Mc Crossan
God gives seed for the sower.
Man does not give the seed,
My personal statement of faith I am making a statement here in this book and if ever you see me contradict it then please denounce me as a fraud. God promised me a Place of healing where the power of God would flow through that the world has never seen before. If God promised me this place then he is more than capable of supporting it, I will never ask for one penny from any living soul, and if ever I do then denounce me as a FRAUD. If this place cannot support itself through God’s supply then close it down for he could not have been the one who called it into being.
I have no money to build or fix a place up and I won’t ever beg or ask for seed, for if the God who told me he is raising this place up cannot afford to supply it with all that it needs, then I
Sow a $5000 seed?
So often on TV we hear preachers asking that you sow a certain amount of seed {money} into their ministry, some ask for a hundred dollars while others ask for up $5000 dollars, and I believe this is putting more people off God and religion in vast numbers because all we hear is, ‘give me money’ and some say they don’t get any money for them selves personally, and maybe they don’t, but most people I talk to say this puts them off God more than anything, and that comes from Christians as well as non Christians, it seems to them that every time you switch on the TV in the religious channels; all you hear are preachers preaching the word of God and it sounds so good their message, then they go and spoil it all next by talking about sowing a seed into their ministry, they break the power of the word of God, {as far as I am concerned} by asking for money.
And long after, this man has stood out in my mind more than all the great TV evangelists, and I didn’t even get his name, but he dressed like a cowboy, an older generation cowboy. Boy how refreshing was his message and how refreshing was his word; ‘’don’t send me any money,’ which spoke volumes to my spirit. If the preachers of today would follow that mans message, and stop trying to get people to give them their money, the word of God would explode across the world.
God gives seed for the sower
Brendan Mc Crossan
New-International-Version (NIV)-2-Corinthians-9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness
I get so angry when I hear them switch from getting out the word of God to getting rich from seed sowing. I believe in sowing a seed and I do but I will only sow a seed into someone that the spirit of God tells me other wise I would be broke.
So far I have only witnessed one man preach a godly powerful teaching sermon, and the end of his message he turned and spoke to the camera, and said; {and I thought, here we go} and he shocked me by his words, “don’t sow your tithes to me or send me any money, I don’t need it God supplies me with enough,” Good night and God bless.
If I ever need money I ask God and no one else so it is personal between me and him, I don’t let my left hand know what my right hand is doing, so when the need is met it could only be God who supplied, now God does supply through each other so don’t get me wrong, but I let God do the telling someone to supply for his work, I never will, because I seen from experience it does not work and it is humiliating when you drop a tiny, tiny hint that you could do with some cash and are ignored as if you didn’t exist. I did that in my younger days, and boy was it humiliating, fingers burned but lesson learned.
If you are reading my books or this book from my website you will know already that I don’t ask for one penny for my books, it is all free to download or to read on line, I have a friend in New Zealand who has mu songs on his website and I don’t know if he charges for them or not, but if anyone ever asks for them they can email me and I will send them my C/D’s free of charge, everything I do I got for free from my lord and saviour and everything I do I do for free. I do not accept money for praying for people for healing, not even for talking at conferences, though sometimes I willacceptpetrolmoney if thedistanceis great, I can’tafford to just pay for my own petrol and drive a long distance; I will never ask for it but if it offered then I will accept it. Sometimes people take up a collection unknown to me and I do accept that because one time I learned from a travelling healer / preacher that when he went to refuse the offering someone was giving him the lord said he was robbing them of a blessing. Bu I don’t give a hoot if I never receive a single penny if I can bring one soul to the lord or many; as scripture says freely you have received freely give. I have gotten so many blessings from God in my life that I want nothing else to do but share the word of God teaching them about Jesus and all he done for them. I do not disparage others who do charge for their services, that is between them and God, but I will never charge for praying with people for healing, I get more joy when a person is healed that if they gave me a £1000-00. I got it freely from God and I give away what belongs to God, his word, his miracles, his healing, his deliverance's, they are all his, I only use them as the Holy Spirit uses me.
