As he is, so are we, in this world!

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As he is so are we, in this world. —You must be Joking.!

How dare anyone say that the born again Christian is the same as Jesus. Jesus was above us all. He was holy sinless and perfect. We on the other hand are sinners sinful and imperfect. Well isn’t that so?

No my friend! It is not true that we are sinners, sinful, imperfect. We are a new creation born of the spirit of God himself, we are of his own seed, the same seed as Jesus.

I want to share with you the reader what the Bible, God’s word says about the born again Christian child of God. Afterwards you can make up your own mind about what I write. But remember, who inspired men to write the Bible. It was the Holy Spirit who instructed them to write God’s words, for us to benefit from God’s instructions and knowledge.

Let’s look at this scripture.

1-John –3 –9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him: He cannot go on sinning because he has been born of God.

The amplified Bible says it clearer.

1-John –3-9-no one born [begotten] of God [deliberately and knowingly] habitually practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him. His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him. And he cannot practice sinning because he is born [begotten] of God.

What proof do we have that this is so?


1-John-3-14– We know that we have passed over out of death into the life, by the fact that we love the brethren [our fellow Christians] amp;

This is all the proof you need to know for certain that you are born again of God’s seed. That you love others Lets get one thing straight about love. Love is not some romantic thing. It is wishing well and doing well to others. Holding no grudges against them or un forgiveness against them or hatred either. Doing well to others is proving that you love them. You know yourself if your doing good or not, you don't need me to tell you, your very own conscience tells you.

1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, with assurance and boldness to face him. BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE, IN THIS WORLD. amp;

Oh oh ! Are you trying to say were the same as he is? [He being Jesus] you may be asking as you read this.

Noooooo, of course not! It is God who is saying this not me, I’M only quoting from his word. I wouldn’t dare say this about myself, or you, unless God said it first.

Now I have a problem. Do I believe what God said or do I choose not to believe?

For me I choose to believe. You can do what you like its your Choice.

Like I did, you may be facing a reality check here. Is what God

is saying, true or not true? Do I take some parts of his word and accept it and reject other parts because they seem too unbelievable.

But if you look at salvation, that’s hard to believe also. It’s a free gift? And cant be earned. What did we do about it? We believed it and got reborn not of our own grace or will but God’s.

Why is it important to believe all this stuff you may ask? Well I’ll tell you, its simple. Satan knows all about it and wishes to keep you from the knowledge of whom you really are and of the awesome power you hold within you. As long as he keep’s yousaying.OhIcouldn'tbelikeJesus,hekeepsyoupowerless or with not as much power as you should have. Allowing him to have free reign over you and yours.

It does not sound right to say God’s sperm, [seed] is in us, it sounds like were belittling God doesn’t it? Making something seem vulgar or dirty. But silly us, its not us who says these things its God himself, the creator of the world saying his sperm is inside us, his seed is in us.

That’s good enough for me! I believe it and will act accordingly. With believing comes acting it’s all a part of faith. I’ll chose to believe what God says and not what the devil would want me to feel or think.

1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, with assurance and boldness to face him. BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE, IN THIS WORLD. amp;

One of the things I wish to draw to your attention about this particular piece of scripture is the words, union and communion. Have a good long look at this piece of scripture, study the words it uses and what do the words mean of themselves? Union means being joined together to something, and this scripture and others say we are joined together with him Jesus.

Think how awesomeness this is. You, a mere human being are joined together with Jesus. Not in the flesh of course but spiritually joined together with him, You are of the same seed as Jesus.

Communion means spiritual union, empathy, close association, relationship, and unity.

When you study the words and their meaning it sort of makes a big difference to your perception of how you see things, doesn’t it?

Love is brought to completion. Finished in other words. What is love? Or should I really say who is love. God is love. That’s what God’s word says about love. Love is beautiful, spiritual and wholesome and pure it does no wrong wants only what’s best for others. 1-Corinthians-13-4-8.

Read that scripture for the fullness of what love is and how Love acts.

1-John-4-16-God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love, dwells and continues in God. And God dwells and continues in him.

God is Love and it’s his sperm [seed] that remains in us the

seed of love. His sperm in us is the same sperm that is in Jesus.

Ephesians-2-5-He being God! Gave us the very same life of Christ himself, the same new life with which he quickened him. [Quickened means made alive]

You can see here, that we have the very same life [seed, sperm] as Jesus. Were made of the same substance from which Jesus was made of. You might not think that, or would even dare dream that you are made of the same seed as Jesus but its here in black and white for all to see. And it’s an awesome thought. I’ll give you corresponding scriptures to verify who and what we are in Christ Jesus later on.

Because as he is so are we- in this world. Come on now! You have to admit this is an awesome revelation; this is something Satan never intended you to find out about yourself. And the thing is it’s not me saying this to you. It’s what I discovered in God’s word written for all to see and believe. Read your own Bible and see what your Bible says regarding this subject. See what God says about you. In this world

1 -Corinthians –6-16-18– Do you not realise that when a man joins [union] himself to a prostitute he becomes one body with her? The two as it is written shall become one flesh.

But the person who is united to the lord becomes one spirit with him.

The difference between joining with a prostitute and joining with Jesus is the prostitute is ‘flesh’ joining. Joining with Jesus is spiritual, {SPIRIT} Join means becoming one with

something to join together two bits of wood. Etc. Making two things into one piece.

[If ever you were with a prostitute you need to cut those ties of the flesh with her otherwise you remain a part with her and God only knows how many more she is connected to. Repent and ask Jesus to cut those ties between you and her. Or him or them and to fill the cut ties with light. We need to spiritually cut the connecting cords with others, especially prostitutes.

