But isn't it unfair to let criminals go free, and say they are innocent?

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But isn’t this unfair for *God* to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? Mc Crossan



Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him. 28 So it is that we are saved by faith in Christ and not by the good things we do., Goodthingswillnevergetusintoheaventhoughweshoulddothembecauseweareinlove withthelordnotbecausewehaveto.

Chapter 1

Buttheenemytrieshisbesttokeepusenslavedtothosesinswhichhebringstoourminds afterwerepented,andhethrowsthemuptimeaftertime,andwethinkwearehavingbad thoughtswhichsadlyattimesweenjoylisteningtothembeingrepeatedinourmindseye bytheenemy.

God lets criminals go free and forgives them their sins, isn’t that a bit unfair but we are judged forgiven also. Most Christians still feel in bondage to their sins, which are already forgiven them, but the enemy keeps them in a state of bondage to their sins, especiallyiftheywereoriginallyCatholics.

God* let criminals go free,

But isn’t this unfair for *God* to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? *No* for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins.

Catholicsfindisveryhardtobelievetheyareforgiven,andfeelsomuchguilt;eventhough no matter what sins they committed are already forgiven through God using Jesus to pay for their sins. If God decided to let criminals go free, why should we find it so hard to believehimnowwhenhesaysweareforgivenwhenweacceptJesusaslordofourlives? Should we not rest in the scriptures that tell us we are forgiven, rather than the sins we committedandrepentedof?

But isn’t this unfair

There is nothing that wecandotoreceiveforgivenessforoursins;thereisnopricethat we can pay to receive forgiveness; nothing at all, and we know that; for we know that salvationcanonlycomeinoneway,andthatisthroughusrepentingforallsinsincluding our original sin, and asking Jesus to come into our heart as our lord and saviour; and in thatactwereceivetheforgivenessforourspirit,soulandbodyandwereceiveanewspirit, andwilllaterafterwediereceiveanewheavenlybody,andoursoulmustalign itselfwith thewordofGod.

27 Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all; Why?

16 Wherever they go they leave misery and trouble behind them, 17 and they have never known what it is to feel secure or enjoy God’s blessing.18 They care nothing about God nor what he thinks of them.19 So the judgment of God lies very heavily upon the Jews, for they are responsible to keep God’s laws instead of doing all these evil things; not one of them has any excuse; in fact, all the world stands hushed and guilty before Almighty God.

20 Now do you see it? No one can ever be made right in God’s sight by doing what the law commands. For the more we know of God’s laws, the clearer it becomes that we aren’t obeying them; his laws serve only to make us see that we are sinners. 21 22 But now God has shown us a different way to heaven[f] not by “being good enough” and trying to keep his laws, but by a new way (though not new, really, for the Scriptures told about it long ago). Now God says he will accept and acquit us declare us “not guilty”—if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like. 23 Yes,

Romans 3 Living Bible (TLB)

Isn’titamazingthateventhough God knew every foul sin that I would commit,eventhe ones I just thought of, ‘’like ‘killing police and soldiers’’ during our battle with British Soldiersduringthe troubles,’’orin other wordsour war withEngland’sforces that lasted almostfiftyyears?Hestillwentaheadandcreatedmeandyouandalltherest.

See there is nothing we can do to receive eternal life, nothing at all; why?Becauseitis Jesuswhodonethisforusbypayinganeternalpricebysacrificinghimselfonthatcrossfor our sins; our sins, yours and mine, equally. It is not based on our good deeds but entirely uponJesusandourhavingfaithonhimforever.Thisisjustonesmallscripturethattellsus that God is the author of our lives and of our forgiveness forthesinsheknewwewould commit,forthereisnothinghiddenfromGod,heseeseverythingandknewevenbeforehe madetheworldthat youand I wouldsin becauseofall the demonsandfallen angels, evil spiritsandpowerstryingtogetyoutosin

“No one is good—no one in all the world is innocent.”[c]11 No one has ever really followed God’s paths or even truly wanted to.12 Every one has turned away; all have gone wrong. No one anywhere has kept on doing what is right; not one 13 Their talk is foul and filthy like the stench from an open grave.[d] Their tongues are loaded with lies. Everything they say has in it the sting and poison of deadly snakes.14 Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness.15 They are quick to kill, hating anyone who disagrees with them.[e]

First of all, God trusted them with his laws so that they could know and do his will.[a] 3 True, some of them were unfaithful, but just because they broke their promises to God, does that mean God will break his promises? 4 Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this?[b] That God’s words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.

25 For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to end all God’s anger against us. He used Christ’s blood and our faith as the means of saving us from his wrath in this way he was being entirely fair, even though ‘’he did not punish those who sinned in former times.’’ For he was looking forward to the time when Christ would come and take away those sins 26 And now in these days also he can receive sinners in this same way because Jesus took away their sins.

God expects us to think of ourselves as ‘’sinless, holy, spotless, and clean and forever perfect’’ becauseofwhatJesusdoneforthem,andotherscripturesdeclarewhatwehave becomethroughJesus,andtheHolySpiritwashingusclean.ButalltheChristiancanthink of themselves are, as people that sin, and so they are sinners; but this is not true, when a Christiansins,theyareconvictedofsinning,theyrepent,andaresinlessandwashedinthe bloodofthelamb.

