Heavenly beings are walking this planet!

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Heavenly beings are walking this planet

Mc Crossan


Heavenly beings are walking this planet

Acts-5-18 They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. 19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the jail and brought them out.20 “Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “And tell the people all about this new life.” {NIV 2010}

Isn’t it strange that the angel {an angelic being} didn’t tell the Apostles that they had to go and preach the Gospel or preach about salvation but he told them “And tell the people all about this new life,” the new life? The new life is the life of Christ Jesus that you now share with him and him with you, and your new life is already in heaven for those who have accepted Jesus as lord and saviour, your new life as a heavenly being. Christians think that when they die they will go to heaven but that is wrong teaching, the Christian who has accepted Jesus as lord is already in heaven, he won’t go there when he dies he is already there right this very second, this is a deception told to us by Satan that when we die we might go to heaven or we might go to hell, and so Christians worry will they make it into heaven, when all the time they are already seated in the heavenly places with and in Jesus now in spirit; their flesh is still alive on earth but their spirit is alive in Christ where they have joined together with Jesus as one person. Jesus done this no one else and believe it or not it was from before time even began.

Ephesians-1-4-6- Long ago even before he made the world God chose you through what Jesus would do to make you holy spotless and clean.

We are heavenly beings with a soul living in a body Christian’s don’t understand that they are already dead as far as God is concerned they died with Christ when he died, that is their spirit died not their flesh body. Their spirit is in heaven right now their flesh is sitting reading this or standing reading this. We Christian’s have been deceived for years upon years on this subject, we are taught that we are body soul and spirit, but we are actually the very opposite, we were spirit, first, flesh, {soul} {mind} second and body thirdly. We have had no conception that we have already been raised up with Jesus when he died and rose again, and that we are heavenly beings living in a body who have a mind {soul, intelligence}

Colossians-3-1-Ifthen “you have” been “raised with Christ” [to a newlife,{heavenly life} thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and “seek” the [rich, eternal treasures] that are “above,” where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2And “set your minds” and “keep them set” on what is “above” {the higher things}, not on the things that are on the earth. 3For [as far as this world is concerned] “you have died,” and your {new, real} {heavenly} life is hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ, Who is our real life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in {the splendour of His} glory. {Amplified Bible}


This scripture urges us to set our minds on things above, {the higher things} and keep them set on the higher things not on the things of this earth but of heaven of which you are a resident through Jesus Christ who died and rose again for you, giving you a share in his death and also in his resurrection, this is unimaginable for us because we can’t understand spiritual things but the time has come when God is revealing heavenly things to us who belong to him, his own children.

You can see from this scripture that you have already died in your spirit, it has already happened when Jesus died he somehow or other had your spirit with him and you died with him; did you know that you were taken from the same substance as Jesus and created from before time began? We were given the same new life as Jesus, the very same substance from where he got his new life we got ours, which makes us heavenly beings just like Jesus.

Ephesians -2-5-Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved ([a]delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ's salvation).6And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us [b]joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

Where did God sit you down? He sat us down together in Christ Jesus, in joint seating, the only way you can have joint seating is to be in the person who is sitting down. Union means to become one with something to merge into something, and we became one with Christ Jesus through God’s grace alone, noting of ourselves it was all God’s work.

And when you accepted Jesus willingly into your heart as lord and saviour you rejoined again to him; that’s like taking a piece of putty and tearing a bit off and making a putty man out of it, the man you made is from the lump of putty, it has the same ingredient in it as your lump of putty and then you decided to put the putty man back into the putty again and it becomes a lump of putty again. The putty has become one lump again, it’s all the same substance; or you could take ten bits of putty and tear them off and make ten men and women figures, all different shapes and sizes, it’s your putty , you can make them whatever shape or size you like. But everyone comes from the main lump of putty; everyone is putty, the same putty, not a different kind of putty, all ten were made from that same lump or piece of putty, when scientists break a substance down to get its DNA they see under their microscopes that all the ten little men and women come from the larger piece of putty and the cells that make that putty up are the same cells as the ten putty men and women. If you watch CSI on TV you will understand that scientist can break down the very molecules and analyze them and when they break down the putty it shows that all eleven pieces are the exact same. We are heavenly beings first, {spirit} and that is where we should be starting our thinking from, not from the other way around, body first then spirit last, this is wrong thinking. We have to go back to the start and begin again with our thinking and pray for revelation to our spirit, and begin to see ourselves from God’s way of thinking. I’ll give you an example of this. *One morning I woke up and had a splitting headache and a runny nose and when I was in my kitchen blowing my nose on some kitchen tissue, I spoke to God and said, “I thought you took my sickness and bore all my diseases?” straight away God replied to me and said, “You are healed in my sight,” instantaneously I knew as far as God was concerned Jesus finished his work on the cross where he took all my sins and bore all my diseases. So I said, “If I am healed in your sight then I rebuke this cold off of me,” and for about ten minutes I went around the

