it isn't just God that is holy, we are also

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“It isn’t just God

That is Holy” “We areAlso”

Brendan Mc Crossan

It’s not just God that’s Holy, we are also!


You may be sitting reading this, ‘it is not just God that is Holy but we are also,’ and you may think that’s blasphemy that I am writing, that is a terrible thing to say. “Saying that not just God is Holy but you are also.” But you see I am not the one who said this about me first, I wouldn’t dare or even dream of saying I am Holy especially when I know me better than you know me; and far less than God knows me. As I said I would never have dreamt of saying ‘I am Holy like God,’ unless God said it about me first. I have learned never to contradict God, or what God declares to be Holy; I have learned to agree with him even if I don’t feel Holy. Peterhad avision and when hesawthatvision hehad achoiceto makeand hechoseto disobey God, you may not have thought of it this way but he did disobey God, for God told him to do something and he refused, he argued with God. Have you ever argued with God telling him that you are unworthy or unholy or a sinner or worthless, and the like?

ACTS 10-11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” 14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” 15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” 16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven. {The Way Bible}

Peter told God that he would not obey him because of his tradition of eating and not eating certain things, he refused to obey God’s command. Three times he disobeyed God and refused to do as he was told. What did God tell him? “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.”

God said, ‘don’t call anything impure that I made clean,’ did God make you and I clean? Yes he did. Yet Christians call themselves unclean, unworthy, no good, good for nothing, useless, sinful, sinners and they contradict God every waking moment. God said, ‘don’t do it’ and yet we behave like Peter and disobey, just because we can’t understand just like Peter didn’t understand that what God calls clean is clean. No one knows the mind of God but we know something of it and it’s written down in a book called the Bible, it gives us clear instructions.

Don’t call something unclean when God calls it clean. Don’t call something unholy when God calls it holy.

And yet we do this often because we don’t believe the word of God when he declares us Holy, sanctified and justified and righteous

Revelations -14-4-These are they who have not defiled themselves by relations with women, for they are [pure as] virgins. These are they who follow the Lamb wherever He goes.

These are they who have been ransomed (purchased, redeemed) from among men as the first fruits for God and the Lamb. 5No lie was found to be upon their lips, for they are blameless (spotless, untainted, without blemish) before the throne of God.

Three times God says in this scripture.

These are they, who have not defiled themselves with women. These are they who follow the lamb wherever he goes.

These are they who have been ransomed, {purchased, redeemed from among men as the first fruits for God and the lamb.

And the – they, this last one is talking about is us, the redeemed since the day Jesus purchased salvation for all mankind until now this present moment and on.

In case you think they are someone else he is talking about and that you are not one of the chosen people of God. Then have a look at chapter two and the scripture Ephesians-1-4-and you will see that you were chosen from before time to be called and made Holy and that was from before time began. How dare we call what God declared Holy to be unclean, we are the redeemed, the ransomed Holy Children of a Holy God.

We are children of our Almighty Father, a Holy God with Holy children. Scripture says if the roots of the tree are Holy then the branches will be also.

Romans-11:16-American-Standard-Version and if the first fruit is holy, so is the lump: and if the root is holy, so are the branches.

We are the branches, and our tree is Holy and that makes us Holy as well. Jesus himself said he was the vine and that we are the branches and that makes us Holy. Read what he said in the following scripture.

John-15:5-8 The-Message

"I am the Vine, you are the branches. When you're joined with me and I with you, the relation intimate and organic, the harvest is sure to be abundant. Separated, you can't produce a thing. Anyone who separates from me is deadwood, gathered up and thrown on the bonfire. But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in

someone who calls themselves a sinner contradicting Him and what he done for them. It is a shame for Christian’s to call themselves such things as unworthy, sinners, worthless, useless, no good, those are lies they believed from the Father of liars- Satan; and every time they open their big mouths, confessing these things without thinking of what God done for them through Jesus, they bring shame to themselves denying God his glory. Ignorance of the word of God is no excuse, contradictory to common belief; ignorance is not blessed, in fact the opposite happens. Christians you have or should have the word of God, your bible, so you can read for yourself what Jesus done for you. New Christians I recommend that you read and re-read the New Testament and leave the old for quite a while, I know that there are lots of scripture scholars that would not agree with me; but Jesus brought the New Testament –the New Will of God. Note; the “New will,” Testament means “will” like the last will and testament of someone.

