A church without miracles is dead!

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AChurch without miracles is dead! Brendan Mc Crossan

AChurch without miracles is dead!

A church without miracles is dead, it is lifeless without power and no matter what Church you go to if miracles and healings are not happening on a regular basis then that Church is dead. It is of no threat to Satan or his evil forces it is dead in itself. The Gospel is not being preached in all its fullness, you may talk of salvation and some people get saved; but is your church filled with worship and praise to a glorious God who says in his word that it is Miracles that glorify him.

I have been to many different churches and mosques, and where there are no healings and miracles happening, they are just the same, outwardly they look different, a mosque looks different from a catholic church in its structure and inside they are different a catholic church has pews for people to sit upon and in a mosque people kneel before their God; but they are both the same as well as the Christian churches whatever their denomination if miracles are not happening regularly; they are dead, there is no supernatural life happening in them.

You may say to me how dare you criticize our church we have hundreds coming to worship on Sunday and have different events happening every day of the week, how dare you criticize us.

I ask you then; where are your miracles? Where are your healings? Where are the deliverances? Where are the miracles that Jesus said you will do in his name?

I challenge you to tell me where they are happening, where a Muslim could or a Hindu or a Buddhist come and see the truth of Jesus alive and active? People need proof that Jesus is alive and active, that he is the same yesterday today and forever and in healings and miracles they have all the proof they need. You, the pastors and elders or priests wouldn’t have to try program after program to try and get people to come to church, people would trample over each other to get to a living church where Jesus Christ is seen and felt. People that are sick and have no help have no where to turn to except medicine and sometimes that medicine cannot cure them but we have a miracle working God who delights in working miracles for the believer. Miracles are there to draw people who need God in to the church where they should find him.

I was asked one time to come to a pastoral meeting of Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Creggan where I live. When I got there the priest explained that the church numbers were getting decreasing dramatically. He asked everyone there who was from one group or another to suggest something that could be done to increase numbers again. They all come up with different types of programs. Different suggestions and programs were suggested and the priest discarded them all saying they have already been tried by other churches. As I sat there the lord spoke to me saying, ‘tell them that within six months you will fill the church,’ I answered him; ‘lord I cant fill this church.’ He replied, ‘no but I can and if you said I said so they will never listen to you, they will laugh at you and mock you.’ Tell them you will fill the church.

Psalm 111-3-Miracles demonstrated God’s glory, honour and Majesty, and eternal goodness.

I sat for quite a while mulling over what the lord had said trying to think how to approach this with these people who had gotten hostile with one another, and were now shouting at each other saying their way was best.

The priest called a tea break to calm things down, and while we were having tea I spoke to my uncle there and told him what the lord said to me, he said to say it to the meeting when we get back together again.

After tea some more suggestions were thrown in and thrown out again by the priest as having been done. Then I said I will fill the church in six months, and immediately people began screaming at me to shut up you are a charismatic and a nut case, they went on for about ten minutes screaming at me calling me all sorts of names. And the priest never even asked me how I could fill the church in six months; he dismissed the meeting with a prayer. On the way out I approached him and asked if I could bring a priest called Fr Robert De Grandis to Saint Mary’s to do a healing service and he nodded his head, saying he will see the Bishop and get back to me if everything would Be ok, he did and it was approved.

Months later we had a healing Mass in Saint Mary’s and the church was packed to overflowing with people standing outside that couldn’t get inside.

People were healed in their hundreds even those outside waiting in the rain were healed as they came in later and testified of their healing to me and other members of our worship group.

A priest who was at the meeting that his administrator called, a Fr Crowley, came over to me after the healing service and said to me; “you did it” ‘You filled this church just as you said you would in six months and it is six months to this day since that pastoral meeting.’

I was shocked because I had forgotten about the pastoral meeting and Fr Crowley said it was six months to the very day. God is faithful to his word.

God knew people would come to a healing service because people need healing, just as they came to Jesus and listened to him talk, but they were first of all looking for healing and they listened as they waited, because they knew Jesus preached the word of God first and then he healed the sick, or the other way about but he always done the two together without fail. Miracles demonstrated God’s glory. Miracles today in your church will do the same.

