Brendan Mc Crossan
1-Timothy-4-8-Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do. So exercise yourself spiritually and practice being a better Christian because that will help you not only now in this life, but in the next life too. This is the truth and everyone should accept it.
The word of God tells us clearly bodily exercise is ok but it serves no spiritual purpose, but spiritual exercise is what is most important in this life and in the next life.
How do I exercise my spiritual life? In every situation there are challenges to believe God and exercise faith or believe the Devils lies and get spiritually duller. Every moment of your life and my life there is warfare going on in our minds, Satan is fighting with our thought life telling us lie after lie; trying to get us to believe or act in a way he suggests, trying to divert us away from God’s plan for us of which he but sees a small portion, he tries to outguess God in every thing, and then tries to get us to listen to him and so divert us away from God’s perfect will.
When Satan sends some evil little spirit to attack us, that thing or things work feverishly with our minds, trying to plant wrong thoughts, trying to get your attention onto it and what it is saying or doing.
Take for example; as you walk down the street a young woman with a low cut dress suddenly bends down in front of you and you can almost see what she had for breakfast, you advert your eyes if your a Christian, but you already seen all she had, now the little demons of lust sees their opportunity instantly and begin to bombard your mind with have another look. They then spend as much time as you allow them, to keep planting that picture of the young woman’s breasts into your mind, and some give in and begin to dwell on those pictures and eventually they sin through those thoughts and the demons or evil spirits win. The same is true for a woman, she hears a bit of gossip and before she can turn away, the thought comes, oh! I must tell my closest friend, she will never believe what I just overheard. The spirits get to work immediately seizing this opportunity to cause her to sin by spreading gossip which is sinful according to God’s word. They make sure she doesn’t forget what she heard and keep repeating those words in her mind and of course adding some extra of their own trying to convince her she heard this also. The next thing is the young woman picks up her mobile phone and calls her closest friend, and the sinning begins. In both these cases the spirits won, because they got the attention of the person and once they get their attention they have them, and implant some serious sins in their souls. But for us the Christian, we don’t have to accept every thought that comes into our minds, we have authority to challenge the thoughts that come into our minds, and to exercise our authority over the source of them; Satan’s little helpers. {We can’t stop thoughts from coming into our minds but we can exercise authority over the wrong thoughts.}
You have a portion of the very mind of Christ Jesus himself, and when those thoughts enter your mind you instantly rebuke them and place a different thought into your mind. For example when a spirit places a picture of a half naked woman into your mind, you begin to exercise your authority and command that spirit to get away from you in Jesus name, you bind it up in the name and blood of Jesus, and command it to shut its mouth, and cast it, and all
accompanying spirits with it, away in the wonderful awesome name of Jesus. {You exercised your authority}
Then you deliberately place a different thought into your own mind from the mind of Jesus, Jesus loves that woman and you can simply say; “Lord every time that spirit or another spirit tries to get me to think wrong about that young woman I want you to bless her.” And the same goes for the young woman who overheard gossip about someone, instead of passing it on as tempted, call a blessing on the person being gossiped about. You do as previous said, you bind that spirit up in Jesus name, and you command it to shut up and command it to leave you in Jesus name, and all its accompanying spirits with it. {That is exercising your authority.}
We need to bind all accompanying spirits up as well as the one tormenting us, because when we single one out, that one happily leaves but its friends stay unless they are all bound up in the blood of Jesus. That foul spirit is never alone, it always has others accompanying each other; for instance with the spirit of dirty thoughts comes the spirit of lust, and with it pervasion, and with it comes lies and deceit to name but a few. All working together to get you to sin!
It was no strange thing that Jesus sent out his apostles in two’s, because he knew if one missed something the other would pick it up and bring glory to God.
SatancopieseverythingGoddoesandpervertsit,hesendshisdemonsandspiritsoutingroups so that if one gets cast out then there are others there to get to work in different ways. They never cease in their activity because there is so many helping each other trying to destroy mans relationship with their loving Father.
It is no wonder that the scripture tells us, ‘that when a demon is cast out, it goes into the desert seeking rest but finding none it returns to its previous victim, and finding the house clean and empty, goes back in again and brings others with it.’ Probably the reason it was so easy to return was because its buddies were there with the person still working on their mind and as it says finding the room clean, but the door not shut, it finds easy access.
