Christians, are you fighting with God, unknowingly.

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Christian!Are you “Unknowingly”withfightingGod?

Brendan Mc Crossan

Christian!Are you fighting with God


Christian! Are you fighting with God unknowingly?

James -4-11-don’t criticise and speak evil about each other, dear brothers. If you do, you will be fighting against God’s law of loving one another, declaring it is wrong. But your job is not to decide whether the law is right or wrong, but to obey it.

How often do we criticise others saying things about them that are just not complimentary, or even nice, or just downright bad, tearing someone’s character to pieces, to others, who in turn spread the evil you just spoke, to others, spreading it to as far as only God knows, and to those who hear what criticism you spoke? Did you know that when you tear down someone’s character you tear down Jesus who lives in them if they are a Christian? I have done this many times in my life as a Christian and I am ashamed to admit that I did a lot of {slagging} that is criticising in Irish slang, of other Christians. I have repented and even still find myself saying things and as I am saying them I am being corrected by the Spirit of God within me, and try and get out of what I just said, which is not easy at all really.

He wants us to be a blessing to everyone even to ourselves by revealing these obstructions, it’s like removing rocks from a stream, removing the rocks allow the water to flow smoothly and free, and God wants the power of the Holy Spirit to flow like a river, from inside us. As scripture says the gifts will flow like a river. I for one would like my river of living water to flow out of me without any blocks or rocks blocking the smooth even flow. These are great days to be alive in as I believe that the lord is revealing things in his word to us in simple ways easily understood by all. I find it a joy when the lord reveal where I am falling down by saying wrong things, and he wants me to correct my wrongful thinking and speaking, to glorify him to the full in the way we were meant to. Let’s take this little scripture and see if there is anything we need to stop saying or doing.

The lord is trying to get his children into a position where they can receive every blessing and grace that he has provided for them in his word; he wants us to clean up our act as the saying goes. There are many things that prevent us from receiving the gifts and powers and blessings and graces that God has already given to us as his children. He wants us to remove these obstructions to his awesome power so that we can be of real help to the church, the body of Note;Christ.I

This scripture tells me that I am actually fighting against God’s law, in other words I am fighting against God himself when I slag off someone whom Jesus died for. I don’t have the right to criticise anyone. I done enough wrongs in my past and still do so I have no room to talk and belittle others. And criticising others is a sin of pride because the truth is we feel we could do better than them and that is simply put, “pride” in its evilest form.

said he expects us to remove these obstructions he is not going to do it for us, if God were to remove every obstruction then you would not have free will, and would be just a robot. It is so good when God shows us things that are obstructing his flow of healing power to his body, and slowly over the years he reveals areas where we fail to live up to Jesus standard of living in us. Remember Jesus resides inside us, as does the Father and the Holy Spirit, so the Trinity do not want us treating the body of Christ in a way that is not good or even sinful.

Don’t criticise and speak evil about others

In these days God is cleansing his body getting it ready for his return for his spotless bride and it must begin with us who are reading and writing this; change starts with me, I change and then I can help others come into change as I see the wonderful benefit for changing ourselves and no longer fighting against God.

I am in a healing ministry, and I am grateful to God for showing me where I am falling down, where another weakness lays; and as he shows me, I will try and change with the Holy Spirits help and the grace which I have already received, to change.

Colossians-1-10- and asking that the way you live will always please the lord and honour him, so that you will always be doing good, kind things, for others, while all the time you are learning to know God better and better.

If Jesus were standing in your company would you criticise anyone, slagging them off to others, no matter how little it is you say about them. I doubt this very much, I know I would be guarding my loose tongue as best as I humanly possibly could, I don’t wish to humiliate myself in front of Jesus. The truth is Jesus is standing inside of me when I open my big mouth and begin to mouth off about someone, he hears every word I am saying, he is living inside me as is the father and the Holy Spirit, all three are residing inside of me, every second of the day and night they never leave because as scripture says we have been joined together with Jesus. So shut your wasteful mouth stop pouring out garbage from the same mouth that praises God for his mercy and forgiveness to us, and let us both change for the glory of God, to make our Father proud of us.

When we criticise someone we are literally saying I could do better than them, I know a better way to do what they just done, or said. I have criticised preachers and healers in the past not realising that I was the most sinful person on the planet sinning through arrogant pride and scorn. God forgive me - and thankfully he has.

And this scripture tells us we are fighting against God’s law which is fighting against God himself. We as Christians need to take a good look at ourselves.

This is what I personally wish to do, please God by the way I live, and honouring him as I try and live like Jesus in this world, would Jesus criticise? Would he say slanderous things about someone he died for? If he would not then neither should I or you.

Colossians -3-5 away then with sinful, earthly things; deaden the evil desires lurking within you. Have nothing to do with sexual sins, impurity, lust and other shameful desires; don’t worship the good things of life for that is idolatry. God’s terrible anger is upon those who do such things.