Didyouknowthatforatime,therewas no condemnation forsinintheworld,andpeople eventhoughtheydonewrongwere judged ‘’not guilty’’ byGod, in this way he was being entirely fair, even though ‘’he did ‘not’ punish’’ ‘those who ‘sinned’ in former times.’ God whom sin offends did not count these people guilty of sinning against him, and now he is doing the same thing again. God counts us not guilty of offending him because of Jesus taking our punishment upon his own body and dying for us; so now we can look at ourselves as sinless, holy, spotless clean and forever perfect according to the living wordofGod,forthiswasallofGodthefathersdoing.Andas Romans 8-1 says there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus

In this scripture we can see that God lets criminals get off Scott free from sinning, and he alsodoesthesamewithusnowintoday’stimeofmercyforallofusandgivesusfreedom

Can just anyone save themselves? No one can save themselves, not one single person can dosomethingtosavethemselveswhethertheyarecriminalsornoncriminal.Itmattersnot if they are the best person on this planet, they cannot save themselves, no one can save themselves, no matter how good a person they have been all their lives, because they all includingyouandmehavebeenbornwithoriginalsincomingfromourforbearers,Adam andEve.

27 Then what can we boast about doing to earn our salvation? Nothing at all, Why? Because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds; it is based on what Christ has done and our faith in him.

But isn’t this unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say that they are innocent? No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took away their sins.

all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins.

I will keep referring to this statement, {not guilty} for I know how much Christians can’t really forgive themselves, even though they know that Jesus died for their sins, still the enemy reminds them of their sins eventhough God says he threw our sins intothe sea in theOldTestament;butnowhePoured into Jesus oursins

Heseesthemasthecreationheoriginallysharedwiththetopangelsashelaiditoutbefore the Trinity and Lucifer, Gabriel and some of his mighty angels, and he revealed that he plannedtohavethosemightyangelsservethesehumanbeingshewascreatinginhisown image, and that’s why Lucifer turned against God and rebelled and told all the angels in heavenwhatGodisplanningtodo,andhavethemservethesenewcreations.

21 For God took the sinless Christ and *poured into him* our* sins.* Then, in *exchange,* he poured *God’s goodness into us!*

And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like. 23 Yes, all have sinned; all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet now God declares us “not guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins.

Iwouldhavethoughtthatthecriminal’ssinswereworsethanmine?????Butwaitaminute according to the word there is only sin in this world, there is no difference between the sizesofthesincommitted. SadlyCatholicswerebroughtupwith ‘’venial sin and mortal

God is the one who counts us free from sin and is the only one who calls us sinless becauseofhisplansmillionsofyearsago.Evenbeforehecreatedman,hehadablueprint of what we would all be like, and he knew what partners he had planned for us, and not sinful ones like homosexuals, that was Satan the enemy distorting Gods plans, and pretending it is ‘’love’’ while it is against everything God planned, and even yet he still wants to count us sinless and perfect for he sees the goodness in them the desire to be trulysinless.

2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible (TLB)

Is this a permanent swap, or does God go looking for those sins again if we do something wrongorbackslide,andnotonlythat,butisoursinsworseorbetterthanthecriminalshe justletgoandforgavethemtheirsins. Of rape, murder, theft, or other diabolical things they did.

from sin, the blood of the awesome saviour gives us redemption from judgment, and it doesn’t mean what we done or what we are like as long as we sincerely want to be free fromsinandfreetoenterheaventhroughJesusChrist!

Bad people have goodness in them somewhere and maybe all they need is someone to show some trust, and good expectation for them, and maybe just like you done with me whenyoushowedmewhatJesusdoneforme,anddeclaredmenotguiltyofoffendingyou, eventhoughIdid. ButyouhaditallworkedoutthatsomebadpeoplejustlikeIwas,were

And you decided all this from before you even created the world or anything else in the universe!That’s‘some’’thing’todo,andyoudoneitallforus,forthosewhowouldaccept your forgiveness; even criminals. I know that you knew that millions would ignore it and give their attention to the devil; that must have hurt you a lot. And I know that you just keep on trying and trying, loving them to bits, and trying to show them you love them withoutexception

sin, ’’ but that is untrue, as there is only one sin that will prevent you from getting into heavenandthat is ‘’unbelief.’’ Refusing to accept forgiveness, for by refusing to accept forgiveness you condemn yourself, *God does not condemn you,* *Jesus does not condemn you,* *the Holy Spirit does not condemn you,* only you can condemn you; the devil cannot truly condemn you, he can get you to condemn yourself, for he does not haveanypowertoactuallycondemnyouhimself;allhecandoiskeepremindingyouwhat sins you committed, and sadly through lack of knowledge you condemn yourself, even thoughJesuspaidforyoursinsandmine!

Itisawesometothinkthat‘’Godchoseus,youandme,’’andthe‘’criminal’’ also,andwhen we came willingly to him he declared us all ‘’not guilty,’’ ‘’filled us with ‘’Christ’s goodness,’’ gave us ‘’righteousness with himself’’ and actually ‘’promised us’’ and the ‘’criminals’’ togiveus ‘’his glory.’’ He is going to share his glory with criminals?? Ishe offhishead,forthesepeoplearetheworstkindofpeople?Isitreallyworthdyingforthose whowouldn’t reallythankyouforit, andshownoappreciation forwhathehasdone. But thenagainhewouldadd,‘’suremostofthepeopleJesusdiedforshownoappreciationfor whathedonefor them;’’howmany people haveyoutriedsharingthe ‘’good news’’ with, that showed very little interest; ‘’just like the woman ‘’you’’ talked with today in the shoppingcentre.’’Truelord,I’msosorryforevendoubtingyouevenonelittlebit

It just doesn’t seem right that people like Hitler a mass murderer or Sadam Husain, who killed thousands of Iraqi people, men, women, and children, and he says these criminals areforgiven!!!!Justlikeyouandme.ButthetruthisJesusdiedfor everyonethegood,the bad,andtheugly,fromthebeginningoftimetilltheendofit.

