Are you trying to find favour with God by what you do or don’t do?
Brendan Mc Crossan
Are you trying to find favour with God by what you do or don’t do? Mc
God says you are an heir, and you are his child his sons and daughters, and an heir does not have to beg for favour or seek favour from their father. A slave on the other hand does have to seek favour, he has to ask permission to do anything, he or she is always trying to please their master, and it’s their master not their father, because a good father does not treat their children as slaves. A son or daughter of God is already in favour; their father loves them and gives them everything they could possibly want.
Colossians 1:22-King James Version
You can’t make God love you any more than he does and that is unconditional love, which sees you forever perfect in his sight and also as this next scripture tells you Jesus presented you, holy and blameless and innocent to his father and your father.
Are you trying to find favour with God by what you do or don’t do on certain days or months are you fasting and sacrificing yourself trying to please God? Well you are wasting your time and God’s because you will never find favour with God by trying to do things to bring that favour about. Favour has been given to you already; you can’t earn God’s favour, because it is a gift bestowed on all God’s children.
Hebrews -10-14-you are forever perfect in his sight.
Galatians-4-10 you are trying to find favour with God by what you do or don’t do on certain days or months or seasons or years- I fear for you, all my hard work for you was worth nothing. We Christians are always trying to find ways to please God, to get into his good books as they say, and all this is worthless because you can never find God’s favour by what you do or don’t do, his favour is unconditional, his love and grace {favour} are automatically poured out on his children, it is his nature to pour out grace {favour} and mercy on us.
Galatians 4-6-Common English Bible (CEB) –Because you are sons and daughters, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” 7Therefore, you are no longer a slave but a son or daughter, and if you are his child, then you are also an heir through God.
Sad to say Christians believe that they have to try and force God to be good to them, to answer their prayers or requests, they try and get favour from him by doing things they think might make him more pleased with them and that is nonsense, God cannot be more pleased with you than he already is, he is the one who created you, and he made you forever perfect in his sight.
In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and blameable and innocent in his sight:
He makes you perfect in every good thing to do his will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom is the glory forever and ever. Amen. It is God alone that made you perfect, he made you ‘well pleasing in his sight,’ does it make any difference how you look to others as long as you look ‘well pleasing in his sight.’ This is the awesomeness of God, the wonder of his grace and favour; he himself makes us perfect in his sight.
Isn’t God so good to make us holy like him for not only is God holy but he makes us holy also, and he also declares that we are innocent of any wrong doing? Where does this leave us? It leaves us in a position of favour, a place where we litterly stand before God at all times. God’s word says we can come right into the throne room of heaven boldly and assured of a glad welcome.
You are always well pleasing in God’s sight and that never changes, you can’t make yourself pleasing to God you already are. Look at the following scriptures carefully see they say, ‘you are well pleasing in his sight.’ But what if I sin? God’s word doesn’t change even when you sin; you are still well pleasing in his sight, God’s word remains the same forever without change or shadow, it is permanent.
Hebrews-10-14-you are forever perfect in the sight of God.
It is in approaching the throne of God in confidence that we receive the favour which is there for us and scripture says, there we will receive mercy and find favour, {grace}. Grace means favour, it is the same precept, so when you see grace in your bibles, know that it also means favour. The favour is there at the throne room it does not say we have to ask for favour, but says having confidence in approaching the throne of God is where we will receive favour, just when we need it, and God’s word says he knows already what you need even before you ask, so the favour of God waits there for you to receive when you need it. You can’t do anything to deserve favour; you don’t need to plead for favour, you just come confident, and that confidence is the means of receiving favour, favour is yours to receive when you need it. You cannot earn it by doing fasting or good works or anything of the flesh; it is simply there for you to receive because you are God’s child.
God's throne, where there is grace {favour}. There we will receive mercy and find grace {favour} to help us just when we need it.
