Brendan Mc Crossan
One God has blessed us with so much and we don’t realize how much we have been blessed by him. We see some things in his word that say it like, ‘God poured out his spirit upon us,’ and some of us have experienced this outpouring and sadly many have become complacent with this awesome gift. The joy of knowing that you are filled with the Holy Spirit has waned from some, praise is not forthcoming from a grateful heart any more, or it has stopped altogether, some have been robbed of this love by the enemy.
If God never blessed us with anything else apart from giving us ‘his own Holy Spirit,’ then we should be the most ecstatic, happiest people on this planet; the realization that God the creator of the universe and beyond, decided to share with us human beings ‘his own,’ yes ‘‘his own Spirit,’’ that should be enough to blow us away in awe, and yet our Father God decided to do even more than that, he decided out of his great love for us to give us “everything” in this world to use, for our benefit and joy, and for his glory; because when you are happy, he is happy, he actually exults over us in singing his joy is in us.
We have forgotten that God actually sings with joy over us and he sings even louder when ‘we’ realize the wonderful promises he made, and ‘we’ act on them, so that he can work signs and wonders for us. It delights our Father God to give us ‘everything’ and he wants us to know our rights, that is why he gave us his written word, he knows how easy we forget things, especially when were under pressure.
Zephaniah -3-17-Amplified Bible (AMP)
Actually ‘everything’ belongs to ‘you’ Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@9-05-2013
The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.
I see everywhere in this world people claiming their rights, or fighting for them, and many even dying for them, whilst evil men in power try and prevent them from having even basic human Inrights.Englandatthismomentintime,Englishpeopleareloosingtherightsthatpreviousgovernments gave them, and financially they are being forced into poverty again as the present government take away the basic financial help they need, and they are protesting about this, demonstrating in the streets, and in places they can protest. In England people are now planning to take the British government to the court of human rights in Europe, to contest what they are doing, they are going to a higher power to try and force the government to backtrack and give them back their rights.
NowwhatisitthatGodpointsoutthatbelongstoyou?‘Thisworld,’isonethingGodsaysbelongs to you,
Our God has given us rights and those rights are recorded in his written word; and the enemy we have is ‘not’ a government, but is even more evil than power filled men; he, the devil, is trying to prevent us from using the God given right to health wealth and peace of mind, to mention but a few of our rights. We have a higher power we can go to, to help us get our rights; we have the word of God. Butmorethanthat,weareexpectedtofightforourrights;wehavealreadybeengiven‘everything’ from God our father; and our greatest enemy –the devil, will try and keep you from operating in those rights; he will try to deceive you at every turn; he will discourage you every time you try to rise above your situation; he will inflict you with sickness and disease and try and kill you; but you have overwhelming victory over him every time through Jesus Christ. By his work on the cross he brought the devil down to nothing; totally defeated him and left him powerless, except for the power of lies, which is part of his very nature, and he will lie to you and tell you the word does not mean ‘you’ when it says God has given ‘you,’ ‘everything,’ he will make you feel unworthy, not important enough for God. Two The world belongs to you to use Most Christians do not know that God has given them everything they could ever need in this life, this truth has been kept from them by their greatest enemy who does not want them coming to a realization of who and what they are as children of Almighty God! Christians, for the greatest majority of them, do not know the awesome power they have been given, or the wonderful gifts they possess through the Holy Spirit in them; they fail to understand that when the word of Almighty God says something that this is a truth forever, and that truth needs to be acted upon, and spoken out just as Jesus ‘spoke to a fig tree’ and then said to us, ‘say to the mountain,’ and it will be moved. Jesus was showing us a truth by example, he had nothing against the fig tree, apart from the fact that it had no fruit on it and he was hungry. But first, let’s look at this awesome truth of the word of God given to us by the Father in heaven.
Actually ‘‘everything’’ belongs to you:22 Paul, Apollo’s, and Peter; ‘this world,’‘lifeanddeath’‘thepresent’and‘thefuture’alltheseareyours,23 andyoubelongtoChrist, and Christ belongs to God. Lets look at this scripture carefully, what is it saying to us the children of God? It is saying, ‘actuallyeverythingbelongstoyou!’Whatdoesthatmean?Simplyput‘everything’meansexactly that, ‘everything’ in this world that has been created by God is yours to use. ‘Every’ ‘thing’ that is what’ everything’ means, you cannot make it any simpler than that. Everything means, all, ‘the whole thing,’ ‘the lot,’ ‘the whole lot.’
