Behold; God is our father, what does that make you

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Behold! “God is your Father”What does that make you?

Brendan Mc Crossan

“Behold, your Father is God!”

As I sat meditating this morning the words “God is your Father, what does that make you?” entered my mind and I realised that my Father God is reminding me once again that he is my true Father and that he created me from before time began, Sure I had an earthly father but he was ‘not my original father’ he was chosen by God to bring me into being in this world together with my mother.

The words he was ‘not my original father’ just popped into my mind as I asked the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me in writing. Since I began writing these little books I know when the anointing is on me and I know because I see things from a different perspective than my normal perspective, I know that God is preparing to show me a new vision of myself and him as my father.


We all know our fathers on this earth looked after us and did the best they could as a secondary father with God’s grace on them to bring us up in a loving environment. But we don’t realise that they were just secondary fathers, that God is our original Father, he was father to our father or is father to our fathers if they’re still alive, that does not mean that were grandchildren, no! It means that we are all children of God, God does not have grandchildren or great-grandchildren but only children. He is our Father, and when we say the Lord’s Prayer, we say; “Our Father who art in heaven,” but we are not for the most of us realising that God is indeed our Father, and dad is secondary father. When we begin to see that God is indeed our real Father, and he lives in heaven, and he is almighty God and the creator of the universe, and that we are his children and that I am his son, then what does that make me? I am a Son of God, just like my brother Jesus is a Son of God, Jesus himself said this

Brendan Mc Crossan 15-09-2011

In the following I am giving you just some of the scriptures that God’s word gives us to reassure us that he is indeed our Father. Why are there so many scriptures saying that God is our Father? Because we don’t believe when we hear it just once or twice or even three or four times we need reassurance that God is indeed our Father. When a man and woman go steady and then get married the woman even more than the man needs reassurance of being loved she says do you love me, from a young girl to an old woman, needing to be told she is loved, needing reassurance. God is trying to reassure us that he

‘What does that make you?’

I know that God is my heavenly Father and I talk with him as my heavenly Father but I know there is something not quite connecting in my spirit, that has a conviction on me, something is lacking between me and God my Father. I have written many books with the words that God is our Father and so I know intellectually that he is my heavenly father but I understand that there is a difference between my intellect and my spirit and when the spirit catches something things change within me and I know that God is my original Father.

If God is Father to me then I was born from his sperm, the man’s sperm decides what a child is going to be, boy or girl, but God’s sperm is supernatural and it contains supernatural power.

If my father and mother were black then I would be born black, if they were brown then I would be born brown, and if white then I would be white also, If they were Chinese, then I would be Chinese, if Indonesian then I would be born Indonesian, but I was born from a supernatural God where heaven is my home and with whom nothing is impossible then I would be made in that same image, stands to reason doesn’t it?

Thee mean you; and thou means you also. A father does not give his keys of his home to strangers only to his own children when they reach the age of responsibility. And the Father gave his keys of the front door to heaven to you and to me not just to Peter but to the church of God which is you and me. Those keys are keys that hold great and tremendous power, and God our Father gave those keys to you and I because we are made in his own image and likeness and in that image and likeness of supreme power we are the same as him, he is our Father.

to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.

Matthew 16:19

Two 1 JohnthoseToday's-New-International-Version3:9whoarebornofGodwillnotcontinue

21st and-Century-King-James-VersionIwillgiveuntotheethekeysof the Kingdom of Heaven. And whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven."

is indeed our Father and what does that make us? It makes us supernatural beings just likeGod becauseheisOurFatherand God issupernatural!Think ofthisand realisethat God is Supreme Being and he made us in his image

God decided to make you and me in his own image. Come on now think what that actually entails, made in his own image, God is spirit but he is also supreme supernatural, having all power in heaven and on earth, and because of Jesus we too were given all power in heaven and on earth. I give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.

Genesis-1-26- God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. 27So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them

In these the beginning of the end times God desires his children to rise up in the knowledge of who they are. They are not just human beings but are in reality supernatural spirit beings who hold great power in their mouths and if they knew in their hearts that God is really their Father and that the earthly father was only a secondary father, someone appointed to oversee them until they came into the knowledge of whom they really are, they would rise in the supernatural realm, they would come to live in that realm and act in that realm and believe in that realm.