Taking authority over their master, Satan, binding him first, so that he cannot communicate with his powers and principalities, leaves them without leadership and instructions. {It’s like taking Satan’s Mobile phone off of him.} Then silencing every spirit involved and commanding them to cease communication with each other renders them helpless and unable to communicate with each other, telling each other what to do if one gets found out and cast out. Remember they cannot be cast into hell so they are just cast away from the person and leave seeking another victim, then when they getonethey telltheir friends comeand join in theparty.
They are like vultures; I watched a nature program on TV a few days ago about vultures. When one finds a carcass, it doesn’t just go down and begin eating on its own, it circles around overhead and other vultures knowing what that circling around means, join with it to see what it found and they begin to circle also, then others join them until all the vultures in the vicinity have all joined together, then they go down close to the carcass but don’t begin to eat, they wait,sometimesfordaysuntilthey aresurethey aresafeto devourtheflesh ofthedead carcass, then they strip it down to the very bone in minutes. That is how demons and spirits behave also, they have all the time in the world, they have been here for centuries, and know man to the core, they are patient and will wait until just the right
moment to act, when you looked again at the woman who bent over in front of you displaying her wares, they seen your interested and immediately like vultures begin showing pictures into your mind and lust then begins working at you, and the fantasy begins its evil task, showing you thought of fantasizing having sex or touching those breasts, or whatever, and before long your hooked and those spirits and demons devour your flesh life stripping away at you until your merrily sinning away.
But for the Christian you have power and authority over all the power of the enemy. Because as soon as you begin thinking wrong thoughts the spirit of God within you begins to counter act convicting you of sin, and if you listen to the spirit of God you will see where you are slipping and you can then exercise your authority over those demonic forces at work against you.
I have only given you two small examples of how spirits and demonic power work against you in your mind, there are thousands of things we do that can cause us to sin, but all are based around the Ten Commandments.
God gave Ten Commandments as a guide to godly living, and as I have previously said, Satan perverts those commandments and expands on them in different ways of getting you to break them.
The Holy Spirit within you uses those Ten Commandments which Jesus condensed into just two commandments love the lord you’re God, and your neighbor as yourself, to convict you when you’re on the verge of sinning. And you have the Holy Spirits help when dealing with demons and spirits that are constantly attacking your mind or body.
Exercising your authority in every situation in your life is what God expects from you, he gave you that authority, and in fact he Jesus gave you “his very own authority.”
Mark 16-17-and those who believe shall use “my authority” to cast out demons, etc.
If temptation comes your way and it does and will forever come your way, and you just sit there doing nothing to deal with those temptations or attacks then my friend you will simply go under and become lost and separate yourself from God eventually, some even denying him and rejecting him.
But if you attack Satan and his evil spirits when they come around, then you are exercising your authority and this pleases God immensely.
Don’t just sit there thinking there’s nothing I can do to stop these thoughts of depression coming, that is another lie Satan tells you or some crafty little demon or principality tells you. A person who is depressed all the time has their mind set on only one thing; themselves and not on anything else, or anyone else. A depressed person who is a Christian has just as much authority over depression as anyone else. I have heard people who suffer from depression saying they cannot help feeling depressed, it just comes on them gradually, or sometimes they awake feeling depressed. They feel there is nothing they can do to stop the thoughts of depression or stop the thoughts of suicide. If you are a believer and Jesus is your lord and savior, then you can do everything through Christ Jesus according to the word of God.
A depressed person is constantly focused inwards; a happy person is focused outward, looking to share with others their happiness. But did you know that the depressed person who is focused inward is looking at their flesh; their emotions. Scripture tells us that we have the son of God Jesus living in the inside of each of us including the depressed person. When the depressed person islooking inward they arenotlooking inwardsattheSon ofGod within them or the Holy Spirit within them or the Father God in them, they are looking where the devil wants them to look, at him, exercising his failed power over them.
Christian friends the devil is not inside you so stop looking for him in you, stop looking at your feelings and emotions instead look for the Son of God, Jesus, in you; look to the Holy Spirit within you; Look at the Father God within you, because all three dwell within the spirit of the Christ human being.
The Devil and evil spirits try and get you to focus on them and how bad things are for you and you spend your time in darkness and cloudy feelings.
