God is my father, I am a son of God.

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a son of
“my” “father” “I am
God Brendan Mc Crossan

God is “my”


“I am a son of God.”

It sounds conceited to hear me make that statement, “God is my Father.” ‘I am a son of God!’ Yet what I say is true, and even now as you read this you are probably thinking that’s terrible for me to make that statement, “God is My Father.” ‘I am a son of God,’ just like Jesus was a son of God. It is boastful and arrogant to make such a statement you may be saying how dare he compare himself to Jesus, saying he is a son of God, and God is his Father.

You say it every time you pray the Lord’s Prayer, you say; ‘Our Father who art in Heaven’. What is the difference between you and me? The difference is I believe it, you just say it if you don’t really believe that you are a son or daughter of God the Father. You make the declaration that God is your Father when you say ‘Our Father’ but do you believe that God is truly your Father? Or are you just saying words you were taught. The lord’s Prayer is the greatest piece of revelation that Jesus gave us and we didn’t even believe him, he taught the Apostles to pray this prayer and it has been passed down through the generations down to you and probably to your children if you have any, and its only words if not understood and believed. Jesus was telling the Apostles and us believers that God is truly our real Father, and he lives in heaven. Thy kingdom come! Wow! My Father has a kingdom. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. My Father wants his will done in me as it is happening in heaven. My father has a kingdom that means that he is a King, and I as his son must be royalty also after all I am my Fathers son so I have a royal title also. I must be a prince or something like that I will check it out later in his letter to me, his word or the bible as it is called today.

Many say the Lords Prayer but don’t really believe in what they are saying; do you believe that God is your Father and that you are a son or daughter of a supernatural creator of the entire universe the creator of multiple galaxies?

My Father is God who makes Galaxies, who spins the planets of the universe by his word. And I am a son of the creator of the galaxies, the universal creator, I Brendan Mc Crossan am a son of this divine awesome Father. He is my Dad. I was born into an earthly family, my earthly father was Pat Mc Crossan, and my earthly mother was Mary O’ Donnell, from Rosemount in Derry. My earthly father was born in Park Avenue in Derry. But I died when I was thirty years old, and then I was reborn a split second later and at the moment of my rebirth I was given a brand new name and a brand new nature and a brand new

title, and a new language. I was called a Son of God, and I was adopted into his family and raised up into the heavenlies and seated with Jesus my Brother, and heaven rejoiced at my rebirth, I was a sinner who repented, and was therefore changed supernaturally by my Father in his power and authority.

I was given a crown and a Royal Robe and a Scepter was placed into my hand, and I was called by a new name, it was written on a white stone, and my father and brother and Holy Spirit called me by that new name and I answered when called. Then I was told to go out into the whole world and to preach the gospel, telling everyone that they also could become like me and my brother Jesus if the chose to die like I did through repentance, and asking Jesus into my life as my lord and savior, and be changed forever, and so for the last 31 years I have told everyone who would listen about my Father and brother and how they loved them and wished to make them into a supernatural being just like me through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I am a supernatural being just like my Father and Brother; I have supernatural power within me through the Holy Spirit who lives in me. I can heal the sick, cast out demons, speak in a supernatural language; I can confront the world’s greatest enemy and put him to flight, by the power of words and the name of my Brother Jesus. I have a portion of the mind of my Brother Jesus in me, and I was made from the same material that Jesus was made out of, that means I am just like him.

1-Corinthians-6-17-If you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are “joined together as one person.”

Wow! I am joined together with Jesus as one person, that’s why I am equal to him, I understand now, how I could be equal to Jesus in God’s eyes, God’s plans are amazing, awesome.

I didn’t save the world, I didn’t lay down my life on the cross for the salvation of mankind; my Brother Jesus did all that. I didn’t go down into the bowels of hell and confront Satan the Devil and all his hoards in hell, no my Brother done that so that you and I could live supernatural lives for eternity, and my greatest acknowledgement of him is to declare that I am made the same as him, because of what he my Brother done for me. That I am now his own Brother, given equal standing with him before our Father in heaven. I am to acknowledge his greatness and to share his greatness with as many others that our Father puts across my path.

Romans–8-9- From the very beginning ‘God decided’ that those who came to him should become like his Son. {Like means equal to, to be the same as}

My brother’s name was also given to me and I am called by that name by my Father in heaven; you know me as Brendan, my father knows me by another which is written on a white stone. I answer to all names when called.