WhatThreeis God?

God is my Father, I can come to him with complete boldness and without fear and ask him for anything and he will give it to me in Jesus name.

God tells us to ask anything {there are no limits to the asking} using Jesus name {Jesus name is a key to heaven} and he will give it to us, it says “he will,” not might or maybe, or if it is good for us, or some other lie told to us by Satan to deceive us, but he will give us what we ask for because he is our Father; and we being mature children won’t ask for stupid stuff will we. We know enough now to ask for what will glorify God and what will bring him praise; if we ask for a miracle, that will glorify God and get him praise, we will get it, because everyone knows miracles only come from and through God. And God is our Father and we want to glorify our Father don’t we, we want everyone to see how great and good he is, we want other Christians to grow more in faith as they see us get what we asked from the Father, they also will become more confident in their approach towards God their Father also.

We know from scripture that God is love-1-John -4-8- for God is love. But what exactly is he apart from that? God is the creator of everything that is, and he has always been in being, he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of everything. He is the awesome Supreme Being, the Holy one. He is the one who holds the universe in place by the power of his word. He is the Almighty living God, he is alive and because of

Because we are born of God then we have as this scripture says, his seed inside us, and his seed or sperm is supernatural. I have written of this before and you read this before in other books of mine and maybe others books also, but this time God wishes to make it a revelation to our spirit, he wants us filling our thought with this divine truth, he wants us to come into a knowledge of who and what we are. We are fighting the most cunning evil genius the world has ever know and his name is Satan or the Devil, he has been around millions of years and has great knowledge, he knows that if we find out the knowledge that we are truly God’s son or daughter, his time of tormenting us is over. ]

John-16-23 I am telling you the truth: the Father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name. 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name; ask and you will receive, so that your happiness may be complete.

We hesitate to ask too much of God and this is a lie we believe Satan who tells us that we cannot ask for certain things.

This God who done all this is our own personal Father, his sperm is inside of us, his life is in us, the life of his Son Jesus is in us, and his holy Spirit is inside of us and God wants us to know this and realise how awesome he is and how we have his ear when we need him. I stood as a speck before God’s eye and I felt personal love for me a tiny, tiny speck of dust, and I feel that love now and then and am encouraged to keep going on and on even when at times I felt like giving up. We have to know and imagine the size of God to realise that he is our Father and we must realise also that Satan, the Devil is only an angel, nothing in comparison to God who by the created him also and is terrified of us , and is trying desperately to keep us from realising that we are made in that divine image and likeness of God as well as being in the image and likeness of Christ Jesus. God made us out of the same substance as he made Jesus out of, he took from his own hand a piece of Jesus and he also carved us out of his own hand, we are carved from the hand of God, what does this make you? Think of it deeply, what does this make you and I.

Only God will bring the revelation of who we really are, I can only point out the word of God that says that God is our Father and that we were created from before time even began to be his, we were created as spirit beings just like God, we are not angelic beings

that so are. He is the all consuming fire, the light of the world; he is the provider of all our Godneeds.isbreath-taking

he is beyond anything we can think up, even if we imagined how big God is he would exceed our imagination because our imagination can only imagine a particular size, it is limited in its capacity.

I once had an experience whilst praying in tongues during my daily worship, of standing at the edge of the universe and as I stood there in starry darkness, it was like standing on the edge of a straight line and the vastness was beyond my comprehension, I couldn’t see the beginning or the end of this place where I stood. As I stood there, I saw myself standing on that edge of life, and as I looked down at myself I saw that I looked like a little speck, then I had the most awesome experience as I looked in to that darkness, an gargantuan eye opened right in front of me and looked at me as I looked at it and I knew I looked into the eye of my creator, and I felt an sensation of being loved beyond anything I had ever felt before, this vision lasted about five or more minutes then disappeared, but I was left with a feeling of being loved.