If we don’t, then we leave an opening through which Satan can use to hold you back spiritually. Repentance is not enough; we need to ask Jesus to cut those cords that connect. The sin is forgiven but the cord remains tied to the other person. It could even be tied to a former partner.

Sometimes people feel like there is a weight on them that wont lift no matter what, and it can simply be they are connected to another person in the flesh {soul} and the soul ties need to be cut. Then they need to be filled with light so they cannot be rejoined. If you had sex with a prostitute and she had sex with 40 men then you are tied to them in some way also. And this is a heavy weight to carry around. Chapter 2

Long to grow up spiritually.

1-Peter-2-2 As newborn babies, long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation, cry for this as a baby cries for his milk.

Do you notice something about this scripture? It says we are

babies! Who should long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation. And it also says. Cry for this as a baby cries for milk. In other words its up to you to desire to be come aware of whom you are in the fullness of salvation. Babies don't know everything about everything, they have to learn, and we have to learn about who and what we really are.

Many Christians are not aware of the many blessings that God bestowed on them at salvation. Many are not aware of the gifts and blessings they have received when they were born again. Of course Satan does not want them to come into a knowledge of what God done for them so he deceives them into thinking they’re unworthy sinful, no good, and not deserving of any blessing from God.

A child who is born into royalty is royalty, no matter whether they feel royalty or not. Whether they sin or do things to bring shame on their parents they are still royalty. Royalty brings with it blessings and privileges. The parent of this child is royalty and all the fullness of royalty belongs to them and to their child, no matter what their royal child does or thinks.

If someone kidnapped this royal child and held them prisoner for years, this child would grow up never knowing they were royalty. They would never know they didn't have to dig ditches or scrub floors to survive. But the truth would always be— they were royalty, they just didn’t know it. If they did do you think they would dig ditches or scrub floors. No! They would claim their rightful inheritance as soon as possible.

You are royalty! Your father is the king of kings. Jesus is your

brother. You are royal whether you know it or not or believe it or not. Satan kidnapped you but God has set you free.

As royalty you are supposed to act and behave like a royal person, with dignity, assurance, confidence, boldness, & with authority. All of these things are a part of you what you decide to do with them is entirely up to you. ‘As he is! So are you in this world’

A friend of mine and I discovered at the same time that God supplies all our needs. He choose to remain humble and sit on an old suite of furniture, and I decided that I wanted a new one I wanted to live like God said I should. Within one week I was given a brand new suite of furniture and my friend sat for years on the old broken down suite. Both of us discovered what God said in his word, I acted on it; he stupidly remained humble, with his wife and children embarrassed by their furniture in their home.

At the same time I discovered that humility with God meant, being aware of what you have and who you are and not lording it over others. Not remaining in poverty, like my friend

Who thought humility meant living in poverty. God said he Would supply all our needs. Philippians –4-19.

I’ll give you an example of God’s humility. I am a very good guitar player. I’M better than my brother Sean, but my brother Pat is a far better player than I am. I know my capabilities I don't lord it over Sean and I don't feel less than Pat. [This is true by the way] I know exactly what I can and cannot do. I’M confident in the abilities God gave me. Long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation. -1peter-2-2.

Why would scripture tell you to long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation, if salvation itself was everything? The simple answer is, there is more to salvation than many Christians think or believe. Many Christians don't believe in speaking in tongues, or of the other gifts of the spirit. Many don't know the gifts and blessings that they have as a child of God.

Salvation is only the beginning of all that God has prepared for those who love him.

Grow up means there must be more in store for us. Growing up is in the same scripture as cry for this as a baby cries for milk. If God’s word tells you to grow up into something then there has to be something to grow up into, doesn't there?

God wants his children to grow up into an awareness of who and what they really are - spiritually, not physically, to grow up spiritually into an awareness of the power and life within them.

Chapter 3

The meaning of words.

One time the lord told me to look up the meaning of some words in the English dictionary and these are some of the words he told me to look up.

In—Astateofconditionandbeingandmanner,showsposition. Like—Equal to, similar, in the vein of. Love

Equal—of the same size, value, quantity, evenly balanced, a person of the same rank, to be the same as. Equality, - the state of being equal.

Real—actually existing, not imagined, genuine.

Join—to put together, to connect, to fasten, and to become a member of.

Share—one of the parts of something, that is divided among several people, to allow others to use what you own, to have, use, own in common with someone else.

Part- element, ingredient, branch.

New –never before seen. Original, fresh.

Now lets start putting some scriptures to those words and this time realise the meaning of the words.

John–5-20-forweareinGodbecauseweareinChristJesus In, a state of condition, being, and manner. Remember?

Romans –8-9-for from the beginning, God decided that those who came to him should become like Christ. Like. -Go back and look at what like means.

Phillipians- 2-5 - let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being the form of God did not think it robbery to be equal with God but humbled himself. Equal –check it out again. Let this mind be in you. Whose

mind? Christ’s mind, who’s telling you to let this mind be in you? God! Why? Because he wants you to grow up into the fullness of your salvation.

Colossians- 3-3 your real life is in heaven with Christ, and when Christ who is your real life comes back again you will shine with him and share in all his glories. Real –have another look at the meaning.

1-Corinthians –6- 17– if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person. Join –to put together.

Romans-6-8 since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know that you will share his new life. Share-one of the parts of something.

Romans-6-4– Your old sin loving nature was buried with him when he died and when God the father brought him back to life, you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy, for you have become a part of him and shall rise as he did. Part– element ingredient, branch.

