Brendan Mc Crossan

Janice was so excited she was the keeper of the heart this month. Every month a different fairy was chosen to be the keeper of the heart.
The heart was the life of the fairy glen. It was a magical heart and it kept the spirit of magic alive in the glen and all the trees and flowers alive all year round. It was essential to the fairy glen and it was considered a wonderful privilege to be chosen as keeper, because it was the heart itself who choose its keeper.
Janice set off from her home to take the heart to all the homes in the glen so that they could receive their daily dose of magic.
The fairies in the glen all waited in their homes until Janice arrived with the heart, they were so excited, stardust dropping everywhereastheyflewaroundtheirhomestidyingeverything up for the hearts visit. After Janice left their home they would immediately fly to all the
Flowers filling them with magic perfumes. Each flower had its own special perfume and the fairies knew exactly which flower and which perfume to fill them with. They loved this task and loved the joy of spreading perfume to all the glen and to the outlaying forest flowers. Did you know that this is how the flowers got their lovely perfume? And the best smelling flowers anywhere is in a fairy glen.
The humans have taken the perfume out of flowers in their bid to manufacture them more abundantly and sell them, but still some have fairy perfume in them.
After Janice had performed her duties she always laid the heart to rest in its floral bed in her own bedroom. Then she closed the door and went to visit her friends Wendy and Sisal who lived at the top of the fairy glen beside Foy’s house. Janice was in love with Foy but Foy didn't know that.
This is Foy’s house.
It was a beautiful home, and he had many flowers growing in his garden Foy loved looking after his flowers, but he was even more in love with Janice than he was with his flowers.
Poor Foy blushed every time he met Janice he was a very shy fairy, and he always became very quiet when Janice was around, he couldn't tell Janice how much he loved her in case she did not feel
The same way about him so he kept his feelings about Janice hidden in his heart.
This is Foy.
Foy looked up as he heard Janice approach, a smile lit up his face as he saw it was Janice. His heart began to beat faster, and he mumbled. Hullo Janice your looking nice today. but before Janice could answer, her friends had seen her and called out. Hi Janice come on in were waiting for you. Coming. Answered Janice a little annoyed that she couldnt stop and talk with Foy. I’ll talk with you later Foy she said and hung her head down feeling a little sad as she walked away, because it wasn't often she had a chance to talk with Foy alone, there were always someone else around.
Hi Wendy. Hi Sisal, how are you both today?
This is Wendy and this is Sisal sitting on a toadstool.
These are her best friends.
Wendy’s mother is the queen of the fairies and is the most beautiful of all the fairies.
Come for a walk in the forest with us they both called out.
Janice loved to go for walks or flying in the forest, they always met so many nice forest creatures. So the three of them set of chattering excitedly telling all their fairy tales and catching up on the latest fairy gossip. Down into the forest they went, deeper and deeper into the forest, right into the very centre where the hustle and bustle of forest life was. Everyone seemed so busy here rushing too and fro, there was Henry squirrel with his arms full of acorns takingthemhometoMr’ssquirrelandtheirlittlebabysquirrels.
The girls loved all this hustle and bustle but only for a little while, then they felt tired from all the busyness and went to the Flower Juice Store for refreshments. Sitting down at Mr badgers refreshment shop they drank some nectar which soon refreshed them, and so they set off again to view some more of the busy forest life. Life where they lived at the edge of the forest, was much slower in pace and was much better. It was always better not to have to rush things and to take things nice and slow.
Oh look! There is little Mary Bluebell. Mary who was resting on top of a beautiful blue flower, on seeing her friends called out. Hullo girls, this is such a beautiful day. Jumping down from her resting place Mary joined her friends, and they chatted for quite some time sharing all the latest news. Soon it was time for them to part as it was getting late.
Hugging Mary they each said their goodbye’s to her and set off back out of the busy forest and on the woodland path home. On the way home they talked excitedly over all the latest news, that Mary had shared with them. She had told them Jodie Buttercup was getting engaged to Bryan Daisy, and they were planning a summer wedding. She also informed them Mrs Squirrel was expecting another baby sometime soon and they were so excited with this wonderful news.
When Janice heard the news about Jodie and Bryan she sank into a lovely daydream dreaming that Foy would someday ask her to go out together, she was head over heals in love with him, he was so cute. She was lost in thought and was surprised to see that they were now home again.
Janice could see her home beside the big oak tree and she could see something was not quite right, her front door was laying open, and she knew she had closed it behind her.