Psalm 111-3-Miracles demonstrated God’s glory, honour and Majesty, and eternal goodness.

Your sermons need to be backed up by God’s power in miracle working power.

Just recently there was an Evangelist on ‘God TV;’ a man called Tod Bently, you may have seen this man and whatever your opinion of him look at what happened through his ministry. BecauseGod was healing peopletherein Florida, and through theTV and through theinternet; millions tuned in seeking healing and a touch of God. There was never anything like it before, and I know Tod Bently blew it all by his actions and disgraced himself in front of millions, but those millions cried out to GOD TV to please keep the program going with his ministry team and they did for a while, and even now this week they have his worship leader on God TV,

and as I watched two nights ago, people were reporting healing and miracles happening through this worship leader Roy Fields. People are desperate for a healing or a touch from God, they’re tuning in again all around the world. People seen live on God TV a man receive healing through seeing through a glass eye and his artificial leg grew out three inches in front of others, they seen people testify live with doctors reports their healing from cancer, some people laying on their death bed in hospital heard it on TV and got up out of their death bed healed by the miraculous power of God. People witnessed all this take place, and all denominations colors and creed were healed including unbelievers and Muslim and Hindu and other religions. People in their millions tuned in to see God work a miracle, and it mattered not about Tod Bently falling, people stilled longed to see him on God TV because they knew God was using him. If you had such a burden on your shoulders, and had every demonic force searching out your weakest point I wonder how long you would have survived. Tod Bently did wrong and he is paying the price for it. What about you, have you ever laid hands on a sick person expecting God to heal them? If you have not you have no room to criticize anyone. Have you paid a price like Tod Bently? Has Satan ever attacked your church with such ferocity that it wiped out everything and just a few left standing. Have you ever been such a threat to him that he feels like he has to wipe you out, or do you get the nominal attacks everyone gets?

When Jesus walked the earth what did he do? He preached the good news and healed the sick or the other way around. Is the so called good news you’re preaching turning people to God? If people are not receiving healing, deliverance and miracles when you preach then you need to go and check out your bible and see what it was that Jesus done that caused miracles to happen and what it is you are not doing. Good news to the sick is healing; good news to the poor is prosperity, God supplies all your needs through Jesus Christ, Philippians 4-19. Good new of salvation through Jesus brings souls to Christ, but Healing and miracles bring an even greater bounty, because these things draw the crowds and the more people to receive healing then the more there is to bring salvation to.

What drew the crowds to Jesus? Was it his preaching, yes because he taught with authority, he was different from the other preachers and religious people. But what drew them even more was the fact that he backed up his word with sign and wonders. How many of you who read this have stood in street ministry and preached or done a mime act trying to get people passing by to stop and 90% just walked on by they didn’t want to hear. Have you ever asked yourself why? Why are people not interested? I will tell you why, it’s because there are no signs and wonders happening to catch their attention, no miracles happening to show them that you are a different group from the last street group they saw, who had no signs and wonders either. You may think I am being very harsh on you and you may say to me why are you not doing this. Friend I have I have stood in the street praying with many people over the years and Jesus healed them or saved them or delivered them from suicidal thoughts.

You need never wonder if it is God’s will for you to have healing services in your church, he said that Miracles demonstrate his glory, majesty, and eternal goodness. Are you giving God the chance to perform miracles? Or are you waiting on some supernatural direction saying go now and heal the sick.

Jesus said in;

Mark 16-15- you are to go out into the entire world and preach the good news to everyone, everywhere. Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.

And those who believe {that’s supposed to be you} shall use my authority to cast out demons, {oops I’M supposed to cast out demons} they shall speak new languages, {in tongues} They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it wont hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them. {I have to lay hands on the sick, you mean me?}

When the lord Jesus had finished talking with them he was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.

And the disciples went everywhere preaching and the lord was with them and confirmed what they said by themiracles that followed theirmessage. {Miracles follow themessage}


Mark-16-15- You are to go out into the entire world and preach the good news; lay hands on the sick and deliver them from demons, you don’t need to ask God; Lord is it healing services you want? He would answer you it is a healing service ever meeting I desire because it glorifies my father, It demonstrates his goodness to his people, miracles are God’s perfect will.