I found it amazing that the word part meant, branch according to the dictionary. Jesus said. I am the vine you are the branch’s. - John-15-5. He connected us to him with his own words. Now give a moment’s thought to this scripture. Who is saying this? Who is he talking about? Jesus said. I am. You are. And its you to whom he is talking to.

I was also amazed to discover that the word, like, meant love. How does the word of God describe himself? —God is love.

Romans –12-4-we are the body of Christ Jesus.

Every Christian knows Jesus is the head and we are the body, but how many actually think about what that really means? Very few. Is the head separate from the body? No! The head is connected to the body. And if we had half a brain we would realise it wasn't talking about the physical side of us but the spiritual side. Jesus head wouldn’t connect with the sinful flesh body of mankind would he? So how does he connect to us? As a spiritual being, connecting us, as spiritual beings, as a part of him. The spiritual part of us is sinless and free from contamination; the flesh is full of sin. We become a part of him and shall rise as he did enjoying the wonderful new life of Jesus.

Collosians-2-10-you are in him made full and have come to fullness of life in Christ. You too, are filled with the Godhead, the father, son, and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual status.



2-Corinthians-3-9-therefore if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation old things have passed away.

1-john-4-17– as he is, so are we in this world.

Colossians-2-10. You are in him [who is in him? =you] and have come to fullness of life. [Have means something is

already yours. Example= you have a computer, its yours already, your not going to get one sometime in the far off future, you already have it now! You can use it now or let it sit there doing nothing.] You see us Christians don’t know or understand the reality of salvation; we don't even give it much thought except to say. Hey man I’M saved. As if that was all to it. No, no, no, that is not all that comes with salvation. With salvation, as with the royalty, you have to become aware of who and what your heights and limits are. What you can do and what you cannot do. You must grow up into your inheritance, if you haven’t cried for this then its time to start crying out to God for awareness for understanding. Acts-17-28-forinhimweliveandmoveandhaveourbeing.

For in him we live and move and have our being Remember what in means? A state of condition, being and shows position. I’M in good condition a place of well being Condition means, = situation, circumstance.

This is where you are, in Jesus. This is where you live, in Jesus. This is where you move, in Jesus. This is where you have your being, in Jesus.

That is why Paul was able to say it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me. [In=A state of condition]

Galatians –2-20 - I have been crucified with Christ, and therefore, I myself no longer live. But Christ lives in me. And the real life I live now in this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Paul understood exactly what happened to him at salvation. He died spiritually, and Christ became the real life within him he was reborn– i.e. born again. A new creation. But wait a minute it wasn't only Paul that died at salvation. Romans-7-4-You died with Christ on the cross as it were, and since you are dead, you are no longer married to the law and it has no more control over you. Then you came back to life again when Christ did and you are a new person.

Surely now you can see something happened at the cross on Calvary. Something amazing and so very hard to understand with human thinking or understanding happened there. Something wonderful. At your saviors death your old spirit died with himsomehow.Then when hearoseon EasterSunday,you supernaturally came spiritually back to life but with a different spirit than what you were first born with. A brand new spirit a new creation.

1-John-3-9-The person who has been born into God’s family does not make a practice of sinning, because now God’s life is in him. He has been born again, so he cant keep on sinning {in his spirit] for this new life has been born into him. He has been born again and the new life controls him.

This is awesome when you sit down and try to understand something amazing happened at the death and rising of Jesus on Calvary. Something supernatural that it is so very hard to understand with the human mind, but is best accepted in faith trusting God who says it so.

God’s life is in you, you have this new life, and it isn’t physical. It’s a supernatural, spiritual life. You don’t change on the outside when you are born again do you? You don't suddenly start shining with a halo above your head and begin to sprout wings, and grow a long beard. No! It’s in the inside where the change occurs. It’s your spirit that changes and becomes one with the spirit of Jesus, your new life in him began the moment you were reborn.

Chapter 4

The new life in Christ Jesus.

Romans-8-6– since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know you will share his new life.

As you can see from the above scripture its your nature and your life it’s talking about not someone who is not born again, it is talking about you the born again saved child of God. It doesn't only apply to Paul or Peter or John or the disciples only, it’s to you who reads this and of course read their Bible. Lets look at some scripture that talk of the new nature and the new life within you.

Romans-7-4-you came back to life again when Christ did and you are a new person.

Romans-7-22– I love to do God’s will as far as my new nature is concerned.

Romans-7-23– so you see how it is my new life tells me to do right.

1-John –3-9– the person who has been born into God’s family does not make a practice of sinning, because now God’s life is in him. He has been born again, so he can’t keep on sinning, for this new life has been born into him. He has been born again and the new life controls him

Romans-5-11 now we can rejoice in the wonderful new

Relationship with God. All because of what our lord Jesus done by dying for our sins, making us friends with God.

2– Corinthians-5-17– when someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside, he is not the same anymore a new life has begun. All these new things are from God, who brought us, back to himself through what Christ done.

If only we could grasp in our spirit this brand new life inside and realise it is the life of Jesus we now share in, that our old life died on the cross with him. New means never before seen.

1-peter-2-24– as new born babies long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation.

You see were back to this. Newborn babies, are not fullygrown and don't have all the knowledge that an old person does. It takes time to accumulate knowledge, and we need to learn over a course of time, the many blessings and gifts the lord has given us. We need to learn to walk in the faith that we have and not the faith we think we have and know the differ-


Matthew—26-28– for this is my blood sealing the new covenant,asitispouredouttoforgivethesinsofmultitudes. The new covenant was sealed in blood. God put his seal on it his stamp of approval of his plan for his children.

Did you know God gave you?

Revelations—2-17– and I will give to each a white stone, and on that stone will be engraved a new name that no one else will know except the one receiving it.

