Chapter 1
Fluffy’s first day
Chip, chip, chip. came the sound from within the egg in the middle of a clutch of eggs. Crack! and the shell burst open and out popped a little yellow fluffy head. This was fluffy the penguins first look at the world around him This was a cold and white wilderness that Fluffy saw as he took his first look around him. He looked down and seen the other eggs in the nest and could hear his brothers and sisters chipping away at their egg shell getting ready to enter the world just like he did. He was so excited he began to chirp loud chirping noises and before long his mamma and papa came over to see their new arrival. ‘Hullo son’ Said papa penguin. ‘Hullo son’ said mamma penguin. ‘Welcome to this wonderful world of ours.
‘Come lets go for a little swim and catch some fish for our firstborn’ Said papa penguin to mamma penguin.
‘Stay here son, until your brothers and sisters arrive’ spoke mamma penguin we wont be long and we’ll be right back with breakfast for you. So off they went, papa walking and mamma sliding down to the waters edge and into the sea they splashed. But Fluffy followed them right down to the waters edge and as they dived in, water from the freezing sea splashed up on him shocking him with its coldness and wet. Spluttering he Waddled back to the nest and sat down in the middle of the eggs shivering and shaking. Thinking to himself. I don't like this sea and water. Its too wet and cold for me.
He was so engrossed in himself that he didn't notice that his brothers and sisters had broken out of their shells and were talking to him asking where was mamma and papa. He soon realised that they were talking to him and told them, mamma and papa were in the sea catching fish for their breakfast and would soon return. Even as he spoke mamma and papa arrived carrying loads of fish for their little family. Hullo our little ones. They called as the approached. breakfasts ready. And they shared out the fish with them feeding each one in turn.
You young ones have always to stay together and look after one another and huddle together to keep warm. Said Mamma penguin. Your not to leave the nest or go near the sea until we take you there, there are many dangers there and you must obey us, she warned. Fluffy bowed his head down and tried to hide from mamma’s view. He didn't like the sea it was too cold and he didn't want mamma to know he disobeyed her and papa.
Over the next few weeks mamma and papa penguin fished in the sea bringing many fish to feed their young who were growing bigger by the day. Soon they lost all their fluffy yellow fur and began to grow feathers like mamma and papa, and spent many hours preening their feathers just like mamma Showed them. Mamma and papa worked hard fishing and made many, many trips into the sea to catch them. Their youngsters were getting bigger and it would soon be time for them to go into the sea themselves and learn to catch fish and also learn of the dangers that lay therein.
Chapter 2
Their big day arrives.
The day arrived when all the penguin youngsters would make their first journey down to the sea. They were so excited, all the new young penguins were chirping away calling to each other sharing in the excitement. Right children. Called papa penguin. Form up into a line and follow me and mamma. So all his brothers and sisters formed up into a line and Fluffy took his place at the back, he was dreading this so much, he was shaking from head to toe. No one noticed poor Fluffy shaking they were so excited.
Right! Quick march. Shouted papa, trying to make himself heard above all the din of thousands of excited penguins. This was a great day for mamma and papa penguins, the day their youngsters all took their first dip in the sea. This was their first day in growing up and learning independence to survive on their own later on.
With eagerness all the young penguins waddled quick march behind their parents towards the sea calling to each other. Last one in is a doodle.
Poor Fluffy he didn't know what to do so he dallied behind everyone glad that it begun snowing. Maybe no one would notice him missing. Then he thought, Ill run away then I wont bring shame to mamma and papa. Using the cover of the falling snow he turned back and waddled away from the nesting ground tears in his eyes. He didn't know where to go and the further away he went from the nesting grounds the more confused he become. He was well and truly lost. His poor heart was breaking he loved his mamma and papa and brothers and sisters, and didn't want to shame them with his cowardice.
