
God says “Let no one defraud you and declare you Unworthy”
Brendan Mc Crossan
When I wrote this book It failed to go to the document at least six times , no other book of mine has ever done this, it has changed the types of writing and it won’t even print even as I write this book, because I believe the enemy does not want you to know this message from God because it will change you forever and make you a greater threat to his evil kingdom.
For a long time I have been giving talks and talking on this subject during my talks telling the Catholic Christian children of God that they are not unworthy, or sinners, they were once unworthy and sinners and that is a fact; but when they accepted Jesus as lord and saviour they stopped being unworthy. Christ died for us while we were still sinners-Romans-5-8, but now we are justified and are no longer sinners or unworthy, the words ‘were’ is past tense, ‘now’ is present tense.
Being unworthy means; ‘’worthless,’’ not fit for nothing, undeserving, ‘shameful’ not good enough, pitiful, the word ‘’worthless,’’ means valueless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, empty, and hallow, contemptible; the meaning of the word ‘shameful’ means, that you are, disgraceful, reprehensible, dishonourable, discreditable, appalling, shocking; the meaning of the word, reprehensible means, that you are calling yourself; ‘guilty,’ in the wrong, to blame, culpable, at fault, and blameworthy, and means that you are not in right relationship with God. One dictionary translation says unworthy means like dog dirt under the foot. Do you believe that a loving Father God thinks like this about you?
Romans -5-8- 8But God shows and clearly ‘proves’ His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. 9Therefore, since we are now justified (acquitted, made righteous, and brought into right relationship with God) by Christ's blood, how much more [certain is it that] we shall be saved by Him from the indignation and wrath of God. {Amplified Bible}
The meaning of the words we say we are, and the words God says we are.
Colossians 2-18 Let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy and disqualifying you for the prize. {Amplified Bible}
Get yourself a good dictionary and see the meaning of what you call yourself when you call yourself unworthy, and look up the meaning of the corresponding words so that you can get the full clear picture of what you are proclaiming yourself to be before the God who justified and redeemed you through the blood of Jesus Christ who made you, righteous, and holy made in his own divine image.
Brendan Mc
God says “Let no one defraud you and declare you unworthy”
Satan has been deceiving the body of Christ for thousands of years by having people believe that they’re unworthy and he uses religion to do this with a little bit of truth to help it along its way. But the word of God clearly states that we are not unworthy, but who do we believe?
Now have a look at what the words, God calls us in Romans 5-8-. This is what God says you are; he said you are ‘Justified’ which means, acceptable, warranted, vindicated, necessary, justified, and defensible, the word ‘righteous’ in Romans -5-8 that God says we are means, to be virtuous, moral, good, just, righteous, blameless, upright, honourable, and honest.
1 –Corinthians-1-30- But it is from Him that you have ‘your life in Christ Jesus,’ Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin].{Amplified Bible}
The word upright, means to be decent, honest, and straight Consecration means, sanctification, ‘’dedication,’’ and blessing. The word pure which God’s word says we are means, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unpolluted, clean, untainted, wholesome, and chaste. The next word God declares us to be is holy; sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, blessed, divine, righteous, and saintly,
First of all where do you have your new life?You have your life in Christ Jesus; you are in fact joined to him as one person. 1-Corinthians –6- 17– if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person.
Aunworthy.personwho feels unworthy will never step out into great things because their belief of their unworthiness means they will not believe they are worthy enough for God to do awesome things through, or they will limit God in his blessings, and in effect they call God a liar and I will repeat that later on in this book as a reminder as to what you are calling a Holy God, who says he made you in his own divine image a liar; I feel I am unworthy God must be mistaken, he surely looks at me and sees all my failings and faults and sins. No! He sees only your spirit and Christ’s spirit as joined together as one, in effect he sees the spirit of Jesus standing before him; he does not see as you and I would see he sees through spiritual eyes. 1-Corinthians –6- 17– if you give yourself to the lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person. He sees one person standing before him – ‘Jesus.’