The heart, she cried. Running on towards her home, her friends following quickly behind. On reaching her home she went in and went straight to her bedroom whose door was also laying partly opened. Looking at the bed of flowers her heart sank to see that the heart of the forest was missing. Someone had taken the heart from its resting place. Poor Janice was in great distress, never before in the forest glen history had anyone broken into anyone’s house and stolen something. Theft was unheard of in the forest glen. No one locked their doors because everyone shared everything they had with each other, they did not believe in owning anything.
Janice was in deep distress, she was the keeper of the heart for this month and someone had stolen it from her home. What would she do?
If the heart was taken out of the forest it would begin to die and so would all the beauty of the forest glen. As the heart lost its magic so also would all the magic of the fairies soon disappear, and the forest would turn cold and dark without colour or perfume. Who would do such a terrible thing?
I better go and tell your mum Wendy, she might know what to do, said Janice. So they set off towards Wendy’s home and Wendy’s mum, Bright Star, the queen of the fairies.
Wendy’s mum was preparing the supper when they arrived and seeing the look on their faces she stopped and asked them. What wrong girls. Poor Janice, tears streaming down her face blurted out that the heart had been stolen from her home. Wendy’s mum seeing the state poor Janice was in came over and put her arms around her saying. Do not blame yourself Janice never before in the history of the forest fairies has anyone stolen anything and you are not to blame. But I should have realised that this world is changing and there are sinister folk in this world and I should have thought of that and protected the heart better, it is not
Your fault. It is nobody’s fault but those who took the heart.
I will call a council of the fairies. and saying so she stepped outside and began ringing the bluebell that grew beside her home.
When all the fairies heard the bluebell ringing they were alarmed and began rushing towards the queens home to see what was wrong, soon everyone was gathered outside and sitting down on the grass at the queens request.
My friends something terrible has happened. she told them. Someone has stolen the heart from Janice’s home, and everyone needs to begin a search for the culprits responsible for this terrible crime.
Has anyone noticed anything suspicious today or seen any strangers in the forest glen. she asked them. Everyone shook their head and began asking each other. Did you see anything. But no one had noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Just then little Emine Rosebud piped up. Excuse me your majesty, I saw two elves standing behind Janice’s house this morning after Janice had gone to play with her friends. But when I looked again they were gone so I paid no attention to them, I thought that they were just passing through.
Good girl Emine. said the queen. Now we know who possibly took the heart.
I know its getting late said the queen but time is of the essence. The longer the heart is away from the forest the weaker it becomes, so everyone fly everywhere in the forest and search for those two elves and the heart. Remember when you
Are close to the forest heart your own heart will begin to beat faster with the joy of being in its presence, so be aware of that and let your hearts guide you.
Victor and Hector, the two elves who had stolen the heart were deep in the forest in a place so dark no fairy ever went there. They were dancing up and down with glee. Saying we got the heart, we got the heart He, he, he, they sneered. Oh they were wicked indeed. Victor had the heart wrapped up in an old chestnut leaf, blocking out any light from getting to the heart. We will have all the magic of the fairies for ourselves, they cried aloud, then we too can fly and do magic things. Taking the heart wrapped up in the old chestnut leaf they ventured deeper into the murky forest. Where it was almost totally dark. This was a scary place indeed. They soon came to a clearing where a
Dark toadstool house stood and coming out to meet them was the wicked fairy Bajelda who had heard them coming, they were making so much noise it was hard not to hear them. Bajelda had been banished from the forest glen over two hundred years ago by king Farouche, for being a wicked fairy, and everyone had forgotten all about her. For two hundred years she had plotted revenge on the forest glen fairies, and now she had succeeded, she had the heart of the forest in her evil grasp. The poor heart was being denied light because the evil fairy knew that the heart got its magic from the light, so she planned to keep it in the dark of the acorn leaf.
This is the evil fairy Bajelda. She was once a beautiful fairy until greed entered her heart and she desired what others had and didn't want to share with anyone. She was going to use the hearts power to make her the queen of the dead forest and then take over the forest glen. She chuckled gleefully.
Meanwhile, all the fairies were searching everywhere trying to find the heart but with no success. None of them thought to enter the dead forest it was such an unpleasant place and beside they were afraid to enter there because the light rarely entered the dark forest and fairies need the light. Very soon they had searched everywhere they could think of and reported back to the queen.
In the meantime Janice and her two friends searched the very outskirts of the forest glen even going close to where the humans lived in their search. The elves would not go to the humans place because they would be afraid of them as they were giants. Lets search the forest deeper. said Janice. I think maybe they went into the edge of the dark forest. Oh no, its forbidden to go there, answered her friends. No one goes there because there is no light in there.
So Janice with a heavy heart decide that she would go alone, so as not to risk any harm coming to her friends. They tried their best to stop her but she flew all the faster until she got to the edge of the dark forest. It was a chilling sight. The stench of death was all around dead flowers and little trees were everywhere.
