Because of unbelief “You” restrict God From helping “you.”
Brendan Mc Crossan
Brendan Mc Crossan
Because of unbelief
“You” restrict God From helping “you.”
not holy, sinless or perfect in the flesh side of man, but you are Holy sinless and forever perfect in the spirit man within and you have to know and separate the flesh man from the spirit man, you must learn the difference and live as the spirit man dictates not the flesh man, whose body will die and rot in the ground- Romans-8-10- but the spirit man is already seated in heaven with Christ and standing in that place of highest privilege for eternity, he filled us with Christ’s goodness, and gave us right standing with himself,-Romans-8-30- and unless you agree with God’s word on this you are in disbelief, and are displeasing to God.
Faith is the opposite of unbelief
God is pleased when you call yourself holy, sinless, faultless in spirit, giving him the glory for doing these things for you and as Hebrews-10-14 says; you are forever perfect in my sight. This is all talking about the spirit man inside you who are joined together with Christ Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the Father; for God joined his son to you in the spirit-1-Corinthians-6-17if you give yourself to the lord you have become one spirit with him, {The Way Bible
God says in his own written word, that it is impossible to please him without faith-{Hebrews11--6-But without faith it is impossible to please and be satisfactory to Him. Amplified Bible = {Amp bible}
Because of unbelief you restrict God from helping you
If you don’t believe what God says then it is impossible to please him. If what God says in his word is true then you have a choice to believe him and what he says, or chose to disbelieve him. If God says in; Ephesians-1-4- you are holy in my sight, without a single fault without blemish; Amp Bible. Then by disbelieving him you first of all make him out to be a liar, and don’t believe a Holy God who cannot lie. And if you call yourself unworthy you make God out to be a liar and disbelieve him and therefore you cannot please him, after all he called you Holy like himself, without sin, made in his own image, and by refusing to believe his word you make it impossible to please God.
There is no humility in calling God a liar, or contradicting God, it is ignorance of God’s word, and ignorance is not blessed, in fact it is just the opposite, ignorance of the word of God is a
Brendan Mc Crossan copyright@7-11-2011
No one can please God without faith, for whoever comes to God must have faith that God exists and rewards those who seek him.
To be pleasing to God you must believe him in everything he says no matter how hard it is to understand, how you can be Holy and still commit a sin. A sin committed now is a sin in the flesh and your body will pay for that sin, by dying and going to the grave as punishment for that sin but your spirit will live forever, you do not sin in the spirit any more. Repentance by the way gets rid of the sin. A simple ‘I am sorry lord’ ‘I done it again’ cleans the record. If you don’t know what God says about you, then you need to get embedded into your bible and read the New Testament, {the new will of God} and see for yourself what God has to say. If you don’t know what you should be looking for then read my books they will give you a head start in your research. I don’t recommend just quoting from my books because I can be wrong, but you can check the scripture verse against what I teach and see if it corresponds with God’s teaching. But there is nothing better than researching the word of God for yourself and you will be amazed what the Holy Spirit reveals to those who search for his truth. The apostles didn’t always believe Jesus, that’s why he gave them a rollicking, criticising them for their unbelief.
Mark 16-12-King James Version (KJV)
After that he appeared in another form unto two of them, as they walked, and went into the country.13And they went and told it unto the residue: neither believed them. 14Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was raised.
What caused unbelief in them? Jesus told them it was because of their hardness of heart. Hardness of heart caused their unbelief, they themselves closed their hearts to Jesus after he died, and they refused to believe that he could rise again even though he told them he would be back. Jesus upbraided them {upbraided means - reprimand somebody; to criticize or scold somebody in a harsh manner,very severe.}Thesemen werehisdisciplesandhadbeen with him throughout his ministry and seen he had power over death, they seen him raise at least three people from the dead, including Lazarus who was dead three days, he also raise the widows son, and a man’s little girl. Their hearts were rigid, no belief in them at all, and Jesus was severe on them, not just giving them a telling off but he was brutal in his lashing out at them, he spared them no mercy, when you read the synonyms you will see the meaning of the words and the word severe means, a brutal ruthless, relentless, rigorous, manner. You can see the severity with which Jesus takes unbelief, he knows what unbelief can do and the destructive power in unbelief and it destroys faith, he knows without faith you cannot please God and he didn’t want his disciples displeasing God. This is a side to Jesus we never seen, a side that was described as brutal, ruthless, relentless and rigorous, and he was this way against unbelief. These men were his friends as well as his disciples, they were close and John was described as his beloved, and Jesus tore strips off of them because of their unbelief.
