Christians who are unaware they are living in spiritual Idolatry

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Brendan Mc Crossan

Many Irish and British Christians are living in Idolatry, and are totally unaware they are doing so.

In this great time of preparation for the lord’s return, the bride of Christ Jesus is being cleansed, in preparation, and everything that is not of God or unclean is getting exposed so that the Christian bride can remove it themselves; God is never going to remove their Idolatry, he tells his people they must cleanse themselves. We are the ones who need to stop sinning and repent, and repentance is the big issue here in this little booklet, not condemnation, or judgment.

There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus-Romans-8-1.

The first thing I desire that you the Christian will understand is that God says for you there is no condemnation, so If you feel under condemnation by what I will write, it does not come from either God or I, but the enemy. My greatest desire in my life is to see the body of Christ joined together in perfect harmony, and walking in the awesome miracle working power of God, displaying to the world that it is something of importance to be a united Christian, to be the body of Christ Jesus on this earth.

My sin of Idolatry

I have sinned through Idolatry in my life; unwittingly, but nevertheless I sinned against God and others through Idolatry.

In my younger years, before I become a Christian, I joined a terrorist organization, the I R A, I took an oath as I got sworn into this group, that I would take up arms against the enemy = England, and defend my country through force, that I would lay down my life for my country, or words to this effect, I cannot really to be truthful remember them to the letter, but the important thing is, I took an oath, I made a blood covenant to fight the enemy to the death. And I fought with the intention of taking life, and I am so grateful to God I never succeeded, as my dear wife Rose prayed against me every time I went out with my comrades in arms, she prayed that I would never kill anyone or injure anyone; and God heard her prayers and answered them, and I never succeeded in hurting or killing anyone; I am so grateful to God now today for this grace given to me, an Idolater.

Years later I became a Christian after God saved my life supernaturally, and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit and believed immediately that God had given me the gift of miracles, and over the last thirty years I have seen God work awesome miracles through me, for his glory.

Over the years God sent me to help minister in Magilligan prison with a team of prison fellowship members, made up of different religions, and former terrorists from both sides of the religious divide, to share the gospel and God’s love with the political prisoners. In the

“Christians who are unaware they are living in Idolatry!”

prison I was shocked to discover that my former enemies, soldiers, policemen and prison officers were involved in a prayer meeting, praying for the prisoners that we would talk with, and praying for us also, that these young men would find Jesus in the prison and find a new life with him,

Then years later he sent me to Turkey where my daughters lived, and there I met a former R U C, Northern Ireland, police man, a former enemy of mine. I became friends with Sam, and had the privilege of praying with him for healing one day and for baptizing him in the Holy Spirit. I later prayed with his wife for her salvation.

Another man I met in Turkey was a former soldier who served in Derry, my own city, again a former bitter enemy of mine, we became the best of friends and even formed an old age pop group and played our old style 50 and 60’s music in my daughters restaurant along with Steve, Malcolm, and Sylvia, the other ancient members.

I was privileged to pray for John’s healing one day as he fell of his horse and injured himself badly, and the lord healed him and later he received the baptism in the Holy Spirit.

So these two former enemies have become my best friends, as the lord reconciled us together. Repentance is a wonderful thing; it opens up so many doors for God to work.

In Turkey I have also led a former I R A terrorist to the lord get healed and baptized in the Holy Spirit, and he now prays in the spirit in the local mosque, a different story to long to go into now. These three men are now friends, praying for each other and for their wives. Once bitter enemies now reconciled as one in Christ Jesus. God is amazing!

Change didn’t come immediately when I met The Lord Jesus.

When I became a Christian, I didn’t stop supporting my former terrorist friends or organization, even though I no longer took part in anything and had left the organization; I took part in marches supporting them and what marches I didn’t get to I sat at home watching them on TV, cheering them on, I loved it all.

One day I got a call from a nun friend of mine, Sister Augusta Maria, requesting me to pray with a nun who was going to the local hospital for a check up; she informed me the nun was going to have to spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair because of her illness.

