Angels are sent to answer your words to God
Brendan Mc CrossanAngels are sent to answer your words to God
The angel answers Daniels
In the following scripture you will see something very interesting the angel speaks to Daniel and he says to him; thy ‘’words’’ were heard, and I am come for thy ‘’words.’’
Daniel 10 King James Version (KJV)
1-In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.
2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
4 And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel;
5 Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz:
6 His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.
7 And I Daniel alone saw the vision: for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, so that they fled to hide themselves.
8 Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.
9 Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground.
10 And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man ‘’greatly beloved,’’ understand the ‘’words’’ that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am ‘’I now sent.’’ And when he had spoken this ‘’word,’’ unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy ‘’words’’ were heard, and I am come for thy ‘’words.’’
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and ‘’I ‘remained’ there with the kings of Persia.’’
14’’ Now’’ I am come’’ to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.
The angel didn’t say I came because of your prayers but I come in answer to your ‘’words.’’ Why would the angel say I come because of your ‘’words’’ and not because of your prayers? The answer to that is ‘’faith’’ spoken in ‘’words’’ is what God hears, not the rambling of many prayers that are without faith, for without faith it is impossible to actually please God; so God hears the ‘’words’’ you speak, for remember that God created the world by the ‘’words’’ of his mouth and not by prayers.
Genesis 1Living Bible (TLB)
3 Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared
6 And God said, “Let the vapours separate to form the sky above and the oceans below.
9 10 Then God said, “Let the water beneath the sky be gathered into oceans so that the dry land will emerge.” And so it was.
14 15 Then God said, “Let bright lights appear in the sky to give light to the earth and to identify the day and the night;
20 Then God said, “Let the waters teem with fish and other life, and let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.”
24 And God said, “Let the earth bring forth every kind of animal cattle and reptiles and wildlife of every kind.” And so it was.
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man—someone like ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.”
made man
make man;
Man and maid did he make them.
The word ‘’like’’ means we are similar to, akin to, in the vein of, approximating, reminiscent of, and resembling. Did God know what he was doing, making man in his image and likeness for he made him ‘’like his maker,’’ ‘’like God’’ he made him? He ‘’didn’t’’ ‘’make him God’’ or make him his maker, but he made him similar too; resembling him, but not him, remember that for it is important to remember; God made us a spirit being for that is what he is; he made us with eternal life for that is what he has, the most important part for us to hold on to is that he made us spirit beings and later on he would give us a new spirit; the spirit of his own Son Jesus, and even more, for he then gave us his own Holy Spirit , ‘’all spirit.’’ It is not the flesh of man that is important and not this life here on this earth but in knowing you are a spiritual being first and foremost.
See what these words in Genesis from the mouth of God and what does he say? Seven times God spoke words and everything that has been created came into being just after he spoke those living words; and people don’t understand that God’s word is alive, that’s why the sea and the land keep changing, and fish and creation evolve as time goes by; for the living word that proceeded from the mouth of God is always alive and never dies. What ‘he said’ ‘’will be’’ until he says it’s over, then all will be rolled away like a blanket and the new heaven and the new earth will be brought into existence.
Daniel’s angel gave us a great understanding of what God hears when we pray to him; he hears the ‘’words’’ we speak in faith and trust in God’s kindness’’ and if the words we speak are not spoken in faith then he does not hear our words of prayer; for without faith it is impossible to please God;
Hebrews 11:6 King James Version
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Without faith it is impossible to please God; but our thanks are to God, who in his great love for all of us gave us the measure of faith. God has given to ‘’everyone’’ of us the measure of faith.
The measure of faith
Romans 12:3 King James Bible
For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man ‘’the’’ ‘measure’ of faith.’’
God in love decided to give everyone of his children ‘’the’’ ‘measure of faith, ’’ in fact the measure is what each person needs and is not short in its coming.
To get back to what this booklet is all about. ‘’Angels are sent to answer your words to God.’ You speak words to God and angels are sent out in answer to the words of faith you speak to God
God answers words spoken in faith and for us the Christian child of God we need never worry if we have the faith for this or that, for God has poured out the measure of faith on every one of us his children. When I first read this and wrote the scripture down I thought at first that the words were, ‘’God has given us ‘a’ measure of faith;’’ but when I looked at it again I saw that it actually said in all translations, ‘’God has given us ‘’the’’ measure of faith;’’ not ‘a’ measure of faith which literally means just a one of time, but the measure of faith means a full time measure; it is not measured out each time you have to face something in your life for you have the measure you need, that is why it is written in this way; when troubles come and they always will then you have the measure of faith to deal with it, and angels come to your aid by bringing the answer you needed because of your spoken words.
