Brendan mc Crossan
Its time to do what God says.
“You must Love your neighbour, as you love “yourself”
During a retreat in Drumallis retreat centre in Larne N. Ireland.
I was playing the music for the prayer group when the lord led me to a large mirror in the front of the room and as I stood there a moment looking at my reflection the Lord gave me a very simple song and I began to sing it whilst looking at my reflection in the mirror, the words were “I love me” “I love me” “do you love me like I love me” “I love me”
Fr Ronnie Mitchel stood up and came and put his arm around me and said ; “and you do!”
As I looked at myself I was drawn to look deep into my own eyes and sing this song just for myself to myself and as I did so I discovered I was being healed of a terrible bad self image I had of myself.
Then I was led to turn to the people and sing this song to them and to each other and as they done so the Lord healed many that day of a bad self image. Each time I return to Drumallis people say to me remember that wee song ; “I love me”
I say to you Look at you in the mirror and say those words to your spirit looking back at you I love Me, and continue to say those words every day until you know you love you.
1It is sad when we don't love ourselves. It’s sad that some of us have to learn to love ourselves.
God created us in his image and said; Love your neighbour as you love yourself.
Matthew 19-18 If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.
Matthew-19-19– love your neighbour as yourself.
This is a commandment from God not an option; Jesus himself spoke those words.
Many Christian men and women just do not obey God in this commandment.
Not deliberately of course but because they have had a bad self image of themselves for years and years ,since childhood for some of them and for others it was because they done something wrong, they sinned or are sinning and find it difficult to stop.
God Loves you “anyway.”
This is hard to understand, because we don’t
Love ourselves as God Loves us. I.e. unconditionally.
God’s love is unconditional he has no set rules or boundaries where he will draw the line and say he couldn't love you anymore..
Not because your good enough, or pretty enough, and don't have spots and blemishes, but simply because you are you, the person he created, with one purpose in mind, to shower his love down upon. You are precious to him, and if you are precious to him you must be worth something.
You are so precious that he laid down his life on a cross on Calvary and suffered great agony just because he wanted to make sure you would get to heaven.
If he did all that just for you, then common sense tells you, you must be worth something, and are not worthless as previously thought.
Lets deal with something very important first. Lets listen to what God said again in his word.
Matthew-19-19– love your neighbour as yourself.
This is a direct order from the mouth of Jesus and from God the father, this is not an option he gave us. He gave a direct command.
This is a commandment that Christians have only taken one part and used. “Love your neighbour.”
They leave out the most important part, “as you Love yourself”.
The commandment was to Love yourself. Why would God the father and Jesus give a commandment if they didn’t mind if it couldn’t be obeyed.
The commandment was meant to be obeyed by you. You can obey God and start to love yourself, first by asking forgiveness from God for not obeying his direct command. Then you can begin to put God’s word into action as I show you
.Psalm 116-25 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
Psalm 72-14 Precious is their blood in his sight.
Even your dying is important to God its precious. And your blood is precious to God, and your life is in your blood.
You are precious to God. How can you be an unlovable person.
I have prayed with so many beautiful children of God who just could not accept themselves. Who could not love themselves, or who just refused to love and forgive themselves and they were the ones I felt so much grief for.
They were rejecting what Jesus done for them on Calvary. They were saying to Jesus. You didn't do enough to make me ok to make me acceptable to myself to love me.
Hard as it is to accept this fact, it is fact! Some of you will refuse to believe that Jesus died for you to make you lovable and acceptable to him. You would rather believe the Devils lies and deception than believe the dear saviours word.
Romans –8-1 says-{ there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus}
If you cant love yourself then you don't believe these words fromGodmouth,youliterallycallGodaliar.Thisisahard fact to face
God you’re a liar, I am no Good. I’ll never be any good, I’ll always be ugly, sinful, worthless.
You call God a liar. You are calling God a liar. Are you listening, You are calling God a liar.