Where does the word unworthy come into anything God declares us to be? After reading what God’s word says reference the belief you have about yourself, and what you say you are when you declare and believe yourself to be unworthy, and compare that to what God says about you his own loving child, who will you believe, God, or the enemy who is the one who labels you
Now have a good read at the following scripture from which I am going to take specific words that God declares us to be and break those words down in a full explanation so you can see the difference between what the enemy calls you and has you believing.
John-17-22-I have given them the glory you gave me, the glorious unity of being one as we are. I in them and you in me, all are being perfected into one. The Way Bible
Would Jesus join himself together with someone who is unworthy, that would make him unworthy also, because after all he is joined together with you as one person, in the spirit.
The father first gave Jesus the glory, then Jesus gave us that glory, then he gave us back to the father, with his glory on us, all being perfected into one being. God created us to share in his glory that was his decision from before he made the world, we had nothing to do with this decision in any way, and it is his grace in abundance we received.
Malachi –3-17 they shall be mine says the lord of hosts, in that day when I shall make up my jewels.
God calls us his Jewels, a jewel is precious and so are we to him. A man who cuts precious stones throws aside the worthless bits he cuts off to make the jewel more precious, and God does that also with us, he cuts off those bits that caused us to be unworthy.
1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, with assurance and boldness to face him. BECAUSE AS HE IS, SO ARE WE, IN THIS WORLD. Amplified Bible;
1-Corinthians-11-7 God’s glory is man made in his image. 1-Peter-4-13– and afterwards you will have the wonderful joy of ‘sharing’ his glory, in that coming day when it will all be displayed. The Way Bible
In the Old Testament God said he will ‘not share his glory’ with any man, but the “New Testament’’ changed all that.-2-peter-1-3 he even shares his own glory with us. The Way Bible & 1-peter-4-13
2-peter-1-3 he even shares his own glory with us. The Way Bible
The word Testament means the will, like the last will and testament of someone who died, and Jesus died for us leaving us a will Galatians-4-1-8. Jesus came with a new plan from God a plan to make us all acceptable to God by his blood, this didn’t happen in the Old Testament times though the prophets foretold this was going to happen. Romans -8-1- therefore there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus To feel unworthy means to feel condemned, not accepted no matter what you do and this is a lie told to you by the enemy; God’s word says there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus, do you belong to Christ Jesus, well then this applies to you.
How can you call yourself unworthy after you see what God says in just those few scriptures, therearedozensofscriptureswhereGodsaysawesomethingsaboutyouandhowpleasedGod is with you his own divine child made in his own divine image? How can you feel that you were called to share in the glory of God if you feel unworthy?
In this scripture we are more than reassured that we are worthy because God himself says in his written word, ‘’in union and communion’’ with him, the word union means; amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, unification, merger, alliance, and association
This chapter is about the meaning of the word we speak and the words God speaks about us, so I will continue explaining the word Holy in some dictionaries says Holy- to be like God; and Geneses 1-26/ 27- says let us make man in our image, so God made man like his maker, like God did God make man. King James Version
Many people try and tell me that we are supposed to try and be holy and that is what that scripture really means, not that we are holy. But stop there and think, when did all these things happen to us, {before the creation of the world, before you had anything to do with what God decided} well what about the words blameless in his sight is that not joined together with the word holy.
{Ephesians-1-4-6 For he chose us in him “before” the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.In love 5 hepredestined usforadoption to son-ship through JesusChrist, in accordance with his pleasure and will} {NIV Bible.
I have two favorite scriptures that I am constantly quoting to everyone I talk about God to, and that is Ephesians -1-4- and Hebrews 10-14. Every born again Christian should know these two scriptures deep in their hearts
My dear Catholic friends how can you still allow the enemy to put you down when God lifts you up and says these wonderful things about you, The church may still say it is unworthy but you don’t have to agree with them or the enemy; I feel so sad for Catholic and protestant brothers and sisters who believe that they are unworthy, they have been robbed of the tremendous blessings of even this one simple fact they are holy, pure, spotless and cleansed by Jesus on the cross on Calvary, surely he did not die in vein for you, or for you to allow the enemy to rule over your feelings and emotion above the word of God.
