
From thy words thou shall declaredbe righteous Brendan Mc Crossan
I have written many books declaring the word of God regarding our righteousness and I find itsadthatIfeelcompelledagaintowriteonthissubjectagain,becauseIbelievethatChristians have forgotten that they are righteous and what that means for them. Most Christians believe they are unworthy, not good enough to come into the presence of God boldly. Righteousness raises you to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being. It gives you right standing with God, that means as far as God is concerned you can come into his presence anytime and be assured of a glad welcome, that he is always pleased to see you, and talk with you and give your whatever it was you came into his presence for.
The devil does not want the saints of God to declare this, for the simple fact if they believe that they are not righteous all the time, then Satan the devil has them where he wants them, powerless and under his power, because by saying they are unworthy and feel unworthy, they make it impossible to stand boldly before God your Father in Heaven. This renders the Christian powerless, they can’t usetheir authority or believethey areholy or sinless or spotless of perfect in the sight of God, and Satan has them exactly where he wants them, under his feet. Worshipping him unintentionally because they do not believe their lord and their God, and so the Christian bows the knee to Satan the devil, they give him homage by refusing to believe
Why is it so important that the Christian should be declaring his or her righteousness all the time? It is important because for one thing Jesus suffered torture and then death to make men and women right with God.
Christians forget that they are declared righteous by God and they forget the glorious things Jesus done for them, making them righteous. It is by your words that your are declared righteous, the words that Jesus is my lord and saviour are the words that make you righteous, and words like I don’t believe in God or Jesus that make you unrighteous.
Brendan Mc Crossan 16-09-2011
One Your Romanswords8:30Amplified-Bibleandthosewhom
He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made “righteous,” putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].
Matthew 12:37 Young's Literal Translation for from thy words thou shall be declared righteous, and from thy words thou shall be declared unrighteous.'
From thy words thou shall be declared righteous
King James Version (KJV) 5Which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer:
The devil is a very cunning foe, he has been around millions of years and he is a master of deception, he knows every weakness that you have and manipulates that weakness to get you to either sin or to disbelieve. If you say you are unworthy, you agree with the devil and you in effect call God a liar; there is no getting around this fact.
If you confess, {say} lord I am not worthy, and you confess to be a believer, you call God a liar to his face. And say, you couldn’t make me worthy even if you tried God
When we confess, {say something} it is written down in God’s book of life, and the record is kept till the end of time and is judged on the Day of Judgment. If you confess that you are not worthy, after God declares that you are worthy, you will be held accountable for those words because they contradict what God said. We will give an account of every idle word we speak to God, and the word idle means, inactive, inoperative, and motionless; God’s words are alive and active. The words we speak have life in them or death in them. Words to God are important; he judges every idle, useless, contradictory word we speak against his word. If you confess that you are no good, you contradict God’s word, where he said he made you holy in his sight. Ephesians-1-4 Holy means to be like God, and it is God who says this not I.
The words we speak have life in them says scripture, and if we say we are unworthy, then we have relinquished our authority that Jesus gave us for the simple fact, how can we believe God for victory if we don’t even believe the first principles of the word of God when he tells us that we are righteous
the word of God and in effect this gives Satan homage, he is believed over and above God by the Christian child of God.
2 Thessalonians 1:5
If you think it isn’t important what you say, then you need to study God’s word again, ‘you will give an account for every idle word you speak,’ every unbelieving word that is. If you say I am a sinner, saved under grace or washed in the blood of the lamb you have no faith, and litterly means that you are not yet saved, well that’s what you just said, ‘I am a sinner;’ that is if you are a Christian, because a sinner is going to hell. The first thing you confessed out of your mouth was, I am a sinner, I am, means that you are, a sinner, you confessed that first remember, so that means that you are unsaved according to your own words, then you contradict yourself by saying you are under grace or washed in the blood of the lamb. I am means that exactly, I am; you just confessed to being something. For example; I am, fat, I am tall, I am strong, I am weak. I am means that you are declaring what you are now at this
Righteousness was bought for you at a great price, it was purchased by the precious blood of Jesus who suffered torture and death on a cross to buy you back from hell, and it was and is His righteousness that accomplished this.
