Let there be no divisions in God's church, his body

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Let there be no division in God’s church- his body
Brendan Mc Crossan

Let there be no division in God’s church- his body

Division is a great weapon of Satan, and he uses that weapon to destroy God’s plans for our lives, the first thing he does when a church is formed is to begin causing division, spreading thoughts into everyone’s mind that the pastor or leader is wrong, that you could give better sermons than him, that you could do things different from him if you were pastor. Or he teaches from scripture something that you don’t agree with, so instead of listening intently to what he said you immediately begin thinking thoughts of rebellion, you rebel against what he said because you for a start didn’t listen to his full message or you didn’t ask him afterwards to clarify himself and the word of God. Remember something; the pastor is walking in what light he has at this present moment, the light will grow as unity in the body grows.

Rebellion is the sin that caused Lucifer to be cast down to earth from heaven and will eventually lead to his casting into the lake of fire. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft as scripture says.

Romans-15-5-may God who gives patience, steadiness, and encouragement help you to live in complete harmony with each other, each with the attitude of Christ towards the other.

And then all of us can praise the lord together with one voice, giving glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

So warmly welcome each other into the church, just as Christ has warmly welcomed you; then God will be glorified.

This is what God wants from you, unity not division or discord, muttering away to yourself words of discontent, agreeing with the devil. Instead of doing what the word of God says, talk to yourself, quoting Psalms and sacred songs, you agree with the devil and begin to talk about others behind their back and try to get others on your side to justify yourself. Remember you can always justify yourself but is God convinced.

What makes you think you know more than the pastor or speaker? Have you had revelation from the word of God? Did God speak to you and tell you the pastor is wrong in his teaching, even if he is teaching from his knowledge of God’s word?

The word of God is alive and is ever changing as we look at the same piece of scripture for years and years and then suddenly as you read it again it somehow or other it takes on a new meaning,andyoureaditwiththeeyesofyourspirit,exactlywhatGodwantedyoutounderstand.

There are things I have studied for years and have written on the subjects and God has opened my eyes years later, he didn’t contradict what I had learned but he gave me a deeper revelation, a greater understanding; his word never changed just my perspective of his word as he showed me the full meaning to a particular piece of scripture, and many times it was controversial with others belief, they believed as I had, and some day will be brought into the same conviction of his word as he gives them revelation.

So just because you think you know better there is always someone who has learned more from God, his deeper secrets.

Does God care that you are right and the speaker is wrong, no he wants you in obedience to the speaker or pastor he is the one God put in authority over you.

I have sat in a conference where a speaker talked about his mother being the worlds champion worrier, and he himself is now following in her footsteps. I cringed as he spoke knowing Jesus told us don’t worry about anything but pray instead; he contradicted God’s word, but he was in the place above me so I just sat there and listened, and as he talked on, I realized that he needed a tremendous amount of inner healing, to remove fear, worry, and stress, and in my heart I felt so much compassion for that man.

The next speaker got up and he told everyone worry was wrong and that God didn’t want us to worry, and he gave scripture after scripture to back up his talk. But did he do right I wonder, contradicting the first speaker, even though scripturally he was correct? At that time I sat in my chair and silently cheered him on, saying that will show that negative speaker up. Now many years later and more wiser, I knew he was wrong; I know that the first speaker was wrong in his teaching, but he was walking in the light he had, and was sharing as best as he could, and between his worry testimonies he did make some valid points in reference to other scriptures but I only half heard him, I had switched him off, instead of fully listening to where he was coming from I stopped listening, and I missed the message that God intended me to hear; I was selective in my listening, are you like that, selective in your listening?

Today I would listen to the full message God gives to someone over me in authority, even if I know he or she is incorrect and I know the truth, but now I listen to the full message, and select what I know to be scripturally sound, and take it on board.

How important is it for you to be right instead of being submissive to the pastor? What pleases God more; you being right, or obedience even when you know the pastor or teacher is wrong?

Why would I submit myself to someone whom I know to be wrong in his or her teaching? I believe obedience to God is more important than me being right; in this way I aim for unity in the body. I will go for unity over being right every time, except if it causes me to be led into sin, then I will not be in obedience. Say for instance a pastor says we can now sin because were saved and it makes no difference to God. I will not agree here because this in misleading people into sin, and is a contradiction to God’s word regarding my personal soul. I would talk with the pastor and share with him scripture and if he listens and changes his mind then it is better than me just getting up and walking out, if he doesn’t listen and change that thinking and saying, then I would leave the church quietly without fuss. Do you know the amazing thing about the two teachers who spoke about worry, the one who said he is the worlds champion worrier following in his champion’s mothers footsteps, he was the one at the end of the conference that got a standing ovation, the speaker who told the truth from the word of God hardly got a clap; people identified with the worrier because they worried like him, and they were not in a place where they could hear change; amazing isn’t it?