‘’The’’ meaning {denoting one or more people or things already mentioned or assumed to be common knowledge; used to point forward to a following qualifying or defining clause or phrase.}
The measure meaning to {assess, quantify, to calculate how much faith you have}
We have that measure when needed.
John 6:63 Amplified Bible
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh conveys no benefit [it is of no account]. The ‘’words’’ I have spoken to you are ‘’spirit and life’’ [providing eternal life].
Every word we speak has in it the potential to bring with it life or death, and so we need to be careful of what we say, as a Christian we should be speaking the words of scripture concerning our life in Christ Jesus for it is not I who live but Christ Jesus within me.’’ Would Jesus speak negative things? I don’t think so, so if ‘’we are joined together with him in spirit’’ we should ‘’speak his words’’ as much as possible, and I don’t mean becoming a religious freak, just spouting out scripture every time we open our mouths to speak; but speaking carefully words that bring with them life Just as if Jesus himself were speaking those living words through us. I know some Christians who put people off the gospel by just quoting scripture at them in everything.
If only we could remember that Jesus lives in us I believe that we would be more careful of the words we speak; for as this scripture tells us that we are ensnared by the words of our mouth.
Galatians 2Living Bible (TLB)
20 I have been crucified with Christ: and I myself no longer live, but ‘’Christ lives in me.’’ And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Paul said this, but it also applies to the born again believer.
Ensnared by your words
Proverbs 6:2New International Version (NIV)
2 you have been trapped by what you said, ensnared by the ‘’words’’ of ‘’your mouth.’’
I never thought of this before but I have a sense of this, to offer my mouth to Jesus, to use as he would as if he were speaking through me.
I know that we can offer our death as well as our lives to him and scripture says to offer your bodies to God as a living sacrifice; so I can presume that it would be ok to God to offer my mouth to him; for sometimes my mouth is a disaster in what it says; and I have begged God to help me think before I speak; for I know the power of words and the effects of wrong words. Knowing now through this wee book; that God only hears words of faith spoken by us to him, and his angels are sent out to bring answers to those faith filled words, and cursing and swearing and using the holy name of Jesus to swear and curse has been a problem with me for a long time, and no matter what I done I find it hard to stop even though I know how devastating it is to have a foul mouth. I have now become more aware that Jesus is living in me and how important it is to let him speak his words of life to people. Cursing and swearing using the name of Jesus robs us of the power in that holy name, for I have misused it many times; and I know it is the enemy who traps me in this.
Our mouths entrap us, sometimes we have a big mouth that speaks without thinking first, and so we need to be careful to speak words that Jesus would say in situations and in everyday life. Just imagine if we could hold it in our minds, before we speak that the life we are supposed to be living is ‘’letting him live his new life in us,’’ and so speak after thinking before we speak.
Acts 20:24, the Way Bible
The Apostle Paul boldly declared, “But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.”
Most people don’t realise that Paul gave us a weapon against the enemy in this scripture, for he said, ‘’none of these things that happen to me move me’’ ‘’neither do I count my life dear to myself.’’ It is in surrendering your life totally to God that gives him access to you, for trusting God with your life is important to him it means you have total faith in him, and it is in ‘’your words’’ that cause those things to happen so that you also can go on and finish the course that God laid aside for you. Not counting your own life as of greater importance to
yourself but in surrendering every part of you to God is what counts as faith. I suppose I answered my own question to God will he accept my mouth as an offering to him! It’s a pretty big one at that!
Giving our death to the Lord
One time long ago Rose came back from a prayer meeting and said to me that a man shared that night that he gave his life to the lord, but he also gave his death to him. And when she said those words, something inside of me said I need to do that also. Next day down at the upper room of the church where I went to minister to the lord in song for an hour, I said to the lord, ‘’I give you my death,’’ and that was it.
Next day as I was ministering again to the lord I mentioned about giving my death to him and was shocked to hear him say; ‘’no you did not,’’ and I argued with him that I did, he replied that, ‘’I did not give any thought to what giving him my death actually meant. Did I realise that if I died that Rose could get married again and have sex with another man and that man would own everything of mine that I left behind and my kids would grow up calling him daddy. I was horrified thinking of Rose having sex with another man, I never would have thought of God saying about Rose having sex with another man. So afterwards when I went home I went to my room and began to pray about what giving my death to the lord would really mean for me now that God have given me an insight to what death would mean for me.
And after much prayer and though and decision, I finally truly gave my death to the lord.
The next day at prayer the lord accepted my offer of my death, and it wasn’t long before he put me to the test to see if what I said I meant.
At this time in Northern Ireland we were at war with Britain, ‘the Catholic population I mean, the protestant side were in favour with Britain, and some people were dressing as policemen and killing Catholics.