Is it not unfair? That God judges criminals beside me, and does not condemn them; but remember he does not condemn me or you either! Don’t youseethatGoddeclaresyou andthe criminals notguilty;forhefilled usandthemwithChrist’sgoodness? Howcould Goddeclarethese criminals freefromsinandguilt,whenallIfeelasabornagainChristian isguilt,especiallyifIwasbroughtupCatholic.HowcanGodsaythat thesevilerepugnant peopleareinnocentofsinningagainsthim?Isyoursinormineanymoreorlessrepugnant thantheirs?

29 For from the very beginning ‘’God decided’’ that those who came to him—and all along he knew who would ‘’should become like his Son,’’ so that his Son would be the ‘’First, with many brothers’’ . 30 And ‘having chosen us’ ‘he called us to come to him;’ and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” **filled us with Christ’s goodness,** gave us ‘’right standing’’ [‘Righteousness’] with himself, and ‘promised us’ ‘’his glory.’’

Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB)

31 What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? ‘’If God is on our side, who can ever be against us?’’ 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son for us but gave him up for us all, won’t he also surely give us everything else?

36 No, for the Scriptures tell us that for his sake we must be ready to face death at every moment of the day—we are like sheep awaiting slaughter; 37 but despite all this, ‘’overwhelming victory’’ ‘is ours ‘through Christ’ who loved us enough to die for us.’’38 For I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels won’t, and all the powers of hell itself cannot keep God’s love away. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, 39 or where we are high above the sky, or in the deepest ocean nothing will ever be able to separate us from the love of God demonstrated by our Lord Jesus Christ when he died for us.

35 Who then can ever keep Christ’s love from us? When we have trouble or calamity, when we are hunted down or destroyed, is it because he doesn’t love us anymore? And if we are hungry or penniless or in danger or threatened with death, has God deserted us?

just as guilty as the criminals, only they and I weren’t caught! But you know the secrete things I did, that should have deserved punishment just like those criminals who were caught; and the secrete things others did also who were not officially caught and done no time, for ‘’all have sinned,’’ yes indeed ‘’all’’ have sinned, we are all criminals if truth weretold!ButGodsgraceandmercyexcusedusandheshowedushowmuchhelovedus allwithoutexception.

Two God decides no one else not even Jesus!

34 Who then will condemn us? ‘’Will Christ? No!’’ For he is the one who died for us and came back to life again for us and is sitting at the place of highest honor next to God, pleading for us there in heaven.

33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? ‘’Will God? No!’’ He is the one who has forgiven us and given us right standing with himself.

Whenheoriginallythoughtofus,andknowinghecreateduswithfreewill;heknewfrom ‘’that instant’’ whowouldcometohim;fromthe‘’firstmanandwoman,untilthefinalman orwoman’’

He sees everything and he didn’t deliberately decide to let so many people walk by their freewill,downtohell;butseenwhowouldrefusetocometohimevenafterhesentJesus totaketheirsinsawayfromthem,andofferthemsalvation.Itmusthavebrokenhisheart tosee hiscreationturnawayfromhimtoSatan thedevil, andbelievehislies anddeceits. All this happened before him in a split second, and as he had planned for this creation to joinhiminheaven,hewassosaddenedtoseesomanyrejecthimlikethosefallenangels.

29 For *from the very beginning* ‘’God decided’’ that ‘’those who came to him’’—and ‘’all along he knew who would’’ should ‘’become like his Son,’’ so that his Son would be the First, with many brothers.

Repeat;……Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB)

Thisisastrangescripturewhenyoulookatitintensely; from the very beginning, thatis fromGod’stimenot ours, that hehad formed aplan, andthat plan wastooutsmartSatan thedevilby giving his newcreationagreatchancetowalk freely intoheaventhroughhis grace and mercy. He saw that Satan would try and destroy his creation and turn them againsthimlikeheturnedmillionsofangelandangelicbeings,andnowthesebeingshave alllosttheirglory,andhaveturnedintobeingsofunbelievableugliness.

GodknewhowmanypeoplewouldbecorruptedbySatanthedevilandhisevilarmy,and formedaplanthathewouldgivethosehumanbeingsachancetoreceivegracefromhim, eventhoughtheywerenowcriminalsGodknewhecreatedthembeautifulaslittlebabies, andasthedevilworkedonthemtheybecamecriminals,wewereluckierthanthem,forby the grace of God he protected us through our parents prayers for us, others were not so lucky. I know my mother and father prayed for me and my brothers and sisters because theymadeuskneeldowneverynightafterdinnerandsaytherosary.

For from the very beginning God decided nowwhodecidedanything?Itwasn’tthedevil who decided to do anything, but Almighty God king of kings and lord of lords in heaven whodecidedhowthingswouldworkoutforhisnewcreation.Godcouldhavemadeusall sinlessifhewantedtobuthedecidedtomakeuswith‘’free will’’ liketheangelsinheaven, andunfortunatelyfreewillmeansthatyouhavethewilltosinornotsin.ButGoddecided from the very beginning, that those who came to him—and all along he knew who would should become like his Son. God decided that those who came to him when he gavetheofferwouldbecomelikehisson,yeslikehissonJesus,justthesameasheis!

