Why would we need to confess our fathers and our forefathers sins before God, surely they should have done that for themselves? The simple fact is that God says to do it, so that the blessings will come to us again. In this country Ireland there have been generations of murder and bloodshed down through the generations right down to this very generation, many people have died a violent death, being blown to bits or hacked to death or shot and that included the soldiers from England sent over a hundred years ago to put down the Irish people. Many Innocent people have died through the campaigns of violence, people caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and their lives were snuffed out before they had a chance to seek forgiveness from their God, and their blood cries out to God Just like Abel’s blood did, crying out from the ground to God and the land became cursed; Cain had to move away from the land where he was born, and that was after God confronted him about murdering Abel.
Many Irish people had to leave their land because of the terrible things they done or had done on them and they lived in fear of their lives or tried to get away from the lives they led. Murder is still on the hearts of many Irish people though some claim they are British not Irish, but you can’t deny the land in which you were born into as much as some would dearly love to call Ireland British, Even the British call Ireland, Ireland and Irish people Irish, whether they are catholic or protestant. Both Catholic and Protestant people are guilty of murder in their hearts right up until this very moment, because remember that God said if you even think lust in your heart you committed it and if you think murder in your heart then you have committed it, in the same way by desire. This land needs cleansed from the blood that has been spilled and the blood that cries for vengeance to God.
Many young men and older men and women joined the IRA and other terrorist organisations and in doing so they made a blood covenant, and took an oath to uphold their country through violence, {through the shedding of blood} Other men and women joined the UVF and UFF and other loyalists terrorist organisations taking a secrete oath to defend British Ireland through violence.
I joined the IRA Provisional’s as a young man, and when I joined I took an oath to fight for Ireland and kill for it. It wasn’t until many years later that I was involved in a healing ministry thatIwasasked to go andpray with anunwhowasinabadwayphysically.AsIwaspreparing to go and see this Nun in a convent in Derry after she had her hospital tests in Altnagavin hospital in Derry at which she was informed by the hospital specialist that she would be confined to a wheel chair for the rest of her life, a gun battle began in my street between my former IRA members and the British army, during this time I began to pray for the nun and that no one would be hurt also.
When the shooting stopped I ventured out into the street and got in my van and drove over the street in the direction of the British soldiers. One soldier stepped out in front of me and stopped me and then thought better of it and waved me on. A short time later I met with the nun and began praying with her, she told me that she told me that she had been informed that she would
be shortly be confined to a wheelchair for life, and as I listened to her I was also listening to what the lord would say to me concerning her healing. Then God spoke to me and said tell her about the gun battle, and I did, she brightened up considerably and asked, “Did we get any?” I was amazed by this question; then God spoke again and said, ‘tell her she needs to repent of Idolatry and so do you.’ I was shocked by what the lord said and asked how was I in idolatry, and he said I put {worshipped} a country before him, and that was idolatry. I immediately repented, and then told the nun what God had said and she also repented; neither of us was aware that we were in idolatry, but we repented when God said we were. I raised my hand to put it on her neck which was the problem area, and instead I put my finger in her ear by “accident” I felt the tip of my finger go hot and then the nun said she could hear. I didn’t know that the nun was born deaf in her right ear, but when I touched her, after she first had repented she then received her healing. Then I prayed with her neck and back and the lord instantly healed her and she has remained healed.
I never knew I was in idolatry and neither did the nun and I suppose neither do you until now, if we put a country or religion or anything before God it is worship of that thing, and that is idolatry, and as scripture also calls it spiritual adultery. Repentance is needed in these areas and should be done now when you become aware of your wrong doing.
‘But I was only a supporter of the IRA /UVF /Official IRA /UDA’ ‘or whatever violent organisation you supported,’ you may be saying, ‘I condoned their killings of the enemy;’ if you even thought wrong in your heart you did it as far as God is concerned. Those who march in support of terrorist organisations or orange parades are in violation of God’s commands, there shall be no other God but me, and if it’s in your heart then it’s your God.
Nehemiah -1-1 The memoirs of Nehemiah, son of Hacaliah; It was the month of Kislev in the twentieth year. At the time I was in the palace complex at Susa. Hanani, one of my brothers, had just arrived from Judah with some fellow Jews. I asked them about the conditions among the Jews there who had survived the exile, and about Jerusalem.
3 They told me, "The exile survivors who are left there in the province are in bad shape. Conditions are appalling. The wall of Jerusalem is still rubble; the city gates are still cinders. 4 When I heard this, I sat down and wept. I mourned for days, fasting and praying before the God-of-Heaven.
5-6 I said, "GOD, God-of-Heaven, and the great and awesome God, loyal to his covenant and faithful to those who love him and obey his commands: Look at me, listen to me. Pay attention to this prayer of your servant that I'm praying day and night in intercession for your servants, the People of Israel, confessing the sins of the People of Israel. And I'm including myself, I and my ancestors, among those who have sinned against you.
"We'vetreatedyoulikedirt:Wehaven'tdonewhatyoutoldus,haven'tfollowedyour commands, and haven't respected the decisions you gave to Moses your servant. All the same, remember the warning you posted to your servant Moses: 'If you betray me, I'll
scatter you to the four winds, but if you come back to me and do what I tell you, I'll gather up all these scattered peoples from wherever they ended up and put them back in the place I chose to mark with my Name.'
