Healing the Homosexual from all the hurts and pains they suffered from so called Christians and others.
Healing the Homosexual from all the hurts and pains they suffered from so called Christians and others.
This little book is designed to bring healing to you the homosexual from the hurts and rejections and mockery you suffered from the mouths of so called Christians and others as you struggled with your identity, this book is not designed to change the homosexual into a heterosexual person, you are who you are, and you are loved by God because your his child, and not because of who or what you are.
To the Christian and others;
Homosexuals and lesbians are people just like you and me they’re not aliens from a different planet, Jesus died for them also. But they sin! Well then so do you! What makes you any different from them except for your sexual preferences? Your sin is no different to God than theirs.
Do you know thattheirsin comes number7 on thelistof thosewho won’tgetinto thekingdom of heaven as they are? Come on now admit it you thought homosexuals were at the top of the list or terrible sinners.
The first on the list is the unrighteous, then wrongdoers, then came the impure, and following them came the immoral, next came idolaters, after them came adulaters, then finally came the homosexual; but did you not notice after this lot came the cheat, swindlers and thieves, greedy graspers, and drunkards, and foulmouthed revilers, and slanders and extortionists and robbers, who is left out of this list of terrible sinners? No one, because scripture says “all have sinned all fall short of God’s grace.” Romans 3-23. Homosexuals have been singled out from centuries ago as the worst sinners, yet God’s word says the number one sinner is the unrighteous, and the poor homosexual came down the list at number seven. I know many Christians who sin in the ways that scripture mentioned, and they are supposed to be Christian. And Christians are the worst offenders when it comes to condemning the homosexual. Who gave the Christian the right to pick on and condemn the homosexual? Did God gave them that right because they are “saved” or are special, or does God’s word say, “do not judge and you will not be judged,” and “the measure you use will be measured unto you.”
Here is the scripture I just quoted from.
1-Corinthians-6-9- Do you not know that the (1} unrighteous and the {2} wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the {3} impure and {4} immoral, nor {5} idolaters, nor {6} adulterers, nor those who participate in {7} homosexuality, Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortionist and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God. And such some of you were [once]. But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set
apart, hallowed), and you were justified [pronounced righteous, by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God. {Amplified Bible}
You can see from the scripture that the unrighteous is the first on the list, not the homosexual; I added in the numbers to show you. Anyone who does not accept Jesus into their hearts as lord and saviour is the unrighteous, if you don’t have Jesus then you are unrighteous, if you accepted Jesus into your life then you are righteous and that means to have right standing with God.
The first healing I would like to bring to the homosexual who has been told repeatedly by stupid Christians that they are going to hell, because of their sin; is the gift of salvation. {Guaranteed getting into heaven}
The scriptures say we are all {not just homosexuals} going to hell because of our sins, because all have sinned. God offers everyone of his creation the chance to go to heaven and it’s not because of anything they have or will do, it is because Jesus made getting into heaven easy for “all” of us. He took all our sins, the sins of the whole world from beginning of time to the end of time, he didn’t leave out the homosexual man or woman, and he included all.
{Prayer} I pray for you the homosexual man or woman who may be reading this. “Lord open their eyes to see that you love them just as they are without change or shadow, and I break every lie told to them by Christians who don’t know you and your word as they should, and I break every effect this has had on their spirit making them feel less, dirty, and unworthy to get into heaven, in Jesus name.” Amen.
Read the following scripture, slowly and see what God has done for you! “This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference,” do you see this, there is no difference between you and the person who steals from his boss by spendingtimeonhiscomputeronFacebookinsteadofworking,orthemanwhoislustingafter his friends wife. You, the homosexual, can receive this same righteousness from Jesus just as anyone else can because there is no difference in you or anyone else, you have to accept it for yourself by accepting Jesus into your life and righteousness is automatically yours. It is a gift from a loving God.
Romans 3-21 But now righteousness from God, apart from law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished— 26he did it to demonstrate
his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. {Message Bible}
Jesus Christ justifies you freely by grace, because he wants to not because we deserve it, but because he wants to, he loves you deeply and he proved how much he loves you by dying for your sins, as he died for mine.
But there is salvation, {guaranteed heaven} to all who turn to Jesus and ask him into their lives and this is for all, not just homosexuals, everyone is welcomed by Jesus, he will never turn away anyone who comes to him sincerely and says sorry for their sins, {and this is not just homosexual sins it is sin, because sin is sin}
If you commit one type of sin you have committed every sin there is according to God’s word, sin is just that, “sin.” Stupid Christian’s have made a difference in the size of sins; they think a man committing a homosexual act is worse than them lusting after a schoolgirl. There is no difference in the size of sins read the following scripture and see for yourself.
James 2-10-10For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just “one” point is guilty of breaking all of it. 11For he who said, "Do not commit adultery, "also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
12Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment! {NIV Bible}
Look at those beautiful words from God to us; Mercy triumphs over judgment! God is saying his mercy is bigger than his judgment, his mercy triumphs over judgement in other words his mercy will always win out every time over the judgment you and I deserve.
That scripture simply put says, if you stole a penny from someone you have broken the law of God of not sinning, or if you have stolen a million from someone you have broke the law in equal amount, we consider the size of the sin, God just sees you breaking the Law of God.