kitchen with my nose dripping and me ignoring it saying, “as far as God is concerned, I am healed.” Next thing my cold disappeared and my nose stopped dripping, and my headache went away; I seen things from God’s perspective for once and knew deep down inside I was healed, and declared it ignoring what my headache said and my dripping nose done.* I seen things from God perspective {viewpoint} what he sees not what I see, and the only way I can arrive at the same perspective is by believing by faith and not by sight, so if God says I am a heavenly being living in a body here on earth and possessing a soul I am inclined to believe him. And its time I started thinking along these lines, I know it pleases God for us to find out the truth about him and what he done for us out of an immense love for us.

Romans-6-4-your old sin loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died, and when God the father brought him {Jesus} back to life again; you were given “his” {Jesus} wonderful new life to enjoy,” For you have become a part of him, {Jesus} and shall rise again; your old evil desires were nailed to the cross with him, {Jesus} that part of you that loves to sin, was crushed and fatally wounded. {The way Bible}

You were given Jesus wonderful new life to enjoy, what an honour and a privilege to be given Jesus Christ the saviour of the world’s new life to enjoy, this is God’s love being shown in a very practical way, his love is colossal, to give you and me the very same life of Jesus, to share in what he does!

When Jesus died so did your spirit and when he was raised from the dead again you were given a new spirit, his spirit, your old one died with him on that cross on Calvary. The old you is dead and unresponsive to sin as scripture declares but the new you is alive to Christ Jesus, because as he is so are you, in this world. Is Jesus a heavenly being? As he is so are you a heavenly being because you have been joined together to him as one person a spirit being not a flesh being. This is so awesome when we realise that all this was God’s plan from before time even began, that someday you and I would discover that we are spiritual beings, heavenly residents, and it’s all because that is what God planned for us to become, from before time began he created us as heavenly beings and we are returning to that state right now when we accepted Jesus as lord, we accepted the plan God had for us to rejoin together with his son from whom we were taken from, the same substance as he is and now spiritually joined back together with and to him again, as heavenly beings.

We are ambassadors for our Fathers kingdom, and his kingdom is not earthly but heavenly and the only people who can represent the king are his citizens, the residents who reside in the kingdom. A foreigner can’t represent the kingdom of another country, only someone born there can, and you are reborn into our father’s kingdom thereby making you a resident of that kingdom of heaven. We as residents of the kingdom of God have to proclaim every day that we reside there, we must witness to others that they also can become a genuine resident if they accept Jesus into their lives. We must declare to ourselves first that we are heavenly beings before our minds will begin to accept this understanding because our minds are carnal, worldly thinkers which need to be renewed by the word of God, this won’t happen instantly but through asking the Father’s Holy Spirit to impart this knowledge to your spirit, and one day you will realise that you have developed a new knowledge of who and what you are, a heavenly being.

Proverbs 18-21-a man’s stomach shall be filled with the fruit of his mouth from the produce of his lips shall he be filled; death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it shall eat its fruit.

You see you are the one who has to declare that you are a heavenly being before your stomach {insides} can be filled with this knowledge from God; your lips must continually confess who and what you are. Satan will try and convince you that this is not true and that you are in blasphemy or heresy or some other rubbish like you are not good enough, and on that one point he is right we are not good enough to merit such a blessing on us but you have to remember that it wasn’t you who decided to do this but your heavenly Father; of ourselves we could never be good enough but thank God for his great mercy and kindness he chose to make you and me like this because he wanted to, Ephesians-1-4-6.

