An embellished story
‘’Lucifer’s downfall’’
‘’An embellished story’’ Brendan Mc CrossanOne
''An embellished story''
God was having a yarn with Jesus his Son and the Holy Spirit, as they were playing with a jigsaw puzzle, and this is what he said, ''let us make a man, someone like ourselves, 'Holy like us in every way,' a spirit sinless being; what do you think about this?'' So Jesus and the Holy Spirit had a deep discussion with the father about this subject.
Jesus brought up the subject, ''what if we make these men and women to be like us will there not be a wee bit of jealousy?'' ''Sure the angels have been the top of the ranks up until now.''
And then the Holy Spirit suggested that the 'angels could serve man just as they serve us,' and the Father said; ''Lucifer our top angel, would never stand for this plan;'' but let’s ask him and see what he says.
So they called Lucifer in and when they proposed their plan with him, he flew into a rage, that was never before seen in him; and he ranted and raved about him being the most ''Glorious Angel'' in all of creation, subject to only God the highest, having to now ‘serve a ''man! And he stormed out of the heavenly headquarters, his wings fluttering with anger as he stormed out.
''That was a wee bit much,' 'a bit over the top,'' said Jesus, and continued by saying, ''I never saw that much anger in Lucifer before; he's going to be a hard nut to bring around.'' ''Do you think maybe we spoilt him over these billions of years; making him head of the heavenly choir, the head of the army, and head of all the angels?''
Then as ''God the Trinity'' went about making the first man and woman; piecing them together like the ''jigsaw puzzle'' [I was going to call this story this but changed my mind] they were playing with earlier; so they created a man, and then they created a woman by taking a rib out of the man, and they created the woman by this means; they then gave them the freedom of heaven and told them ''they could go anywhere in heaven; there was only one thing they were ~not to
do,~ and that was to eat the fruit of a certain tree; they told them that if they ate from this tree they would die!''
Lucifer meanwhile was hiding behind a large flowering bush and heard everything they said; so he hatched a plan to get at God's new creation when they are alone late at night. He disguised himself as a snake, [and there was nothing wrong with being a snake in those days,] and he crept into the garden where Eve was sitting brushing her hair and putting her make up on. For there was nothing sexual about their creation as yet, and the dirty rotten scoundrel Lucifer slid up beside her and asked her, ''would you like something to eat?''
''There was a carvery on offer in the grand dining hall, and a pizza take away was available also;'' but he said, ''the most delicious food of all was right there in front of her, on the fruit tree!'' He himself had ate from it many times, and the fruit tasted the most beautiful of all the fruit trees around!'' ''Would she like to help herself to one of them; she can save some for Adam later'' who was away fishing, with his friend, an orang utan who loved to get away from his wife for a time as she nagged him to keep the treetop house clean; ''females he sighed'' then laughed as he caught a fish.
Adam said, ''I must Go, I have been away from Eve too long she will be getting worried about me.'' {Meaning she will be cross with him.} So he got up and left promising to go for a few wines with him tomorrow in the heavenly pub, the, ''Glorious Wine Bar!''Adam ate dome really fragrant fruit from some of the fruit trees around trying to disguise the fact that he had a few wines too many.
Arriving back at their home Adam saw Eve eating one of the forbidden fruit, and a snake was sitting beside her he approached them.
''Eve what are you doing,' he asked in shock! ''I'm eating one of these delicious fruits,'' she replied, ''I've kept some for you;' 'here have a bite, the snake has been telling me he has been eating them for years and the boss didn't mind really, he was just having a laugh.'' So Adam bit into the fruit and he sighed, ''God, that's awesome,'' as he ate some more, and in the meantime the snake slithered away and changed back into ''Lucifer.''
Then going back to Adam and Eve he said. ''OMG!'' ‘‘Have you ate from the forbidden fruit tree?'' That's a terrible thing you have done;'' ‘’God will be so angry at you!’’ he accused them, shaking his beautiful long hair as he shook his head; {he was proud of his pure blond long hair;} and as he looked at the woman, ''she suddenly realised she was naked;'' Lucifer looked at her whole body in a way she had never before seen anyone in heaven look at her; so she pulled her long hair around her and covered up her private parts, feeling ashamed for some reason. Adam too seen the way that Lucifer looked at him and grabbing a fig leaf covered up his private parts for Lucifer was looking at him in a queer way.