As soon as Janice entered the dark forest her hair began to change colour where she was once golden blonde she was becoming a dark brown. And a chill entered her little heart. Kneeling down Janice began to pray, saying.
Dear God please help me find the heart of the forest, and give methestrengthtogoonandpleaseprotectmefromevil.Amen.
Getting up from her knees Janice began walking slowly steadilyintothedarkforest.Shedidnotlikethisplaceandtheywere rumours of terrible things happening to anything or anyone who entered here, but knowing God would hear her prayer she ventured forth into the darkness. Hours passed and still Janice walkedhopingtofeelinherhearttheforestheart.Shesearched high and low and was beginning to feel very tired, so she sat down at the bottom of an old sycamore tree. I will close my eyes for just a moment and rest them she thought. Within minutes she was fast asleep. An owl began to hoot and Janice awoke from her sleep feeling afraid and very cold it was so very dark, she could see nothing in front of her or behind or around her, and she bumped into things as she tried to walk. Oh lord please help me, she cried out to God. Just then a firefly flew in past her. Mr firefly could you please help me. she called out to him.
Startled the firefly flew into a little tree and fell to the ground. I didn't know anyone was here. he said in surprise. I never knew fairies entered the dark forest he exclaimed. Oh I have hurt my wing.
Oh let me help you. said Janice. I’M sorry I startled you and caused you to hurt yourself. Can I carry you to where you were going.
Please carry me into the forest I have to get some herbal medicine for my poor little tootsies fly, she is ill, and deep in the dark forest is a medicine which will cure her. I don't like coming here but my tail end lights up in the darkness and I can see very well because of it. He continued. Carry me and Ill show you the way.
So off they went deeper into the forest. It was so very dark in the forest and the little firefly tail-end lit up the way for them. Janice was feeling much better now after her little nap and having Mr. Firefly for company. As they traveled along they chatted merrily until they come to a clearing in the forest, then their voices trailed off into a whisper. I especially do not like this place. said Mr Firefly his voice in a whisper. There is something not very nice living here, I have never seen it but I could feel it watching me every time I had to come here, lets hurry by. But Janice had stopped, her heart was thumping in her little chest, but not out of fear, her heart had sensed the presence of the forest heart, and her little heart was beating wildly. It is here she whispered to the firefly. What I’M searching for is here. I can feel its presence as well as an awful evil presence.
She felt Mr firefly shudder in her hand and held him closer to her chest. She was beginning to feel very afraid, she could sense something approaching in the darkness
She prayed a silent prayer. Lord God give me the strength to stand my ground and face this terrible evil, I am so afraid. Janice felt a new courage enter her and she stood boldly and called out. Come out of the darkness and into the light so that we may see you.
She heard a shuffling of feet and into the light stepped a Fairy, but a fairy like she had never seen before. This fairy was full of darkness not light like her and her fellow fairies in the forest glen. Janice was taken with surprise, she had expected something more evil, more hideous looking. But she still could sense evil coming from this dark fairy and watched her carefully. Janice heard more shuffling behind her and looking around her she saw the two elves who had stolen the forest heart. Hullo my dear, and what brings you to this part of my forest. the dark fairy asked with a voice that seemed to be hundreds of years old, it was so deep and so rough.
I’M searching for the forest heart that was stolen from my home by someone. She replied. And I can sense its presence very close.
Can you now!Screamed thedark fairy.Grab her.Shescreamed waving her arms in the air at the two elves who were standing behind Janice.
The elves obeyed and grabbed Janice who struggled hard to escape their grasp.
Mr Firefly flew off into the darkness, making his escape, and the dark fairy waved her fairy wand and sent lightening bolts after him almost hitting him a few times but he managed to
Escape. The little rest he had from Janice carrying him helped ease his sore wing The elves jumped up and down with rage holding on to poor Janice, who was calling. Fly faster Mr firefly and get away.
Take her into the toadstool and tie her up. commanded the wicked dark fairy. Until I decide what I shall do with her. So the two elves escorted Janice inside the dark toadstool which was the dark fairy’s home. It smelled of old age and dankness. There were no lovely flowers anywhere, nothing to brighten the place up. Everything was dark and very little light showed and that light come from a small black candle.
Janice was tied to a chair and as the dark fairy entered the room the smell of evil entered the room with her, Janice shuddered. Looking around the room Janice saw an oak leaf lying on a table and she knew immediately that the forest heart was inside it, she could feel it beating inside her as she looked upon it, and when she looked away her heart stopped beating so fast, then when she looked back her heart beat faster.
