“Jesus has already healed us! “
“Ishetellingus the truth?”
Jesus has already healed us! Is he telling us the truth?
Brendan Mc Crossan9-02-13
God’s word says that God is not a liar- The devil is! God’s word says that he God is not a liar and the word of God also says the devil is a liar. So who is telling us the truth regarding our healing? Our needs and our miracles that we need to help us get by in dire circumstances?
Lets take a look at God’s word, the bible this is his written word which in not one bit different from his spoken word, so if God says something in his word, it is the same as if he spoke it to you personally aloud, right out of his own mouth, there is not the slightest bit of difference between his spoken word or his written word it is all his word.
IfitevercametothecasewherewehadtotakeGodtocourtoverbreakingoneofhispromises, we would have an impossible case to build because God does not ever go back on his word, or try and change it, it is written down for all time for all to look into and see what he says and what he promised!
In the book of Romans God states through the man he had write down his word, though everyone else in the world is a liar, he is not.
Romans-3-3-The Way Bible
Does that mean that God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not! Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s words will always prove true and right no matter who questions them.
And what does the word of God say about the devil the author of sickness and diseases?
John 8-44-New International Version (NIV)
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Remember something here Jesus was not talking to believers here he was speaking to liars and cheats and religious people, religious leaders, he called religious people children of the devil, so Christian make sure that you are not following a religion but The Way; –Jesuswho is the Way the Truth and the Life. Jesus did not come to start a new religion but a new way of life, remember when the angel released the apostles from the prison he said to them ‘go and preach this New Life,’ Acts -5-20- The Way Bible- go over to the temple and preach this new life. He did not say, go and tell them about this new religion, no it was tell them about this New Life, Jesus and his Way of life.
To get back to what I am explaining, when Jesus said to those religious leaders, but first let’s back up a little bit to John-8-1
John 8-1-Good News Translation (GNT)
The Woman Caught in Adultery
8 Then everyone went home, but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 . Early the next morning he went back to the Temple. All the people gathered around him, and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 The teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who had been caught committing adultery, and they made her stand before them all.
I went to this scripture to show you exactly who these people we are writing about were, they were the religious leaders and teachers of the time, they lived by religion, rules and regulations that crippled people and turned them off God in their hearts because truthfully, who would want a God of rules and regulations that you could not follow anyway?
John 10-9-The Voice (VOICE) Bible
I tell you the truth: I am the gate of the sheep. 8 All who approached the sheep? Before me came as thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not listen to their voices. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be liberated, will go in and go out, and will find pastures.10 The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and abundance.
I am splitting this scripture in half for there is something I wish to show you regarding a promise of Jesus in this scripture which I just saw as I read it. The thief he identified here is the devil himself, for he told the Jewish leaders and a teacher of the law, the Jewish law, that the devil is their father. The devil is the father of religious people. Jesus said the devil is the one who places sickness and diseases on people for he comes against the children of God with malice in his twisted heart full of rage, for because of his rebellion he was thrown out of heaven and these upstarts {you} replaced him as God’s most favored.
Jesus separates himself from sickness and disease and destruction and slaughter, and the word he used ‘slaughter’ means, kill, murder, massacre, slay, to butcher. We know from the word of God that God is love.
1 Corinthians 13-4
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Love is kind gentle Love is patient and kind, not jealous, not boastful, 5 not proud, rude or selfish, not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not gloat over other people’s sins but takes its delight in the truth.
never ends;
1 John 4:8
Amplified Bible
He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love.
He identifies for us once and for all that he is love and he points out to us that the devil is the one who is planning to massacre us every way he can. Jesus said he came to give life and life in abundance, the very opposite from what the devil is. He tells us that he is a good shepherd and any farmer will tell you they have an awful lot of work to do whist attending sheep, they don’t just graze away in a field eating grass and then one day end up on the dinner plate; I discovered from my daughters former boyfriend a farmer, that the sheep need a lot of attention, especially during giving birth. And over the course of their lives, and that he had names for every one of his sheep, just like Jesus has a name prepared for of us before were even born Jeremiah-1-4- The Way Bible- for I knew you before you were formed in your mothers womb, I called you by your name.
Jesus identifies himself as being a shepherd for the sheep, why not the cows or horses? The sheep need the most tender care and attention more than the other animals; they are the most vulnerable, and so do we the children of God; because Jesus knows we have a fearsome enemy out to destroy us any way he can, and this is the part that I was referring to earlier when I said I am splitting this scripture in two to show you something Jesus said that will help you in time of spiritual battle.
John 10-9-The Voice (VOICE) Bible
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep in His care. 12 The hired hand is not like the shepherd caring for His own sheep. When a wolf attacks, snatching and scattering the sheep, he runs for his life, leaving them defenseless 13 The hired hand runs because he works only for wages and does not care for the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me. 15 As the Father knows Me, I know the Father; I will give My life for the sheep.
The ordinary spiritual religious leader will run from you when things get tough and dangerous, and it looks like he might be put in danger also, but Jesus said, ‘’he will not leave you
defenseless,’’ he will lay down his life for you, he said that he will not leave you defenseless like the hired hand, the religious leaders; that is a promise of which he kept, he laid down his life for us and still comes running to defend us when we are attacked. This is that promise I wanted to show you, so no matter what is happening in your life, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus will not leave you defenseless.****
He will not leave you and me defenseless when we are attacked by the devil or by his sickness and diseases, his effort to slaughter us. Jesus response is the opposite from the religious leaders response or the hired hand as they are called, because they were not the owners of the sheep, they don’t really care if a wolf or if the devil himself attacks you and tries to slaughter you, they will run far away when the that time comes and that time will come again and again over the course of our lives. Jesus will not leave us defenseless he attacks the enemy just as a good shepherd attacks the wolf with staff {his stick}. I know from this scripture that Jesus will not leave me defenseless from every attack of the devil but will be with me defending me with his mighty word, his power, and his shepherd’s staff.
I know what it is like to be figuratively to be attacked by wolves and have seen the hired hands {the religious leaders} run far away in case they get tainted also. I know what it is like for God’s sheep to be attacked and almost devoured, and it was only through the grace and protection of Jesus that I and my own little sheep were not wiped out and devoured by an attack of the devil.
I came to give life with joy and abundance. Said Jesus
If we are not living a life of joy and abundance, an abundance of health, financial, and spiritually, then we are being robbed by the devil.
The devil comes around and he places a word into our mind and that word is ‘cancer’. Then you begin thinking ‘oh God I hope I never get’ ‘cancer.’ And when he prods you with his finger or one of his evil spirits prods you and whispers ‘cancer’ and you feel a pain there, you immediately begin thinking, ‘oh God I hope it is not cancer,’ you begin to doubt Jesus who took your sickness and bore your diseases and by his stripes or wounds that you are healed; and then when you begin to speak those ‘thoughts aloud’ from your mouth you legitimize what the devil placed into your mind or one of his demons did. You then legally gave the devil the right to begin corrupting good cells, distorting good healthy ones into cancerous ones in to your body, because you spoke unbelief into this world. God says we will give an account for every idle word we speak. Because the devil cannot touch you unless you give him the right by unbelief in Jesus and his word, and it does not matter to him whether you know the word of God or not, because the word is available in written form, is in this world, waiting for you to read it and believe it. Jesus said the world’s sin is this- unbelief in me! Not believing Jesus is a sin and that is the world’s sin that will let them walk into hell itself.
God set this principle down himself, and even he cannot interfere in this world, unless he is asked through prayer and given the right to act on your behalf, and if you believe and speak negatively disbelieving the word of God by saying the opposite to it, you also give the devil the right to do what he wants to do to you, so the first thing I recommend here is, that you stop everything; and sit with God quietly and ‘ask God to forgive you for every negative, idle word, you have ever spoken out of your mouth, to forgive you for the wrong words,’ because
wrong,- idle words are the same as sin. The word Idle means, to be inactive, inoperative, unoccupied, and redundant. The word of God is alive and active!
but I tell you, on the Day of Judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
If your word is idle= unoccupied then that word has a chance of being occupied, either by God or by your greatest enemy the devil, Both God and the devil scour the earth to find good words and bad words unoccupied words; and God of course wants those unoccupied words to become faith filed words so that he can act on our behalf for us and the devil is looking for those words to see what he can occupy them with, for instance cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis and every other foul disease. He wants to fill our unoccupied words with diseases. Please read this and understand you and I give the devil the legal right to use our idle words. I have attached a little extract from a man, Hugh O’Donnell’s book later on which explains this in greater detail.
*****{God warns about speaking idle words, and for those you spoke and repented of you now need to begin filling your words with faith filled words. Faith filled words cannot be filled by doubt, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, bowel disease or any other terrible disease. ASK THE LORD TO KILL ALL THE IDLE WORDS YOU SPOKE AND HAVE NOW REPENTED OF, TO BE FILLED WITH LIGHT SO THAT THEY CAN NEVER BE RECONNECTED TO YOU AGAIN.
Remember Jesus said, “the worlds sin is unbelief in me,” then you need to ask God to destroy every negative idle word you have ever spoken in your lifetime till now; and ask him to destroy those words and bring their effects and affects to nothing, just as he did our sins, brought them to nothing also so that you now stand before him with a clean slate.}*****
Healed in my sight!
I awoke one morning and my head was throbbing with pain and my nose started running; I had taken flu, as I got dressed and went down my stairs my nose was dripping terribly, and it was constantly dripping and I had to keep blowing it into a tissue. I had just read a Kenneth Hagin book that said that, ‘Jesus took all our sickness and bore all our diseases,’ and as I walked around the kitchen making breakfast, I said aloud, sarcastically to God, “huh! I thought that Jesus took my sickness and bore my diseases,” and he immediately replied with these words-“You are healed in my sight.” When he said that aloud, I thought well if I am healed in his sight then I am healed right now of this flu, so I said, ‘I am healed in the name of Jesus,’ and went on making breakfast business and not even taking time to acknowledge that my nose was dripping down about two feet from my nose heading towards the floor, and I said, ‘if God says I am healed in his sight then I am’
So ignoring the water dripping steadily down from my nose, and avoiding it getting near the toast and tea, I just let it drip, ignoring it for a little while, and then all of a sudden it vanished and my headache and soreness in my body just disappeared. I was healed instantly the moment
I decided to forget what was happening to my body and get my eyes on to God’s word that he spoke to me and began ‘thanking him that Jesus healed me.’ It is keeping our eyes on Jesus and not on what is happening in our bodies that bring us the manifestation of healing in our body; it is not denying that you are in pain or your nose is dripping, it is ignoring the devils sickness and keeping our eyes firmly fixed on what Jesus done for us on Calvary.
The diseases placed on my body by the enemy
I was diagnosed with rheumatic fever at age seven and then at age thirteen and was paralyzed for a year both these times. This disease left a weakness on my heart and many years later I developed heart disease, and was informed by my doctor, after I had an MRI scan in my local hospital, that every vein and artery in my body from my head to my toes were diseased. Then to crown it out many years later I discovered that the medication I was on caused me kidney disease and caused my muscles to become badly infected, and the pain in my body was excruciating. I had been in pain all my life since the day I was born, and never knew a day without pain, it would manifest somewhere in my body every day.
Apart from the heart medication I was on, I was now diagnosed with diabetes, and given tablets to supposedly help bring it under control. There are other smaller illnesses that were in my body, I was never without pain in sixty five years; but those were the main ones, they are the ones that can kill you.
A month ago I was writing ‘Jesus took our sickness and bore our diseases,’ and I said to the lord, ‘I could never marry together 1-Peter-2-24, with Jesus taking my sickness and bearing my disease and by his wounds have healed ours,’ because the first line of that scripture says-2-24he personally carried the load of our ‘sins’ in his own body when he died on the cross, so that we could be finished with ‘sin’ and live a good life from now on. For his wounds have healed ours! And the lord directed me to re-read the book of Isaiah 53-1-12- to the part where it said, he was lashed – and –we were healed!
Isaiah 53-4-New International Version (NIV) Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
And at this moment it hit my spirit like a brick. My eyes were opened to the revelation, that with every lash at the scourging at the pillar pieces of his flesh were ripped out of his body; and at that very instant, the father placed cancer, leukemia, arthritis, pain, every earthly disease, every deformity possible, and Aids and all future worldly diseases and sickness on to the open torn out lumps of flesh and then he placed all those sickness and diseases and deformities into those open wounds, and the blood of Jesus flowed over each one covering it
in blood, and sealing it into his body; and I knew my sickness and diseases were among those diseases covered by his blood.
Then he went to Calvary’s cross, and in dying he sealed {our} ‘’my diseases,’’ all of them without exception under the blood of Jesus and then when Jesus died all our {my} diseases and sickness and sins died with him, and then when he arose again, Jesus arose in a bloodless body, his blood was placed on the mercy throne for all eternity to remain there for us, pleading for us for continuous mercy, and under his blood my disease were placed on the mercy seat covered for all eternity. It was then that I realized I am healed, that the sickness and diseases that were in my body were not my own diseases, because Jesus took ‘my diseases’ on his body, so who owned the diseases I was suffering from? and the words the thief comes to steal kill and destroy came into my mind, and I realized the sickness and diseases and pain I was suffering were not mine but the devils, he had got me to accept all the things that were happening in my body believing that one day Jesus will heal me. He kept me in the dark that Jesus already healed me, he is not going to heal me ever, he has healed me from the moment he died on Calvary with my sickness and diseases placed into his body and covered with blood.
Through ignorance I had allowed the devil to place his diseases on me, I didn’t realize that my own personal diseases were already dead, when Jesus died, I seen this truth ok and wrote on this many times; but I never realized that the devil got me to accept his sickness and diseases, these were not my own diseases, mine were on Jesus body when he died and they died with him. The devil substituted my diseases that I had before I became a believer and I accepted them, not realizing they were just a copy, they were not the original diseases that I had as an unbeliever, but not any longer I figured it is time to fight back.
A month ago I stopped taking all medication and that included my heart meds and diabetic meds and all painkillers, I am no longer taking any medicines. I talked it over with God my father about what I intended doing and he then immediately reminded me that ‘I am healed in his sight,’ just as I wrote explaining in the last chapter.
I do not recommend you doing the same just yet because ‘I received revelation’ of a truth I had know for thirty seven years but didn’t understand with my spirit, now I do!
You, like me, have the same truth, but unless you study and pray over these scriptures then you can know in your ‘head’ the truth of the word of God, like I have for over thirty seven years; but not in your ‘spirit’, and you can suffer badly trying to do what I am doing.
I knew all this truth for years, I preached on it I laid hands on people telling them ‘Jesus took their sickness and bore all their diseases’ and they were instantly healed. I stood on the word until the pain got too severe and so I took the medication again and that gave the devil the right to keep putting on me his diseases, and they got much worse much worse then I realized that I had given up and that is not in my new nature.
But this time, I have again stopped my meds for over three weeks now, but this time I have ignored all pain that my body feels, I ignore all symptoms also, I care not what he does because
‘’I KNOW I AM HEALED IN MY SPIRIT.’’ This is the difference in me now and no matter how long it takes to materialize in my body the simple fact is, ‘I am healed,’
I will not carry the devils sickness and diseases around on my body anymore unconsciously because my own personal disease were placed into the body of Jesus and died with him. When you also realize that the diseases on your body ‘do not belong to you’ but come from your greatest enemy, the devil, and you accepted them just as I did thinking it was normal to have sickness and disease, you can then stand and declare the promises in the word of God, and that promise is, ‘’Jesus took my sickness and bore “all’’ my diseases.” And by his wounds I am healed!
We don’t understand the kingdom of God and the workings of that kingdom.
God showed me how he sees things, he does not see from the negative side, he sees what it happening in his kingdom; we see the dripping nose and soreness and pain, there is no pain, suffering, or death, in the kingdom of God, so all he sees is healthy bodies and souls and spirits; neither is there poverty, or need, we all live in mansions; in total health and joy; and this is for us through Jesus, who took all our sins and exchanged them for glory for us, and took our sickness and exchanged them for total fullness of health, there are no sick people in heaven or in the kingdom of God and remember the kingdom of God is within. Christians look forward to getting into the kingdom of God and that is wrong belief; the kingdom of God is already within you, there is no sickness and disease in the kingdom of God and we are that kingdom that place.
