God is still waiting on the church to move!
The church in this present time is waiting on God and asking him for signs and wonders, and they wonder why miracles and healings are not happening, very little signs and wonders are to be seen in the Christian churches.
They sit at prayer meetings praying and asking God to do something, to move things into position so that they can do something and sad to say they have missed the message in the gospel.
I know prayer has been going on in a church for over a year now asking God to do something, to bring healings, signs and wonders and still “God doesn’t seem to listen.”
The truth is it is man who has not listened to God, they have the whole thing in reverse; God does not do things mans ways he does things his way, he tells man what to do and sad to say they don’t see what he says or hear what he says through prophets, pastors, healers and those in ministry, or through his very own word.
They have closed minds closed by Satan to keep them from knowing the truth, and the truth is right there in front of them in God’s word. They wait on God to do some supernatural move, and then they will know it’s time to move.
{This could be a possible conversation God has with his angels}
****And God is sitting in heaven looking down on them and asks the Angels, “What’s happening, why are they not doing something?” “Haven’t they read my word? Did I not give them clear enough messages?” “Did I not send people from other lands to tell them its time to move, time for them to do something?”
The Angels asked him; “Father what was it you told them to do, that they don’t obey?” And the Father responds; “I told them through my Son Jesus, to go and preach the gospel, to tell the good news about Jesus.” “I told them to go lay hands on the sick and heal them, and when they would go and do this then Jesus would go with them and signs and wonders would follow those who believed.” They have it all in reverse, they want me to go and do miracles and then they will do something, but I said go “you,” into the entire world and “you” preach the good news and heal the sick, first.”
“But maybe their waiting on the right time to do this;” replied the Angels.
“But I told them that the time was right, said Father God and the world was ready for a harvest, it was ripe for a sea of souls.”
If they wait any longer the harvest may rot and be of no use, and much of the harvest could be lost, the more time they delay the more souls will be lost because of their refusal to step out in faith and do something, something is better than nothing he told the Angels.
The angels looked solemn as they listened as God shared his heart with them.
God said, Fear is their greatest downfall; But I said “fear not for I am with you,” fear of someone not being healed when they have a healing service or praying with someone, and they’re not healed. They are afraid of their reputations, fear of losing face with their superiors or their church folk. Yet they know fear is not of me, I told them believe me, trust in me; and they do not trust. They fear others who step out beyond “their own” faith and this antagonises them, so they do all in their human power to stop my believers from doing my will. “These church members are in rebellion,” they attack and hold back those whose hearts desire is to see my church grow in holiness and see souls saved and healed, and these churchy members do everything in their power to stop them, but they don’t realise they fight with me because I said to these brave ones; “go out into the world and preach the gospel and heal the sick,” and they are the ones in obedience. God sighed deeply! Then he continued speaking.
Those are the ones I have chosen to bless, I do not bless the spiritual coward who hides behind a religion, for it is only a religion if they have a church under their control, and not under my spirits direction, they fill every night and day with programs. And these programs may be good but what was I said to do first. What did I say to do, that is my question? “I said to go into the entire world and preach the Good News, heal the sick, baptise in the Holy Spirit and deliverthosepossessed,” haveyou thechurch member donethis or haveyou opposed my will, supplementing your fear and safe teachings for the power of my gospel. They teach safe scripture, and yet they do not do as scripture tells them; go and Preach the Good New about Jesus first, heal the sick, baptise in my Holy Spirit, raise the dead, tell everything Jesus done and all he taught about the New Life, since his coming to earth.
God sighs deeply, his heart heavy, and looks at his mighty angels who stand ready to go help those who are willing to do as God in his word said. “I done everything for them, I sacrificed my son; I gave them fellowship with me through my Son Jesus death and resurrection. I gave them victory, through Jesus defeating the Devil their greatest enemy, everything is theirs and they do very little.”
He turns and walks back to his throne and sits down, tears falling from his Majestic face. Who will believe me and do what I said to do, he whispers to himself, and the reader said, “lord, I am willing to step out first,” and God sat upright and smiled his face beaming with joy, “Then Jesus shall go with you and confirm my word by healing, by signs and wonders, go then with my blessing” he said, and believe I shall be with you even till the ends of the earth. ****
End of possible scenario.
{That was only a possible scenario taking place in heaven but every word is true reference healing and preaching the New Life, deliverance and miracles, I felt led to put it in such a way that you who may read this may have your eyes opened, step out past your own personal fear and embarrassment and preach the Good News with signs and wonders following, after you step out and lay hands on the sick.}
OR you can grind your teeth and say, he who writes this is mad or misguided or a religious nut gone over the edge; but where is your power coming from, or do you even have power? You may have a church you attend, but is it “Christ’s” church. Or are you safeguarding it from any “crank” who wants to see healing and miracles in this church, those who dare to step out past the churchy safety lines where they can be challenged; where are your miracles?
