God dwells in you

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God Dwells In

You Brendan Mc Crossan

Brendan Mc Crossan Chapter one

John -14-10- 10Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwells in me, he doeth the works.11Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. {KJV Bible}

Jesus was telling us quite categorically that he dwells in the father; dwell means to live in, so he says he is living inside the Father that is his habitat, his house where he resides, lives. This is where you will find Jesus if you go looking for him, you will find him inside the Father, and he says to us, “Believe me” that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Jesus is trying to get us to understand something of great spiritual importance here in this scripture, he wants us to understand that he actually does live inside the Father and that the Father lives inside of him also, that the two are one, two individuals but one person, and that the Holy Spirit is the third person residing inside the Father and Jesus and they inside him also, they live in a spiritual dimension not an earthly dimension where we have only one concept of things, example; we live in a house but the house doesn’t live in us, it wouldn’t fit, so he is talking outside of the human thinking or belief. He is trying to get us to think like he thinks that as born again children of his that we also share this habitation of residing in him and also in the Father a concept that Satan does not want us to even think about, because it removes us from his dimension. He wants us to think earthly fleshy thinking using just the human brain, keeping us away from the spiritual side and dimension of our being, he wants to keep us carnal minded, he is terrified to think that we would find out the truth about what and who and what we really are, because he knows that brings down his kingdom around us and we enter into the reality of kingdom living, knowing that he is truly defeated and without power except for what we give him.

God delights to give us the kingdom the scripture says, and when we accept Jesus into our hearts as lord and saviour then we enter that kingdom, where the Father God is the kingdom and the king of that kingdom, where he invited us to become kings in that kingdom with him and in him and through him through Jesus. Because God chose a supernatural way for us to live as he is so are we according to the word of God, just like Jesus is part of God the Father, so we to are part of the Father through Jesus and inherit the kingdom with Jesus in us.


Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but ye know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you.

{KJV Bible}

This scripture tells us that God dwells with us and in us! That we have inside us the kingdom of God for God’s word says the kingdom of God is within, and that simply means that the Father who is the kingdom is living with and in us just like he is living in Jesus and Jesus is living in him, the spirit is one with the Father and one with Jesus and one with us human beings who are spirit beings first. It is an awesome thought that you and God are joined together and that he dwells in you, it puts enormous presence on you to truly realise that the creator of heaven and earth dwells with and in you and me, what an awesome thought and yet it is a true

God dwells in you, it’s where he lives

awesomeness, so where does that leave you then, it leaves you in awe of God that’s where, God dwells, resides taken up residency in me? He beyond doubt has his kingdom inside of me somehow or other. Do you think that the devil wants you to get to understand that in your spirit, never mind understand it with your human thinking which cannot really believe or understand what God is saying in his word, not my word but his word. If we could but begin to believe think what power we would be displaying for the lord, sickness would go at our touch deliverance would happen at our command. No wonder Satan doesn’t want us to understand the word of God he wants us to push it away as some form of blasphemy.

1 Corinthian-3-1-6- 16Do you not discern and understand that you [the whole church at Corinth] are God's temple (His sanctuary), and that God's Spirit has His permanent dwelling in you [to be at home in you, [c]collectively as a church and also individually]? Together we are the body of Christ, but also we as an individual are the very temple, the house the dwelling place of God almighty. Collectively we are the body but also singularly, individually, as a single human being as you as me am the dwelling place of the Holy Trinity.

This morning God explained to me simply how it is possible for him to dwell in me and me to dwell in him. He said take one single raindrop have it fall to the ground, on its own it dries up but when joined to other raindrops it becomes a little puddle, then that little puddle joins with other puddles and they form a little stream, then that little stream joins to other streams and together they begin to form a river, then that river joins with other rivers join together and they flow into the sea which make them part of the ocean.

We are that little raindrop, starting out life, then we become Christian and born again, if we choose to stay on our own we dry up and die spiritually, but if we seek out other Christians we form the puddle, later we grow with other little puddles and we become a little stream, and we join other streams of Christians all going the same way, and as we join with other streams we become little rivers and then as we grow larger we become large rivers in flood and then those flood waters reach the sea and that is the main body of the lord and we flow into the sea who is God almighty and so we as a single raindrop have become a great ocean and we dwell in that ocean, {God} and the ocean, {God} dwells in us we have become one great big ocean which is joined to all the other oceans all across the world, so one little raindrop, {you} have become a great ocean because you are part of that ocean and that ocean is part of you.

As I thought about this the thought came to me that where does the rain come from, it comes from the clouds in the heavens above, so the raindrop comes from heaven, just like we were originally supposed to be in, but because of Adam and Eve selling out to the devil. We originally came from above then fell to the earth through Adam and Eve sinning, but our original status was supposed to be heavenly beings, and this is where God through Jesus is taking us back to being, to become one in Jesus and one in the father.

