Little lie's great deceits

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Little lie’s, great deceits

Mc Crossan


Little lie’s, great deceits

Brendan Mc Crossan


One little lie, poverty

We have been told little lies and behind those little lies there have been some of the greatest deceits told to us by Satan the devil!

One lie told to the Christian word is that Joseph and Mary were poor and that God placed Jesus in a family that had no money, they were a poor family and we should have the same humble attitude about wealth. This was the first lie told to us since the birth of Jesus. Jesus didn’t live in a manger he was born in one but didn’t live in a manger; check out the following scripture and see where Jesus was born and find out why he was born there.

Luke-2-4-And because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he had to go to Bethlehem in Judea, David’s ancient home. He travelled there from the village of Nazareth in Galilee. 5 He took with him Mary, his fiancée, who was now obviously pregnant.

6 And while they were there, the time came for her baby to be born. 7 She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. {Niv Bible}

Jesus was born in a stable, an outhouse for keeping animals in because first of all that is where God planned for his birth to be, he came into this world in a humble beginning, not in a Palace where kings are born. He was born there so that he could reach out to the whole world, not just to the rich and royalty if he had been born in a palace, he chose to be born there so that everyone could have access to him; can you have access to, the Queen or with Prince Charles or Prince William or Harry? Would you even be allowed with 50 feet of any of these four? Of course not, but God made Jesus accessible to the poor and to the rich, he stood before the rulers of that time and talked about himself as they prepared to put him to death. Jesus was born in a stable because that is where God wished him to be born; he wasn’t born in a stable because his parents didn’t have any money. You don’t go to an Inn or Lodging house if you have no money do you? He was born in that stable because there was no room at any of the Inns. Scroll back and read that scripture again especially where I have underlined and wrote in red.

Satan has deceived the Christian church into thinking that God wanted them in poverty because that keeps us humble, and after all, their saviour was born in a humble stable, poor as a church mouse. A great deceit practiced here because many Christians are afraid to ask God for money because of this, they believe that God wants us poor, living in humble positions. How can you help the poor if you have no money I ask you? Didn’t Jesus himself say ‘feed the hungry, clothe the naked,’ at the Sermon on the Mount. How could Jesus ask people to do this is if God wanted them poor? Sure this would have been a contradiction to everything God’s word says? All through scripture the word of God tells us to look after widows and orphans and to feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty, but how can you do this if you haven’t the nails to scratch yourself with, if you’re skint how can you pay for the meal of a hungry person?

Matthew 2-3-King Herod was deeply disturbed when he heard this, as was everyone in Jerusalem. 4 He called a meeting of the leading priests and teachers of religious law and asked, “Where is the Messiah supposed to be born?”5 “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they said, “for this is what the prophet wrote:6 ‘And you, O Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the ruling cities of Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel Matthew 2-8-Then he told them, “Go to Bethlehem and search carefully for the child. And when you find him, come back and tell me so that I can go and worship him, too!”

9 After this interview the wise men went their way. And the star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where the child was. 10When they saw the star, they were filled with joy! 11 They entered the “house” and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

{ The message Bible}

King Herod practiced deceit, he lied to the wise men, he wanted to kill Jesus, but he was crafty and said he wanted to go and worship him too. Satan used Herod to try and get to the messiah so that he could have the messiah killed, and thereby destroy God’s plan for salvation for mankind and the downfall of Satan’s rule on earth.

But first let’s look at that scripture again, in verse 10 the wise men found the child who was to be the new born king and they were filled with joy. Then in verse 11 “they went into the stable where Jesus was lying in the manger,” does it say that? No it says they went into the “house” and saw the child with his mother Mary.” And they bowed down and worshiped him. Then still in verse 11 they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

There is a question I would ask you the reader here, in the olden days would those who go and visit a king bring him just a few little ounces of gold or frankincense or myrrh? If they had they would have been thrown out of the king’s palace and placed into a dungeon, as it would have been an insult to the king to bring such miserable gifts before him to offer him. These men brought forth from their treasure chests Gold, Gold has never lost its value ever even till this present day 2011, frankincense and myrrh. We still use frankincense its called incense now, and it is produced from a tree mainly found in Africa, and myrrh is from bushes and trees a sticky brown substance used for making perfume and medicine.

They gave him valuable gifts suitable for a king, Jesus was not poor nor was his mother or father, they were given gold fit for a king, and frankincense and myrrh beautiful spices. These men probably came from Africa and travelled all the way to Bethlehem, just to visit a king and they more than likely didn’t come on their own they probably had a whole train of their servants with them for protection.

The lie Satan has told everyone including Christian’s is that Jesus was from a poor family, another thought to think about, was not Joseph a carpenter a worker of wood in those days, and was not a carpenter a good trade to have, there was no computer Jobs or motor mechanic jobs going back then but a lot of work for those in carpentry.