One night after visiting a nun friend of mine I was on my way home when I turned a corner and there in the middle of the road stood a policeman with his gun drawn and pointed at me; my heart froze in me for the moment I saw this man and other ‘’police men in hiding’’ I realised that this is the group of men who were impersonating police officers and killing Catholics. I stopped my car and this man said, ‘’give me your licence.’’ To which I did and realised that my address would tell him I was a Catholic, for we lived in separate estates here in Northern Ireland the Catholic and the Protestants, as we couldn’t live together there was so much hate between us.
Anyway after I handed him my licence he went around the back of my car presumably to look at my number plate, and as he did so I felt the pressure of a gun against the nape of my neck and felt it pressing hard against me, Now this is not possible for there is the back window separating this man and me, but I felt his gun pressing hard against me neck and can still feel it today every time I speak or write about this.
I knew this man intended to kill me, and so I said to the lord, ‘’Lord I give you Rose and my children to look after for me, and I commit myself to you,’’ or words to that effect.
Then I thought, well if I am going to die, I will enter heaven singing his praise, and I began singing under my breath, ‘’I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart I will enter his courts with praise,’’ a song I knew, and just as I began singing the pressure of the gun was removed from my neck and this bogus policeman came around to me and threw the licence into my face and said angrily, ‘‘get out of here,’’ to which I complied immediately driving like a lunatic till I got home and told Rose.
I knew this man was not a genuine policeman because of him standing there with his gun already drawn was not something the police did, and looking around at the other bogus policemen I saw that the weapons they had were not police issue, but those used by Protestant terrorists. Because of my past life as a terrorist in the IRA I knew weapons, and knew these were not police issue weapons. The lord saved my life again from a certain death for in feeling that gun at my neck I knew I was about to die, only for God preventing this
man from killing me. It wasn’t until ‘this moment in writing this’ did I realise that God saved my life once again as the enemy tried to have me killed!
When you speak words to the lord make sure you speak words that have truth in them for we cannot fool God with words. God wasn’t long in putting me to the test to see if what I offered him was from my heart and not from my head, and thank God for his grace I passed this test, for if I had not, I would not have been sitting here typing this book, I would have been dead long ago.
Psalm 19:14-Living Bible
May my spoken ‘’words’’ and unspoken thoughts be pleasing even to you, O Lord my Rock and my Redeemer.
Take with you words turn to the lord and say; ‘’forgive me my sins, my unbelief, and let your word be done in me as it is in heaven;’’ in heaven all our things are there to be received from God by faith in his word
Hosea 14:2 King James Bible
Take with you ‘’words,’’ and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive [us] graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.
{‘’Calves’’ of our lips, mean the ‘’fruit of our lips,’’ our ‘mouths’}
When God’s word says take with you ‘’words’’ and turn to the lord and say unto him; ‘’take away ‘’all’’ my iniquity;’’ and the worst one is ‘’unbelief;’’ that is a good thing to say to God when you come before him; only one problem with that is ‘’we are already in a place of highest privilege’’ ‘’a place of righteousness,’’ and all iniquity has already been taken away from us by Jesus.
But remember this, ‘’sin is still in this world,’’ and even though we are forgiven and declared righteous by God, we will still sin, and need to confess and say ‘’sorry lord.’’ We are righteous before God in our spirit for we are joined together with Jesus and with God and with his Holy Spirit; but we still sin in our flesh.
But it is good to remember to come before him when we sin, and we will always sin whilst we live in this world, and as I said unbelief is the worst act we could commit. Now our sins have already been forgiven by Jesus but this act holds us back from miracles, healings, and blessings, because of unbelief which is an everyday sin for some of us, and some Christians don’t even realise that unbelief is a sin, it is refusing to believe what God says; it’s like calling him a liar.
Words like ‘’righteous’’ are spirit filled words for these words are the ‘’words of Almighty God’’ and should be spoken out in faith believing we are the righteousness of Christ Jesus forever, it doesn’t change even if we sin, it still remains the same for Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and we are now in him
Declaring the words God spoke to me years ago.
I am giving you a house of healing, where the power of God has never been seen before.’’
Whilst ministering to the lord in music one day he spoke to me and said; ‘’your time with Robby Doran is over,’’ and he then showed me a vision of two crippled children sitting in wheelchairs in opposite corners of the room, and a moment later he showed me Jesus opening the door and bringing the parents of these children into the room and sending one set of parents to the opposite child to pray with him, and he sent the other parents to the other child and not to their own. And inside me I immediately questioned that; and he replied to my thoughts by saying; ‘’the reason I send those parents to the opposite child
is because it is very difficult to believe for a miracle for your own child, and it is easier to believe for someone else’s child.’’
