My God will work a miracle for you.
God is a worker of miracles and he will do them for you also.
1] A Nurse receives healing.
2] My mothers healing.
3] The dancing miracle’s.
4] Down syndrome healed
5] Bahartins healing
6] Golden ball seller healed
7] Ingram healed
8] John’s healing
9] Michelle’s healing
10] Ziade, Michelle’s Turkish husband healed.
11] Maureen’s healing
12] Because of Eli
13] Car miracle
14] Financial miracle
15] Saffa and three Turkish men’s healing
16] Water under the bridge healing
17] The brides healing
18] The miracle of the car.
A nurse receives her sense of smell and taste back after years with no taste or smell.
On one of the nights that I visited Carol and Bernard’s home in Porstewart N I to pray with people that they would bring to their home every week on a Tuesday night, a lady asked for prayer saying that she had lost the sense of taste and smell, she could smell nothing nor taste her food for over five years
I called her up for prayer and began to pray with her asking the lord to bring to her mind anything that could be blocking the prayer from happening right there in the living room. Nothing happened or so it seemed, she still could not taste or smell when we had finished, But I know that God doesn’t stop when we finish praying, he continues on bringing the healing into place.
Next week back at Carols and Bernard’s the lady arrived and after we had finished the prayers, she asked could she talk with me. She told me that she was a nurse who worked in an old peoples residential home, and she realized the next day after I prayed with her that she had stopped smelling, and tasting food, while she had worked in that place. She told me it had an awful bad smell with all the elderly folk who were incontinent, and she hated going to work each day, then she stopped smelling them and continued working there for years, then she changed her job and took up nursing at a local hospital. It had dawned on her that she had stopped smelling and tasting food and things while she worked there, and she said to herself, I must tell Brendan that on the next prayer meeting in Carol’s.
The day after she realized when her smelling and tasting had stopped, she was seated in her farmer husbands slurry truck, when all of a sudden this awful smell hit her nose like a tornado, and shegagged and had to getoutof his truck. Her senseof smell had returned and of allplaces for it to return, in a slurry truck! {Note: for those who don’t know what a slurry truck is, it’s the truck that farmers use to spread manure on their fields, and they stink awful} “God has a great sense of humor” she said laughing. “And my sense of taste has returned again, I tasted my food for the first time that day also.”
She continued; “when you prayed that the lord would reveal the reason why I couldn’t smell or taste, I never realized it would be because I was physically sick every time I went to work in that nursing home for the elderly, I realized that I had turned off my sense of smell and taste because of my work.” God indeed does have a great sense of humor!
My mothers healing
To tell you of the miracles of healing bad backs, I witnessed God do, would take up too much space.Through ministering to peoplewith pain in theirback Ihaveseen Godhealalmostevery onethat I prayed with from their back or arm or leg pain, praying using asimpleprayer method called arm and leg adjustment. I have witnessed God grow peoples legs and arms our two or three inches, and in one case my own mothers arm, grew out eighteen inches before my eyes and my sisters eyes who was sitting there in mums living room.
I felt this urge to go down and visit with my mother one day, and when I went into her house, my sister Sue was already in the living room sitting talking. At that time I was a fairly new Christian and was talking in tongues and excited about Jesus and I either scarred my family or turned them off by all my constant talk of Jesus, tongues, healing, and miracles. The family would all stop talking when I would arrive at the family home and I could sense the change in the atmosphere as soon as I stepped through the living room door, everyone would stop talking and then begin talking all at once. It was horrible for me but that’s a price you pay when you belong to Jesus.
Anyway, this day Sue was sitting talking with mum and Mum said she had a bit of pain across her chest. At that time no one knew my mother had a serious heart problem including her. So we didn’t think heart trouble, I just heard her say she was in pain, and I asked her if she would like me to say a little prayer for her, and surprisingly she agreed. Sue got up to leave saying, “I’ll let you do this in private” but I insisted in her staying, saying she could pray too, as this was for our mother she could hardly refuse so she sat down again.
I told my mother to stretch out her two arms with her hands almost joined like in prayer, and I was shocked to see that my mothers left arm was at least 18 inches shorter than her right arm. I said, “oh my God,” My mother laughed and said. “Did you not know that I have a deformed arm? I replied no I never knew I answered. And I was 40 years old at the time, looking at her intensely I also noticed for the first time in my life that my mother had two different colored eyes, one dark brown and one bright blue. It’s terrible to think you didn’t know that your own mother had a deformed arm and two different colored eyes but having grown up looking into my mothers eyes and seeing her do things around the home you took no notice of a deformed arm or two different colored eyes. Anyway my mother was in pain now and that’s all that mattered. As she tried to stretch out her two arms I seen that the deformed arm bent in at the elbow across her chest and so only come as far as the bend in her right arm.
