Half hearted praise is caused by Half Truth Gospel
Half hearted praise is caused by Half Truth Gospel
Brendan Mc CrossanOne
In a church I go to, I heard the preacher today telling people to think of a reason to give praise to God for and begin praising God; he said for example ‘we are saved and going to heaven,’ and the people said, ‘amen,’ ‘praise God’ my spirit immediately detected a drop in the tone of their response. Why?
{All of us can only walk in the light we receive from God and things that have been revealed to me now others probably learned those things years ago and are walking in greater light than I have right now. Light is being increased all the time the more we ask for revelation and walk in it.}
The spirit of God within me immediately said, ‘they can only praise and glorify God with a full heart when they know the full gospel, it is impossible for them to praise with a total heart-filled praise unless, their heart is filled with the full truth of the gospel. The Holy Spirit continued showing me some bible gospel truths and so I share some of them with you.
One half bible gospel truths the preacher said, was, ‘we are saved’ ‘and going to heaven,’ and this is truth in a half gospel. But it is not the complete truth, the full gospel, so it is half truth, the truth, but only the half truth. Yes Jesus has saved us and we are going to heaven; but that is scripturally wrong. Christians believe they are saved and they are ‘going’ to heaven, they don’t realise that at the moment of their salvation something happened, they were given a new spirit a spirit that Joined itself to Jesus and was instantly transported into heaven but still connected to their soul and body, otherwise they would be dead physically. But let’s take this apart further on.
Let’s see what Jesus says. Let’s look at the words that Jesus spoke, out of his own mouth whilst alive, and at the beginning of his ministry. Remember the scripture also; that ‘you will be judged for every idle word you speak,’ and also ‘the words you speak have life or death in them.’ All God’s words, so Jesus knew the words he would speak would be words of God, life giving words., he spoke no idle words at any time in his earthly ministry, so it is important to listen to him and hear with your whole heart and mind to what he says.
John 3-15-King James Version (KJV)
15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.18He that believeth
Now the first thing I wish to write here is I do not criticise orcondemn anyone here, either the preacher, or the people, I want you to understand that forthright.
on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
Jesus was speaking to Nicodemus and Jesus was telling him how to get saved. That he must be born again, he told him the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven, and then he told him that everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. Read the full scripture-John-3-1-22to get the fullest picture, this was the first time that Jesus talked about getting saved by being born again.
So pay attention to what I show you in these verses. Whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. Now you may say Jesus was saying you may have {or have not} eternal life; but Jesus repeated himself and said again, ‘believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.’
The meaning in this scripture is clear; Jesus also said twice he that ‘believes not’ is “condemned already” and why was he “condemned already,” because he “believed not.”
Now ask yourself this question. ‘When were those who ‘believed not’ condemned?’ they were “already” condemned {the dictionary meaning to ‘already’ is by now, before now, previously. It had happened instantly. The unbelievers were, before now, condemned to hell. They were assigned a place in hell. The believers have eternal life. Have means to own something already, something is already yours you possess it, it’s yours.
Example=I have a watch. I am not getting a watch, I already have one, I am not getting one later; I already have a watch. That means now this very moment I have a watch, and scripture tells us this even more clearer as I go along showing half truth, which are truths but only half is explained, so we have half truths so half hearted worship. We can’t worship God with a full heart if you only know half truth, it is only when you know the full gospel and understand the fullness of the meaning of gospel words that your spirit can raise up and give fullness of praise to God.
Jesus told Nicodemus how to get saved, by being born again and to be born again means that he would be given eternal life now, not later on but now, those who believe shall have eternal life –NOW!
When we die Christians believe that when they die they will go to heaven, and this is not the full truth either, so God cannot be glorified for what he did for us through Jesus in the fullness of true worship, for Jesus said, we must worship God in spirit and in truth, so half truth, half worship. Scripture tells us that we are already seated with Christ in the heavenly realms,
Ephesians-2-6- he raised us up ‘together with him’ made us sit down together with him in the heavenly realms, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus the Messiah, the anointed one.
