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44 【愛護地球 人人有責】"We Have a Dream" 30260023 9781913520205

We Have a Dream

Craig, Mya-Rose/ Khadija, Sabrena(I)


相較於一般人,原住民或有色人種的生活更受環境變遷所影響;然而,他們的聲音卻更難被世界所 聽見。透過本書作者 "Bird Girl" Mya-Rose Craig — 一位年輕博物學家、環保活動家及愛鳥人士 — 與其他 30 位年輕原住民、有色人種活動家的對談中,我們可看見這些年輕活動家們各自的夢想以及 共同對於實現氣候正義的展望。 其中一位是來自肯亞的 Lesein Mutunkei,他的夢想是活在一個沒有森林砍伐的世界。身為一位足球 員,Mutunkei 決定結合他對足球的熱愛及對保護森林的渴望,發起一個叫 Trees 4 Goals 的活動。 這個活動非常簡單,只要 Mutunkei 踢進 1 球,他就會種下 11 棵樹。由於他身體力行為肯亞的森林 保育而努力,Mutunkei 在年僅 15 歲時就代表肯亞參與第 1 屆聯合國青年氣候高峰會 (United Nations Youth Climate Summit)。 除了 Mutunkei 以外,還有更多的年輕環保活動家等著我們認識並與 他們攜手努力! #氣候正義 #環保議題 #愛護環境從你我開始 Read the incredible stories and hear the dreams of 30 young Indigenous people and People of Colour protecting the planet Indigenous people and people of colour are disproportionately affected by climate change, yet often aren’t heard in global conversations. In this book, British—Bangladeshi environmentalist and race activist 'Birdgirl' Mya-Rose Craig speaks to campaigners from around the world about what needs to be done. From wildlife conservation to clean water, air pollution to plastic waste, climate justice to climate strikes, the time has come to listen to a generation of young people of colour demanding urgent change for the world they will inherit.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




45 【五感之外】 "Cat Eyes and Dog Whistles: The Five Seven Senses of Humans and Other Animals" 書號 ISBN-13 書名 作者/繪者 30263567 9781800660137

Cat Eyes and Dog Whistles: The Seven Senses of Humans and Other Animals

Cathy Evans / Becky Thorns (I)

定價 850

眼睛為什麼看得到?耳朵為什麼聽得到?皮膚為什麼感覺得到?目前除了眼耳口鼻和皮膚所接收的 五感外,還納入了另外兩種感知,甚至隨著科技進步,還能發現更多未知的感官! 而除了人類之外,動物也會透過身體的各個器官感知外面的世界,只不過,運作方式和人類可是大 大不同!有的動物甚至擁有比人類更靈敏的感知系統哦! 本書除了由簡到繁,詳盡說明人類與動物的五感如何從接受刺激,到大腦反應,最後回饋四肢的運 作。搭配獲獎插畫家 Becky Thorns 淺顯易懂的圖示和大方明亮的色彩,一定能滿足對生物科學感興 趣,想一窺人體奧秘的大小朋友們! #科普繪本 #探索身體的奧秘 You won’t believe your eyes… or ears or nose….! Learn how our bodies make sense of reality in this fact packed book about sensory perception. They say that seeing is believing – and there’s some truth in that. Highly sensitive receptor cells in our eyes, ears, noses, tongues and skin relay messages to the brain and allow us to interpret the things going on around us, creating our sense of reality. But how do our senses work? And how do they differ from the senses of other animals?

This book takes young readers step by step through the biology of each of the senses. Clear texts are peppered with fascinating facts. Did you know that, unlike the other senses, smells are delivered directly to the parts of our brain that are responsible for memory and emotion, meaning that smells can trigger feelings in a way that sight or sound can’t? Did you know that a cow has about 250,000 taste buds, compared to 5,000 of a human, and a mere 30 of a chicken? Or that earwax is 80% dead skin?

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




46 【千萬別信大野狼!】"Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale" 書號



20255794 9781419705830 Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant's Tale