Your saying no matter what Jesus did on the cross on Calvary that he didn’t do enough to make you clean, holy pure spotless, perfect a loveable person worth loving.
Jesus died for you because you were worth dying for If there wasonly oneperson in theworld and thatperson wasyou,then Jesus would have gone to the cross and died for you. Why because you are worth it and deserve it, because he loved you first.
Do you realise yet the audacity that is in you to call Jesus and God the father liars. You do if you say as a Christian, I’m unworthy, useless, ugly.
Romans 8-1 says again. Thereis no condemnation forthose who belong to Christ Jesus.
If Jesus doesn’t condemn you, who the heck
You are condemned and considered unworthy and unlovable because Satan has been deceiving you all your life. Either by causing you to sin and then condemning you for sinning,
Or by having someone tell you , your worthless a piece of crap, that wont amount to much, your no good, you useless piece of garbage.
That person may have been a parent or teacher or someone of worldly importance. But Satan used this person or persons to put you down.
He doesn’t want you to know the truth about yourself how beautiful and clean and holy you are and how precious you are.
So precious that God knew the only way he could guarantee your safe arrival in heaven , was by offering his own precious son on the alter of the cross on Calvary.
Ephesians –1-4– for he choose us in him. Before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in
He predestined us to be adopted as his sons {and daughters} in accordance with his pleasure and will.
Would you study this scripture earnestly because it means the world to you and you don't know it yet.
Before God made the world he decided to make a { your name here } and he would make you holy. Holy means to be likeGod.Hemadelittleolduselessunworthypieceofgarbage you HOLY like him.
You daft bat God made you Holy before he made the world, think of that.. Before he made the world. Before some person used by Satan could put you down. God decided to make you Holy like himself. These are God’s own words not mine least you think so.
Hebrews 10-14 forby that one offering { Jesus dying on the cross} He made you forever perfect in his sight
God’s word cannot be changed to suit someone’s lies about you. God says your Holy, forever
Perfect. In his sight, This cannot be changed by you or anyone else, this is what God says about you.
When will you agree with God and stop saying those ugly things about yourself and begin believing God and not listening to the Devils lies and distortions.
In this world oil of ulay has an add on TV and it says; why? Because your worth it.
This silly add is telling women they are worth their product. God is telling women and men they were worth it 2000 years ago when he laid down his life for them and he is still telling you it today.
Now how do I go about changing what I’ve lived with all my life you might be asking.
I will give you a very simple answer.
You can now begin to believe God and what he tells you or you can go on believing the Devils lies.
My friend the choice remains in your hands and mouth, it is what you say that brings change.
God says about you.
Jeremiah 29-11— I know the plans I have for you plans for good-plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future.
You are forever perfect in my sight
You are made in my image
I love you
I made you holy just like me and Jesus Eph1-4 I made you without a single fault eph 1-4
You are the worlds seasoning. Matt 5-13
You are a light to the world. Matt 5-14
Your good for nothing and will never amount to much.
You’re a sinner and useless, a piece of garbage.
Your ugly.
I’m unlovable
I cant stop sinning and therefore I am worthless
I have millions of faults and failings
I’ll never be any good
I’ll always be in depression and darkness.
During a retreat in Drumallis retreat centre in Larne N. Ireland.
I was playing the music for the prayer group when the lord led me to a large mirror in the front of the room and as I stood there a moment looking at my reflection the Lord gave me a very simple song and I began to sing it whilst looking at my reflection in the mirror, the words were “I love me” “I love me” “do you love me like I love me” “I love me”
As I looked at myself I was drawn to look deep into my own eyes and sing this song just for myself to myself and as I did so I discovered I was being healed of a terrible bad self image I had of myself. Then I was led to turn to the people and sing this song to them and to each other and as they done so the Lord healed many that day of a bad self image. Each time I return to Drumallis people say to me remember that wee song I love me I say to you Look at you in the mirror and say those words to your spirit looking back at you I love Me, and continue to say those words every day until you know you love you.