At that time I was ministering in music at a man called Robby Doran’s prayer meeting, and I had been doing this for a while now, I went down right away that day to tell him what God had just told me. And that’s when he told me he was going to America for two weeks, and could I take charge of the meeting for those two weeks first; and then he told me the lord had just told him earlier that he was to end the meetings he was having in a room in Shipquay Street above a clothing shop as soon as he came back. And accepted my resignation happily knowing we were both doing what God wanted.
When Robby came back from America I stopped ministering at his meeting and left on really good terms, believing for what God was planning to do now. Now almost thirty five years or more later I still have not received the vision the lord gave me and those words he spoke to me.
Years after the lord gave me this vision and words about opening ‘’a house of healing where the power of God has never been seen before,’’
Rose and I were attending a prayer meeting where a young little African white woman was speaking, and she testified that she had developed cancer in her brain, and her skull had split open and she showed us the scars where her skull had split open, and that God had healed her, from both cancer and blindness. She then went on to give her talk to the group of people gathered there in a woman’s home. After she finished speaking she asked the woman who invited her into her home to speak, a woman called Mildred Durnyn, if there was a believer there that could join her in praying with those needing prayer, and Mildred told her Rose was a great praying woman.
Rose went into the room where the woman was waiting on her and as soon as they spoke to each other and got to know one another’s beliefs on healing, the little African woman said to Rose; that the moment she entered the room, the lord spoke to her and said, ‘this woman is in a relationship with the man playing the guitar,’’ and so she asked Rose if she knew the guitar player and Rose replied, ‘’he is my husband,’’ and the little African woman let out a huge sigh of relief and said, ‘thank God,’’ ‘’I thought that God meant you were having an affair,’’ so that over they organised for people to come in for healing prayer.
After the praying was over, Rose and the African woman were sitting chatting and I came over to sit with them; as soon as I sat down the woman began prophesying to us saying, she has a vision of God giving us a large building and she could see thousands of people coming in sick and leaving healed. I asked her did she see a house, thinking that God had meant a house not a large building and she replied ‘’no,’’ it was a gigantic building she seen. And she also spoke other things over us which I hold private. Years later I had a priest and his sister over here in Ireland doing healing services, and in Sligo at a meeting Fr Robert de Grandis said the lord said he is bringing thousands of people to a building he is giving us and there would be many priests coming in need of healing and be received there in love and be healed and his sister Dorethea said she was having the same visions.
Years later Rose and I were back in Sligo at the request of the man who ran the healing centre, after his meeting ended he invited Rose and I to come and pray with a man in the chapel.
We entered the chapel and went to where a man was sitting, and our friend invited us to lay hands on this man; but as soon as we laid hands on him he jumped up turned around and grabbed our hands and said, the lord said, ‘’the big hats of the church will come against you but they will not succeed,’’ and he then spoke of the healing centre the lord was giving us; It is so long ago I cannot remember exactly what it was he said so I won’t embellish.
He shocked Rose and me when he jumped up and grabbed our hands; we were not expecting that, and he said neither was he; afterwards we prayed with him for healing.
But what this man did not know was that the night before at our own praise and worship group a young girl spoke those exact same words over Rose and me and also spoke of God’s prophecy concerning us.
Now it is almost thirty five years or more since the lord first gave me the vision of his healing centre where those young kids in their wheelchairs sat waiting on their prayer for healing. This morning I lay in bed praying in tongues as I normally do for a few hours when I awake before I get up, I kept getting this urge to start proclaiming about the lords house of healing and to start calling it into being as from now, and the scripture the lord gave me was Romans 4 17.
Romans 4:17 - (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, [even] God, who quickened the dead, and ‘’called those ‘’things which be not’’ as ‘’though they were.’’
The lord has impressed upon me that I was to begin now to start calling those things he promised me into being.
I wondered many times over the years when I thought of it, why the lord had not brought this word into being, and it dawned on me slowly over these last few years, that I would never have been ready to run the lords house of healing, for I would probably have suffered from pride that he choose me. And I would not have been spiritually fit to run such a project. But I sense now that I am ready for I now know that ‘’with man it is impossible’’ but ‘’with God everything is possible;’’ ‘’I could do nothing,’’ but ‘’God can do everything he planned.’’ I feel now that I could follow his guidance in this healing call and know it is God the father who owns this place, and who is doing the miracles that he is doing and it has nothing to do with me except that I obey his every word.
God’s words will not return to him null and void
Isaiah 55:11 So shall my ‘’word’’ be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.