I agreed to pray with her and arranged a time to meet her in the local convent. Just as I was about to leave home, a gun battle began between the IRA, and the British army who had just entered my street and I was unable to get out in time to meet her. After the battle ended I went immediately to the convent and apologized to the nun for being late, she was sitting looking very dejected as she had just been informed that her illness was progressing rapidly and she would be in the wheelchair sooner rather than later. When I explained that I was late because of the gun battle, she immediately changed her manner and sat upright in the chair and asked

me, “Did we get any?” I was a little surprised because this was a nun, and she went on to explain she was a supporter of a free Ireland, and other things as well.

As I sat there listening to her, the lord spoke to me and said; “tell her she needs to repent of idolatry,” and he continued, “And so do you!” I was shocked by what the lord said to me, but I immediately repented of Idolatry even though I didn’t fully understand what I had done. Then I told her what the lord said and she looked at me in shock and said, “I repent forgive me lord.”

As she repented, I put my hand up to her neck but my hand went to her right ear by mistake, she was wearing a collar to keep her head upright; I prayed anyway and the next thing she let out a squeal and said, “I can hear!” she explained that she had been born deaf in her right ear, but could now hear the workmen working outside and could hear me speaking clearly. Then I prayed with her neck and for her back, and the lord healed her, all pain disappeared, she was totally healed.

Her repentance of Idolatry healed her, and also healed me of my spiritual Idolatry, putting my country before God.

Afterwards the lord showed me in scripture that anything put before him was an idol, even a country, no matter how much injustice there is in that country, if it comes before God then it is Idolatry.

One day years later I had this sudden urge to go and pray privately so I went into the back bedroom, and fell on my knees, and as I did so I began to weep in agony, like someone with stomach cramps it was so intense, as I prayed in tongues for about an hour, I heard the sound of drums banging, then I heard a marching band playing, and immediately the spirit of God in me began weeping, and I cried and cried not knowing why I was crying, then after a long while in intensive prayer in tongues, I stopped weeping and felt everything was ok again. I asked the lord why this happened to me and he replied it was because of the marching bands and the meaning behind them, it grieved his spirit so much.

It was his people celebrating Idolatry, the worshipping of a false God! Republicanism, they were marching under a selection of republican flags, and playing republican songs, celebrating the deaths of former comrades in arms, and this grieved the Holy Spirit of God in me, and I asked for forgiveness for these people that I once was a part of. It reminded me of the time when Moses went up into the mountain to meet with God and receive his ten commandments, while he was away, the people forgot about God and wanted a new God to worship, so they made a calf out of gold and began worshipping it and danced and sang and played music. How quickly they stopped loving the true God and instead worshipped a false God which they made.

I can only confess to my sin of idolatry, and try and show you by my example that worshipping a country; putting your country before God is Idolatry and spiritual adultery. To fellowship with terrorists or as you may like to call them freedom fighters, is wrong, it is fellowshipping with the devil. How can I say that to fellowship with my former friends in paramilitary organizations is worshipping with the Devil? Well it sure isn’t worshipping with the lord Jesus Christ! Could you see Jesus walking in a sectarian march, singing songs of hate, or about victory over another human being, or celebrating dead terrorists? Could you ever imagine him

celebrating with the republicans, or dancing with the loyalists in victory over the other side celebrating the murders that these groups have committed?

1-Corinthians-6-9- don’t you know that those doing these things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers, or homosexual, will have no share in his kingdom.

We can always justify ourselves but as scripture says is God convinced. And as this scripture tells us; “don’t fool yourselves.” We try and fool ourselves by saying I am a true republican, and there is nothing wrong with that, everyone should love their country, there is nothing wrong with loving your country, but there is something wrong with killing for your country, or being prepared to die for your country, and I exclude soldiers from this as they serve their country. Or maybe I shouldn’t exclude them, as many have murdered for their country, deliberately killing innocent people.

What is an idol worshipper? Idolatry is worshipping a false God, the word Idolatry means = hero worship, adoration, and admiration, reverence.

Come on! Admit before the lord that you have hero worship {Idolatry} for those who have killed in your name; you admire them and their act. You treat them with reverence when you come into their company, looking up to them in adoration. Can you see yet that those things you have done and as a Christian still do? Can you see how much you hero worship someone who killed some Protestant or catholic or police officer or soldier? You support these men; you support their ideals, for Ireland, or for God and Ulster.