On and on he waddled until he become very tired and lay down in the falling snow and fell fast asleep. As he slept he dreamed of swimming in the sea playing with his family and friends, and felt so very happy. He was calling last one in is a doodle, when he woke up and realised he was the doodle he was calling about. Tears came to his eyes again and he felt so very sad again. He was feeling hungry and wanted his mamma and papa and brothers and sisters. He thought I’ll go back and face my shame, maybe his mamma and papa would still love him.
Standing upright he looked around him and realised he was lost he didn't know where to go, so he decided he would just begin walking and see if he could find everyone again. His papa had warned him of the many dangers that were all around him. He told him about foxes and polar bears who ate little penguins. So he had to be very quiet and not make any noise in case any of these creatures heard him.
Waddling along he was surprised to come across the carcase of a fish. Oh breakfast. He thought and began tucking in to this delicious meal. Then it dawned on him this fish is far from the sea because I cant smell the sea anymore. How did it get here. He asked himself. Then he began to get very afraid because he could hear something coming in his direction and he knew instinctively that it wasn’t penguins.
Waddling away from the approaching sound he rounded a snow bank and hurried away from the danger he was in, hoping the snow bank would keep him hidden from the approaching dangers view. His father taught him always face away from the wind if ever he was in danger so that an enemy would not smell his scent. If he faced into the wind then the enemy would smell his scent as the wind would blow it in its direction. Making sure he was facing away from the wind he waddled as fast as his little legs could carry him. He waddled up a snow bank and peered over the top looking to see what the danger was. His heart skipped a beat as he saw a large polar bear standing on his hind legs sniffing the air searching for the person who took his breakfast.
Turning around he ran as fast as he could away from the bear, running in the opposite direction He ran until he was just too exhausted to go any further so he decided to cover himself with snow to hide in case the bear would come this way in search of him.
As he lay there huddled in the snow he grew very tired and soon fell asleep again. He awoke trembling there was something close by him he could hear it moving about making scraping sounds. Trying to lie as still as he could he waited fearfully, wishing he was back with the other penguins and mamma and papa.
Just over to his right was the great big polar bear.but Fluffy was buried under a thick layer of snow and the bear couldn’t see him but sensed he was somewhere nearby. So he scraped at the snow hoping to get a little penguin for his lunch. Scrape, scrape he went but thankfully he didn't find poor Fluffy. Fluffy could hear him growling in anger and frustration, and prayed to God like he heard mamma and papa do to save him.
Fluffy didn’t know much about God but he knew he made all the animals in the world and loved them all. And he also answered prayer from everyone who prayed, that’s what his mama told him Now Fluffy prayed his little heart out asking God to save him And before long the polar bear got tired of searching and walked lazily away, giving up his search.
A long time later Fluffy decided he would come out of his hiding place and he emerged real slow just in case the bear was still somewhere around. Poking his head through the thick snow Fluffy looked around and seeing no one there came on out from his hiding place, sniffing the wind trying to detect the scent of the bear, or the sea. He longed for mamma and papa penguin.
Chapter 3
Meanwhile Back home
Meanwhile back home mamma and papa were having so much fun with their little family they didn't notice for a little while that Fluffy was not there.
Mamma said to papa penguin. Have you seen Fluffy? I thought he was with you. Answered papa beginning to get a little worried and looked all around him trying to see if he could spot Fluffy among the other penguins. But there was no sign of him anywhere.
Mamma and papa penguin ushered all their little ones on to a piece of floating ice. Stay there. Papa commanded in a stern voice that the little ones never heard him use before and so they obeyed and didn't dare move but looked around from the top of the ice block trying to see if they could see Fluffy anywhere. But no sign of him at all.
Mamma and papa swam everywhere asking their neighbours if they seen their little Fluffy, but no one had seen him anywhere.
Soon it was time for all the penguins to return to shore it was getting to dangerous and killer sharks would be passing by this place soon and they weren’t safe in the water with killer sharks around.
Right children everyone ashore. Called the parents and the little penguins all swam to shore and jumped out of the water on to the thick ice and waddled back up the hill chirping
excitedly sharing their stories with their friends and telling all that Fluffy was missing.
