of God” and
Seek you “first” the
Seek you “first” the “Kingdom of God’ and “his righteousness.” Brendan Mc Crossan 21-09-2011
Matthew-6-33-But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Seek first
When God says seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, it means that you need to understand the fundamentals of righteousness and the kingdom, not just to say you found righteousness and were saved, but that you are to express everything that righteousness is, you are to find its life in scripture in the principles of understanding everything righteousness is.
You need to know that righteousness has its base in salvation and in almost every aspect of the word of God, and that without righteousness there is very little in scripture basics that are separate from righteousness.
Righteousness is the fundamental principle of God’s life and nature in the human being, his life is righteous and therefore your life is righteous, you have the same meaning to life as God has.
You the Christian scholar have to research and find out for yourself the basic need of righteousness and how to apply righteousness to every portion of our lives.
In the same way we need to understand the kingdom of God principle and get to know all that the kingdom of God is, and to know what it means for you and how to apply it to your everyday living, it is an ongoing work.
There is a saying I heard when I just became a Christian; “to have found God is not the end of your search for God but just the beginning”
I could never understand that saying, until recently, and then I learned that when I first was introduced to God the father by Jesus, there were things about him I never knew. I knew he was God and knew he was Almighty God, but I didn’t know him personally. I didn’t know thirty six years ago, that he made me holy without a single fault. Then I was amazed to discover that he made me from before he made the world; and I didn’t know that he made me in his own image. Then I discovered that God my Father took a part of Jesus, just like he took a part of Adam and made Eve, and created me from that substance. After that I discovered that he called me forever perfect in his sight, and that was after I asked him one day, “How do you see me.” He showed me more scripture that confirmed how he seen me, I was blown away.
God sees me as holy, sinless, perfect, without a single fault, or failing, he sees me as righteous, he sees me as precious to him, he showed me one day as I ministered to him, a large lump of coal, deep black, then that picture changed as I looked at it with my eyes wide open as that lump of coal hovered about two foot away from me and about six inches above me, then it changed into a diamond, a sparkling clear pure diamond, and he said the coal used to be me, now the diamond is me.
I later found out watching TV one time that a diamond is created under severe pressure, it is a piece of coal and the pressure of the earth, over time, forms that coal into a flawless diamond. I was amazed when I first saw that on TV and I immediately remembered my vision and now understood, why coal and then a diamond. I know for fact that I am a diamond in God’s hands, and scripture says we are the jewels he uses to make up his crown; Malachi-3-17.
It took time for me to get to know these things as I grew closer to God, and through the years I have come to know God in a deeper way; but I am still learning new things about him and his word who is Jesus, every day of my life. And now I found myself writing about righteousness, and I have found out there is more to righteousness than just righteousness. I have discovered that righteousness is in the basic principalities in our life with God.
Having found righteousness, I have established that it is not the end of my learning but only the beginning of righteousness. I have written twelve books so far on righteousness and each of those books have a different angle, a different viewpoint, a different understanding about what righteousness and righteous is; and the depth of righteousness goes deeper than anything I have ever studied before. I cannot get away from it at this moment in time.
Every time I study and search out the word righteous and righteousness, I discover there are multiple expressions to that remarkable gift, and I know that I am just scratching the surface with what I have written so far.
For example, I was overwhelmed to discover that the words righteousness and righteous were used 501 times in the NIV Bible and even more in other translations.
Righteousness is mentioned 403 times more than angels who are mentioned 98 times. Healing, healed or heal, is mentioned 146 times in the entire bible. That’s 355 times less than righteousness
Salvation and saved is mentioned 224 times in the NIV Bible. That’s 277 times less than righteousness and righteous.
All these things are just the beginning for me in discovering righteousness. I feel like Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise, ‘to boldly go where no man has gone before.’ Seek you first, the kingdom and righteousness, and having found it, begin your search again because in discovering righteousness and the kingdom of God I am discovering who my God is, because God is righteousness, he tells us to seek the kingdom of God and “His” righteousness.