The dark fairy told the elves to make sure Janice was securely tied, then they were to come and help her to prepare For Janice’s disposal.
Janice’s heart sank when she heard the dark fairy tell the elves they were to prepare for her disposal she knew the dark fairy meant every word. Inwardly she breathed a prayer to God. Dear God help me to escape, not for my sake but for the sake of the forest heart and the forest glen.
Meanwhile back at the forest glen the two girls had arrived breathless. They hurried to the queen to tell her what happened and how Janice had gone into the dark forest to search for the forest heart. They found the queen already standing outside her home and a crowd of fairies and other forest folk gathered there all waiting to see if anyone had found the forest heart.
Mother! Wendy called out. Janice has gone into the dark forest to search for the forest heart. Oh my goodness! replied the fairy queen. She is in mortal danger. We must go and find her before its too late.
As soon as Foy heard this he went dashing towards his butterfly who was sitting on a flower having lunch.
Come on old friend we need to move quickly, Janice is in terrible danger. and off they flew at tremendous speed towards the dark forest.
Whilst they were flying towards the dark forest they spied a firefly on the ground, flashing his light off and on, off and on off, and on. Its an distress signal thought Foy, someone is in distress and he changed directions and flew towards the firefly. Landing beside the firefly Foy hopped off his butterfly and ran over to the firefly and asked if he needed help.
The firefly replied that it wasn't so much him needing help but a lovely little fairy girl named Janice who was captured by the dark fairy and was in great danger. He was just exhausted from his speedy escape, and was going to try and get help for his friend Janice.
Would you be able to show me exactly where Janice is being held prisoner. He asked the firefly. You could climb on board my butterfly and show us the way and rest your wings.
So Mr firefly climbed on board and they set off into the dark
Deep into the forest they flew Mr firefly’s tail end lighting up the darkness. Until they came near the dark fairy’s toadstool. Stop here. Whispered Mr firefly. Were almost there. I will turn off my light before they see it and know were coming, that is how they seen us before.
Floating down silently to the ground, not making a sound they drifted as close to the toadstool house of the dark fairy as they could.
Hide here. Whispered Foy to the butterfly. And do not make a sound. Stay here Mr firefly, I will go and have a quiet look around.
Mr firefly told Foy that he wished to go with him as four ears would be better than two. So they crept silently right up to the side of the toadstool keeping close to the bushes so as not to be seen.
Silently they crept right up to the window and peeped inside. It was so dark inside that it took a few minutes before they could see anything, the dark candle hardly emitting any light.
As their eyes grew accustomed to the dim light they saw Janice tied to the chair and the dark fairy sitting down having dandelion tea with the two elves, they seen the dark fairy dipping her dandelion into her cup and stirring.
Suddenly the dark fairy stood up and snarled. I sense someone’s presence nearby. Go outside and look around. She commanded the two elves, and knocking their bluebell cups from their hands she pushed them outside.
What are we going to do. Whispered Mr firefly. she knows we
Were here.
Ihaveaplan.Said Foy.Hereiswhatwelldo.and hewhispered into Mr firefly’s ear his plan.
Silently they worked their way back to where the butterfly was waiting for them.
Foy instructed the butterfly. In a few minutes time rustle your wings as loud as you can, then fly high into the forest trees and hide until I call you then come as quick as you can. The butterfly nodded his head in reply.
As quiet as two mice they made their way back to the toadstool house sticking to the hedge growth as tight as they could without brushing up against it. As they got nearer the house they lay down as flat on the ground and made their way inch by inch towards the window again.
They could hear the two elves thrashing about in the bushes trying to drive out who ever was there. Reaching the window they closed their eyes for a moment to accustom them to the dark light inside, then they peered inside. Foy’s heart was beating fast as he realised that the forest heart was also here in the dark fairy’s house, his own heart could now sense it.
The two elves moved further away from the dark fairy’s toadstool house, still thrashing about. Then they heard the butterfly begin to beat his wings together and make lots of noise.
This way. shouted the elves and began running towards the sound the butterfly was making. The dark fairy opened her door and looked out trying to see
What was happening. Foy and Mr firefly rushed towards her. Mr firefly’s tail light shining as bright as he could make it shine blinding the dark fairy who was so accustomed to the darkness. Knocking her over they held her down, Mr firefly’s tail still shining right into her eyes blinding her. Grabbing some twine that he had seen while looking in the window, Foy tied her arms behind her back and tied her feet also. Then he stuffed some dandelions into her mouth preventing her from speaking any magic.
Rushing over to a very shocked Janice he untied her. Janice couldn'tseewho her rescuers wereas hereyes had also become accustomed to the dark light from the candle. The forest heart. She called out. we must save the forest heart.