Look at an Ocean, how many millions of different kind of fish and sea creatures are all living there in that Ocean, and yet you as a raindrop have become one with the waters of life. It’s like in heaven that place where millions of angels and heavenly beings are residing and worshipping God, they too are like us in that vast Ocean they are one in it with their creator just as the fish and sea creatures are one in the Ocean and one in you as a raindrop, and we have all become one with God the Almighty God creator of heaven and earth, so you can be in

something and yet be outside something as a separate part of the one body. God encompasses everything, and everything lives by his power alone nothing is outside his power, God is in everything and everything is in God that is who he is, creator! Isn’t it wonderful that a baby in the womb is encompassed by water, the water protects the baby and keeps it protected from outside harm, the baby and the mother and the water are all one, the mother is the host as you might say just like God? There are two beings living together as one, one being sustained by the other, one is inside the other but they are one, they are not two separate identities to us on the outside just yet, but are one as seen by us looking at the mother and her “bump.” God is everything and everything is inside God he is like the mother, with her baby inside, the mother is the host, God is host to us and to millions and billions of other life forces, they and we are in him and yet he dwells in us also, separate but together as one inside and outside. Mind boggling isn’t it but understandable also, it is the Kingdom of God.

Chapter two

Luke 17- 20- 20Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation; 21nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'there it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."

Look at who said the kingdom of God is within you, it is Jesus himself. Would Jesus say the Kingdom of God is inside you if that wasn’t true? We look to the sky when we pray to God but where does Jesus say the kingdom is? It is within us, inside you and me! Christians do not pray looking inside of themselves but to the God in the sky, if they would only understand that Jesus said the kingdom of God is within, and that is where we should be looking, seeking God inside us and becoming totally aware that we have the divine presence of Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit within us, would not Satan and all his evil spirits run in terror at the very sight of us, would not sin in people react to our very presence among them just like they did in the presence of the great Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth. When he went on a train people screamed outin repentanceto God for their sins as hepassed by them. Heobviously was aware that the Kingdom of God was in him.

Think of the power of God that would be in you to heal the sick deliver the oppressed and deliver the possessed, to raise the dead to bring glory to God in the way he desires, if we would only become kingdom minded. If we would reach inside us and talk with the living God who dwells inside us, he is not just outside us he is all consuming he is everything, and like the raindrop in the ocean both have combined together to become one single ocean just as Jesus said in the scripture below. First we must train ourselves to be Kingdom minded to become so aware that God is in us that we tremble in fear every time we even think of sinning, and that we rise in power against sickness and disease in people because we know the kingdom of God is within.

How much love is that shown to us, for God himself to reside inside us, just as the raindrop is part of the Ocean the Ocean is part of the raindrop? Just think of the love for us aspect alone and it will blow your mind, God loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son for us, is awesome in its entirety but to then know that Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit have

come to reside, dwell, in you is mind boggling, it is being loved beyond anything we can comprehend without the Holy Spirits teaching and enlightening.

John17-20- 20"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me? 22I have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world knowthatyou sentmeand haveloved themeven asyou haveloved me? 24"Father,Iwant those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25"Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them."

Jesusprayed forallofuswhen hesaidallofthemmay beone,justliketheraindrop becoming one with the puddle, then the puddle becoming one with the stream and so on until just as he said that we would all would become one in him and in the father, 22I have given them the glory that you gave me that they may be one as we are one: 23I in them and you in me. And then he said, and that I myself may be in them." This was uniting his body to become one with the Father through us being in him, we become one in him first, then we become one in the Father next as Jesus perfects us through his grace. In the Way bible it says it like this;

John-17-23-I have given then the glory you gave me – the glorious unity of being one, as we are {he unites us together as one first as his body} I in them and you in me, all being perfected into one.

We are all being perfected into one in the Father, he is perfecting us through Jesus Christ to become one being with and in the Father who holds all of creation, angels, humans non humans every creature under heaven. This is an awesome though to keep bringing back to mind and praying about it over and over again and again until the revelation descends down into our spirit and we receive enlightenment, then Satan watch out because another part of Jesus is in this world with all of his power and authority, and miracles shall be the norm for us.

James 2-5- Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him.

An inheritance is something that is given to us when someone dies and Jesus died for us and he gave us everything that was his, and he held nothing back, he gave us his kingdom and the Fathers kingdom and the Holy Spirits kingdom because the father son and spirit are one and then he joined us together with himself so we as part of Christ, like the little raindrop, have become one in the kingdom of God that is why scripture says the kingdom of God is not just talking but living by God’s Power.

1-Corinthians-4-20- 20

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

The power of God dwells within us and it is understand that the power of God is present within us that brings him glory, acknowledging what he has done for us brings him glory and honour. The power is God himself residing in you and me. When we know and understand who is in us dwelling and residing and whose power we have at our disposal we shall walk in the awesome presence of God in and through us, and that is when the kingdom of heaven in power will be truly displayed.

God dwells in us and we dwell in him the two of us have become one, to God be the glory for his awesome plan thought out from before time began. Amen

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