“Are you Sinner?”a {“saved by grace- washed in the blood”} Then the Bible is not for you? Brendan Mc Crossan If you claim to be a sinner saved by grace -or washed in the blood then the bible is not addressed to you.You better read this little book and see if you still wish to claim to be a sinner saved by grace or washed in the blood.
“Are you
Brendan Mc Crossan
{“saved by grace- washed in the blood”} Then the Bible is not for you?
God does not want your worship, he rejects it he rejects your hymns of praise because he says your worship is insincere, it does not come from a changed heart. All those years that you have been claiming to be a sinner and believing it meant that your praise was insincere and not appropriate, God didn’t listen to a note you sung, that is if you are adamant that you are a sinner, remember God himself says in scripture that you will have to give to him an account for every idle word, every wrong word spoken or sung.
Evil pursues sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repaid. Did you also know that evil follows you, if you profess to be a sinner believing this with all your heart and you wondered why things never went right for you! You have evil following you everywhere you go. It is time for you to be saved because a sinner is unredeemed unsaved.
Are you a sinner, then the bible is not for you?
Are you a sinner, saved by grace; then the bible is not for you?
Did you know that God does not even accept your praise or worship if you are a sinner.
We know that God listens only to people who love and obey him. God doesn't listen to sinners. If you confess, {say} that you are a sinner; ‘you say’ that God does not listen to you. And you are proclaiming that out of your mouth every time you say those words ‘I am a sinner,’ even if you postscript it with ‘saved by grace’ or ‘washed in the blood.’ Your first confession cancelled out your second confession, you told the world and God that you were a sinner someone who is against God a person who chooses to go to hell, a person in rebellion against God. God does not listen to sinners unless they are repenting, then he will listen to them if they are willing to accept Jesus as lord and saviour, will listen to them then, but not to one who confesses he or she is a sinner.
John-9:31 Contemporary English Version (CEV)
What it means for you if you confess to be a sinner
Brendan Mc copyright@6-04-2012CrossanOne
it is not appropriate for a sinner to sing hymns of praise, because his worship is insincere.
Christians declare that they are sinners without realising that this is a denial of what Jesus done for them, the New Testament is not addressed to sinners, because a sinner is under condemnation and are going to hell and separated from the saint and God does not listen to them.
It is impossible to be a sinner and a saint at the same time, a sinner is condemned a saint is guiltless not condemned a Christian is called righteous, the righteousness of God, justified by Jesus and washed in the blood of the Lamb, cleansed of all sin and shame. If you claim to be a sinner saved by grace or a sinner who is washed in the blood then this is a conundrum. {Conundrum means a problem that seems impossible to solve, a difficult problem that seems to have no solution.}
Reading the word of God from a sinner’s eyes
You are no better than sorcerers, adulterers, and prostitutes.
Sirach -12:5-6-Good News Translation (GNT)
Come here to be judged you sinners you’re no better than sorcerers adulaters and prostitutes. Wow! God is calling sinners prostitutes adulaters and sorcerers, the most sinful of people. And he is calling them to be judged, God help those who are confessing to be sinners, they are judged as sinner’s prostitute’s adulaters, are you calling yourself a sinner and claiming to be a Christian at the same time?
God is not pleased with sinners no matter how hard they try to please him because they come from a self righteous attitude within. If you believe that you are a sinner then God himself says he is not pleased with you and calls you evil, and sinners can’t stay in his company.
If you read the scriptures from a sinner standpoint you will only see negative things; you will read it from a religious view and from a flesh reading; in it you will see condemnation and
Psalm-5:4 Contemporary-English-Version you are not the kind of God who is pleased with evil. Sinners can't stay with you.
The Most High himself hates sinners, and he will punish them.7Give to good people, but do not help sinners. God himself says he hates sinners, and he will punish them. He even tells the children of God to give to good people but do not help sinners. Many Christians throughout the world make a big mistake when they donate to charities; it is good to help the poor and is what God wants from all of us Christians, but he says first, give to good people the saints of God his people, and if you have something left over then give it to the rest of those in need, we are not to judge who is a sinner or not but when we support Christian charities that are doing work at home or abroad those are the very people that God says to support with their needs.