For Satan the Devil and his kingdom is what it should say.

Could you see Jesus joining the Provisional IRA, or the UVF, or UDA? And fighting for their beliefs? Or marching in a parade of some kind, or declaring he is British and proud of it or I am a republican and will always be one. If you can’t see Jesus doing any of these things, should you do them?

Let’s see what the word of God says about these things.

2-Timothy-2- take your share of suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus, just as I do, and as Christ’s soldier, do not let yourself become tied up in worldly affairs; for then you cannot satisfy the one who has enlisted you in his army.

Up until recently a soldier in the British army was not allowed to vote, I don’t know if that has changed or not, I don’t think so, but maybe it has. And in other countries soldiers are not allowed to get tied up in civilian services, or political parties, or to vote. An army needs to know its soldiers are dependant on their generals not the political people, and many an army has over thrown a government in many countries, and took over running the country, and have even killed its own citizens who opposed it. The soldiers obeyed their commanding officers killing people who come against their generals, the soldiers never disobeyed those orders because they have only the army officers as its leaders, they are fixed

in their minds to obey their army leaders no matter what they think or feel they have no political stances, they are soldiers and soldiers obey their officers. You and I are soldiers in God’s army and should have no allegiances to this world or what it offers we have severed our ties with this world when we became Christian and began serving in Christ’s army, with Jesus as our heavenly commander.

Jesus never called you to join the Provisional IRA or to join the UVF or some other terrorist organization; in fact he calls you out of those things and calls us to repentance because we serve the Devil and not the heavenly commander of heavens armies. Jesus never killed anyone just the opposite he gave his life for those who are living in darkness and those people have been you and I serving the wrong general, Satan.

If you support those organizations in any shape form or other, you are an Idolater, if you have put your country and its politics before Jesus then you are an Idolater, if you put food before God then you are an Idolater. Anything, no matter what, that is put before God in your heart is Idolatry, or if it is given a place in your heart and mind you are committing Idolatry or as scripture says spiritual adultery against your groom, remember you’re the bride of Christ, to love something no matter what it is spiritual adultery and Idolatry.

Theses are the final days of mankind as Jesus is preparing to return for his bride and does he want a bride committing spiritual adultery against him or someone in Idolatry? Is this what he is returning to earth for, a people so deeply immersed in Idolatry, putting a country or something else before him and his love? It’s time to repent from this terrible crime against God; it’s time to bring about a cleansing of the Holy Spirit into areas that are opposed to the lord Jesus.

What value does this country that your so determined to defend and die for or kill for, it’s only value is six feet of its clay, nothing more and then to be forgotten.

My mother was on her death bed in hospital, she just had hours left to live. Just shortly before she took a heart attack and ended up in hospital, I was crossing the road at the end of my street, when the lord spoke to me and said. “Go home quickly.”

I immediately rushed back over my street and went inside and said to Rose my wife what the lord just said, she told me she believed the lord was talking about my parents home, so I rushed down there. When I entered the house my mum was sitting knitting and dad was watching the TV. Everything was seemingly ok!

I asked the lord what it was he wanted me to do as everything was quite fine with my parents. He drew my attention to a magazine my mum had pushed into the chair beside her, and the lord said. “Tell her that is going to kill her.” I reeled back in shock, and said. “What Lord?” And he repeated what he just said. “That is going to kill her.”

I asked my mum if she was ok and she replied she was feeling great, then I asked her what the magazine was she had stuffed down the side of the chair and she replied it was a Provisional IRA newsletter.

I took my courage in hand and I said to my mum. “Mum, God just told me that, this magazine would kill you.”

She looked at me in shock, and I went on and said this is Idolatry and God is displeased with this magazine and he said it will kill you by your reading it. By the way my mother was an IRA

supporter all her life she had desired a united Ireland. She claimed to be Nationalist but was deeply republican. She gave me a telling off for saying this stuff to her, and said I was going religiously nuts. ShortlyafterIchangedthesubjectandthenleftandwenthomestillpuzzledbywhatwasgoing on.

Just as I arrived home the phone rang and my next door neighbor told me that my mother just had a massive heart attack and was being taken in an ambulance and it didn’t look good for her.