I hope you don’t misunderstand me, your church services are important because that is where the body of Christ Jesus is gathered together to worship, and if your teaching scripture to your people then you are doing everything correct, but if you are not demonstrating the miraculous power of God Almighty your missing something. The preaching or teaching of the word has to be followed up by miracles because God backs up his word by signs and wonders; it is your expectation that is the important issue here. Do you expect God to demonstrate his power after preaching or teaching the word? If you don’t then you are wrong and need to change your outlook and check out scripture better. Jesus gave you and I instructions to go out into the world, preach the gospel heal the sick and deliver people from demons, and to bring them into receiving the Holy Spirit and receive their gifts of the Holy Spirit including the gift of tongues. It lays up to you to have the healing service after the word and before the close of the church service, this way people will stay in respect of God’s presence and not start talking with one another and disrespect the Holy Spirit, they should stay in worship until after all have been prayed with. If you’re a church you need to appoint caring sensitive people to the healing ministry, and have them minister during the healing service not just the pastor or elder or leader or priest etc. That way you will have everything in order and the lord will be pleased.

I have witnessed the presence of the Holy Spirit roll into a hall and people disrespected him by talking and some actually trying to stop him from manifesting his power, they felt it and then tried to stop him and succeeded the spirit left again. I have witnessed this personally, the Holy Spirit was rolling into a hall filled with young people and their parents and the power of God rolled in from the back of the hall; a leader felt this happening and spoke to me aggressively trying to get me to stop worshipping God as I was ministering to the lord singing quietly. He actually forced me to stop singing, and the two priests who were there rounded on him angrily, because they both felt the Holy Spirits presences roll in like a cloud. But it was too late the Holy Spirit left immediately.

Disrespecting the Holy Spirit will cause him to leave again, and people at healing services disrespect theHoly Spirit becausetheleaders don’t tell them to haverespect for theHoly Spirit and God the Father and Jesus. It is awful sad when you’re ministering to someone and you sense the presence of God lifting because of peoples disrespect, by talking. Would they disrespect the president of the USA or the Queen if she came to visit? And they went about meeting with people, would they talk like a gaggle of geese, loud and disrespecting these two mention people, and yet the creator of the universe is there in their midst and they sit and yap away giving no though to who is present. That is why I say the healing should be done during the actual service in church, so that people don’t disrespect the lord.

In a large crowd in a hall, it is difficult to have people shut up when they see miracles happen right in front of their eyes, but this is where the worship leader must exercise his authority by gentlyexplainingaboutrespectingthelordandthentalkingafterwardswhentheserviceisover.

If your church is not experiencing the miraculous from God what makes it any different from any other church? Nothing they are dead also. In the book of Revelation the lord sent a message to the churches.

Revelations-3-1-to the leaders of the church in Sardis write this letter. This message has been sent to you by the one who has the sevenfold spirit of God and the seven stars.

I know your reputation as a live and active church, but you are dead. Now wake up, strengthen what little remains for even what is left is at the point of death.

Is your church almost dead, is the same things Jesus done happening in your church, is the power of God visible for all to see, are those who are sick being healed? Are miracles happening? Is everyone witnessing the power of God in your church? Can those who visit see God at work mightily or is something only happening when someone comes with a message orministry,andthenyouseesignsandwonders?Justbecauseyoubringaministryorsomeone with a gift of healing and do a healing service does not mean your church is alive, it is not alive unless you have this happening during your regular services every week with you the pastor and elders and you priests and ministers. You are the ones who are supposed to bring the living God into your church where people can come and meet with him and receive his touch every week.

Am I being harsh with you? Yes! You need to hear that you are almost dead unless miracles are happening because it is the miracles that bring glory to God not your church services, or your great sermons.

Miracles demonstrate God’s glory, honor, majesty, and eternal goodness. Demonstrate means to show, to make real, to display, make obvious, express, and lay bare. You are supposed to demonstrate God’s glory by the miracles he does. It has to be obvious to everyone that God is in the house.

Worship Leaders take note.