Jesus Christ is the light of the world, and the darkness cannot quell the light, in fact it is just the other way, sit in a dark room and light a match, see which flees, does the light fail to light the room even just a little bit? Does the darkness consume the light? Or does the light dispel the darkness? The light no matter how tiny causes the darkness to flee, it light all around you, there may be darkness outside the lights reach, but around you is the light. And the light of the world is in you; for God’s sake and your own sake turn on the light of Christ within you, start fighting back, claim your freedom from depression, take the light into your feeling area, examine your feelings, what causes you to feel like you do, how do you react to a little bit of bad news or trouble? Do you shrink into the darkness or do you run and get the light of the world to help you, remember,
Philippians -4-19 and it is he who will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus.
If you need a light in your darkness then he supplies your light for he is the light of the entire world not just your tiny world. You have given enough of the precious time God gave you to Satan, its time to take back from him everything he stole from you; he is a thief who works in the darkness and operates in darkness and tries to get you to focus on the darkness and not on the light of the world living inside you.
Colossians-2-10-you are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ; you too are filled with the Godhead, the father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Where does this scripture say you are? Answer = in him, made full, etc.
You are filled with the father son and Holy Spirit, if you’re filled with something then it stands to reason there is no room for anything else, especially anything evil, or of darkness or depression!
You! the depressed person has got to stand up, look upwards to heaven and begin to declare; Satan, Devil and every evil spirit and principality and power, and dominion, every demonic power I rebuke you from my mind, that is as far down as the devil or spirits need to go they cannot get down into your insides if you are a Christian because The Holy Trinity dwelltheredowninsideyou.Fromyourmostinnermostbeingriversoflivingwaterflow,deep down in your spirit.
Exercise your authority, because no amount of people praying with you will deliver you, because Satan just waits until your vulnerable again then comes back in at your invitation. People can cast out the demons or spirits but you invite them back in again when you think wrong thoughts and speak wrong words agreeing with the devil. “I must be depressed because I can feel myself getting depressed,” “so I am depressed again,” this God thing didn’t work!” lies all lies, God’s power works, because God is supreme over all things Jesus defeated the devil and every demonic power and force in hell and paraded then naked in front of his Father and all the angelic beings in Heaven. You have to cast away from you all the powers of hell sent against you, you have to first of all bind Satan from communicating with them and you bind all accompanying spirits in the blood and name of Jesus, then command them all to leave you.
Don’t tell me you can’t do this! This is a lie if you’re a Christian, a born again believer, you have the authority of almighty God in you, you have the Father, Son and Holy Spirit living inside of you, you have all the power of the entire universes, the cosmos and the galaxies living inside you, and a tiny defeated devil tells you he is greater that all those put together? And you believe him!
If you are “not” a born again believer and you are reading this then become a born again believer. Ask Jesus to come into your life and become your lord and savior, tell him you’re sorry for your sins and believe that he is filling you instantly with his awesome presence.Ask theHoly Spiritto comeand fillyou also and to releaseevery giftand power inside you and it happens instantly. You get filled immediately with heavenly power and authority, then tell Satan and the spirit of depression and the spirits that accompany it to get the hell out of you in Jesus name, and they will flee in terror from you according to the word of the Almighty God.
Exercise your God given authority, every day when Satan or his spirits come around. Don’t become spiritually lazy; thinking he is now afraid of you, he is if you exercise your authority over him and dominions.
If Satan can’t get to you personally, he will try and get to you through your family or friends. He is the most cunning of all beings, he has been around for centuries attacking man learning his weakness, and seizing on those weaknesses he attacks you at your weakest point. You’re wife, you’re children, and you’re friends, through your pastor or religious leader’s. He is always searching for the weakest point. He did this in the very beginning with Adam and Eve; he found their weakness, her curiosity and Adams desire to please his wife.
If he sees you unloving towards your wife he found an inlet, and immediately gets to work on that, causing row after row between you, and his evil spirits who have been around since before time began just like the Devil, know every weakness you have and they will all mill around searching for an opening to attack. They are like savage beasts circling their prey looking for their weakness, then they attack and devour.
If you harbor unforgiveness in your heart even for a brief period of time, he found an opening, and is in like a shot working at the mind, telling you. “Yeah I am right, she is a bitch to me, never understands me and always nagging me, never gives me a moments peace, cant let me sit and just watch a football game in peace; always looking for something for me to do, the selfish bitch.”
He works differently with the woman, he works on her feelings and emotions, her sensitivity, and those are God given gifts. But Satan distorts those God given gifts and works on her emotions and sensitivity. “The slob, all he does is sit around watching TV, he never pays me a compliment, never even looks at me when his precious football or film is on, he just sits there saying, “shush,” or pausing the TV button deliberately showing me he is annoyed with me for disturbing him. All I am looking for is some “love,” If he would pay me as much attention as hedoestheTVwewould getalong great;theonly timeheisgiving meallhisattention iswhen he is looking for something, namely sex, the selfish moron.