I raced down home as fast as I could just as my sister arrived and I got into her car and followed the ambulance to our local hospital.

In hospital they told our family that it didn’t look good as our mum had a massive heart attack. We all went down the ward to see her, and peeped in the ward door, she saw us and beaconed us to come in, all the time I was in there I kept looking at her heart monitor and saw that it wasn’t looking good, then a nurse came and told us we would have to leave, could we go to the bottom of the corridor and wait there. We left the room and went down the long hospital corridor; halfway down the corridor the lord spoke to me and said to go back to my mum. I looked around and saw the nurse who had asked us all to leave going into another ward and closing the door behind her.

I slipped back to my mum’s room and peeped in, and saw her apparently sleeping, but she opened one eye and waved to me to come in. She said to me. “Son I am dying.” I nodded in agreement, and then she surprised me by saying, she thought about what I had told her when I came to visit, and said that she had thrown the magazine out and as she did so a young girl had come to the door with her new copy of the magazine and she refused it and cancelled her Provisional IRA magazine. She then came back into her living room and had her heart attack.

I asked the lord what to say to her as she was now on her death bed, and he replied. “Ask her what is Ireland worth to you now, six feet of clay.”

I was shocked but told her what the lord said, and she answered, “I never thought of that.” She told me she was afraid of dying, and I said to her. “Mum repent, and tell God you’re sorry for your beliefs and republicanism.”

She closed her eyes and I thought she had died, and I saw the monitor go down even lower, and I was waiting for it to go flat line. Then she opened her eyes and said, “I did that.”

I told her then about accepting Jesus into her heart and how this would guarantee her salvation and get her into heaven with no judgment, and she would have no fear of dying any more. She closed her eyes again and then said to me, “I just done that.” Instantly her monitor started rising again as her blood pressure rose to normal, then my mum said to me, “I am no longer afraid to die, my fear has gone.”

I hugged her, told her I loved her, and said I better go, I hear thedoor opening in theother room and it is probably the nurse returning. Mum lay back down on her pillow and closed her eyes smiling, opened one eye and said, “I love you,” and gave a little wave as I exited the room.

My mother didn’t die as expected and lived for another seven years until after her seventy first birthday, she received the promises of God as scripture says, “seventy years are given us.”

She never ever again took that magazine or walked in any parades or supported her former republican friends, before she eventually died, my mum helped restore broken relationships in my family between father and daughter and sisters, and God used her in many ways.

Spiritually unaware! Then repent now before it’s too late.

My mum and I did not realize that we were walking in spiritual adultery or Idolatry, as I am sure you who read this may also be unaware that putting your country first before God is Idolatry, or as God says your committing spiritual adultery with the Devil, you’re having an affair with Satan.

There are many things we have done or still do that are having a severe block between us and the power of God, and to date we don’t know what is blocking our belief in the signs and wonders that God promised us the believers. This is just one area that we who live in Ireland are offending God in. there are many areas that scripture says are Idolatry, and we need to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal those areas and then we need to remove them ourselves, because as I said before God will never remove these wrong doings we have to do this ourselves.

My protestant brethren are you in spiritual adultery? Are you in Idolatry? Are you doing the same as I and my mum done? Are you still even as a Christian, unrepentant, unaware or unwilling to believe this! You have a bible and know your bibles better than any Catholic, yet have you bypassed the scriptures that talk of Idolatry or spiritual adultery. Maybe Satan has blinded you just like me until you read this, then you should examine your own heart.

Is your desire to be British, spiritual adultery, is your support for protestant paramilitaries still insideyourheart,doyouwalkinorangeparadesorparamilitarymarches,doyousupportthose who have murdered in your name for God and for Ulster.

You know that sounds very holy, “For God and for Ulster.” You are declaring that it’s ok with God that you should murder Catholics or even your own police force or British soldiers when you don’t agree with them or they do something you don’t like.