People have to be changed slowly. Did you know that in God’s word it says about the person just saved?

1-Corinthians-7-24- so, dear brothers, whatever situation a person is in when he becomes a Christian, let him stay there, for now the Lord is there to help him.

Sometimes we try and do God’s and the Holy Spirits work for them by trying to change people into what we perceive as the best image that fits our feeble limited minds.

Let his stay there! What ever situation a person is in when he or she becomes a Christian, let him / her stay there. But I thought we were supposed to get people to stop sinning and living in bad situations. That’s you trying to be God according to his word. For now the lord is there to help him! Move over God I am now here to help this homosexual who just got saved, or the woman who is living with her “partner” here God I’ll tell them what they now need to do. God’s word tells us to follow Jesus example to live in harmony with each other. What did Jesus do when he asked the woman at the well for a drink? He told her she had five husbands and the one she was living with now was not her husband. And then he revealed himself as the messiah, she was the first person recorded in scripture that Jesus actually revealed that he was the Messiah that the world was waiting for.

John-4-7-27-[woman at the well who had five husbands read it for yourself]

Jesusdidnottellhertorepent,toleaveherpartner;heneverlecturedherabouthersinfulliving, he never said to her she needed to get saved, he told her he was the messiah the one everyone was waiting for and this woman was a despised Samaritan she wasn’t even a Jew. What did the woman do? She left her water pot and went and told everyone about Jesus, she testified to the people about Jesus. And people came streaming from the village to hear him speak.

One woman who was living with a man {in sin} was the one that Jesus revealed that he was the expected messiah and he didn’t tell her to repent or leave the man she was living with, but she ended up as a witness for Jesus; I wonder how many of you who read this as a fully paid up member of the Christian brotherhood have ever testified to someone about Jesus. The woman believed on him and so told others, so according to scripture she got saved by her believing on him, yet she was still living with her partner. Jesus told all, believe in me and you shall be saved, she believed he was the messiah and believe it or not she got saved.

Would you if you met this woman at the well and knew through word of knowledge she had five husbands, or partners, have tried to convert her and get her to leave her partner before she could get saved, be honest with yourself? You would have thought she needs to repent, to leave her man, and become just as you are, ‘wonderful!’

Thank God Jesus doesn’t think; like you or I.

Would you tell the homosexual man or woman they need to become heterosexual? Before they can get saved? Have you the power in you to change them into heterosexual people first? Jesus sent us into the world to get people saved simply by to repent of their sins accepting him into their lives; repentance means a desire to change. How can someone who has grown up from childhood as a homosexual or lesbian stop being a homosexual or lesbian? Something happened in the womb or through abuse or something else caused this person to be like this, and so to them it is a part of their nature. Unless you have the power within yo, and at the lord’s direction change this person whom God accepts as they are, can you change them into heterosexuals? After all God knows what made them this way and just loves and accepts them.

Aye but I wouldn’t want one of ‘them’ in my church! ‘Them’ are the people Jesus died for. God hates the sin but loves the sinner; you are supposed to do likewise, do you?

If you don’t then you are sinning just like they are, and if you think their sin is bigger than yours then you are only fooling yourself; sin is sin, God didn’t make some sins bigger than others, he said in his word in.

James-2-10 and the person who keeps every law of God, but makes one little slip is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law there is.

One little slip! You mean if I make one little slip, I am just as guilty as the homosexual, having sex with every Tom Dick and Harry? Yes! I am afraid so, not my words but the words of a loving merciful amazing God who understands our weakness. If you have issues with this I suggest you take them up with God for after all it’s his word you disagree with, not mine, I am only quoting it to you.

God wants to fill his church with all people. Remember the scripture that told of the wedding feast and the master sent out his servants to his friends and invited them to come to the wedding; the guests made every kind of excuse not to go, and what did he do? He sent his servants out into the places where only the riff raff live, the scum of the earth as we would call them, and he invited them to the wedding banquet and they came and filled the place, and one of the disrespected the master by refusing to wear the wedding gown provided was throw out, he thought he was better than them and so wore his own clothing, his attitude was wrong; perhaps your attitude is also wrong.