So if you confess to be a sinner saved by grace you are in deep water my friend, you don’t even know your salvation, and that is where Satan wants you confessing first, he delights in those disparaging words. By your words you will be declared righteous, by your words, that is if you agree with the lord and confess those words, I am the righteousness of Christ Jesus; I am righteous.
moment in time. Scripture says “Jesus died for us while we were still sinners.” We were is in the past, were is past tense it was something you were long ago or a short time ago, but you are not there anymore, you were saved when you accepted Jesus as lord, you are not a sinner, because a sinner is condemned to hell and in the book of John. “God does not listen to sinners but he has an open ear to those who worship him and do his will-John-9-31”
Every wrong word prevents the power of God from flowing in our lives and so we must be careful with what we say. How can you say in one breath, thank you for making me holy, and lord I am not worthy; deep inside your spirit there is a contradiction going on, there is conflict within you.
is time to repent of your unbelief and that is very easy as you all know, it means saying to God, ‘I am sorry Lord for not believing you, heal my unbelief.’ Then you must stop confessing that you are all those ugly things and instead confess,{say} I am holy, I am spotless, I am clean, I am righteous, because God made me this way, because he chose to, not because I proved myself to be worthy enough to deserve them.
These things that God says you are; they are a gift from him to you. When you accept them and begin to act on them coming boldly before God seeking him, then you can also come against everything Satan puts in your path and smash them to pieces in Jesus name. You can then lay hands on the sick with confidence and see them healed because your God is for you and not against, and that God has commissioned you to preach the gospel and lay hands on the sick and heal them and he will be there inside you doing it for you. If you are filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit how can you be unrighteous? It is impossible for the child of the living God to be unrighteous when God himself dwells inside you along with Jesus and his Holy Spirit.
Believing that you are unworthy or a sinner or those things Christians call themselves, is an affront to God, it is calling him a liar and that his word is not true, and that you believe that liar, Satan the devil, over and above the lord God most high who made you holy, and perfect, and spotless and clean and in his own image and yet you chose to believe the world’s greatest liar –ChristiansSatan.it
To believe that you are unworthy or a sinner or worthless or useless, or no good or not good enough to be used by God, means that you have no real faith in God or his word, for his word contradicts all this; he has made you worthy, holy, sinless, and spotless, he raised you to a heavenly dignity, a place of highest privilege, he granted you access to his very presence every time you wished to come before him to ask him for something or about something.
What comes out of your mouth is what will happen, your words have life or death in them, speak life giving words, speak his words and you can’t go wrong. God made you righteous for a purpose to glorify him and to share his glory with you. God and no one else made you the Christian believer, and I emphasise the word, ‘believer,’ for there are many Christians it’s
sad to say, who are not believers, they only believe some things the word of God says and they reject the rest.
But their righteousness still remains with them wherever they go, because the Holy Spirit is in their heart convicting them of sin and wrong doing and they still pray sincerely to God every
It only goes away if knowing the truth of the word of God you knowingly, and deliberately, reject Jesus again after knowing the truth of forgiveness, and you turn your back on Jesus and your own redemption, then righteousness is stripped from you and so is your salvation, because both are entwined. But most Christians very rarely do this thing, they may be ignorant of scripture and the word of God but they don’t reject Jesus after knowing what he done for
God’s word is true and should be accepted as truth, granted there are some things that seem to be way out to our way of thinking but God does not think like man and he gives revelation and understanding on all issues if asked; he tells us often to just ‘ask and you will receive.’ Those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made “righteous,” putting them into right standing with Himself)
Who put you into right standing with God? God himself put you into right standing with himself. And that is the state every child of God is in whether they know it or not, whether they understand it or not, this is simply the facts from God’s own mouth; his words have life in them. You are in that continued state of divine grace all the time whether you believe it or not, because nothing changes the word of God, his word remains alive and active every day of our lives, even when you sin you are still in righteousness, it doesn’t go away, you repent, it is still there.
backslide from God, and I personally believe that most Christians don’t backslide from God, but are turned off church, because of the things going on there. Most Christians that I know that went to churches or prayer meetings or such, never stopped loving God but fell away from church or meetings because of a lack of things to do in it, or they see the favourites being picked to do this or that; I seen that happening many times and I seen people leave because of the churchy cliques.
are to proclaim out of your mouth righteousness, you are to say it to others as often as you are able. You are the one that God has chosen for this glorious work of glorifying God through telling others that they are righteous, and they are in right standing with God at all times, they are a chosen people a light to the world and a city on a hill, a righteous child of the living Holy God.