Satan and his cohorts are in there like a V2 bomber, ready to drop a bomb on your relationship. They know us through and through and only for the grace of God in our lives they would wipe us out.
But we can do something about all this, we can first of all close all loopholes by changing our attitudes towards each other, spend lots of time in prayer together seeking the lord every day. And as we draw close to God he draws close to us and he shows us when we are being deceived and being led astray, he puts a hedge around us and the same goes for our families, we need to try and listen to them expressing their problems and concerns and stresses, and try and love them unconditionally. I fail miserably on both these subjects, both with my wife and with my family.
My family has lots of problems, as all grown up families have, I have eight grown up kids, and they bring their problems right into my home, and the next thing there are rows as the stress levels rise as we all discuss what to do, they never listen to Godly advice they want worldly advice. And immediately there are differences of opinions, and arguments begin, and by the time they’re settled Rose and I are stressed out and can hardly speak to each other when they leave were so drained out. I ended up shouting at them for whatever reason as the stress level rises, and then after they leave I am feeling I failed to be a good father husband and failed God. And Satan and his evil spirits rejoice over my downfall.
Now before anyone gets here, I bind all evil forces sent against Rose and I and my family in the precious blood of the lord Jesus Christ, and I put a seal on my front door, pleading the blood of Jesus on the lintels and door posts stopping anything from entering my home that is not of God. I plead the blood of Jesus on the atmosphere before and after and during the kids visits, claiming the peace of Christ Jesus in my home and I have to do this every day of my life because Satan and his evil spirits never cease in their activity, they are relentless in their pursuit of our downfall from grace.
Every Christian parent should do this because as a parent we have many problems coming our way with our kids and their partners.
Relatives can come and bring with them evil, some have come to my home criticizing my family or my wife and I and smile as they are doing it, they have brought condemnation, and
judgment with them, telling us how wonderful they, and their family are and then telling us sweetly how useless they think we are and do it using Jesus as their weapon, and it is something evil that uses them to bring their condemnation with them and dispense that evil into my home, and we have let them away with it, until now, because we have tried to be Christ like. But now it has gone on long enough, thirty years to be exact. One particular relative has come bringing condemnation in such a sweet loving way that you feel that to respond would make you a terrible person. I now know that this is called passive aggression, and I don’t have to justsitthereand acceptthis condemnation any longer. I am going to exercisemy God given authority to bind every twisted evil spirit that comes with her, and I am going to bind those evil beings that use her to bring judgment and condemnation. I won’t shout and get defensive with her but I can now see past her to what is using her, and it is those things that I intend to bind in the name of Jesus, she is just being used, she is blinded by “her spirituality.”
Is there someone who makes you feel like you’re less than them and every time you come into their company you feel like you’re a failure, they are such a wonderful Christian and you are struggling to get by, it is a spirit using them to put you down, to make you feel less a Christian than this wonderful person. See what is behind the person, recognize the evil that is using them, and identify it by its actions; for an example; an angry person has a spirit of anger working at them, a person who is lusting has a spirit of lust working at them, and a person who puts you down has a spirit of intimidation in them, or a spirit of self importance.
Exercise you’re authority over the spirit, bind it in the blood of Jesus quietly as the person is speaking putting you down in their nicest little Christian quiet way. Bind the spirit of retaliation also because they will retaliate when you bind them, by using the person to verbally dispense their aggression. They, the Christian person, will sense an attack, and believe that you are attacking them personally, so beware of a retaliatory attack from them, keep smiling, looking at them with an open face, put on the mind of Christ Jesus and try and think like he does. Talk quietly, keeping your voice down at a low level, don’t rise to the bait by getting angry, force yourself to act like Jesus would, quietly but forcefully, no longer are you going to let this person make you feel less loved by God. And you are never going to allow these spirits of condemnation to put you down again.
Romans -8-1- therefore there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
God does not condemn you; neither should you allow a person to condemn you either, or the spirits to use them to condemn you.
In every situation exercise your authority in Jesus name for the glory of God and your spiritual benefit.
1-Timothy-4-8-Bodily exercise is all right, but spiritual exercise is much more important and is a tonic for all you do. So exercise yourself spiritually and practice being a better Christian because that will help you not only now in this life, but in the next life too. This is the truth and everyone should accept it.