Matthew-22-1-for instance it can be illustrated by the story of a King who prepared a great wedding feast for his son. Many guests were invited, and when the banquet was ready he sent messengers out to notify everyone that it was time to come. But all refused! So He sent out other servants to tell them, everything is ready and the roast is in the oven. Hurry!

But the guests he had invited merely laughed. {Etc} Matthew-22-9-Now go out into the streets corners and invite everyone you see. So the servants did and brought in all they could find, good and bad alike; and the banquet hall was filled with guests.

Did you notice the part of the scripture I highlighted in yellow? God invited the good and bad alike, after the wonderful holy religious people refused to come, the important people, important in their mind that is.

Look at the people Jesus surrounded himself with! A prostitute, a terrorist, thieves, and the worst of people the scriptures say. Do you surround yourself in like manner as a Christian, not as a thief or terrorist or prostitute, but loving those people into life, he loved the lepers those shunned by society, just as the prostitute is shunned publicly but secretly they go to at night. Are we living as Jesus lived, and were supposed to, were supposed to live his new life here on earth, according to his word. {Read my book, “Your real life is in heaven.”}

Do you go to a gay pride festive day with your banner denouncing homosexuals along with other religious zealots, screaming at them they are all going to hell? Would Jesus have done that?

Now I do not like even for one moment the public display of sin, and I seen some of the actions that some of the Gay people have done and I was deeply offended by their foul acts, like having pretend sex in full public view. I would just be as much disturbed to see a man and woman having pretend sex on a lorry in a parade. To me there is no difference in the sin publicly being performed in a lewd manner, and is offensive to all decent folk including most Gays.

Jesus came to save the world not to condemn it according to Jesus himself.

John-3-17 God did not send his son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

You have to know and understand God’s attitude to sin and the sinner. God created us as his children, an object of his love and affection, his greatest desire is to have us spend eternity with him in happy fellowship, pouring out on us his love and affection.

What has all this got to do with let there be no division in God’s house?

Everything! God expects us to love everyone no matter what their religion class, creed, or color, or sexual preferences. He used the wedding feast as a means of communicating his will to us, so that we would know that homosexuals; or women or men who have a partner they are not married to but are living like a married couple are welcomed in without prejudice; Catholic, protestant, apostolic, Methodist, or any Christian denomanitation all should be welcome into God’s house without trying to “convert” them into your religion. All are God’s people and the only thing God wants from you is to love them unconditionally just as he did! God loved Hitler, the world hated him, but Jesus died for him as well as for you and me.

John-4-21-24-for it is not where we worship that counts, but how we worship, is our worship spiritual and real? Do we have the Holy Spirits help? God is spirit and we must have his help to worship as we should.

God wants unified worship from all his children, anyone who repents and desires to draw close to God to try and please him and God is able to talk to his children and tell them when they are wrong.

If you dislike your brother for whom Christ died you are walking in spiritual darkness and oh how deep that darkness is for you cannot see the way.

1-john-1-9 anyone who says he is walking in the light but dislikes his fellow man is still in darkness. But who ever loves his fellow man is “walking in the light” and can see his way without stumbling around in darkness and sin. For he who dislikes his brother is

wandering around in spiritual darkness and doesn’t know where he is going, for the darkness has made him blind so that he cannot see the way.

I don’t like homosexuals or prostitutes, or thieves, or wino’s or people like that, you may be saying; then friend you are walking in spiritual darkness, and you aren’t walking as close to the lord as you imagine, in fact you cannot see the way, and Jesus is the way!

What has all this got to do with letting there be no division, well the answer is as long as you are prejudiced against someone, and dislike those people whom you associate as sinners, the worst kind, you are just as bad as them, and you are sinning, and as long as you are sinning the door is open for you to rebel against your pastor. Let there be no divisions or discord in you.

Romans-14-1 give a warm welcome to any brother who wants to join you, even though his faith is weak. Don’t criticize him from having different ideas from yours about what is right and wrong.

Churches could be filled if pastors and congregations began loving the sinner into life instead of rejecting them. This does not mean that you give approval to their sin or approve of their way of living, but it means that they have a place where they can come without condemnation and worship Jesus and let him bring about any change necessary. That also means that you should not approve of homosexual displays within your church like men / women holding hands together or kissing, any more that you would approve a married couple kissing in church. What people do in the privacy of their own home is between them and God. Church is the place of respect and meeting with your and their God collectively to worship.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your empty church was filled with all kinds of sinners all worshipping God together without judgments, what a wedding feast that would be. So instead of just targeting the straight person or the righteous man or woman, lets go after the lost and needy, those that the churches abandoned and condemned.

