Has salvation been preached the wrong way around? Brendan Mc Crossan

Has salvation been preached the wrong way around?
When asking God for a particular word for a healing service that I done in Belfast on Saturday the 8 9 2018, I got a word that said we are preaching the word wrong, and I was asked the question ‘’what did Jesus do first for mankind,’’ and I thought about it and thought salvation and the answer I got was no = healing is what Jesus attained first for man before he went to the crosstosufferforoursins,andtotakethemonhimselfonthecross,andthen killthemashedied,andrising,togiveusNewLifeinhim.
Brendan Mc Crossan
Copyright@9 09 2018 One Who do you think you are I asked myself the other day to even think that salvation hasbeenpreachedthewrongwayaroundforcenturies,orisitjust inthechurcheshereinNorthernIreland,IdonotknowhowotherBornagain churches approach the word of God when they are talking about what Jesus did for everyone. Here in Derry where I live the churches preach salvation only, Jesus dying for their sins, and then they give an altar call, and that’s tremendous,butformetheyleaveoutwhatelseJesusdoneformankind.
And that is healing. Healing in church is only mentioned when someone needs a ‘’wee’’ prayer, and not expecting a miracle, just a nice comforting prayer and it is usually ended by ‘’Lord if it be thy will!’’ a ‘’get-out’’ clause fortheir ‘’unbelief’’ inwhatJesusoursaviordoneforallofus.
John 19 King James Version (KJV) 19 Then Pilate therefore took Jesus, and scourged him. 2 And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, 3 and said, Hail, King of the Jews! And they smote {hit} him with their hands.
10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again, and God’s program shall prosper in his hands. 11 And when he sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of his soul, he shall be satisfied; and because of what he has experienced, my righteous Servant shall make ‘’many’’ to be ‘’counted righteous’’ before God,’’ for he shall bear ‘’all their sins. ‘’12 Therefore, I will give him the honors of one who is mighty and great because he has poured out his soul unto death. He was counted as a sinner, and ‘’he bore ‘’the sins of many’’, and he ‘’pled with God for sinners.’’
Scourging meant that he was lashed with a whip consisting of nine leaded andcurvedwiretocausetheskintobebrokenthrough,sothatgreatlumpsof fleshandnervesweretornoutofhisbody,andthesoldiersdidthiswithglee. And they whipped him till his body was unrecognizable, till his entire body was just a bloody mess, then they put a crown of thorns on him which tore into his scalp bleeding profusely, now he was covered from head to toe with bloodcoveringeveryporeofhisflesh,andhe ‘’allowed’’ allthistobedone for us. Thisfulfilledtheprophecyof Isaiah 53 intheOldTestamenttellingwhat Jesuswouldsufferformankind. Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB) 53 But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? 2 In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. 3 We despised him and rejected him a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care. 4 Yet it was ‘’our’’ grief [‘’our’’ heartache, anguish, pain, misery, unhappiness] he bore, ‘’our’’ sorrows [‘’our’’ mourning, sadness, distress, regret, trouble.] that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for ‘’our’’ sins. He was beaten that ‘’we’’ might have peace; he was ‘’lashed’’ and ‘’we’’ ‘’were’’ healed!’’ 6 ‘’we’’ every one of us have strayed away like sheep! ‘’We,’’ who left God’s paths to follow our own, Yet God, laid on him the guilt and sins of ‘’every ‘one’ of us!’’
7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. 8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was ‘’their sins’’ that he was dying for that he was suffering ‘’their punishment?’’ 9 He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man’s grave; but he had done no wrong and had never spoken an evil word.
The cross was the altar for the sacrificial lamb; it was here where Jesus soul wasmadeanofferingforsin; {however, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs.} This was the last place where Jesus woulddoanythingforman,thoughmanhasnoideawhatGodhasdoneforus through Jesus sacrifice. When Jesus rose into heaven he gave ‘’generous gifts tomen;’’HowmanyChristiansknowwhatgiftshegavethem?
