Fortune telling is evil don't do it

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Fortune telling is evil. Don’t do it

Recently I talked with a young woman and during our conversation she asked if there was any harm in going to see a fortune teller? She explained that her friends had arranged for a fortune teller to come to her house and tell their fortunes. Her mother told her she would have bad luck bringing a fortune teller into her home. This disturbed her and she was reluctant to bring this fortune teller into her home, and so cancelled him. It didn’t bother her to have her fortune told but it did bother her when her mother said she would have bad luck and bring something into her home as she had a young child and was afraid something might happen to it. There’s no harm in having your fortune told she said to me, is there? It’s all a bit of a laugh she Icontinued.saidtoher, did you know having your fortune told is forbidden by God, and that he considers it a defilement of yourself? She looked shocked as she replied; but there’s no harm in it, having a night out with the girls, and getting your fortune told, it’s just a bit of harmless fun. It is not harmless fun according to God’s word; I told her and quoted;

You must not use fortune telling or witchcraft. Witchcraft and fortune telling are linked together by god in this one sentence. Would you use witchcraft and think it was ok with God? Probably you would not. In this next scripture you can see that a “good” fortune teller has something telling them things about people {I mean “good” as in able to tell you things no one else knows, not that they’re good in themselves.}

This young woman had said to me that the fortune teller they were going to was really “good”; he knew things about them that they never told him. This impressed these young women very much.

Dueteronomy-12-20-23-the only restriction is never to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you must not eat the life with the meat.

Leviticus-19-26- I am Jehovah your God! You must not eat with un-drained blood; nor use fortune telling or witchcraft.

I explained about the blood because so many focus on the blood of the animals instead of the fortune telling.

Many a person has asked my why does it say don’t eat meat with un-drained blood, it was as if they missed the most important part of the scripture about not using fortune telling. Well its simple the animals life is in the blood in the same way your life is in the blood. Not only has that but in modern day life the blood of animals had diseases like mad cow disease. God gave this warning for a good reason. Don’t worry about eating meat, for God’s sake don’t be stupid, don’t stop having a good steak, for God gave us the animals of the earth for our food, some of them he recommends us not eating and he says don’t eat the meat from strangled animals, because the blood doesn’t drain away. The butcher prepares our meat with the blood drained; it’s drained in the slaughter house by those who kill the animals. I love a nice steak and eat meat often. The important thing you were supposed to read was do not use fortune telling or witchcraft.

By the way everyone has spirits following them everywhere they go, so no need to get into a frenzy with worry, you also have a guardian angel that goes with you every where you go and it is more powerful than those spirits that follow you. So cheer up God loves you and has given you a mighty angel to be by your side forever.

If fortune telling was ok by God, then Paul would not have been in great distress and ordered that foul thing out of the girl, he would not have been able to command it to leave. Did you also notice something else here, the girl did not ask to have the demon removed so obviously she was happy enough being used by the demon to tell fortunes and probably get a share in the money made by her masters, or better treated. She did not ask for it to be removed. Paul couldn’t stand it any more a demon telling people that he and his companion knew how to get people saved. The demon was using the girl to tell people that Paul and his companion were men of God, who knew how to get people saved, and Paul didn’t want this demon telling people about salvation, it distressed him, so he couldn’t stand it anymore and ordered it out. You would think that Paul would be happy with the demon telling people that he knew how to get them saved, but it did not make him happy at all. The demon was trying to play on Paul’s ego, his importance, to draw attention to Paul, sadly a thing we might be happy with a demon telling people that we could work wonders and heal people or do something else that was great, it tried to get Paul to sin, by giving into the attention he was getting. A demon using a fortune teller tries to get you involved in his deceit; tries to get your attention on him and away from truth and Jesus.

I told her, a fortune teller can tell things about themselves because he has someone telling him, that someone being a evil spirit. Its not an angel telling things it is an evil spirit, no angel will tell you the future otherwise it contradicts God’s word.

One day a demon possessed slave girl who was a fortune teller. This fortune teller was demon possessed! It earned much money for her masters. If a fortune teller has the capabilities of telling you things about yourself then you can be sure they have a demon in them. The demon knows things about you from other spirits that follow you around trying to destroy you, they know you inside and out, they know all about you because they have been with you for years trying to influence your life in all the wrong ways.

Did you see the first few words in this scripture? Did you see for yourself what they said?