Luke -17:21 - Amplified Bible nor will people say, look! Here [it is]!
Or, See, [it is] there!
For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [In your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
Sickness and disease in the Christian child of God does not bring him glory, healing and freedom from pain does.
Colossians 2:10
Amplified Bible and you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life
[in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead—Father, Son and Holy Spirit and reach full spiritual stature].
And He is the Head of all rule and authority
[Of every angelic principality and power]
The scriptures tell us that we are filled with the Godhead, Father, son and Holy Spirit so we know God dwells in his kingdom and we cannot comprehend with small human thinking how it is possible to be in the kingdom of God which is within you. We know, but don’t understand how our bodies can be the Temple of the Holy Spirit because we do not understand the dimensions of God’s kingdom we do not see ourselves as God sees us, we see what reflects back from a double sided mirror; and God says we are a mirror brightly reflecting his glory, that is a two way mirror both showing different dimensions we see one side and see only our selves and surroundings; that same mirror shows the person behind the mirror looking at us from a different dimension, he sees past us and what lies behind us and all around us as far as the eye can see. When God looks at us he looks at us through his mirror and sees the full picture, and this is not a flat surface like in our mirror; his side is 3’D or even 100’D mirror and has no limitations, so he sees us healed through the blood of Jesus we see ourselves sick and in pain; his mirror shows us in perfect health because of what Jesus did for us defeating the devil and taking our sickness and diseases and sins on to his body. God’s mirror does not reflect sin or sickness or disease but his mirror reveals truth, when ‘God looks out of us, his mirror,’ in his kingdom, he looks out from a double sided mirror, a mirror and sees the good in mankind and the beauty of mankind and their sickness and disease free bodies in mankind. I am healed in the sight of God now today at this very instant, and I believe God; not the devils lies and diseases, those diseases are not mine they are his, Jesus took my sickness and diseases on his body when he hung on the cross and died, and at the scourging at the pillar where he was flogged every lash put a disease into his body and his blood covered that disease over for eternity for us.
Four Extract from, What delayed Jesus?
By Hugh O’DonnellAt this point I wish to inject a little extract from Hugh O’Donnell’ book- “What delayed Jesus?” Read the revelation that God gave this man of God, now in his eighties and who celebrated 60 years of marriage yesterday -9-02-2013.
God gave man dominion over the earth and over everything that was on it. God made man lord of this world, and gave him full authority over it. Although the world belonged to God he had given it into the care of man. Man was and is in charge of this world.
Romans 11-29-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
29 for God’s free gifts and his calling are irrevocable.
That means when God gives it, it is forever, he never takes it back. God is a God of integrity, he never breaks his word. And this means that man is still God’s designated Lord of this world, and so God himself will not interfere in the things of the world except when he is given permission through prayer by a man or woman, and he never changes. God speaks to us in Malachi – 3-6. And he declares ‘I do not change!’
In Genesis 3-14-15- God gave his promise of a redeemer of mankind.
Malachi 3-6-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
“But because I, ADONAI, {God} do not change,
And in genesis 3-14-15
14 So the LORD God said to the serpent:
“Because you have done this, You are cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust
All the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
“He shall bruise your head” is the prophecy that God’s redeemer would have total victory over the devil and accomplish all that God would send him to do.
“You shall bruise his heel,” Is the prophecy of the saving sacrifice of his chosen redeemer that would bring mankind back into loving fellowship with Almighty God our Father.
There is something quirky here that I want to point out. God said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed.” He said, “Her seed,” But we know now that women do not produce seed. Woman only produces the egg that must be fertilized by the seed of a man so that a child may be born
This is the original prophecy of the virgin birth of God’s redeemer of mankind, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So if the redeemer is to be born of a virgin birth where does the seed come from that will fertilize the egg in his mother’s womb?
The answer to that question gives us the reason for the delay of Jesus. Is in -John-1-14.
John 1
New International Version (NIV)
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
Jesus, God’s promised redeemer, is truly the word of God made flesh. To understand this you need to believe that the bible is really the eternal truth of God’s word.
John 1-Amplified Bible (AMP)
1 In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself. 2 He {the word} was present originally with God. 3 All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him, {the word} was not even one thing made that has come into being. 4 In Him {the word} was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. 5 And the Light {the word} shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it].
John-1-14-and the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
In Mark -4-3- Jesus taught;
Mark 4-3-New King James Version (NKJV)
3 “Listen Behold, a sower went out to sow 4 and it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside;
Then in Mark 4-14-Jesus explained that “the sower sows the word”
Mark 4
New King James Version (NKJV)
14 The sower sows the word.
This shows that the words spoken are seeds that will produce a harvest of whatever is said.
Mark 11 New King James Version (NKJV)
22 So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. 23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Jesus impresses upon us the awesome power of the spoken word, and he himself is truly the word of Almighty God, the Father; we need to understand that even though God’s awesome power is in us, in his word. He himself could not legally speak his word into the world, because he had given man dominion over the world. God in his integrity could never over-rule the authority that he had given to man, as lord of this world. God needed man to speak “his” word in the world so that at the right time he could send his son, his word, to be born in the body of a man.
God is love and he is gentle, and he never forces anyone to do anything against their will. He has given us a totally a free will to accept or reject anything we want to accept or reject. Almighty God our creator who created the heavens and the earth and everything that is in them, will never force us to do anything we don’t want to do; we who are created by God, need to allow God our creator, to do his work through us. This is really what delayed Jesus, not the lack of power on the part of the God, but the lack of co-operation on the part of fallen man.
End of quotation;
Speak the word into the atmosphere,
God will catch hold of those faith filled words and fill them with power, as Hugh said, ‘words spoken are seeds sown,’ we need to constantly sow seeds of faith and belief by saying the opposite to what we feel. Feelings will kill us or hurt us deeply if we let them. If Jesus said he took our sickness and bore all our diseases then he is either speaking the truth or he is the world’s biggest liar, and the word of God tells us that God {Jesus} is not a liar. We must continuously confess, ‘speak’ life changing words filling the atmosphere with pockets of faith waiting to be filled by God. When we say the faith words, they hang around in the air around us waiting to be filled and when filled they are acted upon and we receive our healing or miracle or need manifested. Just imagine that every time you speak a little cartoon bubble appears above your head, like in the cartoons, and then it gets coloured in, it gets filled in, and God sees itand comesalong and usesthisforhisglory and yourhealing ormiracleorwhatever it is you need.
Hugh Like I, are being taught that we have the power in us to change everything but we need to speak out our faith, we need to fill the empty void with life giving words, like ‘Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease’ and ‘I am healed,’ ‘I am healed in the sight of God’ anyway, so why not just fill my surrounding atmosphere with faith filled words. Words have power in them, that is why Jesus said you will give an account for every negative idle word we speak, the words we have spoken till now have been mostly filled with hope but not faith; we say, ‘I believe Jesus is going to heal me,’ that is not true, Jesus is ‘not going to heal you;’ he has already healed you, if you are born again. Believing that Jesus is going to heal you is like the stick with a carrot hanging on it in front of a donkey, the stick is attached to the donkeys harness and is always just out of reach of the donkeys mouth, the donkey will never reach it no matter how hard it tries or how fast it goes, it is out of reach; believing that Jesus is going to heal you is the devils stick with the carrot on it hanging out in front of you, it is unreachable, it is always out in front of you never here now!
And the diseases you carry now in your body are the diseases the enemy got you to accept one way or another through idle words; and if you are like I was, I would winch at every pain, and I would say to Rose ‘I am in pain’ instead of rebuking it and saying; ‘’I am healed from all back pain in Jesus name he took my back pain two thousand years ago on his back.’’ But instead I started talking, speaking the {idle} words out, ‘I am in pain,’ or ‘my back is killing me;’ think of the power I just gave the devil over my back when I spoke those word, ‘my back is killing me.’
The devil was sitting in some dungeon bored out of his mind when words floated past him and he perked right up and said, ‘’hi’ you demon of cancer’’ and you ‘demon of arthritis,’ both of you go to this man or woman who said this’ and place a ‘cancer seed,’ in their back, and an ‘arthritis seed,’ and see which ever one ‘they water’ by talking about, when you place that ‘seed thought’ first into their mind, ‘they have cancer’ or ‘they have arthritis beginning,’ keep
whispering softly in their ear, ‘you have cancer’ and ‘you have arthritis,’ and with luck they will accept both, and you will have done a good job, then come back now and again and help them water that seed, whispering in their ears saying this cancer is getting worse and arthritis is getting more painful.
The devil is a liar there is not an iota of truth in him all he says is lies, he cannot tell the truth, truth is not in his vocabulary, as the word impossible is not in God vocabulary either. Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases, how hard is it to just keep filling the air around you with faith filled words? Let the atmosphere around you be so thick with positive words that the enemy cannot see through them to plant a negative word. If ‘he’ says ‘you’re sick,’ one truth you have is that it is a lie he is a liar, no truth is in him, ‘you’ give him the right to your body by what you say, ‘confess.’
Jesus paid a terrible price for you; his flesh was torn out in clumps, the nerves in his flesh were exposed and the blood from his body run down over every wound and by his wounds you have been healed, his blood sealed your sickness and disease and pain into his body; he done all this for you; he loves you. The devil hates you; and that is me saying this, not the devil, so you cannot say then the truth is opposite, because some devil worshippers actually believe that the devil loves them, what a shock awaits them, he hates humanity with a passion that nothing can fill.
We on the other hand are loved because we are God’s creation, created in his own image and loved with an intense love so deep, it will even suffer horrifying torture and finally death, to prove to you that love. Jesus proved his love for us by taking our punishment for our sins on to his body along with our sickness and diseases and killed them all off on Calvary when he died with all of them on his body on that cross, and that lasts throughout eternity.
After that he went down into hell in the spirit, and in the spirit he fought with the devil and all his demonic followers, and he defeated every one without exception and he arose from the dead and paraded the defeated devil and his cohorts before his father in heaven and then told us about his actions through his followers; the Apostles first, then all the believers and all the believers till this present day that your sickness and diseases are dead, unresponsive unless we give them life by contradicting Jesus and what he said he done for us. By unbelief we contradict Jesus because we call him a liar by not believing what he said he done.
Our words have life or death in them what we say we receive. As you believe so shall it be, do you believe your sick—so shall it be, ‘if you speak it out of your mouth.’ Do you believe that Jesus took your sickness and bore all your diseases, every last one, and you are declaring this out of your mouth- then so shall it be, whom you agreed with is the one who rules?
As you believe, so shall it be, what you say is what you will get, stop agreeing with the devil he is a liar, Jesus on the other hand is not. Mark-11:23-25 -Amplified-BibleFor this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will [get it].
As you believe so shall it be.
Praise and thanksgiving is the key
Praise is the key to receiving that physical healing manifesting in your body as the disease part moves out and is replaced by healthy tissue, nerves, muscle, flesh and bones and blood.
Luke 17-11-King James Version (KJV)
11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 and they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, go show yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
17 And Jesus answering said, ‘were there not ten cleansed?’ But where are the nine?
18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.
Before this man was even healed he obviously had a heart for God; this was a man who had his priorities right, gratitude and thanks were in his mentality. So when he obeyed Jesus, who had stood at a distance and called to all ten lepers, he could quite easily have walked over to them and laid his hands on them and healed all ten, but he respected their Jewish leaders orders to the lepers, ‘stay away from people or be punished by stoning to death,’ so Jesus called out – “Go.” “Show yourself to the priests,’’ How often does God call out to us “Go” and we stay there, not moving, and miss out on a blessing.
Jesus told these ten men to do something so that they would be healed, he told them to go and show themselves to the priests and if they decided ‘I’m not doing that, he could have simply walked over to us and laid his hands on us and we would have been healed;’ they would ‘not’ have been healed; they believed him no matter what, and as they walked towards the place where the priests would be, they were healed. Well at least one received his healing and instead of going on to the priests he came back in gratitude and threw himself down at the ‘’feet of Jesus worshipping him.’’ And that is the attitude that we should have, the other nine didn’t bother to come back even after they seen the priests, and were healed! That’s called ingratitude.
my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.13 Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Now the word of God says having done all –stand – and in your standing unflinching never wavering, no compromising. To stand means to be unflinching, place yourself in a position where you cannot be got at, or retreat from. To set yourself in an unmoving position, never giving way to the enemy, not even an inch, and the devil will flee from you, and while you are waiting on God’s power to come upon you, pray always with all kinds of prayer and supplication in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand.
Christians sadly do not know what to do to stand as the word of God says, but it simply means before you take your stand you are supposed to turn to God and submit yourself to God he is the one you have to submit to and submit means, present, to surrender, to surrender to God for us Christians. Before you have a go at the devil you need to first of all submit to God in heaven, then having done that you must stand; therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,
The Christian, who stands, stands in truth, knowing they are righteous, and always ready to share the gospel of peace with God, {salvation} with others, and they have ‘faith’ ‘their belief and trust in God no matter what,’ and have their helmet of salvation on knowing without doubt that they are already seated in heaven in Christ Jesus. And knowing the word and using that word to resist the enemy. This is the stand you must take as a Christian fighting for his miracles, never flinching no matter what happens, knowing that your armor is always on you, you never take it off even when going to bed.
Resist the devil
Submit your-selves then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Ineverrealizeduntilnowthattoresistthedevilmeantwhatissayshereinthisnextparagraph. ***{The word that God says to use in the bible is to ‘’resist’’ the devil, look at the meaning of this word ‘resist’, God is not stupid when it comes to the meaning of words; the word ‘resist’ means, oppose, ‘’refuse to accept,’’ refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject; the word oppose means, be in opposition to, go up against, combat, to fight, counter-attack The words accept means, believe, agree to, acknowledge, and to admit.
I never realized that I could refuse to accept, I could have refused to believe to agree with and admit and acknowledge what the devil has been doing in my body. I did not realize that to resist the devil when he attacks meant that I could, oppose him verbally. Refuse to believe the sickness and disease in your body refuse to give it life, to feed it with negative believing. You know we believe in something at all times, whether its, ‘I believe,’ or ‘I don’t believe,’ but the word believe is still being used, so you believe one thing or another. You cannot deny that sickness and disease in not in your body when your sick, but you must take a stand knowing that this sickness and disease does not belong to you and is the devils sickness and disease, remember Jesus took yours on his body so who owns the sickness on your body? It belongs to the devil not to you and must be resisted like its master.
I did not realize that I could counter what the devil was doing in my body, I thought that taking medication was the answer and it worked for a while as I already stated; I did do a little résistance, a token resistance but not a full out war being declared by me against him and his evil spirits. I did not fight back spiritually I took medication as my answer, not the word of God, now that is all over and I take no medication and have only God’s word as my weapons of attack and defense.
I have never taken my armor off in my life since becoming a Christian unlike many Christians I know, because I know the word of God in this subject. But there were chinks in my armor, little perforations, little holes that allowed the devil to get through it but not any more, it is over for him now.
I don’t have to accept what he says anymore or what he does it’s all over! resist means, oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject; the word oppose means, be in opposition to, go up against, combat, to fight, counter-attack. The words accept means, believe, agree to, acknowledge, and to admit.
All this and more, I am doing today and every other day in my life from now on. I now know I don’t have to accept pain in my body any more, I defy it, and the spirit that brings it with it, and I remind that foul thing it has nothing to look forward to but eternal damnation in the lake of burning sulfur, it will not like being reminded about it’s destination for eternity because they know more about eternity than you and me who are stuck in time. I know I am healed in
my physical body and it is up to me to remove every trace of sickness and disease out of it and do a little tormenting myself for a change.
God says quite clearly that we have to refuse to accept the devils sickness and diseases; we are to refuse to go along with it any longer. We have to combat them and to combat means to go to war against an enemy and believe me the devil is your greatest enemy, there is no other enemy you may have that is as evil as this one who will lie and cheat and twist the truth so that he can eventually kill you and if he does not get to kill you physically he will go after you spiritually and you and I have to resist the enemy when he attacks and to drive him back so that he flees is terror, {shock, panic horror, fright, alarm.} The devils greatest fear is that you will realize that he is the one who places sickness and diseases on your body, and that he is the one that tries to kill you, and that he is the one who tries to drive a wedge between you and God. Heknows if you find outthatheis in factthethief thatJesus described and you found that out for certain because you caught him in the act of stealing, he has to pay back seven time what he stole off of you. When pain strikes refuse to accept it, and remind that little demon that it has nothing to look forward to for eternity but the lake of burning sulfur, remember when Jesus cast out the demons and into a pig, they pleaded with him do not send us to the far away place, threaten them with that command.