Tonatiuh, Duncan


由於乾旱導致作物無法生長,兔子爸爸和其他動物決定前往北方的農田工作。隨著北方作物的連年 豐收,兔子爸爸終於要回家了!兔子一家舉辦了盛大的宴會及準備了各種兔子爸爸喜愛的食物、飲 料歡迎他回來。然而,他們卻遲遲等不到兔子爸爸的歸來。大兒子 Pancho 趁著夜深而媽媽及弟妹 們都睡著時,帶著爸爸最喜愛的食物、飲料出門找他。不久 Pancho 在路上遇見了郊狼先生。,郊 狼先生聲稱自己知道捷徑並提議帶 Pancho 前往北方,但 Pancho 必須拿出他所攜帶的食物飲料作 為交換。一路上 Pancho 隨著郊狼先生偷乘火車車頂、渡河、跳過高聳的圍籬及賄絡擔任警衛的蛇 以通過一個通往北方的地道。長途跋涉的旅行讓他們都累壞了,於是他們決定在路途中的小屋過夜 休息。已經吃光喝盡 Pancho 帶的所有食物飲料後,飢餓的郊狼先生把歪腦筋動到了 Pancho 身 上,並打算吃掉他!拖著疲憊的身軀,Pancho 有辦法逃離郊狼先生嗎?會不會在還沒找到爸爸前就 被吃掉了呢? 作者 Duncan Tonatiuhw 透過小兔子 Pancho 一家來比喻那些因環境因素被迫離開家鄉前往美國工作 的移民及他們的家人;而 Coyote 一詞除了代表故事中的郊狼外,更隱射了那些吸引外國人從墨西哥 偷渡進入美國的非法分子。 #墨西哥文化 #移民故事 This allegorical picture book about the hardships and struggles of immigration from award-winning children’s book author and illustrator Duncan Tonatiuh tells the story of a young rabbit named Pancho eagerly awaiting his papa’s return. Papa Rabbit left two years ago to travel far away north to find work in the great carrot and lettuce fields to earn money for his family. When Papa does not return home on the designated day, Pancho sets out to find him. He packs Papa’s favorite meal—mole, rice and beans, a heap of still-warm tortillas, and a jug full of fresh aguamiel—and heads north. Along the way, Pancho crosses a river, climbs a fence, and passes through a tunnel guarded by uniformed, bribe-taking snakes. He soon meets a coyote, who offers to help Pancho in exchange for some of Papa’s favorite foods. They travel together until the food is gone and the coyote decides he is still hungry . . . for Pancho! Tonatiuh enlivens Pancho’s story with the spirit of regional folklore, and he adds cultural atmosphere in arresting, flat folk art filled with cultural references. Of course, “coyote” has two meanings here. With tenderness and honesty, he brings to light the trials and tribulations facing families who seek to make better lives for themselves and their children by illegally crossing borders. 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




47 【家的容量無限大】"My Big Family" 書號


20262624 9781478868996




My Big Family

Canetti, Yanitzia/ Archer, Micha (I)


Alex 的家有爸爸和媽媽,有一天媽媽告訴他,奶奶要從古巴來,Alex 重新整理了房間,讓她可以居 住。媽媽的電話響個不停,原來西莉亞姨媽和堂兄弟們也來作客,整間屋子充滿古巴美食的香味, 大家享受美食,開心交談,遊戲奔跑,每個人都很高興,除了 Alex。他嫌棄沒有坐下的空間,覺得 家裡鬧轟轟。 隨著故事,讀者能看到 Alex 的家庭不斷壯大,也能從圖文中觀察古巴家庭的飲食文化,某一天這些 來訪的親人離開了,原來他們找到了新家,Alex 並沒有如釋重負的開心,他發現家的容量又變了! 這時媽媽的肚子變小了,而房間的床上多了一個小娃娃。 你的家有多大呢,Alex 從他的父母與親人相處中了解,珍惜與家人相聚的時刻,愛就有多多,家的 容量就有多大。 #跨文化繪本 #趕緊抱抱身旁的家人吧 When mama asks Alex, "How would you like it if our family were bigger?" he has no idea what's about to happen. One by one, his grandma, aunt, and cousins come to visit, but how many can fit before there's no more room?

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




48【即使有一天你離開了,我們還是最好的朋友】"Valentina and Monster" 書號


20273613 9781478870609




Valentina and Monster

Ruiz, Angeles/ Ruiz, Angeles (I)


對小女孩 Valentina 和怪物來說,最棒的回憶無疑就是彼此。最初他們是在棉花糖攤位相遇的, Valentina 循著甜甜的香味來到了棉花糖攤前,看見怪物的粉紅色絨毛被棉花糖包圍的樣子,小女孩 一點都不覺得害怕,而是伸手給了怪物一個擁抱。 被擁抱的怪物非常感動,於是教 Valentina 怎麼做出輕飄飄圓滾滾的棉花糖,也送了她一支當作禮 物;從那天起他們變成了最好的朋友。當怪物陪在女孩的身邊時,怪物的毛一天比一天光亮, Valentina 漸漸的也不再做惡夢了。 就這樣經過春天、夏天、秋天...直到冬天來臨。怪物悄然無聲的留下 Valentina 離去了。兔子長老溫 柔的安慰 Valentina:生命是一趟美麗的旅程,但時間過去,我們的身體會老去,漸漸的趨於靜止然 後消失。到時候我們都會展開一段新的旅程,就像怪物一樣,牠也踏上了牠的旅程。 #感人友情故事 #生命議題 ★ Kirkus Starred Review Book One morning, Valentina spots something strange: a monster selling cotton candy on her street. But Valentina isn't scared. This monster is friendly and has pink, fluffy fur perfect for hugs. Valentina and Monster quickly become friends, but tragedy soon arrives. This story of loss and grief shows how to hold onto the love from others long after they are gone.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




