Look closely at these three scriptures. God has plans for us and those plans are for good and not for evil. So every evil thing that happens to you God did not plan that to happen to you. His plans are for good and not for evil. God does not wish evil to befall upon us, it’s not a part of his plans; but we can allow evil to come upon us by disobedience to God and by our choices. Take fortune telling for instance, God says it’s evil, and that he will turn his face away from anyone who consults a fortune teller. God didn’t plan for you to go and see a fortune teller, you choose to go yourself and you stepped out of God’s plans and followed your own plan-Leviticus -19-26.
99% of us never ask God each morning; what do you want me to do today lord? Show me your paths, the way that I should go, show me your perfect will. And we sail through the day doing our “own thing” instead of doing the “thing” God planned that we should do that day. Maybe we went out when the lord wanted us to stay in, and when we went out we had a little car accident, and we get angry at God for not protecting us, and the truth is it was us to blame not the lord, his plans are for good not evil. Maybe just maybe the lord protected you more
Ephesians-2-10- for we are God’s own handiwork,{his workmanship} recreated in Christ Jesus, {born anew} that we may do those good works, which God predestined {planned beforehand} for us,{taking paths which he prepared ahead of time} that we should walk in them – living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live. {Amplified Bible}
When we step out of God’s plans and begin to follow our own with Satan drawing us craftily away from God’s plan and into his, we step into disobedience and out of the will of God, thereby leaving us vulnerable to all sorts of evil things to happen to us. Do we blame God for the evil that happened to us? Sad to say we usually we do. But the truth of the matter is it was us who stopped going down God’s path and followed anotherpath thereby allowing evilthings to happen to us since we are out of the area of God’s protection.
Jeremiah -29-11-for I know the plans I have for you says the lord they are plans for good not for evil to give you a future and a hope.
Ephesians-1-4- long ago even before he made the world, God choose us he decided then to make us holy in his sight, without a single fault, we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family, by sending Christ Jesus to die for us, and he did all this because he wanted to.
God has prepared good works for us to do.
Because God created mankind with free will, just as he created the angels with free will also; he allows us and them to make choices, Satan and millions of angels choose to rebel against God and he threw them down on to the earth, and his final plan for them is the fiery pit, the lake of sulphur. We know from God’s word where Satan’s final destination is going to be. But God choose us to be merciful to, he created us to fellowship with him as his sons and daughters,hisown children,and heextendshischildren mercy every timethey makeamistake and do wrong and step out of his plans following their own paths even though they may be on the wrong path.
Going down the path of praise leads to the gates of heaven and thanksgiving is the key that opens those gates. This is a path that God wants you to find, and to walk along, while you are walking down the path of praise you are walking in his perfect path
I told you my plans the psalmist said to God and then God replied and told him whether or not his plans were God’s plans also.
Psalm-118-19- open the gates of the temple – I will go in and give him my thanks. Those gates are the way into the presence of the lord, and the godly enter there.
than you realise by saving your life, in that accident. You weren’t following his plans but he still loves you and protects you from something worse that Satan planned for you. Perhaps from today after reading this, you may ask the lord in the morning what is it you wish for me today lord, show me your paths, and divert me from my paths.
I have on occasion told God my plans, for instance I told him my plans to have a healing service, and my plans must have seemed good to the lord because he blessed those plans and healed many people those times. His presence was there with me. I knew I was in his will regarding my plans for the healing service, because he said in;
Following the commandments of God is a path to walk upon, for when you obey his commandments you walk in obedience and that is a place where God can have easy access to you. The commandments are a map, they are a chart and guide; they tell you what to do, and the Holy Spirit in you will give you direction every time you ask, and that is the secrete to walking in godly paths, listening to the Holy Spirits instructions, and obeying them. Most important is obeying the Holy Spirits instructions, not just hearing his instruction, but obeying them also.
Mark 16- 15 go out into the world and preach the gospel, etc lay hands on the sick and heal them.
I know that going out into the world and proclaiming the gospel is the plans of God, because he said so, and on another scripture it says; “preach the gospel when it is convenient and when it is not.” So preaching the gospel is a path that God wants us to walk on, healing the sick is another path, and leading on from the preaching path.
Psalm -119-35-make me walk along the right paths for I know how delightful they really are. That is a good prayer to pray every morning when you get up. I will show you a good path to go down, and it has a gate at the end of it.
Psalm-119-26-I told you my plans and you replied. Now give me your instructions. Make me understand what you want; for then I shall see your miracles.
Psalm-119-18- open my eyes to see wonderful things in your Word. I am but a pilgrim here on earth; how I need a map – and your commandments are my chart and guide. I long for your instructions more than I can tell.