Because as he is so are we in this world, ‘’as he is so are we!’’ Who says this remarkable thing? None other than God himself; how in the name of God Almighty could you be unworthy if your the same as him in this world; this is not going to happen after you die, no the word says in this world, and where are you right now? In this world
Let “us” make man in our image; the word image means; likeness, picture, icon, figure, illustration, reflection, copy; the word reflection means; - -mirror image, manifestation, expression, evidence, indication, and appearance. Expression means; face, appearance, and look.
Now I am throwing a spanner into the works of all you lovely religious people by saying what I am going to say next; but first, read that scripture again carefully and slowly soaking up each word. God made man in his image, like his maker, who and what is God? God made man like his maker, the word like according to the dictionary means equal to, and before you get all upset and start getting angry at me read the word again what God said he was going to do, and he said this to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus; God said let “us” make man in our image. Is the image of God tainted by unworthiness?
We know that people who are unworthy can’t get into heaven, simply because they are not worthy for heaven yet God says in Ephesians-2-4
Who decided to do all this with us? It was Almighty God who can do as he wants, he could have made us like donkeys if he so desired, but he chose to make us like himself. And the enemy has done everything in his power to prevent us finding out this awesome truth; you have a choice here to make, do you believe the word of God or do you still believe the enemy. I couldn’t care less if you don’t believe me, but you hopefully have a bible and a dictionary and you can sit down and check every scripture and every word against your own bible and then you will still have to make a decision, do I believe God or the enemy about what they say about me, like my maker, or unworthy?
4But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 for we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. New King James Version (NKJV)
Ephesians 2-4
Now does God know the full meaning of the words he speaks? He chose a time for Jesus to come onto the earth the best time for words and languages. And he said let us make man like his maker and the word like means- equal to, to be similar to, akin to, approximating, in the vein of, reminiscent of, resembling, and to be fond of.
Cleansed and perfected consecrated and made holy, made means it is already done, - he made a boat, -he made a box,-it is already done, you are holy it is already done, you are cleansed, it is already done, you sing about it in church but don’t believe it. You are not going to be made holy by trying to be holy as I stated earlier in this little booklet, as some people argue, but it is already done.
Did you realize that you were created in Christ Jesus, a part of him was taken out and you were created by it, as was all mankind?
Foreordained means to plan ahead to make something happen, because it pleased “Him’’ this is what made God happy
Hebrews 10-1414 for by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy. 15 And also the Holy Spirit adds His testimony to us [in confirmation of this]. For having said, 16 This is the agreement (testament, covenant) that I will set up and conclude with them after those days, says the Lord: I will imprint My laws upon their hearts, and I will inscribe them on their minds (on their inmost thoughts and understanding), 17 He then goes on to say, and their sins and their lawbreaking I will remember no more. Amplified Bible (AMP)
Ephesians 1
Understand something here in this scripture, who is it that did this great work? Was it you? No! It was God and no one else, and it was because he wanted to. What did God do? Made us alive together with Christ; And what else did he do? He raised ‘us’ up together, and made ‘us’ sit together in the heavenly places ‘in Christ Jesus,’ who has done this? Was it you by you worthiness or greatness or closeness with God? No! It was all his work so no man can claim credit for his work. Who did he make sit together with Christ? He made ‘us’ alive together and sit together in the heavenly places ‘in’ Christ Jesus. No man could do this; it is all the work of our Heavenly Father. If you were unworthy would God make you ‘alive in Christ Jesus;’ would God raise you up together and made sit together in heaven? We all know that there are no unworthy people in heaven, only those made worthy by the Lamb of God and made worthy by his precious blood, and who accepted God’s offer of eternal life in and through Jesus.