He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will; Ephesians 1-5.


He foreordained, he planned, and he did it and no one else, least any man should boast.

I know, to declare the promises of God is what he wants from all of his children; I know that God wants us to be assured of our position in his kingdom and in this life; I know the lord wants me to approach his throne with Holy boldness assured of a glad welcome, to come before him Holy, the way he made me.


Home is where the Spirit is

I know that a Holy God and a Holy Jesus and a Holy Spirit have come to dwell inside this body of mine and I know this body is the temple of God’s Holy Spirit.

I Have learned that no matter what I ‘feel’ that God is in control because it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me and Jesus only lives in Holiness, and it is his Holy Spirit that cleanses out God’s temple, {my body} with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, my lord and my saviour; and he is the one who joined me together with, and in Christ Jesus, as one person. So when I say I am Holy like God I mean that, because it is God who made me this way. You may look and see something different from what God sees looking out at you through these eyes of mine, and touching you with these hands, but inside I am filled with the God head the father, son and Holy Spirit, I am made Holy by God so that I could house him in my body. God would never come to dwell in a filthy home would he? Yet he tells me in his word that he dwells in me with Jesus and his Holy Spirit. Somewhere inside of me is a place where the Holy Trinity dwell, Scripture says my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, but inside my body is another part of me and it is my soul, my mind, and also inside me is my spirit and this is all my body, if any of these died I would be dead also.

don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourselves but to-God;

How could you be anything else but Holy if God’s Holy Spirit entered your body, and look again it says ‘your body.’ Now I don’t know where in my body the Holy Spirit dwells, but do you think I give a hoot, I am too overjoyed to understand that he is in ‘my body.’ I know scripture says God fills everything with himself; how does he do that, who cares he said he does and that is what counts. I just believe him that’s all that God expects me to do just believe. Remember scripture says, ‘how do I do the works of God,’ and the answer was, ‘Just believe,’ simple as that, just believe no matter what this world or the world of darkness tells you. Don’t believe men who say there is no God, because there is a God and he lives in you. In you dwells the ‘Godhead’ ‘Father Son and Holy Spirit,’ not only does your body house the Holy Spirit, and you have actually undeniable proof if you are baptised in the Holy Spirit; then you have the gift of tongues in you. And to show that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit just speak in tongues, tongues only come out of you when you yield to them and speak them out, and they are for you indisputable proof that God’s Holy Spirit is in your body. Tongues are the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking through you, using your tongue to speak out mysteries to God praying for you.

Ephesians-1:23 Amplified-Bible

Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], 21Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come. 22And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church] which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him-who-makes everything complete,-and-who fillseverything everywhere with Himself]. Four

Filled with God

Yes God fills everything everywhere with himself, so if God can fill everything everywhere with himself surely he can fill your body with himself, he is an immeasurable God. When the next scripture says, ‘and you are,’ keep in mind that this is you it is talking about.


And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].


If you are filled with the Godhead, father, Son and Holy Spirit how can you be anything else but Holy. God decided to fill you with the Holy Trinity, and he joined himself to you in your body somewhere as one. Again I say I don’t understand how he does it but then again I don’t know how God made the universe except that he spoke it into existence and I don’t understand how it sits there doing what a universe does, but I know it exists for I see some parts of it on TV shown from pictures that the space telescope hubble shows as it travels through quantum space, going further and further into space. And I see the sun moon and stars with my own eyes above me, and I know those stars are actually planets like earth what an awesome God we have as Father who calls us Holy like himself. If you would but stop and consider, who calls himself Father to us? God calls himself Father to us, so if God is father and he is Holy what does that make us, his children? We have to be Holy as he is Holy; we are from his own divine sperm as I John 3 says, so we are Holy because we are of him. How can you deny that you are Holy now? How can you not believe what God says about you?