And scripture also says that we stand in the place of highest privilege where Jesus alone stands, because we have become one with Jesus
1-Corinthians-6-17 But he who joins himself to the Lord becomes spiritually one with him.
You see you are not going to heaven when you die, you are already there in your spirit joined together with and in Jesus; your body is on earth alive still connected to your spirit, even as you read this, but your spirit is alive in eternity with and in Jesus, this is not going to happen but has already happened through what Jesus done for us, so if you only believe half of the truth you can only thank God for that half, you can’t thank him fully.
If I told you God has forgiven you your sins, you would say that’s great praise God, but when I tell you that he doesn’t remember them anymore because once forgiven he throws them into the sea of forgetfulness, that’s a better reason to give God praise isn’t it?
Hebrews-10-17-‘I will never again remember their sins or lawless deeds.’
Now if I told you that God has not only forgiven you your sins but that he made you holy like himself because of your accepting Jesus into your heart that is a greater reason to give God praise is it not?
Ephesians-1-4-4According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: 5Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
And that is exactly what he did for you. And if I went even further and told you that God has given you awesome gifts and powers, even the power to raise the dead, you would get even more excited in your praise of him. The more you know of God and know God the more excited you become so when you go to church, you want to be the first to rise to your feet and begin shouting out praises to him, you’re getting to know him better as you go along so your praise rises the more you understand what God done and is doing for you. Today you may have become more aware of where you are now, seated in heaven with and in Christ Jesus, you are already in heaven this is the full truth, not a half truth, that you are not going to heaven but are seated there already when you accepted Jesus as lord of your life and you got saved. {Salvation}
Ephesians-2-6- he raised us up ‘together with him’ made us sit down together with him in the heavenly realms, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus the Messiah, the anointed one.
At salvation you become one with Jesus and gained entrance into heaven instantly when he arose from the dead; and that is where you are seated in the spirit right now; you are still connected to your body by a cord of life as scripture tells us, that silver cord of life, or you would be dead.
Now this part is only talking about forgiveness of your sins and your salvation.
Christians believe that their salvation was won for them on the cross on Calvary; scripture does not say that! Scripture says that Jesus was hung on the cross for our sins, he died to free us from the curse of the law, and in dying he took our sickness and diseases, and God made peace with the world through Jesus death on the cross.
Galatians 3-13-New International Version (NIV)
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”
1 Peter 2-New International Version (NIV)
24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
Christianshavebelieved ahalftruth including myself.IbelievedlikethemIgotsavedby Jesus on the cross but that was not the full gospel, Jesus took my sins, and the curse that was placed on me and took my sickness and bore my diseases on the cross; and after he died he went into hell and in hell he defeated Satan and all his evil followers and there he declared the victory of salvation and righteousness and this was after he died physically on the cross, in the spirit he went down into hell and fought with Satan and defeated him. The total victory was not won on the cross this is a half truth, he then descended into hell and defeated his enemies there in hell, and this brought the total victory.
The suffering and the cross and the death of Jesus and his living again in the spirit and the defeat of Satan and the resurrection were all one part of the lord God’s great plan. To understand the whole truth means that you can now understand and praise with the whole heart not a half message but for a full gospel, Jesus didn’t defeat Satan on the cross, he was paying there on that altar for mankind’s sins and the breaking of God’s law and bringing healing to mankind again, but it was in hell that he ended the war.
Ephesians-4-8-Amplified Bible
Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive [He led a train ofvanquished foes] and He bestowed gifts on men.
After his resurrection, this was mankind’s greatest gift from God, the ability to receive eternal life through what Jesus had done; so when men or women accepted Jesus as lord they received their eternal life through Jesus at that instant in time of their acceptance of their salvation, ’’Jesus as Lord,’’ and they ascended into heaven in spirit with Jesus supernaturally.
The cross of Jesus Christ was the beginning of the end but not the end, the victory in hell after the crucifixion was the end result of God’s plan. We are taught to believe that it was the cross alone that victory was given, but victory cannot be declared until the enemy is totally defeated and he surrenders.