This scripture is a great reminder to me that ‘’God is God’’ and it is his word that goes out of his mouth in the things he spoke to me about, including these other things I am going to share with you. And I remind you the reader it is God’s mighty angels who go and bring about the things he sends them to do; for as this scripture from Daniel says it is our ‘words’ that God hears, not our prayers as such, but ‘words that are filled with faith,’ and the angels are then
Now God is calling me to begin proclaiming words, faith filled words that he will fulfil his promise to me, and he will send ministering angels to minister to me and my family all who share this vision that God gave me for I shared this with them many times.
What did Daniel do, to receive this awesome answer from God through his Holy angels? The first thing he did was he set his heart to understand, understand means to value, so he set his heart to value God for who he is, and the second thing he did was to chasten himself; chasten means to humble, subdue, tame, to tame his flesh body, by denying himself meat and other types of food, in other words he denied himself the pleasure of eating beautiful food, for the sake of eating. And God heard his denial humbling himself before him and so gave ear to his words coming from a humble heart; can we do the same as Daniel do you think. Can I do the same as Daniel?
Mark 11:23 - For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
Doubt is a terrible thing it is unbelief in what God says, and to be truthful there were times when I doubted and almost talked myself out of this great work of God that is to come, but deep inside me I still held on for I believed what God has spoken to me about.
Ezekiel 12:25 - For I [am] the LORD: I will speak, and ‘’the ‘’word’’ that ‘’I shall speak’’ ‘’shall come to pass;’’ it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will ‘’I say the word,’’ and ‘’will perform it,’’ ‘saith the Lord GOD.’
sent to minister to us whatever it was in ‘faith filled words’ that we spoke to God. : for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy ‘’words’’ were heard, and I am come for thy ‘’words.’’I am giving you a lottery
Whilst standing peeling potatoes on Sunday morning. {I wasn’t attending church at the time after a serious incident that happened to me and my family, when the enemy tried to destroy us all,} As I peeled those potatoes there was just Rose in bed, and me in the kitchen with the doors closed trying to keep the heat in as it was a cold morning that morning, and as I peeled away I heard a loud voice say, ‘’I am giving you a lottery;’’ I stopped peeling and looked around to see who had spoken to me but there was no one there, and I thought immediately, that can’t be God, for he wouldn’t give anyone a lottery, for that is gambling, and I believed at that time gambling was wrong, and surely God wouldn’t say such a thing; as I stood arguing with myself turning back again towards the sink. The voice spoke again and said, ‘’you shall have whatever you say.’’ I thought ‘’this is scripture
and the devil would not give me a good scripture reference about having whatever I say.
While I questioned those words spoken to me I realised that it was the spirit of God who made this promise; and so I started telling people that God was giving me a lottery; and the abuse I suffered was unbelievable, with sarcasm and jokes made at my expense, and after a while I stopped, but that wasn’t the only reason I stopped because I found myself saying, ‘’I never asked God for no lottery,’’ and I said this more times than I care to remember.
It wasn’t until I was sitting praying one time when I realised that I had disparaged those words that God’s spirit spoke to me saying, ‘’I never asked him for it,’’ and I realised that I had given the devil first place in my financial life.
I was such an ungrateful man; I never thought that I was giving the lord a faithless word every time I thought of my lottery, or spoke about it, apologising to people by saying, ‘I never asked the lord for it,’’ making an excuse every time I said to someone about the lottery that the lord said he was giving me.’ It was such a shock to me to realise that I had been disparaging the gift that God was saying he was giving me. I was so ungrateful, so hateful to the God who offered me a financial gift.
I could only ask for forgiveness for my ingratitude and boy was I ungrateful, ashamed to say ‘’the lord is giving me a lottery’’ and not caring what people of this world would think of me or say about me; I should have been appreciative of the offer of such a gift.
Some people said to me the lottery could mean some other thing instead of the national lottery, but when I checked with a dictionary, I seen that a lottery meant a lottery, a game of chance, a sweepstake, raffle, and a draw.
So putting that side of things aside; ‘’If God said it then God means it,’’ and it is now time to proclaim that gift out and speak those words out into this world for ‘’our words have life in them,’’ and have a cause and effect in our lives. It is just recently that I discovered that if God says something, ‘his words’ will come into being no matter what people may say or do; for his word does not return to him null and void.
Isaiah 55:11 So shall ‘’my word’’ be that goeth forth out of my mouth: ‘’it shall not’’ ‘return unto me void,’’ but it ‘’shall accomplish that which I please,’’ and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.
‘God’s words spoken out of my mouth are the same as God’s words spoken out of his mouth.’’
