and contains all the elements of a Hollywood blockbuster. It will guide you to live an authentic life, create your own miracles and find true happiness.

About the Author

Sally Forrest is a pharmacist, an MBA and a business leader with extensive international experience. She left her life in England, moved to Asia and courageously followed her heart. She opened an orphanage, authored best-selling books, mastered holistic disciplines and became a successful entrepreneur. A global TEDx speaker, she coaches clients around the world using timeless wisdom and proven techniques.

Sally f orrest E-Book | ISBN: 9781543766585 | $7.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover The Guru and T he e n G lish r ose - a sT ory of a u T hen T i C i T y, Coura G e and m ira C les

The indian Giver

After spending 20 years abiding by her parents’ rules, Lara Baxter’s life would be changed forever. She was raped. Unmarried and pregnant, she had disgraced the family and was kicked out of home to have the baby behind closed doors. Without anyone to support her, the baby was forcibly removed for adoption.

Silently, she lived with the pain in her heart and grieved alone. Nothing could ever change her life now. She became a different person. She became stronger, her voice became louder. She was never forgiven by her parents and every day was a fight for survival.

About the Author

A woman who was hurt badly and had to find her own way to survive. She started a career as a commercial artist and ten went on to own and run businesses with her husband. She now paints and sells her work privately. She married a wonderful man and had two beautiful daughters, Kristl and Aeron, and now has five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Since her husband Glen died, she has written this book and moved house several times. Always trying to find somewhere to call home.

S.M. P a RKER E-Book | ISBN: 9781984507976 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover T he i ndian Gi V er

The Pink & Purple sky

“I’m sorry to have to break this to you. Mr. Selamat, it is cancer.” Just a week after the initial scan, the doctor at the ENT Centre at Singapore General Hospital, sadly broke the news. I went blank for like 3 minutes. Just how does one react to this? What does a wife typically do? What does a mother of five generally do? Do I start bawling now? Wives carry with us such responsibility that it is just unthinkable how things could go wrong. On that day, he began his life as our cancer Warrior. And I became a caregiver.

About the Author

Nur Ezmien is a mother of five school-going children and working full-time, who found herself having to become her husband’s sole caregiver when he was diagnosed with an incurable Stage 4 Nasopharyngeal Cancer. This is her true story on juggling life and preserving love, her feelings and her experience, her battle and her pain.

Nur Ezmien Mohd y atim E-Book | ISBN: 9781543771329 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover The Pink & Pur P le s ky - m y s T ory of bein G C are G i V er wife T o my C an C er-fi G h T in G w arrior husband, J u GG lin G mo T herhood T o our 5 kids and a lo V e T ha T ne V er lef T .

The Tree of my son’s discontent

In 1983, a husband and wife were in an accident on the beltway. The man subsequentially died. Eight months later, a biracial child was born to a white mother living in a redneck valley that was not prepared to deal with him. Children can be cruel, and growing up was a struggle. Music became his voice to the world.

About the Author

At the age of 17, Yvonne Rose left home to find herself. She turned 18 in Paris. While in Paris, she studied at Sorbonne University. She spent many years traveling around Europe and around the world. In Korea, she spent a year teaching English in an orphanage for girls outside Seoul. She has spent time living in Texas, Kansas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California, and Hawaii. She is now retired and lives with her third husband and four stepchildren.

y vonne Rose E-Book | ISBN: 9781669822646 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover The Tree of m y s on’s d is C on T en T

a Poetic spanking by anthony Toomer

About the Book

Anthony Toomer enjoys telling true stories while using poetry as the narrative. Divided into three parts, this poetry collection interweaves his personal experiences and current events with introspective observations that lead others on a journey through his path through life as an African American man. The first book is about Jesus and why he came. The second book presents a compilation of love poems and stories that discuss the ups and downs of love in relationships. The third book talks about the plight of Black people in America. A Poetic Spanking is a recipient of

• 2022 Honorable Mention London Book Festival Poetry

• 2022 Third Place Firebird Book Award Poetry

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Awards June 2022

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Summer

• 2022 Third Place BookFest Book Award Poetry - Collections & Anthologies

About the Author

Anthony Toomer was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Bushwick High School in Ridgewood, Queens, and went on to graduate from La Guardia Community College in Long Island City, Queens. He formerly lived in the Cooper Park Houses in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. He honorably served in the US Army Reserves, based at Fort Hamilton in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Now retired from the New York City Transit Authority as a motorman, he indulged in his lifelong aspiration to write a poetry book. The author is married and has two adult sons.

a Poe T i C sP ankin G

a nthony Toomer E-Book | ISBN: 9781665705196 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Award Giving Body

an unsuspecting Child Coming to Grips with Covert Childhood abuse

About the Book

Marylee Martin discusses what happens to a child who has been affected by covert abuse and how it caused confusion, gullibility and sexual mayhem that lasted far into adulthood. For her, it let to constant turmoil in her life that she did not understand and could not stop. She shares how therapy helped her discover the unusual form of child abuse that she had suffered and how she rediscovered a sense of normalcy. She encourages people, no matter what their past is, to seek professional help in getting rid of the flashbacks and memories that have been filling their minds and a chance for freedom.

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Summer

About the Author

Marylee Martin is a member of EQUITY, SAG/AFTRA, ASCAP, The Dramatists’ Guild of America, the WorkShop Theater and the Gingold Theatrical Group. As an actor, she has performed in over 30 productions and, as a playwright, has had seven of her plays performed New Jersey and New York City. She is a former member of the international musical Up with People. She has published five songs and continues to write and perform.

Award Giving Body

a n u nsus P e CT in G Child - Comin G T o Gri P s wi T h Co V er T Childhood a buse

Marylee Martin

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665708401 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

becoming soul seven steps to heaven

About the Book

This book tells the story of Asina who begins as a soul in heaven, arrives on earth and grows and survives the seven steps of silence, hope, suffering, loss, survival, believe and heaven throughout her life. Her daughter Nettie accompanies Asina as they both pass through each of the steps on earth. Nettie becomes her soul through illness and death and returns to heaven. Asina becomes her soul through loss and grieving and lives on earth as her soul to share with others.

Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven is a runner-up for the Southern California Book Festival, Spiritual/ Religious genre.

• 2022 Best Book Award

• 2022 Southern California Book Festival Runner-Up Spiritual/Religious

• 2022 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award

• 2022 London Book Festival Honorable Mention Spiritual/Religious

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival

About the Author

El Alma is a counselor who has worked professionally in the areas of relationships, grief, disabilities and spirituality for more than 30 years. She has been an advocate and carer for traumatized adults and children all her adult life and has traveled to remote country areas to counsel families through their grief associated with disabilities. Semi-retired, she writes within the calm surrounds of her farm where she lives with her husband and family.

Award Giving Body

El Alma

E-Book | ISBN: 9781504320870 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

P s T o h ea V en
C omin
s oul - s e V en sT e

Black Butterfly Transform your Pain into your Purpose

About the Book

Join Carla A. Vincent as shares her testimonies and manifestation methods for receiving her blessings and heart’s desires. After being dormant for years in a cocoon of invisible war wounds of depression, anxiety, insomnia, a broken neck, broken heart, and grief, she was transformed into a beautiful butterfly inside and outside flourishing and flying in love, abundance, and achievements. In this book, she chronicles how her metamorphosis from being in an isolated cocoon to a highly visible butterfly was a miracle. God delivered her from a life of pain and blessed her with a life with purpose.

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Honorable Mention Los Angeles Book Festival How-To

Award Giving Body

About the Author

Carla A. Vincent is a former federal tax collector and war veteran. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology with a social work minor from Western Michigan University and an MBA from the University of Phoenix. Vincent is currently pursuing her career as a motivational and international speaker, coach, author, entrepreneur, and YouTuber. She lives in Auburn, Alabama, with her life partner and husband, George, three children, and their Pomeranian.

b la C k b u TT erfly - Transform y our Pain in T o y our Pur P ose

c arla a . Vincent

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665704557 | $8.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

boys’ secrets and men’s loves: a memoir

About the Book

In this poignant memoir, David A.J. Richards shares his experiences of and resistance to patriarchy and shows how patriarchy deeply harms men as well as women.

• 2022 International Impact Book Awards Memoir –Excellence for Writing Quality

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival, Runner-Up Winner

• 2022 Firebird Book Award LGBTQ Nonfiction and 2022 Firebird Book Award Social Potical Change

• 2022 Hollywood Book Festival Spiritual/Religious, Honorable Mention

• 2022 Readers’ Favorite Book Award Non-Fiction (LGBTQ), Finalist

• 2022 Royal Dragonfly Book Award Letters/Journals/ Diaries, Honorable Mention

• 2022 Golden Boar Book Awards Memoir of the Year

• 2022 New England Book Festival Gay, Winner

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Award Silver Award, Winner

• 2022 Indies Today Awards, Honorable Mention

• 2022 Reader Views Literary Awards Classics, Silver, Winner

• 2022 BookFest Book Award LGBTQ+ (Nonfiction), Second Place Winner

About the Author

David A.J. Richards is Edwin D. Webb professor of law at New York University, where he has taught constitutional law and criminal law for 45 years and co-taught a seminar on resisting injustice with developmental psychologist Carol Gilligan as well as a seminar in retributivism in criminal justice (Shakespeare) with psychiatrist James Gilligan. He lives in New York City with his partner of 45 years, Donald Levy.

b oys’ s e C re T s a nd m en’s l o V es: - a m emoir

David a .J. Richards

E-Book | ISBN: 9781796037265 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

Award Giving Body

brayden the Great warrior

About the Book

Brayden Livingston wants to be a great warrior. But he does not have a sword or a shield or an armor. Nor does he have any men to help him conquer the world. He asks his father how can he become a great warrior and learns along the way to become one. It takes many years and much work every day to become a great warrior. But all great warriors must have, first of all, a great heart.

• 2022 Third Place Firebird Book Award Children Religion

• 2022 Honorable Mention New England Book Festival Children’s Books

• 2022 Second Place BookFest Book Award Christian

• 2022 Story Monsters Approved! Book of the Year Spirituality/Religion

• 2022 August Literary Titan Book Award

About the Author

John Livingston is a retired surgeon and actively practicing husband, father and grandfather. He has written this series of books for his grandchildren. His purpose is to teach early in life basic concepts of his Christian Faith. He does this by focusing on the CatholicChristian virtues as taught to him by his grandmother.

Lynn Livingston is an actively practicing wife, mother and grandmother. She has illustrated these books with love and her belief that the closer we are to the sea and the stars the closer

b rayden T he Grea T w arrior

John l ivingston E-Book | ISBN: 9781664166974 | $3.99 a lso available in Softcover

Award Giving Body

Chatty the hen Pheasant Travels with The Pack

About the Book

This is a humorous and adventure-filled story with plenty of action to keep the interest of elementary children. What happens when a smart pheasant meets up with a determined hunting dog? Both animals use tons of playful antics throughout the story. Chatty the Hen Pheasant will win the hearts and minds of all who read this story.

• 2022 Story Monsters Approved! Book of the Year Board Books (Birth - Age 3)

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Honorable Mention London Book Festival Children’s Books

• 2022 Readers’ Choice Book Awards

About the Author

Linda Harkey’s experiences as a mother, school teacher, Sunday school teacher, volunteer docent,and hunting dog owner have inspired her to write the award-winning children’s book series, Hickory Doc’s Tales. She dedicates all her books to her family-Michael, Owen and Carrie,Morgan, Austin and Mica, Averie,and Alec. She is the author of seven other children’s books. Cha TT y T he h en Pheasan T - Tra

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665712729 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Award Giving Body

V els w i T h The Pa C k l inda Harkey

Confronting The enemy The final Chapter series

About the Book

Once again, Michael Sloan is called back into action with his partner Mark Dillingham, this time it is to assist a young agent, Cheri Ferguson complete her mission and prevent her from being killed. After being attacked at Mike’s cabin, our trio barely escaped with their lives…

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Honorable Mention Hollywood Book Festival Genre-Based

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Finalist

American Fiction Awards Adventure: General

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Honorable Mention Royal Dragonfly Book Award Mystery

• 2022 Second Place BookFest Book Award Thriller & Suspense – Suspense

• Silver Award Winner Literary Titan Book Award

About the Author

Joe McNeil was an accomplished high school athlete who suddenly faced the unknown when his back was tragically broken in a long-jumping accident. He was told he would never walk again. With the confidence, encouragement and prayers of many, including Christian athletes such as Tom Landry and Roger Staubach of the Dallas Cowboys, Joe fought his disability, and miraculously overcame his impairment.

Although no longer able to compete in football, Joe attended and graduated college, married and had two beautiful daughters. He has always had a spirit for adventure and a love of story-telling. He is a writer and an artist.

Award Giving Body

Joe McNeil

E-Book | ISBN: 9781664161863 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

T in G The e
- The f
Cha PT er s

diminished Capacity a novel of legal suspense

About the Book

Up-and-coming lawyer Larry Ross takes just about any case that walks through his door. But his next client may prove to be more than even he can handle.

Tom Rogers has just been accused of brutally murdering his business partner, Art Mendoza. Larry decides to represent Tom in the capital murder case, even though it looks like Tom is guilty. But while waiting for the trial, Larry makes a tactical error and accepts another high-profile case.