10-11 "Well, there they are—your servants, your people whom you so powerfully and impressively redeemed. O Master, listen to me, listen to your servant's prayer—and yes, to all your servants who delight in honouring you—and make me successful today so that I get what I want from the king."
The NIV Bible says it like this; Nehemiah-1-6-I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father's house, have committed against you. This man knew about confessing the sins of his generations and the generations before him who did and thought like this generation, who spilled blood like Cain. He knew the blessings or the curses followed his people because of what was in their hearts. God said, ‘they give me worship ok but their hearts were far away from me’ that is why he allowed them to be taken into slavery
It is time Ireland took account for the sins of their fathers and the sins of their grandfathers and back through the generations until the first one committed rebellion against God. Then they need to ask the most high God for forgiveness for the generational sins committed against God and their fellow man through murders and theft and things they done in the name of their country. This man Nehemiah knew the importance of confessing the generational sins, and he knew how to get those blessings back again; we need to follow his example, especially when we realise that God had this installed into his word to show us a way out of our ancestral sins.
I had to go back a few hundred years to cleanse my bloodline because I had an ancestor called Red Hugh O’ Donnell, who was a fighting prince in Ireland, and if he was a prince then it stands to reason his father was the king of that region. He was a violent man obviously when he was called the fighting prince, and he had flaming red hair, hence the name Red Hugh. If my ancestor was a fighting prince then it also stands to reason to assume that he killed people in those days, so blood has been spilled down through my ancestral generations.
Down through the years my ancestors have been fighting the British army who occupied all of Ireland, so it is easy to understand how I and my cousins and relatives who are all descendants from Red Hugh easily became involved in the present campaign which hopefully is now over violence runs through the bloodline which Jesus wants to cleanse with his precious blood.
Don’t let yourself get caught in Satan’s trap thinking I was a terrorist, think about your part in the recent wave of terrorism from all sides, whether you were actively taking part or sitting in your armchair cheering every time the enemy got murdered, your sin is as great as the man who planted the bomb, fired the shot or stabbed someone to death. It’s a time for repentance, cleansing the bloodline and cleansing the land. How can there be great and magnificent miracles happening in our land when the land its self is crying out for vengeance like the land in Cain’s time, get off your justification horse and get down on your knees like I had to do and repent for yourself and your ancestors.
Heavenly Father we come here today before you and like Nehemiah, we also confess the sins of our ancestors, here in Ireland.
I say, "GOD, God-of-Heaven, and the great and awesome God, loyal to his covenant and faithful to those who love him and obey his commands: Look at me, listen to me. Pay attention to this prayer of your servant that I'm praying today in intercession for your servants, the People of Ireland, confessing the sins of the People of Ireland. {Or whatever country you are in}
We have spilled out the blood of our fellow Irishmen and Ulster men, and Englishmen through years of war filled with hate and bitterness and ungodliness. We ask forgiveness forourancestorsandforourselves,becausethisbloodcallsforvengeancejustlikeAbel’s blood cried to you from the ground and so our land has been cursed; as have we been, up to and including this generation who grew up in war.
And I'm including me, me and my ancestors, among those who have sinned against you. 7-9 "We've treated you like dirt: We haven't done what you told us, {To love one another} we haven't followed your commands, and haven't respected the decisions you gave to Moses your servant.
All the same, remember the warning you posted to your servant Moses: 'If you betray me, I'll scatter you to the four winds, but if you come back to me and do what I tell you, I'll gather up all these scattered peoples from wherever they ended up and put them back in the place I chose to mark with my Name.'
{Our countrymen have been scattered to the four corners of this earth,} and we ask you to put their descendants into their rightful place where you want them, in Jesus name. Amen.
Fill these areas with you glorious light and peace in Jesus name amen. Curses followed those who turned away from God towards violence and followed false God’s just like our ancestors followed the God of murder, and this brought a curse upon our families and our land. In the following prayer I urge you to pray with me to break the curses placed upon our families and us by the repentance we first made and then now breaking the curses laid on us through their and our deeds. As scripture says; “today I lay before you, blessing or a curse; chose life.”
If said as a group pray it like this or if on your own just include your name and family.
Heavenly Father; I come against every curse placed upon them {me} and their {my} family and their ancestors in the mighty name of Jesus, and through the power of his holy name and by his precious blood which cleanses us from all unrighteousness.
I now break those curses in Jesus name and blood; I release you and your family from every demonic curse, and every curse someone placed upon you and your children and
And I call a blessing down from heaven upon you and yours because of the authority given to me by God my own Father, who tells us to bless others. Father let your glory flow like a river cleansing us and blessing us at the same time, let the waters of life flow from your throne like clear crystal springs, removing everything from the enemy and refreshing us anew.
Cleanse my blood line. And even the blood I received through blood transfusions because your word says “the life is in the blood,” in Jesus Holy name, may he be given every ounce of glory and honour he deserves.
Sickness and disease flow down the bloodline, sickness and diseases like Altzimers, heart trouble, diabetes. Incurable disease like cancer, Leukaemia,
Heavenly Father, I draw close to you and I cleanse these diseases out of the blood line in the name of Jesus, because sickness is part of the curse in the old law.
Thank you Jesus for freeing me and my family and ancestors, now fill me with your precious light and peace in your name Jesus. Amen Amen