See, in this scripture, you, the believer, have already, been given all power and authority over the devil and his works in this world through the name of Jesus, and that is before you even have the Holy Spirit in your life, imagine the power and authority you have through God’s own Holy Spirit when ‘he’ operates through you. the devils authority and power in this world have already been stripped of him by Jesus when he went to the cross on Calvary and later on in hell, ‘Satan’s
17 “These are the miraculous signs that will accompany believers: They will use the power and authority of my name to force demons out of people. They will speak new languages.18 They will pick up snakes, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them. They will place their hands on the sick and cure them.”
Mark 16-15-Names of God Bible (NOG)
Then Yeshua [Jesus} said to them, “So wherever you go in the world, tell everyone the Good News. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.” 27 So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female, 28 blessed them, and said, “Have many children, so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their control. I am putting you in charge of the fish, the birds, and all the wild animals. You can see in this scripture that God already gave us power over this world, we even have been given power over all the animals and fish in the oceans, God said that we would resemble him and resemble means to look like him, to be similar to; similar means to be like, like means the same as, so God made us the same as him, and we don’t really believe him in this amazing statement. How sad, really, that the God who created us in his own divine image is not believed when he says in his word, “actually everything has been given to you.” has he given us power overthedevilsicknessanddiseaseanddemons?AccordingtoJesusinMark16-15-hehasalready given us all the power over the enemy.
Genesis 1-26-Good News Translation (GNT) 26
‘This world,’ actually belongs to you; God gave man this world to use and you are a descendant of that first man and this world belongs to you to use for the glory of Almighty God. Actually the first thing God’s word says belong to you are the writings of Paul, Apollo’s and Peter, what they learned from God’s direct word to them, has been given to us, so when we see the word of God in their writings we should take hold of it and make it our own.
Amplified Bible (AMP) 12. on the day following, when they had come away from Bethany, He was hungry. 13 And seeing in the distance a fig tree [covered] with leaves, He went to see if He could find any [fruit] on it [for in the fig tree the fruit appears at the same time as the leaves]. But when He came up to it, He found nothing but leaves, for the fig season had not yet come. 14 And He said to it, No one ever again shall eat fruit from you. And His disciples were listening [to what He said]
Three Life and death are our servants We live in this world and it is in this world that God will work through us for his glory, and also for our good. Jesus said that if you ‘say to the mountain and ‘believe’ it will move and drop into the sea.
kingdom,’ Jesus defeated him forever leaving him powerless and defeated always and then Jesus gaveusauthorityoverhimalso,andtheonlypowerhehastodayisthepowerofliesanddeception! You the believer have power over all sickness and diseases in this world where you live, and as scripturesaidinGenesis,Godalreadygaveyoupowerandauthorityoverthisworldandeverything in it, you are to subdue everything for the glory of God, not for any selfish reason but to glorify God, who gave you all rights.
to you, if you have faith (a firm relying trust) and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if ‘’you say to this mountain,’’ Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be-done. Both the fig tree and the mountain are where? They are in this world and are subject to our faith, if we have the faith to say to them to move, or die, they will do what we commanded in Jesus regardtothefigtreewhatdidJesusdo,hespoketoit.Comeon!Whogoesaroundspeaking totrees;apartfromtheredIndiansinAmerica,theyknewtherewaslifeinthetrees;andapologized to them before they cut them down for their totem poles.
Mark 11
------------------Ijustrememberedsomething;manyyearsago,afterIgotmarried,Ireturnedtomymother’shome to visit her and dad. I had just seen a TV program about trees and plants having life in them, and I seen avideo examplegiven, of agroup of men entering aroom wheretherewereaboutsix plants sitting in a row; each man passed them and commented that each plant was lovely, except for the last man; he shouted at the plants and grabbing one he ripped its leaves off, and pulled it out of its pot throwing it unto the ground. These plants were wired up to some kind of testing machine,
to you, if you have faith (a firm relying trust) and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if ‘’you say to this mountain,’’ Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be-done. It will be done because the power over life and death has been given to us, and the fig tree was an example of this power in action. It was in this world and is therefore under our power and authority. The mountain will also move because everything in this world is under our authority, we must learn to continually say; be thou removed to what ever mountain stands in our way!
