“Righteousness”“Christians,”Plant Brendan Mc Crossan
“Break new ground. Plant righteousness, and harvest the fruit that your loyalty will
These are instruction for the people of God, break new ground, that means to go forth and tell new people, non Christians and Christians , and plant in them righteousness. And you will harvest the fruit that your loyalty will bring. God desires that we produce much fruit for the kingdom of God. Sad to say there are a lot of born again Christians who do not know they are righteous, who don’t understand the significance of righteousness. This is heartbreaking to me to know that lots of Christians don’t know the blessed gift that righteousness is and what righteousness does for them.
Plant righteousness
I wait on the lord for the opportunity to break new ground to go and share with those who don’t know him and who are not saved. I no longer just wish to go here and there under my own inclination to do this or that for the lord, because the word of God tells me that God has prepared good works for me to do for him beforehand. So I wait on his leading, wishing sometimes I could just go on anyway and tell others, when I know people want me to come and minister healing services for them; but I find when I do things the way God has prepared, then miracles and healing’s just happen instantly; so I prefer to wait on the lord, as much as it almost kills me at times, doing nothing as far as my mind is telling me, but I know deep down, that ‘those who wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall rise up on wings of eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint, teach me lord to wait.’ That’s my favourite song or I should say is becoming my favourite song.lol
For instance righteousness gives them right standing with God their Father, righteousness makes them holy in the sight of God. Righteousness drives depression away, depression is usually caused by guilty feelings, knowing that you are righteous drives away depression; and righteousness gives them the right to reign in this life as kings of life. Righteousness makes their prayers heard.
Christians, Plant righteousness
Brendan Mc Crossan
I have written thirteen books so far on righteousness and righteous and I could write another ten books If led by the spirit of God, because I see as I study righteousness I see more and more secrets being revealed by the Holy Spirit to me.
I keep sharing righteousness {planting the seed} with friends of mine who are now telling me that they have become aware when studying their bibles the word righteous or righteousness and the scripture now leaps off the page to them; they are now aware of righteousness because I keep talking about it all the time {planting righteousness seeds} and now when they see righteousness in scripture it catches their attention and they read it more carefully seeing what that particular scripture with righteousness in it is saying to them.
produce for me.” It’s time to seek the Lord! When he comes, he will rain righteousness on you.
It is awesome to be trusted by God to plant righteousness, and he expects from us loyalty to plant those seeds of righteousness, and he will water those seeds and he will make them grow and in time he will produce fruit from our labour. Then this previous scripture says he will rain righteousness on you. After planting righteousness he now rains down even more righteousness on us, to be blessed and to be doubly blessed by God is tremendous. Righteousness is God’s gift to mankind, man does not earn it or deserve it, and it is purely a gift from a loving Father God to his own children.
God is giving “you” a new ministry - - “righteousness to plant.” God is saying to me right now; that he will give to those of you who feel like they have no purpose in the body of Christ Jesus, “a ministry of righteousness”, and all you have to do to work in this ministry is to read the books on righteousness I have written, and pass them off to others in your friends lists in your address book and ask them to forward them on also. To pass on one book at a time to those on your address book; to download a different book a week and forward it on to them, giving them time to absorb each book; and you will be in the ministry of righteousness planting seeds of righteousness making the kingdom of God grow in strength and power and knowledge, as God says in his word, “My people perish through lack of knowledge.” You will be making a difference in the kingdom of God. This gives you 13 books at present, and 13 weeks of ministering to others. And as you spread God word to others, new friends will come along and you can continue to share with them a book a week. Don’t share all the books at the one time; people need time to absorb what they read and to search out in their bibles if this is true; so just one book at a time please. You also can write on righteousness and righteous as God gives “you” further revelation on righteousness and “you” could pass on to others what God shows “you.” “You” could also send them a weekly devotional, sharing with them what you discovered in the scriptures regarding righteousness and righteous. And ask them to share with you what they have learned, so you can pass around others in your righteous group a growth in knowledge in righteousness. This way we will be helping the body to grow in spiritual knowledge.
Isn’t it amazing that God tells us to plant righteousness; he gives us the amazing grace to plant his righteousness? God gives us born again Christian’s the job of planting and reaping righteousness, that’s awesome. I am to go out into places where others haven’t been before and plant righteousness, right standing with God, to tell sinners and the lost that there is
2-Corinthians-9:10 Amplified-Bible
And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness [ which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness, and charity].
Because the amazing thing with God is that if he sends us out to harvest what we sowed, or if he sends someone else out to harvest what we sowed, there is increase in the harvest fruits, and what difference does it make to us, who harvests what we sowed. It is his seed; his watering; his growth, and his harvest, and having done a good job we get to sow even more seeds of righteousness, and increase the fruit of our righteousness. Which are manifested as active goodness, kindness, and charity?
his wages [he who does the cutting now has his reward], for he is gathering fruit (crop) unto life eternal, so that he who does the planting and he who does the reaping may rejoice together.
Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteous-
This is the joy we get, {sower and reaper,} the joy of sharing in the harvest of righteousness. And God says in his word, let the skies rain down righteousness the pure, spiritual, heavenborn possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God. You are not reaping pears or apples or figs but souls onto eternal life
We are called to rejoice together the planter and the sower; we are all working for the same glorious God and Father.
We see in this scripture God provides seed for the sower, “not you,” and multiplies our resources so that we can plant more seed, the seeds of his righteousness, and we can stand back and watch as God makes the seed grow into a harvest.
The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, self control, and the fruit of righteousness. The same fruit are provided amazing isn’t it?
righteousness available for them with salvation. When I go into new places God expects me to tell of salvation and righteousness because the two are intricately linked together as one. God has so much love for all his children that he gives us the task of planting and reaping and producing lovely fruit for him. Fruit for God is souls being saved for his kingdom
Every Christian has a duty to plant righteousness whether they feel like it or not, we are our brother’s keepers we are responsible to help each other grow in the knowledge of God and his righteousness; not selfishly keeping it to ourselves.
I can never say this often enough; Righteousness is not your gift to give, it is a gift from God to you, you didn’t earn it, or deserve it or merit it in any way, it is purely a beautiful gift from God the Father who loves us unconditionally. Righteousness is his to give away, and when you share righteousness with someone else, that sharing opens the door for them to receive his righteousness and salvation.
One plants, another waters, but it is God who makes things grow, remember that. Amen
When God promises to rain down righteousness on us; let it fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness.
He knew what showers would mean for us, it meant a pouring out on us great heavy rain of blessings on us blessings righteousness brings with it.
ness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up [as plants do] together; I the Lord have created it.
Go my friends into this world and share what you have found out about righteousness with other Christians and non Christians; righteousness brings everyone into right standing with God, and we all need to be in righteousness, right standing with God. And righteousness never goes away, no matter what you may do, righteousness like salvation, remains with us forever. It has become one with us also.
Righteousness and salvation spring up together as I have said in my other books on righteousness, that salvation and righteousness are joined as one entity. Look at what the lord says here in this scripture. “Let fall in showers;” at the moment it is pouring down in showers, rain, not holy rain, but very wet rain and it is in showers today and heavy showers at that, so I understand what showers are. As I am sure so do you, especially if you live in Ireland, where you know it is summer because the rain gets warmer.