Christian leaders, we have comprised with evil
Brendan Mc Crossanleaders-
have comprised with
2-Kings-17:15-Easy-to-Read-Version they refused to follow his laws and the agreement he made with their ancestors. They would not listen to his warnings. They worshiped idols that were worth nothing and they themselves became worth nothing. The LORD had warned them not to do the evil things that the people in the nations around them did. But they lived the same way those people lived.
These people compromised with evil, they did not obey God’s word and if we do not obey God’s word either we also compromise with evil, we give it a say in other words we listen to its arguments and twists, and eventually we will agree with it, because it is easier to compromise with evil than to be in obedience with God.
The Christian church has compromised with evil in regard to miracles and healing and especially healing. For thirty seven years I have preached Jesus took our sickness and bore our diseases and by his wounds we are healed- I-Peter -2-24 yet I have compromised with evil –I did not believe and obey God’s word and put it into action and in effect I compromised with evil, the devil in other words. I didn’t realize this until recently so it was never intentional for me to compromise and it is not the intention of Christian leaders either but sadly we have all compromised and as you know compromise means I have assisted the devil unknowingly and others Christian leaders have also, when we taught, ‘’take your medication’’ and stand on the word? How can we stand on the word when we have placed our trust in medication and in effect ‘’placed medication over and above the word of God.’’ {Compromise means cooperation, negotiation, concession, finding the middle ground, give and take, cooperate, to cooperate means to help, assist, cooperate, lend a hand, oblige, collaborate, work together, and to combine forces}
“Unless” they have been fed a diet of the ‘’word of God’’ reference ‘’healing scripture’’ and the ‘truth’ of the ‘’word of God,’’ and it has gone down into their spirit and have found a home there and a solid foundation, as the scripture says in
We do not have the right to tell people to stop taking their medicine, that is a decision people must take for themselves; and I for one strongly ‘’do not advise’’ people to stop taking their tablets,
Colossians -2-7-The Way Bible
Let your roots go down into him and draw up nourishment from him. See that you go on growing in the lord, and become strong and vigorous in the ‘truth’ you were taught.
Colossians 2-19-The Way Bible
We are joined together by his strong sinews and we grow only as we get our nourishment from God.
This is the foundation that we need to grow strong spiritually until we can stand on the word of God. And not just for healing but in everything; our faith must be based on truth and Jesus is the truth and all he says is purest truth; if he said it, he means it, and it is a truth worth trusting him for. God’s word is alive and active and never sleeps it is always moving changing things; it never stands still, living things can’t stand still they just keep on moving
Hebrews-4-12-NIV Bible
For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Christians have taken portions of the word of God and left aside those parts that they either didn’t understand, or like, and this has left them in a vulnerable position because their battle against the enemy needs to be focused on ‘truth and the whole truth,’ so help you God. The devil has used the word of God against Jesus, so he will definitely use it against you; if you are unsure of the word in certain places, those are the very places he will use against you to confuse you and render you inactive, and helpless, because you do not trust the word of God in its entirety. This is where we Christians fail to teach others who are mixed up concerning the word, if God said it God means it. For instant in 1-Thessalonians-5-9- says God has not chosen to pour out his anger against us, but to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ. The Way Bible
Christians still feel that God is angry with them, especially when they fall into sin; they can’t seem to believe that God means what he said; he has chosen not to get angry with them. At this present moment in time things are changing rapidly for the people in the western civilization, and for Christians especially, the economy is collapsing around them, their health service is disappearing speedily also, and soon they will have nothing of this world to help them, they will be like their fellow men and women in the African continents, no health services or no financial institutions to supply them with money, then where will they turn? Christians need to be engrossed in the word of God in every little single portion of it because it is all God’s word not some of it, and it is only in God shall the learn to trust and not in man or this world. I write some more on this later on explaining as best as I can the worlds situation that is coming upon it.
24“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
I for one have preached this scripture; but I didn’t realize until I stopped taking all medication for heart disease, and diabetes and other diseases I had on my body, recently, and as I finally took my stand on this scripture I became aware that I had compromised with evil by my believing and teaching, ‘’I set my healing on the medication’’ that was keeping me alive, and I stopped looking at God to bring his healing into my body. I consequently took my eyes off of the word of God; and In effect I compromised with evil, because sickness and disease is from the devil and he is the father of evil and I didn’t look for God to heal me, but I relied on medication to take away my pain and disease; though to be truthful, all meds stopped working in my body recently; but I was looking at the doctor to see what he would prescribe to relieve my symptom’s and I forgot Jesus took my sickness and disease and didn’t really care as long as the medication worked.