It is not blasphemy to say that you are a heavenly being and it is not heresy to say that you belong to heaven and live there right now in Christ Jesus but it is truth to say “of yourself” you would not begood enough to qualify for this awesomeblessing from your heavenly Father, and as I said this is a truth that the devil Satan uses. He uses a little truth to get us to believe his great lies but thank God we have the word of God to refer to any time to counter act his allegations, as far as God is concerned we are forever perfect in his sight. Hebrews -10-14- You are forever perfect in the sight of God

And will always be so even when you sin; because as a heavenly being when you sin, in your mind and body, you know you offend your father because the Spirit of God lives within and convicts you of sin and you repent immediately, and are immediately forgiven and then your sins are “forever forgiven and forgotten, Hebrews -10-18” and that is what God’s own written word says.

Heavenly beings are only concerned with doing the will of God at all times thus they are continually trying to better themselves at all times, becoming more aware of sin the closer they get to their heavenly Father and so are reluctant to keep sinning. Remember we are heavenly beings but we live in a body with a mind {soul} and Satan is always trying to get the mind to sin and at times he succeeds and the flesh sins, but then the spirit of God inside us convicts us of sin and we repent and the sin is washed away from our soul, sin never got near the spirit because God himself keeps sin away from the spirit inside of you because his divine sperm is inside you


1-John-3-9-No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. Look at this fascinating scripture; this is awesome to think of that God’s own seed, {sperm} is inside us and that sperm is our new spirit. We all know what seed is or sperm it is what creates a child when joined together with the ovum in the woman, but God doesn’t need a woman’s body to have the divine sperm reside in us, the word of God says your new spirit cannot go on sinning because it has been born of God, he created it free from sin and remains free from sin because it is his own sperm in you. Your body and mind will continue to sin as

usual because Satan is always prowling around like a lion seeking of ways to pervert you, and get you to sin and then of course he then makes you feel guilty and condemns you for sinning, but he was the one who planted the thought to sin inside of you in the first place and then he gets pleasure from tormenting you afterwards. But let’s not get sidetracked about sin because the more I am learning about who and what I am the less interested in sinning I have become. The divine sperm of God is in me I am made from that divine sperm, and the divine sperm is heavenly making me a heavenly being, a being that is protected from desiring to sin spiritually according to the word of God, in my spirit that is not in my flesh; my flesh will always be open to temptation to sin.

We don’t see ourselves as God sees us, as ‘heavenly beings,’ but he wants to change that. God wants us to see ourselves as he sees us heavenly beings.

When we begin to understand that we are heavenly beings then scripture is taking on a new dimension, because as I write this and remember I am being taught this as I write and am only new to this revelation and as usual I share with you what the lord reveals to me. As I write I see other scriptures coming alive to me and I can see them in my mind changing taking on a new dimension and understanding. When I look at things from the perspective of a heavenly being I can see things different and I will write about those things later as the Holy Spirit directs me. A heavenly being for instance is not unworthy, how could it be? It belongs to heaven and is living there in the full presence of God. It is not a sinner either because God says a sinner will perish for his sins, and we know that we are seated with Jesus in the heavenly realms. This is all for the greater glory of God our Father and for Jesus his Son and for the Holy Spirit.

The new life is heaven centred.


Acknowledging God as our real Father God is a heavenly being and so are we as his very own children, he allows us to call him Father because he is indeed our real Father he used our earthly fathers to watch over us as we were growing up and now you’re doing the same with your children, we are caretakers of the children of God heavenly beings living in a body and having a soul, and we have to nurture them and watch them growing up to discover their real Father for themselves.

