1. 【拉開帷幕,表演即將開始!】 “Curtain up! Behind the scenes at the Royal Opera House” 書號
30262874 9780500652510
Curtain Up!: Behind the Scenes at the Royal Royal Opera House / Opera House O'Hara, Lauren(I)
定價 740
歡迎光臨皇家劇院,今晚的劇目胡桃夾子即將在三十分鐘後準時開演! 在那之前,你知道劇團會涉及到什麼工作嗎?你知道一齣芭蕾舞劇從幕後到幕前要進行多少準備工 作嗎? 不知道?讓我們悄悄到後臺看看吧! 從服裝部、道具部、佈景部、化妝部到特效部門,工作人員都在有條不紊地做最後的準備, 演奏樂團在檢查樂器設備,合唱部在做最後的發聲練習,芭蕾演員在確認妝容, 燈光特效、舞臺機關、一切完美! 好了,表演快開始了,快回到座位吧, 倒數:三,二,一,好戲正式開始! #讀繪本就可以享受皇家劇院的奢華體驗 #劇場幕後工作科普書 It’s opening night of The Nutcracker ballet, and the performers at the Royal Opera House in London are busy getting ready to step out onto the stage. Meanwhile, Figaro―the opera house’s resident cat―is poised to take readers on a behind-the-scenes tour to meet the many people working to make tonight’s performance a resounding success. This backstage tour of the Royal Opera House takes readers from department to department―from the costume closet to the orchestra pit and the stage―to discover what’s involved in putting on a performance such as The Nutcracker. Featuring examples from key works of opera and ballet, highlights of the tour include trying on the Mad Hatter’s wig from Alice in Wonderland; practicing for a fighting scene from Romeo and Juliet; putting the finishing touches on the Sugar Plum Fairy’s tutu; and creating explosions onstage. Part backstage museum tour, part astonishing ballet performance, this book combines real-life details with the magical atmosphere of the theater. Including an introduction to a classical orchestra, key ballet terms, and basic stage directions, Curtain Up! encourages young readers to explore the many ways they can get involved.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
2. 【我的十二個跟屁蟲弟弟妹妹】”Another Brother” 書號
20288839 9781250207623 Another Brother
Cordell, Matthew
喂,你說,有很多兄弟姐妹的話到底要怎麼辦? 你應該和他們好好相處,你有多少個兄弟姐妹啊? 也沒有很多啦,就十二個... 小羊 Davy 在他前四年的羊生裡享盡父母的寵愛,他的父母關注他,讚美他,疼愛他,直到... 他的弟弟 Petey 的出生! 從此,他的父母不再把所有的關注放在他的身上,而他可惡的弟弟更是到處給他添亂, 但這還沒完!Mike 和 Stu 出生了,之後,Mickey、 Carl 出生了,還有 Pip、Ralph、 Tate, 還有... 最後,Davy 有了整整十二個兄弟! 更糟糕的是,不管 Davy 做什麼,吃什麼,去哪裡,他的弟弟們都爭相模仿他, 「啊!!我受夠了!」Davy 崩潰大叫! 「冷靜點,孩子,這是暫時的,你只需要稍微忍耐一下。」羊爸爸說。 「好吧好吧,我就忍耐一下下好了。」 Davy 不高興道。 有一天,Davy 突然發現弟弟們不再模仿他, 「哇!我自由了!」 他高興極了,但内心卻好像突然少了什麼.... #一個關於兄弟姐妹的繪本 #傲嬌的 Davy 還是要和兄弟姐妹相親相愛 Matthew Cordell, the author-illustrator of Caldecott Medal winner Wolf in the Snow, crafts a delightful picture book about new siblings and growing families in Another Brother. Life for Davy was glorious as long as he had his mother and father to himself. But then he got a brother, Petey. When Davy sang, Petey cried. When Davy created a masterpiece, Petey spat up on it. And then he got another brother, Mike! And another, Stu! And another, Gil! Until he had TWELVE LITTLE BROTHERS! And that was only the beginning!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
3. 【到底哪條内褲才適合我?】“Monster’s New Undies” 書號
20286569 9781338832969 Monster's New Undies
作者/繪者 Samantha Berger/ Tad Carpenter (I)
定價 315
一本可愛的韻文繪本,帶你看小怪獸如何與他最喜歡的内褲相遇! 小怪獸,你的内褲都破破爛爛了,是時候換一條了哦! 我不要我不要!我不要買新内褲,我討厭買内褲! 我討厭圓點圖案,我討厭星星圖案的,我討厭愛心圖案的,討厭汽車圖案的。 這個太長了,這個太短了,這個太緊了,這個甚至晚上會發光,這些通通很討厭, 這世界上根本沒有適合我的内褲! 欸,等等...那件好像還不錯.... #小怪獸買内褲記 #世界上内褲千千萬萬,總有一條適合你 Monster searches for the just-right pair of underwear in this hilarious, rhyming read-aloud! THESE are my undies! A sweet work of art! UH-OH! My undies! They just fell apart! So WHAT if monster's undies are torn or the elastic's completely outworn? Sure, they are a little small but he is JUST FINE with them, thank you very much! But when his beloved undies fall apart, what's a little monster to do? Mommy monster will take him shopping of course... and it's not going to be easy to find the perfect pair! With hilarious rhymes from the bestselling author of Crankenstein, Samatha Berger, and bright, irresistible illustrations from Tad Carpenter, this rollicking read-aloud will have little ones doing the undie dance!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
4.【跟著魚群一起去認識海洋生物】“1001 Fish” 書號
30263536 9780500652992 1001 Fish
作者/繪者 Rzezak, Joanna
定價 740
迪士尼的忠狗只有 101 隻,在寬廣的海洋裡則有 1001 隻小魚迫不及待要帶我們一窺這富饒又瑰麗的 水中世界! 準備好大吃一驚了嗎?一起深吸一口氣,潛入浪花之下吧!你會看到海龜、寄居蟹、章魚、鯨魚、 水母,不僅如此還有美麗的珊瑚、海葵、小醜魚,還有海洋最深處的各種神奇生物! 但記得要小心!海底不只有多彩多姿的海洋生物,還有飢腸轆轆的掠食者... 最適合孩子的第一本海洋百科,内含精美生動的海洋生物插畫,兼顧視覺與内容的雙重享受。 #神奇海洋生物在哪裡 #科普圖鑑 The latest book from critically praised author and illustrator Joanna Rzezak, this beautifully illustrated, informative volume introduces children to the ocean and its creatures, as seen through the eyes of one school of fish. We’re on an adventure with 1,001 fish! Travel along with them from the warm waters of the Caribbean to the deepest darkest part of the ocean. Visit pelicans on the shore, salmon in the ocean and the river, listen to the whales sing, and discover fish that are thirteen feet long. 1001 Fish is an engaging nonfiction book full of fascinating facts about the ocean. With lively and appealing illustrations, it’s a must-have for children who are curious about sea creatures and the animal kingdom.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
5.【我們一家要被吃掉了嗎?】“Wolfie The Bunny“ 書號
20206703 9781783443871
Wolfie the Bunny
Dyckman, Ame/ Ohora, Zachariah(I)
定價 370
簡單可愛的畫面卻頁頁藏有懸念的繪本! 小兔 Dot 有新弟弟了,但是她卻一點也高興不起來,因爲這位新的弟弟是一隻狼!Dot 害怕地大 叫:“天啊,我們全家都會被這個壞狼吞進肚子裡的!” 小兔爸爸和小兔媽媽很喜歡小狼,他們認爲小狼簡直是世上最乖巧可愛的孩子。只有 Dot 擔心受怕 地看著小狼日益增長的飯量,她相信他們一家會是小狼的下一頓佳餚... Dot 的擔憂將會成真嗎? #反轉童話野狼角色的刻板印象 #你家也有憂慮寶寶嗎 試著敞開心胸接受與自己相異的人事物! Families of all kinds will delight in this sweet tale of new babies, sibling rivalry, bravery, unconditional love...and veggies! The Bunny family has adopted a wolf son, and daughter Dot is the only one who realizes Wolfie can--and might--eat them all up! Dot tries to get through to her parents, but they are too smitten to listen. A new brother takes getting used to, and when (in a twist of fate) it's Wolfie who's threatened, can Dot save the day?
