Are you worrying about your own plans, or God’s plans?
Are you worrying about your own plans?
Brendan Mc Crossan 04-10-2011
Philippians-2-21-everyoneelseseemstobeworryingabouttheirownplansandnotthose of Christ Jesus.
I wonder how much this applies to me, am I concerned about the plans of Jesus or am I concerned about my own plans, what I want, and what I desire. Are the things I am searching for what God wants me to search for or am I doing my own thing?
Are you my Christian friend doing your own thing or are you only concerned with what God wants for you, or are you like me wanting God to help us do our thing and bless that. There are many things I do that I ask God to bless, and the truth is it is probably not what God wanted but what I wanted to do. For instance, how many times have I done my own thing, knowing deep down that this is not what God wants me to be doing? But I go on doing what I wanted and something inside of me {the Holy Spirit} is saying I don’t need to be doing what I am doing, I could be doing what the lord wants me to be doing instead, and be blessed because of it.
Maybe when I am doing my own thing I know I can just stop; if I was being sensitive to the Holy Spirit I could be doing what he is trying to direct me to do, and in effect I am losing out on a blessing, or maybe he is trying to get through to me to call someone who needs cheering up or even healed, and I am so busy doing my own thing I don’t hear him or just ignored him altogether.
Gosh how many times have I done this, and missed out on a blessing because I am wrapped up in me and not God, or worse I am wrapped up in what I think God wants and losing out in his guidance listening to my strong loud voice instead of taking time to be still. Am I so busy being busy I never hear God speak or as the Holy Spirit tries and guides me into a miracle that someone needs I am just too busy doing what I planned rather than listening for his plans. Your word says in;
Jeremiah-29-11-For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.
Am I fitting in with your plans or fitting you into my plans and ambitions? Only your Holy Spirit knows what’s in my mind and in the recess of my heart, and is what I planned what you planned, are our plans the same plans or are they two different plans, mine and yours, mine being the most important to me, and are therefore useless, of no value or worth.
Jesus forgive me for not being sensitive to your Holy Spirits promptings; forgive me for being busy with my own thing, even thinking I am doing things for you.
This following scripture tells us that God is earnestly desiring to give us wonderful things, when we do what he wants us to do and when we have stopped doing what we want.
Hisword herein thisnextscripturesaysheislonging to begraciousto you,and heliftshimself up; just stop there and think; that God lifts himself up to see how he can pour out a blessing on you, it’s like someone looking over the edge of a balcony, they lift themselves up, {lean over} to see you better.
Isaiah -30-18-And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favour, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]! {Amplified Bible}
You and I can’t beblessed if wearedoing our own thing, but only in doing thething God wants from us brings the blessings. It really is time I stopped doing my own thing, feeling like I have to have certain times to pray and minister to God, I have twenty four hours in a day that God gave me to minister to him; it does not have to be eleven-o-clock every morning or as close to that as possible but it could be whatever time I have in that day.
This does not mean that I should not have my morning prayer time with God, but has my morning time of seeking the lord been the right time, is this the moment that God wants me with him or maybe I am neglecting someone or something else I should be doing.
This is a good prayer for examining our motives in doing what we are doing. Pray this often, not every day but maybe once a week.
Psalm 139-1
Good News Translation (GNT) God's Complete Knowledge and Care
Lord, you have examined me and you know me. 2 You know everything I do; from far away you understand all my thoughts. 3 You see me, whether I am working or resting; you know all my actions. 4 Even before I speak, you already know what I will say. 5 You are all around me on every side; you protect me with your power. 6 Your knowledge of me is too deep; it is beyond my understanding.
Lord you yourself have examined me, am I doing what you have wanted me to do today, at this moment in time, or is there something else that you would rather I do for you, not for me but for you? You know my motives and reasons why I do things; are my motive and reasons pure, are they like the motives and reasons that Jesus had when he walked with you on this earth?
You see me whether I am working or resting, you know the reasons behind my actions and plans, before I protest my innocence you know what was and is in my heart, and what I am going to say in my defence, but is my defence pleasing to you or is it like filthy rags in your sight. I know that you are around me, but sometimes I forget that, especially when I am at home and my guard is down, and I forget that you are still there beside me as I curse and swear and argue with my wife or children, when I get angry and uptight, not attempting to control myself but secretly trying to control them, your still there watching me.
There were times I got myself in trouble with my big mouth or opinions and people couldn’t stick me, and I rubbed them up the wrong way or gave them my overinflated ego instead of love and encouragement, you were still there, you haven’t moved away, and you even protected me from myself when I did these wrong things. Your knowledge of me is too deep, it is beyond my understanding, but not yours, you created me from before time began and laid out my life before you, the good times and the bad times both were there in front of you like a blueprint of my life from beginning to end and with all I will do and say written down, there is nothing hidden from you, you know what I am going to say before I even say it because you knew it already and saw it all billions of years ago, and you don’t forget, unlike my sins which you chose to forget.
What an awesome God you are, and there am I doing what I think is what I have chosen to do for you, when it was you all along billions of years ago that decided what I would say on this day and at this time and to this person, you knew the rubbish that would come out of my mouth and you counteracted that rubbish with repentance in my heart, and at times an apology to someone I hurt as a result of spouting off some garbage from the top of my head and from my mouth at someone you love. Lord I haven’t learned yet that you see all and hear all and know all because it is in your blueprint for my life.
