Mary is not the mediator Between-God and men
This is not a subject that I had planned to write on but the Holy Spirit won’t let me get away from it so I approach it as sensitive as I can, so as not to offend anyone. I am a Catholic, I was born a Catholic and I go to Mass and receive the Eucharist, and it saddens me to see so many Catholics living in religiosity, but they don’t know they are. Religion will never get you into heaven, it is man made, and there is a vast difference between religion and a relationship with God our Father. Jesus the son of Mary came into this world to do away with religion and to create a way, and that way is the way into heaven, he came to show us that we can have a relationship with his Father on a personal level.
Many Catholics believe that only Mary can get them into heaven and that is not true. In Medjugorje Mary has been appearing since 1981 and the message she has been giving since the first apparition is that people need to get saved, and they need to pray. Most Catholics don’t understand her messages, because she said, that “we need to pray and ask for the Holy Spirits help for we don’t not know how to pray, or how to pray as we should, but when we have the Holy Spirit we have everything; Romans 8-26. Most Catholics believed that meant that they should pray the rosary, but Mary did not say that.
Before many people knew Of Medjugoria, a nun friend of mine, a Sister Augusta Maria was receiving the messages direct from a friend in Medjugoria, and she gave me those messages as they were received by her, and I read those messages carefully and I know from way back then that people were beginning to misinterpret those messages. The plain and simple truth is she told people that they need Jesus into their lives in order to get into heaven, and they need to receive the Holy Spirit but those messages weren’t understood, she told people who asked that she cannot save anyone, no one but her Son Jesus could do that. Dedicated followers of the apparitions in Medjugoria who have kept those first message should go back to the beginning and read again the words of Mary and you will see she did not tell people to pray to her but to God; but people being people prayed the rosary anyway, because they didn’t understand her message of praying first to receive the Holy Spirit. She quoted scripture, the word of God, to back up what she said, to prove to the world it really was her. And the scripture she quoted was.
There was no good teaching at that time about the Holy Spirit, and praying in tongues the language of the Holy Spirit except in a growing number of Charismatic people, who were being laughed at as being nuts, but she told the Catholic people they all needed to receive the Holy Spirit, because as she said when you have that you have everything.
When I try and tell Catholic people in the meetings I am invited to speak at, what Mary really said, some of those religious fanatics launch into an attack on me or walk out on me as I preach
the word of God, they think I am against Mary and against the rosary and so have a go at me instead of listening to what I am saying; and I only repeated what Mary the mother of Jesus said in the beginning; she was showing them the way into heaven and showing them a better way to pray, to pray with the Holy Spirits help, and he knows what our needs are and so he pleads with God to answer our needs. Now read the scripture she quoted for you to see what she was on about.
Romans 8-26-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
26 Similarly, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we don’t know how to pray the way we should. But the Spirit himself pleads on our behalf with groaning too deep for words; 27 and the one who searches hearts knows exactly what the Spirit is thinking, because his pleadings for God’s people accord with God’s will.
She was telling the people who came to see her or visit with her that they also needed to have the Holy Spirit in them so they can pray the way God wants them to pray. She did not tell them to stop praying the rosary, no but she told them to pray in a much better way, through the power of the Holy Spirit who knows our needs better than even we do. And the greatest thing about praying in tongues is that God always answers yes to the Holy Spirit.
Now I am going to say something that may offend religious people, who believe that only Mary can get them into heaven. Mary herself said she can’t do this, only her Son Jesus can do this. She told the people to ask her son into their hearts so they can receive the gift of eternal life through him. Mary is not the mediator between God and men, there is only one mediator the man Jesus Christ, he was the one who sacrificed himself for our sins. Mary did not die to pay for our sins; Jesus did this so that we can have easy access to heaven through accepting his gift of forgiveness. No one else has died for our sins but Jesus, and no one else can stand between God and us but Jesus. No one can get us into heaven but Jesus, no matter what you may have thought, it is only Jesus, the son of Mary, that can do this, and she told the people at the beginning this truth. Now read for yourself what God says about this and remember this is God’s word you are reading, you can check your own bible and you will see this is true.
For there [is only] one God, and [only] one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
There is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus, not Mary. Contrary to popular belief among Catholics, Mary is not the mediator or matrix, this single role belongs to the man Jesus Christ the redeemer.