You have to try imagining the enormity of God before you can begin to understand how huge he really is, and even that does not do justice to the size of God. We have to try and begin to think daily how large God is and how immeasurable his holiness and his power really are. He is a God who has spun off Galaxies and Universes and quantum space; and at this moment the space telescope Hubble is showing us galaxies beyond our galaxy and they have photos of tremendous awe inspiring scenery including what they call the eye of God, and that photo is taken but the dimensions are beyond what human calculations can work out of that eye of God. And my Father made all this by the very word of his mouth. God alone knows whether he has created other life forms in those galaxies, but he is the one who has created all this and as Hubble travels on into space it will probably send back even more awesome photos of even other galaxies, the cosmos is unending as is the power and range of our God.

Here are some scriptures that tell us that God chose us as his own children from before time even Ephesians-1-4-beganEven

John 1:13GOD’S-WORD-Translationthesearepeoplewhohaven’t been born in a physical way—from a human impulse or from a husband’s desire to have a child. Their birth was from God.



as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ ‘before the foundation of the world,’ that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. 5For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]--

because they were not carved out of the hand of God they were created by God, we are greater than angelic beings because we are carved from the hand of God himself, angels were not.


God will give you all he has for his children and God has plenty to give.



a slave but a child. And since you are his child, God will give you all that he has for his children.

being a father's punishment; your suffering shows that God is treating you as his children. Was there ever a child who was not punished by his father?

No one likes to be punished and its hurts even more when God punishes us but it proves he loves us.

becauseGood-News-TranslationeverychildofGod is able to defeat the world. And we win the victory over the world by means of our faith.

God is a God of faith and we are children of faith and our faith activates God’s power and is another key to heavens gates.

1 John

When God talks to us either in prophecy or in words he addresses us as his children.

Believing makes you a Son of God or daughter of God.

Our true nature is love not selfishness but love and love is God and God is love, and so we act in the same nature as God because he is love and so are we.

Is Love] Dear friends, let us love one another, because love comes from God. Whoever loves is a child of God and knows God.

1 John 5:4

Our Victory over the World ] Whoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is a child of God;

1 John

See our birth was from God not just human birth resulting from sex but spiritually when we became born again.

words which God speaks to you as his children? My children, pay attention when the Lord corrects you, and do not be discouraged when he rebukes you.




1 John


Faith in the Incarnate Son of God ] Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Messiah is born of God, and everyone who loves the father loves his child as well.

Being a child of God makes you an heir to the kingdom and entitled to the things that the Father has set out in his will, the New Testament,{ the new will of God} an heir means that you are entitled to certain things after someone has died and Jesus died for you and I thus leaving us his inheritance

PhilippiansToToday's-New-International-Version4:20ourGodandFatherbegloryforever and ever. Amen. {2}

As children of Almighty God grace has been given to us and peace from God and that peace is not worldly peace which doesn’t last or last till there’s a row then it’s gone.

1 Corinthians 1:3

Colossians-1:2-21st—Century-King-James-Version to the saints and faithful brethren in Christ, who are at Colossae: Grace is unto you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. {1}


Believing is what God is trying right now to get you to do, believe that he is your Father and cares for you, and believing that means that you have victory over the world and GalatiansSatan.

4-4-4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer slaves, but God’s children; and since you are his children, he has made you also heirs. NIV Bible

In the next sixteen scriptures I am giving you, you have proof from just these sixteen scriptures alone that God is your Father, there are many, many more that say God is Father to you or that you are his child or children.

PhilippiansandYoung'-Literal-Translation4:20toGod,evenourFather, [is] the glory -- to the ages of the ages. Amen. {8}


[Greeting]GOD’S-WORD-Translation1:1FromPaul,Silas, and Timothy. To the church at Thessalonica united with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. {9}





Grace-Century-King-James-VersionbetoyouandpeacefromGod our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ



Grace-Century-King-James-Versionbeuntoyouandpeacefrom God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Galatians{4}


21st Grace-Century-King-James-VersionbetoyouandpeacefromGod the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Ephesians{5}

2 Thessalonians

Jesus brothers and sisters with God as our Father


Now-Century-King-James-VersionuntoGodandourFatherbeglory forever and ever. Amen. {7}


faithful brothers and sisters in Christ: Grace and peace to you from God our Father.{10}


Grace-Century-King-James-Versionbeuntoyouandpeacefrom God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.