Then ''Lucifer'' ''condemned'' 'them'' by saying, ''you ate from the forbidden fruit tree,'' so they decided it best to hide from Jesus next morning as Lucifer suggested, hoping he didn't notice there was one fruit gone from the tree. Lucifer then told them, it is my heavenly duty to inform
on you; ''I'm going to tell God on you;'' and they shook in their feet for {boots weren't invented just yet}.
Lucifer thought to himself, ''that's a great idea I've just thought up,'' ''I'll get the future men and women, if the Trinity make them, and ‘‘I’ll’’ get them to ‘’sin first;’’ then ''I'll'' condemn them for ‘’doing wrong,’’ leaving them too 'guilty' to come near God; and they will stay from him;'' so he wrote it in his little note book that he kept under his flowing beautiful multi coloured cape. {Later he thought to himself; ''huh!'' ''That's where God got the idea for Joseph's story many years later.''*
A devious thought entered his head
He had many devious thoughts but this was just another one for he was the master of devious thoughts.
Meanwhile he decided to call a gathering of all of God’s mighty angels and thought of a way he could get them on to his side; ''pride'' He would use their pride in themselves as God's glorious elect in heaven; far above the creatures around the Throne of God, and in heaven, or on the planets God created with their many different kinds of beings on them.
He then called the holy angels together and informed them that they are being chosen to lower themselves, and serve these ''new creatures'' that The trinity are planning to make. 'They were to do everything these ''creatures'' said; ''they would rule over us like dictators, we would have to even clean up their living quarters after they partied every night.' And have to wash and clean their clothes, and bed linen. They were just created to sit and give us orders, to do whatever they thought of!''
And ''WE'' were we designed to fly from universe to universe making friends with every alien life force as they went visiting, [Just like Kirk in Star trek in the cinemas; when they were invented]\\\\\\\\\\\\ and they were treated like frequented guests of great importance; but now its them who have to serve these humans wine for their parties and all that stuff!'' ''Just imagine, ''we glorious angels'' serving men and women of an inferior race.
There was deep anger felt among the angels and millions of them decided to rebel against this, and sided alongside Lucifer. But other angels said, ''we are God's creation, and we will serve God in whatever decisions he would like us to do.'' ''He has been gloriously wonderful to us for billions of years, its time for some payback and they are delighted at the thought of serving God through serving man/woman.''
Then when Lucifer saw how many angels had sided with him, he thought; ''we could overthrow God,'' and ''I could become leader with great status.'' Then after a little discussion, he told the angels following him; ''now when God the father, Son and Holy Spirit are busy making these new
creations, 'we will attack' and throw Them out of heaven.''
Lucifer had forgotten that God himself had created him; and that he was a created being, the first of billions of angels who would be created after him, because God was pleased with his design. He was an angel for billions of years, and he was acknowledged as the greatest most beautiful angel ever made, and was so proud of how magnificent he was there was no other angel as dishy as he was.
So having a prearranged signal; his followers of would attack the Holy Trinity and take them captive. So ''screaming'' out of them in rage, and at Lucifer's signal; they attacked ''God the Trinity,'' and those angels who decided for God; and when those fallen angels charged; the good angels fought with them, and a heavy battle lasted for a long time, until God spoke, ''stop'' and when 'God spoke;' all the angels stopped fighting and stood silent before, their creator.
And he addressed Lucifer, and said, ''Lucifer, because you saw what we were planning to make, you rebelled against our plan to make beings like ourselves,'' and ''all'' ''angels'' were to assist them whilst they are on earth.'' ''These creatures were not replacing you, or any other angel, for they do not have the power you have for flight,'' {until aeroplanes were made} ''they can't go from one place to another just by a single thought, you can all do that at will.''
''You were just helping them to get along, until they could stand erect on their own just by trusting us to help them in everything they would ever need, it wasnt for eternity.'' God continued; ''You didn't have to do everything they said;'' ''you could decide yourself whether to assist them or not, as long as it were within the boundaries of heavens rules.'' But now you have twisted all these beautiful angels of ours to rebell, so now they will pay just like you will.''