We don’t have to sin for we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us and around us permeating through us, telling us not to do what it is the enemy is tempting us with. We have a power including those criminals who got saved, instantly they receive the same power as we do; the ‘’name’’ of ‘’Jesus’’ becomes our greatest weapon, for the name of Jesusishehimself,

Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB

Jesus himself is his name; ‘’he is the ‘word’ in your very mouth’’ andheis also firmly bedded into your heart. Scripture tells us that Jesus is the word made flesh, so if you havethewordonyourtonguereadytouse,then you are calling Jesus the living word to

Chapter three Jesus name is Jesus himself

Godmayhave known who wouldcome tohimandcreatedusallanyway,hopingsomeof thosewhowouldrejecthimmightchangetheirwaysandsorepentandreceiveeternallife inhim.

12 So, dear brothers, you have no obligations whatever to your old sinful nature to do what it begs you to do. 13 For if you keep on following it you are lost and will perish, but if through the power of the Holy Spirit you crush it and its evil deeds, you shall live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

But still he had decided to create us and so went ahead with his plan coming into a time zone, from when Adam and Eve would betray him because of the devil; down to the very lastsoulhecreatedwhowouldbetrayhim,andhewentaheadwithhisdivineplananyway. ForthosewhowouldfollowhimthroughJesusastheirsaviour, eventhosecriminalswho would repent because they felt the mercy of God, and so reached out to him, repenting of theirterriblesins,andtheywerereceivedinjustthesamejoyasyouorme.

Romans 10:8, New International Version - UK

15 And so we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves, but we should behave like God’s very own children, adopted into the bosom of his family, and calling to him, “Father, Father.” 16 For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we really are God’s children. 17 And *since we are his children, we will share his treasures* for *all God gives to his Son Jesus is now ours too.* But if we are to *share his glory, we must also share his suffering.*

But what does it say? ‘The ‘word’ is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,’ that is, the message concerningfaiththatweproclaim:

Chapter four

comeanddowhatyouaskinfaithto ‘come in person’ anddowhatyouaskedinyourfaith, giventoyoubyGodremember?ThisissomethingveryfewChristiansunderstand,thatthe name of Jesus is actually Jesus himself you are calling or speaking over sickness to, and disease or when casting an evil spirit or demon out of someone, or somewhere! That was anawesomerevelationformewhenIfirstheardit,andevenstill,Iamoverwhelmedwhen IstoptothinkaboutitbeforeIdosomethingforthelord.

And was thrown into the sea andawhaleswallowedhim,butheremainedaliveuntilhe repentedtoGod,andthewaleswamclosetoabeach,andspathimoutofhismouth.

So when he went to Nineveh his skin wasbleached an intensewhite; for he was bleached by the acid in the whales belly and the people believed him now when he told his story. EventhekingwhenheheardaboutJonah,strippedoffhisroyalrobesandputonsackcloth, andsatthrowingashesoverhimselfasasignofhissorrowforhispersonalsins,andthen he ordered the whole city to do the same as he did, and the city obeyed him and they all repented, soGoddidn’t destroy thecity andallin it. {God can change his mind through prayer.} Andatthisverymomentthewholeworldissufferinganattackfromtheenemya Coronavirusthatiskillinghundredsofpeopleworldwide,andChristiansarecallingpeople torepentandbesaved.

God’s prerogative

15 For God had said to Moses, “If I want to be kind to someone, I will. And I will take pity on anyone I want to.” 16 And so God’s blessings are not given just because someone decides

God can do what he decided, not what you want him to do; but what he has planned, and ‘you like me’ should be prepared to’ ‘’listen to his voice’ and do what it is that he instructs us to do; itisawonderfulthingtohaveGodspeaktoyouandtellyouwhattodo nomatterwhatcostitwillbringwithit!WehavenorighttotellGodwhattodo,butwecan askhimtochangehismindandnotdowhathetoldushewasgoingtodo.{Readthebook ofJonah,forGodtoldhimwhattodo,butheranawayfromhimwentonaship,andlater hewasthrownofftheshipbythecrew}

Romans 9 Living Bible (TLB)

Butithasmassivelyincreasedmyfaithinthatwonderfulblessedandpowerfulholyname ofJesus!Andthisblessingisavailabletothose former criminals; those sinners justlikeI was,anditworksawesomely.HealingsanddeliverancesareeasynowbecauseInowknow itisJesushimselfthatIcalluponwhenIspeakhisnameoutinfaith.

to have them or works hard to get them They are given because God takes pity on those he wants to.

28 And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose.

Should you a human being criticize our God who created us? No! No one has the right to criticize anyone never mind criticize our great and Mighty Creator. ‘’He is God,’’ the SupremeBeing,andGodisAlmighty;thereisnooneabovehim,noranynameabovehis.

19 Well then, why does God blame them for not listening? Haven’t they done what he made them do?

15 For God had said to Moses, “If I want to be kind to someone, I will. And I will take pity on anyone I want to.” 16 And so God’s blessings are not given just because someone decides to have them or works hard to get them. They are given because God takes pity on those he wants to.

Godblesseswhomhechoosestobless,youandmeforinstance,it’swonderfultobechosen for a blessing, to be created for a good purpose. We know nothing, but God knows everythingeventhemostsecretethoughtsinourminds,heknowsourheartsandwhat’sin them,DoIhavetherighttocriticizeGodwhomademeandhasmeinthepositioninlifeat thismomentintime,Andhasplacedmeandmyfamilyinsometerribleplaces;terribleasI seenthem,butnotasheseenthem;forIcameoutofoneterriblesituationaftertenyears ofbeingin it, knowing that Satan thedevilcanneverdefeat meever, becauseIknow that whenIgivethesituationIamin,orcamethrough. God he turns it into good for me. ‘’God turnseverythingtogoodforthosewholovehimandarefittingintohisplan.’’