Remember something after a person accepts Jesus as lord and is baptized in the spirit and speaking in tongues {which is a sign of salvation.} that


This applies to homosexuals and those living together as man and wife as much as it applies to you, if they have accepted Jesus into their lives. You are not God and neither am I, so who are we to condemn anyone, we do not know what made a person, like they are. God wants to fill his house not divide it and heaven is filled with the lost.

But you say; they will still sin even after accepting Jesus as lord and savior; they will start at it again right away even though they seem to have become Christian! Wow! They will sin after becoming a Christian and after they accepted Jesus as lord of their lives, thank God you didn’t and don’t sin since you became a Christian!

1-Corinthians-7-24- so, dear brothers, whatever situation a person is in when he becomes a Christian, let him stay there, for now the Lord is there to help him.

If a person is born or turned homosexual or is sexually promiscuous from an early age, then can you help bring about change in them? Can you change them in an instant to give them “normal” desires? If they desire to become a Christian and are living with someone or are homosexual or something else that you don’t approve of and you can’t change their situation, then leave them alone with God as he said in his word; let him / her stay there, for now God is able to help them! But love them as Jesus did, accept them as Jesus does. When did God die and leave you in charge of his kingdom?

We had a man in our prayer meeting who had sexually abused his children, he repented and many years later we met him and the lord said, ‘invite this man into your fellowship.’ Over the years we prayed with his grown up children and they revealed that they were abused, and the lord healed all of them, one by one, and all expressed how glad they were that their father was saved and at this prayer meeting and came themselves bringing their mother, and other family members, so many in this mans family got saved baptized in the spirit and healed, and witnessed to others because this man repented from the evil things he done, and God used him to further his kingdom.

Later on the lord told us to make him a leader, we never thought twice about this and he led with love and compassion and the lord worked many healings through him and used him mightily. We never judged him. Therefore but for the grace of God go us! He never knew that we knew he had abused his children that were between him and God; we treated him with the respect shown us by God. This man went to all his children and asked their forgiveness for what he had done to them and they all forgave him and hugged him and were so proud of him and talked of their love for him at his funeral, all openly displaying their love and affection, and now grief, for a father who changed because of God. Would you have made this man a leader in your church, even if God told you to? Only you can answer this in your heart.

God wants unity in the church and wants all to come to the wedding feast. The banqueting halls are almost empty and were so busy playing at church that we don’t even see that. We just want the best people in our churches, we don’t want a queer or adulterer or a prostitute coming to our church, just send us the most respectable people God. Not the ones, who need love and healing and care, send the prosperous ones who will give us large donations, not the poor ones that we might have to fork out to financially support.

John-8-3 – as he was speaking, the Jewish leaders and Pharisees came and brought a woman caught in adultery, and placed her in front of the staring crowd.

“Teacher this woman was caught in the very act of adultery. Moses law says to kill her. What about it?” {Jesus wrote on the ground etc} John-8-10- Then Jesus stood up again and said to her. “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No, sir,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

What would your reaction be towards this woman if you were there, and knowing the Law of Moses? Would you be standing there with a little rock in your hand ready to throw at her, and maybe lusting in your heart after her, with the thoughts of her being caught in the very act of having sex, fantasizing about her.

Again I would ask, what has all this got to do with division in the church.

It’s simple, the body of Christ has been divided into little pieces, through mans thoughts which Satan manipulates, and so he is keeping millions of souls out of the Kingdom of God because they are the ones we wonderful Christians condemn! By our condemnations we have divided his body his church, not your building, the body is his church. Jesus died for all people gay lesbian adulterers, gossips, slanders, idolaters, and so forth, sinners in other words, which category do you fit into when you sinned? Before and after you became a Christian.

By not wanting homosexuals or lesbians or people living together; people who sin in a very public way, in your church you have excluded those for whom Jesus died. You personally are responsible for the loss of their souls if you excluded them, wouldn’t witness to them, except to tell them they are going to hell. Did Jesus die for sexual predators? For those who abused children, or who murder children or adults, did he die for the righteous alone? Did he die for the sheep abuser, the person having sex with animals? He died for the sickest in society those the world rejects.