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 6 【一個愉快的午後茶會】“The Neighbourhood Surprise” 書號
30263000 9781910328705 Neighbourhood Surprise
Dongen, Sarah
荷蘭畫家 Sarah van Dongen 所創作的繪本,以清新的筆觸繪出阿姆斯特丹的閑適風景和多元文化。 鄰居太太 Mrs.Fig 是個善良有趣老太太,她很會説故事,也會縫製各種有趣的服裝道具,會烘烤味 道一流的曲奇餅乾,是 Koya 最最喜歡的鄰居。 但鄰居太太要搬走了,内心感到萬分不捨的 Koya 決定為 Mrs.Fig 舉辦一場歡送茶會。 鄰居街坊得知這個消息后都各自準備起美味的佳餚, 也有人幫忙搬桌椅,整理餐具,熱鬧極了! 雖然最後得知 Fig 太太只是搬到隔壁街而已,但這也不失為一個輕鬆快樂的茶會呢! #美食是最好的溝通橋梁 #午後茶會好棒 Koya and her friends, Hassan and Alex, love to visit their neighbour, Mrs Fig. When they find out Mrs Fig is moving to a retirement home, they want to help their parents plan her going away party! When cooking for the party, the children are aware of everyone's dietary needs and are excited to prepare yummy vegan and vegetarian food everyone will be able to eat! Everyone on Redbird Road gather to celebrate Mrs Fig and enjoy the food!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 7. 【前方憤怒貓咪出沒!】 “I Am Angry” 書號
20283865 9781529504149
I Am Angry
Rosen, Michael / Starling, Robert (I)
定價 360
在大部分時候,貓咪既可愛又討喜,但當看見一個憤怒的貓咪的時侯,你最好繞道而行! 現在這裡就有一隻憤怒的貓,而且他可不是普通的憤怒, 他現在非常,非常,非常憤怒! 爲了發泄内心的怒氣,他嚇唬朋友,欺負夥伴,各種搗蛋... 但它還是生氣,生氣,生氣!好在貓咪在搞各種破壞後,疲憊地爬上床睡覺... #情緒繪本 #正視自己的喜怒哀樂 The first in a funny new series from former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen and rising star Robert Starling. This kitten may look cute and cuddly, but better beware: they're angry. Really angry. Angry, angry, angry! And this isn't any old "angry". This is a jump-up-and-down, roll-on-the-ground kind of angry. This is a spider-scaring, tiger-scaring kind of angry. This is a burst-balloon-ing, SQUASH-THE-MOON-ING kind of angry... As surreal as things may get, this is also the kind of angry that parents of toddlers will recognize – a bad mood which comes out of nowhere, escalates wildly, then disappears as suddenly as it arrived. Based on the popular poem from A Great Big Cuddle, I Am Angry combines Michael Rosen's brilliant rhymes and anarchic imagination, Robert Starling's perfect knack for character and a reassuring message: anger may feel overpowering, but it doesn't last for ever.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
8 【愛的餐盤】 “Love on a Plate” 書號
20284008 9781478873709 Love on a Plate
作者/繪者 Kheiriyeh, Rashin
定價 630
星期一,媽媽準備了米飯、豌豆、紅蘿蔔、海帶、義大利麵。 星期二,媽媽準備了美味的沙拉。 星期三,媽媽準備了蘑菇、起司、蕃茄、口袋麵包。 每一天,我的大廚媽媽都為我準備好吃的東西! 星期日是母親節,這一次換我為媽媽準備餐盤! 這是充滿愛與快樂的餐盤,讓每日的用餐時刻成為愛的表達與行動。獨具設計巧思的可掀式頁面, 原來看起來空無一物的餐盤,手指輕輕一掀,各式蔬菜點心有如魔術般展現眼前。本書可幫助孩子 學習星期、點心、水果與蔬菜等英文字彙,增加親子互動的趣味,也可讓孩子進一步認識食物,養 成不挑食的好習慣! #今天想為家人準備什麽佳餚 #讓想像力奔馳於餐盤的餐盤翻翻書 This days-of-the-week lift-a-flap book reveals the wondrous ways a mother arranges the food on her child's plate to create objects and scenes that spark the imagination. But at the end of the week, it's Mother's Day. Now it's the child's turn to create a special plate. What will it be?
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 9. 【改變我們的星球】 “To Change a Planet” 書號
20283926 9781338628616 To Change a Planet
作者/繪者 Bridwell, Norman / Bell, Rahele Jomepour (I)
定價 665
我們生活在地球上,得到許多的贈與,新鮮的空氣,乾淨的飲水。一點點的二氧化碳或許沒什麼, 但是當汽車越來越多,工廠越蓋越大,我們就越來越像裹在一條過熱的毛毯中生活。冰山融化,四 季不再,這是我們期待的嗎? 一個人的力量或許微不足道,但集結起每一人的力量,我們可以做出改變!本書以簡明詩意的文 字、動人心弦的插畫,邀請讀者一同思索氣候變遷這個切身議題,並傳達出透過行動可以創造契 機、帶來希望的訊息,也可啓發孩子思考,適合與大小朋友一起討論。畢竟孩子是未來的主人翁, 地球是我們唯一的家,不是嗎? #訓練批判式思考 #改變就從今天開始 One person. Small, quiet, insignificant. But when one person, and one person, and one person become many, they can change a planet. With calm, truthfulness, and beauty, To Change a Planet demonstrates the importance of caring for our planet. Eye popping explosions of color on every page create a stunning visual narrative that invites readers to find and follow the same characters through their daily lives and ultimately to a climate march on Washington, where their storylines converge. Clear endnotes vetted by a climate expert answer a myriad of questions in simple language. Meticulously researched and brimming with hope and hands-on solutions that will edify and empower even the youngest readers, To Change a Planet is a loving ode to our only home and vital for every child, classroom, and family. * “Earth’s beauty and fragility provide the impetus for activism in this introduction to climate change…An attractive entree to a vital subject for the youngest citizens.” ― Kirkus Reviews, starred review “The book’s overall tone is hopeful, centered around the conviction that, just as we can exacerbate the effects of climate change, so too can we forestall and reverse them.” ― School Library Journal 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
10 【這本書不是禮物】 “This Book Is Not a Present” 書號
20285104 9780593462362 This Book Is Not a Present
作者/繪者 Greenfield, Max/ Lowery, Mike(I)
定價 665