God does not like being called a liar to his glorious face, neither does Jesus appreciate anyone contradicting what he done for mankind, and calling him a liar, making out like he didn’t save mankind, that he didn’t cleanse them from all sin, that he didn’t take their sickness and diseases and making out that he didn’t defeat the world’s greatest enemy.
Because of unbelief
God did not spare the natural branches, the Jews, because of their unbelief, do you think he will overlook your unbelief. We are inclined to think of God as a softy nowadays, because we
For if God did not spare the natural branches [because of unbelief], neither will He spare you [if you are guilty of-the-same-offense].
If unbelief made Jesus so mad at his disciples, do we think it will stop there at them and he would overlook our unbelief?
This is something that every Christian should take on board, seriously; and search themselves to see if they have unbelief also and get rid of it by repentance, before they also get a rollicking from Jesus.
Romans-11:21 Amplified-Bible
Love gave you those wonderful blessings in his word, his love for you cleansed you from all sin and unrighteousness and he made you forever perfect in his sight, that is truth and should be believed and if you chose to disbelieve this then you are not pleasing to God; and this is not a guilt trip I am putting on you; wake up and smell the roses of divine love and acknowledge what Jesus and your heavenly Father done for you because they love you beyond anything you can comprehend.
I have a sense inside of me from the Holy Spirit saying there is not enough soul searching with the Christian community, searching out areas of unbelief and getting it sorted with the help of the Holy Spirit. If unbelief can make Jesus so mad and angry, then we need to correct our way of believing. We need to make a decision to believe God and his word no matter what the enemy tries to tell us, and stick to it.
So if God in his word calls you ‘forever perfect in his sight,’ you have a choice to make; do I believe him or do I refuse to believe him? After all he must be wrong about me, look at the kind of me? If God says your holy who the hell are you to contradict him, you are told to believe what God says, and if you claim unworthiness when he says you have been born again as a new creation with a new nature; a nature and holiness like Jesus, you in effect call God a liar, and tell him you don’t believe him, you just expressed unbelief, and you now know and understand how Jesus feels about unbelief, he calls it hardness of heart, and you also know his reaction to hardness of heart,{unbelief} he is very severe on those who exhibit it.
Do you know that you believe something, no matter what it is, you either believe the word of God or you don’t believe the word of God but you are believing something; you don’t have a blank mind and so have a grey area, there are no grey areas with God scripture says, he is either black or white, if he says something he means it, he doesn’t mean something else. God is direct and does not put a slant on things, he says what he means, his yes is yes and his no is no.
In both of these scriptures Jesus himself proclaimed it was by the Holy Spirits power that he cast out devils. This same God given gift of the Holy Spirit is given to you and I, and it is sad to see that the majority of the Christians in this world never lay hands on anyone never mind castoutdevils,they display no sign ofGod’spower,itisno wonderthatpeoplehaveadrawing to the supernatural {because that is in their DNA} search in the wrong areas, they are drawn to the supernatural power of the enemy, because the Christians do nothing to demonstrate God’s power.
Mark -3-30- The Way Bible
hear so much about a God of love, but God is multi sided just like ourselves, it is his nature we received at salvation, and he can still be angry at unbelief because it calls him a liar litterly.
How sad is it when Jesus could not heal very many people and work his miracles among them because of their sin of unbelief. All he could do was lay hands on a few sick people and heal them; how his heart must have broken, there was he, the Son of God, with the Holy Spirits power working through him and was available to everyone and yet he could not release that miracle working power, because they didn’t believe him.
He told them this because they were saying he did his miracles by Satan’s power, instead of acknowledging that it was by the power of the Holy Spirit
And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place his hands on a few sick people and heal them.
This is no different in today’s world; we have the exact same miracle working power in us when we have the Holy Spirit in us; contrary to popular belief Jesus did not by himself work a miracle or heal a sick person by his own power! ‘No,’ he was used by the Holy Spirit who had the supernatural power; Jesus did not have any supernatural power of his own because he renounced his Godliness to become a human being, a flesh and blood man like you and me and he did this because he was showing us that it is, and was, the Holy Spirit who did the miracles through him, and it is the same Holy Spirit today in us that will do the same miracles signs and wonders, and yet do you even believe this? We Christians have the same Holy Spirit in us that Jesus had; there is only one Holy Spirit, it was not a different Holy Spirit who worked in Jesus to raise the dead and heal the sick and work miracles signs and wonders, it is the one and only Holy Spirit working in us as he did in Jesus, and if you refuse to believe this then you have unbelief because Jesus himself said it.