Your words spoken from your mouth come from your heart within and express what you truly believe, you say what you believe.
A sinner has no power over the enemy, after all you belong to him if you are a sinner, you can’t cast a demon out of anyone if you believe that you are unworthy as a sinner, you will never lay hands on the sick and expect to see them healed. Do you think that it doesn’t matter to God what you say? I am sorry to inform you but the word of God says, “You will give an account for every idle word you speak.” The word Idle means unproductive, redundant, and inactive. A sinner is redundant and inactive for God because they are in rebellion against God. Satan was in rebellion against God and that’s why he was cast out of heaven, rebellion is as the spirit of witchcraft, if you are claiming to be a sinner, then you claim to be in rebellion against God and are involved in witchcraft.
Psalm-1:5 GOD’S-WORD-Translation
that is why evil people will not be able to stand in the judgment and sinners will not be able to stand where righteous people gather.
This is the place where God separates the sheep from the goats, the sheep are his children he is the good shepherd the goats belong to the enemy and are separated for destruction, if your claim is still, ‘I am a sinner’ then on the Day of Judgement, you will be separated from the sheep and will not stand where the righteous people gather. Remember the word of God says the angels will gather the sheep and the goats and separate those into two groups at the end times, the rebellious will stand on one side to be condemned, the righteous will stand on the other side made ready for heaven by Jesus.
He will put the righteous people at his right and the others on the left. Two The Saints position with God
This is why a Christian should never confess that they are a sinner and saved by grace or washed in the blood, because it is a conundrum, a problem that is impossible to solve, it is a contradiction of terms.
judgment and see yourself as unworthy a sinner and not as God intended you to see yourself. You will see things from a wrong perspective.
A sinner is under condemnation a saint is not condemned- if you think it does not matter what way you approach the word of God you are totally wrong, you will never see the blessings and gifts and favours that God has poured out on the Christian Saint, the believer. If read from a sinner standpoint you will never get to see the amazing promises that God made because you will believe that you are not worthy to receive them after all you confess to be a sinner.
In fact we give thanks unto the Father who made us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; a saint is in light, a sinner is in the dark. Look at the words used in this piece of scripture, ‘giving thanks to the Father who has made us,’ God the Father made you and chose you to be his children and to partake which means to share in to join with Jesus and share the inheritance of the saints in light, well Jesus died for you and in dying he first removed your guilt from you and made you a saint, then because he died he gave you a will, his own inheritance that the Father had given him. He then gave you his Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the one who leads you into all truth and he will reveal the hidden secrete promises and blessings that God has in store for us who believe.
In the book of Ephesians the word of God tells us that when we accepted Jesus into our lives as lord and saviour we became citizens of heaven, and God’s household. In fact we always belonged to heaven in our spirit and we returned there in spirit Ephesians -1-4. When we gave Jesus our lives and we became on again with him.
To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. To all in Rome beloved of God and called to be saints, not sinners; grace to you and peace from God your Father and from Jesus as well. Beloved means to be loved, adored his darling. You
Ephesians-2:19 King-James-Version
Romans 1-7-King James Version (KJV)
Colossians 1:12 King James Version giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us, meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light:
now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; If you look closely you will see that the Bible is addressed to the Saints, to the Saints in Rome; to the saints in Corinth, to the saints in Colosse. Or to the church or Christians, or believers, depending which Bible you are using; it is never addressed to the sinners in Rome or the sinners in Corinth or the sinners in Colosse. Read this from your own bible for yourself, there is no need for me to go searching for the scriptures to show you, I have those scriptures in many of my books; and it is better for you to read them yourself, and you will see there are no letters addressed to the sinners.