Mark 5-2-New International Version (NIV)
2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him.5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.
6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. 7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”8 for Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit
“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.
If Jesus could torture evil spirits and demons then so can we, after all he gave us his own authority, to cast out demons and free the oppressed, those oppressed or possessed by demons. What was it that this leader demon legion, asked Jesus? Do not send us out of this area! Or as another translation says; out of this country.”
A spirit or demon and demonic principalities are assigned areas in which to work against man, and in the book of Daniel we see that a chief Demonic angel the prince of Persia opposed Daniels angel for twenty one days. So there are places where they are allowed by the devil to be in control over, each demon or spirit is set in an order, otherwise Satan would have to be constantly going from place to place to keep order. It is the same in the kingdom of God we have different classes of angels each with their own work to do; so these legion of evil spirits and the demon who led them were terrified that Jesus
would command them to get out of this country, and we see from another scripture that when a demon or spirit is cast out is goes to a far off place in the desert.
And one day you will come to know your true status in Christ Jesus, of this he is terrified because when you come to know this, he is defeated every time he comes around. The devil is terrified of you the born again Christian child of Almighty God; he is terrified of you finding out for yourself and beginning to act on what you have learned.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
When I decided that I have had enough of the devils lies and deceits and decided to stop taking all medication, including pain medication, and heart disease medication, and diabetes medicine, and recently severe muscular disease, caused by medication and still more recently I found out that the tablets caused kidney damage I made my mind up, ‘I am a child of God’ ‘my heavenly father,’ and I am going to believe my Father to take care of me when I stopped all of these life giving medications.
But first; about a month or two ago, before I decided I had enough, I had an attack on my body in my heart. As I lay down in bed one night and Rose had just fallen asleep ,I felt severe chest pain and could feel my heart twisting in spasms’ and I knew I could die at any moment, I rebuked it for quite a while, then the Holy Spirit reminded me of something I did many, many years ago; ‘I gave my death to the lord,’ and he challenged me on my offer, which is another story and he then put me to the test to see if I believed in what I offered him. Within one week of offering the lord my death and giving him lordship over it, I was put to the test which is explained in another book. I knew from that moment on that death had no grip on me; ‘I, like you,’ don’t want to die just yet, but I was never afraid to die anymore, because I knew I will only die when God decides not the devil or anyone else. So when I lay in bed and I could feel death all around me and on me I lay rebuking it and praying in tongues, and ‘in peace’ I have to say; I felt that this was my last night on earth and I surrendered Rose and my children over to the Lord again, leaving them in his tender care. Then I thought, ‘I am tired’ so I will now go to sleep instead of waiting on God to come take me home, and I fell asleep, in the morning I awoke obviously, feeling a bit iffy to say the least; but I went about my daily routine and later that night we again went to bed and as Rose fell asleep I again couldn’t sleep as pressure began on my heart and I began sweating and feeling very unwell, I again knew that death was standing there in the room waiting for me to surrender to it, and again I remembered the lord had my death in his hands, so giving in and believing the devils lies I thought this is the time for me to go home to heaven, but that wasn’t God’s timing, it was the devils timing and lies, and again I said to myself, ‘I am tired, so death if you have been sent by God for me, I will be asleep,’ and fell soundly asleep, not expecting to awakein themorning, and to my surpriseI did awakeor you would notbereading this book. The following night I had a really bad experience, I again felt my body not right and my chest pains got worse, I lay awake again expecting death to come for me again and to be truthful it
did, this time as I lay there, I felt my feet go freezing cold and after a few minutes the freezing cold began creeping up my legs and to my waist and I had a strange experience I somehow or other saw inside my body, and saw my bottom half from the inside and it was like watching meat freeze, my whole bottom half of me seemed like it was encased in ice and I saw this and lay watching this for a little longer totally intrigued, then, it was as if something rebuked it from me; and I also rebuked death in the name of Jesus, and the freeze just disappeared out of my body. My body looked like a large piece of frozen meat that you keep in the deep freezer, is the best way I can describe it, that I saw of myself. I again fell asleep, but this time I knew this is not the lords timing, this was an attempt by the devil trying to get me to accept death by having me think it was God’s time for me to come home.
I am making you the reader aware that I did not just stop taking medication flippantly but seriously. I know the medication is no longer working in my body; the pain killer medication is no longer stopping pain, and I was in a terrible amount of pain and no tablet deadened it totally. Then my medication began causing sever side effects like affecting my whole muscularareasofmybodyandthepainIwasinwasnothingnormal,andnopainmedicationrelieved it’ then my medication caused damage to my kidneys as I stated previously, so there is little point in me continuing taking medication. I had been healed at a conference in Birmingham recently from blood sugar levels and muscle cramp I had every night.
BeforeI wentto Birmingham to aReinhard Bonkehealing service, my blood sugars were35.2 when I returned it was now 6.8, and I suffered no more cramping in my leg muscles since then. And now I know it is time to boot the enemy out of my body altogether so I stopped all medication and as you can see it was not just a stupid act I have done, there was a lot of things pointing to the lord wishing me to fight and claim back my healing so that I can help others receive theirs also, we learn by practice and I am learning by practicing on me,
This is the first stand that we are supposed to make, but before we stand against the devil we must submit to God! Then we turn on the devil and stand resisting him and in doing so put him to flight, in terror as one translation says. We are to remind the devil he is defeated; and he has no longer any power over our lives, not even over a little tootsie bit of pain! We must stay close to God and at the same moment in time we must resist {refuse to give in} {refuse to accept} {defy} the devil expecting him to flee according to the word of God.
‘We give thanks to Jesus for all that he did for us and after giving him a full time of worship we turn on the devil and we lash out at him, ‘’declaring he is defeated’ and ‘his sickness’ and ‘his diseases’ are ‘counterfeit’ and do not belong to us any more. We don’t do this in apassiveway butin theform of an order, likeyou would do to an invasivedog thatjustentered your home, or you would get a big stick or a brush and beat it out if it refused to leave, and the devil is not unlike that dog, he knows better than you do, that when push comes to shove; you have authority over him and he will eventually and reluctantly let go and flee before you can do something else on him. But he will flee in terror as one translation says.
Rebuking the devil means to resist him in every way and one of the things he has done is torment me with sickness and disease, so now it is his turn to have the tables turned on him.
I remind him’’ that he has no future, all he has to look forward to is eternal damnation, to spend eternity is a pit of flaming fire where the worm never dies and the flame never ends, and in living torment, he will never have a split seconds relief of the torment he will have for what he has done.
And the fact that there will be other demons and evil spirits former angelic beings, and human souls spending eternity with him, will not bring him one moment’s relief. He will be in so much torment in himself, that he will not even see anyone or anything else, he will be alone for eternity suffering alone even though he has brought others to this place with him, he will not have the pleasure of even knowing this, he will be isolated for eternity, feeling only his suffering torment and be in so much torment that he will not get any satisfaction from even seeing anything else there with him. Imagine your fingers burning for a year, what a torment it would be to have your fingers burning, well he will have every part of his wicked being burning in that lake of sulfur for eternity. This is what I am reminding him and every spirit of disease, from this moment on till they remove all traces of disease off my body, I will use this and anything else the lord’s word shows me, I am going to torment him with his destination. Just as they have tormented me with sickness and diseases in my body, I am reversing the role and now it is my turn to torment them.
God has given us the same authority as Jesus; there is not one slight bit of difference between those authorities.
Remember what this book is about, ‘’Jesus healed us and God is not a liar- the devil is; ‘’ if the devil says you are dying and in pain then the opposite is what is really happening in the spiritual world, if he says you are in pain the spiritual truth is you are not and you are the one who must rebuke and refuse to accept his lies and deceits no matter what your body feels. God is not a liar all he says in purest truth live silver seven times refined –
Psalm 12-6-American Standard Version (ASV)
6 The words of Jehovah are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, Purified seven times.
Resist the devil and he will flee, it does not say he might flee or he may leave for a little while, no! It says “he will flee!”
resist means, oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject;
When God says resist the devil, he means that you refuse to believe what he has placed on your body, whatever the illness or disease is. Scripture says, ‘you cannot heal a wound by saying it’s not there;’ you have to acknowledge first that there is sickness and disease in your body; but you also must realize that the disease in your body does not belong to you, and ‘is the devils,’ ‘not yours’ so you can then refuse to believe that you have whatever disease that the devil has placed on you.
I will try and explain better if it’s possible. On his body in the scourging at the pillar, Jesus took the sickness and diseases that were on your body through the sin of Adam, and was a genuine sickness and disease as a result of the sin of Adam passing down through the genes to us. Then Jesus paid for your sin and in doing so he also chose to place upon his body all the sickness and diseases that were able to be placed upon your body by the devil because Adam gave him the right to do so through that original sin, - separation from God. Sickness had a right to be in this world because of Adam and Eve’s sin, Adam and Eve surrendered their ownership of this earth over to the devil when they sinned, and so the devil had the right to place sickness and diseases on mankind! –Until! Jesus came to reconcile man back to God again, and done so by taking the price of mans sins upon his own personal body his human flesh as well as on his spirit. Then when Jesus died on the cross on Calvary Jesus took every disease in this world from beginning to the end and had it placed into his open wounds from the scourging at the pillar, and so took back from the devil the right to place sickness and disease upon those who gave their lives back to God through Jesus sacrifice. Up until the day when we came to God through Jesus, sickness could be upon our bodies legally; but the sickness was not the original sickness it was a copy, a duplicate a false sickness; but it worked for the devil, because we accepted it into our bodies by acceptance, by our belief, {as we believe so shall it be} and that sickness grew into us in the flesh side of our beings and killed many and disabled many. The sickness and disease in this world is a replica, it is not the original sickness that first entered the world because of Adam and Eve’s sin, Jesus wiped that out by taking all of it on to his own human body, but just as man sins so sickness in its new form has penetrated through to mankind who has not believed the word of Almighty God- ‘’I have pain so I must be sick,’’ – ‘’I healed you through my precious blood’’- so you must be well; whose word do we take? Scripture says ‘the devil is a liar,’ a thief and a murdered who cannot tell the truth,’’ and ‘God is not, all he speaks is purest truth like silver seven times refined
Psalm 12-6-American Standard Version (ASV)
6 The words of Jehovah are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, Purified seven times.
Jesus took the ‘’punishment’’ for your sins and the worlds sins but sin itself is still in this world, he didn’t take sin away he paid for our sin; you can chose to sin every time you want to, just because Jesus paid for your sins does not mean that you can’t or wont sin. The price you should have paid has been paid for you and me and for everyone who accepts Jesus as lord and saviour, and in the same way sickness and disease is still in this world and will remain there like sin until Jesus returns, but Jesus took your sickness and disease upon his body, he didn’t take the sickness of those who refuse to accept him as their lord and saviour, that is unless they turn to him and ask him to be their lord and saviour just like you and I did and become children of God, the sickness and disease that remained on your body became a copy of the real thing and will remain there until you realize that Jesus took your sickness and disease on his body and then the devil deceived you into thinking you still have the diseases because you feel the pain or see the results of what was upon you.
We as Christians were never told that at the moment of salvation we also were healed, it was a twofold package but they are preached as if they were separate things. Salvation is the most important one that’s what preachers thought; so preachers for years and years have focused on
salvation which is great but it is not the full gospel, the full gospel is a twofold message Jesus went to Calvary and took your sin and sickness on to his one body, he didn’t die twice, or in another body, his human body took the full consequence of our sin Jesus died once and for all, and that once was against sickness and disease as well. When he died we got saved and we got healed at the same time but we have not been told this, at least I never was told this awesome message, they were always kept separate and preached as if two different things were happening. Salvation is given to those who accept Jesus as lord, heaven is now their home; you have been raised up to the heights of heaven and are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus in your spirit, healing is given in the same way it is automatically given to you as your right as a child of the living God; your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, should there be sickness and disease in the home of the Holy Spirit? I don’t think so!
But we have been deceived into thinking that we should be sick when it comes around, ‘we say’ ‘I think I am taking the flu’ and because of what you just said you gave the devil the right to place his flu and other diseases in your body, and the more we complain about how bad we feel and how much pain we’re in, this gives him the ‘right’ to fill us with sickness and disease and pain; and negative words are filling the atmosphere around you with unbelief and the devil is delighted he can now fill those empty negative words, {those idle words} that should never have been spoken, he fills those empty words with sickness into your flesh and the more we complain about how bad we feel the more he shoves other things in, the devil looks for negative words and fills those words with death. God fills words that are faith spoken with life and health and the response to faith is life and health and joy from God. God’s word says I place before you life or death! Chose life
Deuteronomy 30:11-New International Version (NIV)
The Offer of Life or Death
11 Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. 12 It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 13 Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 14 No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.
15See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
19 This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life,
Romans 10-8-Amplified Bible (AMP)
8 But what does it say? The Word (God’s message in Christ) is near you, on your lips and in your heart; that is, the Word (the message, the basis and object) of faith which we preach,
9 Because if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe (adhere to, trust in, and rely on the truth) that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10 For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.
Please read these two scriptures carefully for it is not often that God repeats himself for our benefit, “the word is near you, it is in your mouth and heart,” this is what God is saying to your right now the word ‘Jesus’ Jesus is life, and he is near you and lives in you; and when you speak the word you speak forth Jesus into the atmosphere, you speak the word of life out of your mouth and life has to come and fill the words you just spoke. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, he said he is life and the way, to do things, and this is truth in extremity. He repeats himself in this scripture from the New Testament showing us his word comes into the new plan of God for us, just as it did in the old. A lot of the Old Testament is exactly that, ‘it is past’ and has no real relevance in this present world unless it has been brought forward by the word. We have a new way of life now and it is Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life, and the one who so wonderfully brings salvation at a terrible price that he paid.
Romans 10
New International Version (NIV)
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,”[d] that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 as Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.
We must speak out the living word; speak out the manifestation of the word of God in what he said regarding our healing, we have to declare with our mouth, the word says ‘I am healed by his wounds’ Jesus is the word in these words. Then God said that life and death are our servants they are subject to your authority and we have the right to use them according to the word.
1-Corinthians-3-22-The-Way-Bible whether Paul or Apollo’s or Cephas {Peter} or the world, life or death are your servants he has given you, the present or the future—all are yours and you are Christ’s.
We have the power to speak life into existence as believers! We have the power and authority to resist the devil by the words of our mouths, and in speaking forth the word of life, Jesus out of our mouths.
We must realize all this before we can attack the devil and resist him; we have to understand we gave him the right at one time to do what he has done, but that is not the end we have the power of forgiveness asking God to forgive us for all those idle words, those words of death to the body and change them through repentance to words of life. That scripture says life and death are put before you this day—chose life!
We have to do all this and more if necessary to remove the enemy’s diseases out of our bodies. Believing God is not a liar, but the devil is a liar, and a perfect one at that, it is his nature he cannot help being what he is, ‘if he says your sick, your not’ because he cannot tell the truth, you have to resist his actions with counter attack, and I told you what I have come to know, and what to do, remind him of his demise and his eternity in hell is like. Saying your not sick when you are is not contradicting the word of God, it is saying what God said to say and he said to resist the devil and to resist means to- resist means, oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject;
Refuse to accept, and ‘accept means to believe.’ God would not tell you to contradict his own word, you know that sickness is in you body but you refuse to give it the time of day and contradict it by declaring Jesus took my sickness and disease and ‘by his stripes I am healed.’ You refuse to believe that you’re sick, even if you are; who is right God or the enemy? You have the power in you to decline the devils sickness and disease {resist}. Doctors are discovering the power of positive thinking as they call it, and they are saying children are great at imagination and they get them to imaging that their sickness and disease are being attacked by little soldiers in the body and are seeing amazing results as the kids imagine battles taking place inside them and winning the battles, and they are being healed, even from cancer I have read.
You do not have to give in to the devils sickness even if it is already in your body, through faith it will be removed, and all you have to do is resist the enemy when he attacks and in cases of sickness, when he comes back to bring more.