Most Christians know nothing of what Jesus done for them except salvation, and I’m afraid there are very little pastors or leaders teaching them, which leavesthemblindandempty.Whenscripturesays’’Jesusgavegenerousgifts tomen,’’weknowofonegiftandweknowthatwastheHolySpirit,thethird personintheHolyTrinity,andthatsadtosayistheonlygiftthatGodgaveus throughJesusasfarastheyknowandbelieve. It was after Jesus died and rose again, and then later he rose up into heaven after defeating the devil, {Satan} for us, he chained them all up and then draggedthemupandintoheavenandparadedthemallaroundheavennaked. That he gave gifts to men. Jesus didn’t have to give gifts to men, he done enough giving to men, salvation, healing etc to them and they don’t even appreciatethatatall. Two Lashed beyond description 5 But ‘’he’’ was wounded and bruised for ‘’our sins.’’ ‘’He’’ was beaten that we might have peace; ‘’he’’ was ‘’lashed’’—and ‘’we’’ ‘’were’’ healed!’’ Which tookplacefirst, oursinsforgivenandcarriedbyJesus onthecross,or our healing through his lashing? ‘’He’’ was ‘wounded and bruised’ for our sins; then after that ‘’he’’ was beaten that we might have ‘peace’ ‘’then lashed,’’ andwewerehealedthrough ‘’his’’ lashing. Itmayseemlikeitissins forgivenbecausehewaswoundedandbruised,butweknowhetookoursins withhiminhisbodyatthecrucifixion
Thepsalmisttellsaboutthis,for he saysthatwhenChristreturnedtriumphantly to heaven afterhisresurrectionandvictoryoverSatan, he gave generous gifts to men
1 Corinthians 1:30
ThefirstthingthatJesusaccomplishedwasbeing wounded for our sins;ashe stood before pilot, Pilot ordered him beaten and bruised and then lashed till an inch from his life; he ordered him scourged; he was beaten for our peace; our peace with God. Then he was lashed for our healing. You cannot separatethegospeljusttosuitachurchwithunbeliefinit;thesethreethings thatJesusdidwasdoneoutofloveofus. He was made an offering for sin on the cross, that sacrificial alter; but first he was lashed for our healing; he wenttohisdeathafteraccomplishingthefirstpartofhisdivinework;healing us,bytakingoursicknessanddiseasesuponhisentirebodywithnoplaceleft out,thenhewasforcedtocarryhiscrosstoCalvarywherehewaslaiddown onthatalterwhereheacceptedtheworldsentiresinsfrom pasttopresentto thefuture,allsinswerelaidonhimthere.
For it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus. He showed us God’s plan of salvation; he was the one who made us acceptable to God; ‘’he made us pure and holy and gave himself to purchase our salvation.* WhendidJesusmakeuspureandholy?Beforehediedorafterhedied?Itwas after he died; he then gave souls the chance to come and receive ‘’righteousness’’ throughhim,thewordrighteousmeans ‘’to be right before God at all times,’’ virtuous, moral, good, just, upright, blameless, honorable, honest, as well as being made righteous Jesus made us good and pure and holy, and gave us salvation, and this is astounding that we can receivesuchgiftsfromadeadman;butthismandiedforonlya limitedtime, for he went down into hell, when he died on that cross he gave us salvation thatgiftgiventothosewhowouldacceptitafterrepentingoftheirsins.
Satan’skingdomSaintPaulteachesusin Ephesians 4:9 that Christ our Lord descended into Hell after He offered His life on the cross. “Now that He ascended, what is it, but because He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?” Note here that Hell is described as having “parts” that is the four parts of Hell.’
19 And in the ·spirit [or Spirit] he went and preached to the spirits in prison. [probably either fallen angels, imprisoned by God (seeGen. 6:1–4;2 Peter 2:4;Jude6)orthespiritsofthepeoplewhorejectedNoah’spreaching; 1 Corinthians 1:30 For it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus. This is one of the greatest awareness things that Jesus done, for his greatest desirewastobringsoulstoheaven,andnothell,forheneversentanyoneto hell they done all this by themselves. This scripture is making us aware that Jesusfirstdesireinhisheartwas,thattheseangelsorpeoplearebeinggivena second chance, and hopefully they all repented and followed after him, for these souls now knew what hell is like and only a bitter defeated champion would refuse to get into heaven. For it from God alone that creation has life, andherehegavethosespiritsandsoulsasecondchance,that’showmerciful he Weis.willseeiftheywillnowacceptJesusmessages;thebibletellsustherewas four parts to hell, and the captives were probably segregated into their own kind in each department, and it took him a little time because there was so manypeoplethereinthosecellsorclosedrooms,beforehecameoutofthem, and he brought those who had changed their hearts towards him and HoseaforetoldthedescentofChristintoHellin Hosea 13:14 by placing these words into the mouth of the Messiah: “O death, I will be thy death; O hell, I will be thy bite.”