You even get a new name to go with this new life. It’s like what the police do with someone on the witness protection program

Giving them a new identity and new life. They change everything for them.

Only with God this new name new life new nature are for eternity.

Try thinking of it like this. Imagine you took a glass of hot water, then added a tea bag to it, it would become a glass of tea for drinking isn’t that so. Two different ingredients added together to make one tea. The water and the tea bag held in a glass container make tea. Jesus and you, and the container is the father, becoming one. As scripture says all being perfected into one.

John-18-23– I in them you in me, all being perfected into one.

Before the tea bag is added to the hot water it is tea and will always be tea but when added to the hot water it becomes something different, the same but different. The hot water is hot water until the dry tea is immersed into it. Just like us being

immersed into the lord through salvation and water baptism.

As for being perfected, your lack of knowledge keeps you from being perfected in this world. Like the tea we need to boil for a while to soak up the flavour. Realization of whom and what you are brings that end perfection closer.

Hebrews-9-15– Christ came with that new agreement, so that all who are invited may have forever all the wonders God promised them.

With salvation came a new agreement, an agreement that included wonders God promised. What wonders do you think he promised, well this is one of them I have been trying to tell you since I first began to write.

The wonder of a new life in Jesus Christ. The same new life as Jesus

Created in him by the father. Created of the same sperm as Jesus. The same new life from which he carved Jesus out of, he carved u s from the same substance of which Jesus was made. He literally took a part of Jesus and made us out of that part, as the following scripture tells us.

Ephesians 2-10– we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus

You see you were created in Jesus. This scripture tells us we arehisworkmanship,notweregoingtobehisworkmanship, but already are his workmanship.

Cloning is what happened to us. The father cloned us from Jesus he made millions of little Jesus. From the same sperm, his own seed as his word says. Today we see sheep cloned and there are probably humans

already cloned but we don't hear of it. We don't have any problem believing that Dolly the sheep was cloned using D N A technology, do you think God didn't know about cloning or did he not create the D N A itself when he created mankind. To use modern day technology I am explaining cloning as to explain how we are of the same sperm as Jesus

It’s easy to believe scientist can reproduce life using D N A to make the same genetic being, example Dolly the world famous sheep.

Why are we having problems believing that the father already done all this thousands of years ago to you and I. Making us the same as Jesus only spiritually not in the flesh. Why did he do that?

Hebrews –10-2 this is the fresh new life giving way, which Christ opened up for us by tearing the curtain down, [his human body,] to let us into his presence. He did it as this scripture tells you, to open the way up into heaven, knowing that we could never attain this of ourselves, but as part of Jesus we could enter into paradise, together with him.

Ephesians-2-6– he raised us up together with him, and made us sit down together with him, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus, the messiah, the anointed one.

There’s that little word again, in, {A state of condition and being.}

[Condition means form.]

[Being, means, essence spirit nature core personality consciousness heart.]

[With, means, by means of]

In, the very essence of, the very spirit of, the very nature of, the very core of, the very personality of, the very consciousness of Jesus. The relevant meaning of the words are all taken from the thesaurus

Romans-8-8– we have a new nature,

2-Corinthians-6-6 we are filled with his spirit.

Colossians –2-10– we are filled with himself.

Romans –4 –25– we are filled with his goodness.

Yes we have a new nature and in that nature we are filled with his spirit, filled with himself, and filled with his goodness. {Filled –means to put something into until there is no room for more, to become full, to fill completely.}

Tell me, if something is filled with something can anything be added to it? No! It’s already filled and cant take anymore. Our spirit is filled with Jesus spirit, filled with himself, and filled with his goodness, there’s no room for anything else, and we are filled up to the brim. Remember we are not filled up in the flesh, the flesh is corruptible and will one day rot away, but the spirit is incorruptible and remains the same forever in him in heaven.

You are not the same as Jesus in the flesh, the flesh is sinful, but you are the same as Jesus in this world, in the spirit

within you.

And God expects you to live and act like Jesus in this world, with boldness and confidence, and with power. Where you walk he walks, where you act in faith he acts through you.

This is love in action, God showing the extent of his love when he took a portion of Jesus and made us out of that portion.

If ever you doubted the love that God has for you then read this little booklet over and over again until it sinks into you what he done for you through and in Christ Jesus.

Why is it so important to know all this?

As he is, so are we in this world, and we need to let the devil know we know the truth about our salvation and all the blessings salvation brought with it. We need to walk in the light that

God has given us and to let that light shine out to the entire world. We need to let this world see Jesus in us alive and well.

This world needs to see Jesus at work in the Christian, they need to see a living wonder working Jesus is us his body. How else are they going to believe? This world offers them so much of the wrong things and there is very little sign and wonders. If God thought it important enough to have this information in his word then it’s important enough for us to read and understand.

Chapter 5

What Jesus said about us?

This is what Jesus himself said about who we are and us.

John –15-5– I am the vine and you are the branches, who ever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit.

Jesus referred to himself as the vine and us as the branches, and.

Romans-11-16– for if the roots of the tree are holy the branches will be too.

God confirms your holiness in this previous scripture. Jesus again tells us in.

John-17-22– I have given them the glory you gave me, the glorious unity of being one, as we are. I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one.

John –17-26-so that the mighty love you have for me may be in them and I in them.

Jesus states quite clearly that he is in us. Why should we be afraid to say Jesus is in me? When I was in Turkey last year, I prayed with some Turkish people. They talked among each other and I heard them explain that God was in me and that was why they were getting healed from their illness. And these people were Muslims, but they understood that God was in me. Why cant we Chris-


Believe like these simple people the Turkish Muslims. They were not Christian yet these people had no problem explaining to others who stood watching that God was in the Irish Christian man.