Grabbing the forest heart Foy helped Janice to her feet and called. Lets go. to Mr firefly. They made their way outside Foy let out a piercing whistle, and down beside them flew the butterfly from his hiding place in the forest. He had led the elves far away from the dark fairy’s toadstool house far away from his friend Foy and Mr firefly. Jump on board. called Foy. And hold on tight.
High up into the air they flew Janice holding on to her rescuer andtotheforestheart.Heissobraveshethought,soverybrave. Down below they could hear the two elves still thrashing about in the dense forest thicket.
Soon they reached the outskirts of the dark forest and could see light ahead. As they approached the edge of the forest they seen hundreds of fairies and the fairy queen, and also lots of forest folk all heading in their direction.
Look. shouted Wendy, pointing upwards, as she spotted the butterfly with Janice and Foy on its back and Mr firefly flying alongside of them, his light starting to dim as he approached the outside light. A huge cheer went up as all the folk looked up and saw Foy and Janice returning.
Landing beside the queen, Foy helped Janice off the butterfly’s back, and it was only then that Janice realised her rescuer was Foy. Her heart beat faster than it had ever beat in its entire life as she looked at Foy and realised he had risked his own life to come to rescue her.
Standing facing Foy she threw her arms around his neck to his shock and delighted surprise and kissed him passionately on the lips. He responded with equal passion. This was his Janice kissing him and how fast his heart beat. You could almost hear their hearts beat they were beating so quick.
Every one stood hushed watching them and then everyone sighed, ahhhh how lovely. As Foy and Janice tore themselves apart, and looking around with two beet red faces, they smiled and clasped each other’s hands.
ThequeenwhisperedtoWendy.IthinkyourgoodfriendJanice and Foy may soon be one, its about time I knew they loved each other for years, they were just too afraid to show it to each other.
Janice and Foy stood outside the queen’s home and told an excited gathering all that had happened to them since the forest heart was stolen. Janice was shocked to see that already the forest glen was beginning to loose its colour and that all her fairy friends looked very pale. With the heart being away for just a short time Janice dreaded to think what would everything be like if it was stolen for good.
Unwrapping the forest heart from its acorn leaf Janice proudly held the heart up to the bright sunlight and as the heart fed on the bright sunlight it began to glow and the brighter it glowed the more colour returned to the flowers trees and the fairy folk until all was back to its own natural colours.
Janice told everyone how she had prayed to God all the time she was a captive, and he kept her courage up and strengthened her in this terrible time and rescued her, and encouraged everyone to trust God in their times of great trials.
Janice never told them that God had answered her prayers even better than she expected by sending Foy to rescue her. The queen told the gathering that Janice would continue her charge of the forest heart as the heart was never wrong in whom it picked to watch over it. But this time there would be two minders stationed outside Janice’s house until the dark forest fairy and the two wicked elves had been dealt with. Janice was glad she still had the heart to watch over, she
Walked towards her home with Foy still holding her hand and she held the forest heart in her other hand. Coming to Janice’s home they stopped outside where Foy again took her in his arms and kissed her sweetly, then he got down on one knee and asked Janice ,would she marry him.
He said. Janice Golden-rose. I have always loved you from the day I first set eyes on you, and you would make me the happiest fairy in all the fairy kingdoms if you consent to be my wife.
Foy my true love, I too have always loved you from the first moment I saw you and I would love nothing more than to consent to be your wife. Answered Janice tears running down her cheeks with happiness.
This was the happiest day of her fairy life.
Next day Janice awoke with the sun streaming in her windows. It was a glorious day. She and Foy had talked long into the night under a beautiful full moon. They had so much to share with each other, and Foy cuddled her close to him, her head resting on his strong shoulders. He was her hero and
True love.
Today they would tell the queen of their plans to get married and ask for her approval.
Someone knocked at Janice’s door and moving quickly she went to open it. It was Foy looking very handsome and happy. Stepping forward he kissed her gently and said. Good morning my precious. Are you ready to go and see the queen. Then I will escort you around the forest glen with the forest heart, so all can receive their magic for today.
Yes! I’M ready. answered Janice her face flushed with excitement. Lets go. And taking the forest heart with them they set off to see the fairy queen.
They stood shyly outside the fairy’s queen’s house and waited for her to answer their knock at her door.
Good morning Foy, Good morning Janice what a lovely surprise. Though she wasn't really surprised but was kind of expecting them to call. What can I do for you this fine and beautiful God given day. she said with a smile upon her face. The queen was very beautiful and when she smiled the world around her seemed even better.