You are not lying when you say to the devil ‘I am healed’ even when you in agony, you are speaking God’s words not your own. For a long time I thought that you could not say, ‘I am not sick’ when you were, I thought that was trying to get God to agree to a lie but quite the opposite is the truth, we agree with what God says even if were sick and he is not a liar, but we are only sick in the sight of this world, we are healed in the sight of God, he does not see the born again child of his sick and diseased when his son paid for all this and healed you and me.
‘’God sees us as sinless,’’ ‘’forever perfect in his sight,’’ ‘Holy in his sight,’ and yet you know you sin all the time in many different ways and in some ways you are not even aware of
just yet and one day will understand that you have been sinning steadily unknowingly, but one day the Holy Spirit will show you these sins and you like me will repent, and that’s that. If God sees us as holy and those things I just wrote, and that is what his word says about us is true and yet we still sin, why is it different when we say we are not sick when we are, and this seems to us to be offensive to God but God does not see as man sees; he sees truth for a start, he sees his sons work finished in us, he sees things from a different dimension not from a human perspective he sees us healed because Jesus paid for our healing and healed us.
God’s word says, ‘by his wounds we have been healed;’ we see sickness and say ‘were sick,’ but now ‘God says, ‘we are healed by the stripes of Jesus’ so what should you be saying, ‘I am healed by the stripes of Jesus,’ even if your body is in agony and dying, what God sees is healed in his sight, and I gave you my testimony about my experience in this, so why should it seem like we are telling lies when we say were healed when we are in pain, when God says we are healed in his sight? God says we are holy in his sight; we are forever perfect in his sight and filled with the Godhead. Is this truth any different from, we are healed in his sight? No! We must agree with God in all things from being holy, too healed; there is no difference in the word of God his word is purest truth like seven times refined. God does not ask you to agree to a lie, he knows that you are healed by Jesus, you just have to agree with him not what you feel, it is not agreeing to a lie because God is not a liar, if he says Jesus healed you then Jesus healed you, and that is as simple as that. We must agree with God he sees from the truth perspective not from the worldly one.
The devil is the one who wants us believing that we should not say we’re healed when we’re sick because that is a lie, but the truth is he is the one who is lying, it’s his nature to lie and he is good at it as I said before. God says were are healed in his sight, and by his word, Jesus took your sickness and bore your diseases and that is truth, and nothing can ever change this even if your filled with cancer or some other terrible disease, the truth is you are healed through Jesus and God is not a liar, the devil is.
Believe God in the face of every contradictory thing this evil world tells you, quote from John Osteen.
The one thing every Christian should know about being in a battle, is that overwhelming victory is already ours, all we have to do is stand and declare it out of our mouths and keep on standing declaring the Word of God and saying nothing else. You must agree with the word before you can declare the word for it to bring its effects into your life and body.
But we thank God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
In this battle for my health I know I cannot be defeated no matter how long it may take for sickness to remove itself from my physical body, and it ‘will’ be removed, because ‘I have been given ‘victory’ through Jesus’ who won the victory for me; I didn’t win the victory, Jesus did for me, and I have to proclaim this from the roof tops as scripture says, I must speak those words of victory along with other faith filled words out of my mouth so that those words can be filled with grace and healing. I know that Jesus is not going to heal me, ‘he has’ ‘already’ ‘healed me,’ and that is just as easy to understand and believe as Jesus made me “forever perfect in his sight” –Hebrews-10-14. I am also, “Holy sinless spotless and without a single fault,” Ephesians-1-4. Is it any harder to believe this what Jesus done for you and me? Has what Jesus done for us harder to believe, than ‘he also took our sickness and bore our diseases?’
If I chose to believe that according to the ‘Word of God,’ ‘I am holy, clean,’ like Jesus, and being no different in the Fathers sight than Jesus, and loved equally by the Father God, then the same choosing means that I chose to believe that I have been healed by Jesus already and I just have to walk in that scriptural truth; if I can believe for one then I can believe for both, both are an act of my will by God’s grace. Both of these things are the full word of God given to mankind by God’s Holy Spirit and by his own word.
You are forever perfect in my sight-Hebrews -10-14
Jesus took your sickness and bore all your disease and by his wounds you have been healed.-1-Peter -2-24
Why should we feel that there is a difference between these two scriptures? Both are the word of God and both are a gift from God to us his own children, we didn’t do anything to deserve either but both are a gift from a loving Father God, and both are his word and he is not a liar, the devil is, now who are you going to believe him or Father God? To God is all glory, his word is true no matter who questions them.
Romans 3 -3 – The Way Bible
Does that mean that God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone in the world is a liar, God is not!
This is what ‘we’ ‘speak,’ not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
God is telling us very clearly here that we must ‘speak’ what God’s spirit tells us in his word for his word is as effective in our mouth as it is in his. We must speak with Spirit taught word, those words that the Holy Spirit taught us to speak through revelation of the word of God. Remember God’s word is alive and active, it is not a past word, or dead word, it is full of life and living power. If God’s word says you are ‘holy in my sight,’ what should you say?
‘I am holy in the sight of God;’ I am therefore in total agreement with God over his word. If his word says, ‘I am healed’ then I speak ‘his word’ ‘I am healed’ not my word; but I speak the words “Jesus took my sickness and bore ‘all’ my diseases.” in agreement with the word of God. I agree with God’s word and speak the words that God speaks, as if it were him speaking for ‘his words’ in ‘my mouth’ are the ‘same’ as ‘his words’ in ‘his mouth,’ if he says, ‘I am healed in his sight,’ then I say, ‘I am healed in his sight’ also, if two agree as touching anything on this earth and it shall be done.
Hebrews-6-17 - The Way Bible
God also bound himself with an oath, so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sureand neverneed to wonderwhetherhemight changehis plans. Hehas given us both his “promise and his oath,” two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie.
If God says I am healed in his sight then it is impossible for him to tell me a lie, on the other hand Jesus said, ‘the devil was a liar and a thief and a murderer,’ and it was impossible for him to tell the truth, lies is his nature.
It is impossible for God to tell us a lie if he says in his word we are healed then it is impossible for him to tell us a lie, it is the truth he speaks like silver seven times refined. If the devil says your sick then the truth is, you are healed, but we don’t believe that truth. The devil is a liar and can’t help lying, it is his nature, and he cannot go against his own nature, it is impossible for him to tell us the truth.
We don’t trust God enough, we don’t believe him when he tells us that ‘Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases,’ somewhere deep inside us is a check in our spirit saying to us, ‘I don’t believe,’ and the check in our spirit does not come from the Holy Spirit, his check on us is different, our check is an instantaneous reaction to faith and the hesitating check is doubt, not an action of the Holy Spirit.
Eight Righteous or sinner
I shared in a church I attended for four years at times, that God says we are not sinners but righteous,and Iknewdeep down insidethatpeopledidn’tbelievethat,they believed they were ‘’sinners washed in the blood,’’ and that simply meant they didn’t know if they were saved or not, because both of these two statements are a contradiction to each other. When the pastor or someone else preached they said somewhere during their talk they were unworthy or a sinner and the Spirit inside of people were confused and didn’t know why they felt confused.
It wasn’t until an American prophet came one time and asked people were they ‘sinners, washed in the blood of the Lamb;’ and he asked all who believe this to put their hands up; with the exception of myself and one other young man, all hands went up immediately, including the pastors. The prophet then told them they all need to get saved; you should have seen the look of shock that appeared on their faces when he said that. I loved it! For four years I had been saying ‘we are not sinners’ and now after four years of me sharing scriptures that said ‘once we were sinners but now we’re righteous,’ and finally someone comes along that they think is a great teacher and he says it, and now they believe it, or do they?
Deep down in their spirit they don’t believe because they have confessed for years that they were sinners washed in the blood confessing two conflicting scriptures; and it does not just go away because someone says this one time. The word must be fed into a person’s spirit daily; this word must be preached constantly until it goes down deep into their spirit. Just like healing, ‘Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease and by his wounds or stripes I am healed,’ that is a fact and must be confessed daily out of my mouth and must also be continually fed into our spirit.
You must call those things that are not as though they were! Are you sick, you must call this sickness as if it were not, and this is not lying to yourself it is doing what God’s word says, it is agreeing with him and what he says; where he says to resist the devil and he will flee, then resistthedevilateveryjunctionofhisattack,hewillattackyouatdifferentpointsinyourbody until you get so tired that you give up but we will never give up because the victory is already mine.
Remember God says to resist the devil {the author of sickness and disease} and remember the word resist means refuse to accept, accept means believe so we are told by God to resist the devil, refuse to believe and accept his diseases, by acknowledging one time only that the sickness and disease I feel on my body is a deception it is just a copy of what my sickness were before I got saved for when I got saved I got healed instantaneously.
Remember the word resist means to refuse to accept, accept means to believe, so refuse to believe; by calling those things that be not as if they were. I call total healing into my body, I call a brand new heart into my body I call a brand new pancreas into my body. I call a new muscular system into my body; I call a brand new nervous system into my body. I call 20-20 vision into my eyes. I speak the word of God out of my mouth and in doing so it is the same as he himself speaking.
Are you in pain? Then you must confess, {say} ‘I am ‘pain free’ praise God’ and this is not a lie, it is agreeing with the word of God in respect to resisting the devil. The devil has had us fooled for years by saying we cannot lie and say we are not in pain if we are, and I for one agreed with him; now I know it is a lie, and he is the world’s greatest liars; if my father God says to ‘call those things that are not as though they were’ then it is no lie to speak the
opposite from what you feel, we walk by faith not by sight, it does not matter how things look on the outside or even the inside because God does not see them like this.
We will give an account to God some day for all the idle words we speak, words that do not lineup with the word of God, and if God says, ‘speak his word,’ then wemust ‘speak his word’ so his word in us can be blessed and released to bear fruit.
Look what God said to his Jewish people in Revelation -2-9- I know your troubles, etc.
Revelation-2:9 Good-News-Translation
God contradicts their poverty by saying they are rich really, he sees things from his perspectivenot from theworlds or mans view. Who do you think was right, thepeopleor God? They seen themselves as poor and they were in the worldly sense; but God saw those people as rich; and that they could become what he says. I know you are poor, but really you are rich, they just didn’t know it; you have me as your God is what he is saying I am the God of the impossible.
God says to Christians you are seated in the heavenly places now in Christ Jesus, but Christians think still they will have to wait until they die and are judged before they will enter heaven, they for the most of them believe this and sadly some don’t even believe this at all, they hope they will get to heaven if they are good enough, but the truth from God’s viewpoint is they are already seated in the heavenly places, they didn’t believe the word of God or were not told this simple truth, there is no lie told here, they are already seated in heavenly places because God declared it to be; the believed they will be judged when they die God says they were judged the moment they agreed to accept Jesus as lord and saviour.
Again I would say most Christians do not realize that salvation was just the beginning of all that God had planned for them. God has given them everything, and for the majority they don’t have what God gave them; the truth is they have everything. The lie told by the devil is they don’t have anything- who is telling the truth, the devil who is the father of lies or the lord God Almighty with whom it is impossible for him to tell a lie? Who shall they believe, the choice is in their decision and in their mouth, and it is by what they ‘say.’ You can have all the doubt filling your mind but if you stand fast and keep that mouth shut from saying in agreement with the devil what he says; and say only what the word of God says concerning you and your situation then you shall have what you say. Your miracle is in your mouth.
I know your troubles; I know that you are poor but really you are rich!
By faith Joseph spoke, ‘he said,’ what was about to happen even before it did and he believed what he said would come to pass because he spoke the truth as God sees it, thereby bringing it in to being. His people were in slavery but he believed they would be free because God said it to him, and he spoke out of his mouth the word of God in agreement with the word of Almighty God. We must do the same speak God’s word which is not a lie into the world so it can be filled with divine energy.
Sickness and disease is a lie that we have accepted into our bodies. But now after we have repented of unbelief, we begin speaking out of our mouths in line with the word of God what he says about us; we do not speak lies, we speak God’s truths. The devil is the one who has lied to us all our lives and will continue to lie to us trying to get us to believe him and not God in his word; he tries to separate God from his divine word by having people tell you the Bible was just written by men, if that was the truth then there is no one saved; but glory to God that is a lie told by the enemy to stupid men and women who do not know God’s word, and God’s word is God himself, his word is him and ‘‘if you say what he says you will receive what he says;’’ his word is alive and active, so by continually saying I am healed by the wounds of Jesus and I have no pain , no cancer, no leukemia , no bowel disorder, no muscle pain no heart disease, no diabetes, no eye problems I have the word of God in me it is as near as my own mouth-Romans-10-10
Romans 10-10-Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.
My heart believes the word of God and my mouth will say what he says; not what I have believed up until now, if he says I am healed then I agree with him and say I am healed, and I will continue to confess his word aloud until my body is filled with divine health, your words have life and life and death in them and actually are your servants -1-Corinthians 3-22
1-corinthians -3-22 The Way Bible
He has given you the whole world to use, life and even death are your servants; all the present, all of the future. All are yours and you belong to Christ Jesus, and Christ is God’s.
By faith Joseph, when his end was near, ‘spoke’ about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones.All is mine says God’s word and that means divine health also! I will walk in what he says and not what I thought, and I will say his truths and not say the devils lies. If I am in pain, I will say, ‘‘I have no pain,’’ because this is a truth before the very eyes of God that I have no pain. Does that mean that I am trying to fool myself, when my body is screaming in agony? No! This means I am in agreement with what God sees and says, this is the victory, agreeing with God, and saying aloud his word speaking faith into the air so that those faith bubbles can be captured by God and filled with power and divine health or miracle whatever it is you are saying in line with the word of God.
Romans-8:27-29 Good-News-Translation
we know that in all things ‘’God works’’ for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.
Read this scripture carefully, and see the promise in it, we know that in all things; sickness and disease riches poverty whatever your need God promises to ‘work’ for good with those who love him! Do you love him? Then ‘he’ ‘works’ ‘for good’ for you if you’re sick or in pain or diseased, you have God helping you, he is working with your faith in him, in his ability to heal your cancer or your diseases.
ADONAI has spoken.
9 “Proclaim this among the nations: ‘Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men approach and attack.’ 10 Hammer your plow-blades into swords and your pruning-knives into spears. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’
God is saying this same message to us to proclaim this among the nations; ‘let the weak say I am strong,’ ‘let the sick say I am healed.’ We are to proclaim and proclaim means state publicly, announce, declare, make known, assert, say publicly, we are to make our declarations in what God says to us publicly for his glory. And this means that you walk around your living room or kitchen bedroom or toilet whatever room you are in saying the opposite to what you feel in your body or see in your situation. Or wherever you are, I walk
around the town declaring, ‘I am healed by the wounds of Jesus ‘and I deny that I am in pain even if I am in agony, ‘I am not lying,’ ‘I am saying’ ‘what God said to do,’ ‘resist the devil and resist means refuse to accept, refuse to believe,’ I do not walk by sight but by faith in the word of God and I ignore the feelings in my body, I am saying, and in doing so say his word, then his word in my mouth is the same as his word in his mouth, and is full of living power, for his glory.
It is God almighty who is telling the weak people to ‘say’ out of their mouths that they are strong; why is ‘God Adonai’ telling them what seems to be a lie, if your weak then your weak according to your feelings. But God looks at things in the spirit of man, he sees the strong man inside, He is not telling you to lie he is telling you to agree with him and he makes everyone strong even the most weakest by their agreement. God sees us as his own children full of his power and authority, not as mere mortal human beings.
If your sick, you are sick according to your body, but if God says ‘Jesus healed you already’ but you don’t feel that healing just yet ; even if you don’t feel healed then you say, ‘I am healed no matter what my body is saying to me;’ remember Jesus took your personal sickness and placed each one onto his own flesh and it stayed there on him until he died on Calvary, then it was put to death, and your sickness and disease no longer exists, but that does not stop the devil from trying to get you to accept that you have such and such a disease; if you believe and accept his word and accept means to believe then you give him the right to place more and more sickness and diseases on your body.
The fact remains ‘his disease’ is ‘his disease’ and ‘is not truly yours,’ he just got you to accept it, but God in his great love for us shows us the way out of this deception in which our bodies feel. We say out of our mouths what ‘God says’ about ‘our sickness and our disease’ the ones that Jesus placed on ‘his’ body and healed.