Still not convinced? Then read this next scripture.

Colossians-3-12-Therefore, as God's chosen people, ‘Holy’ and dearly loved; clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

You are God’s own chosen people, and that includes you, you were chosen by Almighty God himself and by Jesus and the Holy Spirit before he even made the world. Millions of years before the world was formed God decided to make you, and not only did he decide to make you, he also knew you and how you would turn out, he knew every thought that would fill your mind, the good ones and the bad ones also, he knew every hair on your head, he knew every tear you would shed and every laugh you would have, as scripture says he knows you through and through. He knows what you are going to say before you even say it, and knows what you’re going to do before you do it and he still loved you and called you Holy because he wanted to; even when he knew you would sin, he still decided and chose you, because your special to him as all his children are. We are God’s chosen people, Holy and dearly loved. I pray this prayer for you in this next scripture, that you may receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation and have your spiritual eyes opened by the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians -1-17- [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, 18By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, 20Which He exerted in Christ when He raisedHimfromthedeadandseatedHimatHis[own]righthandintheheavenly[places],

You, the Holy child of the Living God have a glorious inheritance, so that you can come to a knowledge of who and what you are in Christ Jesus; you are not just a Christian you are God’s son or daughter, a holy child of God and you stand in the place of highest privilege with God in Christ Jesus because you are in Christ Jesus so how in the name of God could you not be Holy?

Holiness is not a state of mind it is a state of being! Into this grace (state of God's favour)


Justified and declared righteous Romans-5-1-Therefore since we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to [enjoy] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One). 2-Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favour) in which we [firmly and safely] stand. And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God.

Declared righteous and given right standing with God through faith, believing as God told us to.

If anyone is declared Justified, that means, just if I’d never sinned, just-if-I’d never done any wrong, I and you are declared acquitted, that means that you were let off your sins, declared righteous and given right standing with God. We have right standing with God at all times, that never changes, ever, we remain in righteousness for eternity because this is what Jesus done for us who didn’t deserve it. We have peace with God at all times through Jesus Christ, which never changes either. God said in the beginning, he decided to make a man and a woman in the image of himself Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and were they Holy? Of course the Trinity were Holy, and God decided, not Jesus or the Holy Spirit but God himself.

Genesis 1-26, then God said let us make a man – someone like ourselves.

God said to Jesus and the Holy Spirit, ‘let us,’ it was his decision alone at this time to make a man someone like themselves, now we know the trinity are three persons in the one God , so God made man in three parts also, he made him spirit, soul, {mind} and later body. Like him three in one, and he also made us Holy like “the Holy Trinity.”

Romans-1-17- this Good News tells us that God makes us ready for heaven – makes us right in God’s sight – when we put our faith and trust in Christ to save us. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. {The Way Bible}

By trusting and believing what God says in his word is faith, and then doing something about it is faith in action? Everything is accomplished by faith, by believing God’s word over everything else.

Now ask yourself this question – who made us ready for heaven, - the answer is God did!

Who makes us right in God’s sight? God himself does! No one else, and why does he do it? It is because we have put our faith in Christ Jesus. All this from start to finish is by faith in God, not having faith in ourselves or others but just having faith in our loving Father God.

To be ready for heaven means that you have to be made Holy, because no unholy person will ever enter into heaven, only the righteous Holy children of God will enter heaven. And in this next scripture, we see that we have someone who rules the house of God, and where is the house of God- your body is the house of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, the place where God chose to live in, and that house is Holy, and you are that house, a Holy Home for God, you are Holy because God made you this way, because he wanted to.