Why can•t we believe even when God tells us in his very own word?

We go by reason. How could God be in me, sure I sin and do wrong. But God does not dwell in your flesh; he dwells in your spirit, which is kept sinless and holy.

If you took a glass and it was dirty outside and you filled it with clean fresh water, you could drink the fresh clean water even though the container is filthy. That is the same with our bodies, the container is filthy but what’s contained inside is clean and fresh and holy. We need to realise that it is God who does these things not you. You have absolutely nothing to do with it, it is all his work not yours. And God being God can do anything he desires. And he decided to make us holy in his eyes forever so that his spirit and son could dwell within us in our spirit, and become one with us

1-Corinthians –2-9-no mere man has ever seen or heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the lord.

Did you ever think that God has amazing things in store for you? Things so wonderful that you cant even begin to imagine what they would be. And this is just one of the many things in store for us that God has revealed in his word.

Romans-12-4 just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it and it takes every one of us to make it complete.

1-Corinthians 2-12 –and God has actually given us his spirit, {not the worlds spirit} to tell us of the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessings.

The word has, means something is already yours. God has actually given us something, he’s not going to give it to us when we are holy enough or when we stop sinning or doing selfish acts or when we become worldly perfect, or have your wife or husbands approval. No! It’s already done for you. It has already happened at your rebirth, you wereborn again with it inside you. When he died on the cross you died with him and when he arose you rose with him and are seated with him in heavenly places.

Ephesians-2-6– he raised us up together with him, and made us sit down together with him, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus, the messiah, the anointed one.

See! He has given us something already it’s already ours. We didn't know about it or understood exactly what we have but he has already given us this grace of the Holy Spirit to live within us in our bodies at the time we were reborn and become a new creation, born again in Jesus.

He raised us up together with him? Sure you weren’t even born when Jesus died 2000 years ago. How is it possible for this to happen? I don't know, but he’s God and I’M not. He knows the

power he has I don’t. Nothing is impossible to God! But I have a choice. Do I believe what he tells me in his word or do I not? This choice is mine entirely to make for me and it is also yours to make for you.

I don't know how my body function’s, I know some things about it but I’M not a doctor or scientist. I don't even know what it looks like inside, and personally I don't want to know. But you know it works, I have a brain that thinks and stores things like a computer. I have a heart that pumps blood through my body. I’ve seen that and it’s amazing not what I imagined it would be like. But I don't know how it all comes together. I don't question my own body all the time. I question what is wrong with it when things go wrong at times. But generally I just let it get on with its function and don't think about it. I believe its ok and doing fine. I don't ask it why are you pumping blood through my veins, I don't ask is there enough oxygen getting through to my brain. I just accept it as natural. And I just accept the spiritual side of me as natural also.

I don't see my blood except when I’M cut I don't see the Holy Spirit except when he performs a healing or some other supernatural act through me and there I only see his manifestation of his power not him. But I know it isn’t me healing someone. Idon'tthinktheHolySpiritgoesoutandinofmybodywaiting for me to be very holy I know he’s there because I pray in tongues anytime I desire, even after sinning. Just because I don't see him doesn't mean he’s not there.

I don't see the Devil but I know he’s there and his demons are sometimes in people.

Funny thing! We can believe that Demons take over some

people, and we don't see these demons, and these demons live inside people for years and years, and its only during a deliverance that they manifest their presence And yet we doubt God enters us at our rebirth and lives in us. We find it easier to believe things about the Devil but not about God. Strange that, isn’t it?

1-Corinthians –2 –16-Strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ.

Strange isn't it? That we actually do have a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Jesus. We can actually know what Jesus is thinking. And every act of love was the mind of Christ directing you. You just didn't know it. Every good and selfless act was Christ inspiring you; it came from his mind not yours. A worldly mind is selfish and I centred.

1-Corinthians-3-16– don’t you realise that all of you together are the house of God, and that the Spirit of God lives among you in his house.

1-Corinthians-3-17-for God’s home is holy and clean and you are that home.

God refers to us as his house where his spirit dwells. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We hear that often, but weneverreallythinkmuchaboutwhatitmeansexcepttothink we should not sin with our body. The reality is your body is where the Holy Spirit chose to dwell in when you were baptised in the Holy Spirit. You become one with Jesus in the spirit when you were reborn

and Jesus prepared a place for his Holy Spirit inside of you holy and clean so that the Holy Spirit could come and live there also with Jesus in you, at the baptism in the Spirit. And he has become one with you in the Spirit not the flesh. You are a spiritual being first and a soul being second and a flesh being third. Not the other way around.

You have been filled totally by Jesus, filled with his Holy Spirit, Filled with all his goodness, and you should think this way.

You should not think of yourself as any good or as a sinner or unworthy, because those are lies told to us by Satan and people to put us down. Satan doesn’t want you to know your filled with Jesus or the Holy Spirit or Jesus goodness. Because if your filled with something then there’s no room for anything else, like unworthiness or sinfulness or rubbish. You cannot putsomethingelseintosomethingthat’salreadyfilledcanyou? If something is filled its filled there’s no use trying to put something else in. It won’t fit, there’s no room for anything more and you are filled with his spirit, himself, his goodness, you don't have room for garbage. The new nature has been filled with all of Gods love and perfection. The Spirit man or woman you are has been filled with a new nature, filled with his Spirit, filled with himself, filled with his goodness.

Romans-8-8– we have a new nature, 2-Corinthians-6-6 we are filled with his spirit.

Colossians –2-10– we are filled with himself.

Romans –4 –25– we are filled with his goodness.