Romans-8-1-The Way Bible
As you have already read, sinners are under condemnation and are destined for eternal death, and are fit only for destruction, but the Christian saint of God has no condemnation he is acceptable to God or she is acceptable to God but rebellious sinner are going to disappear forever and only the saints will remain in God’s new heaven which he is bringing down to earth at the apportioned time. A sinner is under condemnation from God but the saint is not under condemnation at all, forever.
The Bible is for the saints to guide them into righteous living teaching by correction the ways they should walk and theattitudethey should beshowing to sinners as wellas saints. TheBible is also used to show us how to walk in supernatural heaven sent miracle working power and authority, and for the Christian saint of God they will be guided in these things by the Holy Spirit, because Jesus promised he will teach us many things concerning him and his promises and he will also reveal the secretes that God has hidden in his word. The Holy Spirit will not guide those who claim they are sinners because they are unable to understand the mysteries of God; they can read the bible of course, but because it is not for them, they will just see it as an interesting or a boring book, not as the Living Word of God.
There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
were called to be his saints, not God’s sinners remember they are condemned and God doesn’t want them around. God does not call sinners his darling nor does he adore them or call them beloved.
As a Christian you need the Holy Spirit to teach you the word of God, you will be taught from a spiritual perspective and not from human thinking and wonder. The Holy spirit searches out and reveals God’s great secrets and reveals them to us who believe in his guidance, and as he reveals scripture to us we develop the character of Jesus Christ because he is the Living Word
For the present, however, I am going to Jerusalem to bring aid (relief) for the saints (God's people there Remember the scripture; Sirach -12:5-6 that God said don’t give to the sinners, here in this scripture the saints are going to Jerusalem to bring aid to the Christian saints there because there was going to be a famine as prophesised, there were thousands of sinners non Christian people living there but the aid was not being sent to them but to only God’s people. God had told the saints that there was going to be a time of famine in the country but he only had his children send aid to his other children living in Jerusalem. And they obeyed God and sent aid only to the saints.
ButIsaiah-1:28-Contemporary-English-Versionthoserebellioussinnerswhoturnagainst me, the LORD, will all disappear.
The Bible is alive and active that is why mysteries are revealed slowly to us giving us time to apportion it with others and to have it develop down inside of us as we grow more and more into his likeness.
1 Corinthians 1-1-King James Version (KJV)
Colossians 1-1-King James Version (KJV)
of God he is alive and active in the Bible his own word and we become more and more like him in nature and wisdom and power.
Philippians 1-1-King James Version (KJV)
1Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, 2To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ which are at Colosse: Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother, 2Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours: You have been sanctified by Christ Jesus you have been made holy, you have been cleansed by Jesus blood, you are called saints not sinners, and we have the right to call upon the name of Jesus lord and saviour and redeemer.
The word is sent to the saints in Colosse, and all that is in that letter also is apportioned to you, the living Word is for you in every letter as it was the Holy Spirit who dictated those letters to the Christian children of God in Colosse and in Rome and in all the places Christians were scattered across the world. You need the Holy Spirits help when you read the Holy Spirits words , you need to understand what his meaning is and the meaning is spiritual not carnal as if you were sinners.
Paul and Timothy, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons: To all the saints in Christ Jesus; isn’t it great to be included ‘in Christ Jesus’ with all the saints making up the body of Christ into a living temple for Christ Jesus his own body. There are no sinners in the Holy Body of Jesus.
No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.
Glorify God because of what he did for you, repent and confess from now on Jesus words alone. I am a saint, I am holy and pure, I am washed in the blood, and I am saved by grace, drop the sinner part from today on. Jesus saved you by grace he washed you in his own blood to make you acceptable to the father and to him and you are a saint in your Father’s eyes and as Hebrew 10-14 says; you are forever perfect in the sight of God. Three
To all of God's holy people in Christ Jesus who live in Philippi, including your overseers and deacons: 2 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
One of the side effects that will happen to you when praying if you proclaim that you are a sinner is you will have no faith, and without faith you cannot please God.