Let’s take this scripture portion and see where it affects us, what meaning does it have for us. Deaden the evil desires within you, that mean’s talking about others behind their backs just as much as it refers to sexual sins or any other sinful thing scripture refers to. We are told to deaden the evil desires within us, not that God is going to do it for us but it is our responsibility to change ourselves not God. Gossip is great some say, but that is lies told by the devil to stupid people who have no regard for others feelings. Would you like the person that you are slagging off to overhear you? Most

If we don’t change then correction will come our way and I personally do not want God to correct me and punish me for the words I speak about others, I would rather change now I am aware of the things I am doing, than ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit.

I know that I haveput this scriptureafter theprevious for areason. God is saying don’t criticise or condemn others away with sinful earthly desires, and these sinful desires are oh so ready to criticise, then he tells us how to do it. With the help of the Holy Spirit, let heaven fill your thoughts. When tempted to sin by criticism, or ridicule, stop and think about your place in heaven with Christ, is it worth it by saying something nasty about someone to lose out in regard to your portion of heavenly blessing of thirty sixty or a hundred fold, I want to aim for the hundred fold that Jesus talked about.

likely it would be a friend that your slagging them criticising them off and think how you would feel if you were caught, how embarrassing for you.

I never realised until I began writing this book how much there is in the things I say, how life destroying it is to criticise another, and how much I am cursing myself, because the measure

I am finding it so difficult to have conversations with people without saying some little remark, criticising in a tiny little way, another person. I have developed this awful habit of criticising in little ways, not big enough to make myself aware that I am doing it. I shared this with a friend in Turkey where I am writing this book, and since we talked he has told me he is very super conscious about what he is saying, he won’t even ridicule the Turkish drivers who are notorious to be the most inconsiderate in the world, as they beep their horn at him as he walks along the road, before he tells me he used to criticise and say things about them, but now he finds he is controlling his words, and just blessing them, and this man is an alcoholic, who is saved and acutely aware of criticism now, as I am also.

If you cannot say something good about somebody then say nothing, or when others are criticising someone, contradict them by saying something good about them. For example; people may say, he’s a terrible singer, and he may well be, but you can respond by saying, but he’s a good guitar player. Pick something good about the person and say this in response with being seemingly ignorant, but the other people will get the point, and they will feel uncomfortable in your company when others are slagging someone off and they won’t do it either, eventually in your presence, and in the presence of Jesus within you.

Calling down curses up ourselves

This scripture; Colossians -3-5- says God’s terrible anger is upon those who do these things. I don’t wish to incur God’s terrible anger, I want my life to be a blessing to others, I desperately want change within me, and since beginning writing this book and this is the third time I have re-written it, since starting, because I can see when talking with friends how much I have got so used to saying little things about people, even the catholic church, and we know how many wrongs are there within it, but Jesus tells me to shut the heck up and say nothing, don’t even comment, about the wrongful things that have occurred in it, it is not my concern to criticise its priests or bishops or pope, or doctrine, those judgments are not for me they are for God alone to deal with on Judgement Day. Mt task is to shut up and pray a blessing on it or on any other church that is not doing the right thing, “as far as I was concerned.” I am learning I am not God, I don’t have the right to judge or criticise or condemn, or say critical things about any church, Catholic or otherwise.

Colossians-3-2 let heaven fill your thoughts.

I am in effect calling down curses upon myself, and I wonder why I am not walking every day in awesome miracle working power as a so called Christian. I have taken a life time of learning this wrong speaking, and have become so used to it that its only by the Grace of God which is within me and by the Holy Spirits power that I will now begin to change, and it will take time with the Holy Spirits help to become more like Jesus, and that my friend is what I want to become, more and more like Jesus until I can say just like St Paul; it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me and the life I live is by the Grace of God. I need to begin to bless and praise in everything, as Rose my wife and I said, we awake up in the morning, and the first words out of our mouths is; oh my back, or my hip, or legs are sore, or I never slept very well last night, the first words are moaning criticising the very bed and sleep. We realised we started the day by criticising, instead of praising the lord. Thank you lord for this day I awoke alive and in good health, should be the first words out of my mouth and Roses, instead its complaining, and what did God do to the Israelites when they complained in the desert, he left them there for forty years in the very same place going round and round in circles. Complaining is criticism, criticises, means to pass judgment on, condemn, disprove of, who gave us the right to disprove of anything God done or someone.

I never realised until now how much a big mouth i have that is filled with negativity, and I thought I was the most positive person on the planet, instead I am totally negative, discovering that to complain about my sleep is a form of criticising, subconsciously blaming God for not helping me sleep, when I had difficult nights and I asked God please help me sleep, and I didn’t. There are so many areas where I am walking around criticising people, places, bus drivers, car drivers, bad mannered people, just plain downright ignorant people, and I criticise and complain about them to others, ridiculing them, instead of doing what Jesus would have done- blessed them. If I don’t stop I could keep adding things that show my-self up for my critical nature, and I would never get this book finished so that you also can see the extent that you also have formed the habit of criticising subconsciously.

I am 90% criticism, 10% Christ-like, now with God’s Grace and the Holy Spirits help, {I’ll never be able to do this on my own.} I will now reverse this percentage.

James -4-12-so what right do you have to judge or criticise others?