Along with spiritual exercise comes the instruction to practice being a better Christian. How do I practice being a better Christian? Well the first thing is I practice watching what I say with my mouth; sometimes I said things that people didn’t like, I may have been making a joking comment about something, but that joke was being offensive to another person. I didn’t realize that my joke was offensive but when I sat down and thought about it, Jesus wouldn’t have made that joke, it was a tiny bit crude, just a tiny bit, but as I have said would Jesus have said a tiny bit crude joke? No, I guess not, and then neither should I. This may seem trivial to some and to some terrible, and it really was, Jesus would not have commented in a crude joking manner, and I am supposed to be made in his image, therefore I should behave in a way that cannot be called rough or coarse; I should conduct myself in a Jesus like manner.
In that joke I was pulled up by my sister, and corrected, and I stood there at sixty two years old feeling like a school kid caught in a mischievous act. Afterwards I got to thinking how dare she pull me up in front of her married kids, and I began to take offense. Then I went into self pity, and began thinking wrong thoughts, and feelings of resentment began creeping in, and I thought of sarcastic answers I could have given her. When I went to bed that night what she said was on my mind, and what I should have said was also there, and of course the Holy Spirit was there telling me I was wrong and deserved to be corrected as I did wrong, no matter how small that wrong was, so there was a three way debate going on in my mind when I eventually got to sleep.
“In the morning I awoke singing praise and dancing before the father in heaven rejoicing in this day,” like heck I did, I awoke feeling how dare she embarrass me in front of my nieces, and resentment was getting stronger and stronger, until I finally stopped it and confessed before my father I have sinned, and I repent and not only that, but thank you father for correcting me, I needed that correction and correction is not easy for any of us, is it? I needed correction because I realized in little tiny ways I was being coarse in my language, not gentle or meek but rough aggressive talking; little bits, but those little bits were gaining ground that I had taken away from Satan, now he was sneaking in bit by tiny bit again. I was now in serious repentance and gratitude before God and to the Holy Spirit who corrects us in a loving manner and sometimes lets us fall flat on our faces in embarrassment when we do wrong and don’t listen; now I am listening attentively and he has shown me other little ways I have been changing back into the old nature, so tiny that I never noticed, but I am sure others noticed, now I am sincerely sorry for this tiny crude joke and in future those jokes are not allowed into Christ’s nature within me, if Jesus wouldn’t do or say it then I will not either, thank you Jesus.
As well as exercising spiritual authority I have to practice being a better Christian, practice and exercise go together hand in hand for our betterment. If you don’t practice being a better Christian then how is your authority going to work, that little demon your trying to cast out will craftily remind you, just as your about to make the command to leave, that you’re a terrible Christian. And you will hesitate at just that vital moment and doubt will enter and you will fail to cast it out. Let our lives reflect the glory of the king within us not the rubbish we lived in before we became born again.
I have some Christian and non Christian friends who send me joke emails and some of them are just downright crude. I laugh at them, but I rarely pass them on; I am in a dilemma here because I don’t wish to receive smutty e mails any more, and on the other hand I don’t wish to offend my friends. Sometimes their joke email comes with a message so I can’t delete them before I read them. What do I do here? To practice being a better Christian I need to stop the smutty or just bordering on the crude e mails, and I have no desire to offend my friends Christian or other. I need to put the mind of Christ Jesus on, what would he do? I just realized that when I open my emails the message is usually at the top of the email page, and with it comes a message showing there are photos or another message as well as the one they may have sent, to avoid offending them and to act as Jesus would I now can read if there is a personal message in the beginning of the email, and then delete the rest. Sometimes they send me greetings and loving message with photo images in them and you probably get those also, so it is difficult to maintain a balance; what should I do? I will read the top message and delete the rest, good or smutty. That way I will be acting in love, as my friends won’t know if I read them or not, and I won’t be offending the Spirit of God within me by reading or looking at pictures that have not a Christian perspective. It is more important to me now to be pleasing to God my Father than to please my friends, but I won’t cause offense by correcting them, I will leave that to the Holy Spirit just as he has corrected me, he also can correct them.