Revelation-2-17- and I will give to each a white stone and on that stone will be engraved a new name, that no one will know except the one receiving it.

I was adopted by God my Father and given right standing with him in the heavenly places, and as an adopted son of God I want to find out what my status is through my adoption. If I was adopted into a poor family then my status is poverty but if I was adopted into a kings family then my status is royalty, not through any of my doing but because I was loved enough to be adopted into a royal family; now I must find out what belongs to me because I do not wish to offend my Father by going beyond what my rights as an adopted son are. I will be obedient and faithful; I wish to please my Father in everything I do, simply because I love him and not because I have to.

I have to go and search the truth from my Fathers word the bible his heirloom to me, perhaps you also should search and find out who you are and what you have been given through Jesus your Brother.

Romans-8-15-we should behave like God’s very own children, adopted into his bosom of his family and calling to him, “Father, Father,” for the Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we really are God’s children.

How does a child of the living Awesome Creator God act? You act with holy boldness for a start, and with confidence in which you are in Christ Jesus and with assurance that you are loved by your Father and Brother. You have an attitude, an attitude of gratitude. And an attitude of holy boldness when confronting Satan and evil spirits and an attitude of humility when dealing with people. You were made equal to Jesus and he had an attitude of holy boldness when confronting sickness and disease and demons and humility when he served others treating them as better than himself, he put people first even when he was tired and exhausted he still healed those who came to him and he fed them, though he himself was exhausted as scripture tells us.

Prince Charles the future king of England carries about with him an ‘air’ an attitude of his royal role, his sons prince William and Harry both carry the same air with them, its in their makeup from birth, to carry the mantle of a prince and possible future King of England. They don’t try to be royalty they are its inherited. In Romans 8-15- we are told to call to him Father, Father. God wants us to call him Father, and the Holy Spirit convinces us that we really are God’s children in the same way Prince William and Prince Harry are convinced that Charles is their Father, they don’t need to be convinced unlike us we need to be convinced that God is really our Father. God was the very one who decided that we should be adopted into his bosom not you or I and he decided all this before the very world began. Ephesians-1-4-long ago {long ago} even before he made the world,{think about theses words carefully} God chose us to be his very own,{whose own?} through what Christ would do for us. {Who did it?} He decided then, {When did he decide?} to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault – we who stand before him covered by his love. {Read this next part carefully} His unchanging plan has always been, {it was always God’s plan, were just a part of it} to adopt us into his own family. {God wanted to have a family of his own, he wanted children of his own who would love him for himself} by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to. {God wanted children of his own so that he could lavish his unimaginable love on them, so he devised a plan from before he made the world, that you and I would be created on a certain date and time and come into

natural birth and be born, then later when you had full knowledge and freedom of choice he asked you to take up his offer to become his spiritual children through Jesus. He loved us that much he gave us the freedom to accept his offer or reject his offer to be his adopted children.}

[The previous scripture verse is highlighted and underlined; the words in brackets are mine]

If only we could grasp the depth of love that God has for us so deep that he gave us free choice.

If we had the power to make the one person we love with all our hearts love us wouldn’t we just wave a magic wand and have them love us, though we love someone it doesn’t mean that they love us equally in return. Many a heart has been broken because a person loved someone and the other person didn’t return that love. As I said, if we had the power to make someone love us who doesn’t love us wouldn’t we use that power to make them love us in return?

God has the power to make us love him and yet he has given us the freedom to love him in return or to reject him that is true love. I am sure God’s heart must ache for those who reject his love and turn and give their love to Satan. God’s word says you are either for him or against him, if you’re against him, then the simple truth whether you like to hear it or not, is, you love the darkness, Satan and not God, Scripture says they loved the darkness more than the light. And God is light.

This is how much I love you said the lord your God I give you freedom in life. I could go on writing about this subject for a long time but I am sure you are giving it a lot of thought; true love is letting someone go when they don’t want you. Most people don’t realize that if they reject God then they accept Satan as lord of their lives, they don’t even give it any thought about the words Jesus spoke to his disciples when they objected to someone casting out demons in his name, and he turned to them and said; ‘don’t stop him for anyone who is for me is not against me.’

In other words, ‘if you are not for me then you are against me,’ anyone who doesn’t give his or her heart to Jesus, automatically gives their lives and soul over to Satan, the Devil. Salvation happens in an instant, giving your soul to Satan also happens in an instant, the very instant you decide you don’t want god’s love and reject his son who died for you. God loves us that much he allows us freedom of choice and the choice we make is eternal, it lasts into eternity either way, eternity with a loving God and Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit; or eternity with Satan and all his demons and wicked spirits and Satan worshippers in a fire that never goes out.

God doesn’t want you making those choices to reject him, he gives you abundant chances to come to him with his arms outstretched wanting you to run in to them and get a great big welcome hug, to be loved for eternity. God our Father loves us unconditionally, really unconditional.

Understanding who I now am with God as my Father.

Revelation-1-6-he has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father. {Amplified bible}

Revelation-5-10 you have gathered them into a kingdom and made them kings and priests. {Amplified bible}

The truth is I am a priest and king, and my father is the Almighty king and my Brother is the king of kings, I am descended from a royal line, I am a king but my Brother is over me as a king of kings and my Father is over him as the Almighty king. I should never act as though I was adopted into a poor family with no money or security. I should act as a king and priest; as a king because that is now my dominion and as a priest so that I can serve my Father in this capacity.

The old I died 30 years ago and the new me rose up into God’s splendor.

{Did you know that I truly am descended from a royal line in this earthly world? My grandfather was called Hugh O’ Donnell and all his previous men relatives and family was all Hugh O Donnell’s. My ancestor was a man called Red Hugh O’ Donnell, a prince of one of the kingdoms in Ireland hundreds of years ago, he was called Red Hugh Because he had a flaming red beard, and all these years later when I grew a beard when I was younger, it was flaming Red, even though I am fair haired and now my fair haired son Paul when he lets his beard grow his beard color is red, his ancestry showing up in the genes. His little son has red hair, descendants from an earthly prince, and yet I am descendant from an even greater King I am a descendant from my heavenly kingdom and this is more important to me than to be descendant from an earthly one.}

**{Red Hugh O’ Donnell’s history can be found on the internet}

Romans -6-8- and since your old sin loving nature died with Christ, we know that you will share his new life.

Wow! I am sharing in Jesus new life; his new life includes me in it. What an honor sharing in Jesus new life in heaven.

Romans -7-22- I love to do God’s will as far as my new nature is concerned. Romans-7-23 so you see my new life tells me to do right.

Isn’t it great, that God has given us a new nature to replace the old one, a new nature that is filled with the love of Christ Jesus and the Father and Holy Spirit, and my new nature tells me to do the right thing always?

2-Corinthians-5-17 when someone becomes a Christian they become a brand new person inside, he is not the same anymore; a new life has begun; all these new things are from God, who brought us back to himself through what Christ done.

Chapter two

You see I am not the same as the old Brendan I am a new creation created in God’s image the old Brendan died with Christ on the cross somehow or other, I don’t know how it was done but I believe it because God my Father said so in his word. Romans -6-8.

Ephesians-2-6-and God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.

Can you just imagine God raised you and me “up,” up, not put us down? But where am I seated? He seated me with Jesus. Where is Jesus seated? He is seated in the heavenly realms. Where are you seated? You are seated with him in the heavenly realms. Ephesians-2-6 A realm means empire, kingdom, monarchy, dominion territory.

John -14-27 I have the peace of Christ within me.

Wow! Because I belong to my Father God I have peace within me at all times no matter what the situation,

Isiah-61-10-for he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

Proverbs-4-9-She{wisdom}willsetagarland ofgraceon yourheadandpresentyouwith a crown of splendour.

God put a royal robe around my shoulders to cover me completely in royal attire. He also put a garland of grace on my head and a crown of splendour on me also. A king has all of those things given to him at his coronation; I was given those things when I accepted Jesus as lord and savior. I was also given power and authority in my new life. You can have them too when you accept Jesus as lord of your life.

Mark-16-17-those who believe shall use my authority, to cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues.

I havetheauthority as anew creation to castoutdemons and speak in anew heavenly language that only my Father knows.

1-corinthians-14-you will betalking to God but not to others sincethey won’t understand you, you will be speaking by the power of the spirit, but it will all be a secret.