He tells us, do not believe what you feel and see or what doctors see and feel. This does not in any way belittle doctors or their ability to diagnose what may be wrong with you; they operate in the flesh level we Christians, God’s own children, are supposed to operate in the faith level. We walk by faith, faith in what the word of God declares; if he says, ‘Jesus healed us’ then who do we believe - the sickness and pain we feel or the fact that we have been healed but just don’t feel it or see the results yet.
We forget to easily that God in heaven that supernatural awesome Supreme Being at whose command the world and everything in it was formed is ‘’our daddy,’’ and he made us in his divine image, in the book of Genesis-1-26. Was there sickness and disease in the divine image of God? No! There is no sickness and disease in the image of God which we are created in, we know the devil broke through that and got man to accept sickness disasters and death but we were not created for any of this. Then Jesus came along and destroyed the devils power and took it all off him, and gave it back to us, and we have power and authority over sickness and disease even in our own bodies because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and also the home of almighty God and Jesus. Look who is in you! Does Jesus just look at sickness and disease in you and accepts it
- or does he look at it and say, ‘I destroyed that,’ what’s that doing here? ‘I wish they would believe me and get rid of it.’
Believing is an act of the will, faith is an act of the will also, unbelief is an act of the will and so is disbelief all are acts of the will, which one will you accept and act upon?
Matthew-21:20-22 Amplified-Bible
And Jesus answered them, Truly I say to you, if you have faith (a firm relying trust) and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if ‘you ‘’say’’ to this mountain, Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done.
This one thing I know= God is for me.
Psalm 56-9-New Living Translation (NLT)
My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! 10 I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the LORD for what he has promised. 11 I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
My Father wants me to be victorious to win out this battle for my body, for my health and for his glory. My enemies will retreat when I call to him for help. My greatest enemy is the devil and his fallen angels, evil spirits as they are now and in this scripture is another promise, he says your enemies will retreat, and that means the devil will retreat because God is on your side against him. His word in psalm 59 says about me.
Psalm 59-9-The Way Bible
My God is changeless in his love for me and he will come and help me.
This is another awesome promise, all I have to do is call help Father, and he comes to my aid; he loves me with an unending love, and he will never allow me to be tested beyond my endurance, he is there with me his rod and staff is comforting me.
International Version (NIV)
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
Godhimselfwillrestoremeandmakemestrong,firmandsteadfast;itisGodhimselfwho is going to do this for me, this is another promise from God, and I see more and more promises in the word of God every time I study it in reverence. I have been called to eternal glory in Christ and if the God who called me to eternal glory in Christ will do that, then surely he will establish me receiving my personal healing manifest, he will never fail us. My parts are to resist the devil and stand in faith, and trust my heavenly Father, and don’t budge. I see my healing in my spirit I am healed first, before it manifests, I know it is in me and rising up inside of me for the glory of God.
The thief if caught must pay back seven times what he stole
1 Samuel 30-New Living Translation (NLT)
8 Then David asked the LORD, “Should I chase after this band of raiders? Will I catch them?”
And the LORD told him, “Yes, go after them. You will surely recover {get back} everything that was taken from you!”
God says to go after the enemy and recover get back all he stole off of you.
The devil has stolen my health and many other things from me, he stole my healing ministry off me and he stole my children’s lives off of me, now it is time for him ‘the thief’ to pay back {seven times over} what he stole off of me, and it is time he paid back what he stole of you the reader. When I write these little books, I write with you always in mind; I may be learning awesome secretes from the Holy Spirit but I don’t keep these revelations to myself, my heart is with you, those who read my books.
The lord in this previous scripture assures us that we must go after the enemy and recover all he took from us; he will be with us in our battle to recover all that has been stolen off of us by the devil, the thief. Do you know the word recover means- get well get better pull through recuperate? Recuperate means to build up your strength – restore your form- get back.
Words mean so much and unless you know the fullness of words they slide on by and we don’t realize they have such significance in our spiritual battle with the enemy. Look at this word recover and see for the most of it, it means, healing, wellness, getting better from some sickness or disease, as well as meaning to get back what was stolen from us.
And don’t be mislead it will be a battle, you wont just sail in and say, ‘I take everything you stole off me back devil,’ you will have to kick his ass and send him on the run screaming in terror; you have the greatest weapon in all of eternity in heaven and on earth in your mouth, you have the name of Jesus, and his own authority over the devil and all evil.
30 People don't despise a thief if he steals food when he is hungry; 31 yet if he is caught, he must pay back seven times more he must give up everything he has.
The devil is called a thief by Jesus and he says, the thief ‘’if he is caught’’ and now the devil has been caught stealing my ministry, my health, my children’s blessings, my grand-children’s blessings, my abundance prosperity. I now know what he has stolen off of me, he is caught in the very act and so he must pay back seven times more than what he stole, he must give up everything he has, that belongs to me, every blessing that was stolen from me, every gift of mine that was never used he stole from me, every power and supernatural power he must return and increase it seven times while paying back. The devil, the thief is caught because now I know that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease and killed them all when he died, and I accepted the thief’s sickness and disease unknowingly but now I know that my sickness and diseases were placed on Jesus body while he suffered at the scourging at the pillar and on the cross Jesus took all of my pain, sickness and disease and that the sickness and pain I feel now are lies and deceit it is false and comes from the thief and belongs to him and not to me any longer; he has in effect been caught out and now that he is caught he must be made pay back seven times the blessings that belong to me and pay back my health and prosperity, my abundant lottery, my house of healing, my new red Nissan Pathfinder Car! My ministry! And he will pay back immediately, not over a long period of time he must pay back now that he is caught, his house is full of Christian’s blessings including mine and I for one am binding him up in the blood of Jesus and entering his house and taking back what he stole off me.
I bring my case before the Judge of heaven and earth and I plead my case, knowing legally the thief has been caught stealing from me and I have the proof in my very own body for one thing. Now God the greatest Judge, sentence him to pay back seven times what he stole off of me. And make him pay now today!
So devil I bind you in the blood of Jesus, I bind you strong man in the name of Jesus and I enter your house and take back what belongs to me.
or how can a person go into a strong man’s house and carry off his goods (the entire equipment of his house) without first binding the strong man? Then indeed-hemay-plunder-his-house
But no one can go into a strong man’s house and ransack his household goods right and left and seize them as plunder unless he first binds the strongman; then indeed he may [thoroughly] plunder his house.
This is what the devil did to us he bound you and I up with lies and deceits and part truths filled with lies in between, like meat in between a sandwich; and stole all that God has given to us, and that included our health, our children, our prosperity, our blessings, those blessings that God gave us that we never received through our lack of knowledge or faith. I was beginning to wonder why after three weeks that I could see no change in my physical body yet, but if I received all my healing back then instantly, I would have never gone on and discovered these further revelations that I now share with you my friend. I know from experience that God knows best and knows every step in our lives, your and mine, and has everything planned out from beginning to the end of our lives, and I have learned and I am still learning to trust him. When I have learned all that God wants me to in the writing of this little book then my healing will flood into me like a river in deep flood and all the promises that God has made me over the last thirty seven years will all come to pass with it. This I now know, and rejoice in, no matter what my body feels! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! To God is all glory.
Now having done all, I can truly stand assured of the victory, knowing that the devil has to pay back; he has no options but to do as God’s word says.
Before I end this book
Before I began this battle let me tell you some things about me. I was born sick; I had sickness and diseases all through my life. Before I was one year old, my mother told me that I had every childhood disease known and had almost died numerous times, and I can remember at the age of six I was standing at our family piano having come in from school at lunch time, and I went to walk but found I could not walk. I had contacted rheumatic fever, and was paralyzed from the waist down and in terrible pain. I was bed bound for a year; then later at the age of thirteen I again was attacked with this disease and again paralyzed, for almost a year; I again was in excruciating pain and even between bouts of paralyses I was never out of pain. All my life I have been on pain medication, right up until I stopped my medication three weeks ago, and I am now sixty five years old. You can see that I must have been in lots of pain to be on tablets for pain all my sixty five years, and lately no amount of pain tablets were taking away the pain I was in, it dulled it a little but never took it away.
Years ago I had an appointment with my doctor after he sent me for an MRI scan, and I sat down in his surgery and he said to me, ‘do you want the good news or the bad news first?’ And I replied, ‘give me the bad news first!’ So he told me that the results of my MRI scan showed that every vein and artery in my body from my head to my toes to my finger tips was diseased, I had already three stents inserted into my heart from a previous operation, and now the MRI scan shows that every vein and artery in my body was diseased, almost blocked with cholesterol, and I asked now what is the good news? And he replied; ‘well now we know!’ and laughed!
I looked at him in amusement and he said, ‘now we know we can do something about it, most people die from what you have because they don’t know that their arteries are blocked or diseased but now you do so we can now sort you out with blood thinner medication.’ And that was the good news!
After a while I realized that the medication I was on was not really working and in fact the very opposite was happening, I got kidney damage from the medication, the pain was not going away. Two months ago, for three nights in a row, I waited on death, I knew my heart was giving out as I lay in bed at night awake waiting to die then I realized my death is in the hands of God, not in mine or the devils, so I decided to fall asleep and If I awoke in heaven so well and so good and if not, then I was obviously still alive and fighting. Then on the last night I felt myself beginning to freeze and death began in my feet. Both feet began to get icy cold and then the iciness began creeping up my body and then some how or other I saw myself from the inside and I looked like a frozen piece of leg of lamb The ice was approaching my tummy area and I snapped out of my trance like state and rebuked death and It left immediately, and I lay down to sleep.
There are many things pointing me towards standing on the word of God and his spoken word to me. I had a message from Reinhard Bonke and Daniel Kolende, his partner saying they were having three days of prayer for me and Rose for our healing and it was in between my decision to stop the medication and stand on the word of God that this message was sent, and I seen it as prayer support from the lord.
All things were coming into position, including having lost over two stone in weight recently, and it was now time to stand on the word of God and resist the devil whose sickness I was carrying. And now it is time to rebuke him and time to recover all that he stole off of me and make him pay back what he stole, I found the thief stealing from me and now he must repay seven times what he has stolen from me, that is the word of God and I wait on all this happening.
God’s word says that our bodies are the temple of God, God’s own house and the Holy Spirit will destroy anyone who defiles and spoils God’s home; the devil has done that with sickness and disease, so it is time for him to get booted out by the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians 3-17-Good News Translation (GNT)
17 God will destroy anyone who destroys God's temple. For God's temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple
You and I are the temple, the house of God and God says he will destroy anyone who destroys his temple, and his temple is being destroyed by sickness and disease.
When I began resisting the devil over the diseases he has placed on my body, different people have tried to get me to stop, to think what I am doing, ‘this is a life and death situation’ they say, because I have stopped all ‘life saving’ medication; this is not true, I stopped all ‘life saving’ medication because it is now killing me, the tablets are now having a reaction in my body, two of my meds are causing kidney disease, so I stopped them first of all and another few tablets combined caused severe muscle damage to my body, so bad that I could not walk one night after getting out of my car, and trying to walk to my front door a distance of eight feet. The muscles in my legs were screaming out in excruciating pain a pain that I never experienced before in all my life of pain. Why should I keep taking these medication if they are now causing me such severe reactions in my body; they are in effect now killing me, and
I asked my doctor to take me off these tablets as I now no longer want them and he did. I was left with diabetic tablets which cause stomach problems, to name but one side effect, and some blood thinner tablets which I have now stopped. I stopped all pain killer tablets because no amount of pain killers were working and many a time I overdosed by taking well above the prescribed amount trying to get rid of the pain.
Now I had a choice I needed to make, keep taking medication which was killing me anyway, or to stand on the word of God which says ‘Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases and by his wounds I am healed.’ The choice I made was to believe Jesus did all that for me personally.
Eleven Truth verses fact
Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases-1-Peter-2-24 truth- fact - I’m in pain, it still is resisting me, but the truth is Jesus took my sickness and bore all and that means the pain as well, my diseases.
Jesus made a statement in which he said I am the way the truth and the life.
Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.
Why is this statement so important? This statement shows the difference between truth and fact. The fact is I have sickness and disease and pain in my body even as I type; the ‘truth’ is Jesus took my sickness and disease on his own body. This is where truth and fact fall out, fact bases itself on what it sees and feels, and truth bases itself on God for truth is God. Jesus is God and he is spiritual truth; fact is earthly belief, truth is spiritual belief based on what you accept and believe in what Jesus says and said. Jesus said he is the truth, and he said he took your diseases and pain, I chose to believe truth not fact; because now I see the difference between them are miles apart.
Fact sees a woman in hospital dying of cancer everyone can see she is dying horribly, we all can see from the worldly perspective, we see feel and touch, we see her dying, we feel every scream she lets out in agony and believe the doctors when they say, it is only a matter of hours, they based their fact on what this world dictates, fact!
Truth on the other hand sees her healed and in perfect health because Jesus took her sickness and bore all her disease and therefore by his wounds she is healed. Fact looks on what it feels and sees, truth sees the very opposite, it is the other side of that two way mirror I talked about earlier. Fact looks in the mirror and sees a 65 year old bald man with teeth missing and gray hair, and sickly looking. Truth looks back from the other side of that spiritual mirror and sees a man, full head of hair, all teeth in place and looking good and glowing with health. Truth does not look at the things of this world which are only temporal but looks at things that are eternal, truth sees only the spirit side of things it ignores the worldly side the carnal side of man and things.
I will try and give you an example, of fact and truth. In Turkey my daughter would phone up and ask every now and then if I would pray because she has booked to go out on a boat trip with some friends and it was now getting very stormy and the fact is the forecast said storm coming, and it was now blowing very strongly. I would do what truth I learned from the word of God said to do, speak to the storm and command it to be calm, just as Jesus done. I refused to accept the fact that is was now stormy in Yalikavack Bodrum Turkey where my daughters lived and I would command that storm to die down and to become calm. I believed the truth of the word of God not the fact that it was stormy there, and when I followed truth and commanded those storms to cease and become calm, within the hour I would get another phone call to say the storm disappeared, it was very calm not even a breeze blowing, the water was perfectly still, God’s truth that he gave us power and authority over everything was the truth and when I followed truth and not fact I seen the miraculous. When I read the bible at the beginning I was told by bible teachers that the bible could not be taken literally, and these were bible scholars who were saying these things and that Jesus didn’t mean what he said, it was a different thing he meant altogether. I got so frustrated with this because every time I found something new and exciting in the word, these bible teachers would contradict it with their ‘facts’, and of course they being bible teachers would be perfectly correct!-Wrong- I believed that if God or Jesus said something in the bible then it was the truth, and if it wasn’t then Jesus and God were the world’s biggest liars, and God’s word says God is not a liar, the devil is; but God’s word is refined like silver seven times over. I got verbal abuse because of sharing things that the Holy Spirit revealed to me, by these bible scholars and leaders of meetings; I chose to believe God’s word, his truth and I have been blessed countless times with miracle after miracle, healing after healing. God’s word is truth and that is what I base my healing on, and not the fact that there is still the devils disease and pain in my body just waiting to be expelled from my body. The truth is Jesus took all my sickness and pain, the fact is the devils sickness and pain is getting booted out and is in fact screaming as it leaves now.
The truth is to understand that God is not worldly based but the fact is worldly based by feelings and seeing. I walk by faith and not by sight.
2–Corinthians-5:7-Amplified-Bible for we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or “appearance.”
It does not matter how things look or how they feel, I do not walk by what I feel or see but by faith in the truth of the word of God. I believe truth not fact, {appearance}
The word appearance means to look, form, exterior, manifestation, outer shell, facade, emergence, materialization
For the past few nights I have been going over the words manifestation and materialization, and the lord has explained to me that the materialization of healing or the manifestation of healing is not the answer to faith, it is the word of God believing his word over and above the manifestation and materialization, {appearance} it is ‘’believing him’’ and not the sign or appearance of healing or anything else is the faith that causes healing to manifest.