Luke -11 -2-“Father,” hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. 3 Give us each day our daily bread. 4 Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation. NIV

John-20-17- Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and “you’re Father,” to my God and “you’re God.” NIV

Jesus told them that God was his father and also ours. What is the insinuation of what Jesus said; he said God is our Father. That means we are his children, if we really believe that we are children of God, then we have the divine nature in us as God’s children; then we too are heavenly beings living in a human body, with a soul. Sounds like the movie “The Body Snatchers.” But it is fact that we are heavenly beings living in a body with a soul, {mind, and intelligence}. And it was God’s divine power that done all this from before time even began.

2-Peter 1- 2 Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the “knowledge” of ‘God’ and of ‘Jesus’ our ‘Lord.’ 3 ‘His’ ‘divine power’ has given “us” everything we need for a godly life through our “knowledge” of him who called “us” by his own glory and goodness. 4 through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may *participate* in the divine nature,* having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires. {NIV Bible}

This scripture is saying that we *participate* in the divine nature of God. The word Participate means to share in, to partake in, chip in and join in. Heavenly beings sharing in the heavenly body of God the father, sharing our existence with him, this is God saying this truth not me, and you can read the word for yourself the scripture I quoted from is in your bible read it yourself don’t take my word for it otherwise you have only copied what I said, your spirit needs to see it for itself.

Acts -17-28-‘for in him {Jesus} we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’ 29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill NIV

God says we are his offspring’s, his own children. In Jesus we live and move and have our being, our heavenly being, again scripture calls us heavenly beings, God’s offspring’s and remember God is a divine heavenly being; we can’t live in Jesus as a person with a body, he doesn’t live in our bodies they’re corrupt and have sin in them but there is no sin in our spirit if Jesus is indeed your lord and saviour. Since we are God’s offspring, {that’s children} then that makes us heavenly beings, because we come from God and he is a heavenly being.

Being means life form, organism, creature, and living being.

We think wrong when we just think of ourselves as a human being made of flesh, blood and bone, no! We are more than that, we are living heavenly beings we were created from before time began, a body doesn’t live from before time began does it? No but we are formed from before time even was considered by God and then he decided to put us into a world that he created at a certain time and day and moment and put inside the body he gave us his spirit which rejoined to Jesus when we accepted Jesus as lord into one again with his spirit.

We have to believe this all by faith and of course faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of God. Like the next scripture says faith justifies us and makes us righteous.


Romans-4-6- But to one who, not working [by the Law], trusts (believes fully) in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited to him as righteousness (the standing acceptable to God). 6Thus David congratulates the man and pronounces a blessing on himtowhom“Godcreditsrighteousness”apartfromtheworkshedoes:{AmplifiedBible

Righteousness does not come about by works but by faith in God’s word. Learning who and what God says you are and not what you think you are, you’re a heavenly being made for heaven not for hell. And you have a decision to make, do I believe this or do I not believe the word of God and what has been written in this little booklet, the choice is entirely yours. And if you chose to believe this then you have to put on the new self and put to death the old self, the flesh thinking and change to thinking, “I am a spirit being a heavenly being who is already seated in heaven with and in Christ Jesus.” Keep seeking the things above where your spirit is seated with Jesus, think heavenly thoughts forget about the sin part and concentrate on the heavenly beings part of you which will live for eternity, your body lives only a brief time but your spirit lives forever in heaven, praise the lord for his breath-taking plan. Heavenly beings are walking this planet and they are not angels but Christian’s children of the one true God his offspring’s walk this earth but live in heaven with Christ Jesus and Father God at the same time incredible but true, nothing is impossible to God.

Genesis -1-26-God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in our image, after our likeness. {Amplified Bible}

Look at the words of God closely here, he is saying let us make mankind in “our image,” was God and the Son and Holy Spirit flesh beings? No, - they are heavenly beings, and in whose image did he say let’s make them? After “our” likeness! What was God like? Was he a flesh God or a spirit God? He was a spirit God and that is what he made us spirit beings first, and he made each one of us then at that time before he even made a world.

Ephesians-1-4-long ago even before he made the world, god chose us through what his Son Jesus would do to bring us into his kingdom spotless holy and sinless without a single fault, all because he wanted to. {Paraphrased}

This scripture is saying the same as Genesis -1-2-6 it was before he made the world that God created us in his own image a “heavenly being.” Like himself sinless and holy, but we can’t accept that at the moment because we have been programmed to think sinner, unworthy, not good enough to merit God’s blessings. We think that we have to do something very worthwhileto earn thegraces of God butyou havebeen given thegracefrom beforetimeeven began, God knew everything about you from the very split second he created you in heaven he knows everything you will do and what moment in time you will do it, he both precedes and follows you.