The little lie and great deceit has been told to generations after generation and believed and people have starved to death and lived in abject poverty and some religious orders live in poverty believing that God desires them poor, whereby they should have been helping the poor by the word of God who supplies all our needs through Christ Jesus.

Philippians -4-19-And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. {Amplified Bible}

God says he will supply your every need, if you need money God will supply it when you ask with faith.

I will give you an example of the truth of God’s word; when a friend and I discovered that God wanted to make us prosper, I asked for a new suite and bunk beds for my home, he decided that he didn’t believe this scripture, Philippians 4-19- and so he said he was content to live in his home with the sofa and chairs needing fixed and covered, and as he said using boxes to sit on, {and that’s what he actually uses} within a week I was given a new suite and bunk beds for free, years later he still was sitting on boxes and on the worn down suite of furniture.

Over the years I believed that God meant for us to be prosperous and so I asked for the needs that came up at the time, including needing a new car, which I was given and the exact colour that my wife Rose asked for, “Red.”

My God supplied all my needs through Christ Jesus and never let me down ever, I seen the lie told by Satan and believed by the churches and believed God’s word over what I had been taughtin church. Justalittleliethathas caughtoutmillions of Christians for centuries and now thankfully some churches have seen the truth on this word, but thousands of Christians still believe that Jesus was born in a manger, and still lived there because they were too poor to come out of it.

One little lie and a great big deceit


Your sin is too bad to be forgiven; a little lie but a great big deceit.

Many a person refuses to turn to God because they believe the lie that their sin is so big that it can’t be forgiven, and so they stay away from a cruel unforgiving God and don’t believe when someone tells them that God loves them. He can love everyone else but the sins I committed he couldn’t love me because of the many sins I have inside me is what they say inwardly. A little lie told by Satan and a great big deceit believed by many, who suffer rejection from what their version of God is. They are not aware of the greatness of God’s love and his mercy, they are not aware that Jesus really came to earth and died for their every sin no matter how foul or terrible it is. They don’t realise that sin is sin as far as God is concerned, and there is no difference in the size of sin, to sin by murder is the same to God as sinning by stealing a penny from a poor man. Churches again have never told their congregations that a sin is a sin, it is breaking the law of God and to break the law by stealing or by lust or by envy is no different because sin is breaking the law of God. Man has put a size on sin, a venial sin or a mortal sin, there is no such thing mentioned in the word of God about the size of a man or woman’s sin, the word says they have sinned by breaking the law.

James 2-9- 9 But if you show servile regard (prejudice, favouritism) for people, you commit sin and are rebuked and convicted by the Law as violators and offenders. 10 For whosoever keeps the Law [as a] whole but stumbles and offends in one [single

instance] has become guilty of [breaking] all of it.

11 For He Who said, You shall not commit adultery, also said, You shall not kill. If you do not commit adultery but do kill, you have become guilty of transgressing the [whole] Law {Amplified Bible] {Google search}

You see if you break one part of the law of God you are guilty of breaking all of it, and it just doesn’t mean killing someone or committed adultery, it means any sin is breaking the law of God because we are guilt of breaking the law of loving one another as we are supposed to love ourselves.

To sin is to break the law of God and God didn’t put a size on the sins did he? He lumped them all together in this scripture so that we could know there is no difference in the size of sin, so if you have had sex with a donkey it is no different than having sex with a woman who is not your wife, you sinned that is the main object here, not what you did, ‘you broke the law.’

If we could only understand the enormity of the love of God here in this scripture we would realise that it was conceived out of love for us, to show for instance to sin is to sin, is to break the law, not to sin is a bigger sin that someone else’s sin. Breaking the law offends God not by how big the sin is or how many times, you sinned and that’s that. But then God sent his son Jesus to pay for your sin by suffering on the cross on Calvary and dying there taking on his human body in some supernatural way all the worlds sins including your unforgivable ones that you thought couldn’t be forgiven. Jesus did not leave out any sin, he paid for them all so that you didn’t have to and could have free access to God on earth and heaven later.

Imagine going to court and standing before the judge and the prosecuting officer says, ‘this person is guilty of the most heinous sins your honour, he deserves to go to jail for life twice over. And then the defence lawyer stands up and says, “your honour this man is guilty ok but his crime has been paid for, another man has gone to jail for his offence and paid the full price for his crime.’ ‘I ask that you dismiss the charges against him.’

And the Judge says the crimes were committed but the crimes were paid for, case dismissed.

Romans 3-25-26God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear. God decided on this course of action in full view of the public—to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured. This is not only clear, but it's now—this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness. {The Message Bible}

You see from this scripture that God decided to do things his way, he sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world, {the cross} to clear the world of sin and that’s your sin also, you’re in the world and are part of this world aren’t you? There is no sin that can’t be forgiven except refusing to be forgiven, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which it is very, very unlikely that you have done. If you refuse to be forgiven then you are condemning yourself, God is not condemning you, just accept his forgiveness and say I’m sorry lord for sinning against you, thank you for forgiving me today, amen.