''You were our most glorious creation until now, because these new creatures will be like ourselves with a spirit like us.'' ''Now because of what you done; and we know also what you done to Adam and Eve, because Adam and Eve told us it was you who told them to take from the forbidden fruit tree, and now in your selfishness, you have caused billions of our created angels to rebel against us their makers.''
''You are now cast down to the earth that we planned for mankind;'' ''you and all your followers.'' You will now get out of heaven, and have all your holiness stripped off of you. And instantly, every rebellious angel changed from a glorious multicoloured angel, glowing with a golden light a 'holy being' now changed into a black, dark, decrepit, horrible looking ugly creature; and they screamed when they saw themselves stripped of their glory; and screamed all the louder as they were hurled down to the planet created for mankind; by the spoken word of the divine Holy Trinity.
There was sadness in heaven for a long, long time, {weeks} as the angels, the followers of God stood heads bowed down, saddened to see their former friends, now evil ugly, darkened, decripit and blackened, their glory taken off them; and they were glad it wasn't them, for they decided to follow their creator because they loved him. Then their sadness turned to a glorious joy as God showed them his new creation, but sad also because they too had lost their heavenly glow, and were now following Satan the devil down to the earth to live by the sweat of their brow instead of living by the food provided by God for them. They said to God as in one voice,
we will help your new creation in every way we can.
In the meantime Lucifer's name changed as he was thrust down to earth, he heard God say, ''Your name is no longer Lucifer, {meaning the glorious one,''} it is ''Satan, the devil, the evil one,''
And he screamed back at God ''I will have revenge on all of mankind.'' He swore that he and his fallen angels would forever war against man; to get them to come over to his side and reject God; and he would use every trick that he knew to deceive man and turn them away from God, and he had the best trick hidden in his note book in his black and twisted cape.
But God was who was far smarter than him, had decided on a plan between him and Jesus and the Holy Spirit; that at a specific time, Jesus would go to earth as a man, a human being; and would offer up his life as a sacrifice to God for man's sins. Lucifer would think these sins were Jesus own sins; but he didn't know that Jesus was taking the sins of the whole world from beginning to end on to his body and Lucifer knew that if he even found one sin on Jesus he could kill the Son of God legally.
Lucifer was jumping up and down with great excitement as he saw Jesus body covered with sin; so he got all his demons gathered together and told them to get out to every Pharisee and Scribe and stir them up with hatred against Jesus, this man who claimed to be the promised Messiah; so off they gleefully went, whispering hatred against Jesus into their ears; ''kill this man, this fraud, this trickster,'' get the people to condemn him before the Romans so they could have him killed.
And so those who know the true story know of course that this was all God's plan all along; he used Lucifer/Satan/the devil to have Jesus killed by having him hung on a cross, but he didn't know of course; Jesus went there willingly, as part of God's prearranged plan; to suffer for the sins of mankind and so became a living sacrifice to redeem man.
Later after Jesus died on the cross he then went down into Satan's kingdom and he defeated him and every demon and evil spirit follower, by the power of his ‘’spoken word!’’ and set those held in the devils prison free; by the power of the living God now returned to him when his human spirit died on that cross.
Then he humbled Satan before him and tied his hands behind his back with a spiritual rope and tied him to his next in command and down the line; dragged Satan up into heaven tied together by spiritual chains of steel, stripped naked and ugly, before God the Father and the Holy Spirit and every angel and angelic beings in heaven. Jesus stripped him of every power to harm mankind; he took off of him the power to ‘’steal kill and destroy;’’ and later they were released, ‘’defeated, and humbled,’’ but still hating mankind; back down to earth again but this time ‘’weapon less,’’ stripped of all power or authority. It’s the other way about now. We have been given all power over the enemy Mark 16 15. And all he has now is the power of suggestion; his litany of lies, and sadly man still lives in fear of him, and listens to his lies; for he is the father of lies and has no truth in him.
Now because of his action Jesus put man back into favour with the Holy Trinity. And the plan that they decided on was to use the devil to bring about his own defeat, and in doing so
humiliate him and his fallen angels forever.
God said to all mankind, that he had plans for them, good plans and not bad ones; he said that his plans were always to help mankind in every way. And so he proved his plans were great plans for us.