In another one of my books I told the story of Gerry who beat his wife half to death every so often, and abused his children by starving them of food, so bad that the baby ate the very plastic of its high chair, as he sat in the pub drinking himself into oblivion, and as his wife lay in hospital hovering between life and death. Did Jesus die for this sick human being? Yes! It’s terrible to us to think that this evil man would be deserving of heaven. Yet I loved this man and he knew it, he felt no condemnation coming off of me, and was comfortable with me, I prayed with Gerry often and prayed inner healing into him, as he couldn’t forgive himself for what he had done, eventually he forgave himself and that was the beginning of his healing. He sees his children occasionally always under supervision, and he told me they still love him even after all he done to them, and as he shares this with me he sobs and sobs uncontrollably, hardly able to believe that an evil man like him could be loved by the very children he abused terribly, he never sexually abused them just physically and mentally.

Romans-3-26- isn’t it unfair for God to let criminals go free, and say they are innocent? No, for he does it on the basis of their trust in Jesus who took their sins away.

Just who does God think he is? I would never allow this sick piece of garbage into heaven, or some pervert who has sex with an animal or some homosexual or lesbian, or murderer; I would never want that sicko in my church. Yes you said it correctly, “your church.” But you see Jesus invites everyone no matter how perverted or sinful they may be into his church. Who gave you and me the right to judge anyone? You and I don’t know what happened to someone like this, you don’t know how they may have suffered in their lives that turned them out this way.

Years ago the fathers thick buckled belt was the means of punishment for a child, and I got beaten with that belt of my fathers many times, and when I got married and had kids I also used the belt as a means of punishment, until I went to Canada to visit my brother and saw on TV people telling their kids they were grounded, this amazed me and when I returned home I stopped using the belt as punishment and grounded the kids instead, and they thought that this was aworsepunishment than thebelt. I learned anew way, now grounding is thein thing, back when I was young the belt was the in thing. Things change just as the pervert, the sicko, or sinner changes as they are touched by the tremendous unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

It is his power ministered in love that changes hearts. I was a terrorist in Ireland a Provisional IRA man, and hatred was filled my heart, then I had an encounter with Jesus and I got saved, baptized in the spirit spoke in tongues and given the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially the gift of miracles and healing. Now I go about telling others how much God loves them and seeing miracles and healings and deliverances happen regularly. If God didn’t accept me as I was then I would never have brought thousands into his kingdom through his grace, I would never have witnessed God’s healing power through me healing thousands as I ministered to them. Now I belong to an Apostolic church and God is using me there to bring his healing touch to the protestant community. I got saved and God changed me slowly; it has taken him thirty years of me teaching forgiveness, to get me to realize that I am not even allowed to dislike someone, for whom Jesus died. And he died for the “garbage” of society as well as the “normal” in society. He is building his church with the leftovers of this word the ones that no one wanted, especially the nice religious ones, who wouldn’t sit with a homosexual or lesbian, and put their arms around them, in case they think they were one of “them.”

I ministered to an ex RUC police man in Turkey, who killed many people in Northern Ireland, and as I ministered to him the lord healed him physically and also released him from all the guilt he suffered as a result of his murdering people, he got baptized in the spirit and speaks in tongues, and healed of night terrors. This man had been a sworn enemy of mine in Ireland, but was now a good friend for over five years now; the lord uses what Satan intended for evil to good.

I also ministered to a former Provisional IRA terrorist while in Turkey, and the lord healed him saved him and baptized him in the spirit, he now speaks in tongues and prays in the Muslim Mosque every Sunday, and prays in tongues there. God made an opening for his holy spirit to get into that Mosque, through this man, these two men are now friends in Turkey, and the ex RUC man is praying for the former terrorists wife who has throat cancer. Would you have excluded one of these people from your list of friends?

Jesus reconciles all people together.

The church of Jesus is meant to bring unity to his body and the devil who was the one who perverted those people is keeping those souls away using your religious beliefs to stop them from getting into God’s kingdom. There but for the grace of God go you and I, so who are you and I to judge someone that Satan twisted up inside.

Jesus sent you and I to free those very same people, with his love and power, to heal and restore as directed by him to bring them into his church, not your church! Go out into the whole world and preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, and baptize in the spirit, and speak in tongues. This was an order given by Jesus to his disciples and also to us, it wasn’t a request, it was an order, and he said signs would follow this message. Let there be no division in God’s church, his body, but in everything, love till it hurts, do not criticize or condemn, do not judge and you won’t be judged, love and you will be loved in return.

God is searching for the lost and needy, are you helping him or hindering him?

John-3-15-so that anyone who believes in me shall have eternal life. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God didn’t send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

Can a homosexual or child molester or a woman and man living together as husband and wife receive eternal life, can someone who has sex with animals, or someone who is a robber, a gangster,athieforan adulterer,can they receiveeternallife?Ofcoursetheycan!Jesushimself said, ‘anyone, {that simply means any-one,} anyone who believes in me shall have eternal life. Is salvation only on offer to the good people, did not Jesus say sick people need the doctor, that he came to save the sinner, not the saint.