你喜歡收到的禮物是書嗎? 至少多數的孩子們不想。 當他們打開禮物的盒子,期待的可能是一隻狗(而且將狗命名為 Bingo),一個滑板,或是襪子(這 樣就可以穿好保暖的襪子,帶著狗外出滑滑板了),但不是一本書。 這本由演員 Max Greenfield 撰寫,紐約時報知名插畫家 Mike Lowery 繪圖的(非)禮物書,偽裝就 是妙趣橫生的源頭。蘋果綠封面上彩繪著鮮黃色的蝴蝶結,隨著逐頁閱讀,收到的這本書當然不是 禮物,而是一本透過閱/悅讀活動展開的趣味之旅。 #送本書當禮物保證印象深刻 #書的禮物心意十足誠意滿滿 A hilarious picture book companion to I Don't Want to Read This Book by actor Max Greenfield. We all know kids who carry a book everywhere they go. Kids who can't stop reading, even if it's long after bedtime. Kids who love nothing more than sitting quietly in the corner, turning page after page... This book is a love letter to all the other kids. The ones who wouldn't dream of asking for a book as a present. The ones who unwrap the box hoping to find anything—a dog, a skateboard, even socks—besides a book. Packed with clever, fourth-wall-breaking gags from Max Greenfield (New Girl) and eye-popping art from New York Times bestselling illustrator Mike Lowery, this ideal read-aloud may not wag its tail or come with wheels, but it's sure to have even the most reluctant bibliophiles laughing all the way to the end.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 11. 【到底怎麼樣才能變酷?】“How To Be Cooler than Cool“ 書號
20283889 9781406394429 How to Be Cooler Than Cool
作者/繪者 Taylor, Sean / Jullien, Jean (I)
定價 360
有三個想變酷的傢伙發現了一副好像可以讓自己變得更酷的墨鏡! 貓咪小姐搶先戴上墨鏡,鸚鵡緊跟在後,小豬也不遑多讓。但戴上墨鏡後,他們都沒有變得更酷, 反倒是各種出醜。他們灰心地感嘆:「到底要怎麼變酷啊?」 這時候小雞來了,它對三個朋友說:「不要管什麼酷不酷了,我們一起來玩吧!」好吧,既然不能變 酷,和朋友一起玩也不錯。 但偷偷告訴你們一個秘密,其實不裝酷,做自己的時候才是最酷的!看看他們盡情做自己,和朋友 玩鬧的樣子,是不是很酷? #做自己才是最酷的 #自我認同 Cat has found a pair of sunglasses. She thinks they are going to make her look COOL. “I’m not just any old cat at the playground," she says. "I’m a real cool cat, gliding backwards down the slide, looking cooler than cool ... WITH EXTRA COOL ON TOP!” She pops on the glasses … confidently struts forwards and – Meooaaaooow! – falls down the slide. Oh, how UNCOOL. Can Pig or Cockatoo do any better? From the team behind Hoot Owl, Master of Disguise and I Want to Be in a Scary Story comes a gloriously slapstick title that celebrates friendship, play and being yourself (no matter how goofy). A laugh-out-loud page-turner from a brilliant author and illustrator team.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
12 【分享的力量,如同星星般絢爛的光芒】 “A Star for Everyone” 書號
30262966 9781788070577 Star for Everyone
作者/繪者 Jagtman, Evelien
定價 630
我們爲什麽要學會分享? 因爲在互相分享喜愛的事物的那一刻,一定是最美妙的時刻... 一晚,小熊在森林裡發現了專屬於它的寶物——一顆從天空墜落的星星! 它迫不及待地把星星掛在脖子上,走到湖邊,以湖水為鏡,靜靜地欣賞這顆來自天空的禮物。 海狸看見了這顆星星,忍不住讚嘆:“多漂亮的星星啊!” 小熊發現,在它和海狸一起欣賞星星的時候,這顆星星的光芒好像更加絢爛了。 他們也因此決定要讓更多的動物欣賞這顆星星的美麗, 於是他們走過草原,穿過山丘,與路途上所見的動物們分享這份美麗。 星星變得越來越奪目了,小熊不住想:我應該要把星星還給天空,那大家都可以看見它,星星也就 更美麗了!動物們齊心協力,把星星抛回了夜空... 星星歸位,發出了無與倫比的絢麗光芒,耀眼奪目。 在那之後,小熊和它的朋友們每晚都會一起望向夜空, 群星在它們的腦海中勾勒出成那夜的畫面,那晚的美好仍然歷歷在目,永存心間。 #分享的力量無窮大 #動人暖心的繪本 Every night, Bear gazed at the stars. In his mind he drew lines between them, creating the most beautiful drawings. One night, something very strange happened. A star dropped from the sky! Just like that. Bear was certain. This star was meant for him! Bear ties the star around his neck and admires his reflection in the lake. But then he discovers that the star shines more brightly when seen by more animals. There's just one thing for it: the star must be returned to the sky, so that everyone can see it!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
13 【夢想家】 “Dreamer” 書號
30262881 9781788070560 Dreamer
作者/繪者 Janssen, Mark
定價 630
這天,茫然的小男孩問他的父親:「爸爸,今天的課堂上大家都分享了自己的志願,莎拉想要成爲總 統,伊夫想要成爲太空人,莫爾想要挖掘恐龍化石,老師説我們可以成爲任何我們想要成爲的。」 「但是我不知道我想要成爲什麼。」 父親告訴小男孩:「有人喜歡挑戰各種難題,喜歡困難的數學題,喜歡思考,我們稱他們爲思想家; 有人喜歡熱愛探險,喜歡身體力行地做各種挑戰,我們稱他們爲行動家;還有一些人,他們看、他 們聼、他們感覺,他們的小腦袋裏有最廣闊的草原、最神奇的生物、最奧妙的海洋,這些人長大 后,會成爲音樂家、舞蹈家、作家、畫家或者發明家!」 小男孩忍不住問:「他們不是思想家也不是行動家,那他們是什麼?」 父親笑著説:「他們就像你一樣,是個古靈精怪的、天馬行空的夢想家!」 所有偉大的夢想家首先都得是小小的夢想家,如果你也愛幻想的話,也許你和他們一樣,都是非 常,非常特別的人... #你是不是一個夢想家 #尊重孩子的所有天馬行空 Aron is on his way home from school. In class the children talked about what they want to become. Everyone seemed to know, except Aron. Now he can’t stop fretting about it. Then Dad tells Aron that some children are Thinkers, who simply love to think about stuff. And then there are the Doers, who can’t sit still for even a minute. They’re the ones who become firemen, or builders. And then there are … Aron looks around to see the trees and the clouds, and he hears all the sounds – and everything turns into one big, wonderful world. Aron is a Dreamer.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
14 【家裡的餐桌消失不見了!】 “Our Table” 書號
20285777 9789815022728 Our Table with Story Plus
作者/繪者 Reynolds, Peter H.
定價 280
一個和家庭有關的繪本,你是否還記得上一次全家人一邊吃飯一邊聊天在什麽時候?餐桌可是一個 家裡最神聖的地方,記得要小心翼翼地守護它哦! Violet 還記得,她和她的家人以前都會一起佈置餐桌、一起準備材料、一起烹飪。但這些活動最近 都消失了,因爲她的家人最近很忙,非常忙,超級忙! 她的爸爸忙著看電視,她的媽媽忙著用手機和別人聊天,她的哥哥忙著和朋友玩游戲。就這樣, Violet 發現家裡的餐桌變得越來越小,最後甚至消失了! 這可真是不得了,Violet 決定重新建立家人之間的連結。在那之前,她得先讓餐桌再次出現。於是 她請爸爸跟她一起看和木工有關的節目,請媽媽發佈貼文向有木工手藝經驗的人請教,請哥哥用電 腦做了一張製造餐桌的計劃表,然後全家人一起動手做了一張新的餐桌。 新的餐桌已經準備好了,全家人再一次在餐桌上邊吃飯邊聊天,分享故事,留下新的回憶,而 Violet 知道,這個新餐桌一定比以前的更大、更精美、更穩固。 #科技冷漠 #吃飯的時候是建立情感聯結的絕佳時刻 #所以吃飯時不要滑手機 From bestselling author, Peter H. Reynolds, comes an uplifting picture book about the importance of family! Violet's family used to sit around their table to eat, laugh, share stories and most importantly, make memories. But recently, they've been too busy to sit down together. Left alone, the table starts getting smaller and smaller until one day. it vanishes! Violet knows exactly what to do to get the table back, but can she get her family to help too?