Mark 11-20-Contemporary English Version (CEV) A Lesson from the Fig Tree 20 as the disciples walked past the fig tree the next morning, they noticed that it was completely dried up, roots and all. 21 Peter remembered what Jesus had said to the tree. Then Peter said, “Teacher, look! The tree you put a curse on has dried up.” The proof that we can say to the fig tree or anything else we cannot see in this world is that we can see the results of faith. The fig tree died from the moment Jesus commanded it to, and next morning it stood there dead as a door nail.
Jesus never wasted his breath or time; every thing he did was for a reason, to show by example something we needed to learn, he was showing us that the things in this world is subject to his name used in faith; the fig tree was in this world and therefore subject to faith spoken to it; Jesus was not a man who was vindictive or subject to anger, and spoke to that tree for a spiritual reason, to show by example that we have the power of life and death, and the tree was a living thing, the proof that it is a living thing, is, that it grows, and produces leaves in season and is supposed to produce fruit in season also it is alive, a different life from ours, but alive nevertheless! And Jesus commanded it to die by saying no one shall eat fruit from you ever. He used the authority of life and death are your servants to demonstrate this for future believers.
When I entered my mother’s home that day, I spotted her ‘busy lizzy’ on the hall stand; it was full of leaves and blooming lovely, and I remembered the TV program. When I was leaving I stopped at my mother’s busy Lizzy and began making threats to it, telling it I was going to kill it, and pulled some little leaves off it, much to my mother’s annoyance. I did this a few times when I later visited, and one day as I entered my mother’s home I saw that the plant was no longer there and all her other plants were thriving with beautiful flowers on them. I asked her where was her busy Lizzy thinking she had moved it some where else, and she looked very annoyed at me, and said, you killed it, it died a few days after I tore its leaves off and threatened it, she was so irritated at me, as this was her favorite plant. Even on her death bed she reminded me of what I had done, and I asked for forgiveness from her and got it; but it was amazing that after thirty years, she, on her death bed, felt so much about her plant; she reminded me that I spoke death to it and it died. I had forgotten all about that until a few minutes ago, and I realized that I did as Jesus done not even knowing the power we have been given us by God in the spoken word. The power is there working in our lives even though most times we are not even aware of its natural ability in us.
Next day the same group of men entered the room where the plants were kept and as each one entered, the needles attached to the plants moved slightly, but when the man who ripped the little plants leaves off and pulled it out of its pot and killed it entered, the needles of all the plants went ballistic,theplantsshowedemotionsofterror.IofcoursenotbeingaChristianatthattimethought that this was hilarious.
15 Today I offer you life and prosperity or death and destruction. 16 This is what I’m commanding you today: Love Yahweh your Elohim, and follow his directions, and obey his commands, laws, and rules. Then you will live, your population will increase, and Yahweh your Elohim will bless you in the land that you’re about to enter and take possession of.
Choose between Life and Death
17 But your hearts might turn away, and you might not listen. You might be tempted to bow down to other gods and worship them. 18 If you do, I tell you today that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live for a long time in the land that you’re going to take possession of when you cross the Jordan River.
and a little needle moved back and forth showing the plants reaction to things like temperature and other things. When the man ripped the plant from it pot ripping its leaves off the needles on the machine went berserk.
Deuteronomy 30-15-Names of God Bible (NOG)
I have learned there is power and authority given to us by God through his Holy Spirit and that power works even if we don’t realize it just as I didn’t realize it at the time of speaking to my mother’s busy Lizzy. I gave you that story as an example of the power we have over things we see and the things we do not see, in this world.
Christians do not realize that we actually have power over life and death, when we are confronted with someone who is dying from some sickness and disease; we actually have power over the spirit of death and can command that spirit to leave the sick persons body, and it will go, and then wecancommand‘life’itselftoenterintothatsickpersonsbodyandbringhealingtotheminstantly. Bible (AMP)
God offered us life or death so life if chosen belongs to you, God wants us to chose, that is free will in action. Life and death actually belong to you; it is under your authority and your power.