Sometimes I said to the lord; I am going to have a healing service on Monday and the lord would reply; “no not Monday but Thursday.” So the healing service would be Thursday not the Monday as I planned. The service was the right plan, but the day was wrong, it was Thursday thatGod desired notMonday. Buthestilldesired thehealing service, becausehesaid go into the world and preach the gospel and heal the sick. It was his path a sure footed path, that he was leading us on when he said go into the world, that’s a path its his commandment, to go into the world, his other path was; heal the sick, that was a commandment, go heal the sick, baptisethem in theHoly Spirit, is stillthesamepath and therightpath. Thoseinstructions were his commandments, his orders, his wishes.
to God carries a price and I paid that price by being rejected from that home where the lord healed hundreds over the months I went there, and I went through a bad time thinking
In every healing session I ever conducted. I preached first, salvation, then I told about the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the need for speaking in tongues, Got them saved then got them baptised in the Holy Spirit then I went on to laying hands on anyone who was sick, and 99% of the time God healed ever single one I prayed with. There was just one occasion that I felt so sad, a group of three people came one night to a healing service that I was conducting in a person’s home. As I began speaking about salvation the lord stopped me and told me to pray with one of this group, a woman who was in terrible pain. I stopped talking and asked her would she like a prayer now as her pain was so bad she couldn’t concentrate, she accepted, and I began praying with her. Immediately I felt the lords healing power go into her and her pain eased considerably, then the lord spoke to me and said, “stop now.” So I obeyed and continued talking about salvation, and after explaining about salvation to everyone present there I asked each one if they would like to receive Jesus as lord. When I got to the woman I had prayed with I asked her would she like to ask Jesus into her life and she sharply replied “No!” I was taken aback because Jesus was healing her and I asked did she understand that it was Jesus who was healing her, she replied, “yes” but still didn’t wish to accept him as lord, neither did her husband and her woman friend, they all rejected Jesus. I went to pass them by as I usually would do when someone said no and go on to the next person. God stopped me and said tell them the gospel and make it plain. I again explained salvation to them, and at God’s instructions I asked them if they would like to accept Jesus into their lives, and the three of them loudly responded, “No!”
God then told me that I was to ask those three people to leave as this was not a spiritualist healing as they imagined but healing through Jesus Christ. And that spiritually theses people were a danger to the others. Angrily they got up and left with the owners of the house looking at me in shock, for telling people to leave their home. I carried on with the meeting and about ten young people accepted Jesus as lord got baptised in the spirit and healed of their pain. Afterwards I was told I was not welcome in their home any more for telling their next door neighbours that they had to leave, and that the meetings were cancelled. I tried explaining that it was the lord who gave me those instructions for their protection and the protection of their home and children. But they would not listen. Later I heard they apologised to their neighbours for my behaviour. Much later I heard that the woman of the house believed that she could never die and other ridiculous thing that obviously were not of God. And she led many down a wrong path for a long time, bordering on witchcraft. I don’t remember for sure if those people were invited into her home again and that’s when things began to go wrong for this Obediencewoman.
In Ephesians 2-10 we see for ourselves that God has works prepared for us from before the world even began. God has work for you to do, he especially choose you to do certain things that he planned from before creation began. If you walk away from the paths that God wanted you to walk on, then you won’t be able to fulfil those works God prepared for you.
Isn’t it great to realise that the lord is watching over the plans and paths of godly men. What a relief to realise the lord is watching over every plan of his concerning his will. And you are in that plan.
God says that those who search for him to do his will and not their own find great happiness. Don’t compromise with evil; don’t do something just because it may seem ok but check first with God.
maybe I done wrong by telling those people to leave. Until the lord gave me a scripture one day and it was talking about the gospel and it said “and make it plain” the very words he had given me to say that night, then I knew I was hearing God correctly. Sometimes following God’s paths costs a heavy price, but the price is not as great as the price that Jesus paid on Calvary for us. When God eventually showed me those few little words of scripture, it lifted a great burden off of my shoulders. I had dwelt on this incident many, many times, wondering if it was really God telling me to ask those people to leave. I now know that he showed the woman that he was healing her, and her husband and friend knew as she told them her pain was leaving, but they came there seeking spiritualist healing not Jesus. He offered her his love and healing and she wouldn’t take it.