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
15 【大孩子和她的頑皮父母】 “Never, Not Ever!” 書號
30260955 9780500652725 Never, Not Ever! [精裝]
Alemagna, Beatrice
30262829 9780500296936 Never, Not Ever! [平裝]
Alemagna, Beatrice
小蝙蝠 Pascaline 今年五歲,她有一對毛茸茸的耳朵和粉紅的翅膀,她也是一隻聰明的蝙蝠,清楚 地知道自己喜歡什麽,討厭什麽,比如她知道她最討厭去學校了。 今天是開學日,小朋友們都準備好去上學了,Pascaline 卻還遲遲不願出門。 Pascaline 的父母只好苦口婆心地勸她:“你會認識很多新知識,新朋友的!” “我不要!!!” Pascaline 大吼。 天啊,Pascaline 吼的太大聲了,結果她的父母受驚過度,把身體縮得小小的,變不回來了! Pascaline 只好帶著她的父母跟她一起上學。 但她的父母就只會搗蛋,在大家一起唱歌的時候總愛插嘴,挑剔學校的餐點, 還讓她沒辦法午睡... 好在放學之後她的父母也回復原樣了,Pascaline 的父母問她:“怎樣,上學第一天還不錯吧,你想 不想要我們明天再陪你一起上課?” 當然,Pascaline 的答案一定是: “Never, not ever!” #大孩子和耍寶父母 #開學繪本 The animals are marching dutifully to school – but not Pascaline. It doesn’t matter who is going. She knows exactly what she doesn’t want. ‘Never, not ever!’ she shrieks loudly. So loudly, in fact, that something amazing happens – and it changes everything... Charming and laugh-out-loud funny, this irresistible first-day of school saga is sure to be a repeat read.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
16 【要不要來點披薩?】“Pizza! A Slice of History” 書號
20289539 9780425291078 Pizza!: A Slice of History
Pizzoli, Greg
你喜歡披薩嗎? 你知道披薩源自於哪裡嗎? 披薩的由來眾說紛紜,有人説披薩來自古希臘,有人説披薩來自波斯帝國,還有還有,是誰發明披 薩,披薩又是怎麽成爲聞名世界的美食呢? 現在不同的國家都根據當地人的口味發展出了不同口味的披薩,有的加了青豆,有的加香蕉和花 生,在台灣你還吃得到加了珍珠、臭豆腐還有香菜口味的披薩! 還有許多和披薩有關的冷知識,都藏在繪本裡,等著你來發掘! #披薩百科全書 #肚子好餓好想吃披薩 由不小心吞下西瓜籽的鱷魚繪本 The Watermelon Seed 的作者 Greg Pizzoli 於 2022 年出版的新書, 繪本迷們別錯過! From Geisel Award-winning author Greg Pizzoli comes a hilarious and mouth-watering history of pizza. Do YOU like PIZZA? Because right now, somewhere in the world, someone is eating it. Did you know that in the United States we eat 350 slices of pizza every second? Or that in Sweden they serve pizza with bananas and peanuts? All over the world, people love pizza—but where did it come from? And who made the first pizza? Join award-winning author and illustrator Greg Pizzoli as he travels through time and around the globe to discover the mouth-watering history of pizza. Bursting with color, flavor, fun facts, and a family-friendly English muffin pizza recipe, Pizza!: A Slice of History reveals the delicious story of the world's best food.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
17 【當你和一隻龍一起生活】 “Life with My Dragon” 書號
30262928 9780500653128
Life With My Dragon: Five Heart-Warming Tales
Levy, Didier / Benaglia, Fred(I)
定價 740
什麽?你問我和一隻龍生活會不會很危險?才不會呢!和一隻龍住在一起,生活會處處充滿驚喜, 可好玩了!讓我舉幾個有趣的例子給你! 龍感冒的時候,它的鼻子會被堵住,所以你只能拿消防水管衝洗它的鼻子,讓他的鼻子重新流通, 當龍做身體檢查的時候,他身體裡的爐子會拿去維修,這時它的身體會變成各種各樣的形態,有 次,它還變成直升機了呢! 龍還是個滅火的好幫手,如果火勢太大的話,它可以直接一口把火吞進肚子裏去, 龍睡覺的時候會打鼾發出點點星光,所以它可以作為一個讀書的臺燈,要睡覺的時候就撓他癢癢, 他就不會發亮了! 怎樣?是不是很有趣?跟龍生活就是那麽有趣又好玩! #我也想跟龍一起住! #可愛童趣繪本 In this delightful follow-up to How to Light Your Dragon, readers see how fun life with a pet dragon can be. In five short, amusing stories full of colourful illustrations, the child and dragon playact as firefighters, doctors, and even Christmas trees! But living with a dragon is anything but normal; when they get tired and need to nap, dragons snore and little sparks come out of their nose that attract fireflies. Pure magic and wonder!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
19 【正確的發音是什麽?】“Miss Pronunciation” 含 DVD 一片 書號
20121594 9780984509713
Miss Pronunciation (with DVD)
Huang, Jessie
定價 320
你剛剛説什麽? Word? 詞語? 不是啦,我説的是 World 世界! 世界上的詞語千千萬萬,其中發音相似的字當然也很多,所以要小心不要把這些詞語搞混咯! 想知道其中有哪些容易搞混的字眼嗎?想知道的話就讓我們跟隨 Miss Pronunciation 的腳步一起來 看吧! 在這趟旅程裏,Miss Pronunciation 會告訴你有哪些容易發錯的音,怎樣才算發音正確。 本書還包含了精美的插畫和 DVD,讓孩子們輕鬆快樂地學會英語發音! #英文發音指南 #探索發音的奧妙 Miss pronunciation is a fun house mirror for words. In this book you can actually see how mispronounced words twist the original meaning and make fun of themselves, as Miss Pronunciation makes a thick book ‘sick,’ shrinks a law school into a ‘low school,’ and spins a tiger’s fangs into ‘fans.’ Readers will be tickled by the funny twists and award-winning illustrations, while English teachers may find fresh ideas for teaching pronunciation.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
20 【因爲你的價值無限】“This is (not) Enough!” 書號
20290603 9789815022759
This Is (Not) Enough with Story Plus
Kang, Anna / Weyant, Christopher (I)
定價 280
本書以簡單童趣的插畫,向你述説最溫暖真摯的友誼... 我該送什麽禮物給我的好朋友呢? 也許送他我親手種的花?我親自畫的畫?還是我親手做的蛋糕? 但這些好像都不夠好... 我的禮物得更溫暖、更真摯,更能代表我内心對你的感激, 因爲你在我的心目中是那麽的美好,所以送你什麽都不夠好! 啊,我想到了!不如就送... #純真美好的友誼 #不需要禮物來代表 Finding a gift for your best pal isn’t always easy in this fun tale from an award-winning author and illustrator. Two friends are excited about getting presents for each other. But when they try to find just the right gift, nothing seems good enough. From skywriting to painting to gardens, each thing they try ends up feeling just a little off. How will they ever find that special gift? With humor and heart, the purple and orange characters from Theodor Seuss Geisel Award winner You Are (Not) Small discover that what makes a gift special isn’t necessarily what’s inside the box.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
21 【堵車也阻擋不了前進的路】 “Monkey on The Run” 書號
30250130 9781776572502
Monkey on the Run
Timmers, Leo
定價 685
-紐約時報評選最佳繪本 -橫軸式分鏡設計推動故事畫面,即使沒有對話或者字體的繪本也一樣可以很有趣。 猴子爸爸和小猴子準備回家了,但前方交通堵塞,根本就沒辦法前進,看看前方有什麽?原來各種 動物造型酷炫的車子在長長的馬路上排隊,形成了一個最具風格,最眼花繚亂的熱鬧公路! 最令人出乎意料的設計和天馬行空的想象,形形色色讓人眼花繚亂的有趣畫面就在這裏! #卷軸式畫面 #無字繪本 Papa Monkey and Little Monkey are on their way. But the street is very busy and they are moving so slowly! Little Monkey loses patience and jumps onto the fire engine. Up the ladder from there and he joins a TV crew! Then the garbage truck, an aquarium bus, a food cart for rabbits packed with carroty treats, Arctic animals traveling by snow globe, a jewel thief's getaway car . . . There is so much going on in the street, it's become a playground! Each vehicle in this wordless picture book contains a world of detail, activity and humor to share with curious toddlers. A New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 22 【我不在乎】“I don’t care” 書號
20285098 9780823443451
I Don't Care
Fogliano, Julie/ Idle, Molly (I)/ Martinez-Neal, Juana (I)
定價 665
由一名暢銷童書作家和兩位凱迪克獎得主的繪本作家共同創作的精心巨作, 向你道來一段友誼裏最應該被在乎的部分。 我不在乎的事情有很多, 我不在乎你對我的長相的看法,我不在乎你的家長怎樣, 我也不在乎你的穿著打扮,更不在乎你的弟弟或者爸爸的長相, 但我在乎的事情也很多, 我在乎你的喜怒哀樂,也在乎我們在一起的時光, 最我在乎你是你,我是我! Two Caldecott honorees—and real-life best friends— team up to illustrate a story of friendship from bestselling author Julie Fogliano. Like the two stars of this story, illustrators Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal know that differences only make a good friendship stronger. In this bouncy, rhyming story, two best friends think about all the little things that don’t matter– and the big things that really, really do. Mostly I care that you’re you and I’m me, and I care that we’re us, and I care that we’re we. With each artist designing and drawing one character, and collaborating on the scenery and details, Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal transformed this sweet story into a celebration of friendship– including their own– and a unique artistic vision.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 23【熊出沒!】 “Do Bears Poop in The Woods?” 書號
30262867 9780500652763 Do bears poop in the woods?