Romans 3-27- God did all of that to prove that he is fair. Because of his mercy he did not punish people for the sins they had committed before Jesus died for them. 26God did

that to prove in our own time that he is fair. He proved that he is right. He also made right with himself those who believe in Jesus.{NIV bible}

A small little lie, your sin is too big to be forgiven and a great deceit that keeps so many thousands of people in bondage.

A little lie great big deceit.


Were sinners, another little lie great deceit?

This part applies to Christians, because I listen and cringe when I hear Christian’s say they are sinners, this means that from the depth of their innermost being they really believe that they are far from God and this is a deceit a little lie Satan tells them and keeps the humble and of no spiritual use to God in his war against Satan and demonic power.

It amazes me to listen to Christians in church confess that they are sinners, and then ten minutes they are singing about being the righteousness of Christ Jesus, a total contradiction. Satan has deceived Christian’s into confessing that they are sinners because they sin as does the entire world do, because the word says.

Romans 3-2-Yes everyone has sinned, all have sinned, all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; “yet now” God declares us “not guilty” of offending him – “if” we trust Jesus to take away our sins.{The Way Bible}

Look at the words “yet now,” and ask when is now? Is it tomorrow or yesterday or a month or year from now or in now this very instant that you read this? Do these Christian’s believe God at all? Who declared them not guilty; it sure wasn’t me or the Pope or the bishop or the Queen of England or the Vicar or Pastor who declared them not guilty, it was God himself who declared them not guilty of offending him; “If” we trust Jesus to take our sins away.

A sinner is guilty before God and is going to hell, and confessing that you the Christian is a sinner is an affront to God as far as I am concerned, it means that you don’t really believe what Jesus done for you at all, you half believe, because you sing in one breath You are righteous and on the next breath that you are a sinner. Christian’s has never realised that you can’t confess two different beliefs from the same mouth because you have become a double minded person and won’t receive anything from God. This is exactly where Satan wants you, because when you go into battle against him, he will throw up at you that you’re a sinner and thereby powerless against him and he is right you won’t have the belief to defeat him because your spirit has heard you confess out of your mouth that you are a sinner, someone who is against God and who is eventually going to hell, and will be powerless to stand against him.

James -1-5 -If any of you need wisdom, ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone. He doesn't find fault 6 But when you ask, you must believe. You must not doubt. People who doubt are like waves of the sea. The wind blows and tosses them

around. 7 A man like that shouldn't expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 He can't make up his mind. He can never decide what to do. {The Way Bible}

Not only does Satan get the better of you in every battle but you also will never receive anything from God because of your doubtful mind.

Romans 5-19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.{NIV Bible}

Jesus made the born again believer righteous not because he or she deserved it but because he wanted to, simply because he loved us from pure loves perspective, and pure love just sees perfection.

James 2-5- In the same way, was not even Rahab the prostitute considered righteous for what she did when she gave lodging to the spies and sent them off in a different direction?{NIV Bible}

Isn’t this amazing that even a prostitute was considered righteous, and the Christian considers themselves a sinner, the Christian who is saved by Jesus, redeemed, restored and made Holy and yet still calls themselves a sinner, what an insult to their saviour, Jesus didn’t do enough to make them non sinners. They think just because they commit a sin that makes them a sinner. Does taking one drink make a man or woman an alcoholic? You will sin till the day you die but your sins were forgiven by Jesus and paid for by him and you were made righteous. Righteous means blameless, moral, honourable, and honest. Is that the same for a sinner whom scripture says is going to hell and is the opposite from the righteous.

Believing what you have believed has kept you defenceless against the devil. God made you the exact same as Jesus when you became born again and the devil does not want you to know this and so keeps you believing that you are a sinner. A sinner in the dictionary means criminal, offender, reprobate, outlaw, malefactor, trouble maker, scoundrel, and thief. Is this what you really are? Is this not a great insult to a mighty Father who sacrificed his only son so that you could be called and made righteous, and yet you still call yourself a sinner? Lifeand death is in thetonguescripturesays, and every timeyou confess thatyou theChristian, the so called believer call them self a sinner you bring death into your soul. Look closely at those two words sinner and righteous and their meanings again are they not the very opposite.

Righteous means blameless, moral, honourable, and honest.