Question-Why have I not focused on the feelings side of this subject?
Answer- because its in the feelings area that Satan defeats us.
What good is it going to do you for me to dwell on the negative things that have been said about you or negative things you believe you are? Or what you have been put through, there are many books written on these subjects.
You already know very well all the negative things about yourself without me trying to point them out.
You cannot change yesterday or the times before, you cannot change the past. But you can change the future in regard to how you see your self.
Things that happened to us in the past helped make us the person we are, good or bad. But the Good news from Jesus is he can use those negative words and affects to bring about a wonderful change for good in us. That is what Jesus is all about. He came to bring good news, not to condemn or judge you or put you down.
He made us a spirit beings first and that is the image we share with our God. Because in the flesh we all look different. No twopeoplebeingexactly thesame,noteven twins.Allindividual children of God.
It is in the spirit that we are beautiful, clean, holy, forever perfect, not in the flesh, because the flesh sins and does wrong.
God is holy, beautiful, clean, perfect. You are holy, beautiful, clean, perfect.
You are made in his image the same as him.
It is this truth that Satan does not want you to find out. He wants to keep you in a state of feeling ugly, sinful, unworthy, no good , piece of garbage. He is terrified that you find out the truth of who and what you are in Gods sight. Who cares what this world thinks about us who belong to a good God. It is what our God thinks about us that count. And he says in his word.
Romans-1-17 -This good news tells us that God makes us ready for heaven– makes us right in his sight.
Romans-4-4-5-for God declares sinners to be good in his sight if they have faith in Christ to save them.
Satan does not want you to think along these lines, I must be good because God, who is God says so. No he wants you to think, I’m ugly no good useless, unworthy. He wants to keep you in this place where you are of no use in the battle for the saving of souls, he wants you FEELING useless. He does not want you finding out the truth about the glorious things Jesus done for you, and how much Jesus wants to use you to reach out and help others.
There has to come a point in your life where your just about fed up with feeling bad about yourself, and you wish things didn't have to be like they are.
My friend that time has arrived. Today is the day God has set for you to find freedom , freedom from Satan’s oppression, freedom from Satan’s lies. God is truth and in him is no darkness.
Satan is a liar and in him is no light.
Jesus came to set the captive free, and you have been captive to Satan’s lies and deceits and untruths and using others to destroy you.. Today is the day the Lord has made a day to rejoice and be glad in.
Today is the day you begin to fight back and take back from Satan what he stole of you for your entire life.
And you begin by saying;
I believe Jesus. I believe Gods’ Holy word. I believe the Holy Spirit living inside of me.
I reject your lies and deceits and untruths Satan. And today I cut the ties that have bound me for all those years and declare that today is the day the lord has made forME, For my freedom from oppression. I declare you are a liar and in you there is no truth, so what you have told me all these years through people and your evil whispering spirits, I now reject and declare myself free.
No more will I say I’m ugly, unworthy, useless, a piece of crap or garbage or words to that effect.
I will declare the word that God has said about me that I am Holy , sinless, spotless clean, a new creation, I am made in the image of my God. This is me made in the image of my own loving father God and brother Jesus.
I am good as he is good .
I am holy as he is holy.
I am clean as he is clean.
I am pure as he is pure .
I am not unworthy. As he is not unworthy.
I am righteous as he is righteous.
This is who I am, and from this day I will never say those ugly things about myself again . I will never agree with the devils lies and deceits. I will say only what God says about me. Because I am made in HIS IMAGE. This is the real me, a spirit being living in a flesh body with a soul.
I will look in the mirror and say into my own eyes, the mirror of my soul; “I love me”
During a retreat in Drumallis retreat centre in Larne N. Ireland. I was playing the music for the prayer group when the lord led me to a large mirror in the front of the room and as I stood there a moment looking at my reflection the Lord gave me a very simple song and I began to sing it whilst looking at my reflection in the mirror, the words were “I love me” “I love me” “do you love me like I love me” “I love me”