The enemy surrendered in defeat to Jesus, who began the planned downfall of Satan’s defeat, beginning with his betrayal and ended in his rising to heaven, to believe it was all over at the cross is half truth, the full gospel is when the resurrection came and Satan’s defeat was accomplished. Just a slight difference but a half truth nevertheless, the full picture has to be taken in for God to be fully glorified and he was glorified when Jesus arose and paraded Satan and his followers in heaven stripped naked, ‘he led captivity captive.’ When the full picture is shown then and only then can the full appreciation be given to God for such a clever plan. God is glorified in the full gospel in fullness of worship and adoration; one has to marvel at such a glorious mastermind plan.
Those are just some of the ways we have been taught a half gospel, Four
Unworthy, saved by grace
Another way is Protestant Christians are taught that they are sinners saved by grace, or washed by the blood, or for the Christian Catholic congregation, they are taught that they are unworthy, but just say the word and we shall be healed, and this is an untruth but taught and preached in churches and these deny Jesus the glory he deserves.
Did the apostles preach the full gospel? Yes they did it was Paul who revealed that it was no longer us who live but Christ Jesus and he was the one who preached that we are one with Christ Jesus, the apostles preached that we are a new creation and are sinless, spotless and cleansed by the precious blood, some of which is preached but not as the full gospel.
When, ‘we are sinners washed in the blood,’ is taught, there is just a part truth in that statement, yet I hear that statement meant as a statement of faith. Those who proclaim this statement begin with, “we are sinners,” they are making a declaration that they are in rebellion against God for a sinner is in rebellion and will be punished for it. Scripture says a sinner is in rebellion against God, look up your bible to everywhere it says sinners and you will find that a sinner is going to hell and is cut off from God’s love and grace, I am giving you just a few examples to read, find the rest yourself, there are hundreds of scriptures to chose from.
Give to good people, but do not help sinners.
God says don’t help sinners, that’s you if you confess that you’re a sinner first! And God tells the Christians not to help you, ‘you ‘were’ a ‘sinner’ but now you are ‘washed in the blood’ is saying something totally different, ‘were’ is past tense; ‘are’ is present tense, meaning now ‘I am’ a sinner, ‘were’ means you used to be a sinner.
it is not appropriate for a sinner to sing hymns of praise, because his worship is insincere.
If you are confessing I am a sinner, saved by grace or washed in the blood your first confession cancels out your second one, ‘washed in the blood,’ you cannot be both at the same time, and if you believe that you are a sinner then I hope that those few scriptures open your eyes to what you proclaim, you shouldn’t be singing hymns in church is you proclaim to be a sinner.
Sinners will be condemned by God and kept apart from God's own people.
Are you condemned? You are if you confess that you are a sinner, first. So says God’s word.
John 9-31-New International Version (NIV)
We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.
If you are making that declaration, “I am a sinner,” confessing those words first, then God will not listen to you according to his word, not mine. A sinner is a law breaker, and Christians are no longer under the law. “Washed in the blood” is saying you are redeemed; but you contradict this part by confessing that you are a sinner first and therefore separating yourself from God as he does not listen to you. There is a half truth in this statement and that half truth is “washed in the blood.” You deny Jesus his glory by declaring that you are a sinner and say indirectly he didn’t save you, and then you say you’re saved, which is it? Saved or not saved?
1 Timothy 1-9-GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
9For example, a person must realize that laws are not intended for people who have God’s approval. Laws are intended for lawbreakers and rebels, for ungodly people and sinners, for those who think nothing is holy or sacred, for those who kill their fathers, their mothers, or other people
The law was intended for sinners, not for the righteous,
Ephesians-5-26 Jesus died to make us Holy and clean washed by baptism and God’s word. So that he could give her to himself as a glorious church without a single spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy without a single fault.