Back at the nest mamma put the little ones to bed and they settled down to try and sleep but they couldn’t because they were too upset because Fluffy wasn’t there with them.
Mamma and papa searched the ice everywhere and they searched as far as they could and they found blood stains on the ice where Fluffy had found and eaten the fish.
Mamma and papa groaned very anguishing they believed that their poor Fluffy had been eaten by a fox or bear because of the blood stains on the ice and snow. They didn’t know poor Fluffy was lost and trying to find his way home again.
Two sad little penguins returned to the nesting place and their friends shed tears as they saw the look on mamma and papas faces. The other penguins expressed their sympathy by rubbing their wings and rubbing their beaks together.
Huddling together trying to comfort each other over the loss of Fluffy they eventually fell asleep and each dreamed of Fluffy.
Fluffy finds a friend.
Fluffy was feeling very hungry, he had nothing to eat since yesterday and little penguins need to eat plenty of fish to help them grow, just like little boys and girls need plenty of fish in their diet to help them grow healthy.
He sniffed the air to see if he could smell the polar bear but the air held no threat to him. He also tried to smell the sea and its salty water but to no avail.
Walking onwards he went in search of his parents, he didn't know that he was walking further away from them with each step he took. He walked until he could walk no more then feeling very weak he fell down on his little face in a faint.
Flying high above his was Mr’s seagull flying back to her young with freshly caught fish in her mouth. Seeing Fluffy falling down on his face, and knowing he was miles away from the penguins. Mr’s seagull flew down beside Fluffy and asked ‘Are you ok little one’ Mrs seagull was very worried when Fluffy didn't answer so she gave him a little push over onto his back so that he could breath easier with his face out of the snow.
A few minutes later Fluffy awoke from his faint and seeing Mr’s seagull close to his face but very blurred he asked Mamma is that you? I’M so hungry. Soon his eyes cleared as he shook the snow out of them and he saw that it was a seagull who was looking down at him.
Hullo little one are you ok? Mr’s seagull asked him again. No I’M lost. Explained Fluffy. And cant find my mamma and papa, and I’M so hungry. Here have some fish. Said kindly Mr’s seagull feeling so sorry for poor Fluffy, and giving him all the fish she had caught.
Hungrily Fluffy gobbled them all up then when he had finished eating he realised he had eaten all of Mr’s seagulls fish and he blushed in embarrassment.
Oh! I’M so sorry. He said. I didn't realise I was eating your children’s food.
That’s all right little one I can quite easily catch some more. Mr’s seagull said. ‘Are you feeling any better’ She asked him and he replied. Oh yes, I’M much better now thank you. You are going in the wrong direction She told him. Your going away from the sea, the sea is that way, and she pointed behind him, back the way he had come.
Watch the seagulls. She told him. At this time of day they will be flying back from the sea to feed their young and when they stop flying you stop also. Then when its time for them to return to fish, follow them go in the direction they’re going. When they stop you stop. she said.
Fluffy thanked her and wished her good fishing. Turning around he started back in the direction she told him to go. Be careful of the polar bear. Mr’s seagull called flying above him. He would eat you if he catches you
Yes I will. replied Fluffy. Thank you, bye.
Fluffy began walking there was a new spring in his step he was feeling much better. As he walked he kept a close eye on the sky and the seagulls flying home. Then as the last few seagulls flew by he settled down for a little sleep facing in the direction he was to go. He buried himself deep into the snow covering himself with loose snow and was soon fast asleep.
He knew he would probably have to get past the polar bear on his way home again and was a little worried about how he was going to do this. Before he went to sleep he thanked God for helping him through Mr’s seagull. And asked him to help get him past the polar bear later.
Feeling very refreshed Fluffy awoke from his sleep and cautiously peeped out from his hiding place and sniffed the air. Up above he saw the seagull were beginning to fly seaward so getting up and giving himself a shake to get rid of all the snow on his feathers he began walking following the seagulls.