To God be the
worship the wrong God; but God is my Father so I know I am doing his work not mine and what he starts he will accomplish. God owns all the gold and silver in a thousand hills he owns every jewel that is known to mankind and some they don’t know the names of yet, he is the owner of the entire world, man owns nothing he will just die like everyone else, and his money stays here behind him. I know that God supplies to those who work in his work, and I seen this many, many times over the years and I know that he uses man to supply from his wealth at times, for various things he does. God tells man to give, not after man asks publicly for it first. Many Godly men and women listen to God speaking and respond willingly, perhaps never even meeting the person they are told to give to, they hear the voice of God not someone saying this place would go out of business soon unless we get a $10,000,000 dollars, that is subconsciously asking for people money and placing a burden on God’s people.
How I wish that those amazing preachers would just say one time; sow a seed of cleaning the church, or lifting the dirt, or making the tea, or fixing the chairs, or taking time out to talk to strangers, making them feel at ease and welcoming in to the meeting, and staying around them making sure they are ok and that others talk with them.
Sowing seed is sowing what you don’t have and what you haven’t got, if you haven’t money, you could sow a seed of love with your time, you have all the time in the world; everything is acceptable to God as seed and if you decide to sow time you ask God for extra time to do more things for his glory, he will clear space in your daily routine to get you more time. Remember no matter what kind of seed you wish to sow ,God is the one who will give you that seed, he supplies the seed for sowing.
I have learned from my own personal experience, the law of supplying a need, or seed sowing. But you know there are many different ways of sowing a seed, be it money or be it an action; be it a gift that you have, like music, or any other talent that we all have.
You could tithe by brushing the toilets and everyone likes a clean toilet, and you bless them because you do it for the lord and the lord blesses you in return, he loves humble people. “Lord bless ever person who pisses in these toilets.” Those could be your tithing words, lol. People come out complaining if a toilet is filthy and they get angry and resentful and go about with a long face on them especially if they needed to use the toilet urgently; you could be the difference between a person coming out of the toilet relieved and happy or angry and frustrated, this can affect their whole day.
You can tithe anything to your or a church or a ministry and God will bless your tithing if it comes from your heart. Tithing is not sowing seed; you tithe from your income =10%. For seed sowing God supplies the —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------finances.
You could work for a mighty preacher and sow a massive seed by fixing the chairs for the meeting, as you move each chair into place, ‘say a word of prayer over it,’ this way you are sowing seeds by the thousands and people are being blessed through your generosity, you don’t need money to do this do you?
I have been to a church, in fact it was the last church I went to and it was for four years, and I seen a greeter run when he saw my car approaching the front of the church, he would scurry inside and then stand with his back to me as if talking to someone, then when I passed him, he went back outside to greet those whom he liked. I was in that church for four years and watched him do this for those four years and then shout out praises to his wonderful God. I wonder if he is even a Christian at all. Others in that church never ever spoke to me in those four years; I was a Catholic in an apostolic church which is supposed to accept all Christian religions as belonging to the body of Christ, I never was accepted by quite a lot of them. They nodded politely as the rushed past me, and some even said hullo, now thank God they were not all like that, there were some genuine people there and I mingled with them, all the time watching as the lord told me to do and learning never to do that when the Lord gives me his ‘house of healing.’