Did you notice that the demon told everyone that Paul knew how to have your sins forgiven? It knew things about Paul. And yet Paul turned to it in great distress and told it to come out of the girl in the name of Jesus.

Acts 16-16- One day a demon possessed slave girl who was a fortune teller and earned much money for her masters. She followed along behind us shouting, these men are servants of God, and have come to tell you how to have your sins forgiven. This went on day after day until Paul, in great distress, turned and spoke to the demon within her. I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her, he said. And instantly it left her.

A demon or spirit knows things about you and it will tell the fortune teller those things and he or she in turn will tell them to you, and draw you into this web of deception, and put you in a place where you are in great danger. The place of danger is separation from God’s protection.

Going to a medium, and trying to get in touch with the dead.

A person who goes to a fortune teller or a medium or do any of the previous mentioned things are an object of horror and disgust to the lord. How do you feel being and object of horror and disgust to God you who have been to a fortune teller or a medium. It’s awful to thing that God thinks of you as an object of horror or disgust. If you have been with a fortune teller or a medium you need to repent and ask for forgiveness. And if you are sincere God will forgive you, and forget what you done, and will forget all about it. Don’t ever read your stars or have your fortune told ever again because if you do after knowing what God says you are in deep water, you are inviting every evil spirit or demon to enter into you and enter into your home and possible children. Repentance meant not to do this thing ever again, and sincere repentance brings with it forgiveness from God, if you deliberate disobey what you now know you are opening yourself up to all sorts of evil.

Dueteronomy-18- No Israeli may practice black magic, or call on the evil spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be a serpent charmer, medium, or wizard or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone doing these things is an object of horror and disgust to the lord.

Jeremiah-10-2 don’t act like people who make horoscopes and try and read their fate and future in the stars. Don’t be frightened by predictions such as theirs for it is all a pack of lies. Their ways are futile and foolish.

What is God telling you here in his word? He tells you first don’t act like people who read their stars. Secondly he tells you it is all a pack of lies. Thirdly he tells you don’t be frightened by their predictions, why because most of fortune tellers predictions are bad telling you something bad will happen to you or a loved one in the future, and what does God say about it all? That it is a pack of lies anyway. You are trying to get information from an evil spirit or demon that is using the so called fortune teller.

Chapter two

My sister and sister in law went to a medium after my mother died despite warnings from me and my sister’s husband. My sister was also into fortune telling and one time she told my fortune, and what she told me came true by coincidence not by accuracy. So you see I to went to a fortune teller not knowing it was forbidden by God and I wasn’t a Christian at the time either. When I became a Christian and began reading my bible I was shocked to discover, just like you may have been, through reading this book that fortune telling was evil and an object of horror and disgust to God. It took me all of ten seconds to confess what I done and repent of it.

I wrote earlier that my sister went to a medium and reads tea leaves. I am so sad to say that this sister has cut herself off from the rest of the family; she has fallen out with every one of us and won’t speak to us. I tried making friends with her again but she refuses to speak to me, and only spoke to my brother and sisters at the death of our younger brother, but then went right back to not speaking again. I believe that the previous scripture correctly tells us what will happen. Family members will be cut off from family because the evil of medium and fortune telling is the activity of demons, and anyone who willingly and knowingly practices these things open themselves up to these demonic influences, and the results are cut off from family; everyone else is wrong but them. They can’t see that Satan is using them to cause division and discord in the family and friends This sister has fallen out with other relatives and even her neighbor’s and she is never wrong even though a court found her guilty of wrong behavior with her neighbors.

Leviticus-19-31- do not defile yourself by consulting medium’s and wizards instead of me, for I am Jehovah your God.

I am not ridiculing my sister, I love her, and wish that we could be close again, but I am using her as a warning to you, to show you what happens when you consult mediums and fortune

Leviticus-20-6-I will set my face against anyone who consults, mediums, and wizards instead of me, and I will cut that person off from his people.

The Holy Spirit will not tell someone the future except through the gift of Prophecy and through a prophet. A prophet of God can tell the future as God tells him what is about to happen shortly or many years later. Only God knows the future, the devil does not know what is about to happen or what will happen in the future. If the Devil had known the future he would never have had Jesus put to death by the Jews, bringing about his own defeat. Spirits belong to the Devil and are evil and don’t know the future any more that the Devil does, as I’ve said only God the father knows the future. Even Jesus doesn’t know the future; he himself said it when the apostles asked him about the Roman Empire ending their occupation of the Jewish people. He said; only the father knows those dates and times.