Philippians 1-1-New Century Version (NCV)
The side effects of proclaiming, ‘I am a sinner’
Hebrews-11:6 Good-News-Translation
Whoever comes to God must have faith and believe that God exists and rewards those who seek him, a sinner, unless repentant does not seek God, and if you believe that you are still a sinner then your prayers will have no power or effect. God does not, and I repeat that so you can see again in case you think I was mistaken, God does not listen to sinners, that is just one of the side effects of being a sinner, God will not listen to you, no matter how much you protest and say God listens to everybody, not according to God he doesn’t. A sinner does not have faith in God because he does not believe in him and has rejected him and his word. Because you believe that you are a sinner you are the one who separates yourself from God, he does not separate himself from you; he allows you freedom of choice, you can chose to reject God and remain a sinner or you can repent and become a saint along with millions of others.
John-9:31-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
We know that God listens only to people who love and obey him. God doesn't listen to sinners.
Now to all God’s people the saints God’s Holy people offer your lives to God as a sacrifice he can accept a living Holy sincere saintly sacrifice, and if you are one who asked Jesus into your life as lord and saviour, stop calling yourself a sinner because you can now see it is an affront to the lord Jesus and to the suffering he endured for you, Give him the glory he deserves, stop glorifying the enemy to God alone be all glory.
James 1-6-New International Version (NIV) But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
How can you believe for prayer being answered if you believe that you are a sinner who is condemned, by believing this you are saying to your spirit that you are no good you’re condemned, you’re worthless as a sinner. A sinner has no power over the enemy, because he believes that he is connected to the enemy subconsciously. A sinner can’t believe for a miracle; a sinner washed in the blood has no faith because he is telling his spirit one thing and believing another so he is a double minded man or woman and a double minded man or woman has no answers to prayer, they have no faith.
If you believe that you are a sinner---washed in the blood or a sinner ----saved by grace, you are a double minded man or woman and unstable in all they do. You are in a conundrum, believing two opposite things at the one time. Because you believe that you are a sinner in one breath and a saint in the other, you are a contradiction of terms. You are a double minded person and a double minded person will never receive anything from God; so say his word. A saint is saved, a sinner is condemned, two opposites, as one scripture says ‘opposite the sinner stands the righteous.’ ‘The children of God are righteous’ Romans-5-1 / Romans-5-2 says, ‘I am in the place of highest privilege,’ the place where Jesus stands and ‘I am in Christ as one person’ -6-17.
Scripture tells us to; “Draw close to god resist the devil and he will flee from you in terror-James -4-7.” The Way Bible
If you believe that you are a sinner, whether or not you say you are washed in the blood or saved by grace, you can’t draw near to God because he won’t allow a sinner to draw close to him, unless they are in a state of repentance. God does not listen to sinners. Deep inside of you, you have a feeling of unworthiness which will keep you from drawing close to God because a sinner knows deep down that God does not listen to him and he or she feels this in their spirit. This all can be changed by you by realising that you call God a liar when you as a born again child of God profess that you are a sinner, you have declared out of your mouth for a long time that you are a sinner a person in revolt against God first; then you said you were saved by grace, which meant that you didn’t know if you were a sinner or a saint, you have a confused spirit. Are you a sinner or are you a saint, which are you? If you believe that you are both then you will never know God personally, because you are calling him a liar every time you say you’re a sinner after he redeemed you through Jesus Christ, and washed you in his precious blood and cleansed you with his precious blood making you clean forever in your spirit, and still you don’t believe him. If you don’t believe that, you are calling God a liar every time you as a Christian confess that you are a sinner, then read this next scripture
A sinner has no faith, no matter what you think, because God won’t listen to them, and God only listens to those who have faith in him, even if you confess that you are a sinner, saved by grace or washed in the blood, you contradict yourself. Scripture says a double minded man will have no answers to his prayer and that goes also to a double minded woman.