Your worship should reflect the glory of God it should be prolonged with shouts of adoration, singing in tongues and singing songs that tell of the glory of God they should demonstrate your love for him.

Worship leaders have a great responsibility to God, they are the ones who should lead people into true wonder filled worship expecting God to manifest himself among them, and they should move people with their desire to sing love songs to Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Worship leaders should be encouraged by the elders to make prolonged praise and adoration and to lead the people into this worship that pleases God and makes him present himself there among you, that people feel his presence.

It is better to have sustained praise and heart felt worship that to have an hour long sermon, for when God is present and a sermon is going to given to the congregation then the lord will fill that sermon with revelation and teaching far beyond what the pastor or priest or minister had originally prepared. Then everything fits together and miracles will automatically happen because God is present and he can’t help but perform miracles because it glorifies him and demonstrates his honor and majesty and eternal goodness.

Those in leadership should encourage their worship leaders to have sustained praise and worship, not give them looks in the middle of worship saying time to stop I need to do my sermon. The greatest Miracles I have seen happen is when the sermon was put aside as people followed the worship leader and sang their hearts out to God with enthusiasm and zest and the leader put aside his sermon for the glory of God, or he cut it to ribbons as the people worshiped with zeal.

It was more important to him to Glorify God than talk, and be the centre of attention.

Following after the Holy Spirit is the most important thing to do as he leads in worship of the father and Jesus then the miracles will happen.

Here is a little spiritual tip for worship leaders.

When singing to the lord a song, think of the words in that song, do they reflect your adoration, do they tell God how wonderful he is, or do they say, “I am.”

If the song reflects your love for God and adoration then sing to him like you see the film stars in a movie doing, they look into each others eyes and sing into their eyes expressing their love for each other. In your mind with your eyes closed visualize Jesus in front of you standing, look into his eyes and sing your love song to him, looking directly into his eyes.

Or sing to the Father in the same way, or to the Holy Spirit if you’re singing to him; let it come from your heart not your head, let it be meaningful and real.

When you are in love, you look into your partners eyes and you say to them; “I love you” you have no problems doing that do you?

If you are in love with Jesus you do the same you look into his eyes and tell him I love you, or express the words of the song; or just use your own words, words that you feel in your heart. Don’t be afraid to express them aloud to him, God is not nervous, heaven is filled with loud praise and worship and clanging symbols, and trumpets, and these are not quiet instruments.

I try and avoid songs that have the words, “I am,” or say about “me” in them, except when they are saying, “because of you I am more than a conquer,” or something like that. Songs that glorify you or I avoid if possible, some just don’t glorify God.

Quick songs are usually sung at the beginning or praise to lift the people out of whatever they came to church with, and to get them focused on Jesus. To lift their attention to the lord and off themselves, then after a while the spirit leads you into quieter songs into worship, and here the leader has the joy of leading them into the presence of God.

If leading worship sing the songs that the Holy Spirit prompts you to sing, and as you end the song, begin to lead the people into loud worship, by saying praise you Jesus or glory lord or just use your own heart felt words, and as you say those words out aloud and keep saying worship words people will automatically follow your lead. They are there to worship God also and desire to give him praise and worship during the worship. Avoid long delays between song and worship as people will begin to switch off and sit down. If you’re playing a song in the key of, say G for connivance. Keep strumming gently and quietly as you begin leading people into worship, don’t change key for God’s sake because it breaks the consistency of your worship people won’t be able to make the change just because you can.

Keep strumming gently and as people follow you’re leading, then you can increase the level of volume getting louder slowly bring people into a higher level of praise and worship, keep the tempo the same don’t speed it up, stay consistent with the song you just sang, providing it was a slow or moderate song, people couldn’t follow a heavy metal type of song, use a moderate tempo or a slow song to bring people into worship and then into singing in tongues.

Example song- “Jesus, all for Jesus, all I am and have I offer now to you.” Use a song like this to lead into worship, or some song in the quieter tempo, defiantly not a quick song. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in the choice of song.