Filed with his goodness, sort of takes away the unworthiness, the imperfections you believe you have. Doesn’t it? Filled is filled is filled. No room for imperfection in your spirit is there? That’s why God can say you are forever perfect in his sight. He doesn’t look at your flesh. He looks at your spirit the eternal part of you that will last forever either in heaven with him or in hell with Satan and his demons. Depending if Jesus is your lord or not. Your spirit will last for eternity your flesh will last for years

There’s a big difference between eternity and years.

We need to begin to see ourselves as spiritual beings not as physical beings. {Flesh} We shall never rise to the station that Jesus has exalted us to, unless we begin to see ourselves as spiritual beings that are one with their savior and Holy Spirit. Who are sinless in spirit, holy and forever perfect in God’s sight not your own or mans sight but God’s sight alone, seeing ourselves as he sees us, as part of himself. Remembering at all times this is not of your doing but by his grace and his alone. Who are we to deny what God says about us?

We are spirit and one spirit with Jesus.

Ephesians –1– 19-so you can understand and know what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of his power in and for us who believe. As demonstrated by the workings of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead, and seated him

at his own right hand, in the heavenly places.

Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named. Above every title that can be conferred, not only in this age and in this world to come, and he has put everything under his feet, and has appointed him the universal and supreme head of the church, which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all. For in that body lives the full measure of him who makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with himself

His immeasurable and unlimited power is in us. Where? In our spirit united with his spirit as one.

Ephesians-1-13– the father has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.

Ephesians-2-6-He raised us up together with him, and made us sit down together with him in the heavenly places, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus.

How could you be raised up with him? How is it possible?

It’s possible because when you were reborn you became one with Jesus, and being one with Jesus, God was able to rise you up together with and in Jesus to the heavenly places. Because when you became one with Jesus he became one with you.

And as he is so are you in this world. The spirit is outside of the time realm, which we live in, time or space or matter does

not govern it. Your spirit was created as an eternal being, a never-ending, never beginning being; it lives in a world without time control. Your body on the other hand is time controlled and will age and decay in death, and your soul will join withyourspiritforeternity,itwontstaywithyourbodyatdeath.

Scripture says your mind needs to be renewed by the word of God.

Understanding God’s word renews your mind and the only way that will happen is if you read and study God’s word for yourself. It won’t happen if you just read this book or other spiritual books. The mind needs to feed on the word of God for its own spiritual refreshment and nourishment. Renewed means changing.

Changing and we need to change our thinking especially in reference to how God sees us and to our understanding of our position in Jesus and his position in us.

John-16-18– the Holy Spirit is in us to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.

The Holy Spirit is in us, God’s word constantly tells us this and yet we have problems believing this. We consider ourselves unworthy, which is rubbish, we consider ourselves sinners, which are also rubbish, and we consider ourselves powerless, which is rubbish also. We are the glory of our savior Jesus, bought and paid for by his blood, he went to hell for our sins no matter how many we commit.

John –17-19– and all of them, since they are mine, belong to you; and you have given them back to me with every-

thing else of yours, and so they are my glory!

You're Jesus glory. How could you be unworthy when he proclaims you as his glory? Jesus declares before the father that you are his very own glory. And he wasn't just talking about the apostles but for the future believers, you and I.

John-19-20. I am not praying for these alone but for the future believers who will come to me, because of the testimony of these. Aren’t you one of those future believers?

Galatians-2-20-I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me, and the life I live now in the flesh, by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

I live yet not I But Christ lives in me, and the life I live in the flesh. Paul understood he become one with Jesus, and Jesus one with him

Paul showed he completely understood what happened to him at rebirth and at Christ death on the cross on Calvary.

I live, but its not me, its someone else, its Christ Jesus, that now lives inside my spirit {he understood he was now a spirit man and also a flesh and blood man} and the life I live now is in the flesh. Is outside the spirit man. The, I am, the old me still exists in the flesh, that’s why Paul said later. I don't know why I do the things I do. etc.

We see in the moves stories were people were taken over by aliens and the aliens entered them and used them to do things because they now controlled them, and we’re inclined to

believe these alien movies could happen or have happened. But when we come face to face with God and what he done through Christ Jesus entering us and living inside us we shrink back from believing.

The difference between Jesus and aliens taking over a body is, Jesus gives free will at all times he doesn't take control. His spirit tries to guide and direct but never forces or demands us to do things against our wills. And aliens don't exist that we know of.

Colossians-2-10– you are filled with God, through your union with Christ, He is the highest ruler with authority over every other power.

There’s that filled thing again only this time it says, Filled with God. Remember if your filled nothing else can be added to it.

Lets look again at those scriptures that say you’re filled.

2-Corinthians-6-6 we are filled with his spirit.

Colossians –2-10– we are filled with himself.

Romans –4 –25– we are filled with his goodness.

And now filled with God.

Colossians-2-10– you are filled with God, through your union with Christ,

Filled with his spirit, filled with himself, {Jesus} filled with his goodness, and filled with God himself. Definitely couldn’t be room for anything else like unworthiness, sinfulness, or something bad like those? Anyway God would not allow him self to be contaminated by sinful human nature would he? Then we must be as he says in his word, forever perfect in his sight. As he is so are we in this world! Were in it, not of it, and its not in us.

Chapter 6

The old you is dead! Long live the new you!

Romans-6-8– since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know we will share his new life.

The person you used to be has died spiritually and a new creation was born when you received Jesus as lord and savior. It is that new creation in union with Jesus that is now alive within you. It might not feel like this new thing has really happened but the fact remains that it has happened. You are not the same anymore. As the previous scripture tells you, your old sin loving nature has died. The following scripture tells you that if you are in Christ Jesus old things have passed away. Passed away, dead and buried, gone forever, never more to return.