This is what righteousness means for the Christian child of God to be declared justified, to be acceptable to God, to be vindicated from all sin. Let’s get something straight here, who called you? God did. Who made you justified? God did. Who acquitted you? God did, it wasn’t me, and I couldn’t acquit anyone. God and only God himself acquitted you and me, because he loves us. And he wants to be given his glory for doing this for you and me.
But then came a Super Hero and his name was Jesus, he was greater than superman because he went to earth in a human body and repaired the separation between us and God his Father, by going on a cross and dying for our sins and that cross became a bridge that gave us access to heaven again through Jesus; because to walk across that bridge we had to pass through Jesus to get to the other side, and he justified all who came to him and he made them righteous gave them right standing with the father again after thousands of years, what a super hero, a supernatural hero.
You see because Adam and Eve sinned through disobedience man became sinners in his nature, and that was the way mankind remained until Jesus came to earth and became a sacrificial Lamb going to the slaughter for us who didn’t deserve it. And because he obeyed God by going to that cross and suffering all that torture at the scourging at the pillar so that he could take mans sins upon his frail human body and in doing so he ended the punishment for sin by being punished by God in our place. Isn’t it awful to think that Jesus suffered so much to make us righteous again and we deny him his rightful glory and honour and praise for what he done for us by declaring ourselves unworthy or sinners?
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
One man made a difference, and his name was Jesus, he took the place of the man Adam who sinned and sold out to the devil, Satan. He gave away our relationship with God because of taking fruit from the forbidden tree. Or to put it another simpler was; he was disobedient, he and Eve defied God, they listened to the devil in the Garden of Eden, and so we were separated from God because of disobedience.
Matthew-12:36 American-Standard-Version and I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.
Because of Jesus
Scripture says to go out into all the world and proclaim the Good News of salvation with righteousness, the children of God need to hear they are in good standing with their God always, Satan is telling them they’re worthless, sinners unworthy, useless, of no worth for anything. Praising God for making you righteous gives him glory because you know it was him that done it for you and you are grateful and give thanks. Righteousness will never leave you, it remains a fundamental part of you, and it has entwined itself around you together with salvation and leads you to glory after glory. Speak those words of righteousness into people’s lives don’t be held accountable for believing Satan’s lies and speaking out idle words and his untruths. Instead be bold for the lord, he loves you, return his love by telling the good news of salvation and righteousness.
For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”
You were washed and you were sanctified and you were declared righteous, in the name of the lord Jesus; what more proof do you need to believe? Here is God saying it himself to you in his written word which is no different than his spoken word. Do you know what washed means? Washed means to be cleansed, to be sponged down, making clean, and Jesus washed you in his blood. To be sanctified means sacred, holy, consecrated, hallowed, blessed, sanctify. And you also were declared righteous in the name of the lord Jesus and in the spirit
1-Corinthians-6:11-Young's-Literal-Translationandcertainofyouwerethese!Butyewerewashed, but ye were sanctified, but ye were declared righteous, in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God.
Romans-1:17 Today's-New-International-Version
The righteousness of God is revealed, it is no longer a secrete it has been revealed to the entire world it is available to all who believe, and this righteousness is accredited to you by faith from first to last, and you are expected to live by faith, by believing that you are righteous, and so declaring to all that they can have righteousness right standing with God by accepting Jesus as Lord of their lives and salvation and righteousness is theirs for eternity.
Go and tell everyone you know the Good news of righteousness, don’t just sit there doing nothing or saying nothing, don’t keep it to yourself. Or send someone a copy of one of my books on righteousness, there’s now fourteen of them, don’t let the devil stop you copying my books and sending them on to someone you care about, I give you full permission to do what you will with them except changing what I wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Amen