I know I have visualized healing in my body many times trying to receive healing and it has never worked for me, now God is showing me the secrete is to trust him and not what I see or desire to see, trusting his word of truth {‘’trusting what he said’’} is what brings about the healing, not the manifestation of healing. Forget about concentrating on the manifestation but on the truth of the word of Almighty God. Nothing pleases God more than us trusting him no matter what we are going through. I look to see if I am healed yet and that is the absolute fact, and I still see the arthritis in my fingers and still feel the pain but the lord is showing me to forget about that and concentrate of believing ‘’his word,’’ and I don’t mean believing ‘’the word’’ but believe ‘’his own personal word’’. God desires us to believe him when he says it; he would not say things if he did not mean them, he speaks only purest truth, he cannot lie, and it is important to him that we believe him when he says something. I just realized that I am one of those people who get very upset when someone does not believe what I told them, I can get very angry. I believe other people when they tell me things but some people have me grinding my teeth when they say, ‘I don’t believe you,’ when I am telling them something about what God done for me. They don’t seem to realize or even care that they just called me a liar and I have been encountering someone like that since the day Rose and I first met and fell in love; someone we know keeps disbelieving what we say and do, saying I don’t believe that or you, and that has gone on for over forty seven years now, and they are still at it until recently until they basically called me a liar in front of lots of people; they kept insisting they don’t believe me, I don’t believe you, no you cant be telling he truth, and waving their hand in distain. But this time I had enough and had words with them in front of those they were disparaging me in front of. I don’t think they will call me a liar to my face anymore, so I know a little of how God feels when people don’t believe him. God has given us so much and sadly we don’t believe him; he made us holy like himself and we don’t believe him, he calls us the apple of his eye and we don’t believe him, he says we are precious in his sight, and we don’t believe him, he says, ‘Jesus took your sickness and disease’ and we don’t believe him; some of us say we do, and then walk around sick as a pig without even doing what God says to do and that is to resist the devil when he attacks and send him fleeing in terror.
A Christian friend recently said to me ‘he has man flu,’ and immediately the words came to my mind, ‘’No! You have the devils flu;’’ he did not realize that by accepting the ‘man flu’ he was giving the devil an opportunity to insert more sickness and disease into his body, and of course the enemy relishes us saying the wrong things unconsciously. He did not think of what he was saying or its possible effects on his physical and spiritual well being, he opened the door for further sickness and disease to his body, not realizing the devil just loves to hear
us use wrong idle words so that he can fill them with something bad. We will give an account of every idle {spiritual inactive word} before God.
Think how much the Father loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children, as we truly are.
God is our father and his personal word to us is he loves us with a deep passion so deep he sacrificed his son Jesus for us. We forget that God does love us and holds everything we do in his hands; we are fulfilling his desires for us, his desires to bless us with divine health with prosperity and every blessing on earth and in heaven. We forget he is father and we are son / daughter and God does not lightly let his children die as scripture says. What father would just let his child die if he had the power to save them, our father has that power and we are in his hands as I said somewhere else he holds our breath in his hands.
When God gives us words he expects us to study the meaning the full meaning of the words we are shown and in this scripture -2-Cor-5-7 the word he is showing is ‘appearance’ and as you just read the word appearance means materialization; in other words I do not look at what I see with my eyes or what I feel in my body because it has materialized, happened, I believe the word because it is truth and the truth is Jesus, he says, he is the way, the truth, and the life so no matter what it looks like or feels like and even when it materializes I still just walk in faith. I do not look at the outer shell which is our bodies I look at the truth of the spirit man inside in the house of God! Did you notice in that scripture it says ‘we’ regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ ‘’conviction’’ or belief. We are the ones who must learn to walk in faith and then begin walking. The opposite of conviction is doubt, disbelief, lack of fervor, lack of excitement for God.
Isaiah 61-6
New International Version (NIV)
And you will be called priests of the LORD; you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.
7 Instead of your shame you will receive a ‘’double portion,’’ and instead of disgrace
you will rejoice in your inheritance.
8 “For I, the LORD, love justice I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed.”
God says he hates robbery and he now knows that the devil has robbed me and has now been caught so he must make him pay back to me and my family seven times what he stole. He makes an incredible promise in this scripture; he says “in my faithfulness,” he is sealing his word forever till eternity and it is in “his faithfulness,” he is declaring that he will reward his people and we are his people not just the Jews; he is saying that our descendants will be famous, {known} and people will know they are blessed by God.
And God says he will give me a double portion in my land Derry, and instead of the shame and disgrace we suffered, he promises to give me a double portion, he promises prosperity and thatothers willbring itto us, and instead of thedisgracewesuffered wewillhaveadouble portion in this land.
This is a spiritual truth and therefore will bless me. I have to change my way of thinking instead of thinking that these things of God are fact they are not fact they are truth’s fact can shift course, the truth remains the same forever Jesus who is the truth is the same yesterday, today and forever. And every scripture in this book is truth it is all the word of God, and what I write also is my truth based on what the Holy Spirit is teaching me for he teaches from his word, which changes not. It is my mind that needs to change, I need to change the area of fact verses truth and that is fact verses the word of God, Fact challenges the word because fact is worldly and truth is spiritual. Fact will never heal me or you because fact says were sick and in pain, truth on the other hand says by his wounds we are healed- truth is the victor, fact changes every day, or almost every time you look at it, truth is unchanging, and the truth is’ ‘I am healed by the wounds of Jesus,’ that is a scriptural spiritual truth which is unchanging and will never ever change and cannot be changed by fact, I got it wrong when I believed fact because I did not realize that fact opposed truth, and I have even said in this book somewhere that is a fact that Jesus healed me but that is not just a fact it is also the truth which is
And so you will inherit a ‘’double portion’’ in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
unchanging unlike fact which changes every time you look at it from a different angle. Today I watched fact changing every minute, I was painting a banner and with every stroke of the paint brush it changed and I realized the significance of fact as compared to truth. Fact is in this world, real, truth is spiritual reality.
Twelve Trust in the lord
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
God says to trust him with all my heart, not with half of it and an eye on the situation just in case. Don’t trust your own understanding; trust only the lord’s viewpoint of things, the truth from God outlook. ‘Don’t see as man sees, see what I see, I know the plans I have for you to give you a hope and a future,’ says God! God is telling me and you the reader do not trust even yourself and what knowledge you or I have, trust him in everything not just your healing. Don’t worry about understanding God because you will never understand him he is beyond human perception or understanding; just learn to trust him no matter what everything looks like because it does not look the same to God.
A terrible time you’re going through is not a terrible time in God’s eyes; he is helping you to grow in faith and in trust. He is using what seems like a bad situation to help you grow, first of all, in love, and then in strength, and then in knowledge so that you can defeat the devil, and come through the terrible time even more stronger than you will ever know. For when terrible times come around again, and they will! This time you know that God is there helping you fight your way through, after all you came through the last few terrible times, still standing and it was by his grace alone that you did that, not on your own for God never leaves us on our own ever! It was by trusting God that he says he will never leave you or forsake you.
Isaiah-26:4 Amplified-Bible
So trust in the Lord (commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him) forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages].
I gave my life to the lord and I also gave my death to him, he owns me I am his to do with as he decides and according to his word he decided to bless me to give me a future and a hope. Jeremiah-29
Jeremiah 29-11-New Living Translation (NLT)
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, {*sickness and disease is a disaster for us*} to give you a future and a hope. [dying of cancer or some disease is not a future and a hope} 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.14 I will be found by you,” says the LORD.
Trust in the LORD. Have faith, do not despair. Trust in the LORD.
The devil would love to have you feeling despair but God says trust him personally and don’t look at what you can see, believe that he wants to bless you unconditional.
those who trust in the LORD will possess the land, but the wicked will be driven out.
God says those who trust in him will possess the land {their body or actual land} and the wicked {sickness and disease} will be driven out!
Psalm-115:11 Good-News-Translation
Trust in the LORD, all you that worship him. He helps you and protects you.
Look at the many promises that God makes in his divine holy word; if we could only realize that the words spoken and written down in the word of God, {the Bible} is the divine Almighty God himself speaking to us. We look for God to speak to us, for him to say things aloud to us, and in effect he is shouting from the roof tops, ‘‘I am talking you just aren’t listening,’’ ‘‘I am talking to you every moment you sit down with my word in your hand and open it up.’’ ‘‘In it I reveal myself to you and I reveal my plans and thoughts, you have never taken the time out to just sit and ask, what do I need to hear? Show me your words tell me what to do through your word.”
Those words I just wrote are from the spirit of God and are there for you to read and see. Every move of God is dictated by love and his love for us tells us that if we trust him for everything especially our health which is more important than anything else in this world, he helps and protects us, and that even means protects us from the devils attacks of sickness and diseases and attacks upon our families. I don’t know about you but I worship God with all my heart and he tells me to trust him and ‘he will help and protect me.’ Do I or you believe him, that is the question we need to ask ourselves.
Everything I write in this book is about divine healing and divine health, because it is trust in the word of almighty God that brings about the manifestation of healing. I have been taught in this book how we can receive our divine health and how we can walk in that divine health for as long as we live.
*******I see promises where I never seen them before since beginning this book, because my life is on the line here, as I told you I stopped taking twenty one tablets a day that were supposed to be keeping me alive, and I have decided to believe and trust God to bring the
manifestation of his word, not the manifestation of my healing but the manifestation and materialization of ‘’his word.’’ His word says, ‘Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease,’ and the manifestation of “his word” brings healing. The manifestation of his word is what brings healing not healing itself but the materialization of his divine word, we need to look for the divine word to be manifested not our healing which will come when the manifestation of the word of God comes first with us.*******
Seek first the kingdom of God within you, and all these things shall be added unto you, ‘’healing miracles prophecies and the power of the Holy Spirit,’’ all shall be yours for your eyes are on the things of God and not on the things of the flesh.
***We have looked for the manifestation of healing because we believed for healing and this is not true we see healing because ‘the word’ ‘spoken by God’ is accomplished by faith in his divine word ‘’not in healing,’’ or anything else but in faith in his divine word totally. Faith in the divine word of Almighty God is what brings about the manifestation of healing or miracles or whatever we need. It is faith and trust in the truth of what he promised; and not in what he promised, but “because you know a Holy God cannot lie.” It is faith in him as God, ‘faith in his word,’ ‘what he said;’ believing him over and above healing or miracles; because those things are his nature he cannot stop healing from flowing out of him when we chose to believe his word because it is Him God who says what he said. ***
Just like Jesus couldn’t stop healing flowing out of him when the wee woman with the issue of blood touched him, she touched the word and we know that is all that God is asking us to do, is touch the word, and the word is all of the word, not just some parts that we think is what we need. No! We are to embrace the total word which is all of God himself in written form. God has many forms and we don’t stop to think about this, he appeared to someone in the bible as a gentle breeze, and as a dove descending on Jesus in the next and as lightening. It is all him his word is him and if we could only grasp this with our spirits we would be walking in divine health and divine revelation always because once we grasp what God is saying then we have everything. Accepting a portion of the word is like taking a little piece of cake from the whole cake, it is not the whole cake so therefore we cannot know what the whole cake would have tasted like, or felt like until after we have eaten it.
24 Jesus went with him, and all the people followed, crowding around him.25 A woman in the crowd had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding.26 She had suffered a great deal from many doctors, and over the years she had spent everything she had to pay them, but she had gotten no better. In fact, she had gotten worse. 27 She had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his robe.28 For she thought to herself, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.”29 Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition.
realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my robe?”
Jesus said ‘he felt power drain out of him,’ when this woman touched him {‘the word;’} power flowed from Jesus into her, it was just natural for healing power to flow from him; in response to faith, {trust} because that is his make up, his DNA. This woman trusted him for what she believed he was, the word of God, and she touched the word and received healing. In some scripture it goes further in saying, Jesus stopped and said some one touched me, I felt healing flow out of me, and there were dozens of people crushing in against him, but she touched the word of God with her trust, her faith, for faith and trust are the same.
We have got is all wrong we think I have faith for healing because Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds we are healed, this is not what brings about the materialization of healing itself, No! It is faith in the divine word, not just faith in he took our sickness, it is having faith in what he said; not faith in healing. Our attention has been on being healed and the manifestation of this healing and that has been so wrong; our attention should have been only on him and his word which is Jesus and trusting him not healing. Healing is a byproduct of knowing and believing him, miracles are a byproduct of knowing him and trusting what ever word he says regarding our circumstances; when we trust him implicitly then healing is just natural to us and miracles are just natural also because we have him in us, we are filled with the Godhead father Son and Holy Spirit. And if we are filled by truth and trust them miracles will flow from us also. We are partakers of the divine nature we have read this in the word of God but come on - do we really believe that we partake of his divine nature, the word partake means, assist, contribute, join, and share. We do not believe that we actually share assist God or contribute to God in any way. God’s word says we are God’s and this is from the mouth of Jesus himself. We are selective when it comes to believing God and his word The word of God tells us to walk by faith and not by sight or appearances, and the word appearance means – manifestation, materialization. We are not supposed to look for the manifestation of the healing but we are supposed to look for the manifestation and materialization of the word of God.
for we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] “not by sight” or “appearance.”
Thus we walk not by sight {of our healing} or appearance {manifestation} symptom or materialization, or appearance. We are not to walk by the sight of our healing in its appearance or manifestation or materialization, but we are to walk in the faith and trust in the materialization of the word spoken in regard to our healing; we must continually confess out of our mouths the word until it latterly spills out of us we are so full of it, and then the healing will come to life in us.
I speak the word out now and say, ‘by his wounds I have been healed,’ I agree with his word, this is God’s own word, this is the word and I speak the word out. I am no longer
speaking healing out but I am speaking the word out and the word says by his wounds I have been healed. There is a fine line between these two things one is carnal and the other spiritual.
This is not me having faith in the healing qualities of the word but having faith in the word himself.
What God says we are
Jesus said to them, “Don’t your Scriptures say, ‘I said, “You are gods”?
And in the book of Psalms from which Jesus quoted from; they say, ‘we are gods’ and ‘children of the most high. ’If children of the Most High God then we are made of the same substance from which he is made of and scripture tells us that we are carved in the palm of his hand, carved from his flesh, spiritual flesh not flesh and blood. There is no sickness in the substance from which God carved us from and it is the same substance from which Jesus was produced from also.
‘You are gods, ’ I said; ‘all of you are children of the Most High.’
“I, the Most High - God, say that all of you are gods and also my own children.
You may ask what has all this got to do with receiving healing. It has everything to do with healing because if you cannot believe the word of God in these few scriptures how can you truly believe for healing, if God speaks and says you are a god, not God Almighty, but his children, and he is a God; not only are you gods but he said also my children, he even separates ‘you are gods’ from his own children, making a distinction between the two, he is saying you are both these things, and as his own children do we trust him, Is it impossible for God to make us gods? I doubt that very much! But is it impossible for us to believe and trust God with his word, this I believe we have difficulty in believing. Faith is taking God at his word totally in everything, faith is not just believing for healing and stop there, there is so much that God wants to give us and as I said we are selective in what we will receive in our hearts and I believe it is time for this all to end.
Knowing that you are and believing that you are a ‘god,’ and also a ‘child of God,’ is one of the hardest decisions you may have to make, because the devil will try and tell you this is blasphemy, don’t believe this it is religion going nuts but lets look again at what the “word” is saying, and God is the word and the word was God and was with God.
“I, the Most High - God, say that all of you ‘’are gods’’ and also ‘my own children’’
God himself is saying to us that he made us gods and also his children, this is truth and we need to trust God with what he made, he is the one who sacrificed truth for us, he sacrificed his word, himself for us so that we could believe in all he done.
I ask again what has this all got to do with healing, ‘my healing,’ well it has a lot to do with ‘my healing and receiving it into my flesh body.’ If we cannot believe God for what he said in little things, how can we believe him in life or death situations? God’s desire is that we believe him in everything he says, he desires that we believe his word, not just the healing portion. The more we digest and accept the word of God into our spirits the more and more we become like him and as we grow in his likeness sickness and disease disappears, fading away, or should I say slinking away in defeat.
John 1-1-Good News Translation (GNT)
The Word of Life
1 in the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 From the very beginning the Word was with God.3 Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. 4 The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.
How can we have faith for healing when we cannot even believe him when he says we are gods? We have divided his word out to suit our human thinking and so we see only from the human worldly perception.