Psalm-75-1 How we thank you lord! “Your mighty miracles give proof” that you care. Miracles give people proof that God cares for them, that is what people need, “proof” that God cares for them, the dying need to see Gods proof, that is why God works miracles, they are a part of his makeup, they are his person, they are him, this is who he is, a miracle working God, hecant even help himself, heemanates miracles as part of his MajesticGlory and Honour.
Psalm-116-15 his loved ones are very precious to him and he does not lightly let them die.
He gives proof of his miracle working power to those who expect him to do something even if failure comes with the first attempt of second or third or fourteenth time, and on the fifteenth time miracles begin to happen. If you expect nothing then you will never be disappointed.
God speaks to us saying; “My word says; “Miracles demonstrate “my eternal Goodness,” “my glory;” where is my glory in your church, your meeting, your chapel or your religious meetings? Where are my miracles I ask you?
Psalm-111-3 -for “his miracles” demonstrate “his honour,” “majesty,” and “eternal goodness.”
Miracles are a demonstration of God’s Majesty, sitting in church doing nothing to bring a miracle to someone dying is not glorifying God it does not demonstrate his majestic honour, it doesn’t even edify you.
If you the reader would just step out and lay hands on the sick, then God will begin healing for he wants to be glorified by the miracles he will do for you; it gives him glory it demonstrates his majesty, His honour” his eternal goodness, does it not make sense to you that God wants miracles because of these things.
“Miracles demonstrate God’s Glory, his eternal goodness. Is your church demonstrating his Glory and eternal goodness?” Or are you frustrating his plans for “your” church; this is not your church but his and he placed you in charge of it and you have handed it over to the devil because of your fear of loosing face in front of man, shame on you, repent and change your ways.
John-4-34- Then Jesus explained; “My nourishment” comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work. Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are now ready for reaping. The reapers will be paid good wages and will be gathering eternal souls into the granaries of heaven! What Joy awaits the sower and the reaper, both together” For it is true that one sows and someone else reaps. I sent you to reap where you didn’t sow; others did the work, and you received the harvest.
Jesus said; “look around you,” are you the reader looking around you? Have you ever walked down the main street in your town and looked at people wondering if they are saved or not? “Look around you!” Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are now ready for reaping.
Let’s look at what Jesus is saying in this scripture, what is he telling us. He said, “His nourishment comes from doing the will of God who sent him.” Where is your nourishment coming from?
In the scriptures it says he healed “all” who “came to him.”
Matthew-8-16- that evening several demon possessed people were brought to Jesus; and when he but spoke a single word, {probably the word “out”- {my thoughts} all the demons fled; and “ALL” the sick were healed.
Not some of the sick but “all” of the sick were healed, the good the bad and the really ugly sinners of the worst kinds, many types of people make up a multitude or vast throng or large crowd; words used to describe the vast amount of people coming to Jesus. Jesus demonstrated the perfect will of God by doing what he seen the Father doing and it is obvious that he seen the Father heal everyone who came to Jesus, so he healed everyone, thus doing the perfect will of God and fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah; “he took our sickness and bore our diseases.” Matthew-8-17.
Doing the will of God brings with it nourishment, and he links those words with, “Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends?” He is asking people who understand farming seasons; do you think that it is not the right season yet? Christians wait until the season comes before they do anything, and they wait and wait for years on that coming season, and Jesus said don’t wait on the summer season, time is running out its the season, Now!
Did you know that the scriptures say, “Preach the word in season and out of season?” Yet the Christian churches wait until the “right” season, whenever that will be only God knows!
“There are times when we need to wait on God,”
But not when it comes to healing, because the command to do something was already given. In the Old Testament God told Moses stop praying and get the people to move. The waiting was over. I think we need a direct command like that again with the Christians of this generation, stop praying about it, go and do something.
Exodus- 14-15- then the lord said to Moses, “quit praying and get the people moving.
2-Timothy-4-1-3- and “so I solemnly urge you” before God and before Christ Jesus –who will someday Judge the living and the dead when he appears to set up his kingdom - - to preach the word of God at all times, whenever you get the chance, *in season and out {of season.*} when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with God’s word.
God is solemnly, seriously, gravely, sombrely, telling us to preach the word in season and out of season! Think about this how does the word ‘solemnly’ sound to you, it’s a grave warning.
This is the amplified Bible translation.
2- Timothy-4-1- I charge you in the presence of God and of Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by {in the light} of his coming and his kingdom. Herald and preach the word! {Keep your sense of urgency} {stand by, be at hand and ready, whenever the opportunity seems favourable or unfavourable, whether it is convenient or in convenient; whether it be welcome or unwelcome – you as preachers of the word are to show people in what way their lives are wrong.}
How many people have died without knowing the salvation or healing or deliverance ministry of Jesus in your area? How many people could you have reached if you did what Jesus told you, instead of you waiting on Jesus to move you and make things right for you? Or to put it another way, how many people could you have gotten saved if you did what God’s word said to do, and stopped beating about the bush. And how many could those whom you failed to reach out to, could have brought others from their areas where they live to Christ, through your original work. One sows another reaps.