作者/繪者 Jones, Huw Lewis / Caldwell, Sam (I)
定價 740
台灣有黑熊,中國有貓熊,北極有北極熊,世界各地還有哪些種類的熊呢?小熊維尼是真的愛吃蜂 蜜嗎?為什麼森林裡的熊,那麼愛跳舞?你聽過「熊言熊語」嗎?野外專家 Huw Lewis Jones 博士的 專業解說和插畫家 Sam Caldwell 的精美插畫,帶你認識熊熊世界的各種面貌! #動物科普繪本 #熊熊冷知識 Field guide and intrepid explorer Huw Lewis Jones and wildlife illustrator Sam Caldwell take readers out into the wild to discover all there is to know and love about the eight different species of bears. Do you know your panda from your polar bear? Or can you spot the difference between a sun bear and a sloth bear? Follow your expert field guide as we travel deep into the woods and across Arctic ice to learn all the “bear” necessities. Bears are familiar to us all, but what you might not realize is that behind their big, grizzly image are wild animals who really need our help. So put on your walking boots, grab your binoculars, and come along on a journey to see the eight incredible bear species in the wild. Written by an experienced field guide, author, and naturalist, Do Bears Poop in the Woods? gives children a taste of what it’s like to work with animals in the wild. Not only will you discover why bears poop so much, you’ll also find out how to avoid getting eaten by one and what we can do to protect them.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
24 【是貓欸!】”They All Saw A Cat” 書號
20287047 9781797208367 They All Saw a Cat
作者/繪者 Wenzel, Brendan
定價 280
深度貓控們都靠過來! 當看著貓咪的時候,你們是不是覺得它是世界上最可愛的動物呢? 那你們有沒有想過,其他動物眼裡的貓又是什麽樣子的呢? 這本由 Brendan Wenzel 精心創作的繪本,跳出傳統的 “從人的視角來看貓咪”,以 “各種不同的動 物的視角來看貓咪”,當你閲讀這本繪本的時候,你會發現它們眼裡的貓咪有的可怕,有的陌生, 有的有趣... Brendan Wenzel 在繪畫各種不同的視角的貓咪的時候,都採用不同的畫風與筆觸,保證你翻開的每 一頁都是未知的驚喜! #本重度貓控受不了了 #貓咪繪本 They All Saw A Cat - New York Times bestseller and 2017 Caldecott Medal and Honor Book The cat walked through the world, with its whiskers, ears, and paws . . . In this glorious celebration of observation, curiosity, and imagination, Brendan Wenzel shows us the many lives of one cat, and how perspective shapes what we see. When you see a cat, what do you see? If you and your child liked The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Finding Winnie, and Radiant Child - you'll love They All Saw A Cat
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
25 【噠噠馬蹄聲】"Why Can't Horses Burp?" 書號
30263604 9780500652305
Why Can't Horses Burp?
Snowden-Fine, Lily/ Dr. Nick Crumpton (I)
定價 740
自古以來,馬兒就是人類最忠實的夥伴,牠們替人類代步、送貨、娛樂,為人類帶來許多便利。不 過,你想過為什麼馬要穿鞋嗎?為什麼馬不會打嗝呢?為什麼馬代表高貴的象徵?本書由動物學家 Nick Crumpton 撰寫,透過他淺顯易懂的文字,和插畫家 Lily Snowden-Fine 精緻的插畫,解答關於馬 的種種疑問,讓你不僅認識這溫柔的大個兒,更瞭解牠們與人類社會的歷史與文化。 #馬力十足 #動物科普繪本 Humorous and informative, Why Can’t Horses Burp? is full of fun facts and little-known tidbits about your favorite equine companions. Find answers to everything you’ve ever wondered about horses in this latest addition to the Curious Questions About Your Favorite Pets series. Can all horses be racehorses? Why do horses wear shoes? And what’s the difference between a horse and a pony, anyway? A zoologist explains all of these, and more. Whether you are lucky enough to have a horse of your own or you dream of galloping away on a magnificent steed, Why Can’t Horses Burp? is the lively, fact-filled book for you. From horses’ desert ancestors to modern-day show ponies, it’s certain to satisfy all horse lovers’ curiosity.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
26 【長耳小兔,快把你的耳朵放下來!】“Rabunzel” 書號
20288846 9781405298582
Rabunzel: Will She Live Hoppily Ever After?
Jones, Gareth P./ Schauer, Loretta (I)
定價 360
很久很久以前,在山林裏住著一隻小兔子,她的名字叫長耳兔子。 她有著一對非常長又美麗的耳朵,她的媽媽非常爲此擔心,總認爲長耳兔子一不小心就會被野獸叼 住耳朵吃掉,所以兔子媽媽做了一個決定:她決定把長耳兔子藏在一個很高很高的樹屋,那她的女 兒也就安全了! 長耳兔子至此與世隔絕,只能每天在窗邊看她的朋友們在開心玩耍... 她只能每天定時吃飯,定時鍛 煉,但生活還是好孤單啊... 結果事情迎來了轉機:有天,對長耳兔子一見鍾情的灰色小兔要把她帶走,而渴望自由的長耳兔子 跟著他一起走了! 兔子媽媽既擔心又害怕,立刻追了上去要灰色小兔把她的女兒還來。 灰色小兔覺得長耳兔子被媽媽囚禁了,想要拯救長耳小兔,但兔子媽媽覺得她只是想要保護女兒的 安全而已。 這時,附近的野獸們對這三隻可口的小點心虎視眈眈,準備撲上去的時候... 女俠長耳小兔用耳朵把這些野獸們通通甩在地上,把他們胖揍一頓,打敗了他們! 然後她對媽媽説:媽媽,不要擔心我,我會把這些壞動物全部打敗的!即使我是個有著長長耳朵的 女孩子,我也可以保護自己! #長耳兔子不需要別的兔子的拯救 #女兒當自强自己保護自己 A uniquely silly and rebellious twist on a favourite fairy tale – with a fabulously foiled cover! “Rabunzel, Rabunzel, let down your ears!…” Rabunzel has a teeny tufty tail, a twitchy nose and two wide brown eyes. She also has VERY long ears – so long that her mother worries they will make her easy bait for the hungry creatures of the forest. The answer? Rabunzel must be kept safe … in towering hutch, high in the sky. Here Rabunzel waits grumpily for her mother's daily visit with carrots and fresh lettuce, letting down her ears so she can climb up the tower. But one day, it isn't her mother who climbs up Rabunzel's very long ears… 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
27 【送什麽好呢?】 “A Gift For Nana” 書號
20285586 9780593430330
Gift for Nana
Smith, Lane
當你要送別人禮物的時候,你覺得什麽最重要?實用性?觀賞性?還是功能性? 跟我們一起翻開這本由 Lane Smith 精心創作的繪本,裏面的主人公小兔子會告訴你送禮的真諦永遠 是一顆真誠的心。 今天不是什麽特別的日子,不是兔子的假期,也不是誰的生日,就只是一個很平常的一天。 但小兔今天心血來潮想要給他的奶奶準備一件最棒的禮物。 小兔知道奶奶會喜歡他帶給她的任何東西,但他希望他的禮物可以更加特別。聽取了烏鴉先生的建 議,小兔穿過了樹林和湖泊,也遇到可很多友善的小夥伴, 像是月亮,鯨魚,和火山,他們都分別給了小兔不同的建議,但小兔總覺得哪裏不夠,直到他登上 了一座高峰,然後在那裏發現了最好的禮物... #想要知道禮物是什麽嗎? #出乎意料又意料之中 #真摯的禮物 Two-time Caldecott Honor author/illustrator Lane Smith tells a whimsical story about a little rabbit searching for the best gift for someone very special. A thoughtful little Rabbit sets out to find the perfect gift for his Nana. He knows she will love anything he brings her but Rabbit wants this gift to be extra special. As he travels on his quest, Rabbit encounters an assortment of creatures-a crow, a smiling full moon, a stickler (whatever that is), a big fish, and a volcano. Each is certain they offer the best advice but nothing they suggest seems right for his Nana. It's not until Rabbit reaches the highest peak, that he finds exactly what he's been searching for.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 28 【聖誕鐵罐】“The Anzac Billy” 書號
20262013 9781406388718
Anzac Billy
Saxby, Claire/ Jackson, Mark(I)/ Potter, Heather(I)
從一名小男孩的視角出發,講述一戰期間在家鄉苦苦等待家人回歸的故事 我們一家要把比利鐵罐裝滿,在聖誕節來臨前把它送到爸爸的身邊。 我把我愛吃的零食和核桃樹上的最後一把核桃放進了鐵罐,媽媽把刮鬍刀放了進去,奶奶把鉛筆和 剛織好的手帕放了進去,然後爸爸的比利罐要乘船出發了。 但除了我們這一家,還有其他千千萬萬戶的家庭也要將他們的比利鐵罐寄給身處戰事前線的親人。 所以我只好寫了一封信夾在爸爸的鐵罐裡。我是這麽寫的:陌生人,你好,如果你不小心拿到了我 的爸爸的罐子,你可以吃掉裡面的零食,但請你把這個罐子交給爸爸,然後告訴他:我們很想念 他,希望戰爭可以早日結束,和我們團聚。 #來自南半球不一樣的聖誕繪本 #宣揚愛與和平 #反戰繪本 A billy can't be posted, delivered on a bike, or sent in a car, truck or train. It has to be loaded on a ship with all those other Anzac billies for other soldier dads... During World War I, Australian soldiers serving on the front were sent Christmas care packages – tin billies filled by families and friends. This is the story of one little boy lovingly selecting, with the help of his mum and grandma, favourite and useful things for his dad's billy – butterscotch, nuts, handkerchiefs, writing paper and more. Then, with a wish that the billy makes it in time for Christmas Day, he sends it on its way... Sail, big ship of billies, sail far across the sea. Until you reach the other side, until you reach my dad...