Amplified Bible (AMP)
5 For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]
Feelings of unworthiness cause us to disbelieve the wonderful promises that God wants to make us wealthy, to give us prosperity to make us rich, because if you are poor how can you help the poor as Jesus said we should. We believe that because Jesus was born in a stable, so we should be humble like him and be poor but Jesus was only born in a stable because there was no room at the inn’s; Joseph and Mary went around all the Inn’s first; then because the baby was coming they took the offer of the stable. You do not go to an Inn if you are poor and have no money. Could you imagine that you and your wife are travelling a long journey and she is nine months pregnant and was about to give birth and you came to a village that had some hotels or holiday inn’s would you go to a hotel if you had no money? Of course you wouldn’t, you would be left standing there looking stupid and turned away if you tried. Mary and Joseph had money or they would not have tried the Inn’s, Joseph had a good trade he was a carpenter a good trade in those days. And we see in cribs the three kings or wise men, at the stable, the three kings did not go to the stable they went to the house where Mary and Joseph and the baby Jesus were living, {I checked every translation to see if any said different} but because of the crib scenario we believed that we should be poor, the son of God was poor and so should we, the Son of God was far from poor, he had the women in those days taking care of him and the apostles
When you asked Jesus into your heart, at that moment of salvation you received Jesus, and he is not moving out every timeyou commit asin, heis joined as oneto your spirit, and your spirit is blameless and sinless, your body is not and your soul is being changed by the word of God.
Catholics have been taught from their childhood that they are unworthy, they say at mass, “Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.” These words have been spoken by them since childhood and so they find it unbelievably difficult to believe they are in fact the opposite, they think they blaspheme the mass, because the priests don’t tell them this message.
How can we believe this wondrous blessing from God our Father if we are feeling, and believing we are unworthy, we have been deceived for countless years by our enemy whose one desire is to prevent us from finding out our true identity and our true relationship with our HeavenlyFather,hewantsuskeepingourselvessubconsciouslyatadistancefromGodinstead of rushing into his arms and thanking him for wanting us to be like him, like father like son / daughter. I see the Christian churches and Christian people deceived into thinking they don’t deserve all that God has to offer.
has used wrong teaching to deceive us into thinking we are unworthy to share in God’s glory or be rich, or to be blessed by God with supernatural gifts, blessings and powers. How could we possibly believe we feel worthy to have the supernatural gift of faith to believe for anything, when we can’t even believe that we are worthy, according to the word of God.
An uncle of mine shared with me one day a revelation that he had from the Lord regarding the word “unworthy” and the ‘communion service,’ he said the lord explained to him that his children received him in communion in an unworthy manner because they believed the devils lies that they were unworthy and this made their share in the communion service unworthy.
The word manner means, way, mode, method, style, approach, behaviour, conduct and comportment, attitude, demeanour, posture. It does not necessarily mean sin; it is an attitude towards communion that causes you to eat of the bread and drink of the cup in a wrongful way.
Trying to justify yourself by religious acts or beliefs will never make you right with God, and in fact as you can see from the previous scripture it makes you sinners if you try to get saved by religion, and scripture says a sinner is destined for hell.
Luke 17:9- Will he thank the servant because he did what he was told to do? 10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’” (New International Version, ©2010)
But Christ gave us fellowship with God and brought us into right relationship with God the Father through what he done for us while we were sinners, were means something is past tense; it means it has gone it’s in the past. The word, “are” is present tense; it is now the way things happen to be right at this moment.
Everyone needs to examine themselves before receiving communion, where does your believing lay? Do you believe that you are unworthy, a worthless piece of garbage as the dictionary explains, if you do, you are eating of the body and blood of Christ in an unworthy manner, {approach, behaviour, attitude} - {attitude means feelings} and that can cause sickness in some people and some have even died because they took the body and blood of Jesus in communion in an unworthy manner, their attitude towards what God has done for them through the death and resurrection of Jesus is all wrong, it is a sin to believe that you are unworthy after God declares you righteous, holy and spotless and perfect in his sight, you are denying what God declared you to be, you’re in effect calling him a liar. But the word says servants are unworthy and we are Christ’s servants are we not?
1 Corinthians 11:26-28- 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. (New International Version, ©2010)
Galatians-2-18-rather we are sinners if we starter building the old system of trying to be saved by keeping the Jewish laws.