Hebrews 10:21-22 -and we have a great priest who rules the house of God. Sprinkled with the blood of Christ, our hearts have been made free from a guilty conscience, and our bodies have been washed with pure water. So come near to God with a sincere heart, full of confidence because of our faith in Christ. (ERV)

Look at that scripture carefully; your hearts have been made free from a guilty conscience. The word have is past tense, it is something that has already happened, it is not something that is going to happen in the future but has already happened today, at this very minute, this very moment, that you read this, and I can’t emphasise that enough, you are sprinkled with the blood of Jesus, the cleansing blood of the lord and saviour Jesus, his own precious blood. You have been set free from a guilty conscience that means that you have nothing to feel guilty about anymore. And our bodies have been washed with pure water. You have the blood of Christ Jesus sprinkled over you , you are washed in pure water, that water that flowed from the wound in Jesus side, and the water of Christ Jesus washes our bodies, that’s why the father Son and Holy Spirit can live there in your body. So come near to God with a sincere heart, full of confidence because of our faith in Christ. You can come happily to your father God with a clear conscience knowing that you have had a good wash and have been sprinkled by the precious blood of Jesus and that you are actually covered in the precious blood of Jesus – you can come any time into his divine presence and be assured of a glad welcome. A person who is not holy is not welcomed by God into his presence, and can’t actually get there in the first place, because God is a Holy God and lives in unapproachable light and it is only those who share the same light as he has that can enter into his light, only the Holy can enter into the Holies where God is, and you are Holy. Stop denying what Jesus done for you, instead be glad with a grateful heart that you know that you are Holy, there are not too many Christians that believe they are Holy like God, even when God himself in his word tells them they are Holy. We have to declare to the world that we are Holy because of what Jesus done, we don’t boast of what we done for we done nothing to deserve what has been bestowed on us by God our Father, scripture says; “How will anyone know unless someone tells them.” For their sake and for the sake of the kingdom tell them tell your fellow Christians that they are holy because Jesus died to make them Holy like himself. How I wish that leaders and teachers and pastors and Priests and so on would begin to tell their flocks the Gospel truth, they would have stronger churches and stronger miracle working believers in their churches, and the unbelievers would come and see that God is alive and in that church or place where truth is taught. The church is not taught that they are Holy, I have

been in many churches and in church meetings and listened to sermons after sermons that don’t even begin to tell the truth of the gospel. That’s why there are no signs and wonders happening, church has been giving a watered down version of the word of God and to be truthful who needs a watered down version of God that has no or little power. Churches wake up, if you see even one scripture in the word of God that says you are Holy, then believe, then you don’t have to believe me, and you probably don’t anyway. You would think that those in authority would be delighted to see that they are righteous and Holy and spotless and clean, and that they would be excited to pass that on to their followers. The end times are fast approaching and church is playing a timid game of going a little bit forward with God and stepping back two paces.

Do I get uptight with churches? Why would you think such a thing as that? Of course I get frustrated with churches, they dance around the truth for the most of them, and if it sounds a little bit far out they avoid it like the plague. Are they pleasing God? I doubt that, because, He told us to go into the entire world and preach the gospel, the full gospel not the watered down version. He said his word is true, and he also said, I am the way and the truth, do churches share the full truth of Jesus and the awesome work he accomplished in his suffering and death and his victory in hell separated from his Father for eternity, so that we would be Holy like him.