Luke-6-36-Try to show as much compassion as your father does. Never criticize or condemn- or it will all come back on you.

Would Jesus walk and talk and sit with homosexuals, child molester’s sheep abusers, thieves and criminals of all kinds? Come on; answer this truthfully, would Jesus associate with this kind of people?

Jesus came to save the lost not the good, so of course he would sit with them and love them, and not condemn them, he didn’t come into the world to condemn the people in it but to save them.

Theses people are the very ones we would condemn as unrepentant sinners; in fact the truth is these are the ones we have already condemned when we see them on TV charged with vile offences, we wish for them to receive life sentences, and get angry at them saying jail is not good enough for them hang everyone of them. I said those things when I seen child molester’s on trial for abusing children. I did not stop to think, is this Jesus would say or do. They deserve punishment for their horrific crime, but they do not deserve condemnation from my big mouth, because God said, ‘do not condemn and you won’t be condemned.’ Try to show as much compassion as your father does. Does this mean that I agree with them? Of course not! They

abused little children and deserved to be punished, but I am not God, therefore I as a Christian am not allowed to condemn anyone for whom Jesus died. What about the little children they abused? I love them equally and sincerely desire justice for them and healing for them also, but am I allowed to condemn someone for whom Jesus died? And the answer is no!

The man in our prayer meeting who abused his family did we accuse him and send him away, no!God told usto makehim aleaderin ourprayergroup, hecontradicted everything wewould do or say or think, and God used this man mightily in our group, he was repentant and remorseful and lived in guilt for years because of what he done, then we showed him how much God loves the sinner not the sin and that God loved and forgave him also for everything he ever did, and then eventually he forgave himself and then God brought along his children to our prayer group and healed them one by one, and united this broken family together again. That is unconditional love in action. God tells us to love as Jesus loves, do we? I think not, we have preconditions, limitations to our love for broken mankind, not unconditional love that loves even the worst sinner. Remember something, when a sinner is brought to Jesus, the first thing he receives is forgiveness, for his or her many sins, not for the size of them, because sin is sin and has no size.

James-2-10 and the person who keeps every law of God, but makes one little slip is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law there is. Let’s look at the rest of James 2 and see what it says.

James -2-11 for the God who said you must not marry a woman who already has a husband, also said, you must not murder, so even though you have not broken the marriage laws by committing adultery, but have murdered someone, you have entirely broken God’s laws and stand utterly guilty before him. You will be judged on whether or not you are doing what Christ wants you to, so watch what you do and think; for there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then God’s mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you.

If you have stolen £1-00 you are just as guilty as someone who has stolen a £1,000,000,000-00, simply because you broke the law of God. Remember Jesus said he didn’t come to cancel the law but to fulfill it, so the law of God still stands; so don’t think the law was done away with when Jesus came, he came to fulfill the law for us, not wipe it out; he came to make it easier for us to get into heaven through him. But if you have been merciful, then God’s mercy toward you, will win out over his Judgment against you.

Scripture says, “It isn’t sacrifice I want but I want you to be merciful.”

Merciful towards the sinner, the one who sins most, even the vilest sinner needs salvation. Many timesovertheyearsthelord contradicted whatIbelieved, becauseIonly walked in what light of his word I had, now I have a deeper understanding, and understand mercy wins out

against judgment, and the size of someone’s sin is rubbish, there is only sin, no sin is bigger than another, or worse than another, it is our thinking our upbringing, for me as a Catholic, I grew up believing in venial sins and mortal sins because that is what my church teaches, then Idiscoveredthatthiswastaughtsochildrencouldunderstandsin,itwasn’ttruebutwassimply a way of trying to teach children about sin. For me a man who was a homosexual was going to hell because he committed a mortal sin. Mortal meaning dead to my understanding, now I know that this is not true , there is only sin and the law, and if you broke the least bit of the law you are just as guilty as someone who broke the whole law. Who gave us the right to judge and condemn, or criticize someone for whom Jesus died? I write this in larger print so that you will know without a shadow of a doubt that I do not in any way condone the sins of homosexuals or people living together, or the abuser, God says hate the sin but love the sinner. And this is what I am trying to live as best as I can, I no longer rant and rave when I see on TV someone being brought to trial for a heinous crime or genocide, I reject what they done but am trying to forgive them and ask for God’s mercy for them I am struggling to live as God intended me to live just like Jesus because I now have him inside of me helping me.