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Award Silver 2022

• 2022 Finalist Indies Today Awards

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards First Place Thriller/Suspense

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards First Place Legal Thrillers

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards First Place Crime Drama

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Third Place Drama

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Awards Honorable Mention Best Character

Award Giving Body

About the Author

Leighton Rockafellow has practiced law in Tucson, Arizona, since 1973. He currently lives in Tucson with his wife, Millie, and practices personal injury law.

d iminished Ca P a C i T y - a no V el of le G al sus P ense l eighton Rockafellow E-Book | ISBN: 9780595614844 | $6.00 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

epiphany’s Gift

About the Book

Psychic medium Epiphany Mayall lives and works in the small spiritualist community of Watoolahatchee, Florida. But when she schedules a trip to her childhood home, Epiphany has no idea she will soon be swept into a maelstrom of ecological disasters, art theft and murder. Set against a backdrop of psychic phenomena, corporate corruption and global climate change, Epiphany’s Gift is an old-fashioned mystery that explores the perennial battle between good and evil, and the family bonds that we hope will hold fast in the midst of a changing world.

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Awards Gold Award Winner

• 2022 Honorable Mention Los Angeles Book Festival Genre-Based

About the Author

Mallory M. O’Connor holds degrees in art, art history and American history from Ohio University. For 20 years, she taught art history at the University of Florida and Santa Fe College. While writing the first of several books, O’Connor became interested in psychic archaeology and phenomena. Now retired, O’Connor resides with her artist husband, John, in Micanopy, Florida. “Epiphany’s Gift” is the first in her new series of psychic or “cli-fi” novels. She is also the author of Lost Cities of the Ancient Southeast, Florida’s American Heritage River, American River: Tributaries, American River: Currents, and American River: Confluence. More information is available at

eP i P hany’s Gif T

Mallory M. o ’ c onnor E-Book | ISBN: 9781480876804 | $3.99 a lso available in Softcover

Award Giving Body

eternal Vigilance Guarding against The Predatory state

About the Book

Eternal Vigilance addresses the United States’ growing fiscal dangers and political stalemate.

• 2022 Award Winner Firebird Book Awards Political

• 2022 First Place Royal Dragonfly Book Award Politics

• 2022 Honorable Mention New England Book Festival General Non-Fiction

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Award Silver Award Winner

• 2022 Outstanding Creator Award - Non-Fiction: Current Events, Political, Textbooks

• 2022 Honorable Mention Outstanding Creator Awards Best Research

• Winter 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator Awards Best Non-Fiction Book

• 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator Awards Politics

• 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator Awards Social Issues/ Current Events/Activism

• 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator Awards Philosophy

• 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator Awards Ethics & Moral Development

• 2022 Second Place BookFest Book Award Politics & Government - Ideologies & Doctrines

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival

• 2022 New York Book Festival Award

About the Author

Ralph L. Bayrer is a Navy veteran with master’s degrees in engineering physics from Cornell University and physics from Georgetown University. He was a consultant with McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, an officer of the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation and a member of the Federal Senior Executive Service.

Award Giving Body

eT ernal Vi G ilan C e - Guardin G aG ains T The Preda T ory sT a T e

Ralph l . Bayrer

E-Book | ISBN: 9781796093230 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

fun Poems for your Child feeding your Child’s imagination

About the Book

This book shares fun poems that speak of fun things for children to do like going to the circus, playing in the park, playing games and flying kites, playing pirates and so much more. The inspiration behind these poems came from Jenny Carey’s own experiences when she was a child, and what she would have enjoyed.

• 2022 First Place Royal Dragonfly Book Award Children’s Poetry

• 2022 Honorable Mention New England Book Festival Poetry

• 2022 Story Monsters Approved! Book of the Year Early Readers (Ages 5-9) Nonfiction

• 2022 Story Monsters Approved! Book of the Year First Time Author

• 2022 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 New York Book Festival Award

About the Author

Jenny Carey worked within the factory industry when she left school at the age of fifteen. She worked for several years within the industry, then went to work as a health care assistant in 1998.

Jenny gained qualifications to be a staff nurse, where she worked in hospital settings from 2005 to 2021, when she retired. She now dedicates her time to her books, which keeps her busy. Jenny has been married to Andrew since 1981.

Award Giving Body

f un Poems for y our Child - f eedin G your Child’s i ma G ina T ion

Jenny c arey

E-Book | ISBN: 9781664114852 | $4.99 a lso available in Softcover and a udio

Grip life

About the Book

This self-improvement addresses all seven elements of health — physical, mental, family, social, vocational, financial and spiritual, which contribute to the wellbeing of a person, community, nation and the world. Here, the author explains the importance of maintaining one’s physical movement, thoughts, family contact, vocational responsibility, financial obligation, social interaction and spiritual belief for a healthier self. Included at the end of each chapter is a dedicated space for the reader’s improvement plan and self-evaluation notes.

• 2022 Second Place Firebird Book Awards Self Help: Motivational

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Awards

About the Author

Dr. Elizabeth W. Grubbs has lived in and out of the United States and has seen extreme poverty and an overflow of wealth in the same cities. She has obtained degrees and other experiences in education, counseling, and supervision from Tuskegee University, Livingston University, University of Mexico, and Wayne State University.

Award Giving Body

Gri P l ife

Elizabeth W. Grubbs

E-Book | ISBN: 9781664163171 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

i am woman… book one: my Journey, my Tony

About the Book

I Am Woman… was painstakingly-written to relate Mrs. Anthony’s true journey and endless attempts to save her union and husband. She tried even harder because he was truly a gem of a man. It has taken her years to muster the courage and will to revisit some of the most painful moments in her life. It is only close to his 23rd year of demise that she has come to terms with all he had done and feel that now, she has his blessing to share her journey with the world.

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

• 2022 Readers’ Choice Book Award

• 2022 September Literary Titan Book Award

About the Author

Mrs. Anthony has experienced life to the fullest; loved till her heart broke and her dreams shattered. She continued to journey on for her beloved children and aging parents. Her passion for tutoring attracted students in droves, enabling her to provide for her family sufficiently. Her sense of humor kept her going.

Award Giving Body

i a m w oman… - b ook o ne: m y Journey, m y Tony Mrs. a nthony E-Book | ISBN: 9781543767421 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

leon the warrior dog book 1

About the Book

The emperor had made Christianity the religion of the Roman Empire. But can you order someone to be a Christian?

A young man named Beat is a shepherd in the Swiss Alps who has an Anatolian Shepherd Dog. When Rome is under attack by The Goths, can Beat and his Dog Leon save Rome?

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Honorable Mention Los Angeles Book Festival Romance

About the Author

CY Sansum lives in the UK and is happily married. His hobbies are various sports. He has written four books in the past but he believes this to be the best.

Award Giving Body

l eon T he w arrior d o G - b ook 1 cy Sansum E-Book | ISBN: 9781665595506 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

letters from Vietnam

About the Book

Letters from Vietnam is the memoir of a Vietnam War army infantryman based on letters he wrote home to his new wife and his parents. It gives an on-the-ground view of combat, and a soldier’s life beyond combat. This is a history, not written fifty-five years later, but a chronicle of day by day, week by week, month by month, through the eyes of a Silver Star recipient.

• 2022 First Place Firebird Book Awards Military Non-Fiction

• 2022 Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards


• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Awards

About the Author

A 1960 graduate from Lubbock High School, Dennis Hoy moved to Clovis, New Mexico where he attended Eastern New Mexico University in Portales. He was drafted and went to Vietnam in February, 1967. After Vietnam, Dennis went back to school and received his bachelor and later, his master’s degree. Dennis taught and coached in Clovis until his retirement in 1992. He then fished the B.A.S.S. Circuit for nine years. He later went back to painting and was one of 20 New Mexico artists selected to show in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He and his wife, Beth, live in Elephant Butte, New Mexico l

Award Giving Body

e TT ers from Vie T nam
Dennis Hoy E-Book | ISBN: 9781543498677 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

liberty, science and wealth

The evolution to modern society

About the Book

Ralph L. Bayrer presents a compelling case for the essential role of freedom in the evolution of modern societies, especially in underpinning the basis for prosperity and creative cultural development. He explores how over millennia societal evolution accelerated from the stasis of most pre-modern civilizations to the dynamism and continuing creativity of many, but hardly all, countries today. He focuses on the process of spontaneous societal evolution, one driven by emergent cultural values occurring in tandem with more effective ways of living and governing — a perspective drawn from the work of Friedrich von Hayek, a Nobel Prize winner. • 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Honorable Mention Los Angeles Book Festival General Non-Fiction

About the Author

Ralph L. Bayrer is a Navy veteran with master’s degrees in Engineering Physics from Cornell and Physics from Georgetown University. He was a consultant with McKinsey & Company, an international management consulting firm, an officer of the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation, and a member of the Federal Senior Executive Service. His other books include “Eternal Vigilance: Guarding Against the Predatory State”; and “The Saga of the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation: A Cautionary Tale”. (Also, note that the first edition of this book was published under the title “Free People, Free Markets: Their Evolutionary Origins”).

Award Giving Body

l iber T y, sC ien C e and w eal T h - The eV olu T ion T o m odern s o C ie T y Ralph l . Bayrer

E-Book | ISBN: 9781543499728 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

living with Trisomy 18 / edwards syndrome

About the Book

This is the story of the incredible journey of Melissa, her family, and her community, and the challenges each faced. Melissa’s condition, Trisomy 18, is one that carries a poor prognosis and her story is one of unconditional love, hope, despair, and joy, as she struggled to hold onto her fragile life.

Life was extremely challenging for Melissa’s short nine years. Her story gives the reader an insight into their lives and they coped in their own way. It enables them to gain an understanding of how, despite the many challenges Melissa faced, each achievement was a milestone to be proud of.

• 2022 Honorable Mention London Book Festival Biography/Autobiography/Memoir

• 2022 First Place Health

• 2022 First Place Motivational/Inspirational

• 2022 Second Place Best Non-Fiction Book of Spring

• 2022 Second Place Reference

Award Giving Body

l i V in G wi T h Trisomy 18 / e dwards s yndrome
available in
Josie Murrell E-Book | ISBN: 9781479793518 | $4.99 a lso

love and honour? marriage for Peace

About the Book

Love and Honour? Marriage for Peace, exposes the ongoing phenomenon of Romeo and Juliet style romance tragedy; families killing their own and other families’ daughters, sons, sisters and brothers in the name of family ‘honour”. Focused on Northern India and Nepal, the stories illustrate that despite India adopting a democratic constitution in 1950, the public murder of forbidden lovers continues. Media reports of this phenomenon did not surface until 1993, but have increased dramatically since then.

Love and Honour? is a recipient of the 2022 Runner-Up London Book Festival Compilations/ Anthologies.

About the Author

David D E Evans OAM is a retired medical practitioner whose work in Tasmania specialized in Pathology and Sexual Health Medicine. In retirement he completed a Ph D in Humanities with the University of New England entitled Romance Tragedy of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Style: A study in qualitative research with special focus on India and Nepal in the time period 19932013, available from e-publications @UNE.

Award Giving Body

l o V e and h onour? - m arria G e for Pea C e

David D E Evans

E-Book | ISBN: 9781982290740 | $3.99 a lso available in Softcover and a udio

raptor’s revenge

About the Book

Set in Elizabethan era, this novel follows the saga of Jamey, a 14-year-old Irish boy who returns home only to find his whole family murdered. Vowing revenge, he begins his quest with his only clue: a ring left by the killer. His adventures take him to sea and the Spanish Main as an English privateer. Jamey, now 24, preys on Spanish ships earning the title “El Raptor” and sails to Jamaica to find the killer. There, he meets his true love Aurora, but is captured and turned over to the Spanish inquisition. They escape and intercept the killer’s ship, resulting in a sea battle and duel.

• 2022 Firebird Book Award

• 2022 Finalist Readers’ Choice Book AwardsBest Book for Adults (Fiction)

About the Author

Jim Malloy, a retired police captain of 28 years, was born and raised in St Louis, Missouri. He followed his grandfather and uncle in law enforcement by joining the San Diego police department. As a police captain, he commanded the central and southeast divisions, SWAT, patrol administration, personnel, and communications. He is a graduate of the F. B. I. management academy where he studied criminal profiling. After retirement, he obtained his private investigator’s license and currently owns his own firm in San Diego.

Award Giving Body

Jim Malloy

E-Book | ISBN: 9781664197589 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

r a PT or’s r e V en G e

revelation Through science

About the Book

Astronomers, physicists, and biologists have now shown that the more deeply science probes nature, the more it reveals evidence pointing us to God. After reviewing concepts from those fields, Revelation Through Science adds new material from chemistry. It describes organic structures that are profoundly vital for life, yet too complex for self-assembly without some guiding principle.