Psalm-139-16-Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.

God knows all the days of my life before they even happened {took shape} when as yet there were none of them, when there wasn’t even a day yet made to call a day, this all happened from before time began, that God knew every moment of my life they were already written down, every breath I would take, every word I would say, every thought I would have, every sin I would commit, every good deed I would do, when I would turn to him and invite him into my heart as my lord and saviour, he knew it all and he wanted me to make that free choice because God’s word says we can go down one path or another, God laid out two paths and he knew which path you would take but he wanted you to chose that path for yourself not because he

chose it for you, he loved us enough to be rejected, he could see both sides of the same coin if you understand what I mean. He made us heavenly beings with heavenly plans and heavenly desires inside us. God desires for us to find these hidden treasures in his word but you won’t find those treasures if you don’t know the word, if you don’t read your bible.

2-Corinthians-3-14-But their minds were made dull, The children of God’s minds were made dull by the devil because he does not want you finding out this truth. I hear in church “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free;” we know some truth and that truth is set in the mind and not in the heart {spirit} we need to know the truth from God’s viewpoint not from our understanding of scripture, but from the viewpoint that we are heavenly beings first, then the truth shall set us free, not some truth sets us free but the whole truth shall set us free as heavenly beings seated in heaven already with and in and through Christ Jesus and that where we start truth from. That’s why scripture says set your mind on things above and not on this earth.

Colossians -3-2- 2And “set your minds” and “keep them set” on what is “above” {the higher things}, not on the things that are on the earth. 3For [as far as this world is concerned] “you have died,” and your {new, real} {heavenly} life is hidden with Christ in God.

We are heavenly beings and that is what we should continually be confessing to ourselves and other Christian’s, sharing with them Christ’s glory in you, have you ever wondered at that scripture that says he even will share his own glory with you? Colossians 3-4-4When Christ, Who is our real life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in {the splendour of His} glory. When Jesus returns for his bride he will not come bringing judgement he is coming to bring his bride to himself, clean spotless and holy, he is collecting his children out of this evil world; then Satan will rule for a thousand years, after that will come the end of the world. But when Jesus comes we as heavenly beings will appear with him in glory, that is in him, not beside him or behind him or in front but as he is so are we, we are his divine body and all of us make up that body of Christ Jesus collectively, and he will draw those still in the world to him when he appears and they will join into him with us the rest of his body, those who have died and those still on the earth

This was Jesus personal prayer to the Father. John-17-20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you, may they also bein us so that theworld may believethat you havesent me? 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity Jesus was acknowledging to his Father and ours his desire that all of us the future believers as well as the apostles will be one with him and the Father, and he says he gave us his glory that the Father gave to him so that we all father Son and Holy Spirit and his children may all be as one spirit heavenly being in complete unity, {unison, harmony, accord.}

We haven’t a clue what things lay ahead for us and what things are in heaven awaiting us but God knows the plans he had for us since the day he first created us in heaven, making us heavenly beings first, then he inserted us into a body with a soul, and gave us free will to do what we liked, and his greatest desire was that we would come to him freely because instinctively we would desire to know our real Father in heaven. Instinct is something every animal has, a bird just a few days old, having never ever seen a Hawk cringes in terror at the sight of one flying above, and it’s the same with every other animal in the animal world, it instinctively knows its enemies, from birth. Inside of each one of us is knowledge of God, because God says he will put this into us, so that every human being would know the difference between right and wrong, instinctively. We know as heavenly beings instinctively there is a God in heaven, even the people in the remotest parts of the jungles who haven’t seen another human being except for their own kind worship something, be it a crocodile or snake or the sun or moon, it is in them instinctively to worship.