I want you to study the words in this scripture very carefully, and see what it is really saying. “Now ‘he’ who supplies seed for the sower” what is this scripture saying to you so far? It is saying to me that ‘he’ ‘being God’ ‘supplies the seed’ ‘for the sower.’ God is the one who is supplying ‘you’ ‘with the seed’ you need, so that you can sow for him. The harvest belongs to God and the size of the harvest belongs to God also, he is supplier and reaper, but he uses us to do these things for him. Now if God says to you, “I want you to give ‘Mickey Mouse Ministry’ a thousand pounds or dollars.” And you of course don’t have a thousand pounds or dollars; you are supposed to ask him for that seed of One thousand dollars or pounds as he is the one who supplies seed for the sower and the sower being you and he will supply you with that one thousand dollars or pounds. Have you got that yet? Did you understand that, you are to ask him for what he told you to do, he is the one supplying you with that one thousand dollars or pounds, he didn’t say, ‘go and borrow the money from the bank or creditors’ and get into dept and then sow that thousand to Mickey Mouse Ministry. His word says, ‘he will supply you with seed to sow’
I never hear any of those wonderful preachers of sowing telling you to ask God for the seed according to the word of God, and if God gives you that five thousand dollar seed they ask for, then you know it was God who gave it to you to bless them and in return he is able to bless you the same in return, it is called obedience. Giving and receiving God’s money. If they told you first this scripture about sowing seed, then they would get very little return to all their urging you to part with five thousand dollars, lots of these people spend more time on TV asking for your money than they do preaching theword of God, and so God is sold short for mans greed.
There are many genuine people in ministry out there, who offer books or DVD’s teaching on them the word of God and they charge for them, it is only right that they should be paid for their hard work, but this is not tithing. People need resources to help them remember a particular teaching or to learn new scripture teaching, and you should support these ministries by buying their books and stuff if you want to, but remember it is not tithing, tithing is getting something for nothing, these people selling their books and DVD’S work hard to get the message across.
New-International-Version (NIV)-2-Corinthians-9:10
New-International-Version (NIV)-2-Corinthians-9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness
Now I wish to return to the first scripture in this little book.
The second section in this little piece of scripture tells us
Luke 8-11-American Standard Version (ASV)
11 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Do you see here what the seed you sow is? The seed you sow is the word of God whether it is money or sowing for souls. The seed God wants you to sow is firstly his word, and his word says take care of his sheep, by financially caring for them as he tells you to. Every seed you sow is the word of God, should you decide to clean the toilets in church as your seed, realize you are sowing the word in those toilets. Believe this or not but a man I knew was turned down for prayer for the baptism in the Holy Spirit because certain religious leaders deemed he was a penny short of the full shilling, and to be truthful he was. He was in the mental hospital a few weeks later and he went into the toilet and in the toilet he asked the Holy Spirit to come and fill him and asked for the gift of tongues and immediately he burst out in tongues a tremendous flow. I’m sure if the doctor had heard him he would still be there. But God knew he needed the Holy Spirits help to heal his mental illness, man couldn’t see past his illness to see God’s spirit is the only help he could get, and that man ended up praying with people for healing and God honored him by healing people.
He gives you seed for the sower and also bread for food so whilst you are sowing you will be supplied by God for the food and clothing and needs you have. He says he will also supply and increase your store of seed, he is promising to increase the amount of hard cash to you, so that you have pleanty to give away and have enough left over for your needs. What a God we have his plans out weigh the plans of man, man cannot understand how you can give away and still have even more left over.
Whatever seed you sow that seed is the word of God and his word never returns to him null and void.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your Roundstore.and
If you are a seed sower then God will give you even more seed to sow, it is his money that he is spreading around, God gives it to you ,you give it away, sowing to someone else, then you get blessed in return as God gives you even more of his money to sow; it is a continual circle of blessing and blessing and if we could only understand that principle then we would have an even greater increase of financial blessings, and remember God does not tell you to give every thing away so you have nothing left yourself, and you are still struggling to pay your debts and food and clothes, he gives you seed to sow and some of the return is given to you by someone else in return, God tells them to give to you and that is yours to use for what you need.
around it goes like a merry go round.
Remember as I said before you can ask God for different kind of seeds not just money, and you can sow a blessing everywhere doing things that others are reluctant to do, it is beneath them is what they think but God does not think like that he exalts the humble, lifts them up into a higher place after serving in his work.