2-Corinthians-3 –9—therefore if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, old things have passed away.

2-Corinthians-5-14– since we believed that Christ has died for us all, we should also believe that we have died to the old life we used to live.

Scripture, God’s word tells us we should believe that we have died to the old life. And believe in the new life in union with Jesus.

How is this all possible you may ask? The following scripture explains it all.

Romans –6-5-for you have become a part of him and have died with himso to speak when hedied. And now you share his new life and shall rise as he did. Your old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him, that part of you that loves to sin was crushed and fatally wounded, so your old sin loving body is no longer under its control, no longer needs to be a slave to sin.

For when you are deadened to sin, you are free from its allures and power over you, and since your old sin loving naturediedwithChristweknowyouwillsharehisnewlife.

You died with Jesus when he went to his death on the cross on Calvary. Spiritual life has no beginning and no end it was created outside time itself and so has no beginning and no end it is eternal Somehow Jesus was able to take your spirit and everyone’s spirit upon himself on Calvary’s cross and blend them all into his spirit so that when he died we also died with him spiritually, not physically. In death Jesus arose and as he arose from spiritual and physical death he brought our spirits

back to life in union with his spirit, and he rose to a new life, and that new life was sharing himself with us in total union with nothing taken away or added to. He had become one with us he fused himself together to us spiritually. As he shares his life with you, you also share your life with him, as he is, then so are you!

It’s only when you piece together God’s plan that you begin to see the awesome power of God. That’s why scripture says come boldly before the throne of God assured of a glad welcome. It’s because your one with Jesus. When we fully understand all of this what God has done for us then we will have that boldness to come confidently to the father God and ask for what we need including healing power and miracle working power.

Remember you share his new life. His old life was not connected to you it was only at his death that he connected himself spiritually to you and you became one. And now he operates with a new life, with you connected to him in it. In this new life you are——

Colossians-2-19–we are joined together by his strong sinuses.

1-Corinthians-2-16– we actually do have a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ.

2-Corinthians-2-15– we have the fragrance of Christ within, an aroma to the saved and unsaved all around us.

Romans –4-25-we are filled with God’s goodness.

1-Corinthians-1-30– he made us pure and holy

Colossians-3-3-our real life is in heaven with Christ, and when Christ who is our real life comes back again we will shine with him and share all his glories.

Its awesome to discover all that Jesus done for us on that cross on Calvary and we should now give him the glory for all he done instead of saying were no good unworthy sinners or other negative words like that. We are made in his Image give thought to that in his image!

Awesome! Glory to God.

The more we study God’s word the more we learn what Jesus accomplished on Calvary.

I have put all the scriptures into the following pages so you can read them and pray about them and believe them.

Study thefollowing scripturesand pray about them that they will go down deep into your soul and spirit, so that your eyes may be opened to the glorious things that Jesus done

for you. Borne out of a great depth of love, which sacrificed itself just for you because he considered you worth it.

Chapter 7

1-John –3 –9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in him: He cannot go on sinning because he has been born of God.

1-John –3-9-no one born [begotten] of God [deliberately and knowingly] habitually practices sin, for God’s nature abides in him. His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him. And he cannot practice sinning because he is born [begotten] of God.

1-John-3-14– We know that we have passed over out of death into the life, by the fact that we love the brethren [our fellow Christians] amp;

1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the day of judgement, with assurance and boldness to face him. BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE, IN THIS WORLD. amp;

1-John-4-16-God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love, dwells and continues in God. And God dwells and continues in him.

Ephesians-2-5-He being God! Gave us the very same life of Christ himself, the same new life with which he quickened him.

1 -Corinthians –6-16-18– Do you not realise that when a man joins [union] himself to a prostitute he becomes one body with her? The two as it is written shall become one flesh.

1-Peter-2-2 As newborn babies, long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation, cry for this as a baby cries for milk.


Romans –8-9-for from the beginning, God decided that those who came to him should become like Christ.

Phillipians-2-5-let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being the form of God did not think it robbery to be equal with God but humbled himself.

Colossians-3-3 your real life is in heaven with Christ, and when Christ who is your real life comes back again you will shine with him and share in all his glories.

1-Corinthians –6- 17– if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person.

Romans-6-8 since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know that you will share his new life.

Romans-6-4– Your old sin loving nature was buried with him when he died and when God the father brought him back to life, you were given his wonderful new life to enjoy, for you have become a part of him and shall rise as he did.

Romans –12-4-we are the body of Christ Jesus.

Collosians-2-10-you are in him made full and have come to fullness of life in Christ. You too, are filled with the Godhead, the father, son, and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual status.


John-5-20-forweareinGod,becauseweareinChristJesus. 2-Corinthians-3-9-therefore if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation old things have passed away.

1-john-4-17– as he is, so are we in this world.

Galatians –2-20 - I have been crucified with Christ, and therefore, I myself no longer live. But Christ lives in me. And the real life I live now in this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Romans-7-4-You died with Christ on the cross as it were, and since you are dead, you are no longer married to the law and it has no more control over you. Then you came backtolifeagainwhenChristdidandyouareanewperson

John-3-9-The person who has been born into God’s family does not make a practice of sinning, because now God’s life is in him. He has been born again, so he cant keep on sinning {in his spirit] for this new life has been born into him. He has been born again and the new life controls him.

Romans-8-6– since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know you will share his new life.

Romans-5-11 now we can rejoice in the wonderful new Relationship with God. All because of what our lord Jesus done by dying for our sins, making us friends with God.

2– Corinthians-5-17– when someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside, he is not the same anymore a new life has begun. All these new things are from God, who brought us, back to himself through what Christ done.