A sinnerin thedictionary means criminal, offender, reprobate, outlaw, malefactor, trouble maker, scoundrel, and thief

A little lie but great deceit keeping the nominal Christian just that, nominal, in name only. Where are your glorious victories in your battles with Satan and his demonic power in his battles with you, my guess in there are not too many change your thinking and ask God to forgive you for insulting his son who died for you and made you righteous and took the mantle of sinner off of you. This is why Christians are dead in their faith and don’t bring others to the

lord, this is why prayer meetings die out because of wrong teaching leaving Christians with nothing but the name of Christian; a Christian who does nothing for the lord may as well not be a Christian, that’s why scripture says, ‘he himself goes through the fire at the end times and if his work was good it will go through with him or he himself will escape through the flames with nothing with him,’ or words to that effect. I can’t quite remember the exact words.

A little lie a great big deceit.


Unworthy, same as sinner but has a different effect on you

Christians call themselves unworthy and unworthy is the same as calling themselves a sinner, it means they are not right with God and are too bad to be of use to God. It means they feel undeserving of the goodness of God, they don’t deserve to be made righteous o given wonderful gifts, a person who feels unworthy feel pitiful, not deserving of anything.

Before I go into more detail on this deceit and little lie, I have to say that for Catholics it is very difficult for them to think of themselves as any other way as unworthy, because all their catholic life they have declared at mass every time they went that before the received communion that they were unworthy. I am a Catholic and one day as I was going to receive communion I stepped out into the aisle and was making my way up towards the priest, and I was saying the words, “Lord I am not worthy to receive you,” when God broke through what I was saying and said to me sternly, “Don’t say that.” I was shocked to say the least, and as I received communion in my hand I said, “lord thank you for the food I received Jesus Christ my Lord.” It didn’t dawn on me at that moment what I said as I was in a daze thinking what God had said to me so abruptly. And as I sat in my seat reflecting after receiving communion what God had said, I asked why, but got no reply just then.

Later as I was studying my bible I came across some amazing scripture that God declared me good and deserving and holy and worthy, and perfect in his sight and then God gave me revelation of what Jesus actually done for me on Calvary and that it was a fulfilment of his plans for me and all the world. I have never ever called myself unworthy again and I say when going to receive communion, those same words, “Lord I thank you for this food that I am about to receive, Jesus Christ my lord. Amen

You can call yourself whatever you like that is none of my business but what you call yourself has an everlasting effect on you, some people carry terrible burdens of unworthiness and are perpetually sad miserable people, with not an ounce of joy in their lives, because they don’t know what Jesus done for them. But I want to share what God says about you in his word, read the bible yourself and see if it does not agree with what I show you and if it does not agree then disregard this book, and continue to feel unworthy, it’s your choice. By the way the scriptures I quote are taken from various bibles on the internet I copy and paste them into this book direct from the internet bibles I use. I do not stick to one translation but use the very best translations as the lord leads me. My own favourite is the Catholic edition of The Way- The Living Bible.

And now I want to share with you the reader some of those scriptures that God gave me over the following weeks after he spoke to me at mass.

Hebrews-10-14-By that one sacrifice he has made you forever perfect in his sight those who are being made holy. {The Way Bible}

Did you not see those words by one sacrifice he made you perfect in his sight being made holy by him not by anything you could do but his grace alone?

If you approach God as a Christian confessing yourself to be a sinner your insulting God, this is my opinion and no one else’s, this is how I would feel if I made you worthy and holy and sinless and you came to me and declared that you are still a sinner. But thankfully for you I am not

Ephesians-1-4- 4Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love.5For He foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [[b]because it pleased Him and was His kind intent]--6[So that we might be] to the praise and the commendation of His glorious grace (favour and mercy), which He so freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.7In Him we have redemption (deliveranceand salvation) through His blood, theremission (forgiveness) of ouroffenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favor,8Which He lavished upon us in every kind of wisdom and understanding (practical insight and prudence) {amplified Bible}

Look at the love expressed in this scripture for you by God, if you can see that his love was given to you before he even made the world, {before the foundation of the world} and before the foundation of the world he decided to make you and I his children to be just like himself, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. For he foreordained us, that means he planned before time to make us holy, blameless in his sight, consecrated and set apart for him. In his sight what odds what this world thinks of you as far as your God is concerned you’re holy, consecrated and blameless in his sight even above reproach, criticism. No one can call you unworthy before God because God will rebuke them at that day when you stand before him at the judgment of the world. How can you be unworthy when God, the supreme being, calls you holy like he is, don’t slight God he was the one who decided to make you without a single fault and blameless in his sight. Blameless means unblemished, untarnished, innocent, and guiltless. These are just some of the meanings of the word blameless that God calls you, you who call yourself unworthy, and who, dare I ask, is correct, you and your unworthiness, or God who says you’re blameless?

Unworthy means worthless, undeserving, not good enough, contemptible, pitiful, shameful, not fit for anything.

Blameless means unblemished, untarnished, innocent, and guiltless.

Of the two which do you think god thinks about you? Are you ‘contemptible’ to God who made you in his image?

Are you ‘worthless’ to God who sacrificed his only Son for you? He obviously thought that you were worth it.