Ask for a lot of seeds from God don’t just ask for one or two ask for loads it glorifies God even more.
If you look in scripture you will find a seed you can sow, from financial to setting out the chairs, to ministry. Every ministry begins with a tiny God given seed that someone sowed, but the seed came from God and is given the power to grow and increase. Everything good comes from God as scripture says, every good gift and power is from him and is for us to use as seed. I am longing to bring souls to God so I ask for seeds for soul winning, and the seed comes as I begin talking with people about Jesus and God, and I also use the gift of healing to confirm that the word of God is true by healing them as they give their lives to Jesus. The word of God is the seed, even the money part is the word of God, I ask for a financial seed from God so I can sow it somewhere and that money is a seed which is the word of God so it goes out from my hands to the receiver and the word {money} blesses them. So remember your money is the word itself, it is not just cash it is the word when used as a kingdom gift. If I send someone a seed gift of say, $50 dollars that $50 is not cash anymore it is the word of God, I do pray you understand that because it is so important to understand, that every chair you placed out in church as your seed for the day is the word of God that folk sit their asses on, it is no longer just a chair, it is the living word of God and you knowing this will bring that blessing to those who sit on your chairs. And it is the same with what ever seed you sow, and remember again God is the one who supplies seed, you do ‘not’ supply the seed, that part belongs to God it is his seed, his living word. You can give a donation to someone out of your own cash and that is what it is, a gift offering but it is not a seed because a seed must come from God first, God will bless your love offering because he says so in his word and multiply it back to you some day when you need. It is not a seed that you sow from your own resources it is an offering a love offering, and we all should do that, but sowing a seed begins with asking God for the seed you need,{remember his word is his seed}. For it is God alone who gives seed for sowing, and that is a ministry in its own right.
10 God gives seed to farmers and provides everyone with food. He will increase what you have, so that you can give even more to those in need. 11 You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous As this next scripture tells us; “A few seeds make a small harvest, but a lot of seeds make a big harvest.”
2 Corinthians 9-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
7 Each of you must make up your own mind about how much to give. But don’t feel sorry that you must give and don’t feel that you are forced to give. God loves people who love to give.8 God can bless you with everything you need and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others. 9 The Scriptures say, “God freely gives his gifts to the poor, and always does right.”
The Beginning of a new ministry for you
6 Remember this saying, “A few seeds make a small harvest, but a lot of seeds make a big harvest.”
2 Corinthians 9-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
This is an opportunity for you to get into a ministry, if since coming to God you feel that you have nothing to give, this is a wonderful gift from God to have a heart to help the poor in God’s
12 What you are doing is much more than a service that supplies God’s people with what they need. It is something that will make many others thank God. 13 The way in which you have proved yourselves by this service will bring honor and praise to God. You believed the message about Christ, and you obeyed it by sharing generously with God’s people and with everyone else. 14 Now they are praying for you and want to see you, because God used you to bless them so very much.15 Thank God for his gift that is too wonderful for words!
10 God gives seed to farmers and provides everyone with food. He will increase what you have, so that you can give even more to those in need. 11 You will be blessed in every way, and you will be able to keep on being generous. Then many people will thank God when we deliver your gift.
“Ask anything in my name and I will give it to you, said Jesus.