Try and select songs as the Spirit leads in the same key, so when you have led people into worship and then into singing in tongues you can bring them back down again into quietness and then continue with another song, preferably staying in the same key with all songs. If you’re singing a song and you need to change key, as you come to the end of the quiet worship, stop playing your instruments and just praise aloud for a few moments, then stop! And the people will stop also. Then you can begin the next song in the different key.

When singing in tongues do not ever change key, stay in the key you began the worship in and singing in tongues. There are a few songs that most people can follow singing in tongues but very few songs suit this, so try and stick to singing in the one cord of say for example. E, or A or G. whatever key your in, stick with that main cord for the duration of the singing in tongues, which can last for hours depending on the Holy Spirits leading.

“NEVER CHANGE KEY IN THE MIDST OF SINGING IN TONGUES.” This destroys the harmony between the worshippers in tongues. Don’t do it ever.

What did Jesus do?

Psalm 111-3-Miracles demonstrated God’s glory, honor and Majesty, and eternal goodness.

Miracles demonstrate God’s glory, miracles exhibit, they express God. We need to express God’s love, we need to bring him honor, and miracles show his Majestic power and show his eternal goodness. Theses are what we need to be showing in church the majestic love and power of our Father God. God wants us seeking miracles because they demonstrate his love and goodness and glory. It glorifies God when he works a miracle for you, so of course it is his will for healing services and for demonstrating healing during them, because they demonstrate his glory, goodness, majesty and eternal goodness. God wants his people to see his goodness to them, to feel his touch, to experience his majestic power in their lives.

Did Jesus demonstrate God’s glory? He sure did; his whole life was in demonstration of God’s love and power for God’s glory.

Mark -1-32-by sunset the courtyard was filled with the sick and demon possessed, brought to him for healing, and a huge crowd of people from all over the city of Capernaum gathered outside the door to watch, So Jesus healed great numbers of sick folk and ordered many demons to come out. {But he refused to allow the demons to speak} because they knew who he was.

Mark-1-39- so he traveled throughout the province of Galilee, preaching in the synagogues and releasing many from the power of demons. Once a leper came to him and begged to be healed. “If you want to, you can make me well again,” he pled.

And Jesus moved with pity, touched him and said, “I want to! Be healed!” Immediately the leprosy was gone, the man was healed

Is your church half empty or is it almost empty? Then look at what drew the crowds. “Healing!” That’s what drew the crowds to Jesus, the people needing healing and those who come to watch.

Jesus ministered to these people with healing and it does not say he preached a sermon first or afterwards. He demonstrated the Glory of God to these people the sick and the curious in Mark 1-32.

Human nature is funny, people will go out of their way to watch something interesting happening, and they will go especially to see people getting healed, because something supernatural is happening and people love the supernatural, it has a tremendous draw for them, whether that supernatural is evil or good, they are automatically drawn to watch the supernatural because It is in their very nature to have supernatural desires. They were created by a supernatural God into a supernatural world of God’s kingdom, not this world and its false impressions of the supernatural.

In that first scripture Jesus did not preach or teach, he just healed those who came to him looking for healing, and even though crowds were there watching he still did not preach, he was so preoccupied demonstrating God’s glory, majesty, and eternal goodness. He was

following his heart, the love in his heart for the sick was more important at this particular gathering than to preach or teach, he put it aside for the sake of the sick. Maybe leaders in the church could follow his example sometimes as the spirit leads drop your sermon for the greater need of the sick and for God to demonstrate his Glory.

In the second scripture, Mark 1-39, it says Jesus went about preaching in the synagogues and then he healed the sick and drove out demons. The crowds were in the synagogues already doing their thing and he spoke there with authority and he demonstrated God’s glory. Here Jesus was following the leading of the Holy Spirit as he preached and then healed the sick, he never done anything without following after the Holy Spirit, even when the Holy Spirit was leading him to his death on a cross on Calvary.

What was Jesus attitude toward those who opposed healing for whatever reason?

Mark-3-1-while in Capernaum Jesus went over to the synagogue again and noticed a man there with a deformed hand. Since it was the Sabbath, Jesus enemies watched him closely. Would he heal the man’s hand? If he did, they planned to arrest him!