• Award Winner International Impact Book Awards Science

• Award Winner Firebird Book Award Christian Nonfiction and Award Winner Firebird Book Award Religion Nonfiction

• Award Winner, Honorable Mention Royal Dragonfly Book Award STEM

About the Author

Jim Martin is a Princeton PhD organic chemist who taught at prestigious Davidson College, his alma mater. During that time, he played principal tuba in the Charlotte Symphony and officiated high school football. Drawn to politics as a precinct worker, he was elected three times as county commissioner, six times to the U.S. Congress, and twice as Governor of North Carolina. After twenty-six years of public service, he returned to his scientific roots in private life to serve as vice president of medical research at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte. He and Dottie have three children and five grandchildren.

r e V ela T ion Throu G h sC ien C e James G. Martin

E-Book | ISBN: 9781664135857 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Award Giving Body

sammy the flying squirrel who was afraid to fly

About the Book

Sammy, a young squirrel is scared to fly. He is even scared to tell anyone he is afraid. After he makes friends with another squirrel, Sarah, they play together, day after day. As they scamper, roll, and play on the forest floor, they have no idea that another animal is lurking in the bushes, just waiting to pounce. Everything is about to change when Sarah has an accident. Can Sammy overcome his big fear and save her, before it is too late?

• Award Winner, Honorable Mention Royal Dragonfly Book Award Middle Grade

• Award Winner, Honorable Mention New England Book Festival Children’s Books

• Award Winner Firebird Book Awards Juvenile Fiction

• Award Winner Literary Titan Book Award Silver Award Winner

About the Author

Award Giving Body

Zivile Cecilia Brubeck is a native Ohioan who loves children and books. She is a mother, grandmother, and former kindergarten teacher who holds a master’s degree in psychology. She lives with her husband, Dan, on Amelia Island in Florida where she enjoys pottery, basket weaving, needlepoint, pickleball, and strolling on the beach. s ammy T he f lyin G sQ uirrel - w ho w as a fraid T o f ly Zivile c ecilia Brubeck

E-Book | ISBN: 9781480898547 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

solita and the Purple moon solita y la luna morada

About the Book

Little Solita knows her mother left many days ago and does not know if she is coming back. To deal with her fears, the little girl finds refuge in her bedroom at night. She lets her imagination go beyond her window in search of hope and understanding.

• 2022 International Impact Book Awards Children’s Inspirational/Motivational

• 2022 First Place Firebird Book Award Children Fiction

• Literary Titan Book Awards June 2022

• 2022 First Place Bilingual/Mutlilingual

• 2022 Second Place Children’s Inspirational Books

• 2022 Honorable Mention Illustrated & Picture Books (Short)

• 2022 Honorable Mention Children’s Educational

• 2022 First Place Thriller/Suspense

• 2022 Story Monsters Approved! Book of the Year Board Books (Birth - Age 3)

• 2022 Honorable Mention London Book Festival Children’s Books

• 2022 Honorable Mention Los Angeles Book Festival Poetry

About the Author

Miriam Isabel Elliott arrived to the United States from Cuba in 1970, along with her mother and brother, in search of the opportunity and freedom denied to them by a communist regime. She has two daughters, Rebecca and Melissa, both of whom were born in the United States. It has always been her mission to teach her children to value their freedom and to love America. It is the author’s intention, through her work, to honor the children of our military during these difficult times and to bring attention to their silent sacrifice.

Award Giving Body

s oli T a and T he Pur P le m oon - s oli T a y la l una m orada

Miriam Isabel Elliott

E-Book | ISBN: 9781463464530 | $9.99 a lso available in Softcover and a udio

The adventures of C. w. Choices

About the Book

When C.W.’s mother goes into the hospital four hours away to have his little brother, he stays with his Mimi and Poopaw. Mimi and C. W’s aunt takes him to the zoo with his cousin. When C.W. throws a fit in the zoo, he realizes he did not make a good choice. The next day when a big snowstorm suddenly hits Texas and the power goes out, C. W. and his Mimi must find their own fun. As they play games by candlelight and cook sandwiches in the fireplace, C. W. learns that making good choices is always better than making bad choices.

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

About the Author

Sandy Meeks is a retired teacher who loves to spend time with her family, especially her grandchildren. Her grandson who stayed with her and her husband during a snowstorm inspires her first children’s book, The Adventures of C. W.

Award Giving Body

The a d V en T ures of C. w . - Choi C es Sandy Meeks

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665716635 | $4.99 a lso available in Softcover

The little Girl

About the Book

Nigel Delphian was a poor misfit without direction when he surprised everyone around him and joined the navy. As he embarked on his new adventure, Nigel had no idea that his decision would place him on a path he never expected. After completing his duty, Nigel set out on a transformative journey working three jobs to put himself through college and ultimately gain acceptance into medical school. But when his girlfriend became pregnant and he eventually became a single parent of his young daughter, Abigail, Nigel’s life forever changed.

• 2022 Third Place Firebird Book Awards Autobiography

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

About the Author

T. F. Mann is a spine physician who has always loved writing in many forms. His first book, The Little Girl, was inspired by his experiences after gaining custody of his young daughter while attending college. Today, he lives and practices medicine in South Carolina where he enjoys spending time outdoors and with his family. The l i TT le Girl

T. f . Mann

Award Giving Body

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665712057 | $8.49 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The Perfect match

About the Book

Nick Seratino is a playboy college student who discovers he has kidney failure. To help his chances of surviving end-stage renal disease, Nick is put on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. Nick’s father, Emilio, uses his Mafia connections to do anything and everything he can to help Nick get a kidney faster. But, trouble arises when the authorities begin to investigate because other transplant candidates high on the list start to die. During all of the drama, Eric Strong, Nick’s transplant surgeon and sister’s boyfriend, refuses to bend the rules for Nick.

• 2022 First Place Firebird Book Awards Medical Thriller

• 2022 Novel of Excellence Award

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Awards

• 2022 New York Book Festival Award

About the Author

Dennis Ross is a respected nephrologist who has been in private practice for 40 years in Wichita, Kansas. He has served on scientific boards, is a clinical professor with the University of Kansas, and has published extensively in scientific journals. He and his wife have received several awards for their philanthropy supporting their church and the arts.

Award Giving Body

The Perfe CT m a TC h

Dennis Ross E-Book | ISBN: 9781480877511 | $5.99

a lso available in Hardcover, Softcover and a udio

The story of Tree and Cloud

About the Book

The Story of Tree and Cloud, a picture book for children and adults, shares the story of an ages-old oak tree named Folie who lives on the top of a golden California coastal hillside. Throughout the seasons of her life, Folie sees and experiences many fascinating things, but she also experiences loss and the resulting grief. Soon, she comes to understand that her loved one’s spirit lives on, and she finds solace in that.

• 2022 First Place Children’s Inspirational Books

• 2022 First Place Death, Dying and Grief

• 2022 Honorable Mention Best Quote

• 2022 Honorable Mention Best Supporting Character

• 2022 Third Place Best Children’s Book of Spring 2022

• 2022 Third Place Children’s Educational

• 2022 Third Place Illustrated & Picture Books (Short)

• 2022 Winner Best Couple

• 2022 First Place Firebird Book Awards Grief

• 2022 Readers’ Choice Book Awards

About the Author

Daryl McCullough is a writer and marketing communications executive who loves creative expression. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his husband George and their dog Ferdinand. “The Story of Tree and Cloud” is shared in memory of his mother and is his first published book.

Maryanne Smith is an artist living and creating artwork in her home of York County, PA. She has spent much of her life capturing nature on canvas; she also enjoyed a career creating artwork and designs for premium wallpaper for York Wallcoverings. She is Daryl’s aunt

Award Giving Body

The sT ory of Tree and Cloud

Daryl Mc c ullough

E-Book | ISBN: 9781665711425 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Three dimensions lizzies scaries

About the Book

Three Dimensions: Lizzies Scaries is a book of mysteries ranging from events happening 400,000 years ago until the present. Various paintings and the works of known psychologists such as Sigmund Freud inspire these stories. It contains diverse stories and plays that are set in both heaven and hell, past and future.

• Award Winner, Honorable Mention Royal Dragonfly Book Award Mystery

• Award Winner Literary Titan Book Award Silver Award Winner

• Award Winner Pinnacle Book Achievement Awards Anthology

• Outstanding Creator Award - Mystery, Historical, Anthology, Short-Story

About the Author

Elizabeth Reinach used to work in social research until retirement. Since then, she has been concentrating on literature. She has written three books namely “Heirs of Deceit,” “Tom-the-Cat” and her latest book “Three Dimensions: Lizzies Scaries.”

Award Giving Body

Three d imensions - l izzies sC aries

Elizabeth Reinach E-Book | ISBN: 9781984592705 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

using Japanese Paper for digital Printing of Photographs

About the Book

Digitally printing photos on Japanese paper can yield tremendous results for photographers who are interested in experimenting with new methods. Carl-Evert Jonsson shares his experiences using the experimental technique in this book. Read on!

• 2022 Honorable Mention New England Book Festival Photography/Art

• 2022 Literary Titan Book Award Gold Award Winner

• 2022 First Place Outstanding Creator AwardsPhotography

• 2022 First Place BookFest Book Award ArtsPhotography

• 2022 San Francisco Book Festival Award

• 2022 Second Place Oustanding Creator AwardIllustrated & Picture Books (Long)

Award Giving Body

About the Author

Carl-Evert Jonsson was born and raised in Umeå, Sweden. In 1957, he studied medicine at the University of Uppsala. He became a medical doctor in 1964, earned his Ph.D., and became an associate professor in experimental surgery at the University of Uppsala. From 1963 to 1999, he worked in the Departments of Surgery and Plastic Surgery at University Hospital, Uppsala, and Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm. In 1975, he became an associate professor of plastic surgery at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. He has published several articles in medical journals and has had seven solo art exhibitions.

u sin G Ja P anese Pa P er for d i G i T al Prin T in G of Pho T o G ra P hs c arl-Evert Jonsson E-Book | ISBN: 9781665588829 | $4.99 a lso available in Softcover

zoey meets david

About the Book

The third time is a charm for Zoey, a little Chinese Crested puppy. It has taken three attempts to find her forever home. She’s thrilled when David and his family adopt her and love her. Zoey knows the little boy will take good care of her and that they’ll have a lot of adventures in the years to come.

Based on one family’s true story, Zoey Meets David shares the joys and rewards of adopting rescue dogs. It follows Zoey as she begins a new life of joy, happiness, and laughter with David and his family.

About the Author

Pat Tolve lives in Harrison, New York. She stayed home to raise her three children. Two of those children were born premature and one of those children has special needs. She has always had a soft heart for animals that need a home especially those with special needs. Since the adoption of Zoey, Tolve has rescued two other dogs, all with special needs.

Award Giving Body

z oey mee T s d a V id Pat Tolve E-Book | ISBN: 9781665703604 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

a Guidebook for young People studying us slave songs

A Guidebook for Young People Studying US Slave Songs primarily aims to teach children how the enslaved people of Africa communicated using music styles from their homeland, as well as how to decode their “Slave songs”. This guidebook book also intends to help educate younger generations about the difficulties African slaves had faced in pursuit of freedom.

a Guidebook for y oun G Peo P le sT udyin G us s la V e s on G s James Thomas and l orna a ndrade Ebook | ISBN: 9781669800057 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

anaconda and me

This is a collection of poems, short stories and photographs that emphasize Walt Hansen’s connection to Anaconda, Montana and the surrounding area, and how it has guided his life for the past 78 years. It includes his community environment, family, friends, and heroes. It is the author’s wish that the book be used as a model for others to evaluate their lives in a literary fashion as opposed to a historical narrative.

a na C onda a nd m e Walt Hansen Ebook | ISBN: 9781669842767 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

august euler, The Voisin airplane and the Comte de martina

August Euler was a celebrated pilot at the dawn of modern aviation. He ran an aircraft factory in Germany and completed some daring solo flights. Industrial spies were commonplace in the early 20th century in Europe and August was plagued by Comte de Martina and the mysterious boss from Alsace. The spies will stop at nothing to destroy August’s factory and put an end to German aviation.

a u G us T e uler, The Voisin a ir P lane and T he Com T e de m ar T ina Matt Mc g rath Ebook | ISBN: 9781669888598 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

C. white in black ink!

This creative collection of writings navigates you through life in the inner city. It gives you a snapshot of what some of us go through. Here, C. White spills over into the society, where Amerikkka is the melting pot, blending lives together and some of the racism that has oppressed the Black Culture. Then, the author takes you through a life of honor, love and deceit. How Kings should be honoring the Queens of this country. His lyrics can stimulate your mind, your body and your soul. The book ends off with how we should be respecting and honoring God.

C. w hi T e in b la C k i nk! c . White

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669848424 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Clueless & headstrong by Eyvonne

This is a fictional historical romance set in the Caribbean Islands of Jamaica, and the United States Santa Barbara, California.

It follows the story of a teenage girl who is adamant about fulfilling her childhood dreams of marrying her first crush. It encapsulates the dominant catholic principles and the traditions of a Jamaican Chinese family.

Two women years apart, together find redemption and healing from their similar childhood experiences. The novella is packed with suspense, loss, guilt, joy, emptiness, healing, frustration, tears, tragedy, surprises, and reflections.

The moral of the story is to honour the past, live in the present and look forward to the future.