You are murdering people in the name of your God, by your support, you are just as guilty as those who bombed or shot someone. You are murdering people in the name of Jesus Christ; do you think God or Jesus or his Holy Spirit is pleased with you? You have used his Holy Name to justify murder for years, you’re no different that the republican paramilitaries, both are evil and no justification can ever convince Jesus who died for those murdered by both sides. Maybe some of those murdered were not ready for their judgment and are now in hell because of your support or actions. You and only you can give an account to God now, and it’s better now that when you stand before him and he asks, “What did you do with the life I gave you?”

“Well lord I murdered Catholics or police men or Protestants or soldiers but I did it for a United Ireland, or I did it for God and for Ulster!”

Idolatry is Idolatry it is worshipping an evil spirit, it is anything that you put first in your life before your God, and that Idolatry can even be food, anything that takes place first in your heart is spiritual adultery and Idolatry.

1-corinthians- 10- 31- it is because you must do everything for the glory of God, even your eating and drinking, so don’t be a stumbling block to anyone, whether they are Jews or Gentiles, {Catholic or Protestant,}.

1-Corinthians-10-21 you cannot drink from the cup at the lords table and at Satan’s, too. You cannot eat bread at the Lords table and at Satan’s.

Everything we do must be weighed against love. Does love murder? Does love March in sectarian parades? Does love gloat over the death of an enemy?

Why do we not have miracles and healings happening in a massive scale here in Ireland in our churches and healing services? It is because the people in this land need to repent of all the spiritual adultery and Idolatry they are committing and have committed and never repented and asked the Holy Spirit to cleanse them. There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus and I write this little book to make you aware that there may be areas in your life that you and I need to get rid of by repentance and asking forgiveness of our brothers and sisters.

1’st I am the lord thy God thou shall have no other God but me, 2nd love thy neighbor as thyself.

Just two of God’s commandments, both have an effect on everything we do in life. The first commandment deals with Idolatry, the second deals with offending our neighbor.

Do Provo parades offend you? If protestant probably so. Then Christians who are of the Catholic religion, who are born again, should never be associated with this type of parade, as it is offensive, both to God and to your neighbor.

Do loyalist parades offend you? If you are a Catholic they most likely do offend. Then Protestants who are born again Christians should never associate with this type of parade; do nothing to offend your brother for whom Christ died. Neither should the Catholic born again believer take part in a march either physically or mentally.

God through Jesus reconciled both sides together through the blood of Jesus and by his dying for both sides, and all sides. Can you sit in a church service with total love for your brethren of the opposite religion with nothing in your heart against them; can you share the body and blood of Jesus in your services together with nothing in your heart? Remember that scripture saystoexamineyourselfbeforeyoupartakeofthebreadandwine,thebodyandbloodofChrist. Can you pray together in a healing service together with your brother or sister who is of a different Christian religion, for the healing power of God to work through both of you together, united as one in the body of Christ Jesus? And know there is nothing there to cause division if revealed.

Is your country or loyalty to it and its flags more important to you than God and his desire to unite his children? Remember you’re going to be joined together with the Catholic or Protestant in heaven and it’s going to be a real problem then if there are things in your heart that would cause the disunity in the body of Christ. For me the thing I desire most of all in my life is to serve God honestly with not a single thing of Idolatry or spiritual adultery in my heart; it is more important to me to have just love and unconditional love at that for my brothers and sisters who are of a different religion, from me. I consider everything of this world to be of nothing for the sake of knowing Christ Jesus my lord and savior.

Let us repent of everything that holds back the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts and get rid of all the spiritual adultery and Idolatry, so that the power of Jesus can be manifested in our united hearts for the glory of God our Father, yours and mine.

Mark -7-13-thus you nullify the Word of God by your traditions that you have handed down, and you do many things like that.

But our traditions are genuine they have been handed down for hundreds of years or over 500 years on the Catholic side. Did you read or not read what the word of God says about traditions; they nullify the “Word of God.” This is why there are no amazing manifestations of God’s power in Ireland and in some other countries also, tradition has nullified God’s Word. To nullify means, to cancel out, and to abolish, to quash. Your and our traditions have nullified, cancelled out and abolished the Word of God, it is no wonder that miracles are not happening in large quantities as they should.

Believers on both sides are stuck in tradition, and these traditions are celebrating years of hate of war and death on both sides.