You can pray to Mary, there is nothing wrong with that but Mary herself told you she cannot get you into heaven, this is the role of her Son Jesus, the redeemer of the world, the only one who paid for man’s sins, Mary didn’t pay for your sins, it was Jesus alone.
Adam the first man sinned; so man from this time onwards suffered the original sin which he passed down through his genes that was until Jesus came and reversed that, and offered man forgiveness and a clean slate.
New International Version (NIV)
16 Nor can the gift of God be compared with the result of one man’s sin: The judgment followed one sin and brought condemnation, but the gift followed many trespasses and brought justification.17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!
Jesus was that gift, according to the word of God and who knows that better than God? No one! It is Jesus and Jesus alone who reconciles man and women to himself by their acceptance of him into their heart as their lord and saviour. Mary did not go to the cross on Calvary, she was there, but she didn’t suffer the scourging at the pillar, nor did she die for the sins of the whole world, past, present, and future, she never suffered for man sins, she suffered the loss of her divine son.
Romans 5-8-Good News Translation (GNT)
8 But God has shown us how much he loves us—it was while we were still sinners that Christ died for us! 9 by his blood we are now put right with God; how much more, then, will we be saved by him from God's anger! 10 We were God's enemies, but he made us his friends through the death of his Son.
The word of God tells us quite clearly that it was Jesus and not Mary that died for our sins; it was by his precious blood that we are put right with God, and not by mans religion that says that Mary is the go between man and God. Mary is not the go between us and God, Jesus is the go between us and no one else. Mary never died or suffered for our sins, as the word of Almighty God tells us, it was his son Jesus, alone, which is the go between him and us; his cross is the bridge that we needed to cross over into heaven. Mary loves us as we all know, and intercedes for us, that means to pray for us but she cannot get us into heaven, or get us right with God, that is the role of Jesus her son. Some of you may think that I am having a go at Mary, but let me tell you something, in my younger days before I gave my life to Jesus as my lord and saviour; I had many supernatural experiences with her, and her last act was to point to her son Jesus and said follow him, and that meant that I had to leave following her and go follow Jesus, just like John the Baptists followers left him and followed him when he pointed out Jesus as the saviour of the world. He told those who asked him are you the saviour and he replied, “No.” when Mary was asked questions at Medjugoria she told the people there, ‘don’t pray to me, pray to the Father in heaven.’ She distinctly told the people gathered to listen to her messages through the young people she spoke through. Mary does not want to be glorified above Jesus, she is just a woman no matter what you may think of her, Jesus was God who became man and when he died and rose again he arose as God. Mary did not die and rise again, and it may sound controversial but her tomb is in Ephesus in Turkey with John’s tomb, she lived there after Jesus died, remember Jesus said to Mary, his mother; ‘Mother behold your son,’ and he said to John, ‘son behold thy mother.’ and John took her to Ephesus among other places; and her house is still
there today in which she lived and died in, and the Muslim people honor and go to her house because they say you can feel the presence of God there in it.
I love Mary very much, and as I stated previously I had many experiences with her, so don’t say I disparage her. I do nothing but speak the truth as she did when she said, ‘Jesus is the way into heaven,’ and ‘the Holy Spirit is what we all need, to help us in our praying,’ she intercedes for us, just as we can intercede for our children or friends or loved ones.
Religiosity makes us hold Mary in a greater place than Jesus, and that is so wrong and actually is a work of the devil in getting people to believe that, and when they do so, they don’t believe in the work that Jesus did for mankind; they don’t believe in the power of that name of Jesus, they are confused and confused people hold no power. Did you know that the name of Mary will not drive out a demon? The name of Mary will not heal the sick; the name of Mary will not bring salvation, the name of Mary will not drive Satan himself away, but apply the name of Jesus to any of these and you will see that it is his awesome name and power that does all of the above. Jesus name is the name above all names, not the name of Mary and if you hold Mary higher than Jesus then you suffer from religiosity, from religion and religious people have no power to either save themselves, or bring anyone else to salvation.
We Christians are in a relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and with Father God. And the Holy Trinity lives in us and dwells in our temple our body. Mary does not live in us or dwell in our bodies, only the blessed Holy Trinity have that right. You need to understand that Mary does not want you thinking of her in the same light as Jesus her son, she knows her place, even more that you will ever know. God honored Mary, by granting her to hold her son in her womb that is a tremendous honor to have to be recognized by God as sinless from birth, no one in the entire world was ever born without original sin but Mary received that honor, and is to be loved and respected but not to be worshipped.