1-Corinthians-2-9-9 But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

10 But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, and the deep things of God. 11 for what man knows the things of a man, except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

These are the days this scripture is talking about; God is revealing his secrets to us his very own children 1 Corinthians -2-10. And he is revealing that we are heavenly beings living in heaven and at the same time connected to our bodies and soul in this world, that’s why Jesus said as he is so are we in this world.

The whole drive in this book that I have been trying to get you completely focused on is the fact that we are heavenly beings who were created before time began in heaven and then when the world was created later we were chosen that on a certain date and time we would be inserted into our mother’s womb and be born nine months later. This was all sorted out before time even began when God said let us make man someone in our likeness.

Genesis -1-26-God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in our image, after our likeness. {Amplified Bible}

You have to take into account that all was decided in heaven between God the Father, Jesus the Son, and between the Holy Spirit and the sevenfold spirit of God that they would make you and I along with billions of others just like themselves. And they decided between them what each of us should be like after they created us spirit beings first, heavenly beings, because flesh and blood beings cannot enter heaven it is a different dimension from the earth made of different stuff where flesh and blood cannot exist, just like if we were sent to the moon and took off our breathing apparatus we would die for lack of oxygen because we don’t belong to that planet.

Then they decided that one day when day was made that we would come into an understanding of who we actually are, heavenly beings, who were sent to earth to live there for a period of time and then return to the creator who created us out of the same substance as he created Jesus and that we would be placed back into Jesus body, just like our putty man and we would be complete when the last one of us would join together with Jesus and complete him again,

heavenly beings living in this world but connected to their saviour in heaven where he resides and where we reside with him in glory with him. But before that God wants us to realise our true identities as heavenly beings and act with power and authority as heavenly beings living in a body; and act against Satan’s works of destruction, i.e. sickness and disease and disaster in the rest of humanity, bringing them into an awareness of their true identity, heavenly beings like us and healing them in all dimensions spirit soul and flesh

Romans-12-5-So we, numerous as we are, are one body in Christ (the Messiah) and individually we are parts one of another [mutually dependent on one another]. We all make up the one body of Christ Jesus the Messiah, and remember Jesus is no longer flesh and blood but a heavenly being again, and we are one heavenly body with him, through grace. God’s word says it all but we have been blinded to these truths by our great enemy, as a previous scripture says our minds have been dulled. 2-Corinthians-3-14-But their minds were made dull.

Romans -6-8-Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9Because we know that Christ (the Anointed One), being once raised from the dead, will neverdieagain;deathnolongerhaspoweroverHim. 10ForbythedeathHedied,Hedied to sin [ending His relation to it] once for all; and the life that He lives, He is living to God [in unbroken fellowship with Him]. 11Even so consider yourselves also dead to sin and your relation to it broken, but alive to God [living in unbroken fellowship with Him] in Christ Jesus.

Christians don’t think of themselves as dead like this scripture tells them to. They, for the majority of them don’t even think about these things, but the word of God is true and trustworthy and if God says the Christian is dead and has died with Christ then God knows best as far as I am concerned anyway. The word of God says consider yourselves dead to sin and that means the things of this world also. Do you consider yourself dead? Or that you are alive living as a heavenly being in Christ Jesus in unbroken fellowship with him. Nothing breaks the fellowship we have with Jesus who is God as part of the trinity. The word says think of yourself like that, alive to and in God through Jesus as a heavenly being.

Colossians -2-10- you are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ; you too are filled with the Godhead, the Father Son and Holy Spirit, and reach full spiritual stature.

You are in him and made full, you are filled with the Godhead, father Son and Holy Spirit. How is it possible to be filled with the Godhead, the Trinity and still be just a human being, it is impossible as a human being to be filled with God we don’t have enough room in this frail body to hold the Holy Spirit never mind the Godhead, so how do we hold the Godhead? As heavenly beings we have the capacity to hold all of the Godhead because we are one with them as heavenly beings through and in Jesus and this is all God’s work no human could ever accomplish anything so vast as this. Only heavenly beings created by the Father Son and Spirit could be conformed to hold their fullness, we are awesome beings as heavenly beings and it is awesome to even think of ourselves like this it almost blows our mind to think that God loves us so immense that he done all this for us.