I stopped taking my meds because my meds were now killing me because of their side effects, and I now have enough of the word of God in me to realize the wonderful work Jesus did on the cross of Calvary where ‘’he took all my sickness and bore all my diseases’’ and ‘destroyed them on that cross.’ But this has taken me thirty odd years of preaching, teaching and studying to realize that I had compromised with evil. “Medication is not evil” so don’t go saying I said that, I didn’t!
Medication is there to help us until we get deeply based on the word of God. My mistake was ‘I looked towards the medication’ instead of relaying on God for healing, my entire focus was on tablets not on the wondrous miracle Jesus done for me on the cross and at the scourging at the pillar where my diseases were imparted into Jesus flesh and then covered over by the precious blood.
What I am saying in this book is that we have been taught to accept medication as the main solution to our pain or disease and we have stopped looking at what Jesus done for us, and he done it for ‘all’ of us; ‘’he took your sickness and my sickness and pain and suffering,’’ he took it on his body and so our sickness and diseases and pain were placed on him.
Before I go one step further; if you are on medication for some sickness or disease; do not stop taking them at this point in your life!
And then one day recently, God said to me, ‘’if Jesus took all your sickness and diseases on ‘his body’ and that is ‘truth,’ then whose sickness and diseases are on your body now?’’ and then it dawned on me; I realized it was the devils sickness and diseases, that was in my body not my own, Jesus took my diseases two thousand yeas ago unto his own body; so the sickness and diseases I was experiencing belonged to the devil. I had unknowingly accepted his diseases and pain into my body, I received it from the devil, because he is the author of sickness and disease, and he got me to accept ‘his’ ‘diseases sickness and pain,’ because of my lack of understanding of the truth of the word of God. The truth was, ‘my’ ‘diseases were placed on Jesus,’ two thousand years ago; and so ‘‘I compromised with evil by accepting sickness and disease and taking them on board instead or rebuking them in the name of Jesus, and never stop rebuking them’’ and that was my first step in my compromising with evil. Thankfully God is for us; and reminded me of what he accomplished through Jesus on that cross on Calvary where he took my sickness and diseases and pain, and I decided I have had enough of the devils sickness and diseases; and then after I made my decision to stop taking my medication, I discovered that my medication was killing me anyway. So I went to the doctor and explained to him that the tablets I was taking for ‘my’ so called ‘heart trouble’ and ‘diabetes’’ and ‘arthritis and cholesterol and high blood sugar levels’ were causing me additional illness and diseases and that these now were killing me slowly, and I asked him to take me off them and he agreed; later on I stopped taking all tablets including pain killers of which I had been taking for sixty years.
Remember something here in this little booklet, I have preached for almost forty years about healing and watched the lord heal those I prayed ‘with and for,’ and I always told people, ‘’never stop taking their medication, keep taking them until they have no symptoms whatsoever.’’ ‘’Then go to their doctor and get his results and if healed then get ‘’him’’ to take you off medication,’’ this I did for myself. I consulted with my doctor, I didn’t tell him I was stopping all tablets, for I knew he would never understand, but I was honest with him in telling him I was going off the main ones, the rest was my decision alone.
Prophecies given over me
I believe there is a time coming for me when the miraculous works of God will flow through me, to the body of Christ, because of prophecy after prophecy that God has given to me concerning a house of healing he is placing in my hands to work for him; and he prophesied, that there was going to flow from this house, the power of God that the world has never seen before, and I am going to be central in the setup and working in this house of healing, and he is showing me that I have comprised with evil by looking to the doctors for my health instead of the word of God. And now is the time for me to stand fast and believe the word of God above all the circumstances around me and in me. How can I be a person that God is going to use for unbelievable miracles, if I keep compromising with evil above the word of God, and I do that every time I do something to contradict the word, and try the world’s ways?
I know I will probably be called a fanatic and denounced, when I begin teaching people to believe in the truth of the word of God, and before that, I will have to go through everything for myself, knowing the ‘truth’ healed me and standing on the word of God for my own healing; before I can assure people to do the same as myself; but I will see awesome miracles of healing, and signs and wonders as God performs them through me and others who are learning the same things as me.