Clueless & h eads T ron G - a un T l yne TT e sT ory Eyvonne Black

Ebook | ISBN: 9781664117617 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Conflict of Interest

While at one of the seminar in a gathering of world scientists in Russia, a brilliant young Russian scientist stood out that the U.S. scientists made a decision to ask him to come to the United States and work with their group on a secret project. Kiriyak was delighted to join their research. He was mentored by one of the scientists, George Phillips, and eventually feel in love with his daughter, Ruby. But on the day that she was going to pick out her wedding dress, Ruby disappeared. Find out what happened in murder and Russian spy mystery.

Confli CT of i n T eres T - l o V e? Coun T ry? o r m urder? l ee G. Harvey

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669821465 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Core emunah: hello? G-d?

This is an exploration of life’s most fundamental question: Does G-d exist? It is the product of well over 20 years of research and slow, methodical analysis. The claims for and against, the rebuttals, and the counterclaims. All of it. If you, like me, are afraid you may be missing the point — then get this book! Take a journey with me to investigate life’s most fundamental question. See if you agree with my assessment of the evidence and my conclusions. Fear no more.

Core e munah: h ello? G-d? - a n e x P lora T ion of l ife’s m os T f undamen T al Ques T ion

Rabbi Shlomo Ben Zeev

Ebook | ISBN: 9781543770384 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless dog named sagebrush

From international award-winning Author Joni Franks comes the seventh book in the Corky Tails book collection.

Follow the adventures of Sagebrush, the tailless puppy, in her high-country adventure as she journeys through the Never Summer Mountains with her companions to clear a colossal landslide that has jammed Froze Creek with rubble and blocked the local water source. This story addresses belittling, the value of teamwork, and making judgements based on appearance, all woven into a fairytale setting, with a surprise ending that will melt your heart.

Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless d o G n amed s a G ebrush - s a G ebrush and T he n e V er s ummer m oun T ains

Joni f ranks

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669822585 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

d is T al w a TC hman

Mac Mc c lelland

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669819622 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

distal watchman by Mac Mcclelland

Navy Lieutenant Julia Whitlow and NCIS Investigator Stephanie Duggan are kidnapped off the street in Naples, Italy, and forced into a global prostitution ring. With no chance of escaping and no communication with the outside world, the women do what they must to survive, being ferried around the world to satisfy the escort agency’s clients who demand only the best. Marine Corps Captain Katy Morgan and her newly formed hostage rescue team are summoned to the White House, where the president initiates Operation Distal Watchman to find and rescue the women. Where are they, and will Katy get there soon enough to save them?

divine secrets of an uber driver

by Divine light

Divine Light invites you to take a ride with him and find laughter, bliss, joy, peace, hope, comfort, and revelation as you journey through the pages. This book has the potential to change your life. Most of Divine’s riders experienced a life-changing moment when they met him. He wrote this book with the intention of meeting you through the pages of this book so that you can also have your Divine encounter.

d i V ine s e C re T s of an u ber d ri V er

Divine l ight

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669842149 | $6.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Kari Mc c loskey MB a , RD

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669826644 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

eat real food and love it:

In Eat Real Food And Love It: 6 Steps To Help You Crave Healthy Eating, Kari McCloskey uniquely combines researched and science-based evidence with easy-tofollow practical steps. The six nature steps help you overcome the desire for foods and beverages that have a negative impact on your health. When followed, they help you shift from eating foods that damage your health, to craving foods that improve your well-being. This book helps you understand your eating habits and then use this awareness to move you down a path of lifelong wellness.

Kamile struggles with feeling locked away at Evergarden Castle after her mother died in a recent attack that was thought to be meant for her. In her fight for survival, she is assigned a bodyguard, Agent 86, who does not hold back her disdain for what she perceives as a privileged life and yet an unlikely bond forms. As murmurs of rebellion are growing stronger, she starts to unravel secrets that have shifted her view of love and family. Determined not to be her ancestors, she struggles to break away from her past and the ghosts in the basement that haunt her.

eV ol V e

a lysa Wolfe

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669846314 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

ea T real food and lo V e i T - 6 s T e P s T o hel P you C ra V e heal T hy ea T in G

i lef T myself in V ie T nam

NamSam Ebook | ISBN: 9781669838135 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

i left myself in Viet nam

NamSam shares his experiences in combat during the Vietnam War. At those controversial times, he had to reinvent himself and adjust to every unique situation, not only for his survival but also for his comrades. Many times, he used humor at critical times. As a leader in combat, he could not show fear or become too emotional even as men were being torn apart from shrapnel or bullets. He kept his composure and a clear head to have a chance to come back alive at the same time accomplish their mission. In Nam, one-liners and sick humor became his repertoire.

if knocked down, Get back up again by christine Sheetz

What challenges are you facing? Do you feel like you’re missing God’s plan for your life? How can we triumph through unavoidable suffering? In this autobiography, author Christine Sheetz shares how God took her from where she was in the past to where she is today, and how he can and will do the same for you. It is about the importance of developing and maintaining a personal relationship with the Lord and partnering with him throughout our lifelong journeys. He will lead us down the pathway of victory and help us overcome obstacles and beat the odds, so that no suffering will be in vain.

i f k no C ked d own, Ge T b a C k uP aG ain - The k eys T o oV er C omin G l ife’s Challen G es c hristine Sheetz

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669850595 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Leadership Makes the Difference but leaders matter

Leadership Makes the Difference but Leaders Matter provides practical steps on how leadership can be enacted to create and deliver values that can bring about the desired necessary and constructive changes. It examines and explores how our vision can be widened to see beyond the limits of our current status, resources, relationships, cultures and geographical boundaries in our attempt to develop abilities for impact and global fluency. It presents theories, arguments and cases supporting the differences between leader, leading and leadership and argue that though leaders matter, leadership makes the differences.

l eadershi P m akes T he d ifferen C e bu T l eaders m a TT er - l eadershi P Theories and Pra CT i C es for T he 21s T Cen T ury Goski a labi, PhD Ebook | ISBN: 9781665531771 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

momo the brave sheltie

Captain Gus was a good mentor. He taught Momo how to put out fires quickly and safely. Before long, the team under Captain Gus became known as one of the best fire-fighting squads at The Fire Station. But Captain Gus had became ambitious. He desired fame and wanted to be known as the top dog at The Fire Station. Momo was very unhappy. She felt deeply troubled. She did not know if she should tell anyone, or do anything about how Captain Gus was treating her and her friends. What could she do? What should she do?

m omo T he b ra V e s hel T ie

Marinda Teo

Ebook | ISBN: 9781543771053 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

m oonshine and s al T eens

Brenda Strickland

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669852032 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

moonshine and salteens

Shirley Dalton is a retired educator who lives in a town known for making good moonshine. After she becomes friends with other retirees—Jackie, Kea, Lucy, and Roberta—they decide to name themselves “the Salteens” since they enjoy visiting salt caves and the beach. Although the ladies are all seeking adventure in their third act of life, none have a clue they are about to become embroiled in a murder mystery. Only time will tell if the women can solve a string of grisly murders or if they will go down in history as just a group of retirees full of shenanigans.

mozart’s last words

At the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair, the Austrian government exhibited the original autograph manuscript of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Requiem Mass in D Minor. During the exhibition, a corner of a page of that manuscript was torn off and stolen. According to many musicologists, that missing fragment contains the last four words ever written by Mozart. In Mozart’s Last Words, a recently retired chief inspector of the Brussels Police Department collaborates with an MI6 agent from London to retrieve the Mozart fragment from Neo-Nazi terrorists.

m ozar T ’s l as T w ords

Roy Ziegler

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669843825 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Star Walker

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669821359 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

my secret, lies naive’ and Truth by Star Walker

This story is to inspire you. At the same time, it is about truth and reality. However, I learned to silence the negativity and focus on positivity. While writing this story, I helped her accomplish my confidence experience. At the same time, the devil’s breath teaches her how to accept life’s challenges. In comparison, I learned how to forgive and escape one’s memory and acknowledge my misbehavior.

She learned to communicate consistently and speak about her tribulation and understand it. However, this is a journal of my life. At the same time, this journal made me miserable and not happy. I tried to concentrate on peacefulness and progress and moving forward. And anticipating what is coming.

nothing now remains

Osaru returns to Nigeria after a near disastrous sojourn to America, determined to salvage some damaged relationships and a clean break from others. He soon discovers that his past is steadfastly interwoven with his present and future. This is a compelling narrative of how Osaru reconciles and finds his place within a complex family life and the evolving social, economic, and political reality he inhabits as a returnee.

no T hin G now remains - a n o V el Ernest o . Izedonmwen

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669835073 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

m y se C re T , lies n ai V e’ and Tru T h

on sad afternoons

They say you are born in the times in which you are meant to evolve, and, while that may be true, evolution is neither easy nor something any one can confidently hold in the palm of their hands and claim as their own. This collection of free verse poems, inspired by the many diverse challenges and varied experiences faced, over the course of the past four years, in the two vastly different worlds of Lahore, Pakistan and Sydney, Australia, wishes to make no such evolutionary claims. This collection acknowledges the coexistence of both in any given moment.

o n sad af T ernoons - a P ool of oran G e and o T her P oems Sadaf Khan

Ebook | ISBN: 9781543765908 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

once upon… not yet

Asa, the son of Radnar and Abigail, lives in a small community called Sharon. He has been elected to journey to a faraway land with the endorsement the Elder. He is tasked to retrieve a unique rose that exists in the desert, along with the mystical Fire of Unknown Origin from the Guardians in High Haven, in hopes that it will up-end the advantage of the Dark Lord. But there are many miles between Sharon and High Haven… There are numerous distractions… Several people to meet along the way. And SOME of them won’t want the boy to return to Sharon…

o n C e uP on… n o T y e T - T he elder and T he fire of unknown ori G in MDR McInnis

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669826248 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

one flush a T a T ime

Robert “Dino” c omer

Ebook | ISBN: 9781664178762 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

one flush at a Time by


When was the last time you laughed out loud or read a book that pinches your heart in a good way or a relaxation aid or a source of inspiration? This coffee table book will take you through a journey of humorous, funny, silly, joyful, heartfelt, inspirational, thought provoking and endearing anecdotes, poems/jingles and short poignant messages of hope.

If you’re looking to laugh, to be uplifted rather than weighed down during these pandemic times, put down your phone, stop what you are doing and dive into this book.

royally robed

Royally Robed showcases the foundation of where selfvalue originates. Royally Robed covers every aspect of our development, first emphasizing the need for purposeful intention to grow spiritually, then personally and professionally. The need to exercise basic civility, manners and conscientiousness. This book takes a holistic approach to our development, whet our appetites and inspire us to aspire for excellence. God desires us to grow as refined, cultured gracious human beings. The central theme: Women of excellence; royally prepared to be light and salt; personifying Christlikeness in a holistic manner; consistently developing themselves while transforming the world into a better place.

r oyally r obed

Melanie l ue

Ebook | ISBN: 9781664111356 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

s ear C hin G for s hade

Nancy l . Stimson

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669840114 | $8.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

searching for shade

This book celebrates the journey of two experienced motorcycle pals who crazily decide to ride to Alaska via Canada. They obsessively plan the trip for a year— 10,000 miles in 31 days. There is, however, one very dark shadow in all of their meticulousness: COVID-19. The border between Canada and the US remained closed and did not open for months. In the eleventh hour, the journey changes, and they make hasty plans to travel nineteen states into the heat of an inferno, forest fires, and homelessness of the southwest of America instead.

shafTs of Gold

A little girl wants to know if God is real. She calls out to the sky “I don’t even know if you exist. Show me. Are you a big God or just a story?” This is the story of her life of discovery. As if by Shafts of GOLD, many supernatural events and miraculous experiences impacted a life of valleys and hills, and now the old lady who KNOWS her God is indeed bigger than the child could have ever imagined. Her experiences and life certainty now is that the Christian God…… Father, Son and Holy Spirit is TRUTH.

shaf T s of Gold

f aye Roots

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669888741 | $4.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

sivateja mukkamala Poetry

This anthology shares the author’s reflections about life, family, relationships, conditioning of the human mind, consciousness and existence, freedom and liberation from cognitive distortions and mental health ailments in reflective poetry format.

s i V a T e J a m ukkamala Poe T ry - l o V e, l ife and l ibera T ion Sivateja Mukkamala Ebook | ISBN: 9781669831105 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The art of the heal

Rubin Pillay is one of the world’s leading healthcare innovation management specialists and a preeminent medical futurist. He is the chief innovation officer of the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Health system and Professor of Medicine, and Health Administration at the University of Alabama at Birmingham where he is also the executive director of the Heersink Institute for Biomedical Innovation. He has extensive experience in transforming and innovating hospitals and healthcare systems globally and is a sort after keynoter speaker. He is a family physician who holds a PhD in business administration.

The a r T of T he h eal - a h eal T h e xe C u T i V e’s Guide T o i nno V a T in G h os P i T als Rubin Pillay MD, PhD Ebook | ISBN: 9781669851035 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover



Glenn “ c oco” Ishikawa

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669839064 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The Good, The bad, and The iTar

This simple and fun read, which uses occasional pop culture references to drive home a point, will attempt to not only explain why export controls exist, but also ingrain the philosophy of ITAR controls in everyone’s mindset for it to be a seamless part of your work landscape. It provides a macro view on those sensitive and possibly exposed areas for you to reevaluate and better protect your technologies and hardware from unauthorized access. The goal is to increase export intelligence to all employees of a company manufacturing export-controlled commodities and to prevent that dreaded and soul-sucking export violation.