Are you ‘not good enough’ to suffer the scourging at the pillar for? He did it anyway no matter what you thought or think!

Are you ‘undeserving’ of his great love which considers you to like his son of equal value.

Are you ‘not fit for anything’ but the garbage heap when he shed every drop of his blood to give you eternal life with himself?

You may think that you’re not all that God says you are but does that matter to God? Of course it does, he gave you everything when he gave up his only begotten son for you out of a great immense love, and he desires that you come to the knowledge of that; he wants you to know who and what you are – a Son or Daughter of God both with equal standing to him as Jesus is according to his own word.

You may think you done so many wrong things with your life sinning away quite merrily and then feeling guilty like a heavy burden develops on your shoulders as you come to terms with your sin as God’s spirit reveals it to you, and then you feel so unworthy; but one word can change all that burden and it’s an easy word to say, it is sorry! And that removes your guilt and sins from you, ‘sorry,’ just a little word but has enormous qualities in it, it is redemptive it is alive, it is life giving to a dead spirit, ‘sorry’ makes everything right again. ‘Sorry Father’ puts you in harmony with your Father again, he never moved away from you, guilt and unworthiness moved you away, but you don’t have to stay there, ‘sorry’ restores you into fellowship again. Sorry said after sin restore the order of things God designed, when you sin, God gives you repentance, then fellowship with him again and again and again a multi million times and the fellowship is never exasperated with God, because he was the one who created forgiveness, mercy and Love which according to.

1-Corinthians-13-4-Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily.5It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God's love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong]. 6It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.7Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening]. 8Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end] {Amplified Bible}

This is what love is, it believes the best of every person, God believes in the best in you even though you yourself don’t see it; his love never fails to forgive you no matter how often or how bad you think you sinned, Remember there is only sin, not size of sin in this world according to God’s word, you break the law you broke the law that’s it, full stop.

AlittleliebutagreatdeceitthatkeepstheChristianpowerlesstotestifywitheffectwithsigns and wonders that God promised those who believed in him. You are unlikely to have signs and

wonder’s following you if you believe that you’re unworthy or are a sinner, to sinful to have such things happen in your life.

Satan has succeeded in making you worthless by your accepting his condemnation of you through your feeling of being unworthy, he has succeeded in keeping your eyes off of the truth that your forgiven, washed clean by the blood of Jesus till the end of time itself and beyond that into eternity because of Jesus, Satan has succeeded in making you useless in the battle against his kingdom of darkness by blinding you to the truth of God’s word that you are Holy from before he made the world itself, that you were sinless, without a single fault because God chooses to view us in love; before he made the world, that he done it all because he – Godwanted to.

What this world needs to do is to awaken to the truth of the power of their God to cleanse and make Holy his children whom we claim to be. And then we need to stake our claim in the place where we live and begin making a difference around us by bringing others to Christ who like ourselves were bound in blindness kept in prisons of unworthiness and sinner attitudes, worthless to God but not in the way Satan has you believe that your worthless; worthless because God can’t use you, worthless because you block his every touch in your lives by refusing to believe that you are worthy. Stop Satan today, right now by rebuking his deceit from you ask God to remove from your spirit eyes the scales that Satan has put there through bad teachings and bad lessons on the meaning of words, because words condemn us or free us when we realise what those words mean in their entirety.

A little lie a great deceit

I have wrote little lies and great deceit because these are just some ways that the Christian has been rendered powerless by Satan the great deceiver. Those little lies have a devastating effect on your spiritual life, and also on your physical and mental life.


A little lie a great deceit, God will use others but not me,

When we first became a Christian we were so excited about Jesus, things were great, we went toprayermeetingswhereGodspokethroughpeopleandsomeevenseenmiraclesandhealings happen when the visiting “Miracle” worker. “Healer or prophet” came to the meeting or church. The praise and worship was so beautiful we couldn’t get enough, then it sort of dried up as we realised that these things only happened to the “great people” of the church or to “special people,” “important people.” “Holy People” Or we realised that certain people were the ones who were specially picked out for special days of conferences, and that the same people seemed to be the only ones that were chosen to do the main things, they were in the “clique.”

At first we got jealous and silently protested, or talked among ourselves protesting, and then we left as nothing changed or happened anymore. This is what I seen firsthand in the Charismatic movement of God, only the elect were the chosen few who done all, seen all, and went here and there, no one else was included, and I am sure that the same thing happened in the churches that had the Spirit of God working in them, because we have the exact same devil at work in those places causing leaders to chose the special groups, and so division and discord followed and people packed up and left and became ineffective for God.