Jesus asked the man to come and stand in front of the congregation. Then turning to his enemies he asked, “Is it all right to do kind deeds on the Sabbath days? Or is this a day for doing harm? Is it a day to save lives or a day to destroy them?” But they wouldn’t answer him.

Looking around him angrily, for he was deeply disturbed by their indifference to human need, he said to the man, “Reach out your hand,” He did and his hand was instantly healed.

At once the Pharisees went away and met with the Herodians to discuss plans for killing Jesus.

There are a number of things to notice in these scripture things that are important to your attitude towards healing, and Jesus.

One, the man standing there never asked could someone heal him, he was just there worshipping God in the synagogue.

Two, Jesus enemies watched him closely. Who were his enemies? The religious leaders of that time made themselves his enemies. The priests or pastors, in today’s vocabulary, or the vicar or minister these are his enemies today. The religious leaders were opposed to Jesus healing. I have witnessed the same thing in these days, I seen leaders and ministers oppose healing violently, with deep anger because I or someone else was declaring Jesus wanted to heal people and if no one else would pray with them I or they would. Are you a religious leader or minister, are you against healing taking place in your church, then your just the same as these guys who were Jesus enemies, you’re his enemy also. Remember Jesus said himself; If anyone is not against me then they’re for me.

Three, Jesus brought the man out in front of everyone so that everyone could see what he was about to do. He was demonstrating to everyone there it was God’s will to heal. He was


showing us that it pleases God when we boldly publicly show God’s power. I have no problems in standing someone in front of a crowd and telling others to watch closely and they will see God heal the person I am praying with. I know God’s will is healing so I have no problems in demonstrating to others this and encouraging them to do the same as I do, in fact this is what I do most of the time, I boast of God and his ability to heal.

Four, looking around him angrily, he was deeply disturbed by their indifference to human need.

Jesus expressed great anger; he was deeply disturbed by their indifference to someone’s suffering. Their indifference made him angry. In only two instances in the bible does it refer to Jesus being angry, one in the temple area with the guys selling and buying and here, the man with the withered hand, people’s indifference made him angry? Both incidents were not in how they treated him or mocked him but it was in their treatment of God’s people that raised him to anger. The merchants in the temple were robbing the people with weighed scales, and defiling the temple with their theft from the poor. Jesus anger was roused by both incidents, people’s indifference to others. Are you indifferent to others needs, to their suffering, does it bother you at all when you see suffering around you? Do you just shrug your shoulders and move on when confronted by a blind beggar on the street, would Jesus do what you would do? Or are you alive and active in Jesus, offering healing to the blind beggar? Not everyone wants to be healed, even blind beggars. Some people make a good living out of their disability, and healing would mean they would have to work for a living.

Five, they left and plotted to kill Jesus. Imaging anyone plotting to kill someone whose life was obviously geared towards healing and loving others, to doing good to those in need. If you are going to serve God in a healing ministry, or if you decide that your church needs to change and become God centered, by him demonstrating his miracles in church; then be prepared for attacks like you never experienced before, especially from those closest to you, from your elders or pastors or fellow priests, mocking you and tearing you to shreds as a nut case.

Satan will use people with the mindset of the Scribes and Pharisees to attack and ridicule you and mock you, trying to get you to stay away from healing, because you are treading on Satan’s toes when you are interfering with those whom he has afflicted. But its all worth it, it is worth it all, all the suffering you will experience and rejection from others including your best friends, when you step out and have a healing service for God’s glory. The joy you experience when you witness God use you for healing someone who is ill or dying is awesome, you know God is alive and inside you, and alive and inside your church.

I don’t say what I say in this little book lightly, and I don’t condemn you in any way, I am trying to get you to see the truth and the truth will set you free, healing glorifies God, and God will perform healing in your church if you surrender to his healing spirit. If you step out and try, and announce that the next service will be a healing service, Jesus will meet you there, as he wishes to bring glory to his father and the Father will also come and demonstrate his glory, honor, majesty, and eternal goodness, by the miracles he does.

Do you know there is a difference between healing and miracles? Healing takes place over a period of time, a day or two or overnight, maybe over a few weeks? Miracles happen instantly, they defy the natural by demonstrating the supernatural.