While you may have waited on your “season” before you done anything, how many souls have suffered sickness and disease and affliction that could have been brought to the lord and healed. I may sound harsh and I am being harsh because as far as I am concerned, souls have been lost that could have been saved, people healed that could have been healed; Christians cannot pussyfoot around missing opportunity after opportunity just because they are waiting on the right season, and all the time, Jesus said don’t wait till the right season is there before you get out into the entire world, your housing estates around you in every direction. Don’t wait until the summer months; go out in the dead of winter or spring or autumn. Every day is the right seasons, the right opportunity, never miss out on an opportunity.
You may say I am overboard about all this healing stuff, but then so was the man I am following, “Jesus,” he was also called a fanatic, “all” he did was preach about the
Kingdom of Heaven and heal the sick, he didn’t do bible schools or start programs or set up religious training places, he went out to the needy, he went to those in need of him.
He was opposed strongly by the religious people of that day, are you opposing those who have a passion in their hearts for the work of the lord and the lord of the work? If you are then you are just as bad as those religious leaders who crucified Jesus.
But he went to the needy those who had no hope he didn’t go to impress the church leaders or important people he went to the present day scumbags the dregs of society, the drug addict, the abuser, the murderer, they are the ones who need a loving saviour, a healing God.
A person with cancer doesn’t have the time to wait until you feel that its the right season before you would go and pray with them, they are dying and don’t have the time to wait on you to come pray with them when it’s the right time, “oh I must ask God first,” says you. God said through Jesus; go into the world and heal the sick now! Don’t come to me asking can I go pray with Mrs So and So, who has breast cancer or whose baby is dying, or with Mr “what do you call him,” who is going blind.
{“My” “nourishment”} “My” “nourishment” comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work. I make this statement that Jesus made because I get my nourishment from praying with people telling them Jesus loves them and wants to save their souls and heal them, because I could go all day without as much as a ginger-nut biscuit when I am praying with people.
I never feel hungry when ministering, in fact it is just the opposite with me food never enters my mind what’s in my heart is, “lord give me a word of knowledge for those for whom I pray with today.”
Food gets in the way and I have skipped many a meal during healing retreats just to pray with someone in need. And sometimes people got angry at me for this, religious people that is. Did you never read the full text in the book of Mark chapter sixteen?
Mark-16-15-and then he told them, “You” are to go out into the entire world, and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” Those who believe and are baptised will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned. And those who *believe* shall use “my authority” to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages, they will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them. When the lord had finished talking to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand. And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that “followed” their message.
Did you notice that when they went to preach the Good News, the Lord went with them, {but first they went ;} and after they laid hands on the sick the Lord confirmed their message by the miracles that “followed their message?”
The lord didn’t go first, they had to go first and tell people about Jesus; they had then to lay hands on the sick and cast out demons and then the Lord acted; after they did what they were told, and you my Christian friend were told these very same words, this message was to every *believer* past present and those to come.
Please note;****Not everyone is called into a healing ministry. But every Christian has been called to lay hands on sick folk, every Christian has been told to do that.
Everyone is called to preach the Good News, {tell everyone about Jesus} and that does not mean you have to be a preacher or pastor or priest, you just have to be a *believer.
Every born again believer who is baptised in the Holy Spirit has the gifts of healing and preaching in them for when the time they need them, they don’t need a special gifting or special anointing to fall on them; its great when the special anointing falls on you, but whether it falls or not you still have the healer inside you, he is the Holy Spirit, he is the power source that brings miracles, healing, signs and wonders, he in you! Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.
I say to those who have been waiting for the lord to do something before they did something, or if you have been waiting on the right season, think over what I have written check your own bibles and see if it is true, And if it is, start to “act first,” then healing will come just after you lay hands on sick folk, as Jesus demonstrates his faithfulness.
I am sorry to tell you it takes a tremendous act of belief and trust to step out and declare a healing service in your church, but remember something the church should not be your church but his church, and in his church there are miracles and healing awaiting you, when you step out.
But what if those I pray with die? How embarrassing, yes it is embarrassing, especially if you’re declaring Jesus heals, now; but what happens when you step out and pray, and someone who is dying gets healed.
People I prayed for and with at the beginning of my healing ministry died, I had more dying than getting healed, then slowly it began to change as I discovered more information in God’s word regarding healing, for instance it wasn’t me that was healing people, {I used to think it was because of me that people got healed, now I know it is God’s grace in me that done it.} then I discovered that not all ways I used worked then I learned other ways to bring about healing.
For example; I used the word of God to bring healing to some; to others I prayed healing of memories, with others I used inner healing, to another I spoke the command and ordered their bodies to come into line and be healed and that is the one I use most often these days, but I can change with every person being different; now I listen to the lord and ask Him what method do I use, and he tells me, and I obey, and most times I see miracles and healing, as God knows everyone’s secret thoughts and beliefs.
Go into your neighbourhood and surrounding areas and preach the gospel offer healing to the sick, prove what you say is the truth by healing the sick. Use the “authority of Jesus” {Mark-16-15 not your own authority to do these things, deliver the oppressed from demonic power and save the lost. Stop letting someone or pride get in the way of the lord’s work in you.
