An invite from Jesus.

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An Invite from Jesus

Brendan Mc Crossan

An Invite from Jesus


Mc Crossan 17-09-2011

One Just a short message to you who are struggling with sin and don’t really want to be this way. Do you want to get into heaven when you die? Then if you accept my invitation I promise that I personally will get you there and also your children and grandchildren. You know I am not really interested in your sins I am only interested in your repentance because by repentance you can gain access to heaven through me. I make it easy for you to get into heaven. I already took your sins on the cross and I crucified them there with me years ago, so having done something about them I am no longer interested in them, I cast them into the sea of forgetfulness and put them as far away from you as the east is from the west. You are what I care about, not what faults and failings you may have, even the greatest saint in my kingdom has fallen, some even worse than you, but what did I care, I only saw their good side. Did you know that St Paul was a murderer and threw Christian men, women and children to the lions and had many tortured and put to death, you would not have thought of him as a very good man, but I saw his potential to serve and love me. And he was the one I chose to carry my Gospel to the multitudes and used him to do amazing miracles through, even rising the dead, and he even wrote the Epistles while in prison, that is some of the books in the New Testament Bible. King David was a man after my own heart and yet he lusted after Uriah’s wife and had Uriah sent to the very front of the battle and kept him there until he was eventually killed, so he could get Uriah’s wife, but he repented and I forgave him, and he remained king because I loved him faults failings, sins and all, just like I do you. Jonah ran away from me, and hid in a boat, and then he got thrown into the sea and a great whale swallowed him at my direction and saved him so he could go and proclaim my word to the great city of Nineveh, and I blessed him and used him for my glory. I couldn’t care less about your sins so don’t let them keep you from coming to me, look at Saint Paul, King David and Jonah these are just three men I used and forgave their sins. I can change you into a person who loves me because I love you, that’s my nature. My nature is love and love overlooks the faults of many including you, your no different from anyone in my word the Bible, all have sinned, everyone in the whole world has sinned against me, but I have forgiven them simply because I love them just like I love you also. I don’t care about how often you wronged me, I forgive you; I don’t care how many partners you have had, I forgive you. I don’t care if you are gay or straight, I still love you even there are people that say I don’t but that is a lie told to stop you from coming to me. I made you billions of years ago before I even made the world and every day of your life is written in my book of life, I know what you are about to say and I know when you change your mind halfway through saying something. I know you better than you know you, better than your parents know you; better even that you know you; I know what makes you tick;

I know what way you think, I know how you see things and I know every hidden secrete in your heart, nothing is hidden from me; I wrote your life for you and I know what you will say and do every single split second, there is nothing about you that I don’t know, you cannot hide sin from me, I see it and I know it because it is written in my book that you will sin against me and I know your life’s story. I know what tomorrow is going to bring, and what yesterday brought you. I know what you will be doing ten years from now for that very second is in my book. I made you, and If I made you then it stands to reason that I would love you, and all I wish is that you would come to me and let me love you even more if that were possible. Make your mind up now to accept my love and mercy and ask Jesus to come into your heart right now as your lord and saviour. Come on I know your hesitations and doubts. Having Jesus in your heart is not the end of your life but the beginning of your life. Jesus supplies all your needs and joys, you will have more joy than sadness when you finally ask Jesus to come into your heart. I stand at the door of your heart and wait on your decision; I know you will make the right one. By the way having Jesus in your life does not make you a holy Joe, but he does gave you righteousness that means right standing with me your heavenly Father.

Matthew 9:13 o

Amplified Bible

Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy [that is, readiness to help those in trouble] and not sacrifice and sacrificial victims. For I came not to call and invite [to repentance] the righteous (those who are upright and in right standing with God), but sinners (the erring ones and all those not free from sin). Matthew 9:12- (in Context) Matthew 9 (Whole Chapter) Mark 2:17 o

Amplified Bible

And when Jesus heard it, He said to them, Those who are strong and well have no need of a physician, but those who are weak and sick; I came not to call the righteous ones to repentance, but sinners (the erring ones and all those not free from sin).

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