Matthew 12-28-King James Version (KJV)
28But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
Hebrews 11-8-Amplified Bible (AMP)
I laid hands on sick people and prayed for them at the beginning and they died, should I have given up? I never did, I kept on trying, exercising my faith as scripture says. I just started out with the bar too high for what faith I had at that time, now very few die when I pray for them as my faith has grown. It used to take me an hour praying with someone to be healed of pain now it takes seconds and sometimes it goes even before I lay hands. God knows that I expect it to go and it goes before I pray with the person sometimes.
Unbelief is caused by not knowing your God or your Holy Spirit or Jesus personally, it comes through a lack of personal experience and a lack of obedience to the prompting of the Holy Spirit through fear of being showed up. I would rather make a hundred mistakes and be mortified than never having the courage to try. Which is faith, to sit on my ass when someone is sick and in pain is present and do nothing, or to step out and lay hands on them waiting to see if God will heal them?
[Urged on] by faith
Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went forth to a place which he was destined to receive as an inheritance; and he went, although he did not know or trouble his mind about where he was to go.
Unbelief freezes the power of God inside us, because miracle working power has to be released through faith in us because this is the way that God planned, he gave us his own authority and power through his Holy Spirit who is the worker of miracles through Jesus first and then through us. We don’t do things by our power or authority but by his power and authority.
If I mess up when speaking, or make mistakes through one thing or another, which is betterto go on and try again, or never to do anything again? We talk about Peter being a rough man who made many mistakes and how wonderful Peter was, yet when someone we know steps out of the boat like Peter and makes a mistake or says something not liked some hope he drowns and shuts up. Yet have you ever stepped out of the boat, have you dipped your toe in the water of a rough sea like Peter or do you hide behind Fear, or responsibility as your covering. Have you ever taken a chance on something big, have you ever exercised your faith to try and do something different for others? Only you can answer that truthfully.
And it is all because of unbelief; they do not believe it is possible for them to lay hands on a sick person and heal them. They don’t realise it is the Holy Spirit within them, that same Holy Spirit that Jesus had when he walked among us, is the one who heals not them, they are just a willing vessel for the Holy Spirits power to flow through.
I would rather mess up a thousand times than to never try, it is in messing up a thousand times that makes the thousand and one the one that you have success in.
It is only when you step out in faith that God comes and meets with you where you’re at, and at those meeting miracles happen.
Did you know that both these words are an action word? Belief or unbelief is doing something with what you have, you can chose to act in belief and do something with it, or you can chose to not believe and sit on your bottom and chose to do nothing.
Which course of action pleases God do you think? Stepping out, shaking inside with nerves and laying hands on a cripple praying God will heal them; or sitting watching someone do this and say they are a fool to try and heal this cripple it won’t happen. Which person pleases God do you honestly think?
Faith urges us on and if we listen to faith it will tell us to believe God’s word; for example if he says to go out into the entire world and preach the gospel and lay hands on the sick and they will get well; then go out into the world, to everywhere you can, next door, the next street, the next town or as far as the Holy Spirit leads you and preach about Jesus and his gift of salvation. If you wait for perfect timing nothing will ever happen, you are the one who is supposed to reach outto others,you aretheonewho issupposed to lay handson thesick,ifyou haveaccess to a hall or church, you are the one who is supposed to invite people to come and be healed as you preach the message of salvation and healing will happen, that is a promise from God. Faith believes God, unbelief believes nothing will work. But did you notice something I wrote here; both of these things ‘faith and unbelief’ have ‘believe’ in them. ‘Faith believes,’ ‘unbelief’ ‘believes also’, both these words have believe in them but one is a positive belief, the other is a negative belief, but both are a belief, a belief in something; one believes it will work, the other believes it will not work; which one are you, belief or unbelief?