A Christian who declares that they are a sinner is calling God a liar because he or she does not believe what God said about his son Jesus and they do not believe what God done for them through Jesus suffering and death and resurrection. It is very difficult for a Christian who calls themselves a sinner to believe for all the wonderful blessings that God bestowed on his beloved children, the blessings of being righteous, the joy of being seated in heaven in spirit with and in Christ Jesus the Messiah, the pleasure of knowing the Father God as exactly that, ‘Father,’ these are just some of the side effects that you suffer from as a sinner who has been Youredeemed.willnever believe that you and Jesus share the same spirit and are standing in that place of highest privilege in heaven right this very split second; you will find it hard to believe that you don’t have to face the Judgement, on Judgement Day because as Jesus said himself, anyone who believes in him is not condemned. John 3-16-New International Version (NIV) 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but “have eternal life.” 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. 18 Whoever ‘believes’ in him is “not condemned,” but whoever does not believe stands “condemned already” because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. A sinner is condemned; when did Jesus say a sinner is condemned? {Remember a sinner is an unbeliever who does not believe in the name of Jesus.} A sinner is condemned already, this very instant, this very instant as they draw their very breath; a sinner is condemned now! A believer is not condemned, when? “Now,” they “have eternal life,” the same instant that the unbeliever was condemned. You chose for Jesus or not for Jesus now, you’re either for him or against him ‘now.’ You will not be judged when you die because you have already been judged by what you believed that choice was yours. It was Jesus himself who said these words you can read them for yourself in your own bible. There is going to come another time for Judgement at the end of the world, when the whole world stands hushed before God the Father,
1 John 5-9Contemporary English Version (CEV) 9
We believe what people tell us. But we can trust what God says even more, and God is the one who has spoken about his Son. 10If we have faith in God's Son, we have believed what God has said. But if we don't believe what God has said about his Son, it is the same as calling God a liar.11God has also said that he gave us eternal life and that this life comes to us from his Son. 12And so, if we have God's Son, we have this life. But if we don't have the Son, we don't have this life.
15 Then he told them: Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world.16 anyone who believes me and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe me will be condemned.17 everyone who believes me will be able to do wonderful things. By using my name they will force out demons, and they will speak new languages.18 they will handle snakes and will drink poison and not be hurt. They will also heal sick people by placing their hands on them.
Another side effect of claiming to be a sinner is that you have no power
You have no access to the name of Jesus for healing or deliverance or power if you’re a sinner, a sinner does not believe or obey God he or she is in rebellion against God and his word.
The name of Jesus has been give to the believer who holds fast to his or her confession, they have been given power over the enemy and Jesus own authority to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick, and to release people into the Holy Spirit gifts of tongues and nothing from the enemy shall hurt them, that is for those who believe and do not have a doubtful mind, because when it comes to confronting your greatest enemy you need power and authority and a believer has that power. Mark -16-17. What power does a sinner have, one who confess first that they are a sinner - none. As a sinner they don’t believe the very first basic message of God through Jesus. They think they are being humble by saying they are a sinner and then saying they are washed in the blood or saved by grace, but they are not being humble, they are being deceived, and that leaves them powerless against the enemy.
The unbeliever, the sinner is condemned, and cannot heal the sick or cast out demons or pray with others to release the Holy Spirit upon them and release the gift of tongues. They do not have belief, inside them they believe they are unworthy sinner’s wretched people, lucky to be washed in the blood but still sinners. Did you not know that Jesus died to make you holy, sinless, spotless and clean, washed in the precious blood of the lamb? When are you going to believe Jesus and God and the Holy Spirit that they done all for you to make you righteous in
No one can defeat the world without having faith in Jesus as the Son of God.
Who can cast out demons? Who can lay hands on the sick and heal them? Who can speak in tongues? The sinner? No! The believer – Yes! The believer will be able to do these things; the believer has access to the most powerful name in all creation - the ‘name of Jesus’ – ‘the saviour,’ the ‘name above all name’s’ and at the sound of his name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is lord.