I am in a healing miracle ministry, commissioned by God to go out into the entire world and preach the gospel, to lay hands on the sick and heal them. To cast out devils and bring comfort to the weary and lost; you have that same commission, to go preach the gospel etc. I want to experience more and more power from God in this work and if anything no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to be then I will change it with the GRACE OF GOD. I consider everything as nothing for the glory of God within me; there is no room for smuttiness or crude talking or tiny rough behavior.
Philippians-3-7- But all these things that I once thought very worthwhile; now I have thrown them all away, so that I can put my trust and hope in Christ alone. Yes everything else is worthless, when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus, my lord, I have put aside all else, counting it worth less than nothing, in order that I can have Christ, and become one with him.
Crude jokes rough speaking, all the wrong things inside of me have no place in my life anymore, because I realize that it is really true that the Holy Trinity dwell inside of me, and I want to walk in miracle working power and I will not allow sinful or course rough talking or thinking or acting get in my way from achieving my desire; to serve God with a pure heart, to become more open to his awesome power inside me, for his and his glory alone, and for the benefit of his sick and broken body.
Ephesians-4-22- throw off your old evil nature- the old you that was a partner in your evil ways- rotten through and through, full of lust and sham. Now yourattitudes and thoughts must beconstantly changing forthebetter. Yes and you must be a new and different person, holy and good. Clothe yourself with this new nature.
This scripture is telling us in no uncertain terms that “we” have to throw off the old personGod won’t throw off the old you; it is entirely your and my responsibility to get rid of the old nature. This scripture passage finishes off by saying clothe yourself- note it says, “Clothe yourself,” it’s our responsibility to cloth ourselves with the nature of Jesus within us. Would God use tiny crude jokes, would he look at emails that border on slight porn, half naked women or men, with jokes attached? I don’t think so! Then why should you or I, why should we allow Satan to get the better of us in these areas, is not everything we do for the glory of God, then my mouth and eyes have to reflect the glory of God within. In this way I and you are exercising our authority over our words and eyes, and Satan is put to flight in these areas and we draw even nearer to our loving Father for whom all things exist. Correction is not easy neither is deliberately changing, stopping things from affecting us.
To experience a greater power in my life I am willing to surrender all those things that hold me back from drawing closer and closer to God, and I chose to exercise my God given authority over Satan and his little evil spirits that have been at work in my eyes and mouth and mind, and bind them in the precious blood of Jesus and command them to relinquish their hold in these areas, and leave me now, in Jesus name! I surrender these areas to you Lord Jesus and I ask that you will become lord of them as you became lord of my life and death, in your name Jesus I ask this.
It is not just in emails that we have to exercise our authority, but we make a start in everything that is being revealed to us by the Holy Spirit; you may not have any emails coming into your computer that are crude, but there are areas where you are struggling with, and until Jesus becomes lord in them you will always struggle, and letting Jesus be lord means, you have to seek forgiveness and then you have to exercise your God given authority and then surrender these areas over to the lord ship of Jesus Christ the king of kings.
My daughters sometimes share the text messages they get from friends and they are just downright porn or simply filthy, and I feel sorry for them, not only do they have friends sending dirty jokes or pictures through the internet, they also have a double portion sent from their friends via text and picture messages, and emails. In texts you don’t know what’s there until you open the text message, so you’re reading and seeing before you switch them off and delete them. It is so much harder for Christian children these days because of this technology, it is so fast and changing even faster with video texts and video games that aren’t good for them and they are bombarded by all these things, and its much more difficult for them to change their thinking if all their friends send these dirty jokes or videos. But even they have choices to make, to exercise their authority to open and read what presents itself to them, or not to open them, it’s so much harder for kids these days and times, my heart goes out to them, but Christian kids have authority also just as we adults have the authority of Christ Jesus, to all who are saved he gave them power, to become children of God. Jesus gave us all power when we became children of God, and God only has children he doesn’t have adults in his kingdom, he just has his children, age doesn’t matter we are all children of a Holy God, but children with awesome power inside us, we have the Holy Trinity living within us helping us at every turn, and we need to exercise our authority over the Devil and all the evil that comes against our minds, because that is where the battles take place and with your mouth the victory is declared.
Christians think we have to do battle with the devil and his demonic forces, and scripture tells us we must fight the good fight of faith; but the truth in scripture declares that “overwhelming victory has already been won” by Christ dying on the cross for us, and that “future victory is sure.” Then why are we so intent on fighting Satan the devil and his hoards of evil spirits, when scripture tells us we have the victory already? The battles take place in your mind, and it’s with your mouth that the victory is declared, or the defeat depending on what you say.