Romans 9 Living Bible (TLB)

20 No, don’t say that. Who are you to criticize God? Should the thing made say to the one who made it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 When a man makes a jar out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar beautiful, to be used for holding flowers, and another to throw garbage into? 22 Does not God have a perfect right to show his fury and power against those who are fit only for destruction, those he has been patient with for all this time? 23 24 And he has a right to take others such as ourselves, who have been made for pouring the riches of his glory into, whether we are Jews or Gentiles, and to be kind to us so that everyone can see how very great his glory is.

Romans 8:28 Amplified Bible (AMP)

One night as two prophets of God were at a meeting in the church I attended, and the woman spoke to me a word from God, and it went something like this. ‘’I know what you have suffered for me and you never once took your eyes off of me, no one knows the amount you suffered, but I do, and I am pleased with you, for you stayed true to me’’ it went something like that. And I was delighted because thisprophet said other things that proved that only God could know. And it made what I went through worthwhile when I heard her speak those words through his prophet; her name was ‘’Rene Perrault’’ or {perrnault}.

Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB)

When I came out of the last situation I and my family went through, I had this revelation that fromnowon ‘Satan, the devil,’ cannot defeat me, forInowturn everythingoverto Godandlethimturnittogoodinthefuture.Ididn’tknowwhywesufferedsomuchforwe wereinnocentofanycrimeorsituationbutwewereplacedintheverycenterofitbyGod who gave us a prophecy one night at our worship meeting, and the words he said were writtendownbyme,andhesaid, ‘’I know the situation you are in, and when my father says ‘enough is enough’ it is over,’’ ittooktenyearsofsufferingbeforeitactuallyended.

29 For from the very beginning ‘’God decided’’ that those who came to him and all along he knew who would ‘’should become like his Son,’’ so that his Son would be the ‘’

It took away the horrible memories over what took place over thoseten years, when you knowGodisspeakingtoyoupersonally,andyourchurchleadersarestaringinamazement asthiswomanspoke,forshewas,andis,a reputable known prophet whohasspokenwith kings and royalty in other countries. God Bless her and keep her safe in all things; her husbandwaskilledinacarcrashwithher,andherdaughterinthecar;hediedandsheand herdaughterwereseriouslyinjuredbutGodsparedthemandstillusesthem.

Romans 9 Living Bible (TLB)

20 No, don’t say that. Who are you to criticize God? Should the thing made say to the one who made it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 When a man makes a jar out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar beautiful, to be used for holding flowers, and another to throw garbage into? 22 Does not God have a perfect right to show his fury and power against those who are fit only for destruction, those he has been patient with for all this time? 23 24 And he has a right to take others such as ourselves, who have been made for pouring the riches of his glory into, whether we are Jews or Gentiles, and to be kind to us so that everyone can see how very great his glory is. ItisuptoGodtodowhateverhedecides,andhedecidedtomakeyouandme holy justlike hissonJesus‘’he’’ filled us with Christ’s goodness==

First, with many brothers’’ . 30 And ‘having chosen us’ ‘he called us to come to him;’ and

criminals thathavebeenforgiven byGod comeunderthatanointedmessage, and are ‘’filled with Christ’s goodness’’ as well as the ‘’goodness of God.’’ That meant those criminals who would repent because they heard of God’s forgiveness and mercy would be considered the same as us and given ‘’righteousness with God and His Holy trinity.’’


WhenwelookatthegreatnessofGodandhismercy,wecanseehis agape love forushis ownchildren,andashischildrenhehasgivenuseverythinghegaveChristJesus =Romans 8 15 And so we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves, but we should behave like God’s very own children, adopted into the bosom of his family, and calling to him, “Father, Father.” 16 For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we really are God’s children. 17 And *since we are his children, we will share his treasures* for *’’all’’ God gives to his ‘Son Jesus’ is now ‘’ours’’ too.* But if we are to *share his glory, we must also share his suffering.*

Just realize that you his child are ‘’filled with Christ’s goodness,’’ ‘’declared us not guilty,’’ and ‘’gave us right standing, {that is righteousness}’’ with himself,’’ and then promised that we would ‘share in his glory,’ a difference between the Old Testament where God had said ‘’no one shall share his glory,’’ and old preachers still say this so often instead of preaching from the *New Testament* that God changed his mind and decidedtosharehisownglorywithusandthosecriminals.

Haveyoueverjustgiventhoughtormeditatedoverthesewonderfulscriptures,insteadof whatthedevilsays,orpeopleofthisworldsay,thosenegativethingstheysaywearevile; thestillsaywearesinners,butthatiswrong;for‘Christdeclaredsinnersgoodthroughhis sacrifice!’Doyou declareoutof yourmouth that you are ‘holy, spotless, and clean, that your filled with Christ’s goodness, or even say God declares me not guilty of any offence against him, and say you have right standing with God and that he does not remember my old sins, or even recent ones; or do you still crucify yourself with negative

**filled us with Christ’s goodness,** gave us ‘’right standing’’ [‘Righteousness’] with himself, and ‘promised us’ ‘’his glory.’’ Howdid heknowwhowouldcometohimandwhowouldnot?Itwasinthat split nano second that hethoughtofcreatingus,thathehasseenthedevilattackinghisnewcreation,anddecided instantlya plan forhischildren;he wouldsendJesustopayfortheir sins at an appointed time, forthoseinthepast andthoseinthefuture, andofcoursethosewhoarealivenow! For ‘’all’’ have sinned against him,’’ but now he has devised a plan to save the entire worldthroughhisdivinesonJesus;byhavingJesuspayforus ‘’all.’’

when we came, he declared us “not guilty,”

A soul in despair that God knew of I was at a Charismatic weekend one time, not my usual one that I went to every year for twentyoneyears;thiswasjustanordinaryweekend,nohealinginvolved.Someonesaidto metheyhadasorebackandIofferedtopraywiththem,andofcourseJesusandtheHoly Spirithealedtheminfrontofeveryonewhowatchedon. This was on the first day of the week end, and before the weekend was over, there were crowds of people all looking for me to pray with them and glory to God he healed all of them,buttheonehealingthatamazedmethemostwas.