Twelve of the apostles sat in a boat in the middle of a storm fearing for their lives because apparently the storms in that region can be ferocious and can spring up suddenly without warning. Then Jesus appeared alongside walking on the water. Eleven sat in the boat and only one of them got out and began walking on the water, did you notice no one else got out of the boat when they saw Jesus walking on the water; and then he invited Peter to come join him after peter asked him to call him, and Peter Got out of the boat and walked on the water also, you would think the other eleven would be excited to see Peter walking on water also and they
Did you notice that Abraham did not trouble his mind about where he was going even though he had no idea where he was being led; he simply trusted God, and believed that God knew where he was taking him? How often do we trouble our minds with anxiety and with worry when God tells us he wants us to do something, we try and work things out for ourselves, we try and sort out the way things should go and we try and plan things and in all of our doings we only get stressed out about it all; well at least I do. Sometimes I try and do the works of God instead of letting God do his works, and this frustrates me and no wonder it is expressing no faith, no trust that God knows what’s best for me. If God said to me, ‘I want you to go to France and start up a healing centre,’ and I sold my home and everything in it and then set of to France without waiting on directions, I could wander all over France like a lost sheep, having no idea where to go but if I wait until I hear again from God I want you to go to France, to a village called Ludwaft and settle there and buy a house and buy a barn and convert it into a healing centre. Then I would be following the direct commands of God and the healing centre would be a success, and God glorified in it. Abraham followed God’s directions stepping out in blind faith completely trusting God knew best, and being led by God’s spirit he followed God he had peace of mind.
It is not in your successes that make you great in the sight of God it is in your failures, that make God pleased with you because you get up and try again, even when you failed totally. It is not how great you are that please him but in how small you make your defeat, getting up and dusting yourself down and plodding on faceforward ever looking for thevictory;smalldefeats now mean larger victories later on in life.
God is involved with us in every situation and even if it is just a small situation or large situation God is concerned for us, he is intricately involved deeply with us; his loves knows
would want to get out of the boat as well, to experience what walking on water was like; but they didn’t move, and they probably had a good laugh at Peter because he became afraid after he took his eyes off Jesus and looked at the waves and he began to sink, did you notice also he didn’t just plonk down into the water but began to sink, meaning slowly; and the other eleven would probably taunt Peter about his unbelief afterwards, knowing human nature; wouldn’t we do the same with one of our mates if it happened to him. No one Got out of the boat to help Peter, he had to wait until Jesus walked over to him so it was a good job he sank slowly.
Thanks are to God who in Christ Jesus always leads us in triumph, and triumph means victory, Christ Jesus always leads us in victory. You know we could spend weeks just studying this one scripture alone, thinking of every situation we are in right now and realising that we are always led into victory by Jesus. No matter what our situations are we always have the victory, because Jesus leads us into all victory. Every situation is a problem to us no matter what it is, no matter how small or large it is, a situation is something that needs to be addressed as something that affects our lives, and Jesus is the answer to that situation as he leads us in victory over it no matter how small or large the situation is.
Who pleased Jesus the most, the eleven who sat fearful in the boat or Peter who overcome his fear for a little while and got out of the boat? I believe Peter pleased him that’s why he was made the head of Christ Jesus church.
There is nothing that you face or are going to face that hasn’t already been worked out by God to give you victory. If you keep faith in Jesus you will always have the victory.
Being humble before God acknowledging before him that you can’t do it but with his grace you’re sure as heck going to try. Knowing who and what we are is not being prideful and knowing what he done for us making us worthy makes us love him more and more. Just knowing how much our God loves us and is encouraging us upwards and onwards is what pleases him. It is not your giant victories that give him glory because he is the one who gave you those giant victories it is in acknowledging before him, ‘it is you Lord,’ ‘it is by your grace’ ‘that I have small victories and giant victories,’ ‘it is all by your grace alone.’ By myself I can do nothing but by God’s grace I can do everything as he is working in me to victory in every situation.
But thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ's victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,
We have to learn to believe that God loves and cares for us with deep loving care, and desires us to be victorious through Jesus Christ every time.
We need to remove the restrictions that we place on God and Jesus because of our unbelief, and we need to remove unbelief from our vocabulary, we need to say what God says. And he says Christ always leads us in triumph there is no room for doubt or unbelief when we are reassured that we are always led in victory.
Begin to train your spirit by continually confessing in every situation I am always led in triumph, victory.
no boundaries; if it troubles us, he is concerned for us, and if we turn to Jesus in small things and see him work in them bringing us to victory every time, then the large overwhelming situations will be no larger than our small ones because we know from experience that Jesus covers them all by his victory in us.
When we learn to trust Jesus in small things and see him bring us to victory in them every time we will trust him in the worst times of our lives, even when the storms of life are threatening to drown us or overwhelm us by the sheer size of them, they are smaller than Jesus, he is larger than any problem, and a problem to us is an opportunity to learn to trust God and to give him the chance to lead you in victory.