49 【沒有雙翅仍能飛翔的啄木鳥女孩】”Woodpecker Girl” 書號


20260828 9781478869559




Woodpecker Girl

Ching-Yen And Chiang Liu L-Tsun


繪本世界容量很大,收納許多美好,也裝下真實又勇敢的故事 患有腦性麻痺多重障礙年輕女孩黃羿蓓,高中靠著導師設計的「頭杖」繪畫,每幅畫以不斷「點 頭」方式完成,她被稱為啄木鳥女孩。 說了三十年故事的阿達叔叔 劉清彥老師,與師大特殊教育學系教授姜義村合作教授出版關懷弱勢的 繪本,這本是其中之一,腦型麻痺的黃羿蓓在爸爸媽媽的支持下,用「頭杖」創作出許多屬於她的 繪畫作品,她的故事也透過繪本出版留下紀錄,也告訴我們身體障礙並不是生命的全部。 繪者海蒂朵兒在每一頁的構圖中除了主角啄木鳥女孩外,也加入一隻忽隱忽現的小兔子象徵自己, 也許是想致意或者是想陪伴,頁末結合兔子與女孩一同展示羿蓓的作品,我們能感受畫家之間的惺 惺相惜。 生命如此浩瀚,克服困頓與挫敗讓人成長,有愛能幫助表面的不完美跨越障礙,看見希望,即使沒 有翅膀也能飛翔。 #擁抱生命中的不完美 #勇敢追夢 A little girl was born with cerebral palsy, a condition that rendered her wheelchair bound. One day, her art teacher affixed a paintbrush to her forehead with a headband. From then on, the little girl was able to express herself and freely explore the world through her paintings

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




50【說書職人:親口說出永不消失的故事】Saving Granddaddy's Stories 書號


20266295 9781478869672



Saving Granddaddy's Stories: Ray Hicks, the Hitchcock, Shannon/ Voice of Appalachia Page, Sophie (I)

定價 280

真實故事的圖文紀錄, Ray Hick 是美國阿帕拉契著名的說書人,他的一生都生活在北卡羅萊納州的 櫸木山上。他以講 Jack Tales 聞名。這些不斷被傳頌的故事又是從哪而來? Ray Hick 從小就在爺爺的口中聽到來自於許多山間大自然的故事,他和其他山上五個孩子在農場發 生的趣事中餵養長大,直到有天爺爺老去,Ray Hick 也成家娶妻,他和爺爺一樣選擇做一個說書 人,讓故事傳承永不消失。 Ray Hick 曾獲得由美國國家藝術基金會授予的 1983 年國家遺產研究金,這是美國政府在民間和傳統 藝術方面的最高榮譽。 #溫馨親情故事 As a young boy living in the Appalachian Mountains, Ray Hicks loved his grandfathers stories because he told them the mountain way. After his grandfathers death, Ray continued to tell these stories to anyone who would listen. Years later, his storytelling became so famous he was known as the Voice of Appalachia.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




51.【日本無厘頭創意大師-吉竹伸介 作品】 書號






It Might Be an Apple 這是蘋果嗎?也許是 喔!




Can I Build Another Me? 做一個機器人假 裝是我?




Why Do I Feel Like This? Why Do I Feel Like This? 討厭的人都跌倒吧!


9780500651209 What Happens Next? 爺爺的天堂筆記本



9781452174563 Boring Book 好無聊啊好無聊



9780500653111 Is it Just Me? 尿尿太郎



9780500652817 It's My Rubber Band! 這條橡皮筋是我的


Yoshitake, Shinsuke (吉竹伸介)



當我們看到一顆蘋果會想到什麼? 英文是 apple?手機?牛頓?華盛頓?(華盛頓砍的是櫻桃樹啦!) 然後呢……嗯…… 問問孩子吧!和孩子相比,他們源源不絕的想像力總讓我們驚奇, 那是創意的發想、是哲學的思考,也是孩子未來的發展性。 《這是蘋果嗎?也許是喔》裡頭有著孩子對蘋果上百種的想像。 # 2013 日本 MOE 繪本屋さん大賞 第1名 It Might Be an Apple is a boisterous, philosophical shaggy dog story for young children – and probably a few adults. The story follows a child’s hilarious, wildly inventive train of thought through all the things an apple might be if it is not, in fact, an apple. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

小孩子總是喜歡說:「我要……」、「我是……」 總是以我為出發點來看世界的孩子們,是怎麼看「自己」呢?又要怎麼介 紹自己讓別人認識呢? 每天都要寫作業、做家事、打掃房間……而覺得厭煩的小健,決定要訂做 一個機器人來假裝自己,不過為了不被發現,首先得要讓機器人認識自己 才行。 「我叫田小健,性別男,我每天早上頭髮都會翹起來,一興奮鼻孔就會撐 大......我是媽媽調皮的大兒子,我可以同時爬兩棵樹……。」 小健從外表特徵開始觀察,進而開始思考自己與眾不同的地方,由外而 內,從外表到心靈,小健越講越多,發覺「認識自己」實在太有趣了! #認識自己,了解自己,喜歡自己,就能充滿自信面對未來的困難挑戰。 Can I Build Another Me? follows a child’s hilarious, wildly inventive train of thought as he decides to make a clone of himself – and starts to ponder what makes him HIM. Is it the scar on his knee or his sticky palms? Is it his love of acorns or the way he winks? The more he thinks about it, the more complicated it becomes.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW





吉竹伸介老師這次要教你排解負面情緒的五大絕招! 不要假裝包容, 拒絕逆來順受, 徹底擺脫生氣、傷心、負面情緒 我有討厭的人,而且有好幾個。為什麼他們要那樣說話呢?為什麼他 們要欺負別人呢?真希望討厭的人都被石頭絆倒! 我會在心裡幻想,該怎麼對付討厭的人,但是討厭一個人好浪費時間 啊!究竟該怎麼做比較好呢? #探討負面情緒,結合觀察、推理與哲學思考 Why Do I Feel Like This follows a child’s hilarious, wildly inventive train of thought as she walks home in a bad mood. Where do sad or angry feelings come from What’s the best way to make them go away And is there any way to stop them from coming back This imaginative story will help young readers to think about their emotions and find creative ways to deal with bad days. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------爺爺的「天堂筆記本」描寫了天堂的模樣,還計畫了上天堂後守護家人的方 法! 爺爺對上天堂是期待,還是害怕呢? 這是一本關於生命議題的繪本,它能撫慰傷痛的孩子、害怕失去的孩子, 也能引導孩子思考活著的現在,珍惜自己的想望與時間!日本最具創意插畫家 吉竹伸介再次挑戰想像力的邊界,在生命議題上舉重若輕,以創意魔法棒為讀 者帶來不同的感受! #生命教育議題、創意啟發

What Happens Next follows a child’s hilarious, wildly inventive train of thought following the death of his grandfather and the discovery of his journal, in which his grandfather had jotted his thoughts about life after death and the ideal heaven. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

「媽媽,我有點無聊。」 「無聊就自己找點事做呀!」 於是,一個絕對不無聊的故事,就這樣發生了! 世界上最無聊的樂園是什麼樣子呢? 最無聊的年紀是幾歲呢? 路邊的石頭也會覺得無聊嗎? 大人在覺得無聊的時候會怎麼辦呢? 咦?沒想到拚命想無聊的事,居然還滿好玩的耶! #2017 MOE 繪本書店大賞第 3 名! A New York Times Best Illustrated Book of 2019 The Boring Book is a humorous picture book that follows the story of one particularly bored boy. 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




As the story progresses, our protagonist discovers there's actually more to boredom than what meets the eye—more questions, more theories, and heaps of humor. This exploration of boredom from acclaimed author-illustrator Shinsuke Yoshitake playfully—and hilariously—unpacks the ways in which a seemingly stagnant state is actually a portal into a dynamic, lifeenriching experience. • Embraces the topic of boredom—an ever-so-popular kid complaint—and runs with it • The unique comic format, fast pace, smart humor, and narrative approach makes it ideal for reluctant readers • A universally hilarious book that will amuse children ages 5 to 8, as well as adults In addition to banishing boredom, Yoshitake's distinctive illustrations promote visual literacy and show young readers what the process of creative thinking looks like. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

唉呀~尿尿稍微沾到內褲了,又要被媽媽罵了…… 可是其實褲子穿上就看不見啦!而且一下下就乾了嘛! 我覺得一定不是只有我這樣,我要出門尋找我的尿尿同伴! #生活中的小困擾,用幽默感解決問題的好方法! A humorous new book from the acclaimed author-illustrator Shinsuke Yoshitake. Everyone has something that makes them feel self-conscious. It might be the smell of your breath, the size of your nose, or the way your shirt sleeves bunch up under your jumper. At the centre of this story is a little boy who has a small but embarrassing problem: every time he pees, a few drops dribble on to his underpants. Curious, he asks other children if they have the same issue. He soon discovers a simple life lesson: everyone is battling some kind of irritation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

耶!我得到一條橡皮筋了!這是「我的」橡皮筋! 找到我自己喜歡的東西,是不是很棒? 我要用這條橡皮筋綑住我得到的很多情書。 我還要用這條橡皮筋綁住世界上所有的壞人。 我不會把它送給任何人,因為這是我的重要寶物! #以心理學理論為基礎,啟發孩子的自我價值觀! You can find joy in the simplest objects – even a humble rubber band! You can have fun pinging it or playing with it in the bath. But you can also use it to do exciting, unexpected things, like bungee jumping out of a plane, or sneaking a furtive snack. The only limit is your imagination!

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




52.【甘藍菜「嚇死寶寶」的無限循環】"The Scariest Thing in the Garden(Book + Audio CD)" 書號



20229788 9789814820837 Scariest Thing in The Garden (Book+CD)



Smith, Craig


由 Craig Smith 與 Scott Tulloch 共譜童書,繪出多方視角看世界,附贈 CD 邀請讀者們邊讀邊唱一起 加入吧! 恐懼,源自於生態食物鏈埋藏在基因裡對獵食者的警戒心,本書封面抱子甘藍菜寶寶最害怕的,就 是蚜蟲,體積雖小卻會把綠葉啃得坑坑巴巴。但蚜蟲害怕的瓢蟲也來湊一腳,俗話說「螳螂捕蟬, 黃雀在後」,瓢蟲天敵-蜘蛛就在背後... 透過昆蟲、動物間彼此最愛與最害怕的關係,串連起自然生態的食物鏈,而繪本的結尾更是把食物 鏈的頭尾給相連起來成為一個循環,這麼說你猜得到誰最害怕抱子甘藍了嗎? #讀繪本學生物鏈 #一物剋一物 #專治挑食不吃蔬菜的小讀者 Whose eyes are those in the garden? Look, it's a SCAREDY-SPROUT! But what do YOU think scared that sprout so much? AAAARRRR! You'll laugh out loud when you discover what truly IS the SCARIEST thing in the garden!

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




53.【想要世界各地的禮物,奶奶都送給妳!】"Gifts(Book + Audio CD)" 書號


20250935 9789811192197



Gifts (Book+CD)

Reid, Barbara

定價 280

澳洲、墨西哥、夏威夷,時尚又有冒險精神的旅行家奶奶總能帶回孫女想要的不平凡的禮物,手捏 出的繪本場景根本書的主題一樣,表達獨一無二的心意。 本書人物設計到劇情安排就像是讓你出乎意料的禮物,出版里程碑更如同繪本主角奶奶般落腳於世 界各地,相繼在韓國,西班牙,埃及和葡萄牙出版,Jo Ellen Bogart 的創作讓此書獲獎無數。而墨西 哥的日出、英格蘭的雨露搭配富有詩意的韻文,組合成一份充滿心意的繪本禮物,讓孩子收藏也期 待旅行下一站的驚喜。 #名符其實的禮物 #買一本送給想送的人吧 #句型簡單重複朗朗上口 My grandma went a-traveling, said:"What would you have me bring?" "Not much, " said I, "Just a piece of the sky, and a hundred songs I can sing..." Grandma is taking a trip around the world, and she's bringing back wonderful gifts for everyone.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




54.【給小小孩的科學家圖鑑】"Are You A Scientist?" 書號



20270599 9781338547085 Are You a Scientist? (Board Book)

作者/繪者 Carpenter, Tad

定價 350

圓角厚紙板翻翻書,適合放在車上帶著走,通勤時也不無聊! 一起來認識影響世界的科學家吧,翻翻看,了解每一位科學家的研究與貢獻。 An engaging and super-cute STEM-themed lift-the-flap introduction to famous scientists like Jane Goodall, Stephen Hawking, and Mae Jemison! Jane wants to watch the chimpanzees. What tool does she use? Binoculars! In this simple, boldly illustrated lift-the-flap board book, little readers will discover simple facts about five different scientists, each in a different field! Kids will meet: Jane Goodall / Marie Curie / Stephen Hawking / Mae Jemison / Charles K. Kao Each spread describes something scientists do or study, then includes a satisfying lift-the-flap that reveals a scientist in action using a familiar tool! A perfect introduction to exciting science role models!

55、【認識 RBG:不恐龍的大法官】"Who Was Ruth Bader Ginsburg?" 書號


20277659 9780593222744



Who Was Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (Board Book)

Kaiser, Lisbeth/ Chow, Stanley (I)

定價 280

圓角厚紙板翻翻書,適合放在車上帶著走,通勤時也不無聊! 一位少數的法學院女畢業生、一位女性主義者、一位美國最高法院大法官 最廣為人知的女性大法官露絲·貝德·金斯堡,一起來認識她的生平故事與貢獻。 Introducing the latest addition to the Who HQ program: board book biographies of relevant and important figures, created specifically for the preschool audience! The chronology and themes of Ruth Bader Ginsburg's meaningful life are presented in a masterfully succinct text, with just a few sentences per page. The fresh, stylized illustrations are sure to captivate young readers and adults alike. With a read-aloud biographical summary in the back, this age-appropriate introduction honors and shares the life and work of one of the most influential supreme court justices of our time. 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




56、【不守規矩會怎麼樣嗎?】“Follow Me, Flo!” 書號



20270865 9781406394313 Follow Me, Flo!





頑皮又搞怪的小鴨 Flo 做事總是不同常「鴨」,別的小鴨子都過著規律的生活、吃晚餐(通常吃種子和 莓果)、在水坑悠游洗澡、與同伴們排成一列睡覺,但是 Flo 卻喜歡吃零食、愛追著青蛙跑、甚至在 上床時間玩躲貓貓。 今天鴨爸爸要帶著他遠征去拜訪阿姨,所以嚴肅地告訴 Flo “You have to follow me.” 但是如此不 遵守規矩的 Flo,真的能好好跟在爸爸身後不亂跑嗎?這趟旅途又會潛藏著甚麼危險呢? 推薦給不愛守秩序的小讀者,了解大人訂下規則的背後是為了趨吉避凶,不能因為無聊就不遵守、 為了玩樂就打破規矩。 #教養繪本 #聽話不是盲從 #規則的背後有其道理 We’re off to somewhere new. So stick to me like glue. Follow me, Flo! Come on, let’s go! We’re sure to be there soon… Flo is a very mischievous little duckling who has a penchant for wandering off… She can't help it, her curiosity is always taking her off on new adventures! Luckily, Daddy Duck has a trick to make sure Flo stays by his side … he sings the FOLLOW SONG. But on the way to visit Auntie Jenna's house, Flo decides to sing her OWN louder, higher version of the Follow Song ... with surprising and catastrophic results! From the award-winning creator of Alan’s Big, Scary Teeth comes a hilarious and heartfelt daddy and daughter cautionary tale, sure to get all young readers laughing and singing.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




57、【冬眠以前的餞別派對】"Knock, knock" 書號


20253530 9781338339956



Knock Knock

Beaty, Daniel/ Collier, Bryan(I)

定價 210

就在快閉上眼的前一刻,一陣急促的敲門聲逼得大棕熊只好下床來應門,沒想到一隻隻的動物們紛 紛現身,喊著名字還大玩諧音梗! 「門外的是誰?」 Ken. Ken you let us in already? Luke. Luke out! Here I come! Al. Al miss you all winter long. 原來冬天來臨,大棕熊要進入冬眠,這意味著整整三個月的見不了面,所以大家都來為他辦冬眠以 前的餞別會。這麼貼心又溫暖的大家,讓棕熊原本氣急敗壞的"上床氣"都氣消了,所以他決定等到 春天一到他也要... 也許一開始惹惱你的事,或許背後都藏著一番好意,先別急著生氣,好好聽聽對方的用意再下定論 也不晚。這是一本適合在冬天溫暖的被窩裡,一起讀的諧音有趣繪本,溫馨又搞笑! #大玩名字諧音梗 #冬眠以前先聚聚再說 Bear is getting ready for a long winter nap when his friends come "KNOCK KNOCK" knocking! A hilarious tale from bestselling author Tammi Sauer and bestselling illustrator Guy Francis. Knock Knock is a fresh and innovative method of humorous storytelling that uses knock-knock jokes to tell the story of Bear and his woodland friends Raccoon, Rabbit, Turtle, and others. With each new visitor, Bear grows increasingly frustrated at his lack of peace and quiet. Little does Bear know that his friends have a surprise in store for him -- a happy hibernation party!"Knock, knock!""Who's there?""Justin.""Justin who?""Justin the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by."It's sidesplitting storybook fun!

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




58、【聽到別人噓,你就要背驢?】“Nasreddine” 書號



20236069 9781338095050 Nasreddine

作者/繪者 Odile Weulersse /Rébecca Dautremer (I)

定價 280

爸爸騎驢讓兒子跟在後面走,關心兒少權益的熱血婦女們便起身聲援孩子的權力。爸爸走路讓兒子 騎驢,則換成憂國憂民的長輩們開始撻伐年輕一代的草莓族有多散漫。兩人一起騎驢,又引起了一 派動保團體在後虎視眈眈... 由多元意見組成的路人們製造的閒言閒語,讓陪爸爸去市場的 Nasreddine 非常的頭大,幾乎每一次 改變都會再引發不同的意見來反對他們的決定,Nasreddine 到底該怎麼做呢? 「父子騎驢」是一個經典的寓言故事,描述一味聽從他人意見卻無所適從、甚至做出"反為驢騎"背 著驢子走反客為主的荒唐決定。 繪本中將故事場景拉回中東世界,從小男孩 Nasreddine、爸爸與路人的衣著、華美的圖騰、特殊的 建築與市場的買賣,再加上繪者的色調與筆觸的處理,讓文化之美在繪本內的處處細節裡展現,此 繪本也因為其傑出的插畫與故事結合,而獲得了 2014 Paterson Prize 的榮譽書籍、2013 International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)的最佳翻譯類書籍,並選入 Society of Illustrators, "The Original Art" 2013 年年度展覽 。 你在找一本不著痕跡卻能樸質又優雅地詮釋中東文化的繪本嗎? 你在找一本可以傳達"別這麼在乎、順從他人意見"的繪本嗎? 恭喜你,你找到囉! #用繪本看寓言故事 #透過獲獎繪者的筆下一瞥中東文化 It's time to go to market, so Nasreddine loads up the donkey and sets off with his father. But when onlookers criticize his father for riding while Nasreddine walks, the boy is ashamed. The following week, Nasreddine persuades his father to walk, and let him ride — but then people criticize the boy for making his father walk! No matter what Nasreddine tries, it seems that someone always finds something to disapprove of. Nasreddine is a legendary character popular in stories told throughout the Middle East, and this clever story will bring him to a new audience. Accompanied by stunning artwork, this tale offers a gentle reminder to readers that it isn't always necessary to listen to the world's criticisms. 書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




59、【認識人類正在使用的非永續能源-石油】“Oil” [精裝繪本] 書號



30253827 9781534430778 Oil

作者/繪者 Winter, Jonah/ Winter, Jeanette (I)

定價 635

石油由機器從地下深處抽取,通過管道運輸,然後抽送到一艘搜駛向大海的船上。當船撞上礁石 時,石油溢出數英里的海洋,覆蓋岩石和動物。後果會是什麼? 母子檔作者 Jonah Winter 和 Jeanette Winter 以富有詩意的形式,講述了埃克森瓦爾迪茲石油洩漏事件及其對自然造成毀滅性影響的故事。 #環保議題繪本 #認識能源永續概念 Mother-son team Jonah Winter and Jeanette Winter tell the story of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and its devastating and lingering effects in this poetic and timely picture book. Oil is drawn up from deep in the earth by machines, transported through pipelines, and pumped onto a ship that sails out to sea. When the ship crashes into a reef, the oil spills out over miles of ocean, covering rocks and animals alike. What will the consequences be? In this poignant and impactful picture book, celebrated picture book creators Jonah Winter and Jeanette Winter powerfully explore the devastating impact mankind can have on nature.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




60、【關掉螢幕,起身體驗這個充滿樂趣的世界!】 "Square Eyes (with CD)" 書號 ISBN-13


20194642 9789810943523 Square Eyes (Book+CD)



Smith, Craig


大熊貓不管外面是下雨天還是大晴天總是喜歡坐在沙發上看電視,沒想到久而久之牠的眼睛竟然變 成了螢幕的形狀!雖然電視上的節目很有趣,能讓人學到新東西,但如果一直坐在螢幕前,你的腦 筋會變得遲鈍,原本有趣的內容也會不再有趣。 為了拯救變成沙發馬鈴薯的大熊貓,牠的朋友們隨著音樂起舞、到圖書館翻開書本,運用想像力展 開奇幻之旅、在游泳池內盡情戲水,想讓大熊貓知道除了盯著螢幕看之外還有很多好玩的事可以 做。大熊貓從沙發上爬起來走出門外才發現自己有多喜歡大自然! 快關掉眼前的螢幕到外面動一動吧! #拒當 3C 電視兒童 #起身到外面的世界探險吧 Panda and his friends sit inside on the couch all day, glued to the TV screen or multi-screening with tablets too, so in this fun song, singer/songwriter Smith encourages them to get up, get outdoors and exercise! From Craig Smith, creator of the phenomenally successful Wonky Donkey, is another hugely popular song for kids—now in picture book format.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




61-65、不簡單的女孩們,神奇的科學家們 Amazing Scientists Book 1-4 書號





20230524 9781338298277

Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Mosca, Julia Finley/ Dr. Temple Grandin (Amazing Scientists 1) Rieley, Daniel (I)


20260422 9781338646344

Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath (Amazing Scientists, 2)

Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)


20294502 9781338572278

The Girl With a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague (Amazing Scientists 3)

Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)


Astronaut With a Song for the Stars: The 20294519 9781338775778 Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa (Amazing Scientists 4)

Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)


61、【圖像思考的自閉症少女-星星的孩子】"The Girl Who Thought In Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin (Amazing Scientists 1)" 泰普·葛蘭汀 Temple Grandin 在從小就被診斷出患有自閉症,直到四歲時都不曾開口說話,然而如今 的泰普是畜產學學者、暢銷作家和禽畜動物行為顧問,不只為世界的畜牧業貢獻良多,甚至出版了 暢銷書、在講台上滔滔不絕地分享,證明患有自閉症或其他症狀的孩子們是”Different, Not Less”。 兒時的泰普對於人群相處感到恐懼,但在農場的她卻如魚得水,能從動物呼吸間便了解到牠們的喜 怒哀樂。她把身為自閉症患者治療經歷結合動物行為觀察,發明了能舒緩自閉症患者壓力的擁抱 機,還設計了改善牛隻畜養的方式與硬體設備,改革了全球的畜牧業。 本書是一本真實故事改編的繪本,除了插圖繽紛可愛讓孩子接受度高之外,選用押韻的文字讓你閱 讀上口,書末附上 Temple Grandin 生平年表,絕對是正面教育的最佳勵志閱讀文本。 #真實故事帶給你無比勇氣與鼓勵 Key Features Description No one expected this autistic girl to speak, but Temple did and demonstrated her talent for visual thinking that's made a lasting impact on farm management. No one expected this autistic girl to speak, but Temple did and demonstrated her talent for visual thinking that's made a lasting impact on farm management.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




62.【守護你的眼睛,追尋夢想的人權女醫生】”The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath (Amazing Scientists 2)” 書號


20260422 9781338646344



Doctor with an Eye for Eyes: The Story of Dr. Patricia Bath (Amazing Scientists, 2)

Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)

定價 280

真實的故事、美麗的紀錄,Patricia Era Bath 是美國的眼科醫生,發明家,人道主義者和學者。她是 白內障手術的早期先驅。她還成為 Jules Stein 眼科研究所的第一位女性會員,第一位領導眼科研究 生培訓計劃的女性,也是當選為 UCLA 醫學中心名譽職員的第一位女性,她作為一個需面對性別歧 視、種族主義和貧窮的黑人女孩,Patricia Era Bath 從小便與眾不同,她樂觀堅持,努力打破刻板印 象,證明眼科醫生並非為男性專屬。 本書除了有可愛鮮明的插圖,配上押韻的故事,Patricia Era Bath 完整的身平紀事與照片,豐富多彩 的事件時間表,甚至還有 Bath 博士自己的筆記! 當我們覺得自己年輕、經驗不足、自我設限難以突破時,讀一下 Patricia Era Bath 的故事,打破傳 統,堅持一下,任何理想都有實現的可能。 #不畏歧視夢想最大 #時代女力,人美心更美 Key Features Description As a girl coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement, Patricia Bath made it her mission to become a doctor despite obstacles like racism, poverty, and sexism. As a girl coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement, Patricia Bath made it her mission to become a doctor despite obstacles like racism, poverty, and sexism.

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




63、【有數學頭腦的女孩,改變美國海軍設計】”The Girl With a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague (Amazing Scientists 3) “ 書號


20294502 9781338572278



The Girl With a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague (Amazing Scientists 3)

Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)

定價 280

在美國海軍掀起波瀾的隱藏幕後人--雷伊·蒙塔古! 20 世紀 40 年代初,年輕的 Raye 在參觀了一艘德國潛艇後,立志成為一名工程師。當時她並不知 道性別歧視和種族不平等會讓這個夢想在的每一步都成為挑戰,甚至讓她將最偉大的職業成就保密 了幾十年。 儘管經歷了這一切,這位才華橫溢的數學家仍然堅持不懈,最終贏得了歷史上當之無愧 的稱號:永遠改變船舶設計進程的先驅--雷伊·蒙塔古。 #藏身美國海軍的超強女力 #為數學 STEM 閱讀繪本 NSTA Best STEM Trade Books for Students K-12 2019 Selection Meet Raye Montague―the hidden mastermind who made waves in the U.S. Navy! After touring a German submarine in the early 1940s, young Raye set her sights on becoming an engineer. Little did she know sexism and racial inequality would challenge that dream every step of the way, even keeping her greatest career accomplishment a secret for decades. Through it all, the gifted mathematician persisted―finally gaining her well-deserved title in history: a pioneer who changed the course of ship design forever. The Girl With a Mind for Math: The Story of Raye Montague is the third book in a riveting educational series about the inspiring lives of amazing scientists. In addition to the illustrated rhyming tale, you'll find a complete biography, fun facts, a colorful timeline of events, and even a note from Montague herself!

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




64、【為星星演奏的女孩,拉丁裔女太空人】” The Astronaut With a Song for the Stars : The Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa (Amazing Scientists 4)” 書號



Astronaut With a Song for the Stars: The 20294519 9781338775778 Story of Dr. Ellen Ochoa (Amazing Scientists 4)

作者/繪者 Mosca, Julia Finley/ Rieley, Daniel (I)

定價 280

「希望你們能不屈不撓,堅持到底,做事情一步一步,腳踏實地。」 艾倫‧歐喬亞博士,從小喜歡吹奏長笛,受到美國女太空人莎莉‧萊德的故事鼓舞後,一路上努力 學習,克服重重挑戰,成為史上第一位拉丁美洲裔女太空人! 種族與性別歧視,並沒有阻擋歐喬亞博士完成夢想。她發明了三個光學系統,執行了四次太空任 務,還成為美國太空中心第一位拉丁美洲裔主任,更有六所學校用她的名字命名! 堅定不移的決心和積極正面的人生觀,讓艾倫‧歐喬亞博士成為令人讚歎的時代典範。 #不屈服的時代女力 #音樂不只無國界,還能傳達到宇宙 If you have a mission, a dream to explore, but no one like you has achieved it before... Meet Dr. Ellen Ochoa-a determined space pioneer with a stellar symphony of talents. Growing up in a family of immigrants, Ellen dreamed of becoming a professional flutist, but all of that changed when she discovered engineering in college. Though she was told that field of study wasn't for girls, the bright young scientist refused to give up-ultimately becoming a NASA astronaut who shattered barriers and rocketed to success!

書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW




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280 平裝




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Mosca, Julia Finley /

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70 9781338646344 71 9781338572278

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書林出版 100046 台北市中正區羅斯福路四段 60 號 3 樓 T:02-23684938#107 葉小姐 MILLY@BOOKMAN.COM.TW


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