How could God use me for his miracles, and how can he use you, pastors or teachers for the ultimate signs and wonders and heavenly visitations, if you like me, have compromised with evil even though it was unintentional and not understanding the truth.
I do not recommend you throwing away your meds like I did,
Because you like me, probably did not have sufficient word of God in our spirit to know that we are healed already through what Jesus done for us. We believe that we are going to be healed and that is scripturally untrue, we ‘have been healed’ already because Jesus took our sickness and disease and sins on his body two thousand years ago, and we have heard a watered down version of the word of God, = ‘’Jesus healed us;’’ ‘’take you tablets.’’ And this is a contradiction of terms, you are either healed according to the word of Almighty God who does not lie, or you are sick and need tablets. We have been encouraged by preachers and healers to keep taking our meds, and stand on the word of God for our healing and I know that this works for some because God does not limit himself to what man teaches but he moves on faith and not sight. {But yet the first thing I see God heal when I pray with people is their pain, that is the first thing to go and usually within a few minutes of praying with them.} But for the greatest majority of people they are not healed this way, and remain sick and even die, still proclaiming Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases, and then they are gone, and people say, ‘the word didn’t work,’ he or she stood on the word of God and it didn’t work, and it turns people off God’s word. This is untrue; the word of God is alive and active {Hebrews-4-12-NIV Bible
For the word of God is alive and active.} And responds to ‘faith the size of a mustard seed;’ the problem why they died is they had a contradiction in their spirit; ‘’Jesus healed you- take your tablets.’’ If Jesus healed us, then why do we take tablets? He either healed us or he didn’t, and this contradiction causes faith to be nullified. {Nullified - To make something legally invalid or ineffective = ineffective means,- unproductive, unsuccessful, useless, futile, hopeless, and fruitless.}Invalid means- untrue, unfounded, worthless, void, and unacceptable}
Faith is unyielding and does not give way to medication or unbelief or worldly teachings it remains solid truth and is the same, ‘yesterday today and forever,’ ‘Jesus is ‘truth,’ the way and the life. I am standing on the word of God for the word to materialize in my body and it is not easy to do so, the symptoms remain in me whilst I fight this battle knowing that
overwhelming victory is already mine through Jesus. I do not say to you the reader to stop taking your meds; but I am saying to study the word of God in regard to these next two scripture and get those scriptures deep down into your spirit before you even think of acting on them because you like me probably thought it ok to take meds and place the word of God secondary.
1 Peter 2-24-Good News Translation (GNT)
24 Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have been healed.
Isaiah 53-Easy-to-Read Version
4 The fact is, it was our suffering he took on himself; he bore our pain. But we thought that God was punishing him, that God was beating him for something he did. 5 But he was being punished for what we did. He was crushed because of our guilt. He took the punishment we deserved, and this brought us peace. We were healed because of his pain.
Two Welfare system dying
If you live in Britain, you are probably experiencing the beginning of the downfall of the National Health Service; and this present Government has hit the poorest people the hardest, they have closed down hospitals and just a few days ago closed down a full hospital that mainly done child heart defects. They have taken the poorest people and have cut their benefits and have taken money off them and told them to get a job, yet there are no jobs; they have caused this country and Europe to go into financial ruin, bankrupt; and this country and Europe is facing a dismal future, where the government along with the banks caused this downfall and there are no jobs to be had and businesses after businesses are folding and going bankrupt, and people are being forced on to the dole or benefits, and the poor face a roundabout situation, no work no money no health service and so they are slowly being suffocated by the government, and soon will not have no health service or have their benefits cut so much they will not be able to afford medication. Heart medication is very costly, as is other serious illness medication, and to date the government have forced the medical profession to give out the cheaper equivalent of medication, which is not as good as the real stuff, as everyone who is on meds know. Soon there will be no benefits and no medical help so where are people going to turn to for help in healing and for financial help? The only one who cares about people, and did enough for them, by sacrificing his son for their benefits, is God, who sacrificed Jesus to show his awesome love for us. This same God desires to make us Christians ‘healthy and wealthy,’ and we have believed the opposite. We are the children of an Almighty God who owns everything and a father looks after his children and ours has already done so by giving us this world and everything in it for our use, and sadly most of us don’t understand this at all, and end up poor and in ill health, yet everything we need is already ours.