We have been brought up to believe there are little sins and big sins and that is rubbish there is only sin, so the guy who had sex with his neighbours wife is just as guilty as you having sex with another man both have sinned. But the greatest Joy we can ever imagine is in that same scripture, and it’s the words “Mercy triumphs over judgment!
God loves us so much that his mercy towards us wins out over his judgment against our sin, that’s why he sent Jesus to take your sins on his own body on Calvary so that you could have easy access to heaven through accepting Jesus into your heart as your lord and saviour.
God called you the homosexual to become one of his children, and you may be asking what about my partner, am I expected to leave him or her? Read the next scripture and see what God says.
1-Corinthians -7-24-So, brethren, in whatever station or state or condition of life each one was when he was called, there let him continue with and close to God. [NIV Bible
If God wishes to change you he can do as he wills, but his mercy says; let him continue with and close to God also. God made you in his image and something happened to you to distort that image, whether it was abuse or hormones only God can tell, but you are loved as you are without you being changed. God loves you the person whom you are, he created you from before the beginning of the world and knew everything about you. So who gives anyone the right to criticise someone whom God made. God knew you would be homosexual or lesbian, and as Jeremiah says; God knows the plans he has for us.
Ephesians -1-4-long ago even before he made the world God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us and he decided then to make you holy in his eyes without a single fault we who stand before him covered with his love. {The Living Bible}
If God chose us, {you and me,} from before he even made the world, then it stands to reason he knew everything about us what we would do and when, to the very split second that we would do it.
So if he knew you and knew the plans he had for you as he stated in Jeremiah then he knew you would be homosexual, and still he chose you to be his child and all you need to do to get into heaven is to ask Jesus sincerely to come into your heart and you will have fulfilled that part of God’s plan.
If you or I were to die without accepting Jesus into our lives as lord and saviour, then we would go to hell, and there would be no difference between your sexuality and mine we would both go to hell.
Jesus come into my heart as my own Lord and saviour, I am sorry for all my sins. Amen
And now say “thank you Jesus,” and you have to say to one more person and that seals your salvation forever, that Jesus is my lord and saviour. And that’s it your now saved just like all those little Christians but don’t do what they do condemn someone without knowing what God word says.
If you have said that prayer to Jesus sincerely then my friend you are saved and are guaranteed heaven when you die. The first healing that we all need is healing our relationship with God and that part is now complete, you and God are now friends forever into eternity.
But what if I sin in other ways, or the same ways again will I no longer be saved? No of course not you have accepted Jesus into your life and he is the one who promised to get you into heaven. God has even given you a written guarantee that he will get you into heaven. Look at what St Paul said, the things I shouldn’t do I do them and the things I should do I don’t, who will help me. Thank God it has been done by Jesus.
1-Corinthians 1-8-and he guarantees right up until the very end that you will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that day he returns. {For you} God will surely do this for you, for he always does what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son Jesus Christ our lord.
There is your written guarantee. But remember this does not give you a licence to just go ahead and sin whenever you want to, you are to try and not sin just like every other Christian.
People have mocked the homosexual, making fun of them and making them the butt of their jokes for years. Jesus never made fun of or mocked anyone. But he was mocked stripped naked and flogged cursed at spat upon had his beard torn out by the roots and hung on a cross naked, he didn’t have that little cloth that we see in pictures, the Romans didn’t spare anyone their dignity, so Jesus knows when your dignity was taken away from you by those who held you up to ridicule and shame by pointing you out as different, and when we join our hurts to the hurts Jesus suffered we can receive healing from those particular hurts.
A prayer for healing; Jesus you know what it was to be mocked ridiculed made fun of, and the rejection I have felt, you also felt, from the very people whom you even healed, the stripped you off your dignity and they stripped me of mine, making fun of me in front of others, you know what that felt like as they did it to you, they even stripped you and hung you naked without a covering over your private parts, and I have experienced this also.
I give you my embarrassments and my pain and suffering so that you can take that rejection and suffering on to the cross with you and you can carry it from now on for me in your body.
You died for me and for all my sins and died for their sins also, and as you hung there on that cross naked, you called out Father forgive them, they know not what they do.
You forgave them and so released them from their sins against you, and you ask me to do the same as you, so I forgive all those who have hurt me in all the ways mentioned and in ways that have not been mentioned and I set myself free from their torment in your name Jesus. I give all my years of torment to you so that it is no longer with me or tormenting me but has been placed in your hands and you remove it from me and bring in your precious light and peace of heart and mind. In Jesus name Amen
All healing begins with forgiveness and it is in forgiving those who hurt us that sets us free from the hurts and condemnations that we have suffered, just as the straight person has suffered in their hurts also, and they like you need to forgive too. Unforgiveness keeps us chained to the past and keeps the past alive within us, yet the past are exactly that, its past, it is gone forever and only the memories remain, and it is these memories that keep us locked in the past until we let them go to Jesus.
Jesus loves you the person he created long ago, he does not love sin in us but he loves us because we’re his children. The Father himself loves you dearlyJohn-16-27- for the Father himself loves you dearly because you love me and believe that I come from the Father.
Romans 8-1- there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. You belong to Christ if you gave him your life, therefore no one can bring condemnation with them and point a finger at you because they have three others pointing back at them. Amen