God is saying to you and me what right do we have to judge or criticise others we aren’t God, yet when we judge and criticise we act like God. And the scripture that says: “The measure you use will be used against you.” Applies to us when we criticise others as scripture just said we are judging someone for whom Christ died, and we were not given that right. Our mouths get us into more bother than enough, they never know when to shut up, And it’s so hard when you’re sitting with friends and they say did you see that dress your woman wore last night it was ghastly, and we agree adding our own little bits in. Or did you hear the Pastors sermon this morning, it was good but I thought he could have jazzed it up a little as I was falling asleep. But it was good except for that bit. And you reply; I nearly dozed off too, he was boring to be honest, and did you see that skirt his wife was

I use against another is being even now being used against me, that is what God’s word say, the measure you use will be used against you.

Colossians-3-10 you are living a brand new kind of life that is continually learning more and more of what is right and trying constantly to be more and more like Christ who created this new life within you.

story that happened a long, long time ago, I realised I was condemning someone, in just a tiny little way, but boy was I convicted when I began to say things about them, I had to change my words and say something good about this person quickly and thankfully I just managed to change what I was in the middle of saying. It is so difficult to make changes in these ways because we convince ourselves that were just telling the truth; and telling the truth may be quite correct but it does not justify us, we are still criticising someone. This for me at

Since beginning writing this book I have found myself in situations where it would be so easy to criticise someone else, in just a tiny way by agreeing with another person, and it was so difficult trying to keep this big mouth of mine shut, and actually try and say something to the

wearing, disgraceful for a Pastors wife you could see her knees. And the next thing is you’re tearing the Pastor and his wife and family apart through slander and gossip and criticism. If you can’t say anything good about someone then shut up and say nothing. Or even better still say something good about them build them up in the lord as God expects us to. We weren’t given the right to criticise or judge and condemn, because when we criticise we are judging and we are condemning others whom Jesus lives in so we in effect are indirectly condemning and criticising him. We are criticising those whom God loves, and this is not what he wants us to do, we are his representatives on this earth. Would you want someone criticising you behind your back? Then don’t do to others what you would not like done to you. Remember you are fighting against God! Who do you think will win? It sure is not going to be you or me.

Correction is wonderful and I am so grateful to God for showing me where I am falling down and where I am trying to become more and more like Jesus, it is a joy to be corrected, what Loving father doesn’t correct his child and punishes them when they do wrong, and I want correction prompting to change rather than being punished and made change through punishment. I want to become more and more like Jesus. I want a wonderful healing ministry, I want it to grow stronger and stronger as I stop all my sinful ways that are displeasing to God and I want to become more like Jesus in my speaking, because scripture says, “you will give an account for every idle {evil} word you speak, and also life and death are in the tongue.” I don’t want to be responsible for someone’s downfall caused by my slanderous foul mouth criticising Ithem.willwith God grace in me stop saying things about others, I will respect them, even if I think they deserve it or not, and I will keep my opinions to myself and better still I will learn to love them as Jesus loves them and think nothing bad about these people and pray for them when I hear others slagging them off.

From this moment on lord, I promise never again to criticise others, let your Grace flow through me to these people, calling a blessing on them rather than criticising them, then I will be doing your perfect will on earth as it is in heaven.

Put a seal upon my lips for your glory Lord and let your spirit remind me before I begin to say anything against another human being that you created.


Satan has subtly trapped me into little words of criticism side stepping the truth of what I am doing by justification, and justifying ourselves doesn’t go down well with God who knows our true hearts. It is so easy to criticise someone, and not so easy to bless someone by sticking up for them.

I am sure like me you also will find there are many areas where you also fall down in this way, and can now bring about change for the glory of God our father in whose image we are made. Amen

I personally have criticised others behind their back as I didn’t want to offend them, but that is not the love of Jesus in action, is it? I done wrong and up until I began writing this book, I found myself saying wee {little} things, and justifying myself to myself, saying to myself, the so and so is a total prat or words that I dare not print in this or any book. But I am still criticising someone and in this way I am fighting against God’s law of loving one another. I am in effect fighting with God, and I can’t win this battle.

over Satan in this one subject at least and walk in the victory we already have through Jesus Christ.

We are made in the image and likeness of God so let us behave as God does, shut up and say nothing detrimental about anyone anymore, it is not worth sinning against God and ourselves and doing the Devils work, let’s stop fighting against God’s law, saying God is wrong, and letting our jaws flap around like a mindless moron. Try and live like Jesus being mindful he can hear you because he is inside you always listening to your conversations and proud of you when you refuse to give in to criticism and possible slander, tearing someone to pieces like a Rottweiler dog devouring every bit of rotten meaty

Rejoice, rejoice for Christ is in you, the hope the glory, living inside, knowing we have consciously made a decision to stop criticising people from this day on for the glory of God. As you can see when you read this book I have added bits in here and there, as they fitted in with the scripture and I had written on, then went back on what I wrote to add other revelations in this book as I became aware of them.


least, has to stop. I can’t go on trying to love and live like Jesus, and still tear someone to pieces by criticism condemning them really, and I don’t have the right to judge and condemn or criticise anyone.

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