You knew my hidden sins before I even repented and you planned for Jesus one day to come and pay for those hidden sins, and the sins of the entire world, and still you loved me. You told me in your word that you have a plan for me, a plan for good to give me a future and a hope, and you know that plan intimately.
Lord am I even on the verge of walking in your plans? Or am I still doing my own thing? Please help me to come to terms with the knowledge that you know everything about me, and grant me a listening spiritual ear, to hear loudly with my spiritual ear, my inner being what your Holy Spirit my guide and councillor is telling me, give me an awareness of your surrounding presence not for a worldly reason but so that I can follow you closely, like the sheep of your pasture. Help me to stop complaining and criticising others and examine myself first before I open my extremely large garrulous mouth.
Let your prayer, that you taught you disciples be my prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed and praise be to your name, thy kingdom come and my kingdom collapse. Thy will be done in me on earth as it is in your blueprint in heaven, give me today thy daily bread the word of life, your scriptures that will help me through this life, forgive me my many trespasses, as I have forgiven those who have trespassed against me, and if there are any Unforgiveness buried deep inside me help me forgive them all. Don’t let me be led into temptation and deliver me from Satan’s foul plans, for thine is the kingdom the glory and the power, for even and ever.
My thoughts are not the same as yours
Isaiah-55-, this plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thought the same as yours! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours, and my thoughts than yours.
This plan of God’s is greater than any plan that I a mere human being could ever dream up; no matter how smart I feel that I am my thoughts fade in comparison to God’s. He knows every ultimate dream and vision and pondering in the human mind; he knows that we cannot work it out, what for, or why, he allows things to happen, or to be. He knows the ultimate goal all of his children must accomplish and he knows it is not by their will that they will reach there, it is only in surrendering everything over to his plans and reasoning’s that will accomplish the goals hehas set asidefor each of us individually, becauseeveryonegoal is different, adifferent path leads us on separate roads but to the one ultimate destination, heaven, home with him again.
I know for me anyway, that I have far too often worried about my plans; I longed to be a great healer and preacher, and teacher, teaching the things of God as shown me in the sacred scriptures by his Holy Spirit. I have tasted those things many times but every now and then those things come to an end for one reason or another, and I have to sit with God in my room ministering to him in song as best as I can, sometimes in total frustration.
Sometimes looking at sick people and knowing I just can’t walk over to them and say, ‘do you want to be healed,’ without the prompting of the Holy Spirit to do so. I sometimes find the hardest thing to do is to do nothing, because I know deep down it is from me where these thoughts come from, it is to push ahead with my own agenda, not God’s and so I won’t give in to my feelings and say to someone, ‘would you like to be healed?’
I used to do this very often, until I realised that it was for me to be known and recognised as a healer that was the ultimate goal in my life at that time. Now I don’t push this anymore, I wait on the Holy Spirit to anoint me to do so and then people are healed through his power in me and Jesus gets glorified not me.
I always worried about my plans, and tried to make things happen and sometimes they did, but soon fell away as I realised it was my ambitions and not God’s will for me at that moment in time. I know that I have awesome gifts of healing inside me and I know how to command healings to happen in Jesus name and they will happen, but unless God is inspiring me, it is all to further my own kingdom, and not his.
I look at places and I see the spirit of God leaving and I feel a terrible sadness because I know those in charge do what I did, they were in power not God and did not obey the instructions God gave them in prophecy, they followed their own programming without the Holy Spirit being there anymore.
Jeremiah- 17-5- the lord says; cursed is the man who puts his trust in mortal man and turns his heart away from God.
How often have I been deceived by mortal man = me! How often have I deceived myself? Not realising I was bringing down upon myself a curse, trusting my own judgements and not examining myself in asking, ‘lord is this your perfect will for me to do this or that;’ so in effect I was turning away from God doing my own thing, then wondering why it didn’t turn out great.
Jeremiah 17-7- But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and has made him his confidence. He is like a tree planted along a riverbank, with its roots reaching deep into the water, a tree not bothered by the heat nor worried by long months of drought, its leaves stay green and go on producing all its luscious fruit. The heart is the most deceitful thing there is, and desperately wicked, No one can really know how bad it is. Only the Lord knows! He searches all hearts and examines deepest motives, so he can give each person his right reward, according to his deeds – how he has lived.
Blessings follow the man who trusts in the lord and has made him his confidant, his best friend. I am supposed to trust my best friend Jesus, in everything; I am supposed to believe what he says to me.
But my heart, says God’s word, is deceitful, it is desperately wicked, and I don’t even know how bad it is, it is always seeking its own way. Only God can examine my heart only he can tell me if my motives are honest and sincere, and it is not because I search for a reward, for I have the reward I need - Jesus as my Lord and saviour, and he satisfies me with his presence and love.
I need to repent and destroy the Idols in my heart, the Idols of, me- worship, me - attention seeking, me - wanting recognition and fame as a healer or preacher, those Idols I destroy now in Jesus name and I seek only you’re perfect will. I have set my mind and heart to only desire your perfect will at all times and I need your grace lord to do this.
This is not a confession of my faults and failings but as I realise my faults and failings, and write about them; I pray that you may recognise some of your own and destroy those Idols we create in our wicked hearts, in the name of Jesus Christ lord and saviour, the one true God. I want only your plans lord from this moment onwards; I command my desires to die in Jesus name and I hand these dead desires over to you Jesus so they cannot be resurrected again by evil.