Mark 16-15-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
where the sinners and the saints will stand on opposite sides, separated by the angels, and those who have passed through the first Judgement will pass the second judgement because Jesus will declare you as his.
John-5:5 Contemporary-English-Version
For by one sacrifice he has made ‘perfect forever’ those who are made holy
A sinner is not holy in the sight of God, a sinner is going to be destroyed at the Day of Judgement, and the saint will remain in heaven forever with and in Christ Jesus.
Stop speaking two conflicting statements, the side effects are devastating for you.
You have no power to resist the enemy because you claim you still belong to him, a sinner is destined for hell, to share the fate of his or her master. No one but you has left you in this position you are now in, you chose to believe that you are still a sinner even though you say in the next breath, you are washed in the blood or saved by grace.
Hebrews-10-14- The Way Bible
theireyes,tomakeyouholylikethem,tomakeyoucleanthroughwashingyouinthatprecious blood forever being cleansed?
A side effect of claiming to be a sinner means no glory for God. Being a sinner gives God no glory; so by your confessing that you are a sinner first, you rob God of his glory, for after all he was the one who created you to be and he created you to be in existence from before he even made the world; and he created you Holy and spotless in his eyes. Ephesians 1-4-New International Version (NIV) 4
For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will 6 to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. 7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace 8 that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, 9 he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,10 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfilment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ. God chose us to be holy and blameless in his sight; some Catholics would say this means we are the ones who have to try and be holy; but read that first few lines underlined in red. He chose us, we didn’t choose him; he chose us to be holy and blameless in his sight as a father who adores his children loves them. In other scripture God calls his children holy and forever perfect in his sight; he does not call them sinners or unworthy.
Colossians 2-13-New International Version (NIV)
13 When you were dead in your sins and in the un-circumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, 14 having cancelled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. 15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
You are not a sinner –washed in the blood – saved by grace, you are a saint of God washed in the blood and saved by grace because this is what God done for you through Jesus. Ask God to wipe away the effects of what you have been saying out of your mouth for each time you made a wrong confession, because you will give an account to God for every idle word you speak, and the words you speak have life in them so you need to kill those negative words by asking God to take them, kill them, and cleanse them from their effect on you or others, then this is wiped clean and those words were removed forever, gone and forgotten.
I have written lots of books saying that we are Holy like God and that we made in his divine image, if you have read this from my website then read my other books that say were holy, or righteous.
Your sins were all taken away so how can you be a sinner? Jesus removed sin from your spirit he washed it clean by his blood and the Holy Spirit continues to wash you with Christ’s cleansing blood when you sin again and repent. By you declaring yourself a sinner after Jesus paid for your sins you call him a liar and say what he did wasn’t good enough, that you in effect should do something to work out your debt to God; but you can’t do anything because it has been done already.
I hope that in reading this little book that you can see that you are redeemed by that precious blood, that all your sins were taken away and paid for, that you call God a liar if you call yourselfa‘sinner– washed in theblood orsaved by grace,’eitherisan insultto God and Jesus; and that you are robbing yourself of power from God by your unbelief, and that your prayers will never work because you have a double mind and a double minded man or woman will never receive anything from God, you rob yourself, no one else is robbing you. You believe the enemies lies over God’s truth, over God’s word, over the truth of what Jesus accomplished for you; it is time to change what you say, it is time to acknowledge to God his grace to you, it is time to change what you have declared possibly for years and repent and tell God you are sorry, you didn’t know, it was what you were taught. Now confess that, ‘I am a Saint’ ‘washed in the blood of the Lamb of God,’ and ‘saved by Grace.’ From now on give God his glory and Jesus his honour for what he done for you
You were dead in sin but Jesus forgave us all our sins, ‘all’ means exactly that ‘all’ ‘the entire lot’ ‘none left out’ he didn’t miss even one little tiny one, he forgave them all, he cancelled your debt to God for all your sins, your debt free, from the moment Jesus paid for them.
To God is all glory for making us Saints in his kingdom. Amen