Are you looking for Wendy. she teased,
No your majesty it is you whom we come to see. Piped up Foy blushing from head to toe. We have come to ask for your approval to get married, you see we love each other very much and want to spend the next few hundred years of our lives together.
The queen looked at them and smiled even more brightly. Of course I approve, when are you going to get married? She asked. Soon I hope. It has been a long time since there was a fairy wedding in the forest glen. Must be nearly fifty years. She mused. I will look forward to this event with great joy.
We plan to marry next week at the forest heart’s first summer day. Replied Foy and Janice nodded her head in agreement. The forest heart first summers day was a special event for the forest glen fairies and forest folk. It was a time of celebrating.
Fantastic beamed the queen. It will be a special double event. Foy and Janice left the fairy queen and proceeded to go forth to all the fairy houses in the forest glen with the forest heart so that all may receive their daily quota of magic, and all the fairies went about their business of spreading magic throughout the glen.
Meanwhile the fairy queen had other things to attend to things that were not so pleasant but nevertheless had to be done. Quietly she left the forest glen and headed deep into the dark forest towards the dark fairy’s home.
Meanwhile the fairy queen had other things to attend to things that were not so pleasant but nevertheless had to be done. Quietly she left the forest glen and headed deep into the dark forest towards the dark fairy’s home. As she approached the dark fairy residence, she opened her blouse and inside she placed the forest heart inside her chest, after making an opening in her chest with her wand. she told Janice she needed the heart today for a little job needing doing. The forest heart joined itself to her heart and began beating as one with hers. She would need all the help she could get fighting the dark fairy and the wicked elves. With the heart firmly in place she approached the dark fairy’s home. She had not seen the dark fairy for four hundred years and did not really wish to see her now either. But she was now a danger to all the forest fairies and the forest folk and to the forest glen itself.
Landing just a few feet away from the dark fairy’s door she called out. Bajelda come out and face me. The door of Bajelda’s toadstool flew open and Bajelda came out towards Queen Bright Star, her face contorted and dark with rage. You! she said. I hate you, its your fault that I was banished to the dark forest. I will destroy you once and for all she screamed at Queen Bright Star.
No! Replied Queen Bright Star. It is not I who caused your banishment, but your own greed for power. You stole the
Forest heart once before and with it you tried to take over our fathers kingdom, and you killed our father, and it was mother who banished you before she gave up and died of grief at the death of our father the king. Queen Bright Star continued. My sister you are evil, and age has not changed you in any way, you were not grieved by the death of our parents nor repented of your evil actions, because you still plot hundreds of years later to rule by dark magic. and have enlisted the help of these two evil elves who try and sneak up behind me.
Turning round she waved her magic wand and changed the two elves into two crickets, who hopped about rubbing their legs together.
Bajelda flashed her magic wand and almost hit the Queen with a lightening bolt. But Queen Bright Star moved quickly out of harms way and responded with a sprinkling of fairy dust that momentarily blinded Bajelda.
They fought for many hours casting spell after spell, until one of Bajelda’s spell hit Queen Bright Star knocking her to the ground and dropping her wand.
Quickly Bajelda grabbed the fallen wand and snarling said. Now I have got you.
Queen Bright Star, looked at her sister and her heart felt so much pity to seewhather sister had become, shehad oncebeen very close to Bajelda and now Bajelda was going to kill her. As she lay there on the ground waiting on her fate Queen Bright Star felt something happening inside of her. It felt like her heart
She felt a tremendous power rising inside of her, a power she knew was coming from the forest heart joined to hers. Her compassion for her sister caused the heart to begin growing in strength and power and that power was beginning to burst forth from her in blinding flashes of light. Red and yellow rays burst forth from the forest heart and hers, and shone on Bajelda causing her to drop both wands to shield her eyes as the light was so intense coming from her sister Queen Bright Star. As the rays from the forest heart and Queen Bright Star’s heart touched Bajelda and bathed her from head to toe. She let out an unmerciful scream and dropped to the ground.
As she lay there on the ground looking lifeless, from out of her mouth came a black misty creature, and it was making horrible sounds and threats as it came out of Bajelda. It was the creature who took control over Bajelda when she first let hatred into her heart and it since then possessed her as it had entered her heart through her act of hatred it was a black Imp. It entered her mouth as a young woman as she slept and controlled her since that day and now it was being driven out from Bajelda by the intense light from both hearts. With a final scream, cursing Queen Bright Star and the forest heart it melted into the dark forest trees with a whooshing sound.
Queen Bright Star ran over to her sister and lifted her in her arms and cradled her against her bosom. She feared her sister was dead, but Bajelda stirred and moaned and slowly opened her eyes and looked up at her sister who was cradling her in her arms.