John-5-20-The Father dearly loves the Son and discloses to (shows) Him everything that He Himself does. And He will disclose to Him (let Him see) greater things yet than these, so that you may marvel and be full of wonder and astonishment. 21Just as the Father raises up the dead and gives them life [makes them live on], even so the Son also gives life to whomever He wills and is pleased to give it. 22Even the Father judges no one, for He hasgiven alljudgment(thelastjudgmentand thewholebusinessofjudging)entirely into the hands of the Son, 23So that all men may give honour (reverence, homage) to the Son just as they give honour to the Father. [In fact] whoever does not honour the Son does not honour the Father, Who has sent Him.24I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, the person whose ears are open to My words [who listens to My message] and believes and trusts in and clings to and relies on Him Who sent Me has (possesses now) eternal life. And he does not come into judgment [does not incur sentence of judgment, will not come under condemnation], but he has already passed over out of death into life.

We have already passed out of death while still alive in our human bodies, {and it could only happen in our spirit being,} because of Jesus who gave us life and we know from previous scriptures that it is his own life he gave us a heavenly life. Most Christian’s I know believe that they will be judged at the end of the world but they don’t realise that it is now this very instant they either decided for Jesus or against Jesus.

John -3-18- He who believes in Him [who clings to, trusts in, relies on Him] is not judged [he who trusts in Him never comes up for judgment; for him there is no rejection, no condemnation--he incurs no damnation]; but he who does not believe (cleave to, rely on, trust in Him) is judged already [he has already been convicted and has already received his sentence] because he has not believed in and trusted in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [He is condemned for refusing to let his trust rest in Christ's name.]

The things of heaven have already happened, your judgment has already happened, you will not be judged so says Jesus. Then you must set your mind on the things of heaven, things that are above and not below, you have to get stuck into your Bible, you have to learn what is yours by right as a heavenly being, there are hidden treasures in the word of God so scripture says and it is up to you and I to seek those treasures; just like the man who found a treasure in a field, he sold everything to get the money to buy that field so he could get the treasure. Nothing is more important than finding out your true identity, because from there you grow in a greater way; you know that heavenly things belong to you because God himself said so. He said, “Everything I have given to my Son Jesus is now yours,” everything! What did he give Jesus? He gave Jesus everything he would ever need, power strength glory, victory over the entire enemy, and he made him out of the same substance that he created you also from. If you don’t know what and who you are then you will never have overwhelming victory in your life. Heavenly beings walk this planet earth and you are one of them, and as a heavenly being you can walk with your head up not bent in defeat or depression because the heavenly life of Jesus Christ lives in you and you in him joined together as one person.

1-Corinthians -6-17-17 But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit, {NIV Bible}

United with him in spirit as a heavenly being as Jesus is a heavenly being, a flesh being cannot get into heaven as I have said previously; heaven is a different dimension where flesh and blood cannot live. We are in Christ Jesus and in him we live and move and have our being. Acts -17-28-‘for in him {Jesus} we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’

God is sharing his kingdom with us his very own offspring’s as we live and move and have our being in him, we are not set aside from him but joined together with and in Christ Jesus, we are heavenly beings living in heaven and also connected to this body we have. If we could only grasp the truth of what God is saying that we are his offspring his children carrying his divine sperm inside us {spirit} we would blow the enemy out of the water every time he came around tormenting us or putting sickness or disease on these frail bodies.

1-John-4-17-Herin is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment because as he is so are we in this world. {Amplified Bible}

I have quoted this scripture already but here is the actual scripture to show you so you can see for yourselves that you are the same as Jesus according to the word of God; and who is always right, God of course. Where does this scripture say your love is made perfect? The first few words tell you, herein is our love made perfect, and finishes off by saying because as he is so are we in this world. Is Jesus a heavenly being, then as he is so are you God’s words not mine, we also are heavenly beings, connected to Christ Jesus in heaven and connected to our spirit in our body here on earth. Imagine it like this, there is a spiritual umbilical cord connecting us to Christ Jesus, just as the umbilical cord connects the baby to the mother in the womb and at birth. That umbilical cord is never cut unlike the flesh cord, and it connects us to Jesus in heaven.