1 Peter 3:19Expanded Bible (EXB)
When ‘’Jesus decided’’ thiswastherighttimetogotothealter; ‘’he decided,’’ notman,fornomanhadpoweroverhimexceptGodgaveittohimforhesaid that to Pilot. Jesus first concern was to go into Hades or hell as it sometimes called, and to preach to the souls that the devil had captive, and to release them,thosewhobelievedhismessages.
Think clearly about this for it is not preached in the churches in Ireland for thereisrarelyanyhealingtakingplaceinthechurcheshere,thoughthereare now some healings taking place in the Catholic churches as God is moving thereamongthem,praiseGod.Butforthemajorityofchurchesespeciallythe born again ones there is little healing taking place, and there should be signs and wonders happening if the church would only obey the word of Jesus in Mark 16 15 if there are no signs and wonders happening, then there is no spiritoperatinginthatchurch,itismainlymanmade.
And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the ‘’miracles’’ that followed their messages.’’ Another translation says the signs and wonders will follow believers.
Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him alive from the dead.
“And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages.[c]18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.
14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death:
Three Jesus rebuked his disciples for their stubborn refusal to believe Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.16 Those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
If it was you laying there with a disease like leprosy what would excite you moresalvationorhealing?Ipreachboth,andsometimesIwouldlayhandson some sick people especially those in bad pain; and then I would explain how Jesus took their sickness and bore all their diseases, and carried them on his body,andthenofferhissalvation,andpeoplebeinghealedwouldknowthere wasasaviorastheyexperiencedtheirdiseasesdisappear,andthosewatching could see there was a God healing them and for the first time in their lives they would see that God exists, for no one can explain away a sick persons painordiseasedisappearingaway.
Mark 16 Amplified Bible (AMP) 20
Well the large difference means that ‘Jesus first thought’ was for those suffering pain and disease, causing terrible suffering in them and with their familieslookingafterthem.Jesusheartwasforthesickamongthepeoplefor many a time he healed the multitudes before he preached and sometimes he didn’tevenpreach,hejusthealedthemall.
What difference doesitmaketouswhetherJesuswasscourgedfirstornot?
How bad is it when wejust cutourselves with apapercut, howsorethatis, or if you cut a finger or thumb, it’s strange how difficult it is to do things becauseitalwaysseemstobethesorefinger/thumbthatisintheway?
And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the word by the ‘’signs’’ that followed.]
So the apostles wentoutpreachingthegoodnewsto everyone everywhere; and ‘’healing the sick’’. How did the sick know that healing was there’s to have? Because the apostles explained that Jesus not only died for their sins, but that he took onto his body before that, in the scourging at the pillar, he Jesustook‘’theirsicknessanddiseases!’’‘Whatisthemostimportantmessage thatapersonwhoissickwithterriblediseases;’{andinthosedaystherewasalmost no cure for any sickness or disease, and in fact scripture says a lot of those diseases were from demonicpower,}‘wanttohear?’
What Jesus done for us is equally important, for it was all for us that he allowed his suffering to be, and he could have stopped this at any time by callingontheFathertochangehismind,andavoidthisterriblesuffering.
There is no difference between the one who plants and the one who waters; God will rewardeachoneaccordingtotheworkeachhasdone. I gave then the gospel just as Jesus gave it to me. One day as I was walking through the local shopping centre the Holy Spirit spoke to me one word and
Today I gave the word ofsalvationtotwodifferentgirlsintheirworkplace; oneworkedinacafé;andtheotherworkedinjewelers.BothgirlslistenedasI shared the good news with them, but because of work restrictions I couldn’t get to tell them the full gospel, I had to leave them with the lord as he is capable of looking after them; for the scripture tells us one plants and one watersbutitisthelordwhogivegrowthtotheplants.
Jesus suffered a million times what we have suffered through a sore paper cutorsorefinger,aseverypieceofhisfleshfromhisheadtohisfeetwastorn outbythiscatofninetailsasitiscalledandeverynerveinhisbodyexposed.