Wizards, mediums, and fortune tellers are an abomination to God; there is no such thing as a white witch or wizard as far as God is concerned a wizard or a witch is what they are, and this scripture tells you what God says about consulting them. You defile yourself. Defile means to tarnish, to corrupt, to spoil, and to ruin. This is what you do to yourself, your soul, you tarnish it, you corrupt it, you destroy and you ruin it.

A fortune teller is someone who tries to predict the future by magic, or through spirits, and it is not through the spirit of God they do this, the only spirits mentioned in the bible are evil ones and the Holy Spirit.

There are no wizards these days the young woman said. Oh indeed there is, England is full of them, all confessing they are either a black wizard or a white wizard, either way they are a wizard. Or they say they’re a white witch white or black, a witch is a witch, I have seen them on TV and the internet confessing they are witches or wizards and they practice magic as they believe. I’m sure there are lots of witches and wizards all around the globe all practicing their evil art. I know England is particularly filled with them, and all practicing their black arts.

So when I wrote to him telling him about the church having a fortune teller; he immediately stopped it and cancelled the fortune telling. He wrote to me thanking me for informing him about the fortune teller and what influences it would have on the Catholic Church if it looked like they were encouraging this activity.

I will set my face against anyone who consults, mediums, and wizards instead of me

On one occasion I read a church bulletin and it was telling of fun day events that were to take place later on that month; in the bulletin it said they had a fortune teller among other events taking place. I was horrified, I had just performed deliverance with someone and the evil spirit entered that person through fortune telling. I wrote to our local Bishop whom I knew had just experienced for the first time in his Christian life an evil spirit possessing a woman, and this demon spoke to the people through the woman telling them their sins and things about themselves that they didn’t want people to know about. He had been called to do the deliverance as some catholic priests had failed to get this demon out, and so he went, confident he, could get it out. It laughed at him as he prayed prayers after prayers over the woman, then a young charismatic curate’s name was mentioned and so he was sent for, and as he came in the demon began to speak through the woman; he shut it up in the name of Jesus and then commanded it to come out in Jesus name; It did, and the Bishop became a believer in demons and those things.

Don’t be deceived by fortune tellers who claim they give a donation to the church, making them sound like it’s all ok; it is not ok God says don’t consult fortune tellers or mediums. Don’t do it.

tellers. Thos practices which are forbidden by God. I should point out that my sister was told that what she was doing was against the lords commands, she choose to ignore the warning.

Look what that scripture says closely. I {says God} will set my face against anyone, anyone being you. Dear God don’t you realize that if God turns against you where does that leave you? You are wide open to satanic attacks and have no protection for either you or your children. God has turned against you, and if you read the bible at all, you will see that when God turned against his own people the enemy attacked them and they were destroyed. Repent, repent quickly tell God your sorry and didn’t know what you were doing was wrong and don’t ever do it again. Ask for forgiveness and you will be given it, and things will be put right between you and God again.

God doesn’t want to harm you, he loves you but if you deliberately turn against him and go to a fortune teller or read your own stars he will do as he says in this scripture, he will turn his face against you. Don’t ever read your stars in a magazine or paper again; remember it is all a pack of lies anyway.

Jeremiah-10-2 -don’t act like people who make horoscopes and try and read their fate and future in the stars. Don’t be frightened by predictions such as theirs for it is all a pack of lies.

If you download this little book share it with others use it any way you like to warn others of the dangers in fortune telling and mediums and witchcraft. Pass it on in your e mails to your friend and ask them to pass it on.

Reading you stars in the papers or magazines is evil, tarot cards are evil, crystals that are supposed to predict your future are evil, lucky charms are evil. They are forbidden by God so they’re evil, do not use any of these things for your own good and also to be obedient to God.

God Bless You

I could write lots more about fortune telling and mediums but I believe that you have gotten the message and hopefully will not become involved in those activities ever again and I pray that you will encourage others who want to go to fortune tellers not to do so because it is against God’s will, and you can tell them the dangers in this evil practice. It is witchcraft and evil, there is no nice just for fun fortune telling. The Devil is only too happy for you to make fun of fortune telling and still go to one “just for a laugh.” He is just waiting to come into your home and destroy everything just for fun for a laugh and it’s you he is laughing at it’s you he is having his evil fun with.


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