I began to pray in tongues because I knew that healing always happens when you pray in tongues for healing. My sister Sue closed her eyes and so did my mother. I said open your eyes how will you see a miracle if you close your eyes, so they both opened their eyes, after praying for about 3 or 4 minutes my mothers left arm began to grow out straight until it had grown the same length almost as the other one stopping about an inch from the same length as the right one. Then I felt the lord say to me stop now, and I did. I asked mum how was the pain and she replied she had no pain at all and was sitting in amazement looking at her arms, both straight, after being born with a deformed arm; she just kept putting them out and back again as if she could not believe what just happened.
I felt that it was time to go, so I excused myself and left. Strange thing after that, my family began looking at me in a different way, never saying anything, even about mums healing but later on over the years, one by one they came and asked for prayer for their children when they were in trouble.
God can bring us closer together as a family.
The dancing miracle
Our praise and worship group were giving a healing service in a place called the Butt Hall in Ballyboofey Ireland. It was an old dance hall and half the room was laid out with chairs and the other half empty.
As people took their seats waiting for the service to begin, the lord said to me tell the people to get on their feet and go and get a partner, he wanted them in two’s. I asked him why and he of course never replied at that time.
As soon as we begun the service I was leading the worship and the lord said, tell them to join in two’s now. I turned to the people gathered and said the lord wants you in two’s, get someone to partner with.
Before, we had people join together and pray with each other, and I thought that it was this lord was planning.
As the people stood to their feet and joined hands with the person beside them or near them, the lord told me to begin playing a quick praise song. I began playing a song and as the people stood there looking at me to see what I was going to do.
I was told tell them to go to the back of the hall with the person they had joined hands with. So they all shifted to the open area and as soon as everyone was in the open area the lord said now tell them to begin dancing to the music. They looked at me like I was nuts and laughed but I said I was serious so a few began dancing and soon everyone was dancing, and laughing and talking to each other. We sang our worship songs and praised in between sets, and as everyone was dancing, the local priest came into the hall, he previously refused to come to the healing service when asked saying he wasn’t into that sort of thing, and of all nights he decided to look in and see what was happening, he saw his congregation dancing, he stayed two minutes then left abruptly. I often thought what did he think when he looked in and saw everyone dancing at a healing service.
After about an hour I sensed the lord say tell them to sit down, so I obeyed, and we began sharing themessagethatthelord had given them for thatnight. After awhilewealways prayed with people for healing, and so organized our teams into groups and invited the people to go to whom they wished to for prayer.
A lady came to me and said that she had a crumbling spine disease and could barely walk she was in so much pain, but as soon as she began dancing her pain, left and she felt her spine being straightened and healed. And her partner a man, who had to be carried into the hall, got up when I said to get up was healed from a back pain and other diseases, I later found out from his daughter that he had cancer and was healed while dancing. That night everyone that came was healed while dancing, all pain left their bodies. There’s dancing in heaven and the scriptures say and the angels danced before the throne.
Eli’s healing from Down syndrome.
Brenda my daughter lives in Turkey with her husband Musti; she is over 30 and became pregnant. She went to the doctor at the local hospital in Bodrum for a check up and was told that it could be possible because of her age she could have a child with Down syndrome or some other problems. They wanted to do tests which would have meant putting a needle into the baby’s spine to determine if it had any defects.
Brenda Phoned her mother and I and asked us to pray as she was worried about the baby. Rose and I began praying for her and the baby immediately. Then we decided to go to turkey to give her moral and spiritual support.
The doctor done many tests while we were there with Brenda at the hospital and the tests showed everything coming up as Normal, but still the doctors said there is a good chance that this baby would be born Down Syndrome, going from their experience, and asked her if she wished to have a termination, an abortion. Brenda told the doctors that even if her baby was born with half a head she would never abort it.
Normally in Turkey they abort the baby’s that have something wrong with them, because people cannot afford the specialist treatment that a special needs child brings with it.
The time came for the baby’s birth and Brenda gave birth to a baby boy whom she named Elijah Jake Ancin. The doctor who delivered him said he looked like a normal healthy baby and he could see no problems.