God expects us to believe him and to ‘’declare’’ whatever it is that he said out of our mouth just like he did; well if God spoke something to you the reader, then you should not do as I done, disparage it, but speak it out in faith because it was ‘’God’s words’’ not mine; you first of all ‘’believe God’’ and not this world or the people in it; ‘’speak forth the divine word’’ for ‘’it will fulfil all that God said it will,’’ and the Angels will come and bring what God said into being and deliver it to whom it was spoken to. That is the work of God’s divine angels; they are called to serve mankind and will bring God’s grace and blessings and protection to God’s children to whom he gave his promises.
What are angels and what is their purpose?
Hebrews 1Living Bible (TLB)
7 God speaks of his angels as messengers swift as the wind and as servants made of flaming fire;
God gave his angels a work to do concerning his children; ‘’those who are born again;’’ and that work was to protect them and to serve them and to accompany them everywhere they should go; those angels are forever with us and we have individual angels whose work it is to look after us personally; they are usually called ‘’guardian angels.’’ We all have angels assigned to us as children of God; I personally believe and think we had these angels assigned to us from birth, and I can see in the next scripture that is a possibility for they are sent out to protect and to accompany those who will inherit salvation. Angels are mighty creatures swift as the wind and made of flaming fire; these very angels protect us from demonic activity for we cannot see the enemy but these angels of flaming fire can see them for they are spirit beings also
Hebrews 1Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]
An angel saved me from death
God’s angels have protected me from death many times, especially during the troubles during our war with Britain, soldiers tried at times to kill me and God’s angels saved me from death especially when I worked at a house I was renovating.
To tell you the story I will keep it short for I have told this story many times in my books, I was meeting with a clerk of works who came to inspect the foundations my workers had put in, at a house I was renovating. I met Albert at the door and we both went in and I took him out the back and showed him the new foundation. He then asked could he go up the stairs to inspect other work to be carried out. So I stepped on the stairs and began walking up them and had gotten to the third stair, when an invisible hand pressed against my chest and forcibly prevented me from going any further. I didn’t say what just happened to me to Albert but made an excuse that I wasn’t feeling well and could we go; Albert agreed, and so we left.
A few hours later Rose and I went on a marriage encounter weekend, and on that weekend I gave my life to the lord and got saved. After the weekend ended we were told that my father and another man were at another hotel
waiting to collect Rose and me, because the police were looking for me and had raided my house three times looking for me, because the house Albert and I were in that Friday morning, was filled with guns and explosives, and a few hours after Albert and I left another man entered the house with a key that one of my workers gave him, and he went up those same stairs and was met with an army assignation squad called the SAS, who were hiding in the house upstairs; and this man had gone up those stairs and was shot dead by those SAS soldiers. Those soldiers would have definitely shot Albert and me dead just like this poor being, but for that angel preventing me from going any further up those stairs. He was doing his work, looking after me who was to receive salvation on that weekend.
And likewise your guardian angel will look after you also as you go about your everyday life. My angels work was cut out for him in looking after me, for British soldiers tried to kill me on a few occasions.
{Before I go on; Albert never returned to examine that house, and I met him three years later and talked with him about our near death experience, he told me that he suddenly took a great fear upon him, and he felt terrified and wanted to run out the door, and was so glad when I suggested leaving that house. I have never seen Albert again and it is about twenty five years ago that incident happened; God Bless him wherever he is.}
I believe angels saved my life on Bloody Sunday when British soldiers massacred thirteen people and wounded fourteen that day, and another man died next day after he had been shot earlier. I fled with hundreds of others that day not knowing where I was going for this area was unfamiliar to me and as soldiers shot after us I believed that my guardian angel save my life many times that day, for I found myself in places where soldiers had murdered innocent people, and as I ran away they fired after me.
Angel’s minister to those who were to receive salvation, and Bloody Sunday was before I got saved and I believe that God’s grace and mercy followed me everywhere I went and it was his holy angels that protected me so many times during those terrible years. The angels are ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation?
The word of God tells us that angels are sent out to
protect and to serve’’ ‘’those who will inherit salvation,’’ which praise God I did later on, on that day when I would have certainly died
Before I return to angels and the words
But before I go back to explaining about the angels and the word; the first thing that happened to me that morning was, I fell of the top of a three story building as I was walking across the roof, when one of the beams broke loose and I began falling off the roof straight down into a barrel of flaming tar below; when my companion on the roof Joe Gallagher grabbed me by the neck and pulled me back onto the roof again; but I believe that it was an angel using Joe’s hands to grab me; for I cannot see how Joe was strong enough to pull me back onto that roof after I went over the edge, and later on that same morning
I went to meet with Albert in that other house I was working at.