If Jesus did not come searching for me, God alone knows what horrible crimes I would have committed. As a terrorist I never succeeded in hurting or killing anyone, thank God for my good wife who prayed against me when I went out with the IRA and I never succeeded in doing anything, everything

I tried to do as a terrorist failed; I was the world’s worst terrorist, because of my wife’s prayers. I also lived a very sin filled life, I was not a good man in many, many ways, which are none of your business, but I declare it because I could not condemn anyone because I was totally guilty before God of many wrong doings, were you?

There but for the grace of God go I, a former sinner now a saint because that is what Jesus turned me into by his death on Calvary. The homosexual, the deviate, the thief, the adultery, the idol worshipper, the thief, the gangster, all can come to Christ and let Christ deal with them; you just love them into life.

Just one last thing; for those of you who live in Northern or southern Ireland, is it possible that you sin the sin of idolatry still? Do you shout out, ‘No surrender,’ or ‘for God and for Ulster?’ Wanting to be British, do you fly your union Jack every special time proudly, then you are an idol worshipper, you have put your country before God and that is idol worship. Do you as a republican still declare you want an united Ireland, and are willing to die for this belief, or kill for this belief, then you also are an idolater, you worship a country and have put it before God and that is idolatry, all you both will get out of this country is 6 feet of clay in a grave.

1-Corinthians-7-24- so, dear brothers, whatever situation a person is in when he becomes a Christian, let him stay there, for now the Lord is there to help him.

Let him stay there in sin? Come on you don’t really expect me to accept that do you? After all they are sinning against God. Since you became a Christian do you still sin or have you totally stopped? Then if you still sin as a Christian, then surely these people are acceptable to God just as you are made acceptable through Jesus dying for you.

1-Corinthians-6-9-11-Don’t you know those doing those things have no share in the kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshipers, adulterers or homosexuals, will have no place in his kingdom. Neither will thieves or greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, or robbers. There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away.

Look at this scripture and see in which order God put things. I highlighted then in different colors so that you will see each one individually.

First God puts those who live immoral lives, did you know that immoral Means among other things dishonest? Corrupt and wicked. Not just sexually

Wrong’s as you may be thinking. They have been put at the top of the list as you might say. Next comes idol worshippers; an idol worshipper is someone who worship things, not just other God’s, an idol is something you put before God, like money, many people idolize money, they have made it their God, and will trample on people to accumulate more and more of it, never being satisfied with what they have. And just as I have already stated love of your country is idolatry willing to die for it or kill for it, put before God’s love and mercy it is an idol. There are many things that you can put before God, TV, DVD’S, computers, any thing you give more time to than God is an idol, it has your full attention. You need to examine yourself before God and ask him to reveal to you the idols in your life, then repent and get rid of them, in other words, give God more time than them, you don’t have to be stupid and give up watching TV or DVD’S or computers you just need a good balance, be sensible. If you spend too much time with these things any, your family or wife / husband is probably being left out, never mind God. Anything put before God is an idol. Adulterers: isn’t it strange that Jesus said ‘anyone who even looks at a woman / man with lust in his or her heart has committed adultery with her /him in his / her mind,’ and it’s the same as doing it as far as God is concerned. That couldn’t be true surely? There is a big difference between actually having an affair that imagining an affair! No! There is actually no difference whatsoever as far as God is concerned. Your heart burned with lust for someone you don’t have the right to desire. Then we have those who have actually committed adultery physically, the taking of someone else’s husband or wife by having an affair. The hurt and pain of an affair goes very deep, and hurts not just the partner of the affair but the children and immediate family, it’s like throwing a stone into a pond, and the ripples have a far reaching effect, spreading far and wide. A man

is a fool who thinks it is just him and the woman involved that counts and how they feel for each other; no your cheating on your partner, your lying an deceiving them, or think you are. You are sinning and there is no getting away from that fact. But we love each other you may say; no you lust for each other and that is where the begging of an affair starts with lust not love.

So if you even looked at a woman or man with lust in your heart your just as guilty as the others on the list, including the homosexual.

Then next comes the homosexuals, imagine, they come “forth” on the list, not first as you would probably expected. We have dealt a lot on this subject so need to go into even more detail.

And the list didn’t stop there with the homosexuals it continues on to say thieves etc.