Not everyone is healed, when we pray with them, but healing is the path of God. In my years of healing ministry only once has God told me that I was not to pray with someone, that I was not to lay hands on this person, she was beyond redemption, thankfully Rose my wife got told exactly the same message as we prayed with her son, and another woman who brought them to our home, also was told, don’t pray with this woman. Afterwards Lilly the woman who brought them, said to us after the two left, that she was told by God; do not pray with this woman, and then Rose disclosed she was told the same and I revealed that I also was forbidden to pray with this woman. Lilly had never heard God speak before and this first time was a shock to her, and especially to be told don’t pray with this woman. But healing is still the path of God and is a safe path to travel on.
If Jesus had done his own thing when he felt the draw to come to Jerusalem and to his impending death, {he knew the scriptures foretold of his suffering and death} and decided I
Ephesians-2-10- for we are God’s own handiwork, {his workmanship} recreated in Christ Jesus, {born anew} that we may do those good works, which God predestined {planned beforehand} for us, {taking paths which he prepared ahead of time} that we should walk in them.
Psalm-1-6- the lord watches over all the plans and paths of Godly men, but the paths of the godless lead to doom.
Psalm-119-2 happy are all who search for God, and always do his will, rejecting compromise with evil, and walking only in his paths.
When we walk close to God seeking his perfect will every day, we will know the right paths to follow. If we go off that path God promises to speak to us clearly telling us “No! Not that way, this way.” To hear the voice of God clearly we must be continually seeking the face of God desiring his will not our own. Simply put, if you ask God for direction every time you have to make a decision he will prompt you with the right decision.
don’t want to suffer and die just yet, I’ll go to Damascus instead; mankind would never have been saved, Satan would be running rings around mankind and God’s plans would have gone up in smoke. Thankfully Jesus followed those plans of God, and became the saviour of all mankind. He followed God’s plans not his own, praise the lord he paid the price for us by his suffering and death and through his blood we are saved, washed and cleansed. He followed God’s paths, the paths prearranged before time began. Friend; God has planned beforehand good works for you and I, and I don’t know about you but I want to find out what those plans are each day, so that I may should walk in those paths God laid out for me. I want to do those good works of God. I want to walk in the miraculous power of God every day of my life knowing that I am just following a plan of God.
Psalm-27-11- tell me what to do oh lord and make it plain. We need straight forward clear and precise direction from the lord, it is so easy to go down the wrong path when we follow our own thoughts and ideas.
Isiah-30-20- yet he will be there to teach you, with your own eyes you will see your teacher. And if you leave God’s paths and go astray, you will hear a voice behind you say, “No!” this is the way; walk here.”
This scripture is the foundation of getting directions from God and for following his prearranged plans and for doing the works of God. ] What are the works that God wants me to do? I need direction in my life for that. The apostles needed direction and so they asked Jesus what works did God want them to do, and Jesus shocked them by his reply.
------------------------------------Chapter two----------------------------------------------
This is a prayer that the psalmist prayed and is also a good prayer for us to pray, for as the Psalmist was inspired by the Holy Spirit to pray this prayer so also will we are blessed to pray it for Belowourselves.istheanswer to our spirit inspired prayer. This promise is from God to those who humbly turn to him and seek his directions.
Psalm-25-4- show me the path where I should go, Oh Lord; point out the right road for me to walk. Lead me; teach me, for you are the God who gives me salvation. I have no hope except in you.
Psalm-25-8-The Lord is good and glad to teach the proper path to all who go astray; he will teach the ways that are right and best to those who humbly turn to him. And when we obey him, every path he leads us on is fragrant with his loving kindness and his truth. Following the voice of God;
James -1-5 if you want to know what God wants you to do, ask him, and he will gladly tell you, for he is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask him; he will not resent it. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind; and every decision you then make will be uncertain, as you turn first this way, and then that. If you don’t ask with faith, don’t expect the lord to give you any solid answers.
A church should never ask, “Lord should we have a healing service.” God expects you to have healing services every time you have church, he expects the church to baptise their congregation in the spirit and expects everyone to pray in the spirit, {tongues} he expects miracles and deliverance to flow from his church. You were told to do it, so go and do it? If you never laid hands on anyone before then begin with family or friends or church members who are in pain, God wants them healed, that why Jesus went to Calvary, to bring salvation and to bring healing and deliverance. Jesus said I come to set the captive free. Are you freeing the present day captives, those Satan has bound up with lies and deceit. Are you healing those whom he bound with sickness and disease, are you praying for those who have cancer or aids, or some other horrendous disease. If you are, then you are fitting in with that predestined plan of God for you. If you are not doing anything to further the kingdom, then simply put, you’re missing the perfect will of God for you and your missing his plan, and you need to get closer to God so you can begin to follow that plan.