He created everyone and everything to fit into the perfect picture he created of your life, butnotonlyyourlife,forhecarefullyfittedinthoseotherpeople,those criminals who share in what your life is designed to be. He placed into a perfect plan for you those connectedin somewaytoyourlife, what'smore heplannedallthat connectsyouto ‘’all’’ others in your life; the people you meet in the street, those that you may share the good news with, those that you may simply say hullo to or smile at; for you never know how someoneisfeeling,thatsimplygetsabigsmileorasimplehullo!

Who dares to say God is unfair,forwenowknowthat hehastherighttomakeuswhat hedesires, andnoonehastherighttocriticizehim.Sonocomplainingaboutyourlifefor this is the very life he prepared from before time for you and he connected you to those around you, mother, father, brothers, sisters,aunts and uncles, family members, and even thosewhoenterintoyourlifetime,everyoneofthosepeopleandothersareallfittinginto yourplannedlifelikeagiganticjigsawpuzzle.

His word tells us that we are his children; even those former criminals are his children, and since we are God’s children we will, it says ‘’will,’’ not ‘’maybe’’ or ‘’if we were good enough, but ‘’will’’ share his own glory, and remember this part, if we are to share his ownglory *we must endure suffering* andit ishissufferingas *his body,* that wewill sharein,whenothersturnagainstusorwhenweareforsakenbythosewhooncelovedus. Notbecausewedonesomethingwrongonanyone.

Isn’titsodifficultwhensomeonebuysyouajigsawpuzzlewiththousandsofpiecesforyou to do? But when you eventually place those thousands of pieces together you can see the perfect picture, and if you somehow or other joined a wrong piece somewhere it would showupasawrongpiece, andshouldn’t fit in whereyoumanagedtosqueezeit into, and stickoutlikeasorethumbuntilyouusethatlastpiecetomakeaperfectpicture;wellthat’s whatGoddid!

Chapter four

Beforeshehadaskedtospeaktomeattheendingprayer;Iturnedaroundandgavehera lovingwarmhugandshereturnedmyhug.ThenasIsaid,sheaskedcouldshespeaktome, andsaidallthat hadbeen troublingher for years. Shetoldmethat shehadnothadahug from her husband since their wedding day, tears streaming down from her eyes. Now we finishedoffandlefttogoonourlongbreak.

IwasshockedtosaytheleastasIthoughtthatIwasjustwafflingawayasItalkedwithher, butinsteadtheHolySpiritwasministeringtothiswoman,apoorsoulthathadn’tfeltlove in fortyplus years of marriage, Nowtherewas nothingof asexual feelingbetweenus, for even though we spoke of these things the Holy Spirit kept us clean and holy as we talked andhehealedher.

I was going in to sit down in the conference room, at a particular seat that I had sat on before the lunch break, but I felt drawn to go over and sit down beside this older woman thanme,andtherewasplentyofroomintheconferenceroom,butIfeltdrawntositdown besideher,andIsaid,‘’hullo,’’andstartedtalkingabouthowtheweekendwasgoing,then astheroomfilledup,theybegantheserviceagainbysinging.Ifelttoreachoutandcatch hold of her hand, and squeezed it and smiled at her, and slowly she began responding to holdingmyhandforatfirstherhandwasverylimp,thenasthesongprogressedshebegan holding my hand tighter, then as we sang praise to the lord she began to sing enthusiasticallyholdingmyhandtighter, and whenIlifted upmyhandsshealsoliftedup herhandsalso.

Ihaveneverseenthiswoman again andIwouldneverrememberhowshelookedexcept tosayshelookedagoodlookingwoman,wellkeptofherself,andnowwasjustbeamingas we walked together out to the main hall where we said our goodbyes and went our separateways.

After the service was over she asked could she talk to me, and I of course said, ‘’ yes. ’’ She begantospeaktomeaspeopleleftforthenextbreak,andasshespokeshesobbedheavily, andIwonderedwhyshewascryingsosore.thenshebegantellingme, {all this time I held her hand as part of my natural nature} shesaidthatshewasmarriedforoverfortyplusyears,andafterthe weddingdayherhusbandnevertookherhandlikehedidbeforetheygotmarried,andhas never held her hand since. He was a farmer, and not a man that showed feelings towards hersincehermarriagethatday;andwhenItookherhandinmineshefeltshockedatfirst andtriedtodrawitaway,butIhadheldhertootightforhertoletgo,thenaswesatand talked,Ispokeofthingsthatwerehappeninginherlife,{throughwordofknowledgefrom theHolySpirit.}andshesaidshesatthereshockedthatIspokeofthingsshewashurtingso deeplyin,andthemoreItalkedwithherthefreer,{not, or no longer, physically bound or restrained, e.g. as a prisoner or in slavery, Dictionary} she felt happening and felt hurts from the past slipping away, untilwhenweweresingingandIliftedmyhandsuptopraisethelord,shewasfilledwith freedom,andfeelingexuberantsheliftedherhandsupforthefirsttimeinoverfortyyears.