Bright Star! Its gone all the hatred in my heart has gone I’M
Free again. Oh! My dear sister how I have wronged you and our parents through my hatred and greed for power, I let evil take over me and consume me. Will you ever be able to forgive me?
Of course Bajelda. Queen Bright Star replied, tears in her eyes as she looked down at her sisters softened and beautiful face. I forgive you. You are my sister and I have always loved you and will never stop loving you.
Helping Bajelda to her feet she hugged her tightly, and as they hugged the forest heart began to join itself to Bajelda’s heart and began to fill her with light and love filling up the dark place where the evil imp had lived inside with glorious light.
Soon they separated as the forest heart separated itself from them both, and laughing they said we have so much to talk about its been 500 hundred years since we last talked.
The forest heart let Queen Bright Star know it wanted to remain in the dark forest for this night and to tell Janice she must come early to collect it from Bajeldas toadstool. She was to come with Foy and the firefly.
The forest heart also let Queen Bright Star know it had a special plan, and smiling Queen Bright Star placed the forest heart on a bed of dandelions in the toadstool house. The forest heart was glowing with a strange light, and let Queen Bright Star know they should leave immediately.
Next morning as Janice and Foy come to Queen Bright Stars home to collect the forest heart they were shocked to see the dark fairy standing in the doorway holding hands with Queen Bright Star. They didn't know what to say or do but Queen BrightStar laughed attheir confusion and told them everything was all right.
She told them that Bajelda was her sister who was taken over by an evil Imp, but was now free from its power.
And now there was something she must do and stepping over to the bluebell she began to ring it and summon all the fairies and forest folk.
Everyone came running to Queen Bright Stars home wondering what was wrong, and soon every one of the fairies and forest folk were gathered round.
My friends. Said Queen Bright Star. I have good news for all of you. My sister has been returned to me and I am calling for a celebration and I am inviting everyone to come. She continued. It will be a celebration of many sorts, because Janice and Foy will also be getting married on this occasion, and it is the first summer festival also. So it is a time for great celebration.
Everyone clapped and cheered and the Queen raised her hands for silence once again.
My friends there is something more I wish to share with you. She continued. The forest heart has instructed me
I must send Janice to live in the dark forest. She has to go and collect the forest heart heart and then return after her wedding to live there together with her husband Foy. She continued talking. She has been chosen to rule the dark forest by the forest heart, and has been appointed Queen of the dark forest as from today.
Everyone gasped in shock. Poor Janice she is being punished for letting the forest heart be stolen they thought, and she was so brave in rescuing the forest heart again.
Janice step forward and kneel before us. Said Queen Bright Star.
Janice stepped forward and knelt before Queen Bright Star and Bajelda, her head bowed, tears in her eyes she was so shocked, she believed she was being banished as punishment for letting the forest heart be stolen from her care.
Bajelda spoke up and said. I am the Queen of the dark forest and today I surrender my position and power over to Janice. And saying so she touched Janice on the head with her magic wand. A beautiful golden flow of magic stardust burst forth from the wand and engulfed Janice, completely covering her, so that no one could see her, they saw only the cloud of golden stardust.
My goodness I have never seen the wand express so much power in all my 500 years. Exclaimed Bajelda. Janice will be a great Dark forest Queen.
A little later the cloud of golden stardust began to thin and they all could see Janice again. But Janice had changed she was even more beautiful than ever. She radiated a goodness
From within a beauty that the wand brought forth for all to see.
Arise. Queen Janice. Said Queen Bright Star. We must go to the dark forest to collect the forest heart, so that all may receive their daily dose of magic.
A very dazed and bewildered Janice rose slowly to her feet, Foy rushed to her side asking. Are you all right Janice? Are you ok? He asked again, his voice shaking with concern. Yes my love I am very well. Janice replied. But I don't know what is happening to me. Foy held her tight and said. I will be with you forever. Wherever you shall I shall go, I will be by your side for eternity.
Janice gripped his hand tighter and walked with everyone towards the dark forest. Everyone was talking excitedly about what had happened but the closer to the dark forest they came the more silent they become. As they climbed to the top of the hill where the dark forest began. Those at the front gasped and fell to their knees, everyone rushed forward to the top of the hill to see what was happening and all fell to their knees gasping in shock.
Poor Janice who was the last to approach the hill with Foy leading her on, was crying many tears, and as they fell to her feet, Janice never noticed that flowers began to appear where the tears had fallen, and that there were a trail of flowers like footsteps, behind them, leading back to the forest glen.
It was Wendy her friend who noticed them first and cried out. Oh everyone look. But everyone was so much enthralled
With what lay over the top of the hill, and did not hear her.