John-4-34- Then Jesus explained; “My nourishment” comes from doing the will of God who sent me, and from finishing his work. Do you think the work of harvesting will not begin until the summer ends four months from now? Look around you! Vast fields of human souls are ripening all around us, and are now ready for reaping. The reapers will be paid good wages and will be gathering eternal souls into the granaries of heaven! What Joy awaits the sower and the reaper, both together” For it is true that one sows and someone else reaps. I sent you to reap where you didn’t sow; others did the work, and you received the harvest.
Go now! Do it now before more souls are lost or people die without Jesus through no one telling them the good news.
“How lovely on the mountains [side streets valleys, and back-roads] are the feet of those who bring Good News, Good News.
What’s healing all about anyway? It’s all about love, and God says love your neighbour as yourself, would you like to have cancer or leukaemia, or a bad back, or to be in serious illness, or dying? Probably not! So if you had any of these things wrong with you, would you not desire for a neighbour to come and lay hands on you and pray for your healing? Is love moving you?
Love is compassion in action, and God specifically says love your neighbour, not just your neighbour next door but everyone is your neighbour. Would you feel good knowing that you have a God dwelling in you who has the power to heal, and your next door neighbour has some terrible sickness, and you have the God who can heal them in you, and you sit on your behind and just ignore their need, what kind of a person does that make you? Does it make you a good Christian or a bad one in the eyes of God? The Bible tells us we have the divine nature of Christ and God the Father and Holy Spirit dwelling in us, that same nature that put itself out to bring healing and wholeness to suffering mankind.
If we have the new nature of Christ Jesus in us, then we also have the same compassion for the sick and lame and oppressed in us. If Jesus did what he saw the Father doing, and we see what Jesus did, then does it not stand to reason that others in the body of Christ should see us healing the sick, curing the lame, not making lame excuses to avoid stepping out for Jesus? Jesus said you have seen the Father when you have seen me, for I and the Father are one, so if Jesus did what he saw the Father doing, and we see what Jesus done then we also should be doing what we see the Father and Jesus doing.
I am not a very diplomatic kind of person when it comes to watching people suffer and Christians too afraid to lay hands on those in pain, I call them spiritual cowards, because Satan has already won the battle in them, they are defeated, even before they have to fight the battles for healing sick people.
If you were sick, wouldn’t you want someone to heal you? You’re a liar if you said no, because you go to your doctor and ask for painkillers and medication; you don’t want to be in pain just as much as the sick person doesn’t want to be in pain either. God wants everyone healed, he gave mankind the ability to create medicine and perform operations and save peoples lives, Man didn’t do this on his own merit, no! It was by the Grace of God alone.
And time is running out for the world, and still the church of God is silent with little or no miraclesorhealings,optingforbibleclassesinsteadofobediencetothewordsofJesushimself. “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel heal the sick deliver the oppressed and possessed. I have no problems with bible teaching classes or teaching how to preach or teach, because they are needed, but Jesus himself said. First; go out into the entire world preach the Good News, heal the sick, baptise in the spirit and cast out demons. These were his last words before he ascended into heaven in the book of Mark 16-15-20 Verse 19 says, so then after the lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven, and he sat down at the right hand of God.
A dying man who knows he won’t be there for much longer chooses his words carefully saying only the most important thing in his life, Jesus knew after talking with the apostles he would go straight up into heaven, so he saved the most important thing he could say, until this time, these were his last words on earth to his apostles.
d he said, “Go out into the entire world, preach the Good News, baptise people in his name, drive out demons, baptise in the Holy Spirit get the new believers speaking in new tongues, and lay hands on the sick and heal them,” verse 19.
Time is running out and the church is still waiting on God to move them.
I have been told that what I teach in my books, people are just not ready for these revelations, and I always ask why not? If the end times are near when should Christians know about the amazing things Jesus done for them; like their “position in heaven,” like “Joined together with Christ Jesus;” like your “already seated in heaven with Jesus,” that “you and Jesus are one person,” and the church does not teach these truths, and so the children of God perish through lack of knowledge, like for example “Jesus took their sickness and bore their disease.” If he took our sickness and disease why do we have them if he actually took them on his body on Calvary? Funnily enough we all know that scripture, but do we even understand it or believe it; if we did then we would have no sickness or disease in our bodies. Jesus said on the cross on Calvary, “It is finished.” In other words I have finished every thing the Father in heaven has sent me to do, there’s nothing else I am going to do for mankind, I’m not going to heal them, save them or do anything else for them, it has all been done by my suffering and
death on the cross. Jesus already saved you, you just have to accept his offer to come to him and accept him as lord to be saved. In the same way Jesus healed your body of every kind of sickness and disease, every kind without exception. You have to believe that Jesus healed you, and fight back with Satan the father of liars, Satan would have you believe that the sickness or disease on your body was from God yet Jesus took your sickness and bore your disease on his body.