Paul,Young's-Literal-Translation1:1andSilvanus,andTimothy’s, to the assembly of Thessalonians in God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ: {14}




2 Thessalonians

for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. {15}


What does God have to do to convince us that we are not just flesh and blood humans, but that we were first of all and still are spirit beings, God’s sons and daughters, made from him carved in his hand, carrying his divine sperm inside us; we need to see ourselves from God’s perspective and begin to act like God is our Father, not just ‘Father in heaven’ which separates us from God by our intellect and thinking, but God is my Father now and ever more, was and is and evermore shall be.



God is my Father what does that make me? Makes me the same as him doesn’t it? I am spirit of his spirit, carved from the same substance as Jesus and living in and through

2 Thessalonians

our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ are yours! Philemon{11}1:3GOD’S-WORD-TranslationGoodwillandpeacefromGod

our Lord-Jesus-Christ, direct our way unto you, {16}

and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. {13}

1 Thessalonians

Jesus tells us clearly that he considers us his brothers and sisters and again I ask you to think, what does that make you and me? What and who was Jesus, scripture tells us he is God and is the Father as well as being the son and with the Holy Spirit is three in one. Just like a mother with twins inside her is one person but is three persons really.

Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. They stood outside the house and sent in a message, asking for him.32 A crowd was sitting around Jesus, and they said to him, Look, your mother and your brothers and sisters are outside, and they want you.33 Jesus answered, Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? 34 He looked at the people sitting around him and said, Look! Here are my mother and my brothers!35 Whoever does what God wants is my brother, my sister, and my mother.

to me. I have not yet gone to the Father. But go to my brothers and sisters and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and you’re God.’

John 20:17GOD’S-WORD-TranslationJesustoldher,“Don’tholdon



him and him through me, so Paul could safely say. ‘It is no longer I who lives but Christ Jesus who lives in me.’ Now we must also make the very same claim, it is no longer I {name } who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.

My secondary father was a plasterer and also a musician. I became a bricklayer and also a musician; it was in my blood that I would be a musician and that I would probably work in the building industry. So I became what my father had been. It was in all probability that I would get a job in the building industry because that was the work my father done and he being in that industry would probably get me a job as an apprentice in that industry, so I followed in my father’s footsteps.

My real Father is God and he is a miracle working God, a God of love and mercy and compassion and incredible power, he has a kingdom and millions of angels serving him with all their being.

I also am a Son of my Father God, and in me is the power to work miracles and I have experienced thatmiracleworking powerthroughoutmy lifesinceIcameto Jesus.Iknow I belong to a kingdom and that I am no ordinary man, just like you who read this if born again, were not ordinary people but were are created supernatural beings just like dad. Jesus is not only my saviour but he is also my brother and yours, and we don’t actually think of him as our brother; we say he is our brother but for the majority of us we don’t comprehend what makes us. He says he is our brother and so that means he has the same father as us, for that’s what makes us family we have the same father

We shall be like him when he returns. God is trying to get us to understand that we are not just human beings but that we actually are Gods, supernatural beings, and when Jesus returns at the end of the age we shall see him and resemble him because we have become one with him and being one with him makes us what he is. If you have become one with God what does that make you? Scripture says we have become one with God and one with Christ Jesus and who knows best, you or God; this is way above our natural thinking and is not meant for our carnal nature but for our spirit to know and understand. In your spirit you are already a supernatural being, you are joined together with Christ Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit living inside of you and you are one with the Father and son and Holy Spirit so what does this make you and me?

New International Version (NIV)

1 John 3

1 John 3-1- See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.2 Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 All that have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.

My brothers and sisters, Jesus himself is saying that you and I are his own brothers and sisters, and what does that make us? He was God and he was and is supernatural spirit, so what does this make us, part of God and part of Jesus scripture alone tells us that Jesus called us God’s when he spoke to the Pharisees and scribes.