John 6-28- then they asked him, what must we do to do the works God requires? Jesus answered, “The works of God is this; to believe in the one he has sent.” What? Your kidding me after all this reading about plans and works I have now come to this that all I have to do is believe in the one he has sent. Those are the works? Huh! You have got to be joking; I thought that I was supposed to do great things for God. You are doing great things for God your believing him, and that pleases him more than anything else in this world. Who are we trying to please? Is it not God that we try and please? Then we do if we believe in his son Jesus, because he is our salvation, the entry into heaven that we needed, the one who makes us brothers and sisters and makes us children of Father God.
Now there are also works predestined and pre-planned that we should move in, those works are to do as Jesus done; these are the signs of those who believe in me; They shall go out into the world, preach the gospel, baptise people, and use his authority to cast out demons, to pray with people to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. And they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed. Mark 16-15.
I didn’tneed to ask God does hewantto healmy grandson from Down Syndrome, I knew what Jesus would have done if he were there in person, so I did what Jesus would do, I prayed with Rose and we prayed that Down Syndrome out of him and today he is a healthy intelligent little boy getting into all kinds of mischief, like any normal little boy. He has been taken off the Down syndrome list in Turkey where he lives with his mom and dad, and he astounds the professors in the teaching hospital in Ayden in Turkey. I knew this was the work of the devil, and I knew Jesus gave his life to heal those afflicted, so I had no problems declaring him healed and believing Jesus. As he said, this is the work I have prepared for you to do. Because of Eli’s healing from Down syndrome four other people came looking for healing from Jesus, and two of them were Muslims. Jesus healed them all.
You never need ask God should I pray with someone for salvation, for the baptism in the spirit, lay hands on the sick for healing. Those works are a part and parcel of Jesus in you, those are the works pre-planned for you, to bring people into God’s family, baptise them in the spirit, get them praying in tongues, and laying hands on the sick. When the chance presents itself for you to witness to someone, you take that chance and share with them Jesus, That was a part of the predetermined plan, that you should witness to this person at this time, this very second.
Have you ever seen someone and you got this feeling I should go over and speak to that person? That was God’s plan for you at that moment in time, and if you followed that prompting you found that the person you talked with needs either Jesus or prayer. I have done this hundreds of times over the last 30 years and seen people healed, delivered and saved. Just recently, I was at a healing weekend, and during that weekend I always ask the lord what table should I sit at for lunch, dinner or tea, and I get a feeling, note; I get a feeling that I should go to this table or that table. And as we talk around the table I get a sense that someone needs healing or something from God. I ask the Holy Spirit what it is and then I slowly steer the conversation around to what the Holy Spirit is telling me. Like for instance; at one table the Spirit prompted me to talk about fortune telling, saying that it was wrong and anyone who went to a fortune teller needs to ask for forgiveness from God. I quoted myself as having my fortune told and then having to repent of it. I sensed immediately that the young girl sitting next to me had been with a fortune teller. I made light of it by saying most Christians don’t know it is wrong to go to a fortune teller and all we have to do is say Jesus forgive me, and it’s done, your forgiven.
When confronting sickness heal it, which is the works planned for you and I. When you do those works you are following God’s pre arranged plan to heal the sick, to deliver from Satan’s Thedomain.plan
Following the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
was when you are faced with sickness, you are supposed to heal it, and you are not supposed to ask, should I? The pre arranged plan of God was that “you” deal with it; you don’t need to ask should I pray for this persons healing? It was God’s plan his work laid out for you to do, and if you don’t do it, the person you were supposed to pray with will continue in their sickness, maybe even die, depending on their illness. Cancer is no bigger than a headache to God or you, its lies told to you by Satan that this terrible disease is bigger than a headache, sickness is sickness, and disease is disease. Healing is healing, size doesn’t count.
Then I sensed, {had a feeling} that this young girl was in pain in her upper back. So I brought up the subject of healing and I told of instances that people who went to a fortune teller ended up with some form of sickness or other, and after repenting of it their pain suddenly left. I told her and all at the table, never once looking at her that I prayed with people for healing. I again changed the subject and asked how they were enjoying the weekend, giving someone else the chance to talk and share. As I got up to leave after lunch, the girls mother said to me could I pray with her as she had a painful back and shoulder. I agreed and the woman her husband and the girl and I all went outside where it was a beautiful sunny day, and I said I would pray with her outside. As we walked to a place more private, I asked the girl how her pain was that she had in her upper back, she was shocked and asked how did I know she had pain, I told her she had also been with a fortune teller and it was to her I was directing my talk even though I never looked at her even once. She confessed that she had indeed been with the fortune teller. When we reached a quiet place I said I will pray with the girl first, and as she already repented as we walked along, I laid hands on her and she was healed instantly, all pain was gone. {Her parents never knew she had been with a fortune teller and it was between the girl and I and the lord.} Then I prayed with the mother and told her some things the Holy Spirit revealed and she repented of those things and she was instantly healed. The husband was a sceptic and told me he never really believed in this healing bit, but he seen his wife and daughter healed, and then
Every thing In God’s perfect will is pointing toward heaven and mans salvation, healings and miracles are for the children of God, not all those who listened to Jesus believed in him and not everyone who hears about Jesus today is interested in him.