As he walked he kept a very cautious eye out for the polar bear, he didn’t want to bump into him. Coming around a snowdrift he almost walked right into the polar bear who was stretched out in the snow sleeping. His heart almost stopped beating as he began to backtrack away from the polar bear, and around the corner of the snowdrift and stopped there a moment wondering what should he do.
Looking around him he spotted some clothes that he believed might have been worn by humans. His mamma told him about them, some were kind and others were not, but they were strange creatures because they wore clothes not fur or feathers. He began digging himself deep into the snow drift and he just covered himself in time. Because the polar bear came around the snowdrift sniffing the air. he had awoke from his nap thinking he could taste penguin.
Peering out at him from under the snow Fluffy saw that the bear sniffed the clothes of the human creatures and ran away from them afraid. Which gave Fluffy an idea of how to get past the polar bear.
Fluffy bravely ventured out from his hiding place and Pulling on some of the humans clothes he stood up as tall as he could and peeked around the corner of the snowdrift looking for the polar bear, but there was no sign of him. Thank God he’s gone. Thought Fluffy and looking up to see what direction the seagulls were flying in he started walking again.
He began making his way towards the sea and home. As he passed the place where the polar bear had lain, he spotted a large fish sticking up from the snow. In his rush to get away from the human smell the polar bear forgot his fish and Fluffy soon had a nice breakfast thanks to Mr polar bear.
Felling very assured of himself now and Feeling very filled. he began walking In the direction of home.
Soon Fluffy could smell the sea and he grew very excited and began to quicken his pace. Passing through the many snow drifts he came into a clearing with just a little snowdrift between him and the sea. And he could see many penguins having fun playing in the snow and swimming in the sea.
As he got closer to A snowdrift he thought it moved. And so he stopped startled and rubbed his eyes. Yes the snow drift defiantly moved he thought. Then he realised that it wasn’t a snowdrift but the polar bear pretending to be a snowdrift keeping his head down low pushing the snow in front of him to hide his big black nose. He was creeping slowly towards the playing penguins who were so engrossed in play they didn’t notice the polar bear.
What shall I do thought Fluffy. Then without a further thought and only concerned for his fellow penguins, he crept right up behind the polar bear. And just as the polar bear got in range of the playing penguins Fluffy saw his great big back paws tense up as he prepared to spring on some poor unsuspecting penguin.
Fluffy launched himself at the polar bear, screaming with all his might. And pecking the polar bear in the rear end as hard as he could he screamed in his right ear shocking the poor polar bear out of his wits, the polar bear could smell human on him from the cloths Fluffy wore. and was so terrified that humans had caught him, and he ran away as fast as he could.
All the penguins were rooted to the spot with shock. They also heard the noises Fluffy was making and they seen
the polar bear running away. Then they seen this strange looking creature running towards them and they turned and ran terrified, straight into the sea.
Wait! wait its me Fluffy. Called out Fluffy, tripping on the clothes he was wearing. Mamma, papa its me fluffy.
Mamma and papa penguin looked at this strange creature that was calling itself by their poor dead sons name, wondering what it was. Then Fluffy’s hat fell off and mamma shouted. it is Fluffy our son is alive, and has saved us. And she jumped out of the water followed by papa and the rest of Fluffy’s family and then by all the penguins who gathered around Fluffy cheering and chirping excitedly and remarking on his strange looking human clothes
Telling everyone his story Fluffy said he was glad to be back home again. Then stepping out of the human clothes he felt free and shook his feathers stretching his wings out and smiled. And his brothers said. Lets celebrate with a swim in the sea.
And everyone rushed towards the sea and so did Fluffy he was afraid of nothing now not after his adventure. He loved the sea and it didn't feel cold or wet anymore because of his full grown feathers keeping him dry and warm.
As he settled down to sleep in the security of his family he whispered. Thank you God for all you done for me. THE END.