They were all delighted, all his Turkish relatives were there and were congratulating each other and Brenda and Musti This was great a grandson for the grandparents and a baby boy, everyone was delighted, and over the course of the next few weeks everyone gather for breakfast at Brenda and Musti’s home celebrating.
A few weeks later Brenda had to take Eli in for his normal baby tests, and as they showed the baby to a woman doctor she said to Brenda, this baby has Down syndrome, why did you not abort it, and she walked away from the baby leaving him lying naked on a table like she was disgusted with him. Brenda and Musti dressed the baby crying sorely, shocked at this doctor’s attitude towards their baby son.
Brenda phoned Rose at their restaurant and broke the news to her, she was sobbing uncontrollably.
Rose immediately informed me and I felt inside of rebuke this thing its not from God, God did not make Eli Down Syndrome, and I began saying aloud to everyone there, that God will heal him.
When Brenda and Musti arrived home every one of his family were there sitting in silence shaking their heads like a death had just happened. I got very angry at this and began saying, Allah will heal him, Allah is their God, and Mustis mother nodded and said in Turkish, I hope so.
From that day on the celebrating stopped everyone disappeared like Eli had something contagious, there were no more breakfast celebrating, just Brenda, Musti, Rose and I. Rose and I tried to encourage them to believe that God would heal Eli, and we called Christian friends in Turkey to come pray with the little lad, and they did.
I told everyone that God would heal Eli and that I would pray healing into him even if no one else would, and of course people laughed behind my back, saying I was upsetting Brenda.
One woman, a former nurse, said it was terrible that I would cause Brenda so much upset telling her that God would heal Eli, he was Down syndrome and would always be Down syndrome.
I began to get upset I didn’t want to hurt Brenda, and Musti, and Musti had turned his back on God because Eli was Down syndrome and he felt that God had let him down.
I went before God and asked what should I do about Eli and he replied that we should treat Eli like he was a brand new computer, what you program in is what he will turn out to be if you program in a good program a good program will come out. If you program a bad program in, a bad one will come out.
I told Brendan and Musti this and they just nodded their head not really listening.
A little while later Brenda and Musti went to Ayden to the teaching hospital where Eli was diagnosed as Down syndrome by the top professor a woman.
The Professor called one of the other professors and had him examine Eli. He turned around to Brenda and Musti and said, “You know if you treat this little baby like a computer and you program a good program in a good program will come out, if you program a bad program in a bad one will come out.”
He told Brenda the exact same words as the lord told me. This encouraged Brenda a little bit. The professor arranged for a DNA test and it showed up that Eli had the Down syndrome chromosome. The parents were devastated, here was proof that that horrible doctor in Bodrum hospital was right, Eli was Down syndrome.
Everyone of my family at home encouraged Brenda and Musti as much as they could and sent articles they found on the internet about children with Down syndrome, but their hearts were torn in two, they talked of coming to Ireland where a down syndrome child could grow up as normal as possible, in Turkey there would be no life for their son he would be an outcast there. Rose and I prayed with Eli every chance we got and amazingly after five weeks old I was playing with Eli one morning and was putting my fingers into his little hands and I began to pull him up a little and prayed with him as I played. Then Eli shocked me when I put my fingers into his hand and just held them there, “he” pulled himself up as far as he could. I thought that I imagined it and done the same thing again, and he again pulled himself up using his own little strength. I told everyone, but they thought that I was just saying this because at five weeks old a child does not know it is being played with and can’t pull itself up using its own little strength.
They tried this and Eli just lay there holding their fingers, and they said I imagined it, until one morning his Turkish grandma was changing him, and was laying him across he knee and she held his two hands in her fingers and the next thing, Eli pulled himself up right almost to a sitting position. She squealed out of her in shock calling Brenda and Musti into the room to see what their son could do and he did it again. She told them she never seen a child do this at five weeks old, and they believed her, funny they never believed me but they believed her because they now seen Eli do this.
Rose and I encouraged Brenda and Musti to pray with Eli all the time, as it was time for us to return home to Ireland.
One year later Eli had to return to the teaching hospital in Ayden, to get examined.