People say, God didn’t want to use me, I wasn’t important, I am only a housewife, I have no gifts or talents people believed that was there lot in life. And this was all a lie; God has plans for us each and every one of us without exception. There is no one anywhere that God will not use that is a child of God because for the simple fact that Jesus is alive in them, His Jesus is alive inside every born again Christian and there are no favourites says the word of God. When Satan tells you that you have no importance or use in God’s plans he is telling a little lie and practicing a great deceit. God says he has plans for us, who’s right, the devil or God, God’s word say’s he has plans for us for good to give us a future and a hope Jeremiah-29-11-For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.12Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.13Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.{Amplified Bible}

God has a plan for you, who is going to tell your kids about Jesus like you can? Who is going to show love to your mother in law like you can? Who can say a prayer for healing from a broken relationship for your child like you can? Who can move the hands of God by prayer when something urgent is needed, you can? Who can sooth a pain inside your child like you can?

Every act of love is a miracle especially in this evil loving world today, if you can show someone love and compassion isn’t that healing the wounded heart. Sure there are many sick people that need a miracle but there are more broken to pieces people with hidden hurts that only you can help bring healing to as you sit and listen and share with them your hurts and pains also, showing that you do understand when everything gets too much and you get to the point of wanting to end it all, and you hung in there with the help of Jesus. Who is there but you to bring a helping hand to the hungry child or family near you, these days everyone is hell bent on ignoring their neighbour and intent on their own doings.

You’re my hands and feet and my mouth and ears and heart says the lord, because Jesus is in you. He hears what you hear, he sees what you see, and he feels what you feel he knows what you know he is everything in you. Did you know that scripture says; “As he is, so are you, in this world.” You are literally Jesus Christ in this world because you have been joined as one to Jesus, {read my books for greater enlightenment on this subject} you are important to God and to people, it is doubt and fear that stop you from being effective for God. Doubt that God would use you, a little old lady sitting at home on her own just praying alone with her God. Doubt that the devil sowed; a little lie a great deceit. And fear that God won’t do what you ask him for, another little lie a great deceit. God grants you the desires of your heart, because you have placed him first in your life. You the reader are of the utmost importance to God, there is no one who can do the work that God has assigned to you alone, no one else can do the work that God has laid out for you to do, he chose you for this work before he made the world, so no one else can do what you have been chosen to do. God in heaven appoints each mans work, a work set out from before time began. Ephesians-2-10- For we are God's [own] handiwork (His workmanship), recreated in Christ Jesus, [born anew] that we may do those good works which God predestined (planned beforehand) for us [taking paths which He prepared ahead of time], that we should walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us to live].{Amplified Bible}

That we may do those good works that God has appointed predestined planned beforehand. Taking paths he prepared ahead of time. God has work for every Christian including you, have you ever sat down and asked Lord what are your plans for me, show me what it is that you wish for me to do to be pleasing to you.

It is not how many people that you rise from the dead or how many with cancer you see healed through you that counts but doing the works that God prepared beforehand is what counts because he is the one supplying the gifts and powers to do what he wanted done anyway. You from yourself have nothing to offer God except your obedience and willingness to further his Kingdom. There is no Christian that does not have a purpose in life, or even in church. Perhaps the Pastor or priest or Vicar or Bishop is against getting you to do anything in their church, they may not like you, maybe they feel threatened by you some way subconsciously and so won’t let you do anything of use or importance in the church, then ask God to place you in a church where he can do the works he prepared to do through you from before time in the new church. Remembering the works he has prepared to do are through you but he is the one going to be doing the doing, not you, you are the one who places themselves in the lords hands as his willing helper, the tool he uses to do his work, so he gets all the glory not you. Can God not use someone who thinks like this? My only Goal is to see Jesus glorified not to see how many miracles “I” do using God, but to see how many uses can I be to God for “His glory alone” when Jesus is glorified the scripture says I also share in that glory in some way; and that is reward enough.

You are of vital importance to God because he loves you and has the plans he thought of from before time to work out through you, no one else can do what God planned to do through you but you and your, “use me lord for your glory When “you” are ready, I am willing,” thereby you take control of your life back from Satan the devil and restore it back into the hands of the lord.

When the devil comes around saying to you that God won’t use you, you’re not valuable to him you have no worth, you’re not fit for use by God! Tell him, “Devil you know that from before time even began, you were there when God created me and planned for me to defeat you in every battle, you saw your own defeat, and I rebuke you and your lies and deceit, in Jesus name,”

A little lie a great deceit

I don’t have any of the Holy Spirits gifts


A little lie a great deceit; You may think “I have no talents or gifts like those other great miracle workers or prophets or healers,” but that is another little lie that Satan has told you. He needs to keep you thinking like this to keep you powerless against him he is desperate to keep you from finding out the truth of what God has done for you and what God made you and will use every little lie to hide great deceits and hide awesome truths from you.