Romans 8-38-Amplified
Colossians 1-King James Version (KJV)
For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor thingsimpending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
In thisscriptureyou can seethatdeath and lifeareconsidered to becreationsalong with theangels and principalities or power and ‘things.’ Things are important to know about, because the word in Colossians says, ‘the things we see and the things we cannot see,’
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things werecreatedbyhim,andforhim: 17Andheisbeforeallthings,andbyhimallthingsconsist. God has given us ‘things,’ ‘things’ that we cannot see with the human eye, but are there none the less;forexampleweknowthatthereare‘things’thatarecalled‘orbs,’whichtodatenooneknows for certain what they are; we cannot see them with the physical human eye, but with the advance of technology we can now see these ‘things’ through a camera lens’s photos, they show up in the
19 I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live. 20 Love Yahweh your Elohim, obey him, and be loyal to him. This will be your way of life, and it will mean a long life for you in the land that Yahweh swore to give to your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
No matter what the situation, I’ve learned the secret of how to live when I’m full or when I’m hungry, when I have too much or when I have too little. Saint Paul learnt the secrete of life whether he was in poverty or in prosperity he possessed both at different times and was content either way, the young man in the next scripture Matthew 1-9didn’t understand that secrete. Prosperity belongs to you
If everything is already ours then it is obvious that we have exceedingly great victories in our everyday lives. ‘Everything’ means exactly that; victory in every circumstance! Are you sick in bad health, then you have been given health and wholeness in Christ Jesus, because ‘‘Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds we are healed,’’ that’s ours –everything including healing is ours already.
Thefutureactuallybelongstoyou;youcandecreeyourownfuturebydeclaringoutofyourmouth what will come into being by the spoken words of your mouth.
The present actually belongs to you the believer, so God says!
photos, and there are thousands of pictures of these ‘things,’ whatever they are? And God only knows what future technology will reveal about the unseen world. These things have life in them; they exist but we cannot see them with the naked eye; and there is also death, which is all to relevant, everyone knows death will come for them sometime, we know death exists because we see its power; but we don’t realize that death is a servant of ours, to be used for the glory of God! And death will obey the spoken word of God spoken through the lips of a believer, every time! What other things will future technology reveal is there a parallel world as some claim?
All these are yours, says Gods word, God is saying this to you and I, his beloved children. Yet we Christians rarely believe these things that a Holy, God, says.
1-Corinthians-3-21-Actually everything belongs to you:
1-Corinthians-3-21-Actually everything belongs to you: IPhilippians-4:12-Names-of-God-Bibleknowhowtoliveinpovertyorprosperity.
If God has given you everything should we not be bursting out with praise for what he done; if webelievedthatGodhasindeedgivenuseverythingshouldwenotbeexpressinggratitudebeyond anything we have ever done before?
Most Christians don’t even believe they have this power given to them by their Father in heaven, power over life and death, which are both things of the invisible world, to be used for his glory.
Matthew 19 Amplified Bible (AMP)
16 And behold, there came a man up to Him, saying, Teacher, what excellent and perfectly and essentially good deed must I do to possess eternal life? 17 And He said to him, why do you ask me about the perfectly and essentially good? There is only One who is good [perfectly and essentially]—God. If you would enter into the Life, you must continually keep the commandments. 18 He said to Him, What sort of commandments, or, which ones? And Jesus answered, you shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness, 19 Honor your father and your mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself. 20 The young man said, I have observed all these from my youth; what still do I lack?
21 Jesus answered him, If you would be perfect [that is, have that spiritual maturity which accompanies self-sacrificing character], go and sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven; and come, be my disciple [side with my party and follow me].
22 But when the young man heard this, he went away sad (grieved and in much distress), for he had great possessions. 23 And Jesus said to His disciples, truly I say to you, it will be difficult for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into the kingdom of heaven. Thisyoungmansrichespossessedhim,hepossessedrichesandtheyownedhim.Thisisthereason that Jesus said his riches mean more to him than anything else; Jesus is not against being rich that is unless riches possess you, and that is all you live to achieve. Riches are a blessing from God,
Everything includes healing, and prosperity; there is no room for doubt, as God says actually everything, is yours already, healing / prosperity belongs to you through Jesus Christ lord of lords and king of kings of which you are already one; a king of life.