Is this preached even in half truth as part of the full gospel of Jesus Christ? We have been told that we are sinners washed in the blood or that we are unworthy and that is even after we are saved. Yet God through Jesus washed us clean by his precious blood, he considers us without a single spot, wrinkle, or any other blemish, and this is not taught except in passing now and then; this is part of the full gospel of Jesus Christ, these things that Jesus accomplished are awesome and need to be proclaimed as the full gospel.
The full gospel is telling that Jesus not only forgave us our sins on the cross but he freed us from the law and took all our sickness and bore all our disease and not only that but in giving us salvation which he won in victory in hell he made us holy like him; he made us worthy, he cleansed us from all sin and because of him there is no condemnation. If this is not the full gospel then why did Paul and Peter and the rest of the disciples preach these messages? The gospel in many Christians belief is the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John and that for them is the full gospel. But Jesus said to all Christians to go out into the entire world and preach the good news, not half of it but all of it, Jesus taught the disciples many things that weren’t written down in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, they even said in one scripture that if all the things Jesus said and done there would not be enough books to put them in.
Christianity has preached half a gospel for thousands of years but now coming near the end time God is not content to have a half gospel preached. If Jesus forgave us on Calvary and saved us in hell, then why have Christian leaders not taught, that in doing so, he also made us clean, worthy, forever perfect in his sight, and sinners no more.
Why have we not been taught that the moment we accepted Jesus as lord of our lives we were instantly transported into heaven in Christ in spirit; we were joined together with Jesus at salvation all by his work and not by mans. Somehow supernaturally we were taken up into heaven at the moment of our decision to accept Jesus as lord of our lives thereby giving our spirit over to Jesus to be joined together again as one with his; we only went back to Jesus because scripture says we were taken from the same substance as Jesus and that is a supernatural substance because billions and billions of souls were joined together to make the one body of Christ Jesus. Have you been taught that, If not why not? It is in the word of God quite clearly for everyone to see for themselves.
God himself
Ephesians-2-10-The Way Bible
It is God himself who has made us what we are and given us new lives from Christ Jesus; and long ages ago he planned that we should spend these lives in helping others. Look at this scripture carefully, read it slowly stopping at the coloured bits and reading them carefully and say them aloud to yourself.
It was God himself, no one else, not man or any celestial being but God alone who has made us.
Read the rest slowly letting it sink in what God done for us, and if he done it then it should be told to all that he done it and that it is a large portion of the salvation plan of God, it is a full gospel, not a half truth.
Ephesians -3-7-The Way Bible
God has given me the wonderful privilege of telling everyone about this plan of his
Does it not make your spirit sing knowing that you are already seated with Jesus in the heavenly realms, that you are ‘forever perfect’ ‘in his sight’ {Hebrews-10-14} and that as far as God the Father is concerned you are holy {Ephesians 1-4} like him and he also made you equal to Jesus because you are part of him so you have equality as part of him and in the equality with Jesus you will share in his glory as scripture says. Remember who is behind all this, it is God the Fathers plan not any plan of man, this whole plan of God confused your greatest enemy; he through that when he had Jesus put to death on the cross, that was it, the end! What a shock he received when in hell after he captured his spirit and was celebrating his victory over the Son of God, and all of a sudden power the force of ten atom bombs brought Jesus back to life again, his terror must have been awful and then he was defeated, wiped out, totally paralysed by fear, him and all his followers, then he and they were stripped naked of all their garments and finery and paraded before God and every angel and angelic type being in heaven for all to see their nakedness.
This is what thrills my soul, this is what makes me sing with joy, this is what makes my heart burst with pride in my Jesus, this is what he did for me, he did all this for me, and so I can sing with a full understanding of what my saviour did and what he made me, holy like himself and he did all this from before he even made the world.
Ephesians-1-4-The Way Bible
Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us holy in his eyes, without a single fault – we who stand before him covered with his love. His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Christ to die for us. And he did all this because he wanted to.
Hebrews-10-14 you are forever perfect in the sight of God.