The Christian church has divided the word of God into sections to be believed or not to believed but the word of God cannot be divided because the word is a man who gave up his godliness and then became a God again, he is the man God Jesus the Christ, the anointed one and you cannot divide a God. The word is to believe in its entirety not in portions that suit, this is the spoken word written down by man but spoken to man out of the mouth of God. Faith is to have trust in the word of God not to have trust in the healing itself, or for the healing itself. How can sickness and disease remain in a body whose spirit knows and understand that the Godhead live in it. When we become filled with the truth then sickness and disease have no place in us for the deceiver has been caught out and will flee taking his sickness and disease with him.
I do pray you can see what I see here; faith is in him not the promises or the things we need but faith and trust in him, him the person he is. Faith trusts him even when life is tearing you asunder and you are dying from cold, hunger, or torture, faith is him, he is faith, our faith should be in him not in our healing or miracles. We have been blindsided by the devil when it comes to having faith, we feel faith for our need, and Faith is God
But those who trust in the LORD ‘for help’ will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
I trust in the lord for all my life, I trust him to help me get through this time of testing and I thank him for his promise I will find my strength renewed, even tonight I feel refreshed even after being on my feet all day long working; somehow or other I do not feel exhausted or sore.
All of you that honor the LORD and obey the words of his servant, the path you walk may be dark indeed, but ‘trust in the LORD,’ ‘rely on your God.’
The name of Jesus the greatest weapon we Christians have
By faith in the “name of Jesus,” this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is ‘’Jesus’ name’’ and the ‘faith that comes through him’ that has completely healed him, as you can all see.
God did not leave you and me without power he filled us with his Holy Spirit the source of all supernatural power and he is living in us with the Father and the Son Jesus. And he gave us the name of Jesus to use against our enemy, and that name defeated him in every battle we have to keep on the pressure against the devil and his replica of sickness and disease, remember it is a lie he has placed upon our bodies and we unfortunately accepted his lie and so gave him the right to place more sickness and disease upon our bodies
Acts-16:18 New-International-Version
she kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her.
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, {Truth}
Acts-3:6 Good-News-Translation but Peter said to him, “I have no money at all, but I give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I order you to get up and walk!”
I am in his hands my breath is in his hands, my life is in my heavenly Fathers hands anyway so why should I doubt him in anything, I have his divine name in my mouth.
Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life
These are things that God has promised his children and they are not receiving them because the devil has convinced them prosperity or abundant prosperity does not belong to them , in just the same way he has convinced the Christian that sickness and disease is in this world and so they will get sick and die eventually, but Christians have forgotten that Jesus himself said that death was the last enemy to be defeated, so death is not the friend that Christians imagined and should never be welcomed except when God decided its time for them to come home. But if you read these scriptural promises, true {proper} humility {modesty, & meekness} and respect {admiration, esteem, worship} for God, you can see the spiritual promise of riches, honor and the promise of a long life. This is for us who love God and honor him and revere him. God wants us to succeed in our battles, he is for us not against, and if God is for you then who can be against, says his word. It is awesome to know and understand that Almighty God is our father for one thing, and that he loves us so much, {proved by sacrificing Jesus for us} and that God himself is behind us in our battles and if we trust him in everything then he will help us win those battles; God is proud of us and wills us to win, and never to give up. God says; ‘believe on the name of his son Jesus and love one another-1-John-3-21. The way Bible
Everything IoncethoughtworthwhileIhavethrownawaysoIcanputmytrustinChrist alone.-Philippians-3-7. The way Bible
Feelings and emotions in healing
I don’t feel that God loves me enough to let his healing materialize on my body. I don’t feel loved by him in the way people talk about him. I feel that he will let me die before I receive healing, is this all true? It does not matter what my feelings dictate, how much God loves me or does not love me, the truth that he cannot get away from is that by his wounds I am healed anyway truth! God is obligated to his word not to our feelings and emotions, if he says by his wounds we are healed then by his wounds we are healed; not going to be because he loves me, but because by his own word which if he does not fulfill means that he is a liar and has favorites.
I wait the manifestation of God’s word not my healing! For too long we have been deceived into thinking I have to wait for the manifestation or materialization of healing to say I am healed and that is scripturally wrong, it is the manifestation and materialization of the word of God, that I speak and confess that is the true healing for as the word manifests then healing manifests also after, not before, but after the manifestation of the word. God’s word says, ‘say to the mountain be thou removed’ and ‘it will,’
Matthew-17:19-21 –Complete-Jewish-Bible
He said to them, “Because you have such little trust! Yes! I tell you that if you have trust
as tiny as a mustard seed, you will be able to ‘‘say’’ to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there!’ and it will move; indeed, nothing will be impossible for you!”
Jesus says that we can say, {speak, declare} to the mountain be thou removed and move over there and ‘don’t doubt the ability of God’ it will have to move, and this is the same with the devils diseases and sickness and pain in our body now we have the authority to tell it to get out and the power In us to do so.
In summary
Because there is so much that God has shown me about our healing and how to stand in faith for our healing. I felt the need to go over some of what I have already written because when I have read long books, I forgot what the message was all about, and to help me and also you to have a quick access to the information I have added small pieces of the scripture and what God showed me in it and also a paragraph to remind you what the message was about!
Romans-3-3-The Way Bible
Does that mean that God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not! Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s words will always prove true and right no matter who questions them.
This whole book is based on this scripture, if God’s word says we are healed through the sacrifice of Jesus who took our sickness and bore all our disease and sins then we have a decision to make and that decision is; do I believe that God is not a liar when he says I am healed, no matter what it looks like in my body?
1 Knowing who your enemy is and what he has done to you
John 8-44-New International Version (NIV)
44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the ‘’truth,’’ for there is no ‘’truth’’ in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
If he says to you the believer that you are sick, what is the truth? For God says he cannot tell the truth it is not in him, so what will we believe, he only can tell lies and we then chose to believe his word against the word of our Father in heaven, who says the truth is Jesus healed you by taking your sickness and diseases and sin. There is no difference in taking your sin than taking your disease, yet why do we find that part of God’s word so hard to believe; we believe the sin part because we can’t se it or feel it but we feel sickness and disease.
John 10-7-The Voice (VOICE) Bible
I tell you the ‘’truth:’’ I am the gate of the sheep. 8All who approached the sheep? Before me came as thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not listen to their voices. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be liberated, will go in and go out, and will find pastures.10 The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, slaughter, and destroy; I came to give life with joy and ‘’abundance.’’
The word abundance means = excess, profusion, great quantity, large quantity, loads, & wealth, magnitude, measure, & capacity. God wants us living in great wealth, great health and great joy and you can’t have joy if you are dying from some disease the devil inflicted on you; compare his word and desire for you to the devils desire for you see the difference between them.
John 10-9-The Voice (VOICE) Bible
10 The thief approaches with malicious intent, looking to steal, ‘’slaughter,’’ and destroy; {Jesus separates himself from sickness and disease and destruction and slaughter, and the word he used ‘slaughter’ means, kill, murder, massacre, slay, to butcher. We know from the word of God that God is love.}
John 10-9-The Voice (VOICE) Bible
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep in His care 12 The hired hand is not like the shepherd caring for His own sheep. When a wolf attacks, snatching and scattering the sheep, he runs for his life, leaving them defenseless. 13 The hired hand runs because he works only for wages and does not care for the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep, and My sheep know Me. 15 As the Father knows Me, I know the Father; I will give My life for the sheep.
{The ordinary spiritual religious leader will run from you when things get tough and dangerous, and it looks like he might be put in danger also, but Jesus said, ‘’he will not leave you defenseless,’’ he will lay down his life for you, he said that he will not leave you defenseless like the hired hand, the religious leaders; that is a promise of which he kept, he laid down his life for us and still comes running to defend us when we are attacked. This is that promise I wanted to show you, so no matter what is happening in your life, you will know without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus will not leave you defenseless.}
words will be your judge
Learn to shut up or to speak what God says!
Matthew-12:36-Amplified-Bible but I tell you, on the Day of Judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.
*****{God warns about speaking idle words, and for those you spoke and repented of you now need to begin filling your words with faith filled words. Faith filled words cannot be filled by doubt, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, bowel disease or any other terrible disease. ASK THE LORD TO KILL ALL THE IDLE WORDS YOU SPOKE AND HAVE NOW REPENTED OF, TO BE FILLED WITH LIGHT SO THAT THEY CAN NEVER BE RECONNECTED TO YOU AGAIN.
Remember Jesus said, “the worlds sin is unbelief in me,” then you need to ask God to destroy every negative idle word you have ever spoken in your lifetime till now; and ask him to destroy those words and bring their effects and affects to nothing, just as he did our sins, brought them to nothing also so that you now stand before him with a clean slate.}*****
Isaiah 53-4-New International Version (NIV)
Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
And at this moment it hit my spirit like a brick. My eyes were opened to the revelation, that with every lash at the scourging at the pillar pieces of his flesh were ripped out of his body; and at that very instant, the father placed cancer, leukemia, arthritis, pain, every earthly disease, every deformity possible, and Aids and all future worldly diseases and sickness on to the open torn out lumps of flesh and then he placed all those sickness and diseases and deformities into those open wounds, and the blood of Jesus flowed over each one covering it in blood, and sealing it into his body; and I knew my sickness and diseases were among those diseases covered by his blood
We don’t understand the kingdom of God and the workings of that kingdom.
God showed me how he sees things, he does not see from the negative side, he sees what it happening in his kingdom; we see the dripping nose and soreness and pain, there is no pain,
suffering, or death, in the kingdom of God, so all he sees is healthy bodies and souls and spirits; neither is there poverty, or need, we all live in mansions; in total health and joy; and this is for us through Jesus, who took all our sins and exchanged them for glory for us, and took our sickness and exchanged them for total fullness of health, there are no sick people in heaven or in the kingdom of God and remember the kingdom of God is within. Christians look forward to getting into the kingdom of God and that is wrong belief; the kingdom of God is already within you, there is no sickness and disease in the kingdom of God and we are that kingdom that place.
Luke -17:21-Amplified Bible nor will people say, look! Here [it is]! Or, See, [it is] there!
For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [In your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
Speak the word into the atmosphere, God will catch hold of faith filled words and fill them with power, as Hugh said, ‘words spoken are seeds sown,’ we need to constantly sow seeds of faith and belief by saying the opposite to what we feel. Feelings will kill us or hurt us deeply if we let them.
Mark-11:23-25 -Amplified-Bible-
For this reason I am telling you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe (trust and be confident) that it is granted to you, and you will [get it].
As you believe so shall it be. And as you say so shall the seeds grow and one day will develop into the thing you sowed. The mouth says what it really believes and truth will come out of that Christian mouth eventually, because the truth is in you, Jesus is the way the ‘truth’ and the ‘life.’
3 Praise and thanksgiving is the key
Praise is the key to receiving that physical healing manifesting in your body as the disease part moves out and is replaced by healthy tissue, nerves, muscle, flesh and bones and blood.
Luke 17-11-King James Version (KJV)
11 And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12 And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13 and they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14 And when he saw them, he said unto them, go show yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16 and fell down on his face at his feet, ‘’giving him thanks:’’ and he was a Samaritan.
17 And Jesus answering said, ‘were there not ten cleansed?’ But where are the nine?
18 There are not found that returned to ‘’give glory to God,’’ save this stranger. 19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.
4 putting on your armor and keeping it on
Ephesians 6-10-21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.13 Therefore, take unto you the ‘’whole’’ ‘armor of God,’ that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having ‘’done all, ‘’to ‘’stand.’
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with ‘’truth,’’ {not fact} and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace. 16 Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17 And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
5-now stand; unmoving unflinching no going back.
NowthewordofGodsayshavingdoneall–stand–andinyourstanding,beunflinchingnever wavering, no compromising. To stand means to be unflinching, place yourself in a position where you cannot be got at, or retreat from. To set yourself in an unmoving position, never giving way to the enemy, not even an inch, and the devil will flee from you, and while you are waiting on God’s power to come upon you, pray always with all kinds of prayer and supplication in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
As a believer draw close to God is adoration and thanksgiving, then when you have ministered to the lord then turn on the enemy and give him a roasting with the word. I don’t have to accept what he says anymore or what he does it’s all over! resist means, oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject; the word oppose means, be in opposition to, go up against, combat, to fight, counter-attack. The words accept means, believe, agree to, acknowledge, and to admit.
Psalm 12-6-American Standard Version (ASV)
6 The words of Jehovah are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, Purified seven times.
Resist the devil and he will flee, it does not say he might flee or he may leave for a little while, no! It says “he will flee!”
resist means, oppose, {fight back} refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, {snub} to reject; {throw out}
When God says “resist the devil,” he means that you refuse to believe what he has placed on your body, whatever the illness or disease is. Scripture says, ‘you cannot heal a wound by saying it’s not there;’ you have to acknowledge first that there is sickness and disease in your body; but you also must realize that the disease in your body does not belong to you, and ‘is the devils,’ ‘not yours’ so you can then refuse to believe that you have whatever disease that the devil has placed on you.
6 the offer of life or death is laid before you
Deuteronomy 30:11-New International Version (NIV)
The Offer of Life or Death
Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. 12‘’It is not up in heaven,’’ so that you have to ask, “Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 13 Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, “Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?” 14 No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it.
15See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life,
Please read these two scriptures carefully for it is not often that God repeats himself for our benefit, “the word is near you, it is in your mouth and heart,” this is what God is saying to your right now the word ‘Jesus’ Jesus is life, and he is near you and lives in you; and when you speak the word you speak forth Jesus into the atmosphere, you speak the word of life out of your mouth and life has to come and fill the words you just spoke. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, he said he is life and the way, to do things, and this is truth in extremity. He repeats himself in this scripture from the New Testament showing us his word comes into the new plan of God for us, just as it did in the old. A lot of the Old Testament is exactly that, ‘it is past’ and has no real relevance in this present world unless it has been brought forward by the word. We have a new way of life now and it is Jesus who is the way, the truth, and the life, and the one who so wonderfully brings salvation at a terrible price that he paid.
Romans 10 New International Version (NIV)
8 But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,”[d] that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 as Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.
We have been given victory declare it out of your mouth
But we thank God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Believe God in the face of every contradictory thing this evil world tells you, quote from John Osteen.
The one thing every Christian should know about being in a battle, is that overwhelming victory is already ours, all we have to do is stand and declare it out of our mouths and keep on standing declaring the Word of God and saying nothing else. You must agree with the word before you can declare the word for it to bring its effects into your life and body.
You are forever perfect in my sight-Hebrews -10-14
Jesus took your sickness and bore all your disease and by his wounds you have been healed.-1-Peter -2-24
Why should we feel that there is a difference between these two scriptures? Both are the word of God and both are a gift from God to us his own children, we didn’t do anything to deserve either but both are a gift from a loving Father God, both is truth.
Romans 3 -3 – The Way Bible
Does that mean that God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone in the world is a liar, God is not!
We need to remind ourselves that God does not lie and hold onto this truth and never let go of it even when the word materializes in your body, the word is forever all of it.
7-Speak what God speaks
This is what ‘we’ ‘speak,’ not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
God is telling us very clearly here that we must ‘speak’ what God’s spirit tells us in his word for his word is as effective in our mouth as it is in his. We must speak with Spirit taught word, those words that the Holy Spirit taught us to speak through revelation of the word of God. Remember God’s word is alive and active, it is not a past word, or dead word, it is full of life and living power. If God’s word says you are ‘holy in my sight,’ what should you say? ‘I am holy in the sight of God;’ I am therefore in total agreement with God over his word. If his word says, ‘I am healed’ then I speak ‘his word’ ‘I am healed’ not my word; but I speak the words “Jesus took my sickness and bore ‘all’ my diseases.” in agreement with the word of God. I agree with God’s word and speak the words that God speaks, as if it were him speaking for ‘his words’ in ‘my mouth’ are the ‘same’ as ‘his words’ in ‘his mouth,’ if he says, ‘I am healed in his sight,’ then I say, ‘I am healed in his sight’ also, if two agree as touching anything on this earth and it shall be done.
Hebrews-6-17 - The Way Bible God also bound himself with an oath, so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sureand neverneed to wonderwhetherhemight changehis plans. Hehas given us both his “promise and his oath,” two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie.