1 Corinthians3:8 GoodNewsTranslation
Why am I saying wehaveitwrong?Wellhealingisnotusuallytakingplacein churchesexceptforafewhereandthere.Thereisnofaithinthedivine word that Jesus would suffer at the scourging at the pillar, so that first those sick and suffering could be healed. Have you ever suffered so much pain that you couldn’t care less what someone is saying, have you suffered cancer, and listened to someone preach salvation. I have suffered pain that I couldn’t be botheredwithsomeonepreachingthegospelorsomescripture; mypainwas allIfocusedon;andtalkingwithpeoplewithcancerinthemalltheyfocuson istheircancer.
To me it doesn’t matter in which comes first; salvation or healing, for it is Jesuswhoisthesavior,andHolySpiritthehealer;anditistothemthatIgive allhonorandglory,Iknowthatitisnotfrommethathealingcomesfrom,itis the Holy Spirit and Jesus who is in me that brings both healing and salvation tothembethegloryforeverandforever. It wouldn’t matter to me what is preached in church if the church included bothpartsoftheword;sothatthosewhoaresickwouldknowwheretocome forhealingandhowtogetintoheaven.
TherewasalittlePhonecovershopwithagirlworkinginit.Ifelttoapproach herandpulledoutmyphoneandaskeddidshehaveacoverforit?
Asshesearchedforacover,‘’IaskedLordwhatisityouwant?Andasthegirl camebacktomesaying‘’no,shedidn’thaveacovertomatchmyphone,’’The lordthensaidtome; ask her if she were to die tonight where would she go? She immediately said ‘’hell.’’ I asked her why she said that and she replied it wasbecauseofthelifeshehadled.TheSpiritthensaidtome, ‘’ask her if she would like to go to heaven.’’ She answered me, ‘’yes she would love to go there,’’ and I was asking the Spirit what am I supposed to do next, and he replied‘’tellherallsheneedstodoissay sincerely, ‘’Lord I am sorry for my sins,’’ and then ‘’ask Jesus to come into her heart as her lord and savior.’’ Andshedidrightthereinfrontofme,soIexplainedthatJesuspaidforallher sinsandshedidn’thavetopayforthemJesuslovedhersomuch,and thatshe wasnow ‘’guaranteed heaven’’ andquoted1Corinthians1-8 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB) 8 And he ‘’guarantees’’ right up to the end that you will be counted ‘’free from all sin and guilt’’ on that day when he returns. 9 God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. After she had received salvation I was led to ask her if she would like to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit and of course she had never heard of this.IexplainedasaCatholicshemadeherconfirmation,andshesaidyesshe remembered, and I told her that was when she was supposed to receive the HolySpirit,butbecauseshewasachildandwasn’ttaughtwhatitwasshewas supposed to receive, she couldn’t truly receive him. She told me she would lovetobebaptizedintheHolySpiritandIprayedwithherthereinhershop and the Holy Spirit forever faithful gave her the gift of tongues as her prayer languageandshestoodthereprayinginthespiritlookingtotallyamazed, ThenIfeltthatshewasinpaininherbodyandIaskedherifshehadandshe confirmedshehad,IaskedherifshewouldlikeaprayerforthatasGoddidn’t wantherinpain,andaftertwominutesherpaindisappeared.AndIfeltthatit was time to leave her. So I said ‘’goodbye and keep praying in your heavenly language,’’andwavedbye. The next few days after I was again going past her little booth and saw a differentgirlthere;IwenttowalkonpastwhenIfeltpromptedtogooverto
said ‘’stop,’’ Istoppeddeadandlookedaroundmeandsawnoone,thenIfelt to walk backwards out of the shopping centre again and as I walked back
A few were more interested and asked me questions, so I got to tell them aboutthebaptismintheHolySpirit,andabouthealingbelongingtothem,for Jesus went to the scourging at the pillar where he was lashed and we were healed, and some I even prayed with for their healing of pain. I even prayed with a pregnant woman who kept sitting down when shopping and I asked her if shewas in pain, and she replied she was; her backwas killing her, so I saidwouldyoulikeaprayerforhealingandshesaidshewould,andIprayed withherandherpainleft,thenshewenttositdownagainasshewashavinga hot flush, so I left and continued shopping but as I was shopping, she came over to me, and asked could she have my phone number as her brother had somechildrenwithaskindisease,IgavehermynumberandthenIaskedher if she knew how to get into heaven, and she told me no. I gave her the same shortversionthatthelordgavemeandsheacceptedJesusintoherheart,and
her,andaskherthesamequestion. ‘’Isaidtoher,ifyouweretodietonight, where would you go?’’ This girl said she didn’t know, so I asked her if she wouldliketogotoheavenandshereplied, ‘’yes,’’’soItoldher,allshehadto dowas‘’saytoGodIamsorryformysins,’’andaskJesusintoherheartandto besincere,shedidso,andIleftherasacustomerapproached.
