“God’s witness protection plan”
2-Corinthians-5-17-when someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside; he is not the same any more; a new life has begun. All theses new things are from God who brought us back to himself, through what Christ done.
In this present world we hear so often of people being saved, of being born again, and it has been the butt of many a comedians jokes. But all too few in this world really understand what being born again or saved really mean. In fact a lot of Christians don’t even realize what salvation means exceptto know thatthey areguaranteed aplacein heaven when they die. Most don’t realize that salvation is only the beginning of all that God wants to give them. WhensomeonebecomesaChristianhe“becomes”“abrandnewperson;”“anewlifehasbegun.” A new life has begun! For a new life to begin, the old life has to go, to be done away with.
When someone is put into the witness protection program the first thing that has to happen is they have to be given a new name, a new identity, all things relating to the old name and lifestyle have to be destroyed in case they could be traced by their enemy. They have to cut all ties with family, friends and acquaintances, and this is difficult to do, but it is necessary to do this for their own protection. They have to give up their old lifestyle, no longer go to the places they used to frequent, stop doing things they done, everything has to change. They sometimes have to change their very appearance to be protected. And they have to testify against someone, and so are kept safe by the authorities.
When we become Christians we became a new creation and in becoming a new creation with a new nature we had to be changed by God, and given a new identity, and we have to give up our old sinful ways and sometimes we loose good friends and relatives in the changing process, who don’t like the new you, and so God puts us in his witness protection program, changing us into his image, and likeness.
We are in God’s witness protection program and we have a deadly enemy who is determined to destroy us. God wants us to testify the whole world about his son Jesus; and testify against Satan the Devil our enemy. We too have to go through changes that will affect our whole life, the first thing God does is give us a new name and he writes it on a white stone, that no one else knows but you the person receiving that new name;
Revelation-2-17- and I will give to each a white stone and on that stone will be engraved a new name, that no one will know except the one receiving it.
Then he goes about changing your very nature, changing everything about you.
Romans-7-16-I know I am rotten through and through as far as my old nature is concerned.
God gets rid of the old nature in you. Then he gives you a brand new one that just loves God.
Romans-7-23-I love to do God’s will as far as my new nature is concerned.
This is just the beginning of the new life in Christ Jesus that has been given to you. To hide your identity even more he changed your language also.
Mark-16-17-those who believe shall use my authority, to cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues.
God gave you a language that your enemy could not understand, and that language is only understood by God the father.
1-Corinthians-14-2 if your gift is that of being able to speak in tongues, that is to speak in languages you haven’t learned, you will be talking to God, but not to others since they wont be able to understand you. You will be speaking by the power of the spirit but it will all be a secrete.
You will be talking to God but it will be a secrete you and him only will know, the enemy cannot understand you.
Hebrews-9-15-Christ came with a new agreement, so that all that are invited may have forever all the wonders God promised them.
God even gave you a new agreement, he promised that he will give you all the wonders he promised, and the wonders of God are non ending they just go on and on forever. Then he decided to make it legal and binding, so he made up an agreement and signed it in blood.
Mathew-26-28-for this is my blood sealing the new covenant, {agreement} it is poured out to forgive the sins of multitudes.
A person in the witness protection program needs to be relocated to another place. God is no different he relocated you and placed you into a new life in heaven, that’s your new address.
Colossians-3-3-you should have as little desire for this world as a dead person does; your real life is in heaven with Christ and God. Your new address could possibly read like this.
Your new name. Pearly gates, Mansion house Streets of gold Paradise Avenue. Heaven.
A person in the witness protection program is usually assigned someone to watch over them discretely, and Christ Jesus watches over you, along with Father God and the Holy Spirit, you have three way protections, plus countless angels held in readiness in case you need assistance in an emergency.
Psalm-16-5- he guards all that is mine.
Wow God himself is guarding yours possessions and family; you must be someone very important for God to personally guard all that is yours.
Your old crime boss used to get you to carry out his wicked deeds and he helped you perform them, and you know his involvement in your crimes against God and his people; now since you have been put on God’s protection plan, he rescued you out of that impossible situation and took you under his wing, and set you free. And you agreed to testify for Jesus and to testify against your old crime boss Satan, the master of sin.
Romans-6-18-now you are free from you old master sin, and are slaves to your new master righteousness.
Your whole lifestyle is changing, the old places where you used to hang out, places where you sinned, you no longer desire to go there any more. The old friends whom you smoked dope with and drank until you got drunk, and all those whom you had sex with no more appeal to you. You enjoy your new lifestyle with the drink now in moderation, you are in control of it, and it no longer controls you. As for drugs, you get your new highs from Jesus and his awesome love and blessings. Sex you are discovering is an amazing blessing when shared between husband and wife, the love heightens up the pleasure and takes you into a new realm of love making, your sex became love making and beautiful, it is the wonderful gift that God meant it to be.
You have been given a new job also, the old one never benefited you much anyway, this new job is helping others and the greatest joy you have is sharing your new job with so many countless others being a blessing to them. It means travel for you going to exciting new places, making lots and lots of new friends. This new job you have has great benefits, the benefits are seeing people healed and delivered and restored into a relationship with God. Below is your new job description.