The last Cigar

The Last Cigar is about generations of a Portuguese family beginning in San Miquel, Azores, Portugal in the 1800s. The story encompasses the struggles, trials and tribulations of the family through the years with the aim that their future generations can lead to more prosperous and rewarding lives. This book is in the spirit of family, values, traditions, and respect which is carried over to all nationalities.

The l as T Ci G ar

Thomas Mello

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669804727 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Good, The b ad, and The i T ar - h el P ful h a C ks T o Pre V en T an i T ar sC rewu P a T y our Com P

The m oon Goddess’ b eas T a lice M. c rosco

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669850137 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The moon Goddess’ beast by alice

The Moon Goddess Pack is a secret that no one knows about, or so they think. The king of the Lycans, Wayan Feign, knows and sends his men to kill them. It is unsuccessful, which sends Gelia, head gamma, to the Lycan Kingdom.

Little does either of them know that Gelia and Wayan are fated mates. But Gelia’s brother, the alpha, demands for Wayan to come to his realm and see the devastation caused by his men. Will the travel to the realm bring them close together, or is it the start of some long game to dethrone the king?

The name i Choose by

When Manuel Tudó and his family leaves for the summer, Amalia finds solace in the arms of the future king of Spain, only to be discarded and pregnant. To keep her secret, she is forced to flee for her and her unborn child’s safety. She finds refuge on the small island of Menorca in the Balearic Sea. However, her struggle to find her independence amid terrible events - including false promises and forced prostitution - brings Amalia to her lowest point. She’s given an opportunity out of her situation, but first she has to forgive herself and those who hurt her to accept an unlikely ally.

The n ame i Choose Holly Brough

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669823674 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The s er P en T m ind

Richard Dibble

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669836032 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The serpent mind by Richard Dibble

Rick was not prepared for the roller coaster ride of his life. A ride that would last eight months with the line between reality and fiction being crossed over so many times, it had Rick questioning things he knew to be true. It was all very confusing until the day the serpent appeared. At that moment, it became clear what was going on and what needs to be done.

The Turtle That Churtled

Sam is ‘Different’! Now that’s an interesting word. Seems to me it’s a word that can come between us, it has the power to divide us and it can sneak into our minds and hearts and colour the way we see each other. Journey with Sam as he fights for the freedom to discover what he is capable of in life. Will he find a way to be truly seen? This debut collaboration between Susanna Lynam and Summer Franz is breathtaking. The stunning graphics bring to life the timely messages of difference, acceptance and belonging.

The Tur T le Tha T Chur T led

Susanna l ynam

Ebook | ISBN: 9781543770452 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The Vas T erbo TT ensos T a ffair Robert Mucci

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669836155 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

The Vasterbottensost Affair by Robert Mucci

Robert Mucci is an attorney who retired from the Public Defender’s Office after 34 years. He has written poetry for many years and this is his first novel. He lives in the Chicago suburbs with his wife Joann. He has two sons and two grandcats.

The warrior within by Rahmel Garner

This is a story of a mystical land with unimaginable creatures. In this world, a group of people known as Zealeths, are outcasts and are usually shunned by the rest of the common folk who mistake them for monsters. It is not without reason, however, since they can harness a latent power called zeal energy. They also carry a sacred mark on their body called a zeal symbol. They are unique, and because of this, humankind refuses to tolerate their existence. Ultimately, this is a story with highly unique characters that focuses on their passions, faults, and problems. It is a dark tale.

The w arrior w i T hin - a z eale T h’s r edem PT ion Rahmel Garner

Softcover | ISBN: 9781664125285 | $14.99 a lso available in Hardcover

The win G s of freedom

f rieda Dimbeng B. Von Treuenberg Ebook | ISBN: 9781669843696 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover





by frieda Dimbeng B. Von Treuenberg

Anais is a young, beautiful 23 years old girl living in Cameroon. Coming from an affluent family, she enjoys a strict education fulfilled with European and African traditions, customs and modern living. She meets and falls in love with a young gentleman named Aristide. Several years later, after many tribulations, they celebrate the birth of a baby Princess, Esmeralda. A gorgeous little girl, with large brown eyes and long, black curly hair, that sparkle in the sun light. And here begins the sufferance and the long via Crucis of Anais.

under the Covid-19 storms

The year 2020 wa a year like no other. Right from the beginning to the end, it was full of fear and a lot of unknowns. Under the Covid-19 Storms is a record of the challenges that were brought about by the 2019 Novel Coronavirus told from the point of view of a child. It is written in a way that engages the young reader and also serves as a record of what happened during the Covid crisis of 2020. The book explores some outcomes of isolation for children as well as the positive and negative results of online schooling.

u nder T he Co V id-19 sT orms - Polly and Paddy’s l o C kdown Tales l indiwe Bhebhe

Ebook | ISBN: 9781543770483 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Visi T T o a Queen

c onnie Mullowney and Wes Skillings

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669840879 | $5.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

Visit to a Queen by connie Mullowney and Wes Skillings

This children’s story teaches some important lessons about honeybees and humans, and why we all must work together. It is also about sacrifice, creating a true community of caring, sharing and, subsequently, true success.

Lucy and Peter Glee, city kids enjoying a summer vacation with a “crazy” beekeeping uncle in the country, learn about living passionately in the present, at the same time being prepared for what lies ahead for them as adults. They also come to realize that the length of your stay on earth is less important than what you do with that time.

what i have learned from Coaching

Dennis Pursley was a five-time Olympic coach, a recipient of the US Olympic Committee Chair’s Coaching Award, an American Swimming Coaches Association “Coach Of The Year,” an American Swimming Coaches Association Hall of Fame inductee, and was recognized in 2003 as one of the “25 Most Influential People in the History of USA Swimming.” He personally coached swimmers of both genders to world record performances and to the podium of the Olympic Games and/or the long course World Championships in all four competitive strokes and both individual medley events. This book is a reflection of the timeless prerequisites for success and fulfillment learned from his fifty-year coaching career.

w ha T i h a V e l earned f rom Coa C hin G - Timeless Prere Q uisi T es for s u CC ess and f ulfillmen T

Dennis Pursley

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669841708 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover

w isdom from T he w hi T eboard

Katelyn Reed

Softcover | ISBN: 9781669817543 | $17.99 a lso available in Hardcover

wisdom from the whiteboard


This is a collection of quotes written by Katelyn Reed, a young woman with Down syndrome. These quotes were a way for her to deal with and process the challenges of public school, the loss of her grandfather, and the ache of fitting into a world where difference isn’t always accepted. Her quotes appeared daily on a large whiteboard in her room that her parents and friends lovingly referred to as her “wisdom from the whiteboard.” Her words will make you realize that disability is not inability and that we are all more the same than we are different.

you’re never alone

This is a true account of a woman from the rustic Sierra mountains of Peru, born to poverty, illiteracy, superstition, and family alcoholism. She struggles to find her own self-worth in a harsh and confusing world. Ultimately, she discovers what she is convinced is the answer to the secret of happiness in this life, and from that moment on, she begins living a rich and rewarding life. Her jubilation over what she has found causes her to want to disclose this secret to the world, hence she has authorized the creation of this book about her life and this miraculous discovery.

y ou’re n e V er a lone - a True sT ory of a Peru V ian Girl w ho oV er C ame The

G es of l ife wi T h T he h el P of T he l ord

Jedediah Smith

Ebook | ISBN: 9781669838203 | $3.99 a lso available in Hardcover and Softcover


What the CritiCs say about

american apocalypse

some ThouGhTs on The rise of fasCism and The beTrayal of demoCraCy 1971-2020 M.G. Montpelier

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669806622 | $3.99

American Apocalypse: Some Thoughts on the Rise of Fascism and the Betrayal of Democracy 1971-2020 is a concise and detailed epitome which looks at the last 50 years of Republican rule that has usurped the people’s sovereignty in a final bid to control its citizenry.

Author M. G. Montpelier takes readers through a step-by-step awareness process of how the rule of democracy/law has undermined equality and freedom. He mentions, for example, how the parliamentarians retracted the rule of law and oversight accountability through the liberalization of finance, business, politics, and the media. Montpelier provides a fascinating and insightful analysis. …

~ Pacific Book Review

an exhibition of existence

Dr. Waleed a ddas

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543750294 | $3.99

With an academic background in mathematics, author Dr. Waleed Addas demonstrates in An Exhibition of Existence that his intellectual powers have taken him far afield, beyond the realm of reality and reason, into a perspective based on revelation. In this brief but tightly woven narrative, Addas begins by examining the “free lunch” principle, concluding that while it may seem there is nothing free in our human existence, all choices come with a price, it is a fact that the entire Universe came into being out of nothing. Just looking at the night sky reinforces this viewpoint, since some stars, …

~ Pacific Book Review

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k


The seCreT wish c huck Wiffle

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665542807 | $3.99

This is a charming story of a little girl named Katherine, who deep-down inside is wanting to have a best friend. She enjoys school, making friends there, and playing outside on the swings, teeter totter and slides. She has her best friend Jane with whom she would play with, walk to school with sometimes even holding hands, and often would look a lot alike by wearing the same color clothes, or having their hair the same. They seemed to have a wonderful connection; even many people thought they were sisters because they would be together so often – which made …

~ Pacific Book Review

another way

ThouGhTs on The CominG CollaPse

John l ouis Martin

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543498868 | $3.99

With a professional background in factory work and logistics, and a special interest in futurism and its implications, author John Louis Martin has constructed a disturbingly rational look at what is happening in the world now, and what may be to come. Martin believes that with overpopulation, waste of valuable resources, and a general lack of understanding of the direction we may be heading, Americans need to stop, look, and listen – now. Neither electric cars, nor ethanol made from corn, nor windmills planted in tons of concrete are going to solve the problems we face. While people rush to …

~ Pacific Book Review

beyond The saga of rocket science

in sPaCe To sTay

Walter Sierra

Hardcover\Softcover | ISBN: 9781499095241 | $9.99

“The International Space Station (ISS)—the most costly and complex project ever undertaken in human history—was 60 years in the making.”

This is the third in a four-volume series penned by a man who has spent four decades in the aerospace and defense industries. This volume first explores the Apollo program, created largely in response to the Soviet’s success in launching first the Sputnik satellite in 1957, followed by Yuri Gagarin’s first successful orbiting of the earth in the Vostok 1 in 1961. President Kennedy helped give focus to the American response, and the 17 Apollo missions were …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

bitterness runs deep

7 sTePs To uProoTinG The 7 rooTs of biTTerness & reClaiminG GraCe Dr. Beverly c arnes- l owe Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669802273 | $3.99

Weeds grow easily in a garden like toxic thoughts in the mind. When bitterness takes root in your mind, it can be difficult to uproot it. Authors Dr. Beverly Carnes-Lowe and Isabella Campolattaro MS share tips to plant the seed that lets you grow into a happier, more content version of yourself in their book, Bitterness Runs Deep: 7 Steps to Uprooting the 7 Roots of Bitterness & Reclaiming Grace.

Bitterness Runs Deep identifies seven roots of bitterness, or toxic emotions. The authors list seven tips to help readers recognize and overcome these bitter roots. There are a lot …

~ Pacific Book Review

bloodline spectrum


Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665540735 | $3.99

“Something was very wrong because the scenery was too right.” On Halloween Night in Miami, Florida, an amorous couple’s night is upended by an apparent car accident. The alleged victim soon turns the table on the couple and viciously kills them. This macabre specter quickly becomes commonplace across the United States with mass casualty events and supernatural assailants. In Chicago, Kareem lives with his wife and daughter. Kareem left the chaos of a wayward youth behind. However, the chaos spreading across the country reaches him and his family. Kareem is experiencing apocalyptic visions and surviving near-death experiences. However, he …

~ The US Review

Clarence The Candy eating dragon

Sue Walters

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669819820 | $3.99

Author Sue Walters has created a delightful, playful, and humorous book all youngsters will like to read staring her personified dragon character Clarence. Hiding behind large stalagmites and stalactites (called by the children stickie-uppies and stickie-downies) Clarence watched Sabine and Wesley as they explored the cave, being curious kids but not frightened. Wesley pulls out some candy from his pocket but when they hear some sounds coming from deeper inside the cave, the children run out and back to the campsite. Dropping the candy in their haste, Clarence picks it up and begins to eat it – “yummy” he says …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

Conduits: The ballad of Jinx Jenkins

J. Ryan Sommers

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665551045 | $3.99

The concept of the “mystery” is something that has drawn people in for centuries. Human history is built upon the great mysteries of the universe, and ever since its inception mysteries have layered the foundations that each civilization that rose and fell ever had. Even in our modern era of technology, the concept of the mystery is still as prevalent today as it ever was, drawing in people to uncover clues and searching for the hidden truths, both hidden by nature and by sentient, living beings. Mysteries tend to be associated with small town life quite often, especially in …

~ Pacific Book Review

Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless dog named sagebrush

saGebrush and The neVer summer mounTains

Joni f ranks

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669822585 | $3.99

Joni Franks is an award-winning author intent on using her artful writing to make a difference in the world by addressing timely subjects like environmental conservation, and recognizing that all beings are created equal. Her latest work of Sagebrush and the Never Summer Mountains is the seventh book in the popular Corky Tails series that follows the adventures of a tailless dog and her cohorts. This time around Sagebrush journeys though a mystifying Alpine region surrounded by snow-capped peaks and ensconced with 600-year-old trees, chokecherry bushes, yellowbellied marmots and coal-black squirrels. Her intentions are to help clear a major …

~ Pacific Book Review

Corky Tails: Tales of a Tailless dog named sagebrush

saGebrush and The neVer summer mounTains

Joni f ranks

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669822585 | $3.99

“She had learned that by working together as a team, they could accomplish the task at hand even though there were those who felt they were too small to get the job done.”

This book for older children looks at the beauty of the Never Summer Mountains, which has been impacted by a summer monsoon that has led to a landslide and broken trees. These have blocked the water source for Shun Village. The Shuns are only six inches tall, live in tree holes, and are friends with Young Miss, who has a cattle ranch, and Sagebrush, the tailless …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

destiny Cottage

Dieter Gartelmann

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664101104 | $3.99

“If you are generous today, you will be rewarded tomorrow.” <down>At a young age, Li Baozhai learns how to rely on charm and spreading joy in an effort to get what she wants. After a failed arranged marriage proposal, Baozhai is determined to live a life on her terms, which includes choosing her own husband yet maintaining personal autonomy. She runs away and sets up a life for herself as a street-cart chef in the village of Nantong.

Wei grew up learning Kung Fu after being bullied as a child and relied on his guiding principles of strength, honesty, …

~ The US Review

developing and building The mind and heart of Christ Jesus (wiThin you)

Dr. David Garty

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664165526 | $3.99

“Without open eyes through a relationship with Jesus Christ, there can be no revelation to spiritual truth.”

Author Garty describes a process for reaching an understanding and acceptance of Jesus Christ, sharing knowledge and practical steps that the reader can apply regularly. Each chapter of Garty’s study guide discusses often complex and sometimes little-known ways in which Jesus may affect an individual, with relevant quotations from the Holy Bible based on what the author considers to be five of God’s central commands: to listen to His words, tune one’s ears to His voice, keep His lessons in plain view, …

~ The US Review

dwayne Casper

CasPer’s 2nd Journal

Dwight Jackson

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664199507 | $4.99

“But no matter what, real kings still grow. They’re coming back for everything they own.” In this unique, boldly illustrated book, young readers find a story of inspiration and strength and discover the joy and freedom that comes with conquering one’s fears. They also learn of the joy a strong faith and the gift of salvation offers them. The book repeats a message that will likely resonate with young Christian readers: “ True kings don’t die.” Then, as the book continues, a brighter message appears, reminding children that while life is difficult, the path brightens as long as one …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

easier Than fighting rocky

how horses Carried an auTisTiC mind inTo The world of emoTion and ComPassion

Duke c ole, DVM

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665547260 | $3.99

“The impact [horses] have had... in helping me understand emotions, body language, and social dynamics can’t be underestimated....”

When the author’s mom discovers a program pairing differently abled kids with horses, she sets in motion a life-changing adventure that inspires Cole to reach for a new dream—veterinary school. Rocky is the wrong horse for Cole, but his stubborn nature is a bonus that no one expected. As the young man and horse struggle for dominance on their trail rides in the desert around Palm Springs, Cole makes a revolutionary discovery: he begins to interpret and understand Rocky’s body …

~ The US Review

el abC de Jug band music

Morgan c ochneuer

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781728338781 | $3.99

El ABC de Jug Band Music is a Spanish translation of Morgan Cochneuer’s The ABC’s of Jug Band Music, which explores a side of music that’s often forgotten. When you think about introducing a child to music education, you probably think about classical music, and instruments like the piano or the violin. This book takes a look at a genre that is accessible (all you need is a jug, after all!), and the text and illustrations emphasize the fun side of making music.

One thing to note is that this book does not introduce 26 instruments; rather, this alphabet …

~ Pacific Book Review

forever yours: how it all began

book 1 MeNitreis Holman

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669816683 | $3.99

The complexities of life are never more relevant, or self-evident, than in the relationships we build with one another. The most complex of these relationships comes from our romantic entanglements, as we seek to find a physical and emotional connection that speaks to the person we feel brings out our best in ourselves. The need to find that special spark which fuels our hearts and emotions and inspires us to be our best we can be, can create a lengthy journey in our lives, and sometimes that love can become divided, with two people occupying the space that normally …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

from sand dunes To mountain Tops

The sTory of bishoP John ViCTor samuel Shirin Samuel

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543767469 | $3.99

No matter what background or culture a person comes from, anyone can contribute to the history of this world. From farmers and soldiers to Kings and Queens, everyone in this world has the ability to use their voice or take action and change the course of history with but a single moment. As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.”

In author Shirin Samuel’s From Sand Dunes to Mountain Tops: The Story of Bishop John Victor Samuel, the author takes readers into … ~ Pacific Book Review

from sand dunes To mountain Tops

The sTory of bishoP John ViCTor samuel

Shirin Samuel

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543767469 | $3.99

“He strongly believed that hard work takes one to great achievements and often opens the door to great success.”

Samuel relates the story of her late husband, Bishop John Victor Samuel, in this heartfelt and touching biography. They were happily married for fifty-six years until his passing. They were blessed with four children. The author describes her husband as the “chosen one” because God chose him to serve people. In addition, he was hard-working, patient, and brave. He never gave up, even when confronted with difficult situations. He constantly repeated words of encouragement when he faced obstacles. He knew …

~ The US Review

from the heart

a PoeTiC auTobioGraPhy Bernadette Moss

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669821908 | $3.99

“Come now, the ocean waits. <down>Your place is home, I’ll be there. You are not alone.”

Delivering commentary on a wide range of emotions from the perspective of life, faith, and prayer, Moss’ poetry compilation is both an ode to beautiful memories and a reflection on the fleeting nature of time. At the core of the poetry is evoking a feeling, whether that is the naive innocence of childhood as in the opening poem, “The Ways of the Child,” or the tenderness of embracing the limitlessness of the ocean in “A Glimpse of Heaven” as the body gives way. …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

Geniuses® iii

The double-r ProPheCy ConTinues

Neil W. f lanzraich

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781665532365 | $3.99

Evil Genius Arkady Astrakhan has everything a Supreme ruler of the planet Astrakon could want; lives in a palace, has a harem filled with beautiful women, sits on his throne all day watching gladiators battle, and above all he has the complete control over Astrakon’s population. But what he wants most is to avenge Abaddon’s, his twin brother, death at the hands of Roger Reynolds, leader of Earth’s Council of Geniuses, and Merlin the wizard. Arkady leaves Astrakon to find and destroy Roger Reynolds, continuing a centuries old war between the two families. He shows up at Reynolds’ daughter’s …

~ Pacific Book Review

hanging Chads

Evan c louse

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669827252 | $3.99

“It was always the first thing that she noticed. The faint scent of iron as the sticky thin molasses gently dribbled down the shaft of the knife and penetrated the space between her clenched thumb and forefinger.”

This horror story of many delights begins with a creepy prologue that sets the stage for the next twenty-three chapters. The book examines Maddy Sommers’ early beginning of being a charmer and one who looks angelic. But looks can be deceiving. Growing up in a house of physical and emotional abuse, Maddy bears her scars in many ways and inflicts those scars ..

~ The US Review

héguanzî, the dao of unity

in The birTh of The Chinese emPire

Marnix Wells

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543491548 | $4.99

“Its basic themes are of political unification, meritocracy, equality, multi-racialism, and spiritual transcendence.”

Martial artist and Chinese scholar Wells methodically explores a view of early Daoism (Taoism) in this academic exploration of a long-lost ideology called the “Way’s Law.”

The Book of Han or History of the Former Han, a history of China completed in 111 AD, is the earliest source that mentions the Heguanzi, but a Tang dynasty writer found a copy of the Heguanzi in 805 and proclaimed it a forgery, an opinion echoed by scholars over the next twelve centuries.

The recovery of texts written on …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

inspire before... …you expire

a True sTory of loVe and surViVal Wayne and Jolyn Elmore

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669805946 | $3.99

“I find myself thinking about what happened to me in December and where I’m at today. I now see how God and prayers really work.”

The authors’ memoir is about how God works miracles amidst tragic experiences. In December 2019, Wayne suffered a dramatic, head-on collision with a truck on his way to work. He had been a beloved school bus driver in his community for thirty years. This disaster would change his life forever. Wayne was taken by helicopter to Parkland Hospital, where paramedics worked tirelessly to save his life, despite their doubts that he would recover. Because …

~ The US Review

kin magic

Journey To enliGhTenmenT

u . S. o bilor

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665595933 | $4.99

The Obodoma School of Miracles has a variety of cliques but they all have something in common: they’re all wizards. One clique, in particular, will embark on a journey in magic, friendship, enlightenment, and self. Ebere, Imani, Kali, and Shaka all have a purpose within the clique. Then there’s Taju who is known for being bad at all things which have given him the reputation of being the most hated person everywhere he goes. Despite this, he has reason to be happy with the friends that rely on him. This journey to enlightenment and self-discovery is set against a …

~ Pacific Book Review

know your worth

whose rePorT will you belieVe?

Shirley D.

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669804123 | $4.99

“Stay focused and God-conscious as we determine in our mind to be obedient to God’s plans for us.”

The author has composed a guide for readers to determine what messages in their lives come from God and which are the “report” of others the devil may manipulate. Stress is given to recognizing the powerful ways that God can influence his people to strive toward righteous living. The author constructs an analogy of a race, in which one must divest oneself of the burdens of negative thinking, dress in God’s armor, then “pray, get set, go!” <down>Another significant channel for …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

la Palma

Raylin Timothy

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669814009 | $5.99

“There, right where that little piece of clear land is. My house was only a few hundred yards away. Now it’s buried under a hundred feet of lava, pumice, and ash.”

There are strange goings-on in the skies and under the earth on an island in the Canaries just off Spain. What begins as minor tremors continue to grow in both number and intensity. Soon, professionals in the area are concerned enough to call in heavy-hitting scientists. One of those called is a foremost geologist and volcanologist currently living the sweet life in a high-rise condo in Miami. But … ~ The US Review

let my People Go

True sTory of how To oVerCome sexual PerVersion. a lvin Mukisa

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669821182 | $3.99

Alvin Mukisa describes his work as “a roadmap to freedom” for those suffering from sexual perversion.

Mukisa was ordained and ministering for nearly 15 years while engaging in homosexual acts, which he labels a “perversion.” Soon, his life began to feel untenable. He was “overwhelmed by my [gay] brother’s agony as HIV/AIDS devoured his body” and notes that his ex-wife left him, taking away his young son, “due to my gay lifestyle.” <down>“My burden was heavy,” he writes— so heavy that he contemplated suicide but feared “where I would spend eternity.” Ultimately, “The only option I was left with …

~ BlueInk Review

let us not Talk falsely now

T. Patrick Graves

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669834915 | $3.99

In Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now, Johnny Desmond, a white supremacist from Mississippi with a sad backstory, joins a dangerous group of criminals, convinced that America is a place only meant for whites. So convinced that he actively participates in the bombing of an Islamic center. But in the midst of it all, he does one small act that just might redeem himself. Whether that is true or not, it is up to the judge, the jury, and himself to decide.

One of the detectives on the case must also handle this sad event in conjunction with his …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

let us not Talk falsely now

T. Patrick Graves

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669834915 | $3.99

“’See,’ I tell her, ‘I never really had a family.’” In his work, Graves tackles the themes of racism, Islamophobia, and antisemitism through the lens of his protagonist, Johnny Desmond. He is a troubled young man with a painful past. He is part of a white supremacist group, and the leader is Peter Thurgood. Johnny respects him a lot and is willing to do anything for him. One day, on Peter’s orders, Johnny places a bomb at an Islamic center but realizes someone is inside the building. It turns out to be the janitor. Ironically, the janitor is a …

~ The US Review


The firsT manned sPaCeCrafT To mars

Michael G Hunter

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664192959 | $3.99

“The steady roar of the engines and the vibrant shudder of the craft, our adrenaline flow, and rapid heartbeats lifted us to the stratosphere in minutes.” Rapidly developed and funded by billionaires, the first manned mission to Mars takes off in 2027. After going through thousands of possible candidates for astronauts, the three selected for the trip are known as Sister Margie, Sister Marsha, and Brother Mark, all in their sixties. The launch goes better than expected, and at the beginning of the estimated sixty-day journey, the astronauts have nothing more to fight than their boredom. However, they soon …

~ The US Review

modern Catholic Concerns

Peter Mazurek

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781796005776 | $4.99

Religion is a major aspect of most people’s lives in the world. One religion in particular that has been a major force for billions of people for years has to be Catholicism. As Brion Eno once said, “If you grow up in a very strong religion like Catholicism you certainly cultivate in yourself a certain taste for the intensity of ideas.” In author Peter Mazurek’s book Modern Catholic Concerns, a devout Catholic delves into the question of God’s existence and the arguments for and against the religion itself from a believer’s standpoint. In this book, the author covers a …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

moon brothers

The broTherhood of The blue moon Talia Sallem

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543741407 | $1.99

Moon Brothers: The Brotherhood of the Blue Moon by Talia Sallem, is about Luke, an average 20-year-old and aspiring veterinarian living in Florida with his single mom. Over his summer break, Luke discovers true love for the first time when it is suddenly ripped away from him. In addition to dealing with this painful heartbreak, his mom drops a bomb on him. He is not who he has grown up believing he is, and his mom is not who he thought she was either. His plan to go back to college the next semester is put on hold when …

~ Pacific Book Review

new world order

Robert Slaughter & Jerry Brown

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669816430 | $3.99

“Anyone who stands against our New World Order will be silenced! The future has already been planned and is in motion.”

In this sci-fi novel, forces are pitted against each other in the Federation’s desire to gain control of the nations. Tristan Hart, a mercenary trained by the elite Institute VI, finds himself caught in espionage and intrigue while on a mission to destroy a Zyn depository. Zyn, a natural energy source, provides power to the world’s infrastructure. The question is, “Why would one country be so compelled to control this natural resource, something that benefits all of humankind?” …

~ The US Review

Protesting for Change

c ody Elizabeth Handy

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669811312 | $3.99

Writer and educator Cody Elizabeth Handy has created a story that resonates with the real-life complexities faced by black children in today’s conflicted society. Her book begins as a girl named Morgan and her older brother Antoine see signs proclaiming “Black Lives Matter” as they make their way to school. They know there had been a large, organized protest the previous night, and fortunately, Morgan’s teacher has decided to have his students join in a “restorative circle” to discuss the current happenings. The children chime in – a Black man had been killed by police, even though he had not …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

Protesting for Change

c ody Elizabeth Handy

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669811312 | $3.99

“We have to continue to work peacefully like our ancestors. They did not stop, and we will not stop either until justice is won.”

This children’s book tells the story of a young black girl named Morgan who is trying to make sense of race-based violence in the news and the subsequent Black Lives Matter protests she sees. Her teacher raises the question, “Who can tell us what happened last night?” in class, and Morgan’s classmates share their understanding of the reasons for the protests. The students talk about their feelings and opinions. Their teacher helps them work through …

~ The US Review

ranger’s sojourn

u lysses Namon

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669810711 | $3.99

“The two marauders were not interested in surrendering, raising their weapons instead.”

Tomi Ryan is a smart, confident, and adventurous young lady. It helps that her parents invested in an enhanced genetic package for her before she was born. After finishing school, Tomi eventually decides to join the Federation Rangers. She excels at the training and passes the strict requirements easily. It isn’t long until she is out on assignment. It turns out there is a group of space pirates causing trouble, and Tomi and her fellow Rangers must track them down and stop their looting. However, Tomi doesn’t …

~ The US Review

read me, will you?

a my Taye

Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781543769302 | $3.99

“Dedicated to you, the one who is reading this, for you love poetry too.”

This tender poetry collection focuses on the theme of love in relationships and outlooks on life. These pieces address such subjects as finding strength in the affection felt towards significant others and the personal devastation felt in cases where the recipient betrays or is unable to reciprocate that affection. However, even though it might bring terrible heartache occasionally, the overall message is clear that love is a valuable and powerful quality capable of helping its bearers appreciate their blessings and overcome difficult times. The selection …

~ The US Review

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rogue Pharma

a Qian Choi noVel

Hugh c ameron and Edna Quammie

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669815785 | $3.99

Sometimes a new twist on an old classic is all it takes to make a story fresh again. Rogue Pharma is a classic tale of conspiracy and assassination set in modern times. If the idea of seedy corporate underbellies and the lengths they could theoretically go to protect their secrets interests you, then you are going to absolutely love this novel. The novel starts strong by introducing you to Femme Fatale Lauren, a reformed, or maybe not so reformed, assassin. The overarching plot covers the conspiracy theory that big pharma manufactured COVID-19 to sell shots and therapeutics. The novel … ~ Pacific Book Review

saved from dementia

John Vieira

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543492149 | $4.99

There are many ailments and struggles that people endure in the world, especially as we as a people get older and settle into the era of becoming an “elderly” person. One thing which has become more prominent in recent years than others is the battle with dementia. The disease that attacks the mind and brings about bouts of confusion and forgotten memories has been a topic of discussion for many years now, and yet so many people still fail to understand or recognize the true nature of the illness or how it impacts those who have it. For only …

~ Pacific Book Review

saved from dementia

John Vieira

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543492149 | $4.99

“There appears no immediate relief from this prejudice, which has followed me throughout my life.”

At a mere two months of age, Vieira is left in the hands of a small Hindu/Muslim community, essentially creating a dissonance of identity from birth. When the author moves to the UK at six, he is known as Young Master John Omar Vieira on his Guyanese passport. However, he is also viewed as Omar/Umar, with the stereotypes associated with the name. As he gains a sense of who he is, he falls prey to a dependence on social security to survive, unable to …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

she so loved The world...

book 1 Dean Powers

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669823704 | $5.99

“Ask me where you will go<down>When you die? …You go to someone your mom and I trust Who will love you just as much.”

Universal and evergreen, Powers’ poetry spans decades as it traverses the spectrum of themes from life, death, the material world, and the spiritual world that follows. Interestingly, the compilation stems from dream messengers and inspiration through the poet’s many hikes. Overcoming a traumatic childhood, Powers’ journey of selfforgiveness embodies a pure passion for the “playground of life.” The collection encapsulates poems that are like an ode to life, exuding freshness, ~ The US Review

Short Stuff

essays, life’s sniPPeTs, and PoeTry c arolyn Whiteside Panko

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669815136 | $3.99

“Sea of faces, not so strange. Blues, greens, browns are warmer now. Enlightened? Friendly? More human now, as I am.” Panko’s work is a chronicle of her life in the context of the impactful events of history she and her family lived (and grew) through. From grief to joy, the author experiences the entire spectrum of emotions, from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. From growing up as an only child in the 1940s to being a grandmother, Panko’s experiences provide audiences with a birds-eye view into …

~ The US Review

should i “Go walkabout” in australia a moTorhome adVenTure

John Timms

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781524682996 | $4.99

Although John Timms is listed as the author for Should I “Go Walkabout” in Australia: A Motorhome Adventure, this travelogue is actually his late wife, Lisa’s, story. It’s taken from her diary and written from a decidedly feminine perspective. In fact, John Timms is one of many characters in this tale, and a relatively minor one at that at times. If you’ve ever wanted to experience Australia, traveling from Currumbin to Melbourne, with many stops in between, this first-hand account will take you there. This journey plays out the way it might feel like in your dreams. John and …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

should i “Go walkabout” in australia

a moTorhome adVenTure

John Timms

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781524682996 | $4.99

“Every time we think there can be nowhere prettier than where we are or have been we find another place that surpasses anything we’ve seen.”

John and Elizabeth Timms spent nine months traveling through Australia in an RV. This travelogue chronicles their experiences along the way as Elizabeth keeps daily track of the places they visit while also contemplating the nature of travel and the lessons learned on the road. This account captures the realities of long-distance traveling and honestly portrays the pitfalls they encountered. Elizabeth writes candidly about her uncertainty about being gone from home for so many …

~ The US Review


a liGhT shines ThrouGh The darkness

Rodney Bridge

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669887355 | $3.99

Encompassing both pain and hope, Sideffect is the story of a mourning father’s pursuit of justice.

Rodney Bridge’s based-in-truth novel Sideffect details a father’s efforts to redress the death of his son.

At sixteen, Preston’s future was bright. He was smart, kind, popular, and a talented athlete who’d drawn the interest of sports scouts. After sampling a variant of LSD at a party, though, Preston jumped from a balcony and died. With some outside help, Preston’s father worked to shut down the company that manufactured the drug …

~ Foreword Clarion Review


my VieTnam exPerienCe

R. c arel Byrd

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664192911 | $3.99

“Nothing could prepare other soldiers or me for a war zone.”

This short but poignant memoir takes an intimate, no-nonsense look at one veteran’s experiences on two tours of duty in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969. It will be a welcome addition to the genre. Like many other Vietnam vets, Byrd grappled for decades with PTSD before his recent diagnosis and even now suffers from a lack of sleep that began during the war. The negative pall cast over Vietnam veterans because of the war’s unpopularity at home and abroad is also an ongoing theme in Byrd’s life. He …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

slim: frank, 1922-2012

a ngela Darlington

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669886501 | $4.99

Slim: Frank, 1922–2012 is Angela Darlington’s biography of her grandfather, who resisted personal, political, and cultural changes during his lifetime. Frank Darlington’s parents emigrated from England to Australia in the early 1900s in pursuit of financial freedom. Despite the worldwide depression during which their son grew up, the family managed without financial assistance. Frank continued to exemplify a frugal lifestyle in his adulthood too. He quit school to work at an early age. At seventeen, he lied about his age to enlist in the military. When it came to work, he preferred to roam: he served in the … ~ Foreword Clarion Review

solita and the Purple moon

soliTa y la luna morada Miriam Isabel Elliott

Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781463464530 | $9.99

Author Miriam Isabel Elliott has written a delightful children’s book about a little girl who, while in bed, talks and dreams about a purple moon outside her window. The moon and the little girl become friends, and do fantastical things like flying over the water, mountains, and trees during the evening. The friendship continues for a few days, missing one night altogether, but resuming the following evening. The sequence of the moon and the little girl’s friendship seemed to end when her mommy came to the bedroom door and stayed with the girl, allowing the moon to go on …

~ Pacific Book Review

stay woke

Novia l .D

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669814849 | $3.99


This fully illustrated book reads like a poem that encourages children to be aware of the troubles and issues that face the world at present rather than try to hide from them. Each page features another part of this melodic call to take notice or “Stay Woke,” such as to show kindness and be modest towards others. It emphasizes that all of us live in a world plagued by terrible troubles, including the pandemic, natural disasters, injustices, and misinformation campaigns. The work stresses that some of the best ways to …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k
may be young, but you are not dumb.”


Volume 1


Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664183865 | $3.99

“The only way to jump ahead was to keep my eyes open and learn from observing.” In his book, Trebbiano recounts events in his professional and personal life. For example, he had always wanted to become a chef. Years ago, he moved from Germany to Switzerland and got a job there in the hospitality industry. From there, his career kicked off, and he worked and gained experience in different countries, such as the United States, Canada, and India. Throughout his career, he was determined to learn as much as possible and develop new skills. His hard work and dedication … ~ The US Review

The adventures of Prince elliot

ridinG ThrouGh The Towns book 1

Rosini a . H. Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543767360 | $3.99

“Duke Henry shared that he was familiar with the story of a genie being thrown into the sea by an angry noble who was on a passing vessel many decades ago.” Prince Elliot decides to travel across England to visit his uncle, Duke Henry. On his trip, he encounters a princess locked in a tower. There is a line of suitors outside the edifice waiting for a turn to attempt to solve the number puzzle which will open it. Prince Elliot meets a cobbler who knows more about the situation than he initially admits. Later, Elliot comes across a …

~ The US Review

The arecibo antenna

Helias Doundoulakis

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781669810414 | $3.99

At the center of this text is a rarely talked about radio telescope that is credited with discovering groundbreaking findings like extrasolar planets and the two pulsar bits in a binary orbit that proved Einstein’s theory that gravitational waves existed. Lying only nine miles from the town of Arecibo in Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Antenna, also known as the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, is layered with its own origin secrets. Doundoulakis’ mission is to bring the facts to the …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k
“But life is far too short for self-policing and restraint, especially when telling my truth will not hurt anyone.”

The black Three

Gene Skipworth

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781665551564 | $3.99

“In jail, of all places, some good happened to you. I know what it is. It is called grace.” Skipworth assembles a diverse cast of characters in a small American town, reflecting timeworn, newly cast, and enduring values through their interactions. David, a high school senior, and his twin brothers, Samuel and Joseph, both juniors, become the first ever black basketball players on the Grayville, Tennessee, High School team. Their skills bring great success—until some nasty insults by teammates expressing ugly racial prejudice force a forfeiture when the three, whose Nigerian-born father is a successful community physician, leave …

~ The US Review

The Chronicle of the ostmen

book one: maelsTrom

Ian McKay Nunn

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664103474 | $3.99

The story takes place in the year 869 during a time when clan lords have control and monks spread the word of the Lord to all people. A young noble named Mael rebels against these ideas but the circumstances of war soon takes him away from the privileged life following the Ostmens arrival at the monastery which draws him directly into the heart of the Danish invasion. As battle is waged all around him over the remaining Saxon kingdom, Mael is an outsider in a strange new world and strives within the chaos of his new reality for ways …

~ Pacific Book Review

The domain of arrogance

c harles David Grotsky

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book\ a udiobook | ISBN: 9781669812524 | $3.99

“’Jason has had a change of heart. I want you to contact him. The two of you must work together. Find allies you can trust.’”

For years, as many as a few thousand people have been vanishing from the American Southwest, disappearing without a trace. Jenny Spadaro has been working the cases from the Phoenix FBI office with not much to go on. Unfortunately for Jenny, these missing person incidents have just gotten personal with the vanishing of her twin sister in Albuquerque. Worried and with the clock ticking, Jenny gets pulled into a massive conspiracy of some of …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

The human mind

how To liVe inTelliGenTly in an insane world

f . Willard Brown

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781665555326 | $3.99

Read this book. If you want to live longer, live better, and help save the planet, please read this book. In the space of 80 breezy and intelligent and very accessible pages, F. Willard Brown succeeds in culling some of the most important wisdom of the past 3,000 years.