I believe that my guardian angel had his work cut out with me that day, praise God for his angels and our ministering angels who answer our words and not necessarily our ‘’prayers;’’ or should I put that another way, the words of our prayers spoken in faith reach God, and he answers those words of faith and sends his angels down to us in answer to our prayer words.
I believe that God answered my wife Rose who prayed for me every time I went out during those troubled days of war; I believe he answered her words of faith and sent his angels to protect me many times during those war days.
I want you to drive a Nissan Pathfinder car
One day as I stopped at a junction to let some cars through; as one car drove past the lord said to me; ‘’I want you to have that type of car!’’ I was startled to hear the lord speak to me and say this to me, for I didn’t know what type of car this was, so I began driving after it till eventually I got right in behind it and saw that it was called a ‘’Nissan Pathfinder,’’ and was coloured red.
Over the years I have placed a picture of this particular car on my wall in front of me and ‘’declared that I shall have this type of car,’’ but as time went by I
started to forget even though I have the picture on my wall in front of me to remind me.
I didn’t associate my words coming from my mouth were the words that ‘God spoke to me’ and so those words have practically died within me. Until I read the story of Daniel and the angel answering the words that God heard and the angel answering those words and I began to see the importance the spoken words are, that if ‘I say the words that God spoke to me’ and ‘declare them as the spoken word of God’ ‘for me’ then ‘I am simply declaring what God has said and it will not return to God null and void, but will accomplish everything they were sent to do.’
Those three sentences that God spoke to me; those words are his words and not mine; he spoke those words of life out to me and so I must do as Abraham did; declare those things he said as done already; but not thinking of those words as my words but ‘’his words’’ spoken to me.
Declaring those things that ‘be not’ as though they were. Keeping in mind and spirit I am not declaring what I want but what God wants
Ezekiel 12:25 For I [am] the LORD: I will speak, and ‘’the ‘’word’’ that ‘’I shall speak’’ ‘’shall come to pass;’’ it shall be no more prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will ‘’I say the word,’’ and ‘’will perform it,’’ ‘saith the Lord GOD.’ Ten
‘’the ‘’word’’ that ‘’I shall speak’’ ‘’shall come to pass’’
God performs his word through us agreeing with his word and declaring his word out of our mouth so that he can bring it to pass, and it will for it is his word and not mine’ God spoke to me and said I am giving you a house of healing where the power of God has never been seen before and so I declare that God’s house of healing is already here even though I do not see it, but if God said it then God will bring his word to pass, he will perform it.
2 Corinthians 4:18 –The way Bible
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal.
The things that God spoke of already exist in the heavenly realm; for this scripture tells us that temporal things disappear but the things we cannot see with human eyes are more real than anything, and remember angels are spirit beings and can see those spoken words of God and so bring those spoken words to us.
Proverbs 18; 20
With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be satisfied; He will be satisfied with the product of his lips. 21Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
‘’Declaring the words of God spoken into my life by him.’’
I declare that I ‘’have received God’s house of healing!’’
I declare that I ‘’have received God’s lottery!’’
I declare that ‘’I have received God’s Nissan Pathfinder car!’’
I declare that ‘’I am healed in his sight!’’ for I have received it’’
I declare that God’s ministering angels will bring forth those words that he spoke to me
Isaiah 55:11 - So shall ‘’my word’’ be that goeth forth out of my mouth: ‘’it shall not’’ ‘return unto me void,’’ but it ‘’shall accomplish that which I please,’’ and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.
For God spoke those words to me and his words do not go back to him null and void.
Romans 4Living Bible (TLB)
16 So God’s blessings are given to us by faith, as a free gift; we are certain to get them whether or not we follow Jewish customs if we have faith like Abraham’s, for Abraham is
the father of us all when it comes to these matters of faith. 17 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say that God made Abraham the father of many nations. God will accept all people in every nation who trust God as Abraham did. And this promise is from God himself, who makes the dead live again and
of future events with as much certainty as though they were already past.
So, when God told Abraham that he would give him a son who would have many descendants and become a great nation, Abraham believed God even though such a promise just couldn’t come to pass! 19 And because his faith was strong, he didn’t worry about the fact that he was too old to be a father at the age of one hundred, and that Sarah his wife, at ninety, was also much too old to have a baby.
20 But Abraham never doubted. He believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing
even before it happened.
21 He was completely sure that God was well able to do anything he promised. 22 And because of Abraham’s faith God forgave his sins and declared him “not guilty.”
before it happened.’’
That mighty angel had to keep fighting Glories to God for his mighty angels are given the task of bringing the things we have prayed for to us; and as that mighty angel said to Daniel, he had to fight his way past the prince of Persia. That principality fought against him in a real battle; that meant that for twenty one days earthly time that angel had to keep fighting, until he got help from Michael, one of the top ranking angels and a mighty warrior. Then in case you didn’t notice, that angel had to fight his way back through the kingdom of Persia alone.