Jesus distances servants from friends putting servant in the past tense, {no longer call you servants} and making the disciples and us friends. A servant was unworthy, he is lower than his master but Jesus took away the unworthiness from them and us by declaring us his own friend; God does not contradict his own word, he calls us worthy and holy and righteous, as we are no longer a servant but friends of —–-—––––-—––––-—––-—–––-—––––––––––––-—–-—–––––––God.
When I read this scripture I thought at first that this is a contradiction to what the first scripture tells us, let no one call you unworthy, but as I said this to the lord he said this to me, in scripture Jesus told the disciples this story describing a servant who is declared unworthy, then remember that Jesus then later on told his disciples that he no longer called them servants but friends, he made the distinction between servant and friend.
The word ‘righteous’ was used 137 times mostly regarding the children of God. The word worthy is used 37 times in the new testament regarding the children of God and Jesus, in the {NIV Bible}
John-15-15- I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
I went searching through the concordance in the bible to find out how often the word ‘unworthy’ was used in reference towards Christian children of God the Father and I was amazed that is used only three times in the new testament In the {NIV Bible}
The word ‘reconciled’ is mentioned 7 times in the New Testament; {Amplified Bible}
James 3-9-With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. We are made in God’s likeness, is God unworthy? He is if you declare that you are unworthy, becauseafter allyou aremadein his likeness. Likeness means similarity, portrait, duplicate, image, reproduction. You are a reproduction of God a duplicate of him, amazing to think this isn’t it?
And the word ‘sinner’ is mentioned in the NIV bible 76 times always separated from the saints who are righteous.
Romans 5-10- For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sin's dominion) through His [resurrection] life.
The words ‘children of God’ in the New Testament is used 47 times reference us and some other things, in the {NIV Bible}
Colossians 1-22-Yet now has [Christ, the Messiah] reconciled [you to God] in the body of His flesh through death, in order to present you holy and faultless and irreproachable in His [the Father's] presence.
Jesus made us worthy, no one else, Jesus alone through his suffering at the pillar and after on the cross, that is what he was doing taking the sins of the world onto his pain racked bloodied body, and he was paying the price of our unworthiness on that cross where had a sign nailed above his head, saying “The King of the Jews,” and as scripture says he took the list of our sins on the cross, I think that that sign wasn’t just a sign saying the king of the Jews but it was a sign saying spiritually, “the list of our sins.” I’m probably wrong but I feel that the sign was there for a spiritual reason not just because of Pilots whim. {This is just my thinking not an inspiration from the Holy Spirit, or maybe it is? On this I don’t know} Let “no one” defraud you or call you unworthy, and that means litterly “no one,” no one in this world has the right to call a child of God that Jesus died for and who accepted him into their lives ‘unworthy,’ and that of course means you also, don’t make God out to be a liar, he doesn’t like it.
How can you be unworthy if you have been reconciled to God, in order to present you, holy and faultless and irreproachable in the Fathers presence. If God decided to make you holy and faultless and irreproachable to him who are you to let a man or women call you different by calling you unworthy. The feeling of unworthiness keeps us away from drawing close to God, yet God calls out to his children, come to me come close.
I know at mass we say, “Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.” Let me ask every born again Catholic of which I am one; did you receive Jesus into your life when you asked him to become your lord and saviour? Did Jesus come into you when you asked him to come in? Of course he did, and he will never leave you, he is there permanently. So how can you be unworthy to receive him in communion when you already have him inside you? Can you please explain that to me, and by the way this is not a different Jesus than the one you already received, is he? I have had Catholics argue with me that this is a different Jesus????
Colossians 2-18-Let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy and disqualifying you for the prize. {Amplified Bible}
Scripture dictates here that you are not allowed to let anyone call you unworthy, simply because they are defrauding you acting as a judge and jury and umpire. No one is to call you unworthy, not even yourself otherwise you are defrauding yourself of the glorious things that God has spoken about you, he declares you holy, spotless and clean without a single fault. Who is right, you or God, the minister or God, the priest or God? Even if the pope said you are unworthy, he is wrong, he doesn’t have that right to declare anyone for whom Jesus died and rose again for and declared good in his sight, he does not have the right before God to call any born again child of God unworthy. Nor does the head of any religious Christian denomination have that right either to contradict God.