Prosperity /wealth are ours already.
Prosperity is actually ours, sadly the majority of Christians believe that God wants them humble and poor; poverty is not humility it is an embarrassment and a shame for when you are poor you may need to beg to get food for your kids, and God’s word says we should be the ones helping the poor, not the other way about. The devil would have us believe that God does not want us rich, he uses stories in the bible like the wealthy young man who asked Jesus about following him and afterwards Jesus said it is easier for a camel to get in through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven, and the devil cunningly uses this and others to distort the word of God and have Christians think God wants them poor! Actually everything belongs to you
Proverbs 3-15-Good News Translation (GNT)
Proverbs 8:17-19-Good News Translation (GNT)
in the book of wisdom; wisdom, ‘God’s spirit’ offers riches to anyone who comes seeking her in the morning.
15 Wisdom is more valuable than jewels; nothing you could want can compare with it. 16 Wisdom offers you long life, as well as wealth and honor.17 Wisdom can make your life pleasant and lead you safely through it. 18 Those that become wise are happy; wisdom will give them life. Proverbs 8-1The Way Bible Can’t you hear the voice of Wisdom?
She is standing at the city gates
This is what wisdom offers you and me; long life as well as wealth and honor. Common sense tells us that if God is offering us his spirit of wisdom, we are offered wealth and health also; and did you notice Wisdom is called “she” that is why scripture tells us in Genesis, like God did God make them man and maid; God is both male and female, so feminists and male chauvinist’s read the word we are both equal in the sight of God. God offers us his children, wealth and prosperity, there is nowhere in his word does he glorify poverty or hardship in fact he tells us to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves. Our God is a King and our God says he is our Father and has a kingdom and as he is father to us we then are heirs and heirs of a king that makes us kings and princes, according to our God and we are also ambassadors of the king – our Father - and represent him; and what representative of a great king and kingdom is poor or hard up, you don’t see an ambassador of a kingdom driving a cheap second hand car, they are driven around in the best cars available.
17 I love those who love me; whoever looks for me can find me. 18 I have riches and honor to give, prosperity and success.19 What you get from me is better than the finest gold, better than the purest silver.
And at every fork in the road, Listen to what she says! .
Deuteronomy 30 Names of God Bible (NOG)
15 Today I offer you life and prosperity or death and destruction. 16 This is what I’m commanding you today: Love Yahweh your Elohim, and follow his directions, and obey his commands, laws, and rules. Then you will live, your population will increase, and Yahweh your Elohim will bless you in the land that you’re about to enter and take possession of.
This offer of life and prosperity is one that most Christian leaders skip over, I hear them say life and death is offered to you chose life; but they do not say with life comes the attachment of prosperity, read that scripture again and see for yourself what God is offering to us the future believers. For the Israelites to receive the blessings on offer from God they first had to go in and possess the land where their enemies lived; they had to take it off them and we are no different. We also are to go in and possess the land where we are living and we are to go in and destroy the enemy; we are to take off of him what legally belongs to us, given to us by God our father. God gave us the same offer that he gave the Jews; he asks us to love him and obey him, has anything changed over four thousand years, the promise is still the same; love Yahweh your Elohim, {your God} and chose prosperity with life.
I’m giving you a lottery
Choose between Life and Death
30 All these blessings and curses I have spoken about ‘will happen to you.’ Take them to heart when you are among all the nations where Yahweh your Elohim will scatter you. 2 If you and your children return to Yahweh your Elohim and obey him with all your heart and with all your soul, doing everything I command you today, 3 he will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you from all the nations of the world where Yahweh your Elohim will scatter you. 4 Even if you are scattered to the most distant country in the world, Yahweh your Elohim will gather you and bring you back from there. 5 Yahweh your Elohim will bring you to the land your ancestors owned. You will take possession of it, and Yahweh will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors were.