I haven’t heard it, yes I hear now and then a little quick, ‘we are saved and righteous,’ skimmed over like a stone skimming over water, just touching but not sinking in. You know hearing this message, or reading this message just once, or preaching this message just once, does not constitute it going down into your soul or the parishioner’s souls, the word of God has to go down deep into us to become effective and alive. Ithasto bestirred and pondered on justlikeMary pondered on thethingssheheard aboutJesus her Son. There came that day when she needed to remember all she had heard and prophesied about her son, that day as he hung on the cross on Calvary and died. Once is not enough times for the word to go down deep into your spirit, because like the seed scattered along the ground it dries up or withers and dies, it has to be nourished and watered and fed to grow into a living thing inside of you, until the supernatural becomes natural to you. God’s Holy Spirit started me off on writing a book about righteousness, and after I finished it I thought what he showed me was awesome, I learned so much, then he gave me another book to write and again it was about righteousness and righteous, and I thought I had learned a great deal, only to discover that he had another thirteen books for me to write about righteousness, each from a different perspective a different angle and a different subject but with righteousness in it, as it’s core, and I know that I could have gone on and on learning more and more about righteousness and my righteousness in Christ Jesus, then he gave me this book to write and what do I find myself doing writing about righteousness again and Holiness as they both are one precious gift from our loving Father God. Righteousness, cleanliness, Holiness is all linked together.


Study to learn

There are lots of things the Holy Spirit has shown me over the years and some things that I know, that people would just not understand or accept, they would think I was off my tree, or boasting or bragging; but what God tells me to reveal now, I do, and I make no apologies for it, not even when I say to those in charge of groups or churches its time that you grew up

spiritually, and time you drilled into your believers some bible truth like they are not sinners or scum or unworthy but worthy, holy, righteous, and cleansed by the blood of Jesus and washed in pure water to make you and them clean.

But I have learned from thirty years of experience that some leaders and some of those in charge of folk’s spiritual needs don’t read inspirational books on holiness or righteousness. I found by watching people under God’s instruction to watch, look, listen and learn, I found that some leaders are too arrogant to listen to someone teach them something different in a book.

I sold books for a Priest, Father Robert De Grandis SSJ, and in all the years of selling those book, and they were teaching book on the gifts and on healing and other scripture teachings, and he was an International figure teaching and healing all over the world including here in Ireland. ‘Yet not one Catholic leader’ did I ever see purchase a book in almost fifteen years, and his books were not expensive, he told me to put a price on them at what people could afford and I took him at his word and sold them cheap here in Ireland, I sold most for around two pounds. I sold tens of thousands of them including in places like Knock and different religious shops in Ireland, who sold them at a different price, to make a profit naturally. But what amazed me when I did what God told me to watch, look, to listen and learn, it shocked me to see that not one leader from all the places I sold those books, bought a book except for one priest, ‘Father Ronnie Mitchell’ a very humble, great teaching healing priest.

I had not started writing books at that time so it wasn’t mine they refused to read. What was in these men and women that prevented them from buying a book? when all the rest of the people there took every book I had and there were about thirty different books and videos and teaching and healing tapes; I could only come to one conclusion, they were too filled with pride to be seen taking a book, a video or tape where they might learn something new that would benefit their people.

I still see the same mental attitude in churches and places where I have had healing services, leaders stand aloof, too proud to seek a prayer or take one of my books. I stopped selling my own books; they were a £1-00 each to cover my ink and printing cost, so they were not expensive, and quite a lot I gave away for free anyway, but no religious leaders would read them, why?

Only they can answer that one and give their answer to God because I couldn’t care less if a leader reads my books, and I don’t mean that arrogantly or ignorantly; I just pray that God guides my e-books into the right people’s hands, the Holy Spirit gave me those books freely so he can do with them as he wills for God’s glory not mine; and you know they are free to download.

I wrote them but I don’t own them they are for everyone who wishes to read them. If you wish to translate them into different languages feel to do so. I have some in different languages anyway.

I will sidestep here for a moment if you don’t mind; the first little book I wrote was a little book called, “Healing of Overeating, Drinking and Smoking.” It was stapled the wrong way around and the writing was old style curved writing, not like this, {‘ .’} Almost impossible to read, I had about 12 printed for me, and I gave them away, somehow or other one little book found its way to Spain, and I got a letter from a professor in Madrid University

asking could he quote from my little book, translated into Spanish by a Spanish lady who gave the titles and writing still in my name and my address to this professor because I gave away my rights to my books to anyone who can use them to glorify God in whatever way they could, as long as they don’t change what I wrote, that was from the Holy Spirit and not mine to give away.