ThejigsawthatI,andyouthereaderarein,hadthiswomanconnectedtoapartofme;she fittedinwhereGodcreatedhertobe,anditwasincredibletoimaginethatGodknewwhat this poor being was feeling that day at the retreat, and instead of me sitting where I was goingtosit,IwasdrawnovertositbesidethispoorsoulthatGodwantedtoheal.Soifyou ever get a feeling to sit beside a man or woman, and I don’t mean for a selfish sexual purpose,gowithyourspiritandwatchasGodgetstoworkonthem Allyouhavetodois letloveguideyou,don’ttryandforcethings,shutupwhenyouneedtoshutup,andletthe otherpersonspeaktoyou;letGodleadtheconversationnotyou,andyouwillseehowhe setstheprisonerfree.

Whatanamazingbrainhemusthave;toplanallthisandheaven,hell,andallthegalaxies andsolarsystemsfurthermore.


Jesusbecomingamanhenowknewwhatitwaslikewhenthedeviltempted mankind. For he tempted Jesus with every temptation that we as human beings could be temptedto,notjusttogivehimthewholeworldifhewouldjustbowdownandadorehim. Not those temptations, but the sexual ones, the stealing ones, the fraud ones, and every othersinthatisintheworld,SatanthedeviltemptedJesuswithallofthesefromwhenhe could understand when he could do wrong as a child, when his mom Mary said, ‘’don’t touch,’don’tdothat!’’

Scripture tells us that Jesus was tempted in every way, and now as God himself, for he is Jesusnowknowingwhatsinfeelslikeforheknowsnowwhatitisliketobetemptedbythe devil,and so he understands the criminals whentheygiveintosinunderpressurefrom

An amazing brain

Chapter five

Out of all the things he created, he created human beings to be like himself; he loved mankind so much that he gave us his son Jesus to take away our sins when we sinned againsthim,becauseheknewthatthedevilwouldtryanddestroyallofhiscreation from aneviljealousheart.Heknewthetemptationswewouldgothroughbeingunderpressure tosinagainsthim,forheistheonewhomsinoffends,buthehasaheartofcompassionfor usandknowsexactlywhatwegothrough.

HesenthissonJesustotastewhatitisthathiscreationmankindwouldfeel;hispain, his feelings and emotions, his anger, and his most importantly of all, his love. God never knew what sin felt like for he never sinned and neither did Jesus, but he tasted sin on his body so strongly that the father couldn’t look at him as he hung there on the cross on

Romans 1 Living Bible (TLB)…. 16 For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is God’s powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven. This message was preached first to the Jews alone, but now everyone is invited to come to God in this same way. 17 This Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven ‘’makes us ‘right’ in ‘God’s sight’’ when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith, As the Scripture says it, “The man who finds life will find it through trusting God.”*

John 6 Living Bible (TLB)

35 Jesus replied, “I am the Bread of Life. No one coming to me will ever be hungry again. Those ‘’believing’’ in me will never thirst. 36 But the trouble is, as I have told you before, you ‘’haven’t believed’’ even though you have seen me. 37 But some will come to me those Father has given me—and ‘I will’’ ‘’never, never reject them.’’ 38 For I have come here from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to have my own way. 39 And ‘’this is the will of God,’’ ‘’that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me’’ ‘’but that I should raise them to eternal life at the Last Day. ’’ 40 For ‘’it is my Father’s will’’ that everyone who sees his Son and ‘’believes on him’’ should ‘’have eternal life’’ that I should raise him at the Last Day.”

No one *believing* in me will ever thirst, for heavenly things, for salvation are theirs already.Christianshaveawrongbelief,theybelievethatwhentheydietheywillbejudged,

Isn’titwonderfulthat ourGodissomerciful,andpeoplespeakofhimasifhewasacruel Heartless God, but when you read his awesome letter to us,{the Bible} you begin to understandhisunquenchableloveforus,andsoyoubegintoseethetruesideofhim.For heevenlets criminals getintoheavenaswellasuswholovedhimforyearsandyears;his trueloveis amazing, justawesome, andthat can’tevenbegintodescribehow glorious he reallyis.This‘GoodNews’tellsusthatitis‘Godhimself‘whomakes‘’usreadyforheaven,’’ and ‘’makes us right in his sight,’’ what an amazing statement, everything is God’s and his alone, we don’t even belong to ourselves for we belong to God through Jesus, doing all he doneforus.Let’slistentowhatJesussaysabouteternallife!

theenemytosin.AndheunderstandsuswhonowhavehisHolySpiritwithinuswhohave his help to resist the enemy when he attacks us in many different ways; the Holy Spirit is smarterthanthedevilandsohelpsustoresisthimandhistemptations. Andevenwithall thatwehavewestillsinandgetwashedaswerepent,ortruer,areforgivenbeforeweeven askforforgiveness.

Another scripture makes it even clearer that we are already seated in heaven in the heavenliestplaces,becausethatiswhereJesusascendedwithusonhisspirit.

Godsays and ‘I will’’ ‘’never, never reject them.’’ noteventhose criminals whocometo meseekingforgiveness,formyfatherandIbothlovethemeternally,andJesussays,‘’thisis thewillofGod,thatIshouldnotloseevenoneofthosehegavetome,’’GodgaveJesusyou andme,andhekeepsussafefromthedevilssnares,andthedevilcannotgethishandson us,whatareliefitistoknowthis!

and enter eternal life if they were good enough to get in. But that is not what the bible teachesinaquiteafewplaces.

Chapter six

A supernatural act

Ephesians 1-4. He decided then to make us holy in his eyes without a single fault;

Hebrews 10 14 for from that offering he is making ‘’forever perfect’’ in the ‘’sight of God That’s.’’ how God sees you, forever perfect and holy in his sight not your sight or mans sight but his alone. Plus many more glorious things and it is ‘’all God’s work’ and will’’ .