One morning as I stood pealing potatoes at my kitchen sink, I heard a voice speak to me loudly, and say, “I am giving you a lottery,” I looked around me to see who spoke and there was no one there, except me; and I thought, ‘that’s not God,’ ‘God wouldn’t give me a lottery,’ then the voice spoke again, knowing my thoughts and said, ‘you shall have what you say;’ and I realized that Godwasgivingmealottery,and Ihad todo whathesaid to do,-‘say’-andIrealized immediately that this was not the devil, for he would not want me saying, ‘declaring’ that I was going to win
Deuteronomy 30-15-Names of God Bible (NOG)
a lottery, he knows the ‘’power of the spoken word in agreement with the word of God,’’ and no way he would tell me to say anything spiritual and scriptural.
1-Jeremiah29:11-13:“ForIknowthe‘’plans’’Ihaveforyou,’declarestheLORD,‘‘plans’’ to prosper you and not to harm you, ‘’plans’’ to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
He has many plans ready to set in place, when one plan finishes another takes its place, and if his planisnotfulfilledbyusthenhesetsanotheroneinplace,andsoonandsoon,untilweeventually go home to heaven, the greatest plan for us devised by God the father.
The devil cannot outsmart God he himself has already been outsmarted and defeated for ever by Jesus and God the father, and knows it.
Jesus spoke to the fig tree and it died, it obeyed his spoken word; he said to ‘say’ ‘to the mountain be cast into the sea and it will,’ he told us to say what the scriptures say in agreement with God’s spoken and written word, and what we say in agreement with the word of God would happen.
Many people have said to me when I told them what God said that morning; it isn’t a lottery that God means, because that is gambling and God won’t give you anything if gambling. It probably means something else. I looked up the meaning of lottery, and it says a game of chance where you could win a large sum of money, etc! {Lottery, game of chance, draw, sweepstake, raffle,} that is what a lottery is, and now knowing scripture as I do, I know that God wants the Christian to be wealthy, to be prosperous to be rich for when we are these things then our Father in heaven is glorified, we represent him, and he is beyond rich he owns everything on this planet and owns the stars suns moons and cosmos he owns the lottery believe it or not, because no man can take money into heaven or hell with them when they die so all monies return to its owner- God. Man owns nothing we have temporary ownership for a brief moment in time; so when God said I am giving you a lottery, it is for his glory; not for mine to squander foolishly buying this or that or fancy boats or houses or material possessions; sure I can use it to buy things but for me all I want to do with is to help other churches or Christian ministries, and of course my own family.
When I first read this scripture I thought it said I know the plan I have for you,-singular, but after a while I realized that God has ‘’plans,’’ no just one plan, but lots. So even if the devil destroys one of the plans that God has for you God is able to put in place another plan for you he is full of plans for us, he is not limited except by us, we through disobedience or ignorance cause the plans that God has for us to fail or we let the enemy ruin those plans but God has a contingency plan ready to be put in place the moment we fail, or get deceived.
And his plan is prosperity, not poverty, for us, and is already in position if we would just declare it out of our mouths so that it can materialize in this world. Prosperity belongs to the children of God; your father is the king of all creation he owns everything created by him.
God rarely repeats himself so if you look at that scripture again you will see that he says, “For I know the ‘’plans’’ I have for you, ‘‘plans’’ to prosper you and not to harm you, ‘’plans’’ to give you hope and a future.
The word of God is a double edged sword, and one side is the word of God and the other side is the word we speak in agreement with the word; it is a double edged sword when spoken by us the believer and it cuts through everything without hindrance.
If you just stood on this scripture alone then prosperity would have to come to you as it belongs to you through God’s promise. Christian churches preach that God has a plan for you, but theyfor the most of them, forget to tell you that part of those plans is to ‘’prosper you,’’ this is left out, because deep down inside them they believe that we should be ‘humble and poor,’ because scripture says, ‘blessed are the poor in spirit,’ and they take this to mean poor in cash; it does not mean that at all, you can be the most wealthiest person in the world and still be humble knowing God made you rich. I know some wealthy friends and they are overgenerous in their giving away what was given to them, that is true humility, they reckoned they had enough for themselves and shared with others less fortunate than themselves, they know it is better to give than to receive because in the lord God’s world when you give away your riches get filled up again, it never ends and this is the way God wants us to live, so he gives us prosperity, it is already ours we just have to start proclaiming it out as belonging to us already. Actually everything belongs to you says the word of God and this includes prosperity. Gototheheavenlybankaccountandstartwithdrawingyourfinances,givingglorytoGodthrough the prosperity he has already given you. Amen