21 So let no one exult proudly concerning men [boasting of having this or that man as a leader], for all things are yours, 22 Whether Paul or Apollo’s or Cephas (Peter), or the universe or life or death, or the immediate and threatening present or the [subsequent and uncertain] future—all are yours, 23 And you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.
The day of benefits and health systems are slowly fading away and perhaps it is not so slow either for within one day this week, this present government changed the benefit system massively and it happened on the 3-04-2013 or around that date maybe the 1st or 2nd. People are being forced into poverty, and for quite a lot of them, they will be forced out of their own homes as the bedroom tax kicks in, this week in England and it will get worse. Last night David Cameron {The government leader,} said he is totally dissatisfied with the welfare system and will be changing things, seriously hinting he may do away with it altogether. And that was on the 7th April ITN late news
So what does this all have to do with the word of God or healing; it has everything to do with it, people have become dependant on benefits and medication, they don’t look to God for his help, except for some Christian, or religious groups.
In the third world as they call it people are being healed in their thousands at healing crusades because these people have no welfare system they have no money to buy either food or medication, and God is coming down among them and healing them by the thousands and for the majority of them, they are Muslims, they are not even believers; they believe God is there with the Christians who have called the crusades and they have heard of Jesus healing the sick and raising the dead and healing the blind and lame and they come in their tens of thousands to receive healing; and they have no health services there helping them, they have only this God who is healing them in the name of Jesus Christ, saviour and healer. If these people have no money, they starve, and they die if they cannot buy medication, unlike us, until now. This is the direction where we are going believe it or not, this is what is going to happen to us in the western world, no welfare state anymore, just dependent on God alone, and it is better now to begin trusting him and his word, than to have it happen later on in the midst of disaster.
And I can guarantee the welfare system is dying and that has been the devils plan and he is using greedy men to bring about the downfall of the worlds banking system, and we now live in recession; and it will not get better but it will get worse, European countries, the wealthiest countries at one time, have collapsed, countries like Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, all are in debt to Germany and other countries, and believe this or not; China owns a third of America, because America has taken loans off of them.
This is all coming; the total downfall of the western world, it is heralding in the end time new world order which also believe it or not has already been signed up to by most western countries; even the religions have united under one banner and the last pope signed up to this also, all pointing to the end times where no one can buy anything except they have the mark of the beast on them, but enough of that.
Soon we will be like them; - no health service or benefits either- and then where will we all turn, it’s a bit late to go looking for Jesus when you didn’t want to know him and his Bible, ‘his word,’ and try to stand on his word when there is no money in your wallet or purse. Now is the time to change, your conception to the word of God, the {Bible} the word is either the greatest truth that God has given to mankind or it is all one great big lie. Where will we begin preparing for the worst outlook? When it happens? Or now when we can learn how much God does love us and both provides for us and has already healed us. We need to start teaching younger Christians the truth telling them to believe the word of truth in the ‘New Testament’ especially, for this is the new will of God in written form.
As I said earlier- ‘I’ told people to keep taking their tablets when I seen them healed and not to stop taking them; but now I see that I, along with others, have been deceive into thinking this way. I should have been preaching, ‘’Jesus took or sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds we have been healed.’’ Stand on the word of God for your healing and believe God not your symptoms. We should have been teaching people the truth of the word of God and getting it embedded into their spirit showing them a dependency on the word of God and not on what man says or what the devil says either.
I have said it myself that people who say stop taking medication and stand on the word of God alone are not right, but now I am seeing a truth in their words; though there is more to it than what they say! People need to have the word taught without compromise, they need to learn the truth of the word, and they need to go down deep into the roots of the gospel, and draw up their nourishment from the word, and then when they know they have the word embedded in them, then they can stop taking medication and stand on the word of God, in whom there is no lie, and not before otherwise they will have nothing solid to stand on and will fall.
The word of truth needs to be taken down deep into their spirit and pondered over till it develops into a stew like substance, thick and strong, making them strong Christians. They need to learn to believe the word above every circumstance, because, for those Christians in the western world, watch and see, everything you thought you had, will be taken away, and then where will most go for help?
It is time we preachers and teachers taught only the word of God leaving the other methods to others, and sticking to the ‘truth of the word’ so that those coming behind us will follow and learn from our mistakes and rectify them.
Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds or stripes we are healed 1-Peter -2-24. The Way Bible
This is a truth and is unshakable in the spirit world, and needs to go down into your spirit and mine as with all of the word, the word of God is alive and active. We also need to begin to believe in the total word of God not accepting some of it and dismissing other parts because we don’t understand them or even like them.
If God says, we are ‘holy in his sight;’ Ephesians-1-4- then we need to believe that we are ‘holy in his sight,’ there is no difference in the word between the scriptures, these are truth. ‘He took our sickness and bore our diseases and by his wounds we are healed, “truth.” If God says ‘we are made in his own divine image’ and that he calls us ‘’god’s,’’ we are supposed to believe this also, hard as it may seem to be to believe, but it is the word of God that we need to submerge ourselves in and accept it all as his word to us, even if it seems incredible to us; to God it is natural, to us supernatural! The word of God is all truth and no shaded areas in it, it is filled with light for all who want to see.
Ephesians 1-4-Good News Translation (GNT)
4 Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him. Because of his love 5 God[b] had already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children—this was his pleasure and purpose.
1 Peter 2-24-Good News Translation (GNT)
24 Christ himself carried our sins in his body to the cross, so that we might die to sin and live for righteousness. It is by his wounds that you have been healed.
There is absolutely no difference between these scriptures; they are both the “truth” in the word of the same God who spoke them to us, he does not find his word hard to believe for he is the God of the impossible; there is nothing impossible to him, and he does not think like us, but he wants us thinking like him how else can we change from glory to glory if we are selective in his word.
You may think that I deviated away from what I was first speaking about when I went in to the state of this western world but you will see a time is coming very soon when there will be no state help for anyone because there will be no money, already they are predicting another recession, and downfall of the banking system and that means no money or help for the people. It is better now to begin teaching the word of God in its entirety not in little bits compromising with evil.
There are no cures for all cancer or aids or other life threatening illness, tablets cover over the main symptom of sickness when you take pain killers like I did, but the symptom is still there, it lies beneath the pain, pain killers do not take it away; the word does; Jesus healed it. For an example – I took pain killers all my life, then when I decided to stop all medication I discovered I had a burning pain in my ribs that I never knew was there, because the tablets concealed it, but there was something happening in my body that I was unaware of, because as I said, the pain killer tablets suppressed the pain, and other tablets I was on caused other illness because of their side effects; now I am fully aware I have something wrong with me as there are no tablets hiding it. I have placed that problem under the word of God that Jesus took this pain and disease as well as all the others, and ‘it is healed by his wounds,’ just as my heart disease and diabetes and other sickness I have had on my body have been healed by Jesus wounds.
In this day and age, we teachers and preachers should be teaching the children of God, ‘who they are,’’ and ‘what they are,’ and teaching them the ‘word of truth,’ without exception we should never compromise with evil, {the devil} the church of Christ Jesus needs to know how special they are to God, so special he sacrificed his son for them individually. And on that cross he not only sacrificed himself for their sins, but he took their sickness and diseases on his body on that cross, and also he gave gifts to men as he hung there, the cross was not just a sacrificial place it was a place of great blessings pouring out to us.
Churches preaching that ‘we are sinners’ have compromise with evil; they have let the devil deceive them into agreeing with him and not with the word of God. Churches that teach, ‘we are sinners, washed in the blood of the lamb,’ have compromised with evil, ‘this is a contradiction of terms;’ a sinner is going to hell according to the word and those who are washed in the blood are the saved, you cannot be both, you are either a sinner, needing saved, or a saint, righteous, and washed in the blood, saved.
Psalm 1:5-Easy to read version
When the time for judgment comes, the wicked will be found guilty. Sinners have no place among those who do what is right.
John-9:31-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
We know that God listens only to people who love and obey him. God doesn't listen to sinners.
If you proclaim to be a sinner God will not listen to you, maybe that is why your prayers are not being answered?
Sirach -12:5-6-Good News Translation (GNT)
The Most High himself hates sinners, and he will punish them.Give to good people, but do not help sinners.
God is telling his people do not help sinners, where does that leave you if you are proclaiming that you are one, and washed in the blood at the same time, your first confession was that you are a sinner? And not only that, but God’s word said ‘he hates sinners,’ yet you claim God loves you? How if you’re a sinner?