Ephesians 2:6-Amplified Bible…

When a non Christian finally believe the word of God in the living word the Bible, and accepts Jesus into their hearts after telling him they are sorry for their sins, they are instantlyraisedupwithJesus, *a supernatural act of almighty God,* andseatedwithhim intheheavenlyplaces,weareraisedupandweareseatedwithhim,because;wearenow inhimandhiminus!Wow!WhatanawesomeGodheistodothesethingsforuswhotrust inhim,forevenacriminalcanturnaroundandaskforforgiveness,andaskJesusintotheir hearts, andtheylikeusareraisedupwithhim, nomatterwhatyear,month,day,orhour, orminute,orsecond,ornanosecond;ithappensforthemandforusalso;itallhappensthe verysplitnanosecondtheyaskJesustoentertheirheartsastheirlordandsavior.Justasit happenedforus,andmostChristiansdonotevenrealizethattheyareseatedinheavenin spiritwithandinJesus,theythinkonlyfromanearthlyfleshywayofthinking. WearesupposedtobeginthinkinglikeJesusdone, he was holy we are holy;

And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus

Shouldan ex criminal daretothinkofhimselfas sinless, forever perfect, holy , clean in thesightofGod,sureeveryoneknowsthem,aren’ttheythescumoftheearth?‘’No’’ ‘’they are not,’’theyare‘’precious in the sight of God, ’’whocareswhattheylookliketopeople, it is God whom sin offends and he says they do not offend him, but are ‘’sinless, holy, spotless, sinless, and clean, filled with his own goodness,’’ and they, just like you the reader, have been raised up together with Jesus, and seated in the heavenly places, and standingintheplaceofhighestprivilege.

How many of you born again Christians believe that you are what God says you are, sinless, holy, spotless, clean, and filled with his own goodness? Iwouldhazardaguess, and say about one percent of you believe these words from God himself in his word; for that is what we believe is his message to the world. That is where we get our salvation from, the word of God, the Bible, this is where we get all our information from, and the word says these wonderful things about us, but very few can believesuch a message. The word even says greater things than these will you do; it says ‘’as he is so are we in this world!’’ How can we be as he is for after all he is God; but who is it that says such an awesomestatement,nooneelsebutGodhimselfinhisword,readitnowforyou.

But first readthisnextscripturetoseewhereGodsaysyouare.

Ephesians 2:6-Amplified Bible………..And He raised ‘’us’’ up ‘’together’ ‘with Him’’ [when we believed], and seated ‘’us’’ ‘’with Him’’ in the ‘heavenly places,’ [because we are] in Christ Jesus,

Where does the scripture say we are? ‘’In Christ Jesus,’’ understand this first and rememberitisspeakingaboutyourspiritnotyourflesh.

Like spotless, sinless and clean, but do you think like that or do you dwell on your sins andfaults,eventhoughtheyareforgivenbeforeyouevenask.

1-John 4:17.Amplified Bible

In this [union and fellowship with Him], love is completed and perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the Day of Judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him]; because as He is, so are we in this world.

Because ‘’as he is,’’ soarethe ‘’criminals, ’’and‘’ soare we inthisworld;’’ChristJesusisin us and joined together with us as one spirit, and it is he who set the captive free those boundupin sin. As he is; three littlewordsbutgiganticin whattheyaresayingtousthe bornagain Christians, sowhathavewetofearnowthatthereisa coronavirus unleashed upon the world killing thousands, well the scriptures prophesized about these things

Inthis union itsaysfirst;thewordunionmeans, amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, joining together, unification, and merger. Lookatwhatthescripture issayingand it includesthefullness ofthe meaningofthe wordunion. Youwereblended likeinablendermakingyouonespiritwithandinJesus;youareinacomingtogether,and ajoiningtogetherandtheword‘’together’’ means‘’as one!’’

Romans 3:23-Living Bible….Yes,‘’all have sinned; ’’‘’all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; ’’


happening in the end days, and these are the beginning of the end days when Jesus will returnforthosewhoacceptedhismessage,aslordandsaviour.

Criminal or not Satan has no power over you except what you give him; we need to rememberhowgreatGodistomakeusthesameasJesus;likelittleclonedpeople,andthat islitterlywhatweareinhim,littleJesus,notlittleasyoumightthink,butawesome,when weknowwhoislivinginus,andheistheonewhocreatedtheworldandtheuniverses,‘’he isGod.’’

This scripture tells us that all have sinned not one person on this planet from the beginning of time until time ends hasn’t sinned for ‘’all’’ and that means everyone have

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

Do you realize the enormity of what God is saying to you the Christian; he is saying that you are the same as he in this world, not in heaven but in this world! Doyouact likethisiseventrue?Andactonit withpowerandauthority. Godhasgivenusthewhole Bible as our guide and instructions and he tells you that you are joined together with Jesus as one spirit and it is therefore him in you that have been given all power and authorityoverthisearthandeverythinginit

1 John 4:17Authorized (King James) Version

Godhastoldusrepeatedlythroughouttimethatweareto ‘’fear not,’’ thatthereisnothing tofearwhenweareinhim,andthatissotrue.ForJesusdefeatedthedevil,andtheseevil thingsarefromhim,andtheyarealreadydefeatedthroughJesus,andwhereishelivingin us, and as he lives in us, so are we as he is in this world. we are the exact same as Jesus because we are joined together as one spirit in him and so evil things shall not touch us whenweknowwhoandwhatweareinChristJesus.

Weare all criminals forscripturesays,= ‘’all have sinned, not just the criminals.’’

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