Not only do your angels have to fight to get to you because of your faith filled words; they have to fight their way back again. It is hard to imagine that angels have to fight their way to you, to answer your faith filled words, it seems so unreal, an angel fighting for days on end just to get to you, to answer your
words to God, and he has to fight against some demonic evil spirit that is trying to stop your prayers of faith being answered, this to us seems so unreal and is like the movies; but this is real.
God sends some mighty angel to you, to answer your faith filled words, and that angel has to fight against whatever evil principalities that are in charge over that region where you live, and the only thing that energises him is your praise and thanksgiving to God for your answer. That is what gets them through on their normal everyday activities that angels go through. Then when they are sent with a life changing issue, they need extra help from an arch angel.
All this for you! Have you ever given thought to what your angels go through, just to be sent with an answer to your words spoken to God; and when you give up and stop believing, and stop praising God for his answers, your angel has to turn back defeated, not by the demonic forces but by your unbelief.
Romans 3:23 24 TLB
Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins.
The pastor of the church I go too said this morning in church that angels are demons if they do anything for you. Now ‘’I am not sure’’ if he meant ‘’angel cards’’ are ‘’demons’’ for he said a moment later about the occult cards then he said, angels only stand in heaven worshipping God, well for one I don’t believe him for the word of God tells us angels are ministering spirits made of fire to minister to us.
Hebrews 1-Living Bible (TLB)
And did God ever say to an angel, as he does to his Son, “Sit here beside me in honour until I crush all your enemies beneath your feet”?
14 No, for the angels are only ‘’spirit messengers’’ ‘’sent out to ‘help and care’ for those who are to receive his salvation.’’
Sent to help those who are to receive salvation?
Hebrews 1A-mplified Bible (AMP)
14 Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will inherit salvation? [Of course they are!]
I believe the pastor is wrong in his belief for the word says different; it says angels are sent out to ‘’help and care for and to protect’ ‘those who will inherit salvation;’ it is their job to look after human beings that are going to heaven. I believe that everyone had a guardian angel, and I even wrote this in some of my books years ago. I believe these two scripture also tell us that angels are sent out to guard and care for and protect those who will inherit salvation. And Remember God does not want anyone to die without receiving his salvation, but this is a choice they must make for themselves.
Matthew 18:10 Living Bible
“Beware that you don’t look down upon a single one of these little children. For I tell you that in heaven their angels have constant access to my Father.
These are the very words of Jesus and if he said little children have guardian angels then this is true; for Jesus does not lie.
Psalm 104:4 Living Bible
The angels are his messengers—his servants of fire!
God’s angels gather when we sing worship to him
I have seen angels when God allowed me to see them; for instance when some friends and I were ministering to the lord I seen hundreds of angels standing shoulder to shoulder and even going through one another and one of the men
with me saw them as well. I think that when we minister to the lord in song his mighty angels come and sing with us; song that comes from our deepest hearts, not just a song, but worshiping him from deep inside us, these were the moments that I experienced amazing things from God, and felt his presence, even one time when I was recording some songs for a C/D to give him glory.
I believe God loves us singing to him, but it must come from a desire to sing lovingly to him; and any song, it doesn’t have to be religious; for one time some friends and I were starting to gather to minister to the lord at lunch time and on our first day, we were sitting singing, ‘’nearer my God to thee,’’ when God spoke to me and said, ‘’you bore me with your music.’’ I stopped singing and playing for I was a guitar player as was two of the other men. I sat there in shock; I’d never dream that God would actually speak to me, never mind to say that we bore him with our music.
One by one the others stopped playing and singing and looked at me and seeing I looked shocked they asked what was wrong, and I told them what God had said. While we discussed this I started quietly playing a little rock song that was just entering my mind, it was ‘’Rock on Jesus,’’ and the lyrics were coming as I sang quietly this little ditto. One of the men said, ‘’what’s that you’re playing’’ and I said it’s just a tune that came to me there a few moments ago and he started playing along with me the lead bits on his guitar, then the other two joined in and we sang making the words up as we went along and we started shouting out aloud and praising God when all of a sudden the penny dropped as the saying goes; I realised that God was pleased by what we were singing and that any song that was sung to him if it came from our hearts was acceptable not just religious songs which were boring to us as well but we thought that is what God wants; now I know different God wants us to enjoy what we are singing, just as we enjoyed singing rock songs as rock and roll was the music out at the time and I loved it as did my friends.
Now what’s that Got to do with angels? Nothing! I just remembered that angels came when we were ministering to the lord, singing to him from our hearts.