1-Corinthians 1-6-now you have every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power for doing the will of God, during this time of waiting on the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.{The Way Bible}

You see a little lie great deceit

Why are most Christians not excited about Jesus, why are they not going about and testifying about him to everyone, doing signs and wonders to back up God’s word? It is because they have no literal change in their lives because of deception. The feelings of unworthiness and sinners, and gift less render them feeling useless, not good enough for God to use. Sure he can use the Pastor or the Priest or some important healer or miracle worker, whose only power to work healings and miracles come from the grace of God anyway, but not them they are so unworthy or gift less.

Friends I tell you from my belief, almost every great healer or miracle worker has had the toughest times imaginable staving off temptation and sin, and trials, and living in constant repentance, more probably that you have ever know. Healers and miracle workers are most effective when they have been through the mill through the worst temptations, and experiences imaginable and some have been terrible people before God’s grace touched them, and it is that grace that can transform your life too. God doesn’t need the great and powerful he wants a willing heart that is willing to sacrifice everything to further the kingdom of heaven over their own status.

They have the most awesome power of the entire universes inside them and they act like they are apathetic, like they have no place in church or no role to play in God’s great plan, when God says I know the plans I have for you, plans for good and to give you a future, and they stand indifferent blinded by the little lies that Satan tells them through people. People go to church but don’t act different afterwards, they go through the motions but like people in slumber they have no electricity about Jesus in them, they are lifeless un-respondent. Ask yourself the question how many people in your church you see that are excited about Jesus who go to church and want to spend more time there with their lord instead of getting out before the service ends. Satan has deceived them into forgetting that God is present there in the church with them as a body. You will usually find a dead church has no gifts of the Holy Spirit working in them.

Romans 13 -11-Besides this you know what [a critical] hour this is, how it is high time now for you to wake up out of your sleep (rouse to reality). For salvation (final deliverance) is nearer to us now than when we first believed (adhered to, trusted in, and relied on Christ, the Messiah). {Amplified Bible}

To get back to ‘I have no gifts’ that little lie great deceit

1-Corinthians 1-6-now you have every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power

I am a great believer in the meaning of words in their entirety because God once told me to look up the meaning of the word “in” in the dictionary and I was amazed to discover what a little word like ‘in’ can mean, so ever since I look up the meaning of certain words to see the fullness of the meaning behind the word. The word I am directing my attention now at is the word “have” from the scripture verse above, “now you have.” The word have means contain encompass, enclose, cover to be full of, encircle. Have means also that something is yours, example, “I have a watch.” You’re not hoping to get a watch you already got one, you have it. Have means it’s already in your possession, something is yours. Let’s get back to that scripture verse; “now you “have” every grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power.” Does it say some spiritual gift or some spiritual power or does it say “have every” meaning it’s already in your possession it encompasses you, you’re enclosed in it, and it’s in you already. You have ‘every’ gift ‘every’ grace, ‘every’ blessing, ‘every’ power.’ Who does ‘you’ refer to? It is you, the reader, you the person reading the word of God.

But I don’t feel like I have anything, you don’t go by feelings you go by what God told you and he told you, you have every grace and blessing, every gift and power. Bad teaching from leaders leave those baptised in the Holy Spirit without true knowledge and the word of God says; my people perish through lack of knowledge.

Whenever I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I was told to just ask for one little gift, the gift of peace. Peace is not a gift of the Holy Spirit, it is a fruit of the spirit, those who prayed over me didn’t know the difference between the fruits and the gifts, so how were all those they prayed with going to receive their gifts when those doing the praying were ignorant of what they were supposed to be praying for.

I lead people into praying in the Holy Spirit as the spirit releases the gift in them, I get them to listen to me first then begin to copy what they think I said as fast as they can and they get released. I wrote in more detail in my book “The Awesome Power in Tongues.” Read it it’s on this website. If possible I immediately get them to pray with someone else for healing and the lord always rewards them by healing the person they’re praying with.

You have ever spiritual gift and power for doing God’s will if you are baptised in the Spirit, he is the giver of the gifts and if you have him then you have every spiritual gift and power.

A little lie a great deceit which leaves the Christian church without Spiritual power to defeat Satan or demonic power when they come around, no gifts no belief in Supernatural power to defeat a supernatural enemy. If you believe that you have been baptised in the Holy Spirit but received no spiritual gift including the key to the gifts the gift of tongues then call me on my home number and I will pray with you for the release of your spiritual gift of tongues. My contact details are on my website.

Every Christian baptised in the Holy Spirit has every spiritual gift and power available in them to the working of miracles for the glory of God according to

God wants me to suffer for the sins of others so he gives me sickness.

A little lie a great deceit

Sad to say the most people that believe this false teaching are Catholics, because we have Saints that suffered sickness and disease, and the church has glorified these people. I don’t deny that they were good holy people but they did not know the word of God, because the word of God was kept from the Catholic people in case they went mad, at least that is what I and others my age were told by our parents and them by theirs.