When Janice and Foy reached the top of the hill they were as shocked as everyone else by what they saw. And fell to their knees also overcome by the beauty of what lay before them. The forest heart had poured out all its power over the dark forest during the night, and now it was amazingly beautiful there were flowers everywhere mass of them, rich and colourful, and the trees were full of green leaves and flowering and smelling of the most awesome perfumes.
Janice, Janice, Janice. called out Wendy and Sisal in excited voice’s. Look at your kingdom, its wonderful. And running they threw their arms around her hugging her till she was almost fit to burst.
Janice still couldn't see because her eyes were still filled with tears and falling to the ground where she stood hugging her two friends.
And as she began to wipe her tears away. Janice saw beneath her feet bouquets of flowers and then rubbing her disbelieving eyes again she looked at the dark forest. But it was not the dark forest anymore it was a place of intense beauty. She gasped inwardly amazed by what she saw. Her face lit up radiantly as she looked at the forest and at her beloved Foy, who was standing with his mouth hanging open in amazement.
Foy, our kingdom. she said. Its amazing. and kissed him tenderly hugging him as tight as her two friends hugged her a moment ago.
Queen Bright Star ordered everyone to begin walking again towards Bajelda’s toadstool house.
As they approached Bajelda’s house they saw a beautiful toadstool mansion fit for a Queen and king. Even Bajelda gasped in astonishment at the transformation to her toadstool house.
Entering the house on her own Queen Bright Star. Stood before the forest heart and was amazed to see that the forest heart. Had divided itself into hearts of equal size.
The forest heart let Queen Bright Star know it had divided itself into two, but would always be one heart of equal strength and power, joining the forest glen and the new forest as one but two kingdoms. It told her that it had summoned every fairy and forest folk whose forest had been destroyed by humans to come to the new forest, and to make their home there under Queen Janice and King Foy’s rule. And even as they communicated they heard a commotion outside.
Looking outside Queen Bright Star saw many new fairies and forest folk beginning to arrive carrying their little possessions.
Carrying the forest hearts in her hands she went outside. My friends and all our new friends who are arriving. Welcome to the new forest and meet your Queen and King, Janice and Foy. Arousing cheer went up from all assembled. Hail Queen Janice. Hail king Foy. Janice was called on to make her fist public speech as Queen. And began by saying. I am honoured to be chosen by the forest heart, together with Foy to rule this new forest. Please always
Always say a prayer for us so that we may rule wisely just like Queen Bright Star. And to remind us to always ask for guidance from the new forest heart.
Then Queen Bright Star stepped forward and held the forest hearts up before the gathering and said. Today the forest heart has divided itself in two. One half will live in the forest glen and theotherhalfwilllivein thenewforest.Thetwo kingdoms will be as one just like the forests hearts.
Now lets make our new friends very welcome introduce your selves to them and help them find a home, there are hundreds of new toadstools and mushroom homes to choose from.
Late into the evening they chatted and explored the new forest and selected new homes together. Many firm and lasting friendship were formed that day.
No one noticed two crickets hopping around from leaf to leaf they were so busy making friends and the crickets seemed to be very happy. One was playing a fiddle and the other danced.
Two weeks had passed and everyone was settling into their new homes and were welcoming new arrivals with a warm welcome.
It was first summers day and the day of Janice and Foy’s wedding. Everyone had been invited and it was also the celebration of Queen Bright Star and her sister Bajelda’s reunion. Everyone was wearing their best clothes and all the forest folk were dressed in their Sunday furs.
The Bluebells began to ring out it was time for the wedding to begin. Foy was standing nervously before the alter where the two hearts were laid side by side. And the congregation had gathered waiting Janice.
Janice was dressed in a beautiful white dress with golden trimmings sparkling with fairy dust, and she had shoes on her feet for the very first time, so she didn't walk into her ceremony but hovered a few inches off the ground. No one noticed as her dress touched the ground
Ground. Queen Bright Star performed the wedding ceremony. Everyone cried tears of joy as they watched Janice and Foy join together as man and wife. King and Queen.
They partied long into the night celebrating both the wedding and the Queens reunion and the first summers day. Everyone had a great time and everyone, especially Janice and Foy were very happy.
Three months later Queen Bright Star made an announcement that she was stepping down from her throne and was appointing her daughter Wendy as Queen. She told everyone that she wanted to spend more time with her sister Bajelda and they were going to go off on a little holiday.
So Wendy was crowned Queen of the forest glen. And together Wendy Janice and Foy ruled the two forests for hundreds of years.
Later on Wendy married Sparkle Dust a handsome fairy. And they all lived happily ever after.