Next on the list comes thieves, have you stolen anything no matter how little? Maybe you still help yourself to the perks of the work, taking home with you, pens, pencils, notepads, or things from the office or workplace. Maybe you have squandered time at work by being on the internet instead of working at your computer, that’s stealing. You know as well as I do that to take something that doesn’t belong to you is stealing. I used to buy copies of DVD’S and Rose always said I was doing wrong, but I always excused it, that it was a crime to sell DVD’s or C/D’s copies and not to buy them, technically I was correct, it is not unlawful to have an illegal DVD, or C/D but it is unlawful to sell them. But was God convinced. I eventually stopped and repented.

After thieves comes greedy people; have you loved that extra cake or portion of fries or curry even after your stomach tells you its full, that’s greed, and its one that I am still guilty of now and then, what about you? If you eat on after your stomach tells you its satisfied then you are greedy and it’s a sin!

Next comes the drunkard; have you ever had the odd pint of beer or extra drink until you feel drunk, and cant stand up or talk right, or remember what you done the night before. Aye you might say but there is no harm in that is there everyone enjoys a wee night out to relax now and then, or maybe every second night, you come home tipsy, or sit at home drinking a bottle of wine or two over the course of the evening then stagger into bed, sure you done no one any harm. The scripture says drunkard and that means anyone who gets drunk. I am not against drink! In fact I studied this subject very carefully and found that only the pastoristheonlyonethatisnotsupposedtodrink.Youcanenjoyadrinkwithoutgettingdrunk.

Slanderers! Are you telling things about people to others, gossiping about them to others, spreading rumors about people even if they are true? Ladies and gents do you still do this even as a Christian? Slander is a serious crime that you can actually be taken to court for and sued. You are saying things about a person’s character telling lies or half truths and this has far reaching effects. After you have slandered someone it is very difficult for you to take back what you said that destroyed a person’s life, it can never be fully repaired because people will always say, there’s no smoke without fire, and that is a lie in itself; you are judging someone on the word of a gossip and slanderer, and you are believing those lies no matter what the truth

reveals, even when someone is found not guilty in court, you still believe there is no smoke without fire, and you keep the slander alive in your heart; have you ever repented for thinking like this?

Robbers are the last on this particular list. Have you ever robbed anyone? Have you stolen from someone, have you robbed a bank, an old age pensioner, or someone else, then you won’t get into heaven anymore than the homosexual according to this scripture, but thank God for his mercy and love, he sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins, all of our sins, no matter how sick or depraved they are or where, that is mercy that overlooks the sins of people. Have you robbed someone of happiness, have you taken from your children the joy and happiness they have when they go about the house singing and you tell them to shut up, they sound awful, then you are a robber, you robbed your child of joy. Have you robbed someone of their peace, by constant nagging them, causing them to get into the sin of anger and resentment at you? Come on we all done these things to others, even in the workplace we used our positions to put someone down, when we were in a foul mood.

Well have you done any of these things mentioned in this scripture now you have a little more enlightenment about it? If you have what makes you different from the homosexual who sins or the woman who is a prostitute, who maybe is a prostitute because she has no other way to feed her children. I know that most women sure aren’t in it for the sexual pleasure they get, because to them there is no love between her and the man is using her to satisfy his lusts, not caring whether or not he is hurting her, roughly using her to satisfy his perversions, we don’t know what drives people into these kind of things, and I am sure if a woman who is a prostitute had a different way to earn a decent wage she would stop, who knows, no one but God.

To get back to let there be no divisions in the church, Christ’s body is divided into many pieces and it is our task to bring about healing and reconciling the body back together again as God directs, and if we have closed minds about things then we are of no use to God to do his will, we must remain open in our hearts to God to be reconcilers not dividers. Let there be unity in the church so that the body of Christ will grow complete and God will be glorified. Condemn the sin, not the sinner, Jesus died for the sinner, not the saint!

There is something I realized as I wrote this book, I realized the depth of God’s love goes even deeper than I first believed; his love for a broken and twisted society goes beyond my comprehension. God knows what made people the way they are, he knows what it was that that made a young man or woman a homosexual, he knows what turned the child abuser into a child abuser, he knows the pain the woman received that made her become a prostitute, he knows every intimate detail of a persons life that is making them behave as they do; he knows there is a devil doing his best to destroy

God’s plans for his children, he knows when Satan perverts them and bombards their every thought with dirt and filth, he knows they don’t have a breathing space from sinful thoughts, he knows from before they awaken in the morning they have thoughts installed into their minds of lust, sexual dreams, perverted thinking by Satan and evil spirits. And he still loves

them unconditionally. Will you love these kind of people just like Jesus loves them or will you turn away in revulsion?

Let there be no division in God church! His body made up all of all kinds of human beings made in his image.


Love conquers all.

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