Just yesterday Monday the 13th of July I witnessed on TV BBC 6-clock- News a drummer in a marching 12th parade stop drumming and reach out and hit a Catholic man with his drum sticks, luckily there was a police man beside the man and he prevented him from reacting violently, thus adverting a riot in my city, isolated incident you may say, and yes in other parts of Northern Ireland, Catholics stoned the police as the police tried to clear a way for protestant 12th July marchers to march through the catholic area, a complete vicious circle of hate on both sides. Don’t try and justify your traditions whether you are a republican or a loyalist, God is not convinced by your hearts attitude, Imbedded inside of you is hatred towards people of another persuasion.

It’s time for the born again believer from both religions to unite in their repentance of their Idolatry to another false God, i.e. their country. Do you want more of God in your life? Then get rid of all that is wrong inside you.

Scripture tells us that your traditions have nullified the word of God.

1-Corinthians-10-20 what I am saying is that those who offer food to these Idols are united together in sacrificing to demons, certainly not to God.

{The foods we offer to our Idols are the food of hatred, anger and rebellion.}

1 Corinthians-10-21-you cannot drink at the Lord’s Table and at Satan’s table too. You cannot eat bread both at the Lord’s Table and at Satan’s table.

Why should I do something that doesn’t bother my conscience, maybe I don’t believe in what you have written.

1-Corinthians-10-29- In this case his feelings about it is the important thing, not yours.

You may be thinking this scripture refers to meat offered to Idols, and not about traditions or marches, If God thought it important enough to warn you about food offered to Idols, because it offended someone for whom Christ died, do you not think that he finds it important enough to stop you offending your brother, for whom Christ also died.

1-Corinthians-10-32- don’t be a stumbling block to anyone, whether they are Jew or Gentile, {Catholic or Protestant.}

1-John-2-8-Anyone who says he is a Christian should live as Christ did.

I want to ask you a question here at this point; Did Jesus become involved in the politics of that time? Remember there were two opposing sides, the Jews and the Romans who occupied their country.

The answer to this question is easy to answer, No! He did not get involved, though he seen many injustices in the country, he refused to get involved because he came to bring a new Kingdom into that land and spreading out throughout the entire world establish his Kingdom on the entire earth, and his kingdom was not of this earth.

You as a child of God should have no thought for this country as a whole but you should be seeking to bring the kingdom of heaven and of Christ Jesus to all mankind.

How could you get a Catholic saved if he seen you marching in a sectarian parade, or how could you get a Protestant saved if he seen you marching in a Provisional IRA parade?

You would never in a million years convince the opposite side that you were genuine in your love for Jesus, and only wanted them saved for God’s kingdom. I belong to an apostolic church at the moment; I am still a Catholic by religion. If you switched on your TV and saw me marching in a Republican parade would you come to me for healing during one of my healing services? Would you believe a word that came out of my mouth? Truthfully no you wouldn’t, and neither would, I if I seen you walking in an Orange Order parade or a UVF or UDA parade, you and I would never believe that either was truly a Christian in the Christian meaning, one who has left everything to follow Christ, cutting all links with his or her past, becoming a new creation whose only desire is to serve God and mankind to the full.

Colossians-3-3 you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does. You’re real life is in heaven with Christ and God.

The most important thing for you the Christian born again believer it to understand that this world offers nothing and you have a real life in heaven where you will spend eternity.

Romans-14-21- the right thing to do is to quit eating meat or drinking wine or doing anything else that offends your brother or makes him sin.

God’s word tells us the best thing we could do is stop doing what were doing as it offends our brothers and sisters.

The kingdom of God should be the most important desire in our hearts and anything large or small that gets in the way of our living in the fullness of Christ here on earth or in heaven should be removed by us. If we were honest we would admit that these parades offend people, therefore what would Jesus have us do? We should repent of the offense we cause to God first because of Idolatry and then confess our sin of causing offense against the body of Christ, our opposite brothers and sisters; there is no justification for going to parades or marches if we claim to be Christian; our only concern in this life is for the glory of God not glorifying some traditional march or parade which nullifies the Word of God! You can choose to ignore this little message, say I am wrong, or do what you like but will God believe you when you justify yourself, when you stand before him on judgment day.