Ephesians -2-5-The Way Bible He being God gave us the very life of Christ himself, the same new life, With which he quickened him. {Quickened means made alive}
[actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. You werechosen from beforetimeeven began beforethefoundation of theworld, and hemade you blameless in his sight, and he made you holy like him through your joining together with Jesus. That’s the kind of God we have and in whose favour you stand forever. He chose you from among billions of people to give you favour, and that were from before he even created the Favourworld.for you was in God’s plan, it was built into his design of you, along with your DNA you have favour built in, scientists will never find it like they found DNA in all life forms because this is a spiritual principle, that man of flesh will never be able to fathom favour.
MakeHebrews-13:21-King-James-Versionyouperfectineverygoodwork to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. He made you perfect in every good work, so you don’t have to do work’s to gain God’s favour, he made you perfect, he is ‘well pleased with you in his sight,’ that’s how he sees you all the time, he sees you well pleasing to him in his sight. Does it matter how others see you, as long as you are living as a Christian doing your best to follow him and like everyone else in the world falling now and again, sinning, repenting and moving on because you are ‘well pleasing in his sight,’ that never changes, because it is through Christ Jesus that makes it possible to be ‘well pleasing in his sight,’ he sees Jesus in you always. Could Father God turn away Jesus without giving him his favour? No! he could never, and he could never turn us away either, because we are joined to him as one person, God sees Jesus when he looks at you and me, how I wish you could just for a few moments see Jesus in you, as one with you.
This is why you never need to seek favour with God, you already have favour because God gave you, ‘yes you,’ the very life of Christ himself, his same new life which he gave to Jesus.
1-Corinthians-6-17-The Way Bible
Philippians tells us that God will supply all our needs through Christ Jesus, and the word also tells us that God knows our needs even before we need them. Remember, he created us from before time and kept us in heaven until our time came to be born into this world and then to freely accept Jesus as lord and saviour and become born again in the spirit again.
Does god favour Jesus? Yes, then you share the same new life and so you share in the favour that God poured out on his Son Jesus. You and Jesus are conjoined no one can distinguish the difference between you and Jesus in your spirit. I am not talking about your flesh body but the spirit is one with Christ Jesus. If God could give you the very life of Christ himself could he ever withhold favour from you? The life of Christ in you is proof that you are in God’s favour already.
If a man gives himself to the lord he has become one with him in spirit. Christian if you gave yourself to the lord and became born again, you become one with Christ Jesus. If Christians could only realise the enormity of what that means for them, they would know they would never have to seek favour from God. I don’t have to seek favour from the lord because I am joined together with Christ Jesus and have become one in spirit with him.
And God says in his word He knows the plan he has for us, plans for good to give us a future andahope,hesaysheknowsthevery hairsonourhead.Godhashisplansforourlivesalready worked out we have been granted favour already he knows every word we are going to say because he seen and heard it all in heaven while he worked out your existence; he knew what you would do when presented with a choice, he knew exactly what you would say to someone else, because it was all enacted in heaven.
I do have to come before God and seek answers to prayer which is not the same as seeking favour. I have children and grandchildren and now two great grandchildren, which all need prayer at times, and I know that I am in God’s favour, so I don’t have to seek his favour first, I come to him because he is my father and he has the power to change things, or even to change his mind about things, and I seek his love and promise that he will look after all that is mine. When they or I have a need Jesus promised to fulfil that need, I need to praise God confident for that favour which has been poured out on me and on mine and bring that favour into being in this world. The word of God tells us ‘it is finished;’ what Jesus done on the cross on Calvary is finished, he took our sins and took our sickness and diseases. Sins and sickness and disease taken care of, favour granted.
Whatever-hasEcclesiastes-1:9-GOD’S-WORD-Translation-Happenedbeforewillhappenagain.Whatever has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun. This is a strange scripture to examine, and I don’t have the knowledge to go into it to deeply.
God loves us all dearly and gives us favour at all times, it is there for us whenever we need grace, and his grace is constant never departs from us. How spectacular to be loved continuously, day after day, night after night, without end, that’s favour for you. Are you trying to find favour with God by doing this or that? You know now that you can’t work God into doing you a favour, you are in favour at all times.
The lord himself is my inheritance, my prize, my highest joy! He guards all that is mine.