I have written, as I said earlier, twelve books on righteousness and I have before me another three or four already in the pipeline waiting to write them as the Holy Spirit leads me. These books like this one are on my website and are easily found. These books are on righteousness and the different principles of righteousness, for example one book is called. “Reigning in righteousness” another book is, “Living For righteousness;” another is “Righteousness its use in the armour of God.” And so on, each book shows a different side of righteousness, and so it is with this book I try and show the reader the importance of righteousness, to have found righteousness is not the end of your search for righteousness but only the beginning. May every scripture that you read and find righteousness in it bring you a new revelation on the word of God?
Seek first the righteousness of God
OneBefore, over and above everything else in life, seek you first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. These are the greatest instructions that God gave us, seek first his kingdom which is Jesus, as Jesus is the kingdom of God, and seek first his righteousness. God included these two basic things pertaining to salvation in the one sentence. And this is the greatest failure of the Christian churches to proclaim that message in its entirety; they have preached salvation, seeking the kingdom of God. This is true of most Christian churches. But few rarely realise that it is Jesus that this scripture is talking about, they preach, ‘invite Jesus as lord into your heart and you will be saved;’ which is absolutely correct; because I accepted Jesus as my lord and saviour and I got saved. But they don’t intricately link the two together and so the Christian church has lost out in a very important part of their salvation, righteous and salvation as one entity.
You cannot separate righteousness from the kingdom of God; they are one and the same. Jesus is the kingdom of God; righteousness is his to give at the point of rebirth, being born again in the spirit. Jesus is righteousness. Righteousness is what he is, his nature and persona. Jesus is both the kingdom of God and righteousness, they are intricately bound together.
When scripture says seek you first, the kingdom of God, it is saying seek you first Jesus, through whom you have salvation, the kingdom of God and with it righteousness, they are changeless.
Now and again we have been taught that we are righteous, but it is rarely explained that righteous and salvation {the kingdom of God} come at the same instance, righteousness did not come later on after you proved yourself worthy. It is received instantaneously, one didn’t come before the other, and they bare the same oneness.
God said seek first; righteousness and Christians do not realise the extent of righteousness, they do not know the enormity of what righteousness really is and does for them. Righteousness is his, God’s, and it is his righteousness that he gives us as a gift from him, righteousness is not yours as from yourself, but it is a gift that you have been given so now it belongs to you.
Now you can truthfully say, ‘I am righteous,’ because my God and Father gave me this gift out of his love for me. This was his gift to make me able to come into his presence at any time day or night and be received gladly and welcomed with love. And it pleases God greatly to receive you into his presence it means you believe him when he said you are welcome to come boldly into the throne room and receive favour.
Hebrews 4:16-New Living Translation so let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Righteousness gives you the right to come before the throne of God boldly, the blood of Jesus cleansed you at the moment of rebirth, {born again} and you received three things so far; you received salvation, you received righteousness, you received cleansing by the blood, and you received a lot more than you even realise; all in an instant. We receive his mercy when we need it, especially when we fall into sin, we receive that wonderful mercy of God, and forgiveness of those sins was included in mercy at the moment of rebirth, that’s now four things you received when you were saved, and there’s more. We will find grace that blessed redeeming feature of God’s mercy, to help us when we need it most,inotherwordswhenthingsgettough,thatiswhengracewillappearandhelpyouthrough.
Seek first the kingdom of God; why did I start off with righteousness? Because most people think that righteousness comes after salvation at some point in their lives, I wished to help you understand that righteousness and the kingdom of God are one. Jesus is the kingdom of God. Jesus is salvation.
Matthew-6-33-But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Scripture tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and “his” righteousness, that is the very first thing that the unsaved need to do, seek first their salvation because the kingdom of God is a person, the personage of Jesus Christ the saviour of the world and it tells us also that we need to seek his righteousness, showing in scripture that the kingdom of God is a person because you can’t seek a place and “its” righteousness scripture specifically says seek “his” righteousness thereby telling us that the kingdom of God is a person, i.e. Jesus Christ the messiah saviour of the world.
Scripture then tells us that the kingdom of God is within us. When we received salvation we received Jesus into our hearts as lord and saviour, isn’t that so, Christian? And scripture also tells us that we are filled with the father Son and Holy Spirit and have come to completion. That’s two more things you may not have known the moment you received salvation, you also received the kingdom of God - Jesus.
Luke-17:21 Amplified-Bible.
Nor will people say, look! Here [it is]! Or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
The kingdom of heaven is the place where God has his throne where billions of angels and angelic beings and the elders and all creatures in heaven reside. That place where we now stand in the spirit. And we will enter into full awareness of where we are, at the moment of our passing from this life to the next.