You are not supposed to be fighting battles that have already been won and victory declared by Jesus over all the power of the enemy, you are supposed to say to Satan, Devil, you are a defeated foe get thee behind me! You are to do as Jesus done, he declared his victory over Satan the Devil when he descended into hell itself and in hell he dethroned Satan the Devil, and all his powers and authorities, and he said its up to you to remind the devil when he comes declaring war in your mind; Devil you are defeated in all things in Jesus name and I declare the victory that My lord and savior won for me on Calvary and in Jesus name I rebuke you and your lies, because that is what you come with and nothing else. You are to exercise your authority in every act that Satan comes with, because it is all an act, there is no truth in any thing he says; he is the father of lies. He tries to get you to believe him over Jesus, and if you don’t know the word of God then you will probably go under.
The biggest mistake we as Christians make is to believe we have to fight the devil and evil spirits! We are not supposed to fight them; we are to exercise authority over them in every situation. The victory has already been won, no matter what your situation Jesus defeated the enemy for you and you are supposed to remind him and them that they are defeated and have therefore no power to influence you in Jesus name. What ever situation you find yourself in you have the victory already because Jesus sorted out that situation when he paraded the devil and all of hell before the throne room of God an enemy stripped naked, and defeated. This is why scripture tells you that “God is for you.”
Psalm-56-9- the very day I call for help, the tide of battle turns. My enemies flee! This one thing I know; “God is for me!”
Do you know that if you never knew anything but this one scripture how your life would change dramatically? In everything you would trust God, no matter what situation you found yourself in, you would know God is for you, not against and if God is for you who can be against! Who or what can withstand God? Exercising your authority would be no problem because God is for you, he wants you victorious, and he is for you! Our only problem with this is we don’t believe what God says, we believe that we are not good enough, or holy enough or a good husband or father or Christian, and none of this is true, God says in.
Hebrews 10-14- “you are forever perfect in my sight!”
Thatis how God sees us. Hedoesn’tseeus as weseeourselves, hesees us covered by theblood of Jesus and without sin and in a place of highest privilege, he sees us standing before him welcomed into the Holy of Holies, by himself our heavenly Father, he sees the life of Jesus in
you, he sees you joined together with Jesus, he sees you victorious; that is how your Father God sees you and I, his own children.
You need to exercise your authority confident that you have the backing of Almighty God who created the universe and galaxies and beyond what we know of. That is what exercising your authority is all about, knowing you are loved and belong to the creator of everything and he calls you Son or Daughter; remember if you are a son or daughter of God what does that make you?
If your father was the president of the United States, what would that make you? Someone of little importance or someone with status, you have the backing of your dad.
We have someone who is far more powerful than every world leader, king, or dictator, or authority put together, as our father, who loves us unconditionally, who backs up our authority with his power, and who is for us in everything, and is changeless in his love for us, that’s my dad for you.
Learn to walk in confidence exercising your authority and practice being a better Christian, becoming more and more conformed into his image, until you and Jesus walk in complete unison.
You have more power in you than you could ever imagine, you have the Holy Trinity living and dwelling inside of you and you dwell in them also. What or who could be more powerful that you all combined? Nothing! No devil, no circumstance, no situation, because God is both in you and for you, you are joined together by his strong sinews let his love go down deeper and deeper into the soil of his glorious grace.
But you, not God, need to exercise that authority! God knows his authority, and power, you are supposed to grow into that knowledge also, knowing you are joined together with Jesus, the Holy Spirit living in side of you and the Father of the universe all living and dwelling daily inside of you never to leave no matter what; and they all want you to understand that you have the backing of their supernatural power inside of you; now exercise that authority, chase Satan and all evil forces away, make them so terrified of you that they will flee in terror from you, when you confront them in someone who is possessed or oppressed.
Exercise your God given authority now today, begin small if only a new Christian, but begin, striving towards the day when you will exercise total authority over all the power of the enemy and sickness and disease will be healed by the touch of your hands. Get rid of all rubbish inside of you that hinders your spiritual growth, by practicing being a better Christian! Look to become the greatest Christian ever known to become associated as the person most like Jesus, and we all should be striving to be the greatest person ever know because Jesus lives in and through us, and we are joined together as one with him. Give God glory by exercising the authority he gave you over every situation and over all the power of the enemy, declare the victories that have been already won by Jesus in you.
Psalm-60-12- with God’s help we shall do mighty things, for he will trample down our foes.