Job manifesto
Mark-16-15-you are to go out into the entire world and preach the good news to every one, everywhere. Use my authority to cast out demons, speak in tongues and to lay hands on the sick and heal them; {paraphrased}
Now as that new person you have been brought into the place of highest favor with God and will enjoy the benefits of your new position. By the way you weren’t given a menial job or position in the new firm; you were given the top job and placed in a place of highest responsibility.
Romans-5-2-for because of your faith, he has brought you into this place of highest privilege, where you now stand.
In this place of highest privilege you have been given full rights to the bosses name, if you need something for the firm you just order it done in Jesus name; he gave you authority to use his name to do things needing done. You don’t need to use ‘your’ authority to do things you use the bosses authority and it’s a higher authority than your own.
Mark-16-17-and those who believe shall use my authority, to cast out demons, etc.
When the enemy comes looking for you as he will he won’t be able to recognize you because you have been given a face lift, a complete makeover.
1-John-4-17-herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are we in this world.
The Devil can only see Jesus when he looks at us he cant see the old you, he doesn’t recognize you; you have changed so much.
1-Corinthians-6-17- if you give yourself to the lord; you and Christ are joined together as one person.
When the Devil comes around searching for you he only sees Jesus blood reflected in you, he knows you are somewhere around, because he knows you are sticking close to Jesus and he is lookingforyoutogiveyourselfaway,byyourreactiontohischallenges.Aslongasyouknow you are covered by the blood of Jesus, the Devil won’t recognize you, but as soon as you step away and move into unbelief he spots you instantly and will attack fiercely. When he looks at you first, he is trying to work out, is this Jesus or one of his clones? And so he challenges you to do something that will break your cover, he will try first of all to get you to fear him. Your reaction will be his clue, if you react with power and authority and rebuke him and command him to get lost, he will flee instantly thinking to himself, oops I got the wrong one, that was Jesus himself, I’m lucky to escape. If you recoil back in fear he knows I got the one covered by Jesus and so he will attack even more trying to destroy you. Your reaction to Satan lets him know who you are, and if you are solid in your belief that you are covered by Jesus and that Satan only sees Jesus when he looks at you; you will be safe. Your Identity will be secure and you can go on about your new life secure in the belief that you are covered by the blood of Jesus and by Jesus.
The benefits of being a new creation!
1-Corinthian’s-1-7- now you have every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours.
In your new identity you have been given every grace that you will ever need to live this new life that is now yours; you also have been given every spiritual gift and power. Those gifts are; wisdom, word of knowledge, special faith, healing gifts, miracle gifts, prophesy discernment, tongues, the ability to understand tongues, and teaching gifts. All of those gifts are yours to use as the Holy Spirit leads, because the simple fact is that you have received the giver of the gifts, the gifts are the person of the Holy Spirit.
1-Corinthians-12- 11 it is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives all the gifts, deciding which each of us should have.
The gifts are all for you because you have the Holy Spirit living within you, and it is he who displays the gifts through you. Every Gift is at your disposal to do the will of God, not to do your own thing with them but to do the will of God. The only gift that you can turn on and off at will is the gift of tongues; that gift was given to you as a help to your prayer language to help you pray and its there permanent. You cannot turn on a healing, nor a miracle, nor prophesy. But you can ask for the very best of the gifts to come to the fore.
1-Corinthians-12-31- No! But try your best, to have the most important of these gifts.
You see it is up to you to ask the Holy Spirit to give you the gifts you desire; he told you in his word that you just read try your best.
1-Corinthians-14—12-since you are so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit, ask him for the very best, those that will be of real help to the whole church.
Every gift and power is yours you just have to ask for the best gift. Example= in your church someone comes for healing, what gifts do you need. You need the gift of wisdom, not everyone who comes for healing really wants to get healed especially if it calls for change in their life. Then you will need the gift of discernment, to know if it’s an evil spirit that is causing this sickness; then you need the gift of healing to be present, and also the gift of miracles so that they can be healed instantly. The difference between healing and miracles is that a healing takes place over a period of time and a miracle happens instantly or within a few minutes.
In Your new life you have been give a new authority a new power and a new nature all intended to remove any trace of your past life. You have all the backing of the new boss and his staff, who will come to your assistance when help is needed. Don’t be afraid to step out in boldness and do the new job assigned to you. Heal the sick, cast out demons, pray for the baptism in the spirit for those you speak to. Preach the Gospel, in season and out of season and with boldness knowing it works for the salvation of others like you were.
If you do this then your old enemy won’t recognize you he will think its Jesus and make a quick retreat.
In the witness protection plan those in authority make sure that you are protected from all danger, and it is no different in God’s protection plan, he protects you in all situations. You as a new creation have been put into God’s protection plan and that plan means changes in your life and your lifestyle, you need to change to become the new person you were changed into, and not one of you former friends should even recognize your behavior and personality. As for you, you need to believe that you are that new creation and that you are living a brand new life and walking in God’s power and authority, and have all the backing of heavens itself every where you go, and in everything you do. You’re in God’s witness protection plan let the old you disappear forever let the new you shine your light and don’t hide it under a basket, go boldly forth into the world full of all of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, to boldly go where no man has gone before you.