This is what God says about you; can the word ‘forever’ ever change or does what God say ever change, it hasn’t changed in over two thousand years and will never change so when God says you are ‘forever perfect’ in ‘his sight’ then you are what he said you are. Has anyone told you that when preaching the gospel of Christ Jesus? If not then you only heard a half truth not the full gospel and a half truth means a half hearted worship, for it is in knowing the truth says Jesus that you will be set free, and he wants you set free to worship him in spirit and in truth. I know what I write is the full gospel, it is what Jesus did for us, and even more is yet to be revealed; but I would need to be sitting writing a full sized book which would take me years, trying to explain everything Jesus did, and it is a book already written anyway, it is the ‘bible’ and is there for all to read and see for themselves if a half truth gospel is preached in our churches or a full gospel is being preached. To have ignorance of the scriptures is to be vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks, ignorance is not blessed in fact it can be your downfall, the
less you know the greater power over you he has. Churches need to awake in these end times and begin to preach the full gospel that is filled with awesome power, the power to defeat the enemy when he attacks using the word of God; if you don’t know the word of God how will you stop an attack.
Christians don’t believe this, they believe in a half gospel that says we will be made perfect, that was actually talking about our flesh man being perfected, not the spirit man who is perfect already. The new spirit man is made perfect; it is made in the image of God himself. He is taken from the same substance as Jesus was formed from, do we hear this preached?
Ephesians-2-5-He being God! Gave us the very same life of Christ himself, the same new life with which he quickened him. {Quickened means made alive, to rejuvenate, invigorate, and renew}
Are we taught that we have the same new life that Jesus has, the very same, the exact same, his life as another scripture says? No we are taught half truths so when it is time to worship God we give him a half praise and worship, because he says we must worship him in spirit and in truth, we have to have the truth and Jesus himself said, ‘he is the way the truth and the life.’ We have to ‘worship God’ ‘as Jesus’ being of the same new life as he is we are one with Christ Jesus we are joined together as one in him and it is only in knowing this that we can fully appreciate God for and what he is and done for us his very own children who have been raised up together with and in Christ Jesus and seated in the heavenly realms with and in him, and that is truth the full truth.
1-John-4-17– in this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, with assurance and boldness to face him. Because as he is so are we in this world. Amplified bible;
This scripture tells us that because “as he is,” “so are we!” that’s you and me.
What a blessing this is to know for someone who were always taught that they were unworthy, and unworthy means useless, not worth anything, and worthless. To know now that they were made from the same substance as God made Jesus from, that is the full gospel a gospel that brings joy in all its fullness. This is what frees those in bondage, this sets the captive free, and this is what gives the children of God the joy to worship him in spirit and in truth As he is, so are we! Is Jesus unworthy, a sinner, useless, good for nothing worthless? No! Neither are you, you and he have become one person in the spirit, {not the flesh} and in the spirit you are joined to each other also all growing up into a strong body of Christ Jesus he being the head and you being the body.
When the body of Christ is being preached in church, it talked about the people there being the physical body, it is not preached that we are a supernatural body, with awesome power as
supernatural beings, a spiritual body with Jesus as the head of that supernatural body, and as being that body we are not separated from the head, the head and the body are one and the same, so says the word of God, as God’s word says, as he is so are we, what and who is Jesus? Ask yourself that question and answer it yourself truthfully even if you find it hard to comprehend.
1-Corinthians-12-20-The Way Bible
The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you,” the head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”
We are all one body the head and the feet and the hands, Jesus being the head, the head with the brain holding everything together and directing the whole body in its working. Is this gospel preached? No not that I hear, yet it is in the word of God more than once. Lack of understanding limits the praise a church body can give, if you go to a church that has poor teaching you will find that the praise and worship is very limited, and if you go to a church that is preaching the full gospel the praise and worship is high, and the presence of God is there to work the signs and wonders, healing and miracles abound.
May God’s leaders and pastors and priests get deeply involved in the word of God and see the wonders God has prepared for those who love him, and may they share this with the body of Christ.
Knowing the truth makes us stronger and binds us together as one spirit. Amen