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 29 【就一次而已!】 “It’s Only One!” 書號
It's Only One!
Corderoy, Tracey/ Neal, Tony(I)
不要亂丟垃圾! 哎呀,幹嘛那麽嚴格,就這一次而已嘛... 最適合小朋友的環保意識繪本,告訴你永遠不要抱持”就這一次“的心態! 陽光村莊是一處陽光明媚,空氣清新的好地方,住在這裏的動物居民都過著平靜愜意的生活,直 到...犀牛先生把垃圾扔在地上!當其他動物居民問他爲什麽要這麽做的時候,犀牛先生這麽説: “幹嘛,我平時都會好好地把垃圾扔進垃圾桶,我就做這麽一次而已嘛!又不會有什麽影響!” 但真的不會有什麽影響嗎? 秉持著這個“就一次嘛”的想法,越來越多的動物居民不好好扔垃圾,隨意破壞植物,發出噪音... 陽光村莊變得越來越髒亂,居民之間彼此敵視。爲了讓村莊恢復成過去美好的樣子,老鼠先生決定 做點什麽!他在公園種了一朵美麗的花,這朵花喚醒了動物們對過去漂亮的村莊的記憶,於是他們 決定一起保護他們的家園,一起大掃除,居民也互相放下彼此的芥蒂。 #愛護環境從你我開始 #重建美麗家園 A story about how good citizenship and a little consideration can make our world a joyful place for all. Sunnyville is the perfect place to live, until one day Rhino tosses a candy wrapper on the ground. "What?" he says. "It's only one." But soon, others start throwing their trash on the ground, too, and it begins to pile up. Giraffe doesn't want to look at the garbage, so he picks a flower from the park to brighten his home-but then everyone picks the flowers, and now there aren't any left. Soon things become messier, noisier, and grumpier. Can anyone save the day?
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
30 【你是最棒的!】 “I’m So Happy You’re Here” 書號
I'm So Happy You're Here: A Little Book About Climo, Liz Why You're Great
最暖心,最鼓舞人心的繪本,時時刻刻提醒你:你值得被愛和關懷。 我們似乎經常陷入無止境的自我懷疑和挫敗,所以我們也需要時時刻刻被提醒我們有多棒! 我們要勇敢地懷抱生命裡的所有美好時光,也不斷地回憶過去失敗的經歷或者傷痛,然後更愛我們 自己! 所以不要氣餒,人生裡總有落魄的時候,但別忘了你愛的人,愛你的人都在身邊,而他們一定對你 陪伴在他們的身邊這個事情感到快樂,在他們的眼中,你一定誰最棒的! #打起精神來 #你們都是最棒的! Sometimes we just need a little pep talk to remind us that we’re doing our best. With help from her charming animal drawings, Liz Climo encourages us to embrace the joyful moments, get back up after falling down, and always love ourselves. A little book to let someone know how important they are to you or a thoughtful gift you can give to yourself, I’m So Happy You’re Here highlights how truly amazing we are. Like a good friend, it will lift you out of low moments and keep you company until they’ve passed, making you laugh and cry while reminding you that you’re loved, you matter, and we’re all really happy you’re here.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
31 【失敗是成功之母】 “Skater Cielo” 書號
Skater Cielo
Katstaller, Rachel
本書從歷經數次失敗經驗的 Cielo 視角出發,告訴你失敗帶來的種種歷練和經歷,並鼓勵所有也在 歷經失敗的你我找回本心,重新出發! Cielo 是一位天賦異稟的滑板手,面對各種障礙她都不害怕,大家都説她滑滑板的樣子就像在天空飛 翔的鳥一樣自由自在。有天,Cielo 聽説附近有一個挑戰性很高的滑板場,而 Cielo 已經等不及要征 服這個滑板場了! 就像平時一樣,她自信滿滿地滑滑板,突然,一個不小心,她摔倒了!Cielo 打擊實在是太大了,她 從來沒有摔得那麽狼狽過。 從那以後,Cielo 無法再如常地滑滑板了,一踏上滑板,那天摔倒的畫面總會出現在她的腦中,她變 得越來越消沉,甚至放棄了滑板。 所幸 Cielo 有一群同樣熱愛滑板的小夥伴,他們鼓勵 Cielo 重新嘗試,重新出發。 Cielo 決心重新嘗試滑板,雖然她還是經常摔倒,但她的朋友每次都會鼓勵她,幫助她... #努力努力再努力 #摔倒了要記得爬起來哦 Meet Cielo, a fierce skater who finds that facing your fear of failing gives you the courage to persevere! Cielo loves to skateboard! But when she messes up on a new ramp she's embarrassed and afraid to fall again in front of so many people. With the help of some new friends, Cielo summons the courage to try again (and again, and again), and learns that falling is not failing--true fierceness isn't about landing the perfect trick, it's about picking yourself back up when you don't.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 32 【讓時間停下來吧!】“Stop the Clock!” 書號
Stop the Clock!
Goodhart, Pippa/ Christania, Maria(I)
Dash 從今天早上起就一直在不停地趕時間!而且不僅僅是他一個人在趕時間,Dash 覺得全世界的 人好像都在趕時間! 趕著穿襪子,趕著上學,就連上畫畫課的時候老師也不讓他好好地完成他的畫! 沒辦法了,Dash 只好讓時間停下來了! 跑出去學校,Dash 看見了他平時絕對不會有機會看見的畫面,他看見了和平時不一樣的繁華街道, 墻角的小花朵,還有很多,Dash 回到教室,把所有他看見的美好畫面都畫下來——那些他平時一定 不會有機會發現的美好畫面。 #放慢腳步觀察身邊的美好 #時間總是稍縱即逝 #何不活在當下 When Mr. Khan asks the children to paint what they saw on their way to school, Joe notices his baby sister is crying in the picture. He stops the clocks and goes back to the street to find out why… This sweet story reminds us to slow down, take a breath and notice the small details in our busy everyday life.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
33【我們都是宇宙的奇蹟】“We’re All Wonders” 書號
We're All Wonders
Palacio, R. J.