1-Peter 2-24 He personally carried the load of our sins on his own body, when he died on the cross, so that we could be finished with sin and live a good life from now on. For his wounds have healed ours!
His wounds are the sickness Satan puts on our bodies, but Jesus defeated him on the cross and took every sin and every disease into his own body. How I don’t know! But it was a supernatural act that he did it by. And if he say it then it is true and Satan has deceived the world into accepting disease that Jesus already took from you, Jesus died for all mankind from beginning to the end of time. Satan would have us think it was God who put sickness and disease on us and visited us with disaster, but that is a lie. God loved the world so much that he sacrificed his only begotten Son for us by having him put to a horrific death out of love for you and I. Loved caused Jesus death, love for you and me. Love suffered every lash from the cat-o-nine tails; if you seen the Mel Gibson movie, “The Passion of the Christ,” that gives a very accurate description of the suffering Jesus endured for you and me, that thing tore lumps of flesh right down into the very bone ripping out the very nerves exposing them to the air and further lashing. This all happened for you and me and in doing all this Jesus and the Father expressed how much they were willing to sacrifice, just for you and me. That is love in action.
ohn-19-30- when Jesus had tasted it, he said, “it is finished.” He bowed his head and dismissed his spirit.
In dying Jesus took the worlds sins on his body and in hell he paid for every one, then rising after defeating Satan he brought us into fellowship with himself and his dear Father, and then “he declared us holy in his eyes”- Ephesians -1-4-
So if it is difficult to understand this truth then how more difficult is it for Christians to understand that they are “Holy” that they are “forever forgiven and sins forgotten” that they are “Christ’s spiritual body” that they are actually joined together with him, and that they are exactly “like” Jesus, like meaning “the same as,” “resembling him,” “made from the same substance” as Jesus.
Christians are not taught those things, if they were, then Satan would have less chance of putting sickness on them or disease or disasters in their families they would know who they are in Christ and through Christ and with Christ, so praying for the sick gets easier when you realise that you are joined together with Christ, and all your praying for is that the person receives what Jesus already did for him or her; that he is really in you, and not just words we say in church.
If Jesus could heal, then it stands to reason that we also can heal because he is joined together with us in the spirit. Not in our flesh. Therefore if we are truly joined with him, and we have
a portion of his mind says scripture; so we should think like him and follow the leading of the same Holy Spirit that led him into his miracle teaching healing ministry. It has become part of our new nature to have compassion for the sick and dying
Lets look at Jesus ministry on earth, what did he do? How does it affect us today?
He only operated in and by love, for the love of people moved him mightily, and as scripture says compassion moved the spirit of God within him, then Jesus worked his miracles, healings and deliverances, love and compassion for the sick and oppressed. Is love moving you?
Many wonder if it is the will of God to heal everyone, maybe some people are just too bad to be healed, they may be filled with hatred, may have killed someone, {in Ireland that is a good possibility} maybe they’re child molesters, drunkards, cheats, liars, thieves, car thieves or joy riders as they are called here, but car thieves is what they really are. They may be adulaters, homosexual, or bi-sexual, or wife and children beaters. They can be the worst of the worst and yet God still wants to heal them, it is his perfect will to heal all who come to him; Note; I said all who come to him, because he heals the worst of mankind showing them his love and compassion just as much as he heals the good people..
Matthew-5-45- {this scripture gives you God’s thoughts on mankind.}For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust too.
God loves all of mankind and Healing has turned many an evil person back to God, even seeing a miracle that God performed can change the vilest person there is; many a murderer has found Jesus in the prisons, amidst the depraved and evilest murderers. God never stops loving his creation; his love goes beyond our understanding, because it is unconditional. And when someone comes to him sincerely seeking healing he tells them he wants to heal them, just like this leper in the next scripture.
Matthew-8-1-Large crowds followed Jesus down the hillside. Look! A leper is approaching; He kneels before him worshiping him. “Sir,” The leper pleads, “If you want to, you can heal me.” Jesus touches the man. “I want to, he says, “be healed,” and instantly the leprosy disappears.
Another translation says; if you will, you are able to cleanse me by curing me. And he reached out his hand saying, “I will;” be cleansed by being cured
What did Jesus say when he was asked if he wants to heal. He said “I will.” What did he tell you from this scripture, have you seen it yet? “I will” it’s my will, in other words, “I will, healing.” I----- will----healing ---- it’s my perfect “will” to heal the sick. He could have said to him, hold on a moment you didn’t do anything to deserve my healing, and he didn’t; or he could have said, “Wait till I ask my Father in heaven to see if its his will,
after all, I do what I see him doing.” No! He says “I will” it’s “My will” to heal.” Or “I want to,” it’s my will, I want to heal you. Want means, desire, wish for, would like. I want, desire, wish for, and would like to heal you.
Maybe they’re some people that God would not want healed you may be thinking. But let’s look at the type of people Jesus associated with.
Matthew-9-10-later as Jesus and his disciples were at Matthews house there were “many” notorious swindlers there as guests.