The book begins as follows. “Here in the 21st century, as I look out on a world of colossal ignorance and violence, what a disappointment it is that there is so little regard for truth.” Truth – fact, not hearsay, not disinformation – is the launching point of this remarkable argument for …

~ Pacific Book Review

The land of a Thousand bridges

Nana a berdeen

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781543767094 | $3.99

As recent events in our world’s history have shown us, the nature of change has always been something people have a hard time accepting. Whether it is the pain of loss which comes with a parent’s passing, or a pivotal piece of technology changing an industry or nation so profoundly there is no going back, change can come from any and all directions in our life. The harsh reality of life is that change is inevitable, and the only way forward in life is to accept the changes which cannot be undone, and learn to move on with our lives. …

~ Pacific Book Review

The longhunter

an ameriCan Tale

E.P. l ewis

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669818557 | $3.99

“A good Longhunter must always wait.”

In 1777, William MacEwan is a young man living on the frontier of the nascent American republic. While hunting one morning, William spies what he believes is a turkey and fires his musket. However, the target is revealed to be a teenage Cherokee boy. William is horrified at his actions, believing he has killed the young man. His mother, Elspeth, briefly scolds William but tends to the wounded youth and brings him into the house. William learns the native’s name is Shadow Bear. Despite their bumpy first encounter, William forms a bond with …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

The ups and downs of Growing older: beyond seventy years of living

Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., a BPP Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781669807001 | $3.99

“The number of persons living more than eighty-five years is increasing. There will be more persons to share this time of life.”

This book about aging is filled with interesting and engaging statistics stemming from the author’s lifetime study of the individual’s social and emotional development. Mecke—recently retired and now in her nineties—has become one of the “oldest-old” she writes for. The book’s orientation ties to Maslow’s Basic Needs. Like most books on aging, the author addresses changes and decisions the oldest-old person must make. For example, where will the person opt to live? Will they move … ~ The US Review

The Viceroys of God

Don Peter

Hardcover | ISBN: 9781543758382 | $39.10

Following his debut novel, The Eurasians (2017), Don Peter delves into his fascination with religious history for a thriller heavy on biblical lore and light on adventuring. The story toggles between the past and present. After an introduction set in ancient Arabia, the author introduces us to Jason Bryden, an archeologist who, readers learn late in the story, “had always dreamed of being like Indiana Jones” but seems too loquacious to be saddled with a whip when he can lecture instead. When Jason’s employer, the enigmatic Emperor Constantine Foundation, interrupts Jason’s research in Jordan, he grudgingly returns to Maryland, …

~ BlueInk Review

To slip The surly bonds of earth

book fiVe beTrayal

Hugh c ameron

Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book\ a udio | ISBN: 9781669823957 | $3.99

“’Are you just being pessimistic?’ ‘Probably, and depressed at seeing it all slip away,’ said Munro sadly. ‘The great experiment that was America.’” As new world orders materialize, and the balance of power shifts to the other side as it tends to do, the powerful figures near the heads of various governments are again brought together in the face of crisis. The clandestine Prometheus Group, assembling the best and brightest young scientific talent from all around, is being hounded and threatened by others in power who wish to assume control and use their space program for their own ends. …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

Triumphant Journey road

TraGedy To TriumPhanT

Doris o c ole

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781728371894 | $3.99

In this slim book, Doris Cole uses the metaphor of The Wizard of Oz along with her own experiences to encourage readers to persevere in their Christian faith and overcome inevitable hardships.

Cole notes that just as Dorothy survived a storm and embarked on a journey to the Emerald City, we all struggle in our personal journeys toward God and heaven. “Know this,” Cole states, “you are either in a storm, coming out of a storm, or on your way into one.” It’s important to “Trust God, Trust God, Trust God—He will see you through.” She also examines …

~ BlueInk Review

we see something moving

Trisha l ochan

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781664165007 | $3.99

“We see something moving. We see 1 fire truck. Where is it going? What is it doing?” The story is geared primarily toward preschool-aged children. Two brothers are looking out a window at a variety of moving objects. Some are machines, and some are animals. They comment on what they observe in a repetitive, easy-tomemorize (and anticipate) structure. The brothers use multiple senses to convey their observations. The objects and animals appear in a sequence in the story as well as in a group after it. Children can practice memorization and motor skills by reading or participating in the …

~ The US Review

within and without Poems

James Richard Hansen

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781546202547 | $3.99

When was the last time you saw your world from a dozen dazzling new perspectives? When was the last time you saw yourself in the center of a beautiful dance of creation? One at a time, and read as a whole, James Richard Hansen’s poems take you there.

Hansen brings his wide-eyed uncanny appreciation of the elements, the Pacific, the rain, and acts of the imagination into our lives with these lapidary images and strophes that go down easy but linger in the mind. The poems are deceptively minimal, a few touches of the artist’s brush to the canvas …

~ Pacific Book Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k

within and without Poems

James Richard Hansen

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781546202547 | $3.99

“Finally, my mind drifts back to the sun, but it’s already down.”

In this deeply personal poetry collection, readers discover the small, often overlooked, moments that compose a lifetime’s mosaic. The book opens brightly with the poem “Dawn,” which celebrates those first few seconds in a person’s day. Pieces like “Not Me” offer a sensory experience where sight and sound combine, and the speaker contemplates philosophical questions such as “What is it like to be rain / splattering pavement in the night?” Other poems like “Mozart” offer a deep yet humorous contemplation as the speaker reflects that listening to …

~ The US Review

words To breathe by

James Richard Hansen

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781728363806 | $3.99

If postcards could be made into poetry, Words To Breathe By is exactly that. Each poem written and collected by James Richard Hansen is a snapshot of nature; some place the poet visited, captured in his memory and brought home to put on page. The collection is imminently descriptive. At one point, Hansen refers to himself as a citydweller, Californian, escaping into nature and respite. Words To Breathe By recalls exactly that experience.

The nature-inspired poetry in this collection is soft and quiet like a sunset. Then, sometimes, Hansen launches something truly breathtaking; like this from The Road To

~ Pacific Book Review

words To breathe by

James Richard Hansen

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781728363806 | $3.99

“She is lounging in sunlight, stretched<down>across a silky white bed. Our celestial work of art has just begun.”

Immersed in the imagery of light and dark, sun and moon, Hansen’s work is soothing to the core. From the opening poems, audiences can anticipate the color that is a part of each poem’s identity, and though the pieces are short and simple, their depth is in the thought-provoking juxtapositions of Mother Nature and love.

Hansen sets the tone for the compilation in “The Arriving Night,” where the blue of the fading sky and the red of the burning sun …

~ The US Review

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your Gold mind

Richard Shine

Softcover\E-Book | ISBN: 9781796033120 | $3.99

“A land of honey a place of peace Under skies so sunny and I hope” Political and motivational, this collection balances social commentary with personal insights and explorations of faith. Poems like “Stop the Fight” address the inherent violence in American society and acts as a call for unity. “You Can’t Hide” openly tackles the subject of domestic violence, while “So Divine” serves as a gentle reminder to readers about love’s power in an ever-darkening world. Other poems like “Bless You” offer readers even more positivity, reminding them to “Keep your spirit strong.” As the collection continues, readers find …

~ The US Review

What the CritiCs say about C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k


a JaPanese boy sees a new liGhT

esCaPinG from norTh korea

Shu Shimizu

ISBN: 9781543770964


hearT of Troy

a Tale of faiTh, faTe, PerseVeranCe and unselfish deVoTion Jack McDonnell

ISBN: 9781665565509



do you need a huG

Johanna a ferket

ISBN: 9781669856436



a is for all of us Karyn albrecht luke ISBN: 9781665572552


beauTy all around mama, me, and The world

Jennifer forbes

ISBN: 9781665566957


auTobioGraPhy and PoliTiCal PersPeCTiVe of PoliToloGue Vilio baCeTTe

The haiTian CommuniTy wiThouT a CommuniTy CenTer vilio Bacette

ISBN: 9781665571883


a new raCe of humans

Richard l cederberg ISBN: 9781665574068


beyond The book a suiCide mission aditi chauhan

ISBN: 9781543770766


azinGe: born To serVe

Ifeoha azikiwe ISBN: 9781665555197


and The sun TakeTh... leo lysucor

ISBN: 9781665561921


ChiCken red Dana M. Mims

ISBN: 9781665570343


C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k


Cobar wombaT and friends’ liTTer


carol cawsey-Blatch

ISBN: 9781669830184 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book

hooTs wood Keith c. Payne ISBN: 9781665599887 Softcover\E-Book

isaaC’s sTory Brendah Gaine ISBN: 9781665597692 Softcover\E-Book


M. Rashid ISBN: 9781665568746 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book

dark skin in The mirror

Sharytta M. Scroggins ISBN: 9781665568999


i had a farm

The Sapient Sabre ISBN: 9781543771817 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book


beef PaTTies laRina a. Seward ISBN: 9781665559775 Softcover\E-Book

liTTle miss “noT” PerfeCT

Randi Becker Jenson ISBN: 9781665556477

fox fire

ParT one Shannon Riley ISBN: 9781669830856 Softcover\E-Book

i remember when...Then and now when i was your aGe?

Evangeline T. Moore ISBN: 9781665564809 Softcover\E-Book

Journey inTo The darkness

The GaTherinG: book one chuck Galloway ISBN: 9781665569736


C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k
mission baby TooTh mysTerious QuesT book 3 carol Bates Hutchinson ISBN: 9781665560320 Softcover\E-Book mum’s nasTy habiT christine Naggenda-Ighorue ISBN: 9781728374260 Softcover\E-Book my GrandfaTher’s ChesT
Softcover\E-Book nun on The run 100Th day of sChool Heather Slaughter
Softcover\E-Book osCar The osPrey and his daunTinG deCision Edward Martin Polansky
mirus Elaine Noel ISBN: 9781665569293 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book
whisTle Brian
ISBN: 9781728375564
ISBN: 9781665569330
ISBN: 9781665560801
Polly PorCuPine’s PuzzlinG PlaCemenT Juliet fortino, Mc, lPc, RPT-S
ISBN: 9781665572422 Softcover\E-Book



aGinG wisely life from fifTy To seVenTy-fiVe years Viola B. Mecke, Ph.D., aBPP ISBN: 9781669844983 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book


auThenTiC uniVersiTy TransforminG eduCaTion for a new era lawrence Muganga, Ph.D. ISBN: 9781543771251


hold on Jl ISBN: 9781543770988 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book

innoVaTe The way you were desiGned To usinG desiGn driVen deVeloPmenT To CreaTe ProduCTs ThaT ConneCT wiTh humans Tom kraMer ISBN: 9781665562386 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book

C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k
ouT of a soul Stirlyngskul Jones ISBN: 9781665565813 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book
afriCa: ConfliCT
and inTernaTional diPlomaCy (seCond ediTion) Ifeoha azikiwe ISBN: 9781665562591 Hardcover\Softcover
Plan chinua asuzu ISBN: 9781543771190 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book
maGasCenes maGazine for eVery PaTrioT’s Coffee Table eVery PiCTure Tells a sTory f.ziamond ISBN: 9781665568661 Softcover\E-Book real esTaTe inVesTinG as a luCraTiVe hobby and Tax shelTer your Guide To suCCess in GeneraTinG ConsisTenT renTal inCome Daryl Deliman ISBN: 9781665571067 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book
Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book u.s. air forCe sPeCial TaCTiCs CCSHF ISBN: 9781665546331 Hardcover\E-Book Van Gross, m.d. of PhiladelPhia a shadow PresidenCy if There eVer was one Kenneth Bruce Van Gross, M.D. ISBN: 9781669842446 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book way worsT Than aTTiCa: The 1980 rioT aT The PeniTenTiary of new mexiCo Dirk cameron Gibson
9781665533485 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book whaT is my PaTh? francis lukewood ISBN: 9781543770162 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book wordslinGer The life and Times of a newsPaPer Junkie leonard Novarro ISBN: 9781665560467 Hardcover\Softcover\E-Book
TaCkle box
fish Tale #1: sammy sPinner Susan Duke ISBN: 9781669823537


emerGe (life-lessons & affirmaTions for emoTional healinG & menTal wellbeinG)

Glowreeyah Braimah ISBN: 9781665566841


life and Times of Jesus larry I. DeRycke ISBN: 9781669854630


faT & funny (so, you wanT To be sanTa Claus)

Michael Supe Granda ISBN: 9781665554510


The six habiTs of hiGhly effeCTiVe ParenTs in noT leaVinG The Child To ChanCe

Samuel K Mills, EDD ISBN: 9781665570008


Think on your ThouGhTs

Volume ii

The aCT aCCordinGly series Daniel J. Williams ISBN: 9781665573214


God is loVe - yes and no! helP us To see who you Truly are!

Rick Greenwood ISBN: 9781665571210


The ways of wisdom

Paul Peters

ISBN: 9781669826682


C l IC k ON A CO v ER TO v IEW BOO k



Katy Bennett, author of irreplaceable 2UE (Sydney)

July 25 - 31, 2022

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