暢銷小説 Wonder 的作者 R.J Palacio 的第一本繪本,鼓勵所有人都互相關懷,互相包容,若以友善 的目光看待他人,你就會發現你的身邊處處都是奇蹟。 Auggie 知道他只是個平凡的孩子,就像他身邊的所有小朋友一樣,他只是長得不像一般的小孩而 已,他總是會被這些小朋友投來的異樣眼神傷害。 但他的媽媽總會告訴他:他是一個奇蹟! 所以 Auggie 也開始相信他就是一個奇蹟,不僅僅是他而已,所有的人都是宇宙的奇蹟! #紐約時報暢銷書改編電影 #書迷敲碗的暢銷繪本 #同理心和友善對待讓人發現奇蹟 We’re All Wonders may be Auggie’s story, but it taps into every child’s longing to belong, and to be seen for who they truly are. It’s the perfect way for families and educators to talk about empathy and kindness with young children. Countless fans have asked R. J. Palacio to write a book for younger readers. With We’re All Wonders, she makes her picture-book debut as both author and artist, with a spare, powerful text and striking, richly imagined illustrations. Palacio shows readers what it’s like to live in Auggie’s world—a world in which he feels like any other kid, but he’s not always seen that way.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
34 【一本書,兩個故事】“The Snow Storm/Born on Fire” 書號
Snow Storm/Barn on Fire
Amery, Heather/ Cartwright, Stephen(I)
Farmyard Tales Flip Books 系列繪本巧妙地將兩個故事結合在同一本書中,只消翻個面的功夫,就能 再多讀一篇故事,親子閱讀的同時也帶來翻轉的小小樂趣! 今天的蘋果樹農場,又發生了什麼事呢?大雪紛飛的日子裡,農場主人 Mrs.Boot 的兩個孩子 Poppy 和 Sam,還有一隻名為 Rusty 的小狗,跟著夥伴 Ted 在白雪靄靄的農場上,一邊幫忙,一邊玩耍。 一行人在農場另一頭的樹叢中,好像發現了什麼不尋常的東西……。 春天到了,蘋果樹農場的生活也逐漸忙碌起來。Ted 和兩個孩子正忙著修拖車、建圍籬,突然間 Sam 聞到空氣中飄來煙味,穀倉竟然失火了!農場的夥伴們能成功解決這次的危機嗎? #農場生活 #兩個故事一本滿足 It's snowing on Apple Tree Farm and Poppy, Sam and Ted take hay to feed the sheep. But where is Woolly? Sam finds Woolly, and Poppy rides back to the farm with a baby lamb. Farmyard Tales are gently humorous stories of the people and animals on Apple Tree Farm. Ages 5+.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
35 【最棒的生日禮物】“Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever” 書號
Flying Scotsman and the Best Birthday Ever
Morpurgo, Michael/ Foreman, Michael (I)
Iris 的爸爸是明星列車「飛行蘇格蘭人」Flying Scotsman 的駕駛。每年生日,Iris 都會和媽媽一起到 國王十字車站,送爸爸上駕駛艙,看著火車離去。Iris 不甘心只能目送爸爸離開,她逮到機會,偷偷 上了火車,卻被逮個正著。意外的是,Iris 並沒有因此受罰,爸爸反而為她準備了一趟難忘的火車之 旅。 英國著名童書作家 Michael Morpurgo 透過本書介紹了明星蒸汽火車 Flying Scotsman 的歷史與工業發 展時期的文化背景,不僅講述暖心故事,更充分展現冒險精神。 #飛行蘇格蘭人真實存在噢 #火車迷別錯過 Iris knows everything there is to know about Flying Scotsman. Her dad is the famous train’s driver, and nothing makes her prouder than seeing him at work. But each time the Flying Scotsman pulls away, Iris wishes more than anything that she could be with her dad in the driver’s cab. Then again, who’s to stop her? Our cheeky train enthusiast protagonist hops aboard the Flying Scotsman as it travels from London to Edinburgh, breaking the speed record for steam locomotives on its way! But will Iris ever achieve her dream of riding in the driver’s cab of the greatest train in the world, like her dad? This heartwarming story captures the adventurous spirit of the golden age of steam travel, while paying tribute to the amazing workers who drove the trains and kept the railways running. Readers even get to see that when Iris grows up, she becomes one of the first women to work on the railways during World War II. Joyously illustrated, this book is the ultimate celebration of the great Flying Scotsman and the golden age of train travel.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
36 【12 首聖誕頌歌唱出耶穌誕生的故事!】“Away in a Manger” 書號
Away in a Manger
Cate, Marijke ten
誰說繪本只能用讀的?你也可以邊讀邊唱! 如同插畫家 Marijke ten Cate 在本書內每首聖誕頌歌旁畫上正在演出相對應故事的孩子們,在閱讀 本書的同時,孩子們也能透過 12 首耳熟能詳且順序安排巧妙的的聖誕頌歌 (如 "The First Noel" 、 "Silent Night’"、"O Holy Night"),邊唱邊了解甚至演出耶穌誕生及聖誕節的故事。 本書更貼心附上 Spotify 歌單二維碼,讓你一掃碼就能陪孩子邊聽邊讀邊唱! #用唱的聖誕故事 #孩子學校的聖誕節表演有新想法啦 Children can sing their way through the story of Christmas, whilst looking at the attractive illustrations by Marijke ten Cate in this festive picture book. 'Deck the Halls' 'O Little Town of Bethlehem' 'In the Bleak Midwinter' 'Away in a Manger' 'The First Noel' 'Ding Dong, Merrily on High' 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing' 'God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen' 'Silent Night' 'We Three Kings of Orient Are' 'O Holy Night' 'O Come All Ye Faithful'. In Away in a Manger we see how children act out a Christmas play - and we are certain it will inspire you to organise the same! A playlist with special arrangements of the songs in this book is available on Spotify, YouTube and similar music websites.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
37 【有毒勿近!】“Toxic: The World's Deadliest Creatures” 書號
Toxic: The World's Deadliest Creatures
Ico Romero Reyes / Tania Garcia (I)
千奇百怪的生物,為了在險惡的自然環境中生存下去,發展出釋放有毒物質的機制來自保。別看黃 色小青蛙,水汪汪的大眼看起來很可愛,卻是亞馬遜叢林最毒的箭毒蛙!海中看上去像果凍般Q彈 的水母,一旦不小心誤觸,立刻讓你痛得哇哇叫!就連小不隆冬的螞蟻,也可能產生致命的毒液! 小心危險就在身邊⋯ 本書色彩鮮明的插畫及專業豐富的內容,不僅能滿足學齡兒童對自然領域的好奇心,更能夠激發孩 子探索未知的興趣! #對動物來說人類可能也很毒吧 #自然生物科普 Discover a spine-tingling collection of toxic animals, and learn about the astonishing strategies they use to deliver venom and poison. Creatures from all around the animal kingdom wield a mysterious weapon that is key to their survival: poison! These sophisticated concoctions are designed with precision to defy predators or subdue prey. Within these pages, children will learn all about big-eyed critters with a poisonous secret; tiny, flashy octopuses that can kill in minutes; the world’s deadliest spiders, snakes, and scorpions; and more! An entertaining and beautifully illustrated survey of the use of poison in the animal kingdom that brims with facts and figures, as well as a quiz for children to test their knowledge.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
【下一站,幸福嗎?】"Tell Me A Story Babushka"
Tell Me A Story Babushka
Schmidt, Carola/ 280 Barghigiani, Anita (I) 看著外婆做麵包時,Karina 也請外婆為她說個關於公主及怪獸的故事;外婆便說了一位在烏克蘭的 小女孩及「怪獸們」的故事。 在烏克蘭的一個小村落裡,小女孩和家人住在一間有著豐收菜園的小屋裡,生活雖不富裕,但小女 孩一家卻很幸福知足。直到有一天……怪獸們來到小女孩所住的村落。怪獸們奪走了烏克蘭人的自 由,甚至搶走了他們所有的糧食及物資。小女孩一家更是被怪獸們帶去了西伯利亞;在那裡,大人 們被迫在冰天雪地中為怪獸們工作,而小女孩與其他孩子們也被迫與他們的父母分開。直到某天, 小女孩在她的床墊下找到了一個裡面藏有紙條的俄羅斯娃娃。跟隨紙條的指示,小女孩及其他孩子 們成功逃出了怪獸們的掌心並登上了離開西伯利亞的火車。究竟,這輛駛離西伯利亞的火車,會帶 小女孩通往怎樣的未來呢.....? Carola Schmidt 用簡單的童話描述了烏克蘭最黑暗的一段過往,搭配 Anita Barghigiani 的細緻且精美 的插畫巧妙地平衡童話背後的沉重歷史。 #烏克蘭歷史 #小女孩的下一站到底是哪呢 When a little girl asks her Baba to tell her a story about a princess and a monster what she hears is so much more―the true tale of her grandmother's escape from a prisoner of war camp in Siberia to freedom, all with the help of a secret message hidden in a nesting doll. The perfect happily ever after!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 39 【愛德華與大白馬】"Edward and the Horse" 書號
Edward and the Horse
Rand, Ann/ Eksell, Olle(I) 740