It is beyond our imagination to believe that we are actually Gods, we find it hard enough to believe that we are holy according to Ephesians 1-4- and that we are forever perfect in the sight of God Hebrews 10-14- you are forever perfect in the sight of God. Why are we forever perfect in the sight of God, it’s because we have joined together with and in him and in Jesus and the Holy Spirit as one spirit being. God is talking about our spirit not our flesh which is corruptible and sinful but the spirit is forever cleansed and pure and Holy made in the image of God remember in Genesis -1-

John-10-34-Jesus answered, It is written in your own Law that God said, You are gods.35 We know that what the scripture says is true forever; and God called those people gods, the people to whom his message was given.36 As for me, the Father chose me and sent me into the world. How, then, can you say that I blaspheme because I said that I am the Son of God? God says we are God’s so Jesus says and what Jesus said must be true because he himself is God, God called people Gods and who can argue with God, who is right, God or man You, or me or God? If God calls us Gods then that is what we must be, somehow or other we are actually Gods but we won’t understand that fully until Jesus returns and we see him as he really is says

Genesis-1-26- God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. 27So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them

Knowing who and what we are gives us more confidence to approach God knowing that because you know who and what you are you know you will get what you desire. You know that because God is in you and you are in God that you have the boldness to approach the throne of God confidently knowing that you are in him and can get what

This is the reason Satan the Devil hates us so much, God made a creation of beings superior to him and he once was the original supreme angel, Jealousy caused his downfall and so he hates us with a passion, with an intense hatred that wants to see our downfall, he wishes us to fall from grace and to never ever find out this spiritual truth that you and I are Gods as called by God not by me or by man or by any angel but by God alone. We are Gods, spiritual beings living as one in the Father just as Jesus lives as one in the Father and the Holy Spirit lives as one in the Father.

Why is all this so import for you to know? Because in the last days you are going to face incredible trials and temptations from the Devil as he tries to destroy you and your family and grandchildren, but you are being informed of your rightful inheritance of being in God as Gods.

These are the beginning of the end times and God is revealing himself to his children, and if you think of yourself as God’s children then you have to think of yourself as Gods, because God is God and you are born again of him, you are not in the flesh, but his very own sperm, his seed to use another translation, the real you is alive in Christ Jesus who is God, you are the substance that runs through his veins so to speak, and the human blood is made up of billions of different particles and so the body of Christ Jesus is coursing through his spiritual veins making up the Body of God himself.

Think of it like this, you have a body, inside that body there are organs like the heart, the brain, the liver, the kidneys, and the veins that carry the blood from the heart to the rest of the body, without the blood we would be dead, the blood brings life to all the parts, so you see there are many parts to your body but all these different parts are of one and the same they make up the “body,” the head is different from the leg and the arm is different from the heart, but it is all needed to make up the one body, and so it is with God he chose all the parts to make up his own spiritual body, he could have chosen to live without us but he chose to make us from himself just as he made Jesus from himself. We actually make up the body of Christ and make up the body of God, the word tells us this but we find it inconceivable to even dare imagine this, it is too incredible to imagine, yet this is where God is leading his body on earth, to a position of knowing who and what they really are. He is changing the way we think about ourselves because he knows without this knowledge we will perish in our battles with Stan the Devil.

Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand.30I and My Father is one." 31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. 32Jesus answered them, "Many good works have I shown you from My Father. For which of those works do ye stone me?"33The Jews answered Him, saying, "For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy and because thou, being a man, makes thyself God." 34Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, `I said "Ye are gods"'? 35If He called them gods unto whom the Word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken), 36do ye say of Him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world, `Thou blasphemes,' because I said, `I am the Son of God'?

you ask for because you will only ask for what God wants what will glorify him, you won’t ask for trivial things but seek only the kingdom of God, your heart will be so set on God’s desires that your own will fade away into nothingness and of course miracles and kingdom power will follow you as you spread the good news of God’s kingdom around, and thousands of souls will come to God because of you.

Jeremiah-29-11-For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plan to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.


God wants us to know his plans and those plans are incredible beyond human comprehension and is only discerned by the Spirit inside of you. You may not understand all this what is written in this little book but your spirit sees it and understands it all and will someday bring it to the forefront of your life when God knows you and I are ready to understand spiritually. For now you know the truth and it will be discerned by the Spirit of God in you and will be stored deep down inside you for when the time and season is John-10-29-ready.My

God wants us to know exactly what and who we are today not tomorrow he wants us to come into awareness now to bring him glory and to further his kingdom and not yours, for his glory for his awesome plans. He said in Jeremiah - I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and to prosper you, to give you a life and a hope.

Jesus said, “Ye” or ‘you’ in today’s language are Gods. Whom shall you believe?

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