God is not interested in your sins or past!

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God is not interested in your sins; or you’re past! But he is interested in you. In your present and your future

God is not interested in your sins; or you’re past!

But he is interested in you. In your present and your future

Not interested in sins

How can I say that God is not interested in your sins, sure everything we have been taught says sin offends God. Yes sin offends God but he is not interested in your sins or you’re past, he is only interested in you, and in you’re present and you’re future, by giving you his love and mercy and forgiveness. He is not interested in your sins for the simple fact that he has already done something about your sins. God sent Jesus into this evil world to take the punishment for every sin mankind would commit and had committed.

Colossians-2-13-When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant was cancelled and nailed to Christ'scross.Hestrippedallthespiritualtyrantsintheuniverseoftheirshamauthority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets. {The Message Bible}

Jesus wiped the slate clean; your record of sin is no longer before God it has been wiped out by Jesus dying for you, yes! that’s you who are reading this.

All you have to do to receive this forgiveness is to ask Jesus into your life as your lord and saviour, to accept what he done for you who is reading this booklet. All you need to do is to talk with Jesus and say; “Jesus would you come into my life as my lord and my saviour.” And Jesus comes in immediately and cleans you from the inside out so he can dwell in a holy place and that holy place is now your spirit. Then he tells you to forget the past, forget about all the wrong things you done, and now move on with him into this new life he has given to you because he loves you.

Philippians -3-13-Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, “forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,” 14 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. {NKJ Bible}

If God in his word tells you to forget about the things that are behind, {in the past} then you are supposed to let go of them and hand them over to God to dispose of. In case anyone thinks there may be some sins that haven’t been forgiven or forgotten by God then this next scripture tells you the slate has really been wiped clean. {A slate is what a teacher writes on in school, [the blackboard] with chalk and then they wipe what they wrote so they can write something new, if you didn’t know what a slate was} This is why God is not interested in your sins, it’s because he done something about them, he paid for them with his life and blood.

Hebrews 7-24-but because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. Therefore he is able, once and forever, to save[e] those who come to God through him. He lives forever tointercedewithGodontheirbehalf.HeremindsGodhepaidfortheirsins.{NLTBible} Did you know that God gives you a written guarantee to keep you sin and guilt free?

1-Corinthians-1-8-He will keep you strong to the end {when you die} so that you will be “free from all blame, “sin and guilt,” on the day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns. 9 God will do this “for you”, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. {NLT Bible}

Do you understand that no matter how bad you sins were, God is not interested in them, and he doesn’t want you to be afraid of him? It does not matter how black your sins were, no matter how perverted you were, even if you murdered someone, God still says to you.

Isaiah -1-18- come now lets settle this, says the lord. Though your sins are like scarlet, “I” will make them as white a snow. Though they are red like crimson “I” will make them white as wool.

This is one of the most beautiful scriptures in the Bible, because God asks you to come to him and confess your sins to him, and no matter how bad those sins are he promises to make them as white as snow. When you ask Jesus sincerely into your heart, he makes you as white as snow, what an amazing God we have. God is not this gigantic figure who waits in heaven to punish you for every little thing you ever done. He tells you don’t let your sins keep you away from me. Then he makes another amazing statement.

Isaiah-43-25-I, even I am He who blots out and cancels your transgressions, for “My own sake,” and I will not remember your sins.

God says he will blot out and cancel your transgressions, for his sake not yours and he promise’s never to remember your sins. {Only God could choose to forget your and my sins} we can remember our sins but God chooses to forget them, he has more important things on his mind like wanting to bless you, now that you are his child. Your sins will never keep you out of heaven, because as you sin from this day on, you will be convicted by God’s Holy Spiritthatyou donewrong and you willfind yourselfrepenting even asfastasyou sinned.You must remember after you confessed that you committed a sin to God and ask his forgiveness, you then need to forgive yourself, and also you are expected to forgive all those who sinned againstyou,offendedyou,orhurtyou.Youhavebeenforgiven,nowGodwantsyoutoforgive others as he forgave you, and the reason behind this is to make sure that you are in a position to receive healing when you are sick, by forgiving others their sins against you, you keep the way open for God to pour in healing to you when needed. Not forgiving others is like putting a cap on a bottle you keep things bottled up and nothing can get into you, for example healing, you cant pour healing into a bottle with the cap still on, can you? To forgive someone is a decision not a feeling; it is a choice you have to make. He loved you unconditionally and forgave you unconditionally now you must do the same.

I have a great future planned for you say’s God’s word, and that future begins the moment you ask Jesus into your life as lord and saviour.

Jeremiah-29-11- for I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare {happiness, good} and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. {Amplified Bible}




I knew you from before I even created time says the lord and I decided that you would be holy without a single fault in my eyes, in the day when you would come to me, your heavenly father. Ephesians-1-4-long ago even before he made the world, God chose you, he decided then to make you holy in his sight, without a single fault, all because he wanted to.

This is how much God loves you, he sees you without a single fault. Some people imagine that if they come to God he would stop them from enjoying a drink, or stop them from enjoying themselves, this is all lies, God wants us to enjoy life to the full, to enjoy life with him in it with you helping you in everything; God wants to make you prosperous, to have financial blessings that every financial need you have will be met by him. Did you also know that God wants to give you his very own Holy Spirit, so that you can pray with power and pray in the perfect will of God? It is called the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and God wants every one of us to receive his spirit. How you receive God’s Holy Spirit is simply by having a born again Christian who has received this Gift from God and who speaks in tongues to lay hands on you to receive the Holy Spirit and his gifts, because God says you do not know how to pray or how to pray as you should but the Holy Spirit prays for you in words you do not understand, and the Father understands those words as the spirit pleads for us in harmony with the perfect will of God. To receive Jesus into your life is just the beginning of a truly amazing life, there will be difficult times but this time you have God in you helping you in your life. God has great things in store for you, in the coming years.

give you a
and a hope say the lord another translation

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