How to retain your healing after being healed by God!
Brendan Mc CrossanHow to retain your healing after being healed by God!
Many times I have prayed with people and God graciously healed them, and then I seen them a week later and they are as bad as ever, and I wonder what happened to bring back their sickness or pain. Of course I know that most Catholics are ignorant of the scriptures and therefore ignorant of who causes their sickness or pain in the first place, and the person responsible for their sickness and diseases and pain is Satan, the Devil. Some Catholics and even some Protestants get angry when you say that their sickness originally comes from the Devil, “they defend him” unbelievable as it seems, by saying, “I am suffering because God gave this to me.” They in effect call Jesus a dirty rotten stinking liar, that he did not go to the cross on Calvary and on that cross take on his body, every sin they would ever commit and also strange as it may seem to you the reader he also took our sickness and bore all our diseases on his body on that cross. The devil has fooled the world into thinking that sickness and disease comes from our loving Father, and the people of this world believe the devil’s lies.
Jesus said in the book of John-10-10- that the thief, {Satan, the Devil} was a thief who came only to steal, kill and destroy! Jesus identified the giver of sickness and disease as the thief. What does a thief do? He robs you of things that belong to you, things like your TV your DVD player and all your valuables. He plunders your home and takes what he wants when you are not aware of his presence. Satan is described as a thief and also as a liar with not one ounce of truth in him, in face he cannot tell the truth, without distorting it with a lie. He blames God for the things he does, and we silly people believe him and call God terrible names and accuse him of vile things that Satan done. Have you ever known someone who has a way of manipulating things to suit their ways, they do or say something wrong and when you have an argument you end up as the one in the wrong, because of their cunning way with words. Well Satan the devil, is like this, he does evil things and puts the blame on God, and even says that God could have done something about it but didn’t, thereby shifting the blame on to God.
Satan caused your cancer, your disease, you horrible disfigurement, your pain, and he wants to keep you like this.
Jesus on the other hand came to free you from all bondage and all sickness and cancer, and disfigurement, and pain, by becoming those things at the scourging at the pillar, and with the crowning with thorns, and at his death on the cross on Calvary. I want you to read this scripture very carefully and see what Jesus Christ says about himself and what he says about Satan.
John-10-10-the thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it [b]overflows).
I came that they might have and enjoy life! Who may enjoy life? You and me that’s who, and he says we should have it in abundance to the full till it overflows.
I want to ask you a simple question here. Did Jesus ever say to those who come to him seeking healing, “No?” It’s not my will to heal you, or it’s not my Fathers will to heal you. Did he heal everyone who came to him according to the Bible? Yes he sure as hell did! No one was ever turned away by Jesus or told to go and offer it up, in honour of the holy souls or some other reason I hear so often used to excuse someone’s sickness.
I hear the saints suffered and indeed they did, and I will never deny this, but Christ himself said you will suffer because you come to me, you will suffer the afflictions of the wounds that others do to you, but he never said you will suffer sickness or disease because you are mine; he said I come to give life and life to the full; sickness and disease is not living life to the full, how can you be living life to the full if you are dying from a terrible disease like cancer eating away at you day by day, and maybe you are just a young woman or man in the prime of your life and now your dying from a terrible disease. And sad to say so many people believe that a loving God could do this to them. If you understood the word “Love” you would know that Love only desires the best for you, sickness is not the best for you, and no one wants to be sick do they? Not even the greatest saint wanted to be sick; some believed that God wanted them to suffer through their sickness but this makes a liar out of Jesus and God who said I come to give you life, and life to the full.
Jesus never told anyone; here you take this leukaemia and rot away with it in your body. Or did you ever hear of him refusing to heal. If you even read of the life of Jesus you would see he went about doing good healing every one of their diseases. Are you listening Jesus never refused to heal anyone or did he ever tell anyone to keep their sickness as it was doing them some spiritual good, NO! Jesus healed all who came to him. Now I am out praying with people doing what Jesus told us to do, go preach the good news, heal the sick, and I see him still healing people through me and see it increasing week by week in power and in healing's.
If it was God’s will for you to be sick, why would he say, go out into the entire world and heal the sick after you preached the good news.
Satan has lied to us continually, and will continue to lie to us blaming God for all our problems. The reason you pain or sickness comes back after receiving prayer for healing and all sickness disappeared, and all pain left, is because Satan comes next day and says you have a pain here or there and you immediately agree with him as you have a pain in your hand, foot, leg, body, and you think its back.
As soon as you say this you give Satan the chance to put sickness on you again. If you experience a pain or discomfort later on, what you need to do is say; “Satan and pain, sickness or disease,” which ever you have, “I rebuke you and will not accept your lies, Jesus took my pain and sickness when I got prayed with, and I am not taking it back off of you again into my body.”
Another cause of pain returning is un-forgiveness returning, not forgiving someone that may have hurt you again. And again Satan is behind this action, he uses people to get at you, especially your own family members.
But the main reason sickness returns is unbelief, you allowed unbelief to enter your mind, maybe I was healed, or maybe I wasn’t I’m still a bit sore, and of course the door opens for Satan to return.
If you don
’t read your bible then there is not much point in me giving you scripture after scripture telling you what Jesus has already done for you, Get a Bible and read from the New Testament what Jesus did, underline ever scripture that says Jesus healed. And learn those scriptures and confess them {say them aloud}
Here is another way to retain your healing! “You give it away!” How do I give my healing away you will of course be asking? You give your healing away by telling everyone that Jesus healed you when you get the chance. You don’t say such and such prayed with me and I got healed. Because if the person who prayed with you wants God glorified they will want Jesus praised not him or her. If someone asks you how did Jesus heal you, and then you can say someone prayed with me and Jesus healed me; the person praying with you didn’t heal you, Jesus did always remember that.
And finally the best way to retain your healing is by praising Jesus and God the Father and Holy Spirit; nothing moves God more than praise. Praising someone pleases them doesn’t it? God is no different, he delights in our praises, praise retains your healing, and praise gets your prayers answered quicker. Praise is giving God glory, all the glory, and praise means that you are trusting God.
Sometimes after getting healing prayer, a person may feel drained out and it usually lasts for about a week, because sickness has been taken out of your body by God. The devil uses this time and feeling to try and get you into believing that you are getting worse, and the devil is a liar; but if he can get you to agree that your not feeling well and get you talking about how unwell you feel, then he gets a chance to reinstall that disease into you again, because of what you are saying.
Some people have experienced that it was like someone died belonging to them and there was an empty feeling inside; this is natural, the disease had died and that was what you may have been feeling, like the loss of someone you loved. These are just some explanations of what happens when you receive a healing from God and the feeling you experience afterwards.
Jesus has healed you, confess those words, refuse to accept sickness or disease or pain back into your body, scripture says resist the devil and he “will flee.”