The word of God tells us that Jesus Christ took all our sickness and diseases on his human body and no man priest religious minister or pastor can change the word of God to suit themselves, the word remains unchanged forever, and the word of God is for all to see, ignorance of the word is what the world is lacking.

I talked with a man just before Christmas and he asked for prayer and as I prayed with him over the phone I used his wife to relay what I was telling her for him, and I sensed that she didn’t believe her husband could get healed even though he himself is in a healing ministry. So I asked her about this and she replied that God wants us to suffer for the sins of others. I asked her would she give her child cancer if she could and she evaded the question saying God wants us to suffer for the sins of others. I realised that her husband believed this also and asked him. Just a few moments before I asked, the lord lengthened his short left leg to the same length as his right one, thereby showing he was willing to heal this man, but his pain still remained and I knew that it was because he believed that he was suffering for the sins of others, and asked him to read my little books on healing scripture and read for himself the word of God. So he finished his call still unhealed, I felt to saddened because when the lord lengthened his leg it meant he was going to continue by healing the man’s pain but he could not get passed the man’s own belief. His belief that God wanted him to suffer for the sins of others is wrong but it is where he is at, at the moment. And I have to respect his belief, so he carries his pain with him.

This following scripture tells us what Jesus done for us on Calvary and this is God’s word which the Pope in Rome and all the cardinals and hierarchy can read for themselves and in fact according to the Vatican Two council, the word of God is to be believed totally. I have the actual documents that the synod of cardinals had printed telling the faithful that the word of God has to be read and believed as the undisputable word of the Almighty God. Yet that massage has never got to the ordinary priests and bishops and lay people. This is what God’s word says what Jesus done for each of us.

1-Peter -2-24-He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree [as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you “have” been healed.

There is nowhere in this scripture that says you have to suffer for someone else’s sins because Jesus died for everyone’s sins.


You see there is that word “have” again, meaning something has already happened. Satan is the greatest deceiver on this planet; he is an expert at deception he has had thousands of years perfecting his ability to deceive. Jesus didn’t just die on Calvary for our sins as this scripture rightly tells you but he also carried our sickness and bore our diseases on his body.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole. {AMP BIBLE}

Jesus died for our sins, for everyone’s sins, there were no one left out by the death of the saviour of the world that is why he is called the saviour of the world because he came to save the world from its sins and the punishment for sin. He didn’t leave anyone out and said that you must suffer for those person’s sins that is a lie that the devil has deceived people with for years.

Romans 3-24-The God-setting-things-right that we read about has become Jesus-settingthings-right for us. And not only for us, but for everyone who believes in him. For there is no difference between us and them in this, Since we've compiled this long and sorry record as sinners (both us and them) and proved that we are utterly incapable of living the glorious lives God wills for us, God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself; a pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ.

25-26God sacrificed Jesus on the altar of the world to clear that world of sin. Having faith in him sets us in the clear. God decided on this course of action in full view of the public—to set the world in the clear with himself through the sacrifice of Jesus, finally taking care of the sins he had so patiently endured. This is not only clear, but it's now—this is current history! God sets things right. He also makes it possible for us to live in his rightness. {The Message Bible

If you’re supposed to be suffering sickness because of someone sins then you are trying to be God, and that’s a dangerous place to be in! There is only one redeemer, no other redeemer, just Jesus Christ, no one has helped him, there is no co redeemer, not Mary the mother of Jesus as many believe, that is a contradiction to what God says there is only one redeemer who saved the world and that is Jesus, to say otherwise is sacrilege, your calling God a liar. You may get offended at me because of what I write about Mary, but you are in effect calling God a liar by declaring Mary to be co redeemer, you have a bible read it and see for yourself the truth in God’s word.

Jesus death and torture were prophesised many hundreds of years before and the prophet prophesised that Jesus would talk on his body our sins not his own and our sickness and diseases not his own and he done so when he came to earth and went to the cross on Calvary fulfilling that prophecy about himself. Scripture didn’t prophecies that Mary would be co redeemer, or that you would be chosen to finish the works of Jesus by taking sickness on your body because when God sacrificed Jesus, Jesus said, “it is finished,” on the cross on Calvary meaning he Jesus, by himself, had done everything for mankind.

Not even the Pope can change those prophetic words in Isaiah, no man can change what Jesus did for mankind, and he saved mankind from their sins and healed mankind from their diseases, and this is written in stone as they say an Unchangeable truth. Yet a little lie by Satan a great deceitpracticed by him also. And someCatholics believeSatan not theword of their God, very few Catholics believe God’s word over what the church tells them, and so people are deceived by Satan, a little lie a great deceit.

Why are there so many healers in this age going about from place to place healing people in the name of Jesus, because they have been healed already and the healers know this from God’s word, they just need to reach people and teach people the truth of the word of God Almighty.


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