Tongues are the new heavenly language that I have been given to speak and only my Father knows what I am saying as I speak from the depths of my spirit to him and it is a secrete between him and I. Tongues are a supernatural power filled language that has been given to the sons and daughters of Father God. {Read my book, “The Awesome Power in Tongues” for a deeper understanding of your supernatural language.}

Romans-5-17-for if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.

Your kingdom is here in this life, where you live, you are supposed to use your authority in your life where your kingdom is. I should say; we, not just you, are supposed to reign in this life as a king. It was all given to us by God our Father as a gift. Did you notice in this scripture that you were given an abundance of grace, an abundance of grace not just a little grace but an abundance of grace to last through your life time and beyond.

1-Corinthians-3-22-life and death are your servants, all of the present and the future are yours, and you are Christ’s.

Every kingdom has subjects, and life and death, all of the present and future are your subjects, your servants. Do you realize that life and death are subject to you that mean’s they are under your authority as king of life? When we begin to realize the enormity of what God has done for us his children we then will begin to walk in holy boldness. Jesus our Brother defeated Satan when he descended into hell itself, so we don’t have to defeat Satan it has already been done by Jesus we just need to walk in the truth that Jesus defeated him for us, and exercise our authority, his authority given to us by Jesus.

Ephesians -4-8- therefore it is said when he ascended on high; he led captivity captive, he led a train of vanquished foes, and he bestowed gifts on men. Jesus descended into hell itself, Satan’s Kingdom, and he defeated Satan and every demon and evil spirit. He took them all captive and paraded them before the Father in heaven stripped naked, and has held them in that position for two thousand years. Every child of God is superior to Satan and his evil spirits; Satan knows this and has tried for thousands of years to keep us in bondage by deceiving us into thinking he still has power; he has no power except what we give him.

1-Peter-2-9-you area chosen people, a royalpriesthood,a holy nation,a peoplebelonging to God that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

{Royal means, regal; imperial; majestic; stately; noble; magnificent; splendid.}

Theses things are mine since I accepted Jesus as lord and accepted God as my Father. What an awesome Father we have he made us royalty and we should carry that attitude of royalty about with us always, the attitude of the heavenly royalty humility knowing who and what you are but humble, because we didn’t do it by ourselves.

Colossians-3-17- whatever you do or say let it be as a representative of the lord Jesus Christ.

Let your language always be the language of a child of God, with no profanities or rude or course talk but gentle and with authority when needed, you are representing your Father in heaven and Jesus your lord in this world.

2-Corinthians-5-17-when someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside; he is not the same any more; a new life has begun. All theses new things are from God who brought us back to himself, through what Christ done.

I have become a brand new person inside, thanks to Jesus and God my Father, the old Brendan doesn’t exist any more except in other peoples mind, but as for me personally the old me is no more, just one of the graces of God at work in me, praise God.

Hebrews-9-15-Christ came with a new agreement, so that all that are invited may have forever all the wonders God promised them.

Isn’t it wonderful that we were invited by God our Father to come into his family and remain there being sustained by the Father in everything in life that we need. And Father has poured out his immense grace on me and you because he simply loves us. He never left out even one grace or blessing, remember he gave us an abundance of grace.

1-Corinthian’s-1-7- now you have every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours.

God is my Father I am his Son! I am proud to be a son of God my Father; I delight in the knowledge that he created me to fellowship with him forever in heaven, and to walk in the power and authority of a king with the king of kings and the awesome king of heaven watching over me bringing to fulfillment all he promised me as his Son. I have grace and mercy following me all the days of my life; I have angels doing my bidding. I have my own personal angel looking after me and doing as I ask. I am a child of God my Father and I just adore him, I am in love with him, and I am so proud of him, he is the greatest Father anyone could ever ask for and he is mine.

I have showed you my credentials in this booklet that prove God is indeed my Father and I am a son of God. I pray that you also find out through this little booklet who your real Father is and where he lives, and that you find out your true identity and then begin to walk and act in that identity as a son or daughter of God.

It delights the heart of God when you discover that he is your true Father and that he loved you from before time began.

God is awesome and his plans are enormous and we are part of those enormous plans; created as children of God.

Now you can pray the lords pray with a new insight and depth.

Our {my} Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil, for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory; forever and ever, Amen.

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