Edward 住在市中心一棟高聳入雲的公寓,管理員規定,不准養貓或養狗。Edward 放下心,因為他 想養的,是一匹馬。Edward 找遍都市各處,也找不到任何馬兒。Edward 心想,大家說得對,沒有馬 兒想住在都市。直到消防員 Mike 偷偷告訴他,一匹名叫 Smitty 的大白馬,非常嚮往都市!究竟 Edward 能不能如願找到這匹嚮往都市生活的神祕白馬呢? 作者 Ann Rand 配合聲韻,以詩的形式講述了一段可愛故事,閱讀時不妨念出聲來吧!加上瑞典插畫 家 Olle Eksell 獨特的北歐極簡美學,讓孩子閱讀的同時也培養與眾不同的美感! #馬力無法擋 First published in 1961, this winning tale follows a small boy named Edward who lives in a soaring New York City apartment building and yearns for a pet to keep him company. Edward lives on the twenty-first floor of a large apartment building in New York City. In the lobby a sign reads: “No dogs or cats allowed.” This isn’t much fun for someone like Edward, who would have loved a dog or cat to keep him company. But the sign doesn’t say anything about horses . . . Edward sets out in search of a horse who likes the city and who won’t cost a lot of money to keep. Along the way, he meets a friendly fireman who offers him a helping hand. Edward discovers Smitty, whom he unhitches from a vegetable cart and takes home immediately. Before Edward and Smitty can get anywhere near the freight elevator, they are stopped by Smitty’s owner . . . and his reaction surprises all of them! This charming journey benefits from bold mid-century illustrations and will appeal to both design-loving parents and pet-crazy children at story time.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
#售完 40【叫什麼好呢?】"The Name Game" 書號
Name Game
Laird, Elizabeth / Holden, Olivia (I)
閒來無事的午後,一隻喜鵲的到訪,讓小女孩開始一場命名遊戲。誰說喜鵲只能叫喜鵲?誰說蝴蝶 只能叫蝴蝶?在家玩膩了的小女孩,決定踏出門,讓花園裡的好朋友們一起加入這場命名遊戲! 本書生動描寫了兒童無限的想像力,根據動植物的特色,為看到的東西取一個獨樹一格的名字。受 到疫情影響,大家在家一定也很無聊吧?不妨發揮想像力,和故事中的小女孩一起玩命名遊戲吧! #想像力就是你的超能力 #孩子的外星語 The little girl is so bored at home. There’s NO-ONE to play with! That is until she decides to play the name game with the nature and animals around her, inventing fantastic names and personalities for all of them! Soon she is describing a fun imaginary world that she can play in by herself.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
41 【大戰駱馬】"Macca the Alpaca" 書號
20284114 9789815022681 Macca the Alpaca with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20284107 9789815022698 Alpacas with Maracas with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20288822 9789815022766 Stack of Alpacas
Cosgrove, Matt
羊駝 Macca 一如往常地快樂玩耍,卻意外撞見一個不速之客!牠不但自以為是又沒禮貌,還看不起 體型比較小的 Macca。不服氣的 Macca 當然不願意被這傢伙看低,決定和牠一決高下!比對方矮半 截的 Macca,最後能順利獲勝嗎? #駝小志氣高 #別隨便瞧不起人 Macca the Alpaca is the alpaca-llama mashup of the year! Perfect for fans of Oi, Frog! and You Can't Take anElephant on the Bus. Macca is an alpaca. He loves splashing in puddles, and he gives the very best cuddles. Harmer is a llama. He's tall, strong and woolly, but he's also a BIG BULLY. When a friendly alpaca comes face-to-face with a meanie llama,he soon realises that LLAMA DRAMA lies ahead. But, who knows, perhaps the differences that separate the two will be exactly what brings them together in the end. A heartwarming story of friendship, acceptance and the value of being yourself.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
42【才藝表演】"Alpacas with Maracas" 書號
20284114 9789815022681 Macca the Alpaca with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20284107 9789815022698 Alpacas with Maracas with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20288822 9789815022766 Stack of Alpacas
Cosgrove, Matt
羊駝 Macca 的朋友 Al 留著一頭飄逸長髮,善解人意卻有點笨手笨腳。Macca 和 Al 總是想盡辦法找 樂子,每天玩得不亦樂乎。某天他們看到才藝表演的海報,決定參加,卻遲遲找不到自己有什麼才 藝。彈奏樂器不行,跳舞不行,雜耍更不行!眼看才藝表演就要開始了,Al 絕望之際,Macca 終於 想到一個好點子!這兩隻羊駝究竟有什麼才藝呢? #什麼都會也什麼都不會 #很能睡算是種才藝嗎 A heartwarming story of perseverance, friendship, fun and alpacas! Macca is an alpaca. He likes eating pickles, and loves getting tickles! When Macca and his best friend Al decide they want to take part in a talent show, they set to work figuring out what they're good at. But when they try all sorts of things and can't seem to get any of it right, they start to wonder if there's anything they do well... Also in this series: Macca the Alpaca, Macca's Christmas Crackers andA Stack of Alpacas
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
18 【Macca 叔叔原諒我!】“A Stack of Alpacas” 書號
20284114 9789815022681 Macca the Alpaca with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20284107 9789815022698 Alpacas with Maracas with Storyplus
Cosgrove, Matt
20288822 9789815022766 Stack of Alpacas
Cosgrove, Matt
羊駝 Macca 現在正面對最嚴峻的情況——他的三位調皮侄子來做客了。 咳咳,聽我説,孩子們,你們必須遵守幾個規則,要好好吃蔬菜,保持整潔,知道嗎? 三個調皮的小羊駝才不管那麽多呢,他們偷吃零食,爭奪玩具,破壞家具,家裏變得一團亂! Macca 氣極了,小羊駝們也只好怪怪道歉,一起打掃收拾, 好了好了,只要願意認錯,你們都還是 Macca 最親愛的侄子! #照顧搗蛋鬼的辛酸血淚 #含線上聽讀 app 開通碼 請下載 Scholastic StoryPlus (一書限對應一隻手機,掃過以後只能用同一隻手機登入喔) Macca the alpaca is looking after his nieces and nephew and they are nothing but TROUBLE! Can Uncle Macca rein in this unruly trio? Smashing and splashing! Jumping and thumping! Macca is an alpaca who loves silly caps and taking naps. But can Macca take care of his rambunctious nieces and nephew for an entire afternoon? Let's find out!
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
43【門後的驚喜】"Wonky Donkey’s Big Surprise" 書號
20199227 9789810943486 Wonky Donkey (with CD) 20291075 9789813380714 Wonky Donkey's Big Surprise with Story Plus
Smith, Craig/ Katz, Cowley(I)
20273101 9789814958752 Grinny Granny Donkey with Story Plus
350 280 280
某天在路上,一隻跛腳的驢子,一拐一拐的四處為亂,這隻不斷發出 Hee Haw 聲的 Donkey,失去左眼 仍舊樂觀,體味濃厚依舊四處閒晃,鄉村音樂更是他的最愛。 Craig Smith 書籍並非第一次推薦,足見其作品受歡迎程度,此書是小二至小四孩童能懂的字,如同遊戲 般道出驢子荒謬行為,讀來順暢卻有時像繞口令,隨書附 CD,聽著音樂趣味十足,先睹為快。 ◎關懷受傷動物 ◎快把這首歌學起來吧
Just look at that donkey over there … Ha! It's a Wonky donkey! This number one bestselling book and CD by Craig Smith and Katz Cowley is based on an awardwinning children's song. With over 300,000 copies sold to date. I was walking down the road, and I saw a donkey... heehaw! And he only had three legs. He was wonky donkey... In this hilarious, cumulative song, each page tells us something new about the donkey until we end up with a spunky, hanky-panky, cranky, stinky, dinky, lanky, honky-tonky, winky, wonky donkey who will have children in fits of laughter!Listen to the song and try to predict a new word for each clue given! 某個假日早上,Wonky Donkey 在一扇綠色大門後,為女兒 Wee Dinky 準備了一個驚喜。Wee Dinky 迫不及待地問爸爸,驚喜溫暖嗎?聰明嗎?皺皺的嗎?爸爸神秘兮兮地說,打開門就知道啦…… 本書透過小毛驢 Wee Dinky 的發問,運用各式各樣,形容視覺、嗅覺、觸覺等五感的形容詞,除了 引發小朋友想讀下去的好奇心外,更能學會用不同的詞彙表達自己的感受! ◎驚喜到底是什麼 ◎溫馨的親子故事
Dinky woke one weekend with wonder in her eyes. Today her daddy, Wonky, promised such a big surprise... Another sequel to the viral sensation, The Wonky Donkey, is here! Join the world's #1 bestselling family of laughable and lovable donkeys in a wild, wonky, and wonderful guessing game.
書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW
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Schmidt, Carola; Barghigiani, Anita
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Rand, Ann; Eksell, Olle
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Cosgrove, Matt
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Cosgrove, Matt
280 平裝
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Smith, Craig
350 平裝
Smith, Craig
280 平裝
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書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW