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Jonny Packham
Fred Bates
(at the moment) To what extent does information communicated in design
affect the consumer mindset?
Dan Robinson
Tutor Rationale (200 words) Throughout the summer I decided to research into the following areas; Illustration, print and editorial. I did this to help define who I am as a designer, and to start to define where I fit within the design industry. I found that I am an illustrator first and foremost, who is driven by print and interested in editorial and publications for the creative and commercial industries. I also found that I haven’t produced any work yet on the course which reflects these interests, and shows off my skill sets. I want to secure at least one placement throughout the course of this year, and stay connected by pursuing live brief opportunities that are relevant to me and will help me and my practise to build up a strong portfolio of work. I am interested in producing work that responds to conceptual, content driven briefs. This is because I will perform best in this situation.
Statement of Intent (200 words)
Illustration - Probably my strongest ability, will give me a strong portfolio. Content driven work - intend to give my illustrative work weight by using editorial and content. Live briefs & networking - I intend to research into potential live briefs by networking High end print & specialist print processes (this is my specialist area) Good portfolio & placements - intend to do this using all of the above.
Brief 1 (Title) Manchester book fair
The Manchester book fair is a great opportunity to showcase work, as I have invited along potential placements to it, So it only makes sense to have some strong work on display. Producing a publication to sell at the book fair is also a live brief and will look great in my portfolio. I can also expand the publications content into a range of promotional products for the publication itself. 3.
Brief 2 (Title) Paper, Scissors, Stone Live brief
I have been asked to design and produce some interior illustration for the toilet walls in PSS, this is a live brief and is a great opportunity to get some recognition as an illustrator. There is also the opportunity to expand the illustration into a range of either self promotional products, or products which I could potentially propose to PSS.
Brief 3 (Title) Publication
I want to explore type and layout in a little more depth than I have done Over the last two years. I aim to produce a content driven publication to translate into high end print and promotional materials, Another great portfolio piece and a good piece of informative design.
Brief 4 (Title) D&AD competition brief
It would be great to win a competition brief, and Ive set my sights on D&AD, maybe I’m being ambitious but as I said before... I need to feel the fear... and do it anyway! I still do need to pick a competition brief, I could end up picking a few briefs to develop in order to select a strong piece to submit. General Comments
The year has got off to a flying start, and I’m already very, very, very busy with the briefs as I have started one, and another is in its initial research stages. I can’t wait to test myself this year and get the most out of my final year as humanly possible.
TUTOR’S Signature STUDENT’S Signature