God will bless you financially as well his word says he will give you more by increasing your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. This is a ministry awaiting any and every Christian who is just sitting there wishing they could do something for God, and this is a ministry that will bring with it many blessings on others but not only to them but to you also because the people who receive will pray for you and your needs in return. If someone sent you $5000 dollars when you didn’t have a penny to even buy a loaf of bread, would you not give praise to God and pray for the person who gave you the $5000, of course! I would I would never forget them, every time I prayed I would ask God to bless them and he would. It is as they say here in Ireland all swings and roundabouts, round in circles.
you are a distributer of God’s wealth and a receiver of his wealth also. Do you remember the scripture that says a wealthy man went away and left his servants in charge of his money, to one he gave a lot of money and to another a smaller sum and to another a very small sum, each had to do something with it, it was not their money in the first place and the rewards or profit is not theirs either, it belonged to the man, one man invested the money and got a lot back in return and another with the middle sum of money placed it in the bank and got interest on it, the third man hid the money in the ground and got nothing for it, when God gives you money to look after for him, he expects that you will do with it the right thing and so get a return worth more than what was first given and this goes on and on forever or as long as you shall live. The man then gave the first man even more money and placed him in charge of even better things, the last man had everything taken off him.
We ask God for money for ourselves and this is scripturally correct, John 14-12-15 - The Way Bible
church and then after them, others outside the church. I know many Christians, who don’t have a ministry, and I know they longed to serve God with all their hearts; well this is the time to change all that become a sower of God’s seed. Remember you may not have a spare penny in your pocket, but God does not say to give away what you don’t have, he says to ask him for the seed to sow and then ask where to sow it and after you sowed it ask for more seed as promised by him in his word; you could become the poorest wealthiest sower on the planet by doing things God’s way, he promised to give a return to the seed a harvest of abundance if you sow an Alwaysabundance.keepinmind
You can ask God for money anytime you have a need, but this is not what I am teaching in this book, it asking God for his {money} seed so that you can sow into “his” kingdom, to the people that he wants to supply to. And they in turn will ask God to bless you; 14 now they are praying for you and want to see you, because God used you to bless them so very much. Then ask for more seed so that you may give to another who has a need to be supplied by God; you don’t just pour money into the same person or ministry unless God says to do so, after all it is his money to do with as he pleases.
What you sow you will also reap, you share in the sowing and in the reaping, you share with God in his unending blessings. This is awesome when you sit down and think, you are sharing with God his blessing of other people in need, and mostly by a supernaturally way. And you didn’t even have a penny to start with, you asked to become a genuine sower in God’s work
2-Corinthians-9-8-The Way Bible.8 God can bless you with everything you need and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others.
2-Corinthians-9-12-The Way Bible
and as his word says he gives seed to the sower to so; begin today ask him for his first seed a sum of money that he wishes you to send to someone from him. Remember God uses people to do his will, he could do it himself but he chooses to use us to bless others; we are of great worth to New-International-VersionGod.
In doing all that God asks he will enlarge the harvest of your own righteousness, wow what a blessing to have bestowed on you, your righteousness enlarged every time you ask God for seed for someone else. And remember also God supplies your needs also through others doing the same job as you; they in turn will bring you their seed sown into you. Isn’t God amazing he wants to give you money to give away from his never ending supply, remember this money is his and not yours to spend as you like; it is so that you can sow a seed, and then your money comes from the increase of store of seed. This is a two sided transaction you give away what money God gives you to give away and then God in return will have someone plant a seed into your finances and it will enlarge your storehouse of seed. God’s money goes back and forth in a never ending circle of blessings, as scripture says, you will have enough for your needs and plenty left over to give joyfully to others.
12 What you are doing is much more than a service that supplies God’s people with what they need. It is something that will make many others thank God.
A new ministry for you is now available just for the asking, and when you ask God will supply what he wants to give; and then you ask to whom does it go to and you wait until you are prompted to give, don’t just give it away to some worthy cause, give it as the Holy Spirit directs you to.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness
thing is to ask the giver of the seed for much seed so you can be a true blessing distributing God’s wealth and not your own, and he gets all the glory.
I do not wish to disparage any ministry asking for you to sow a seed, maybe that’s what God told them to do, it is not what I may agree with but I am not God and I don’t know their place with God. But I would rather ask God for his seed to sow and where should I sow it. Then it is his money I am sowing, or seed, not mine, and his money {word} will bear much fruit for his Theharvest.important