God is for you. You don’t have to do anything except praise him during the service, and ask people if they feel any thing different in their bodies, if they came with pain, has the pain gone. Lay hands on the sick during the service at a special time selected, or after preaching the word. Keep people in the presence of the lord instead of talking through the praying.

Read my book on learning to pray for healing, to learn a way that you can use to pray for healing and see miracles happen for his greater glory.

Step out and lay hands on the sick and pray with them a little while until they tell you their pain is gone. Don’t let fear of failure stop you, if nothing happen the first time, announce a healing service for next week and keep doing it and you will eventually witness the manifest glory of God work miracles.

Remember something, God is the worker of miracles and healing not you, you’re job is to praise and worship him, even before you see the miracles and healings happen.

James1-7-8-ifyoudon’taskwithfaith,donotexpectthelordtogiveyouanysolidanswers. Faith is doing something, faith is taking the first step, and then God comes to meet you half way.

Those sent out to preach the good news and heal the sick.

Luke 9-1- One day Jesus called his disciples together and gave them authority over all demons—power to cast them out and to heal all diseases. Then he sent them out to tell everyone about the coming of the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

9-6-they began a circuit of the villages, preaching the Good News and healing the sick.

Mark -16-15-go out into the whole world and preach the Good News to everyone everywhere. Etc

17- Those who believe shall use My Authority to cast out demons, etc, the will lay hands on the sick and they will be able to heal them. Etc.

20-And the lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their message.

God sends us into the world, we are the continuing generation from the apostles, and we are the children of God that he uses to bring salvation and healing to a broken world. Your hands are the hands he will use for healing, your mouth for preaching the Good News, if you just let him.

Jesus power didn’t die with him, when he died on the cross on Calvary, his power rose with him and was then given to his disciples on Pentecost and then it was passed on to others by the laying on of hands, down through the generations until this present generation, that power is still available to those who are baptized in his spirit because the gift of the Holy Spirit is the gift of power he was the source of power Jesus used. Scripture Says and the power of the spirit were present for Jesus to heal. The Holy Spirit is the power that heals, he is the power that Jesus used, the power was on him without limit or measure, it is on us in the same way, but we don’t believe it, Jesus did.

If you have received the Holy Spirit in the baptism in the Holy Spirit then you also have received all the power that Jesus had now in you.

1-Corinthians 1-7- now you have every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You have the power in you to lay hands on the sick and to work miracles, the Holy Spirit is the one in you doing all these things, and you just submit to the Holy Spirit and let him do his work for the Fathers glory through you.

You are just the means he uses, praise the lord, to be used for healing and miracles, the responsibility for miracles lays in the Holy Spirit in me as I surrender to his leading and instructions. Glory to God on high for his amazing plans, its no wonder it says in;

Jeremiah-29-11- “I know the plans I have for you says the lord they are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

What a future, witnessing people being healed and restored through my willingness to surrender to the Holy Spirit and Jesus.

There are many scriptures that I could use to point out that it is the will of God to demonstrate healing, but all you have to do is to read the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and you will see Jesus never said to anyone, No! It is not my fathers will to heal you. Or No! You’re not worthy, you’re a sinner, or your worthless, past redemption, or a drunkard, an alcoholic, or some thing else. Jesus dies for all of us without exception; he died for those who reject him, those who don’t want anything to do with him, because he knew if anyone truly knew the awesome love that he has for them they would run into his arms crying forgive me. This world, and of course Satan using this world turned people away from God and Jesus giving them a false perception of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Jesus died for all, won’t he surely heal all who come to him for healing. I have witnessed people stop Jesus healing them in over thirty years of ministry, for one reason or another, it saddened me but I had to move on to the next person seeking God’s healing touch. You can read my book; “People I prayed with who were being healed and stopped it happening.”

It is the will of God to heal because Miracles demonstrate God’s, glory, honour, majesty, and eternal goodness. Go and demonstrate God’s glory by having healing services and by praying for the sick and dying, leave the results up to God, you are not God he is!

Psalm 111-3-Miracles demonstrated God’s glory, honour and Majesty, and eternal goodness.

Those who believe shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed!

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