Is Jesus in you, then so is the kingdom of God. When we were first told the Good News, we were told to ask Jesus into our hearts as lord and saviour and he would come; and since he
came into your hearts, his kingdom, which is he, for he fills all things with himself came into us, into our spirit which has no boundaries.
Ephesians-1:23 New-Living-Translation and the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself.
Seeking first the kingdom of God over and above everything else in this life is what God desires from us. Seeking him for his love, to love him because of who he is. God is yearning that we should seek over and above everything his kingdom and his righteousness for ourselves. To keep searching even after we have found him.
Seek God more than treasures; seek him more than Gold or silver. Seek him more than you seek spiritual gifts; seek God more than you seek power or prominence. Seek God because he is God and nothing else and when you seek God for himself and nothing else, nothing that you can get from him, then you will find him, and when you seek his kingdom which is his Son Jesus, then you shall surely find your saviour and eternal life in him.
I make my statement again reinforcing what I have been trying to say. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, seek that first in your life and you will be pleasing him enormously, and you will find the kingdom of God and receive his righteousness.
In all my latest writings I find myself writing about different subjects but each subject involves righteousness and I see that they cannot operate fully without righteousness. Flawlessness is at the very core of God’s being and should be at the very core of our being also. When you seek righteousness you have sought after salvation because salvation and righteousness go hand in hand they cannot be separated they and one and the same substance - Jesus.
Jesus is flawless, without blemish stain or fault and he gives us that same flawlessness in Ephesians -1-4-making us holy, without a single fault; or blemish as some scriptures say
Flawlessness means righteousness to be of right standing with God at all times flawlessness, excellence, rightness, faultlessness, exactness, precision, aptness. These are all the main ingredients of the character and makeup of God himself, and this is what God urges you to seek with all your heart. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and the kingdom of God is a person, the person of Jesus. Seeking first righteousness and the kingdom of God makes us holy, spotless, sinless, without a blemish on or in us. We are made in the same image as he himself, through his righteousness
Jesus when asked about the kingdom of God said;
Luke-17:21-Amplified-Bible nor will people say, look! Here [it is]! Or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
When you have found the kingdom of God what have you found also? You have found ‘righteousness’ and where the kingdom of God and his righteousness are within you, the kingdom of God is within you, there is no unrighteousness in the kingdom of God only righteousness and when you have Jesus who is the kingdom of God, then you have ‘his righteousness’ you are saved and have ‘righteousness’ included in salvation. It is now born into your new nature.
There is nothing that can be done without righteousness at its core, when you read your scriptures you will see righteousness is at the heart of everything, and that’s because Jesus is in everything and fills everything with himself, as already explained in the scripture previously.
Righteous Judge
Revelation-19-11-And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called ‘Faithful and true,’ and ‘in righteousness’ he doth judge and make war; 12His eyes were as a flame of fire; and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 13And he was clothed with vesture dipped in blood: and his “name” is called “The Word of God.”
Jesus judges the world in Righteousness, even judging is done in righteousness, and everything concerning God is about righteousness.
Romans-8:30 Amplified-Bible and thosewhom Hethus foreordained, Healso called; and thosewhom Hecalled, Healso justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].
God himself called you, he justified you acquitted you of all sin and fault and made you righteous, and raised you to a heavenly state of being and condition.
This is what happens to you when you become righteous, you become justified from all sin, you were called by God, and you were acquitted from all wrongdoing, and you have also been glorified and raised to a heavenly dignity and condition and state of being. {Did you know that the little word in means to be a state of being and condition?} {Chambers School dictionary}
Below in this scripture is the promise that God shall look after you.
Psalm-55-22-Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken 23 but you, God, will bring down the wicked into the pit of decay; the bloodthirsty and deceitful will not live out half their days. But as for me, I trust in you.
If you cast your cares upon the lord he will sustain you and he will never let you be shaken; but will bring down the wicked who attack you into the pit of decay. That is an awesome
promise for God to make to you and me who are declared to be righteous. This is a good reason to seek righteousness; God will sustain you and fight your enemies for you. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; before you seek anything else seek him – Jesus. And continue seeking him every day of your life. Amen