OverthenextweekeachtimeIwentbytherewasadifferentgirlthereinthat booth,andIalwaysfelttogooverandaskthesamequestion.‘’Ifyouwereto dietonightwherewouldyougo,andeachgirlansweredmesayingtheydidn’t know,ortheywouldlovetogotoheavenbutdidn’tknowhowtogetthere,so Iwentthroughthesamescenariowitheachofthemandtheyallgotsaved. Then one dayas I walkedpastI saw therewas agirl with blonde hairsitting there,anddecidedtogoovertoherandaskthesamequestions,butinsideof meIfelttogoonpasther;IsensedthatitwastheHolySpirittellingmetogo on past, but I said to the Spirit I’m going to make sure it is you; so I approached her and asked her the same question I asked the others and she abruptly saidtome,‘’I amnot theleastbit interested,’’ andlet meknow that asshewalkedawayfromme.SoitisbettertolistentotheHolySpiritanddo ashetellsus. Now I follow his lead each time, and he led me to some that I thought would notbeinterestedbutwasinfactsointerested.Ihave nowlearnedtogivethe gospel in a short defined version instead of keeping someone held prisoner andboredoutofthebrainwithscripturestheynevereverread.
1 Corinthians 7:20 20 Each one should remain in the situation he was in when he was called. 21Were you a slave when you were called? Do not let it concern you, but if you can gain your freedom, take the opportunity.…
EachofthesescripturesistellingustoleavepeoplewheretheyarewhenGod has found them, stop trying to do God’s work. Read each version so that you will know to walk away and leave people that just got saved to God for he is abletolookafterthem
leftaveryhappywomanwhotoldmeshehadnopaininherbackforthefirst timeinmonths.PraisetheLordforheisgood. I was walking past two young girls, when I felt the prompting to stop them andaskthemthesamequestion.Oneofthegirlshadalargesetofbreaststhat she had exposed for all to see and admire, and as I spoke to her about Jesus lovingthem,Inoticedthatshewasliftinghercardigan littlebylittle tocover her breasts, and eventually she had her cardigan covering her, ‘’she asked Jesus into her heart and so did her friend,’’ then her friend went into a shop besidethemandIwasleftwiththisbeautifulyoungwomanandImentioned toherthatInoticedhercoveringherselfupasItalkedtoheraboutsalvation, shewent brightred andsaid ‘’yesit wastruethatasI talkedaboutJesusshe felttheneedtocoverherself.’’ItoldhertobeproudofthebodyGodgaveher and not to be ashamed of it, so she laughed and dropped her cardigan again, andI lefther.I knowifI hadtoldRosemywifethatstory I wouldhavebeen lashed with her tongue, talking to a young girl about her boobs. I have no sexualdesireswhenlookingatawomanespeciallywhenIamtalkingtothem aboutJesus.SoifeveryouarefacingthesamesituationdoasIdo; Ilookinto theireyesandnottheirboobs,soIgiveGodtheglorybyjustlettingJesuslook throughmyeyesasheisinsideofme. Preachingthegospelissosimple;followtheHolySpiritsleadingandnotyour own, ask them, ‘’if they died tonight where would they go, heaven or hell,’’ waitfortheiranswerandtellthemto ‘’ask God for forgiveness,’’ andto ‘’ask Jesus into their heart right there and now,’’ tell them God can read their thoughts so they don’t feel embarrassed to ask him aloud in front of you, for God can read their minds, where the devil can’t all he can do is put garbage into your mind. Then leave them with God don’t try to get them to come to your church, unless they ask, leave them with God, and don’t try and force themtocometochurch,letGodleadthemsomeothertime.