Come on ask yourself this question would you really associate with know notorious swindlers, wouldn’t look good to other churchy folk would it? But look at what Jesus said to them when the Pharisees asked the apostles about the people Jesus was sitting with.
Matthew -9-11 the Pharisees were indignant, “Why does your teacher associate with men like that?”
“Because people who are well don’t need a doctor!” “It’s the sick people who do!” was Jesus reply. Then he added, “Now go away and learn the meaning of this verse of scripture. “ It isn’t your sacrifices and your gifts I want – “I want you to be merciful.” For I have come to urge sinners, not the self righteous, back to God.
Jesus said I want you to be merciful, so be merciful to the sick and dying to the lost and despairing, heal the sick for they are the ones who need a doctor. And if a doctor can’t cure them then you heal them in Jesus name.
Jesus didn’t always heal everyone in a crowd, but he healed everyone in a crowd who “came” to him. for an example in this look at this next scripture, and see why sometimes in healing services many people are healed and in some other healing services of approximately the same size none get healed or just a few, this will tell you why this is so.]
John-6-2-5-and a huge crowd, many of them on their way to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration, were following him where ever he went, to “watch him heal the sick.”
Matthew-8-10-Jesus stood there amazed! Turning to the crowd he said, “I haven’t seen faith like that in all the land of Israel.
Jesus just told a roman officer to go on home for his servant was healed in verses 5-10. There was a large crowd following Jesus and as some scriptures say, the crowds came to watch him heal the sick, they didn’t come to Jesus, for healing, they came to watch. Only the Roman officer came with faith to Jesus for healing of his servant boy.
How many these days go to a healing service just to watch and “see” if any thing happens. Now compare this previous scripture reference, {John-6-2-5,} to the crowd and the difference in them with this following scripture. Matthew-14-14. When Jesus came o t of the wilderness, a vast crowd was waiting on him, and he healed their sick.
Matthew -14-14. {Amplified version ;} when he went ashore and saw a great throng of people. He had compassion {pity and deep sympathy} for them and cured their sick.
What was the difference between those two crowds, one crowd was there to watch and the other were there wanting to get healed, seeking Jesus. There’s something else you should understand about a crowd; a vast crowd is made up of many different kinds of people from the good people to the very wicked, it wasn’t all the good people who followed him, not all the crowd was good people, and still Jesus healed their sick, because the sick folks came looking for him to help them, the others came to trick him, waiting on him to make a wrong move.
Matthew-12-28 but if I am “casting out demons by the Spirit of God,” then the kingdom of God has arrived among you. One cannot rob Satan’s kingdom without first binding Satan. Only then can his demons be cast out. “Anyone who isn’t helping me is harming me!”
Jesus said in this scripture that anyone who is not helping him is “actually harming” “him;” are you helping Jesus or are you hindering him in this present day healing outpouring. Jesus said to help him by going out into the world preach the gospel heal the sick and are you the reader in obedience to that command to help him; that was a direct order given to the church the body of Christ, to the Christian of today. And he also told you how he was casting out demons and healing, Matthew-12-28 but if I am casting out demons “by the Spirit of God;” by the power of the Holy Spirit every baptised in the Holy Spirit Christian has the very same Holy Spirit that Jesus had, the same one who worked miracles through Jesus. There is only one Holy Spirit and we both share him with Jesus.
Does God want to heal every kind of sickness? Or are there some sicknesses he won’t heal, like sickness caused by homosexuality or having sex with an animal?
This next few scriptures answers that question;
Matthew-4- 23- Jesus travelled all through Galilee teaching in the Jewish synagogues, everywhere preaching the Good News about the Kingdom Of Heaven. And he healed every kind of sickness and disease.
Matthew-4-24 and whatever their illness and pain or if they were possessed by demons, or were insane, or paralyzed - he healed them “all.”
Matthew-9- 35 and wherever he went he healed people of every sort of illness, and what pity he felt for the crowds that came.
You see he healed every kind of sickness and disease no matter what caused it. This should give us great confidence when praying for sick people with all different kinds of diseases, and from all different kinds of backgrounds, because God wants to heal them “all.”
For me personally this is the greatest scripture about healing I have ever seen in the bible.
Matthew-15-29-Jesus now returned to theSea of Galilee, and climbed a hilland satthere. And a vast crowd brought him their lame, blind, and maimed, and those who couldn’t speak and many others, and laid them before Jesus, and he healed them “all.” What a spectacle it was! Those who hadn’t been able to say a word before were talking excitedly and those with missing arms and legs had new ones; the crippled were walking and jumping around, and those who had been blind were gazing about them! The crowd just marvelled and praised the God of Israel, and then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I pity these people,” they have been with me for three days now, and have nothing left to eat; I don’t want to send them away hungry or they will faint along the road.
How many people are there in a vast crowd? Well verse 38 tells us there were 4,000 men alone, they didn’t count the women and children, so we can estimate roughly that there were at least 8,000 counting men women and children? And “all” were healed, and then he fed the whole lot with just seven loaves and a few small fish, another testimony of his love and concern for people, showing us his will is for healing.