If God says I am healed in his sight then it is impossible for him to tell me a lie, on the other hand Jesus said, ‘the devil was a liar and a thief and a murderer,’ and it was impossible for him to tell the truth, lies is his nature.
It is impossible for God to tell us a lie if he says in his word we are healed then it is impossible for him to tell us a lie, it is the truth he speaks like silver seven times refined. If the devil says your sick then the truth is, you are healed, but we don’t believe that truth. The devil is a liar and can’t help lying, it is his nature, and he cannot go against his own nature, it is impossible for him to tell us the truth.
Remember the word resist means to refuse to accept, accept means to believe, so refuse to believe; by calling those things that be not as if they were. I call total healing into my body, I call a brand new heart into my body I call a brand new pancreas into my body. I call a new muscular system into my body; I call a brand new nervous system into my body. I call 20-20 vision into my eyes. I speak the word of God out of my mouth and in doing so it is the same as he himself speaking.
I speak the word of God out of my mouth
Are you in pain? Then you must confess, {say} ‘I am ‘pain free’ praise God’ and this is not a lie, it is agreeing with the word of God in respect to resisting the devil. The devil has had us fooled for years by saying we cannot lie and say we are not in pain if we are, and I for one agreed with him; now I know it is a lie, and he is the world’s greatest liars; if my father God says to ‘call those things that are not as though they were’ then it is no lie to speak the opposite from what you feel, we walk by faith not by sight, it does not matter how things look on the outside or even the inside because God does not see them like this
Speaking the word of God as God speaks
Hebrews 11-22-New International Version (NIV)
By faith Joseph, when his end was near, ‘spoke’ about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones.
By faith Joseph spoke, ‘he said,’ what was about to happen even before it did and he believed what he said would come to pass because he spoke the truth as God sees it, thereby bringing it in to being. His people were in slavery but he believed they would be free because God said it to him, and he spoke out of his mouth the word of God in agreement with the word of Almighty God. We must do the same speak God’s word which is not a lie into the world so it can be filled with divine energy.
Romans 10-10-Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 For with the heart a person believes (adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Christ) and so is justified (declared righteous, acceptable to God), and with the mouth he confesses (declares openly and speaks out freely his faith) and confirms [his] salvation.
My heart believes the word of God and my mouth will say what he says; not what I have believed up until now, if he says I am healed then I agree with him and say I am healed, and I will continue to confess his word aloud until my body is filled with divine health, your words have life and life and death in them and actually are your servants
8-God works for good for us a promise from God
Romans-8:27-29- Good-News-Translation we know that in all things ‘’God works’’ for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose.
Read this scripture carefully, and see the promise in it, we know that in all things; sickness and disease riches poverty whatever your need God promises to ‘work’ for good with those who love him! Do you love him? Then ‘he’ ‘works’ ‘for good’ for you if you’re sick or in pain or diseased, you have God helping you, he is working with your faith in him, in his ability to heal your cancer or your diseases.
9-Let the weak say they are strong; let the sick say they are healed
ADONAI has spoken.
9 “Proclaim this among the nations: ‘Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men approach and attack.’ 10 Hammer your plow-blades into swords and your pruning-knives into spears. Let the weak say, ‘I am strong.’
God is saying this same message to us to proclaim this among the nations; ‘let the weak say I am strong,’ ‘let the sick say I am healed.’ We are to proclaim and proclaim means state publicly, announce, declare, make known, assert, say publicly, we are to make our
declarations in what God says to us publicly for his glory. And this means that you walk around your living room or kitchen bedroom or toilet whatever room you are in saying the opposite to what you feel in your body or see in your situation. Or wherever you are, I walk around the town declaring, ‘I am healed by the wounds of Jesus ‘and I deny that I am in pain even if I am in agony, ‘I am not lying,’ ‘I am saying’ ‘what God said to do,’ ‘resist the devil and resist means refuse to accept, refuse to believe,’ I do not walk by sight but by faith in the word of God and I ignore the feelings in my body, I am saying, and in doing so say his word, then his word in my mouth is the same as his word in his mouth, and is full of living power, for his glory.
This one thing I know= God is for me.
Psalm 56-9-New Living Translation (NLT)
My enemies will retreat when I call to you for help. This I know: God is on my side! 10 I praise God for what he has promised; yes, I praise the LORD for what he has promised. 11 I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
10-Truth verses fact
Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases-1-Peter-2-24 truth- fact - I’m in pain, it still is resisting me, but the truth is Jesus took my sickness and bore all and that means the pain as well, my diseases.
Jesus made a statement in which he said I am the way the truth and the life.
Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.
Why is this statement so important? This statement shows the difference between truth and fact. The fact is I have sickness and disease and pain in my body even as I type; the ‘truth’ is Jesus took my sickness and disease on his own body. This is where truth and fact fall out, fact bases itself on what it sees and feels, and truth bases itself on God for truth is God. Jesus is God and he is spiritual truth; fact is earthly belief, truth is spiritual belief based on what you accept and believe in what Jesus says and said. Jesus said he is the truth, and he said he took your diseases and pain, I chose to believe truth not fact; because now I see the difference between them are miles apart.
2–Corinthians-5:7-Amplified-Bible for we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or “appearance.”
It does not matter how things look or how they feel, I do not walk by what I feel or see but by faith in the truth of the word of God. I believe truth not fact, {appearance}
The word appearance means to look, form, exterior, manifestation, outer shell, facade, emergence, materialization
For the past few nights I have been going over the words manifestation and materialization, and the lord has explained to me that the materialization of healing or the manifestation of healing is not the answer to faith, it is the word of God believing his word over and above the manifestation and materialization, {appearance} it is ‘’believing him’’ and not the sign or appearance of healing or anything else is the faith that causes healing to manifest.
Think how much the Father loves us. He loves us so much that he lets us be called his children, as we truly are.
11-a double portion promised God is our father and his personal word to us is he loves us with a deep passion so deep he sacrificed his son Jesus for us. We forget that God does love us and holds everything we do in his hands; we are fulfilling his desires for us, his desires to bless us with divine health with prosperity and every blessing on earth and in heaven. We forget he is father and we are son / daughter and God does not lightly let his children die as scripture says. What father would just let his child die if he had the power to save them, our father has that power and we are in his hands as I said somewhere else he holds our breath in his hands.
Isaiah 61-6
New International Version (NIV)
And you will be called priests of the LORD; you will be named ministers of our God. You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you will boast.
7 Instead of your shame you will receive a ‘’double portion,’’ and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance.
And so you will inherit a ‘’double portion’’ in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.
In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed.”
12-Time to make the devil pay back seven times what he stole of us
30 People don't despise a thief if he steals food when he is hungry; 31 yet if he is caught, he must pay back seven times more he must give up everything he has.
The devil is called a thief by Jesus and he says, the thief ‘’if he is caught’’ and now the devil has been caught stealing my ministry, my health, my children’s blessings, my grand-children’s blessings, my abundance prosperity. I now know what he has stolen off of me, he is caught in the very act and so he must pay back seven times more than what he stole, he must give up everything he has, that belongs to me, every blessing that was stolen from me, every gift of mine that was never used he stole from me, every power and supernatural power he must return and increase it seven times while paying back.
God says he hates robbery and he now knows that the devil has robbed me and has now been caught so he must make him pay back to me and my family seven times what he stole. He makes an incredible promise in this scripture; he says “in my faithfulness,” he is sealing his word forever till eternity and it is in “his faithfulness,” he is declaring that he will reward his people and we are his people not just the Jews; he is saying that our descendants will be famous, {known} and people will know they are blessed by God.
8 “For I, the LORD, love justice I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
Isaiah 61-6-New International Version (NIV
8 “For I, the LORD, love justice I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them.
9 Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the LORD has blessed.”
13- Don’t believe yourself even just believe God’s word
Proverbs-3:5 New-International-Version
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
God says to trust him with all my heart, not with half of it and an eye on the situation just in case. Don’t trust your own understanding; trust only the lord’s viewpoint of things, the truth from God outlook. ‘Don’t see as man sees, see what I see, I know the plans I have for you to give you a hope and a future,’ says God! God is telling me and you the reader do not trust even yourself and what knowledge you or I have, trust him in everything not just your healing. Don’t worry about understanding God because you will never understand him he is beyond human perception or understanding; just learn to trust him no matter what everything looks like because it does not look the same to God.
Jeremiah 29-11-New Living Translation (NLT)
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, {*sickness and disease is a disaster for us*} to give you a future and a hope. [dying of cancer or some disease is not a future and a hope} 12 In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.14 I will be found by you,” says the LORD. {My words in red and underlined and in brackets}
God’s plans for us are for good and says trust him and don’t despair
Trust in the LORD. Have faith, do not despair. Trust in the LORD.
The devil would love to have you feeling despair but God says trust him personally and don’t look at what you can see, believe that he wants to bless you unconditional.
*******I see promises where I never seen them before since beginning this book, because my life is on the line here, as I told you I stopped taking twenty one tablets a day that were supposed to be keeping me alive, and I have decided to believe and trust God to bring the manifestation of his word, not the manifestation of my healing but the manifestation and materialization of ‘’his word.’’ His word says, ‘Jesus took my sickness and bore all my disease,’ and the manifestation of “his word” brings healing. The manifestation of his word is what brings healing not healing itself but the materialization of his divine word, we need to look for the divine word to be manifested not our healing which will come when the manifestation of the word of God comes first with us.*******
We have got is all wrong we think I have faith for healing because Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds we are healed, this is not what brings about the materialization of healing itself, No! It is faith in the divine word, not just faith in he took our sickness, it is having faith in what he said; not faith in healing.
14-We are not supposed to look for the manifestation of the healing
but we are supposed to look for the manifestation and materialization of the word of God. 2–Corinthians-5:7-Amplified-Bible for we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ conviction or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] “not by sight” or “appearance.”
Thus we walk not by sight {of our healing} or appearance {manifestation} symptom or materialization, or appearance. We are not to walk by the sight of our healing in its appearance or manifestation or materialization, but we are to walk in the faith and trust in the materialization of the word spoken in regard to our healing; we must continually confess out of our mouths the word until it latterly spills out of us we are so full of it, and then the healing will come to life in us.
John 1-1-Good News Translation (GNT)
The Word of Life
1 in the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God.2 From the very beginning the Word was with God.3 Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. 4 The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never put it out.
But those who trust in the LORD ‘for help’ will find their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not get weary; they will walk and not grow weak.
I trust in the lord for all my life, I trust him to help me get through this time of testing and I thank him for his promise I will find my strength renewed, even tonight I feel refreshed even after being on my feet all day long working; somehow or other I do not feel exhausted or sore.
By faith in the “name of Jesus,” this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is ‘’Jesus’ name’’ and the ‘faith that comes through him’ that has completely healed him, as you can all see.
God did not leave you and me without power he filled us with his Holy Spirit the source of all supernatural power and he is living in us with the Father and the Son Jesus. And he gave us the name of Jesus to use against our enemy, and that name defeated him in every battle we have to keep on the pressure against the devil and his replica of sickness and disease, remember it is a lie he has placed upon our bodies and we unfortunately accepted his lie and so gave him the right to place more sickness and disease upon our bodies
Proverbs-22-4-The Way Bible
True humility and respect for the Lord lead a man to riches, honor and a long life.
These are things that God has promised his children and they are not receiving them because the devil has convinced them prosperity or abundant prosperity does not belong to them , in just the same way he has convinced the Christian that sickness and disease is in this world and so they will get sick and die eventually, but Christians have forgotten that Jesus himself said that death was the last enemy to be defeated, so death is not the friend that Christians imagined and should never be welcomed except when God decided its time for them to come home.
Luke -17:21-Amplified Bible nor will people say, look! Here [it is]!
Or, See, [it is] there!
For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [In your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].
15-and finally
Speak the word into the atmosphere, sow that seed
God will catch hold of those faith filled words and fill them with power, as Hugh said, ‘words spoken are seeds sown,’ we need to constantly sow seeds of faith and belief by saying the opposite to what we feel. Feelings will kill us or hurt us deeply if we let them.
Ephesians 6-10-21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.13 Therefore, take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and, having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace.
16 Above all, take the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. 17And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, 18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Now the word of God says having done all –stand – and in your standing unflinching never wavering, no compromising. To stand means to be unflinching, place yourself in a position where you cannot be got at, or retreat from. To set yourself in an unmoving position, never giving way to the enemy, not even an inch, and the devil will flee from you, and while you are waiting on God’s power to come upon you, pray always with all kinds of prayer and supplication in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
I don’t have to accept what he says anymore or what he does it’s all over! resist means, oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, refuse means to decline, to rebuff, to reject; the word oppose means, be in opposition to, go up against, combat, to fight, counter-attack The words accept means, believe, agree to, acknowledge, and to admit.
Psalm 12-6-American Standard Version (ASV)
6 The words of Jehovah are pure words; as silver tried in a furnace on the earth, Purified seven times.
The one thing every Christian should know about being in a battle, is that overwhelming victory is already ours, all we have to do is stand and declare it out of our mouths and keep on standing declaring the Word of God and saying nothing else. You must agree with the word before you can declare the word for it to bring its effects into your life and body.
Romans 3 -3 – The Way Bible
Does that mean that God will break his promises? Of course not! Though everyone in the world is a liar, God is not!
We have overwhelming victory and since future victory I sure, praise the lord even future victory is positively ours and it is all through Jesus in case y
This is what ‘we’ ‘speak,’ not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
God is telling us very clearly here that we must ‘speak’ what God’s spirit tells us in his word for his word is as effective in our mouth as it is in his. We must speak with Spirit taught word, those words that the Holy Spirit taught us to speak through revelation of the word of God. Remember God’s word is alive and active, it is not a past word, or dead word, it is full of life and living power. If God’s word says you are ‘holy in my sight,’ what should you say? ‘I am holy in the sight of God;’ I am therefore in total agreement with God over his word. If his word says, ‘I am healed’ then I speak ‘his word’ ‘I am healed’ not my word; but I speak the words “Jesus took my sickness and bore ‘all’ my diseases.” in agreement with the word of God. I agree with God’s word and speak the words that God speaks, as if it were him speaking for ‘his words’ in ‘my mouth’ are the ‘same’ as ‘his words’ in ‘his mouth,’ if he says, ‘I am healed in his sight,’ then I say, ‘I am healed in his sight’ also, if two agree as touching anything on this earth and it shall be done.
Hebrews-6-17 - The Way Bible God also bound himself with an oath, so that those he promised to help would be perfectly sureand neverneed to wonderwhetherhemight changehis plans. Hehas given us both his “promise and his oath,” two things we can completely count on, for it is impossible for God to tell a lie.
If God says I am healed in his sight then it is impossible for him to tell me a lie, on the other hand Jesus said, ‘the devil was a liar and a thief and a murderer,’ and it was impossible for him to tell the truth, lies is his nature.
It is impossible for God to tell us a lie if he says in his word we are healed then it is impossible for him to tell us a lie, it is the truth he speaks like silver seven times refined. If the devil says your sick then the truth is, you are healed, but we don’t believe that truth. 2–
Corinthians-5:7-Amplified-Bible for we walk by faith [we regulate our lives and conduct ‘’ourselves’’ by ‘’our’’ conviction
or belief respecting man’s relationship to God and divine things, with trust and holy fervor; thus we walk] not by sight or “appearance.”
It does not matter how things look or how they feel, I do not walk by what I feel or see but by faith in the truth of the word of God. I believe truth not fact, {appearance}
The word appearance means to look, form, exterior, manifestation, outer shell, facade, emergence, materialization.
Truth is I am healed by the wounds of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour no matter about the manifestation of healing, God does not lie.
To put it together in short form,
A-1 Knowing who your enemy is and what he has done to you B-2 -Your words will be your judge C-3- Praise and thanksgiving is the key D 4 -putting on your armor and keeping it on E- 5-now stand; unmoving unflinching no going back.
F-6 -the offer of life or death is laid before you G-7-Speak what God speaks H-8-God works for good for us a promise from God I-9-Let the weak say they are strong; let the sick say they are healed J-10-Truth verses fact K-11-a double portion promised L-12-Time to make the devil pay back seven times what he stole of us M-13- Don’t believe yourself even just believe God’s word N-14-We are not supposed to look for the manifestation of the healing O-15-and finally
And now having done all that you know to do-Stand Amen