What you say affects everything in your life, what you say now you will reap later on, and you will give an account to God for every wrong word you say, as scripture says; ‘you will give an account for every idle word you speak; ‘and God is serious in this. So Christian leaders be careful what you teach and don’t compromise with evil thinking there is nothing wrong in confessing you’re a sinner; then saved by grace.
Romans 5
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
8 But Christ died for us while we ‘were’ still sinners, and by this God showed how much he loves us.
9 We have been made right with God by the blood sacrifice of Christ. So through Christ we will surely be saved from God’s anger. 10 I mean that while we were God’s enemies, he made friends with us through his Son’s death. And the fact that we are now God’s friends makes it even more certain that he will save us through his Son’s life. 11 And not only will we be saved, but we also rejoice right now in what God has done for us through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of Jesus that we are now God’s friends.
While we were still sinners, ‘were’ is in the past and not present, ‘are’ is present tense, ‘were’ means past.
James 1-6-New International Version (NIV)
But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
If you believe that you are a ‘sinner-washed in the blood’ or a ‘sinner saved by grace,’ you are a double minded man or woman and unstable in all they do. You are in a conundrum, believing two opposite things at the one time. Because you believe that you are a sinner in one breath and a saint in the other, you are a contradiction of terms. You are a double minded person and a double minded person will never receive anything from God; so says his word. A saint is saved, a sinner is condemned, two opposites, as one scripture says ‘opposite the sinner stands the righteous.’ ‘The children of God are righteous’ Romans-5-1 / Romans-5-2 says, ‘I am in the place of highest privilege,’ the place where Jesus stands and ‘I am in Christ as one person’ -1-Corinthians -6-17.
It is these little seemingly insignificant ways that the devil gets us to compromise with him, he then gets lies and deceits to grow in us by wrong teaching, and then when we need to ‘stand in that evil day’ we are confused spiritually and for the most of us get defeated.
We need to understand that the faith mission God gave us is based on his word; so if he says don’t do something, or say something, contrary to scripture, his word, ‘then don’t do it.’
In the Old Testament we read story after story how God warned his people to go in and possess the land, and to kill everyone there including men women and children, and he did this for a very good reason; to stop his people from becoming contaminated, not because he was evil, he was protecting his own children; and what happened when they compromised with evil and spared the ‘women’ especially, and every one knows that reason, lust, sex, and they took them as their wives; and what happened later on; those women converted them to paganism or their religion and the people of God became infected and turned away from God and it ended up that God gave them up, and handed them over to their enemies, and they were killed, or put into slavery. If God is telling you something, listen hard to what he is saying, and do it, no matter what it looks like to you; God knows what he is about. We are the children of Almighty God and he knows what is best for us, and if he says, ‘do not compromise with evil,’ then we need to take heed of what he is saying and remember the Old Testament people and what happened to them for the same things can happen to us just as quickly if we don’t obey. Christians take heed of what you believe, and see if it lines up with the word of God, and if it does, obey it, and do as it says, or you are compromising with evil. True some things seem to be strange and different in the word and some people are further on in studying scripture and instead of dismissing what they teach off hand, see if it is in agreement with God’s word, and accept it, even if you do not fully understand it, or it seems to be so far out it seems weird and hard to take in.
For an example of something seeming to be weird and far out; Jesus said we are ‘’gods’’ who belong to God, and Almighty God says the same in the book of Psalms, he said I have called you all god’s, [small ‘g’ods] why would God say this about us and expect us to believe it, it seems to be so far fetched, yet this is what God says we are and Jesus affirmed it as so. He being God knows the significance behind these statements, and the spiritual power that lies their waiting for us to understand and believe, and so does the devil, who is terrified of you ever finding out what you really are.
Does not the word of God say, ‘we can’t even begin to understand what we are or what we will be like for us later on; ‘he does,’ so though we might find some things difficult to understand now, we should look at it and say; if God said it, then it must be true and I will accept it, I will search for understanding later on.
1 John 3:2-Easy to Read Version
Dear friends, now we are children of God. We have not yet been shown what we will be in the future. But we know that when Christ comes again, we will be like him. We will see him just as he is.
Speak what God says to speak; speak his living word into the atmosphere around you, chose to believe it and act on it when you can; do not compromise with evil, do not give it an inch or it will take a mile. It will be too late when disaster falls if you have compromised with evil and believed half truth instead of the living truth, the word of God who is Jesus himself. Amen