In this crowd I am sure there were foreigners, Greeks and people from all the surrounding countries, and that not all were Jews. And people with missing parts were healed; I never saw anyone grow out a new part until a year ago on television, a half blind man with a glass eye saw from his glass eye and his prosthetic leg began to grow over a few nights, a few inches at a time, but it grew and people witnessed to this live on TV and I witnessed this also as the camera crew showed up close his leg getting to long for the false one.
Imagine being there with Jesus as one of the crowd, how excited would you be if you saw people growing new arms and legs in front of your eyes. That was a healing service if ever there was one, and he healed “all” who came to him. I just marvel at this scripture and marvel at Jesus if ever you needed a demonstration of God’s love for mankind there it is right in front of you, he healed “all” who came to him. And I am sure that not everyone had faith or were the best people there could be in this world, I’m sure that out of 4,000 rough men not all were good solid citizens to say the least, and Jesus still healed them and we think only the good get gold teeth and healing and supernatural manifestations of God’s power, God loves all and wants to heal all, because after all these healing and miracles and wonders Jesus done, he did the greatest miracle ever.
He went to the cross on Calvary and died there for our sins; and on his poor broken and suffering body he took all our sickness and diseases and sin on that broken body, thus destroying Satan’s powerovermankind with sicknessand diseaseand also salvation wasmade easy for all mankind from that moment onward by Jesus death and resurrection.
Matthew -8-16 that evening several demon possessed people were brought to Jesus; and when he spoke a single word, “all” the demons fled; and “all” the sick were healed. This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah, “He took our sickness and bore our diseases.”
How did Jesus feel about those who don’t care if the sick are healed or not, for those Christians who say I’M not into healing, and don’t pray for the sick. “Every Christian” was told to heal the sick, what part of “every Christian” are you missing? Do you think it pleases Jesus if
you’re indifferent to peoples suffering? Do you think it matters to him if you’re not into healing? Does it matter to Jesus if all you want to do as a Christian is to teach bible classes, or everything else except healing scriptures? Then read this next scripture carefully, remembering that the word of God is alive and active, it is just as relevant now as it was when Jesus said to the people in the synagogue.
Mark-3-5-looking around him “angrily,” for he was “deeply disturbed” by their indifference to human need. He said to the man, “Reach out your hand” and he did, and instantly his hand was healed!
For the indifferent Christian who was never interested in the sick in society, or in healing, how do you think Jesus looks at you?
Is he deeply disturbed by your resisting having a healing service in your church, your indifference to human need? Or you’re stopping others from praying for the sick at your meeting house or hall or chapel or church.
I ask any pastor, religious leader, every priest, every prayer meeting leader, are you doing everything you can to have healing prayer services taking place in your church or place where you meet, “Because this was the only clear mission for “every Christian,” these words “go into the entire world and preach the Good News, heal the sick cure the possessed and oppressed , baptise in the holy Spirit;” Or have you closed the door to healing because it never worked for you, or your not into it.
As stated previously; not all are called into a “healing ministry” but every Christian is called to preach the Good News, and heal the sick. Are you doing as you were told by Jesus, I didn’t tell you this, it was Jesus himself who commanded you to go preach and heal.
Some have been called into different ministries, for example the prophetic, or deliverance, or preaching, or pastoral, but everyone including them is supposed to lay hands on the sick and heal them. Some people have been called to lead churches and they are supposed to lead others into the healing by laying on of hands and they themselves are supposed to lay hands on ill people, this might not be the First Task they feel that the lord gave them, but healing the sick was included in what ever ministry or office God called you the “Believer” into.
If you’re not into healing then you’re simply put, not into Jesus, because all he came to do was to do the Fathers will by “preaching about the kingdom of heaven” and the “new life” that is yours in him and healing “all” the sick and diseased and demon possessed.
I never hear the churches preach about the “New Life” we Christians have in and through and with Jesus, I hear many stories about David or Chronicles or about Moses or others in the Old Testament, I rarely hear preachers tell about the “real life” we are now living in Jesus; that “we are already seated in Heaven,” that “everything God gave Jesus is now ours,” or “prosperity of a King should be ours,” “I hear our sins are forgiven,” but “that was only the beginning” of an amazing existence that our Father God prepared from before time even began. I rarely hear we are holy, spotless like Jesus, the same as Jesus, equal to Jesus in our Father’s eyes.
Who preaches this New Life that the angel told the apostles to preach when he let them out of jail; he said go now and preach this New Life. And the new life is our life in Jesus, as joined together in communion with him. We avoid truth like the plague and avoid healing the sick in case it didn’t work, and we would be so humiliated and so embarrassed; how awful for us, healing is risky, so is crossing the road every day.
Love, mercy, compassion, pity, all moved Jesus and the Holy Spirit; are we being led by the Holy Spirit or are we being led by a spirit of fear, with disinterest, fear, boredom, indifference, lack of interest. Who is leading you the Christian who reads this?