I remind God that he promised to guard all that is mine, and he said in Isaiah hold me in remembrance, and so I just come before him confident that I am welcome because I come in Jesus Christ as one with, and in him, I don’t have to seek his favour because his favour was promised to me, he is my inheritance, what an inheritance to have, God himself, wow! That is awesome to think about and know, and the promise he gave me was that he himself will guard all that is mine and my kids and grandkids and great grandkids are mine. Why do I need to worry about any of my children or grandchildren or great grandchildren, God himself promised to guard them, because they are mine and he also promised to save them, to give them salvation, to the fourth generation; and he promised to bless to a thousand generations my descendants because Rose and I came to him. What an awesome promise, what an awesome God we have who has poured out blessings after blessings upon us his children.
I don’t come before God seeking favour because I am in his favour at all times and you my Christian brothers and sisters are also in his favour all the time.
There is a scripture that I could never understand until now, and it said; ‘what has been before will be again.’ I now understand the meaning behind those words of scripture. Our lives were enacted in heaven, every possible scenario, what we would say and do because we did it in heaven before time began and now we are re-enacting them on earth in this moment in time.
But God knew his blueprint meticulously, every incomprehensible little microscopic detail. He is God and can do anything, as nothing is impossible with God. He knows us in every detail.
Psalm-12-5 -The Way Bible
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His “favour” and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation).
You seefavour, {grace,} is whatyou havebeen given when you accepted Jesus into yourheart as lord and saviour and became one with him; did you understand that you became one, read that again, ‘you became one,’ with him, if you have become one with Christ Jesus do you not operate in favour like him after all you are now one, and if Jesus is in God’s permenant favour then so my friend are you because you have become one with your saviour, and stand before God as one person in Christ Jesus. You will never find favour with God unless you mix it with faith, you have to believe that you have favour already, and you have to come boldly before the throne of God to receive that favour whatever it is. It does not say you have to ask for whatever favour you need, it says come boldly before the throne to receive favour. You are an Heir to the kingdom of God and an heir is entitled to favour because it is written into the will letHebrews-4:16-Good-News-Translationushaveconfidence,then,andapproach God's throne, where there is grace {favour}. There we will receive mercy and find grace {favour} to help us just when we need it.
Approaching the throne of God confidently and boldly is the access to favour, and at the throne favour is received, this scripture does not say you need to ask for favour. The scripture tells you to come boldly to the very throne of God, {The Way Bible} and there at the throne you will receive the favour you need. Favour is in the throne; favour emanates out from the very throne of God itself because that is where he sits always, his supreme beings power flows from the very throne, and scripture tells us to stay there until we have received that favour- grace. A river flows from the very throne, lightening flashes from his being; a rainbow covers his throne {Revelations.} His awesome power in all around him, and we are invited to come boldly into the throne room to receive favour in our time of need, there is no need to ask for his favour, by the very fact that you can enter his throne room favour is granted to you otherwise you would be consumed by the mighty power that is flowing in that room. You are a child of God and are always welcome into the very throne room in heaven because that is where your father in heaven sits, and from his power favour flows towards you always. This is an awesome God that we have, to just be in his presence is favour from him, and he favours us at all times.
God's throne, where there is grace {favour}. There we will receive mercy and find grace {favour} to help us just when we need it.
if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person.
You have to believe this you have to mix this with faith, and faith believes God over and above everything in this natural world. You just come confidently and boldly to the throne of God and favour is instantly bestowed upon you; and you must expect to receive favour and it is yours. You are a child of God and unless you fully know and understand that God is your Father you will never have the confidence to come boldly before the throne of God and receive the favour you need.
Favour is yours, come and receive it anytime you need it, Father God loves to give you whatever favour you need. It delights him to see you come before him boldly, after all he told you to come this way to him, assured of a glad welcome.
That is the knowledge to receiving favour when you need it, believing that you and Christ are one person in spirit, because his word says it is so.
Favour is yours by right given by God to you; you don’t need to beg or plead or cry, you just need to come boldly, confident that you will receive what God has already given you, it is already yours because you and Jesus are one in spirit, and it is Jesus in you joined together in spirit that confidently comes before the fathers throne and he can never be refused favour; you are one with and in Jesus, one spirit.