1 Corinthians 3:6 9 New International Version (NIV)
6 ‘’I planted the seed,’’ ‘’Apollo’s watered it,’’ but God has been making it grow. 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, ‘’but only God,’’ who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. 9 For ‘’we are co-workers’’ in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. Rosesmiracle;healedthroughJesus IpraiseandgiveglorytomyGodonhighthatknowingthetruthoftheword ofGodhaskeptmywifeRosealive. Rosehadacoughthatwouldn’tjustgoawaynomatterwhatcoughmedicines she tried, including rebuking it. So she went to the doctor, {people who are blessedbyGodtohelpbringhealingtohispeople,} {I believe that God gave us doctors and nurses to bring healing to us}
Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you. English Standard Version
Each one should remain in the condition in which he was called.
New International Version
New Living Translation
The doctor organized for Rose to have an x ray, and a few weeks later Roses Doctor called to the home and asked to speak to Rose. She came into the bedroomwhereRosewaslaying.SittingdownshetoldRoseandIthatshehad bad news, and that her x ray results showed that she had probable lung cancer,andthat sheshouldgatherherchildrenaroundher forsupport. Rose asked her how long did she have to live, and the doctor replied, about six monthstoayearandahalf.RoseandIwereshockedtosaytheleast,andthe doctortoldusthattherewaspalliativecarebeingorganizedforherassoonas she needed it, and that she was sending her to the breast cancer doctor that removedherbreaststhroughcancer,forfurthertests.
Each person should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.
During the time Rose received her bad news and seeing the doctor after her latest tests, MRI, and a scan; I called on two friends who are in the healing ministry and they came on a Friday night before Rose tests, and we prayed withherrebukingthecancerasJesusalreadyhealeditthroughthescourging atthepillarwherehetookawayalloursicknessanddiseases.
We went to the breast clinic and seen Roses surgeon who told her he was sorry for her with such bad news, but that there was palliative care he was organizing for her when the time came for her to need it. Palliative care, meaning;theendoflifetreatmentandcareHethenwentontotellusthathe was sending her for a few more tests, which he did, and a few days after we wenttoseehim,andhetoldRosethereisnocanceranywhereinherbody,to which Rose threw her arms around her and kissed him on the cheek, and of coursewethankedhimforhisreport.
At the same time a believing friend in America had organized a group of believerstoprayforRose. And my daughter had also organized a group of church goers to her home where they interceded for Rose. We knew nothing of this until the next day whentheytextedtosaytheywereprayingforamiracleforRose.Andnowas youknowitRosereceivedhermiracle,andRose’sGPtoldher,‘’Roseyougot yourmiracle.’’
I didn’t know that a pastor and his wife, and fellow pastor and his wife and some elders of his church; where a year previously I had a healing service thereforthem,hadgatheredtoprayforRose.
Roses Doctor a Mr. *********, not a doctor but higher than a doctor and surgeon, informed her that she was now cancer free, and he couldn’t explain
TwomembersofmyfamilycalledRosesmiracleintoquestionsayingshewas nevertoldshehadcancer,andifshedidn’thavecancerthenshecouldn’thave hadamiracleafterall.Thesetwodaughterscausedanawfullotofgrieftoour family before when they refused to believe a sister who told them she had been raped by a former boyfriend, they said she lied and exaggerated things thoughthepolicebelievedher.ButasIsaidthesetwowerenowdenyingRose hermiracleandwerecausingalot ofupsetandangeragainstthem,towhich Rose and I said, ‘’let them believe what they like,’’ for there was a tumor the size of three centimeters in Roses lung right behind her heart. And it also disappearedinthetestsoftheMRIandthedeeperscan.
A man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care. 4 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace; he was lashed—and ‘’we’’ ‘were’ healed!’’ Amen
where the cancer had gone; he tried to explain it away and himmed and hammed rubbing his hands together, muttering it may have been scar tissue, but now if it was scar tissue then Rose still got a miracle for that scar tissue haddisappearedandherlungswereclear, Sadlytheenemywilluseevenmembersofyourownfamilytotryandgetyou intodisbelief,totryandgivehimareasontoreturnthecancerbacktoyou. Believe God never believe the enemy whousesgooddoctorsandsurgeonsto give you a bad report. God loves a good report, hates a bad one. Doctors can only reportwhattestsshow themandthey act upon thoseteststo bring you healing,theyarenotGodonlyGodisGod.
Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB)
IfIdidn’tbelievetherewasonlyhalfagospelbeingpreachedthenImayhave lost Rose by the time you the reader may have read this book. I went searchingforthetruthinthewordofGodandIbelievethatIfoundit,anditis writteninthisbookforyoutoexplore,andseeifitistruthforyou.