Maybe you have been taught that it was only special people that have been called to preach, {to preach is simply, to tell someone about Jesus, it doesn’t mean standing in a pulpit or alter,} or maybe you were taught that the apostles were the ones to do these things, or that healing and gifts of the Spirit are a thing of the past. I have worked with different religion preachers and they teach that speaking in tongues is a thing of the past, that these signs and wonders healings and miracles were all to start the church up at the beginning, and they are not needed anymore. If that were true then there would be no sick and dying folk, there would be no need for God’s Holy Spirit to give people New Life because he was the one who dished out New Life. People who teach these things are talking through their hat, they don’t know the bible and they are the ones who can quote it word for word that is except when it comes to 1-Corinthians-12 & 13 & 14, they skip like little lambs over these most important scriptures in the bible, that tell us where to get power to defeat the enemy Satan, and he has these churches blinded to the truth.
People need healing every bit today as they did years ago when Jesus walked the earth. People need saved today, people need the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost {Spirit} today as when they did in Jesus time, remember Jesus said it was the Spirit of God in him that moved him to heal.
In today’s world there is more evil abounding than they were in Jesus time; For a start there are more people in the world now today than they were years ago. People didn’t have porn movies DVD’S or TV programs showing sex in all its forms, a beautiful gift from God perverted by Satan and disgusting acts performed live on TV night after night. On today’s DVD’s you can actually witness a human being a woman or young girl being raped or even murdered for sex on DVD. How could we not need the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us in so evil a time, I wish these people would catch themselves on preaching these things. Jesus told his apostles to go and preach, heal the sick and deliver the possessed and oppressed.
Mark-6-7- and he called his twelve disciples together and sent them out two by two, with power to cast out demons.
7-12-so the disciples went out telling everyone they met to turn from sin. And they cast out many demons, and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil. First he sent the disciples out then he sent the believers out and we are today’s believers.
Mark -16-17 and those “who believe” shall use “my authority,” to cast out demons. {Etc. heal the sick.}
The job of telling the Good News was passed on to us the believer, wow! What a mighty God. And the authority of Jesus himself was also passed on to us, those who believe shall use “my authority.”
Mark-16-15-and then he told them, “You” are to go out into the entire world, and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” Those who believe and are baptised will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned. And those who *believe* shall use “my authority” to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages, they will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.
When the lord had finished talking to them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand. And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that “followed” their message. Jesus confirmed the message of the Good News and healing happened.
Love is what heals, Jesus said to love your neighbour as yourself, compassion moved Jesus, pity moved him, he didn’t wait sometimes to be asked he asked people; sometimes we feel we have to wait to be asked before we offer healing, sometimes it prudent to wait, but the Holy Spirit will tell us which ones are open to receive healing. Luke-7-12-A funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village gate. The boy who died was the only son of his widowed mother, and many mourners were with her.
When the lord saw her, his heart overflowed with sympathy. “Don’t cry!” he said. Then he walked over to the coffin and the bearers stopped. “Laddie,” he said, “Come back to life again.” Then the boy sat up and began to talk to those around him! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.
Jesus didn’t wait till he was asked; he didn’t know the woman or her son, and the poor mother was so distressed by grief she probably didn’t even see Jesus, {no drugs in those days to calm a person down, unlike today.} She was probably half blinded from her tears, a widow woman with no one now to look after her in old age she would surely die not long after her son from possible starvation. Jesus heart overflowed, I love that word overflowed with sympathy, so he raised the dead man. Jesus followed love and pity and sympathy.
When I see people on TV suffering I grieve inside me and cry, every time, I try and hide it from those in the house with me, but if I feel like this, then how does my Father in heaven feel at these poor ones suffering, he feels it a hundred times more. There are other scriptures in God’s word that tell of Jesus asking would the person like to be healed.
Take for example the man at the pool that was waiting for a movement of the water. He asked him would you like to get well. John -5-5
The woman bent over in two, which he said Satan caused. Just a further two scriptures, that tell us the healing nature of Jesus and were told in scripture that we have a new nature in us also, his nature.
Why don’t you do as Jesus told you church people, have healing services every week or every few days, you can never have too many, and get your church people out laying hands on the sick. Try to obedient to the commands of Jesus your lord and saviour, go into the entire world,
preach the Good News, heal the sick, baptise in the Holy Spirit get them into the gift of tongues and teach them how to open their hearts to the other gifts because we need a church with every supernatural gift of God. Amen.
Note; A word to all those who are now willing to step out and pray for the sick, not everyone you pray with will get healed, some will even die, You and I are not God and he knows the reasons behind a person not receiving healing, that does not mean that God didn’t want to heal them, but for some reason his healing power was unable to get through, they didn’t receive what Jesus already purchased for them on Calvary. But for the majority of people you lay hands on they will recover even those with terminal cancer or some other disease, remember that God is for you and not against you, his Spirit is in you helping you heal the sick, he is the one who heals and you are the one who prays. When you lay hands on someone you have nothing to loose but you have everything to again