1-peter-2-24– as new born babies long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation.

Matthew—26-28– for this is my blood sealing the new covenant,asitispouredouttoforgivethesinsofmultitudes.

Revelations—2-17– and I will give to each a white stone, and on that stone will be engraved a new name that no one else will know except the one receiving it.

John-18-23– I in them you in me, all being perfected into one.

Ephesians-2-6– he raised us up together with him, and made us sit down together with him, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus, the messiah, the anointed one.

Romans-8-8– we have a new nature,

2-Corinthians-6-6 we are filled with his spirit.

Colossians –2-10– we are filled with himself.

Romans –4 –25– we are filled with his goodness.

John –15-5– I am the vine and you are the branches, who ever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit.


Romans-11-16– for if the roots of the tree are holy the branches will be too.

John-17-22– I have given them the glory you gave me, the glorious unity of being one, as we are. I in them and you in me, all are perfected into one.

John –17-26-so that the mighty love you have for me may be in them and I in them.

Romans-12-4 just as there are many parts to our bodies, so it is with Christ’s body. We are all parts of it and it takes

every one of us to make it complete.

1-Corinthians 2-12 –and God has actually given us his spirit, {not the worlds spirit} to tell us of the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessings.

1-Corinthians –2-9-no mere man has ever seen or heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the lord.

Ephesians –1– 19-so you can understand and know what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of his power in and for us who believe. As demonstrated by the workings of his mighty strength, which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead, and seated him at his own right hand, in the heavenly places.

Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named. Above every title that can be conferred, not only in this age and in this world to come, and he has put everything under his feet, and has appointed him the universal and supreme head of the church, which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all. For in that body lives the full measure of him who makes everything complete, and who fills everything everywhere with himself

Ephesians-1-13– the father has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.

Ephesians-2-6-He raised us up together with him, and

made us sit down together with him in the heavenly places, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus.

John-16-18– the Holy Spirit is in us to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.

John –17-19– and all of them, since they are mine, belong to you; and you have given them back to me with everything else of yours, and so they are my glory!

John-19-20. I am not praying for these alone but for the future believers who will come to me, because of the testimony of these.

Galatians-2-20-I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I but Christ lives in me, and the life I live now in the flesh, by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.

Colossians-2-10– you are filled with God, through your union with Christ, He is the highest ruler with authority over every other power.

Romans –6-5-for you have become a part of him and have died with himso to speak when hedied. And now you share his new life and shall rise as he did. Your old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him, that part of you that loves to sin was crushed and fatally wounded, so your old sin loving body is no longer under its control, no longer needs to be a slave to sin. For when you are deadened to sin, you are free from its

allures and power over you, and since your old sin loving naturediedwithChristweknowyouwillsharehisnewlife.

Romans-6-8– since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know we will share his new life.

2-Corinthians-3 –9—therefore if any man is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, old things have passed away.

2-Corinthians-5-14– since we believed that Christ has died for us all, we should also believe t hat we have died to the Old life we used to live.

Colossians-2-19–we are joined together by his strong sinuses.

1-Corinthians-2-16– we actually do have a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ.

2-Corinthians-2-15– we have the fragrance of Christ within. An aroma to the saved and unsaved all around us.

Romans –4-25-we are filled with God•s goodness.

1-Corinthians-1-30– he made us pure and holy

Colossians-3-3-our real life is in heaven with Christ, and when Christ who is our real life comes back again we will shine with him and share all his glories.

Ephesians-6-4– we are all parts of one body, we have the same spirit, and we have been called to the same glorious future. For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and we have all the same God and father who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of us,

Ephesians –4-10 the one who went down is the one who went back up, that he might fill all things everywhere with himself, from the very lowest to the very highest.

1-John-4-4-greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.

Ephesians-3-20– now glory is to God who by his mighty power within us is able to do far more than we could ever dare to ask or even dream of —-infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes.

Ephesians-1-14– his presence within us is God’s guarantee that he really will give us all he promised, and the Spirit’s seal upon us means that God has already purchased us and that he guarantees’s to bring us to himself.

Ephesians-1-9-God has told us his secrete reason for sending Christ, a plan he decided on in mercy long ago; and this was his purpose that when the time is ripe he will gather us all together from wherever we are, in heaven or on earth— to be with him in Christ forever

Philipians- 2-5 let this mind be in you. Which was also in Christ Jesus. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but humbled himself taking

the guise of a slave.

I had planned to end this book with the scriptures you have just read, but the more I read of God’s word the more I see in it confirming God’s plan to join us to himself through Jesus Christ our lord and savior.

A person could take one or two scriptures and use those scriptures to suit his or her own purposes, and many a person has and destroyed the work of the Lord with their twisted understanding of God’s word. They have used God’s word to justify killing their fellow man, Even though God says thou shall not kill. And even justified slavery of others.

I have given you corresponding scriptures right through the new testament to enlighten you to the truth of God’s word and what he says about you, you and only you have to make a choice to believe what God’s word says or not. I recommend that you take your own bible and begin your own search on whom you are in Christ Jesus. Never take anybody’s word, including mine, for anything, read it for your self then make your judgment. That way, you and you alone are responsible for your beliefs.

1-John-4-4- because greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world.

Now we can confess these words and understand exactly what they mean and the power contained therein.

We have said this scripture for so long and never realised the truth or the depth of meaning therein.

I know the greater one is within me because I have been joined

together with him, in him, and through him.

Therefore I can say with St Paul. It is not I who live but Christ Jesus within me.

Paul knew from the beginning who was living in him because he realised he died with Christ Jesus on the cross on Calvary spiritually and was raised up again with him on Easter Sunday.


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