Which is most important, the kingdom of this earth or the kingdom of God in heaven? It’s your choice, I made mine long ago.

One last thought

One last thought; did you know that you made a blood covenant with the Devil when you joined up in a paramilitary organization, you took an oath to kill and defend your country, and that is a blood covenant that needs to be broken by you and repented of, and cleansed by the blood of Jesus? You did not make a covenant with God even if you said; “for God and for Ulster,” or a united Ireland to the death; you made your covenant with the Devil; paramilitaries on both sides need to repent and break this covenant. If you never actually joined an organization but have sat at home cheering them on, you are just as guilty as those who have carried out murders, after all you have supported them, and given them the covering they needed to murder, and bomb others.

Scripture says if you even look at a woman with lust in your heart you’re just as guilty as someone who committed the physical act.

The same applies if you desired IRA men dead or UVF, UDA, you are just as guilty as far as God is concerned as those who planted the bombs or shot or knifed someone to death. Your heart desired the death of someone for whom Christ died. If God’s word says, the man who lust is guilty of the offense then it also means you are guilty of murder if it was in your heart. This applies to both sections of the political and religious divide.

Would Jesus march in a parade? Would Jesus make a blood covenant with the Devil? Would Jesus bomb or shoot someone to further his kingdom? If he wouldn’t then why should you?

Repent Now while there is still time.

Bless you and remember there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Repentance cleans the sin away.

If you done these things in the past repent and leave them in the past, look forward to the future you have in Christ Jesus with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Love does no wrong, therefore love one another as I have loved you. Amen.

These words have been added by a friend in New Zealand and will bless you the reader as he sees things only from what God showed him, he is Ian Conza ;the Traveller.

Citizen of which Kingdom

Citizen of which Kingdom? These were the words that literally exploded out of the throne of heaven on this clear day that the traveller was sitting with the Lord.

His voice cried out that my people say they are citizens of my kingdom but they continue to walk in the ways of the kingdoms of this world which are not mine.

Matthew 4:8-9: Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

The kingdoms of this world belong to Satan himself, the fallen one and will continue to do so until my return to this earth.

These ones are walking in these word's, Colossians 3:2: Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

They have set their affections on the things of this earth meaning they say they belong to this house, this kingdom, this religion or that country.

When the truth is that those that walk with me are not citizens of any country, kingdom, religion that exists in this earthly world.

As I heard these words I saw many people before me saying I walk with Jesus and with God Almighty and in the same breath speak words saying I am a Baptist, a Jew, and Greek, a gentile, a Catholic, a Anglican, a Protestant.

I am a democrat, a republican; my loyalty lies with the labour, national, socialist or liberal party. I am a loyalist and the list goes the voice from the throne spoke out.

In all the ones in these places their heart is far from me and close to what they walk in and speak. None of these places, kingdoms, countries, parties or religions are of me and have no place in my kingdom.

The traditions of man nullify my word and though many are aware of my words spoken in times past they continue to walk in these traditions and carry out the things demanded of them to continue in these places therefore they are not of my kingdom but of the one they walk in and confess they belong to.

Mark 7:13: Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.

Those who truly walk in me will not be found in these places as they will be about their Father's business, making disciples of all men and nations.

My people shall love their Lord with all their hearts and with all their soul and with all their minds. In doing this all of man's traditions, parties, religions and kingdoms will have no place in their lives and they shall not be found in these places unless they have been sent to preach my gospel to those lost in the hatred that exists in all of these places.

Mark 12:30: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

Because of my people walking in the first commandment they shall walk in the second and there is no other commandment greater than these two commandments.


Mark 12:31: And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

As the traveller heard these words understanding came forth as to why many who think they are walking with the Jesus Christ and God Almighty continue to get offended, spit upon and throw out of the places they walk in, the Lord's true servants who come forth in love to tell them of the good news of the kingdom of God.

Write and speak these words to those I send you to my son the voice that spoke like thunder that came from the throne of heaven cried out. Though persecution shall come your reward is not in any of these worldly kingdoms but in the one that is to come.

At these words the traveller raised himself from the place he was in and went forth filled with God's love to obey what he had been asked to do for his Father who art in heaven.

Thanks Ian.

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