From before the foundation of the world he chose us to be in Christ and to be holy and blameless in his sight. As far as God is concerned we are holy and blameless in his sight, it matters not how the world sees you but it matters a tremendous lot how God sees you and you have a choice to make; do I believe God or myself or the world?
{Ephesians-1-4-6 For he chose us in him “before” the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will} {NIV Bible.
Satan is defrauding the Christian children of God of their God given rights by telling them they are unworthy or sinners and undeserving of the grace of God, and if you feel unworthy how can you resist the devil when he attacks you, you have no confidence to withstand him and he whips you about the place holding you up to mockery and ridicule and you are the one who criticizes yourself tearing yourself down by agreeing with him, and you have no confidence to just walk boldly right up to the Father in the throne room of heaven and get what you need, and the word of God says come boldly
1 –Corinthians-1-30- But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal penalty for sin].{Amplified Bible}
Now compare the words you say about yourself and the words that God says about you. You say this about yourself, I am unworthy. unworthy ‘’worthless,’’ not fit for nothing, undeserving, ‘shameful’ not good enough, pitiful, ‘’worthless,’’ valueless, of no value, insignificant, useless, rubbish, empty, hallow, contemptible; ‘shameful’ disgraceful, reprehensible, dishonourable, discreditable, appalling, shocking; reprehensible guilty, - in the wrong, to blame, culpable, at fault, and blameworthy, like dog dirt under the foot Manner =way, mode, method, style, approach, behaviour, conduct and comportment, attitude, demeanour, posture
How can you possibly be unworthy, if you are righteous, pure and holy? God says let no one defraud you, {that’s you who read this} by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy. Satan does not have the right to call you unworthy, even after he gets you to commit a sin, you are still not allowed to call yourself unworthy, you have to repent and you are instantly forgiven and in right standing with God again. What an amazing loving Father God we have, what a wondrous saviour we have, and what a glorious Holy Spirit we have and all live inside us in our spirit.
‘Justified’ acceptable, warranted, vindicated, necessary, justified, defensible, ‘righteous’ virtuous, moral, good, just, righteous, blameless, upright, honourable, and honest. Decent, honest, straight, Consecration sanctification, ‘’dedication,’’ and blessing. Pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unpolluted, clean, untainted, wholesome, and chaste Holy; sacred, consecrated, hallowed, sanctified, blessed, divine, righteous, saintly, ‘’in union and communion’’; amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, unification, merger, alliance, association.
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his Hebrews-10-14-thesight.
Righteous in his sight, {his eyes}
God calls us
Ephesians 1-4-New International Version (NIV)
If you believe that you are unworthy before God then how can you expect to have wonder working power, the power to perform miracles and healing and deliverance? Even though
14 For by a single offering He has forever completely cleansed and perfected those who are consecrated and made holy.
way Bible
For by that one offering he made forever perfect in the sight of God all those whom he is making Hebrewsholy.10-14-Amplified Bible (AMP)
We are right in his sight forever perfect in his sight, blameless in his sight not your sight, you see yourself as the enemy would have you see yourself and not as God sees you.
God loves us dearly, and has declared us right in his sight- Romans-5-1.
in his own image; likeness, picture, icon, figure, illustration, reflection, copy; - -mirror image, manifestation, expression, evidence, indication, and appearance. Face, appearance, and look.
Romans 1-17-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
17 For in it is revealed how God makes people righteous in his sight; and from beginning to end it is through trust — as the Tanakh puts it, “But the person who is righteous will live his life by trust.”
ToAmenGod be the glory.
you have all the gifts of the Holy Spirit in you, you will never feel confident enough or worthy to believe that God would raise a cripple and deformed child to fullness of health through you; you know he can do it, but not through you your too unworthy and that is all lies. Its time now to put an end to the enemy’s lies about you, turn to God and repent for not believing him in what he says about you his Son or daughter, and change your belief by confessing the word God says about you.