I know many Catholics believe that they cannot approach God and ask for favors or requests, they believe Mary is a mother who can get to her son Jesus, better than you can; but this is not true, because God made you a son and daughter just like Jesus, and gave you a place of highest privilege, the same as Jesus, you can come to the Father and get what you ask for and you will receive because he promised this.
John 16 New International Version (NIV)
23 In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father “will” give you whatever you ask in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
Jesus himself said, you won’t even need to ask me for anything, never mind asking Mary, for anything, but you can go directly to the Father and he will give you what you ask for in my name. Did you notice he did not say, ‘what you ask for through Mary, or in her name?’ He said God the Father will give you whatever you ask for in my name. You receive when you ask in Jesus name, not in Mary’s name. God made you his own divine children and you
do not need a go between to ask him for anything, except for salvation. You can ask him for everything and you will receive what you asked for in the name of Jesus.
I know some people are afraid of God, they see him as someone who punishes you, they don’t see him as what he is, a loving father who desires the best for you his own child. Because of a bad father relationship, people are afraid to come to God, because of that bad relationship they had between them and their earthly father. How could you approach a Father God if your own earthly father raped or abused you or was cruel to you growing up, or treated you like something stupid and even called you so; it is understandable why these who have suffered in this way come to Mary to ask for their needs. A bad earthly father is a reflection of what they think God is like; a father who beat his child will have that child believe that God the Father is the same a cruel harsh punishing God, and this is why so many Catholics come to Mary; they believe a woman is softer than a man and God is called ‘’father,’’ they see their mothers getting what they ask for, because a mother knows how she can manipulate her husband, their father, and he gives in and gives her what she asked for; so they use the same approach with God by coming to Mary in the same way, and this needs to be healed, and God will heal that relationship between you and him, if needed. He desires to bless you with every gift in heaven and on earth. He loves you with no restrictions, his love is non conditional.
God understands everything about us, he knows our fears and our worries and is concerned about us; his love is so deep we will never be able to fathom it. God’s love and only God’s love is immeasurable; Mary the mother of Jesus can not love us to the extent that God loves us, only God is love and he created Mary just as he created you.
God allows Mary to come to the world to try and bring people to Jesus her son; once she has encouraged someone to ask Jesus into their heart her work with them is finished; just like her work with me was finished the day I received Jesus as my lord and saviour, and she let go of me and I of her. I honor Mary; I do not pray to her, I talk with my Father directly because Jesus led me to the Father and the Holy Spirit. I do most of my praying, praying in tongues, because as Mary said, ‘we do not know how to pray or how to pray as we should,’ so I pray in the power of the Holy Spirit speaking in words the spirit of God give me to say and God my Father understands those groaning and sounds and grants me what I have asked for through the spirit. As I stated in the beginning of this little book, Mary cannot save us from hell, only Jesus can do that and that is by our believing in him as lord and saviour, and asking him into our hearts, and that is the beginning of our journey into heaven; in fact the very moment you ask Jesus to come into your heart all your sins past, present, and future are wiped out and you are called sinless, spotless, and clean by God, he says you are forever perfect in his sight, ‘forever,’ and that never changes.
I thank Mary for leading me to her Son Jesus, and I will always be grateful to her, for her role in my salvation, knowing she herself could not save me from damnation, but led me gently to Jesus the rock of my salvation, my lord and saviour, and the beginning of an amazing life in the fathers care, and he will do the same for you if you just ask Jesus into your heart as your lord and saviour, you also will receive eternal life with all sins wiped away forever, and you like me will have entered heaven the very instant you ask Jesus into your heart.
Contrary to popular belief, you will be judged by your decision whether to accept Jesus or to reject Jesus that is the judgment you bring on yourself, if you reject Jesus you will go to hell when you die, and if you accept him, you will receive eternal life instantly, and live in heaven for eternity.
There is only one mediator between men and God the man Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world, don’t let the devil deceive you any longer, give you life to Jesus and continue on with your praying to Mary, then you will be led to the Father by Jesus and by the Holy Spirit to enjoy a new relationship with him and Jesus.