This man was writing a thesis on obesity and he wanted to quote the spiritual side of my book, and I of course gave him permission, and never heard anything about it anymore; but my quotation from my little silly stapled the wrong way around book, was used in another book to help people with obesity, and God gets the glory. Our Holy Father God is the one who deserves all praise and all glory, I wish for no glory or recognition, I want people to come into an awareness of our God’s deep love for them and what position in the spiritual realm they are in. I desire over and above everything in my life to serve God in the best way I can and if it’s writing spiritual books at the moment and not being in the healing ministry which has stopped at the moment, then this is where God wants me then praise his name.

You are holy, you were chosen and called to be holy, and you are a holy people, children of a Holy God.

Romans 1-6-7. To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people. New International Version (NIV)

Just in case you think that it was just the Roman Christians that were called to be his holy people read the next scripture also


they stumbled because they did not believe in the word; such was God's will for them. But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, and the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvellous light.

Surely now you can begin to believe God’s word that you were called to be Holy and to ‘be holy’ meant that it was ‘his work’ and not your own working at being holy. And to be Holy does not mean you have to try and be Holy, for holiness is a gift, and a free gift at that, you were not called to work at being holy trying your best to achieve holiness, that is called self righteousness and is not of God; Holiness is your new nature it is part and parcel of you, you are Holy now, not trying to be holy for God; but it is a part of you, because you are a part of him who made you holy.

They stumbled because they did not believe in the word, that is people of this world who don’t believe the word of God which is God himself, God’s will for them was to be a holy nation but they refused to believe, just as there will probably be some who read this book and won’t believe it either.

You see you don’t have to believe what I write regarding Holiness or being holy, I am just a man who believes he is writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but I am just a man, the scriptures I quote are the opposite, they are the word of God and are irrefutable, this is God, the living God’s word to you now, his word is alive and speaking to you this very instant,

he speaks to you through his written word and hopefully they find a place in your heart. I try and elaborate on those words to show you what the scripture is saying. I can’t elaborate on God’s word as such because those are God’s own words and there is nothing I can add to them to make them any better. I just try and show them to you and what God is saying to me about them, so that both of us can grow in the knowledge of God. As I learn I put down on paper my inspiration and it ends up as a little book, as the Holy Spirit teaches me I pass that on to you, but I can’t make the word of God come alive to you, it has to come to life in you as you read the word and accept it and dwell on it and it goes down deep into your spirit, and then you act like the child of God that you and I were called to be. You have been chosen to be a holy people a holy nation God’s own people.

But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, and the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvellous light.

You are a chosen race, {people- person} the king’s priests, you were chosen by God to be a chosen race, the kings priests, and a holy nation, God’s own people. I bet you never thought of yourself as a priest? I thought that Catholics were the only ones to have priests, but no! every Christian is called to be a priest so that they can offer to God the sacrifice of praise, you have to be a priest to offer a sacrifice to God and so God made you a priest, so that you could offer to him the sacrifice of praise, and note the word, “praise.”

Because praise is a sacrifice, and sometimes a great sacrifice especially when you are in deep despair or trouble, that is when you offer the sacrifice of praise to God, you trust him over and above whatever terrible time you are going through.

And who called you to be the kings priests, a chosen race {people - person} God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of “God,” who called you out of darkness into his own marvellous light. It was none other than God himself, he called you by name, to come away from the things of darkness and come into his wonderful light, so that you could tell others just like I try and share with you the wonderful acts of God. And he equipped you with and in holiness to go forth and to do his will.

Galatians-4-6 and because ye are sons, {and Daughters} God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. 7Wherefore you are no more a servant; but a son {daughter}; and if a son {daughter}; then an heir of God through Christ. {King James Version}

{ } my insert

You are a son or daughter of God and as his son or daughter you are holy like your Father is holy.


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