Romans-8-39-for from the beginning God decided that those who come to him should become like his Son.

Who was it that decided to make us heavenly beings? It was God no one else. God decided that we should become like his son and the word like means to be identical, to be equal to, to be the very same. Is Jesus a heavenly being then you are made like him and so you also are a heavenly being planned from before time, from the beginning that’s where God decided to do this, not after you were born or years later when you done multiple good deeds to earn it all, because you cannot earn what God already gave you, that was a free gift given from before you were ever born, when you were created as a heavenly spirit being. It’s no wonder I can’t stop praising and thanking God all day long and during the night in every waking moment I praise him because it is awesome to think that I am a heavenly being connected to and in Christ Jesus.

Romans -8-30- rising them to a heavenly dignity and state of being God raised me and you to a heavenly dignity and state of being, the word “in” means that so when you see that we are “in” Christ Jesus anywhere then you will know that means, you’re a heavenly dignity and state of being, replace the word “in” with those words heavenly dignity and state of being and see the scripture change before your spirit eyes.

State of being,- being is a life form, living being, creature, or in our case a new creature. A heavenly being, that’s what we are and that state never changes not for sin or because of a fall out with people or anything you are is a state of perpetual {eternal} grace always; you’re a state of being, a heavenly being always.

Ephesians-2-10- for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus. This is where God done all his work, from before the beginning of time from eternity; he created us out of Jesus he took a part of Jesus just like the putty man and made us in God’s own likeness, heavenly beings. That’s love in action, if you never believed that God loved you then read this whole book and you will see the enormous love that God has for you when he done all this from before time even began. We are his workmanship heavenly beings created from before time began to be loved and cherished forever by God our Father.

Ephesians-1-3- blessed be God the Father who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. This is where you have been blessed, in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus. You’re blessings are in the heavenly places and the only way to receive those spiritual blessings is to be a heavenly being, that’s where scripture says my treasures are stored. Jesus told us in scripture, “don’t store up treasures here on earth where the worm can get at them but store them in heaven, along with your other heavenly blessings. You can’t access heavenly blessing with a human body or human thinking but you can as a heavenly being and knowing this truth allows you access to what God has stored in heaven for you, because you can enter the grace of God anytime because he calls you son or daughter.

2-Corinthians-5-17- therefore if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creature {creation} old things have passed away.

That scripture clearly states that the old you is dead passed away, the old spirit you that is. You’re still alive in this body connected to him in heaven as a new creation {heavenly being} that is of course if you have asked Jesus into your heart as your lord and saviour. Only after that do you become a heavenly being sharing in his new life and his new life is sharing it with you, Jesus old life didn’t share with you anything, but when he died he arose again and you arose with him and share in his new life together with and in him. what an honour to be given a share in the life of Jesus Christ, this is incredible to think of, the immensity of it is mind blowing, that God through Jesus, lets me share in the new life of Jesus in heaven, because that is where he is seated beside the Father in the throne room in heaven and believe it or not you also sit there in him in the throne room of Almighty God, that’s the privilege that God shares with his own offspring’s, us his own children made in his own likeness, awesome! A heavenly being that’s what we are and always will be.

John -6-53- anyone who eats my flesh and drinks my blood is in me and I in him; I live by the power of the living Father who sent me, and in the same way, those who partake {share in, join in} of me shall live because of me.

Jesus said here, “I live by the power of the living Father who sent me and “in the same way.”He is saying that “in the same way” as he lives so do we who are in him partaking in him, sharing in or joining in him. Jesus himself declares that we are living in the same way as

him and he is a heavenly being and so are we heavenly beings because we share in the same way his life. Remember, it is his life we are sharing in heaven and he shares his life with us on earth as heavenly beings.

What an honour and a privilege to share in Jesus life in heaven as heavenly beings through what our Father would do for us.

There are many more scriptures telling you these things but as usual I prefer that you search them out for yourself in your own bible, so that by studying you can see for yourself the wonders that God has done for you as heavenly beings, and then you can see that the words I give here in this book are not my thinking but the actual words of God your Father. Amen

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