Jesus said to his apostles in; John-5-36-I have a greater witness than John. I refer to the miracles I do; these have been assigned to me by the father, and they prove the father has sent me.
Why did Jesus not heal everyone? The answer is because he was not assigned those healings by God the father from before time began. Jesus could only do the miracles he had been given by God the father, he couldn’t just step out and do what he wanted to. He lived in total obedience to the Fathers perfect will.
John-6-38- for I have come here from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to have my own way. And this is the will of God, that I should not lose even one of all those he has given me, but that I shall raise them to eternal life on the last day. For it is my fathers will that everyone who sees his son and believes on him should have eternal life –that I should raise him at the last day.
you had this “feeling” prompting you to talk with someone about something, maybe you followed that prompting or feeling, or maybe you did not. Next time I am sure you will know that this prompting is of the Holy Spirit, and follow the prompting. Remember the Holy Spirit will never prompt you to talk about someone else, to criticise someone, or condemn someone, or to condemn a church or group; that is not the Holy Spirit prompting you to do those things that is some little evil spirit. The Spirit prompts with love, to share something about your self with another to bring healing or salvation to them. Those are the works of the spirit and he prompts you to do them, they are pre-planned by God that you would meet this person on such and such a place at a certain time and talk with them sharing love. There is no coincidence in the lord there is only God moments, the instant God planned before time itself, the works that you would do.
God knows exactly what he is doing, and it is not up to us to correct or try and tell him he is wrong or he should do this or that, we are just supposed to do his will, and that is exactly what I desire to do and nothing else. God works out his plans in perfection, for everyone’s good, even if they seem strange to us, not the way we would do things, but God sees his plans, his heavenly blueprint, and knows how each piece fits together perfectly.
he asked for prayer. I prayed with him the longest because he had a spirit of religiosity with him, and was self condemning, the lord delivered him quietly, and he never even knew he had a spirit tormenting him, I just dealt with it quietly and it left leaving him free. At the end of the healing weekend, I met them again just as I was preparing to leave. The man was the first I noticed, he was just glowing with freedom, he was smiling as he saw me and his wife commented that she had never seen her husband so happy in all their life together, she herself had a wonderful weekend totally healed, slept like a baby at night, said she hadn’t slept well in years. Her daughter was just flying as she put it feeling so free and healed. The family went home healed and free, praising God. This all happened because I followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and began talking and steering the conversation around to what I told you
There is little point in giving you scripture after scripture telling you the works of God, because you will still have to do the same thing, and that is sticking to the Holy Spirit and Jesus like glue. Doing everything you can to walk in love and forgiveness, in this way you will hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit and you will then do the works that the Father God prepared for Note:you.
John-14-12- In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the father.
By the way, if God prepared a work for you to do, that meant he intended to fulfil that work in you. Even if that work was to pray with some dying with cancer and you were asked to pray for healing for them. Listening to the Holy Spirit will let you know that God will raise that person up supernaturally.
Noteveryonewho followed Jesusaround Jerusalemand thesurrounding areasbelieved in God or even wanted God in their lives. Jesus identified them as belonging to their father the Devil. You didn’t think the devil had children of his own, those only too willing to do what he wants; anyone who gives themselves to the lord are children of God the Father, anyone rejecting the message of salvation and Jesus, have given themselves to their father the Devil, they might not think that way but it is truth, Jesus said to his apostles; anyone who is not against me is for me.
John-8-44 for you are the children of your father the devil and you love to do the evil things he does.
Learn to trust God and believe he has everything worked out for you in advance; you just have to step into it in love and faith.
Following after the Holy Spirit leads us in to the works that God planned that we should do through Christ Jesus. Good works in themselves are not the main issue; it is in doing the will of God and doing as he tells us.
God has prepared miracles for you to do from before time just like prepared those miracles Jesus done, and if you follow after the prompting of the Holy Spirit he will direct you to the ones who are to receive those miracles and healings.
This is the works of God; believe in his son Jesus. That means in all he is and does and told you through scripture. The path to walk on is the path of love, love like Jesus loved and you will walk on safe ground, with the spirit directing your footsteps. Amen.
John-14-17 He is the Holy Spirit and he will lead you into all truth.