Brenda and Musti brought in Eli to the Professors office and she began to examine him. She asked is this the same child she had seen a year before and they said yes he is. She told them that if they had brought this child into her today to be tested for Down syndrome, she would have told them immediately, he is not Down syndrome. She could not believe that this was the same child and she sent for another professor to examine the child, he came and checked Eli
out and he declared, this is not a Down syndrome child, he is much too active, { he was swinging on the doctors stethoscope} and showed absolutely no sign that he was Down syndrome.
Brenda and Musti were informed that Eli was being taken of the Down syndrome list that they had in Turkey. I don’t know the name of the exact list its Turkish. Both professors said he is a normal healthy intelligent little boy in fact he seems to be above intelligence for his age. God can heal Down syndrome like he heals a common cold.
Bahartins healing
When first we went to Turkey to visit our two daughters who lived there in a little village called Yalikavak, we knew no one, since then we have been numerous times and have got to know the locals as well as the foreigners who lived there. Yalikavak is a beautiful place; the sun is shining every day. The village is built on the beach beside the sea and the view at sunset if amazing, it’s like looking into heaven with its glorious colors at sunset.
One night we went to eat at the Ali Baba restaurant a place where our son in law jointly owned with his partner Bahartin. We were meeting our son in law’s parents for the very first time and were looking forward to it. As we sat at the dinner table trying to speak English to two Turkish people who never ever met or seen a foreigner before, Altan’s parents, we were laughing together as we tried to communicate using sign language and what little Turkish I knew. Bahartin came and began serving us our food and as he reached across the table he let out a squeal of pain and grabbed his face. I asked what was wrong with him and he replied I have a toothache and also my mouth is full of abscesses, I cannot get the tooth out until the abscesses are healed up.
I felt sorry for him then I thought I wonder if he would let me say a prayer with him, then I thought oh, he’s a Muslim. And I said Lord what should I do? And the lord replied. “These are my people too.” As Bahartin reached across the table again, crying with pain I asked him if he would like a prayer. He surprised me when he replied yes. I reached out and put my finger on his cheek and I felt the tip of my finger begin burning and Bahartin said the pain has gone, he looked shocked and so did our in laws who were sitting watching as Altan tried explaining that I was saying a prayer with Bahartin for his toothache. They were even more amazed when Bahartin said his pain has gone. It was a great way to get introduced to our in laws. lol.
Next day Bahartin went to the dentist who said all the abscesses were gone and he pulled the rotten tooth out. Not only did the lord heal the pain but he healed all the abscesses also. God has people in other nations who love him also says his word.
Turkish golden ball seller healed
Last year a Turkish man came to Brenda’s restaurant asking for me and he waited on the beach until I arrived back from the village. Altan told me that this man is in great pain with his back and he was told that I could help him. He spoke no English so Altan translated what he said. I invited him down to a quiet part of the beach and began praying for him using the arm and leg adjustment, within two minutes all his pain had gone and he bent over and done various
exercises that I had him do to put pressure on the back making sure all pain was healed. This man sold golden balls a Turkish delicacy on the village main street and someone had told him, the Christian man, Brenda’s father, healed people. God’s word goes around.
Ingram healed
Ingram who owned the restaurant next door to the Ali Baba, ‘the Blue Sea’ was out walking with his wife an English woman, and as they walked passed Brenda’s restaurant they stopped with Brenda. Rose and I were sitting at a table and we called hullo to Ingram and his wife. Ingram came over towards us and we could see from his walking he was in a lot of pain. We invited him to sit a few moments but he declined saying his back and leg were too sore, he was in pain for days. I said would you like us to say a prayer with you for healing? He looked at Musti Brenda’s husband to see if we were making a joke, Musti spoke to him for a moment in Turkish, explaining that we were serious, and he said yes he would like a prayer if it would help, he would try anything, if it meant the pain would go.
Sitting him down in a chair I again done the arm and leg adjustment with him, while Rose prayed silently beside us, and two minutes later he looked shocked as he said, the pain has all gone. I got him to try various exercises that would cause the body to be put under pressure and he done all exercises and no pain. He walked away a dazed and amazed man. God had touched him and he knew it.
John’s healing
JohnisadearfriendofourswhoeveryThursdaycametothebeachatMusti’stoplayhisguitar and have a jam session {play our guitars together and sing} with me and Steve a banjo player. As soon as John came around the corner we could see he was in a bad way he was taking one little step at a time holding himself straight, and we could see from the expression on his face that he was in a lot of pain.
Sitting down with us he explained that he had taken a tumble off his horse that morning and put his back out, and said he couldn’t play today he was in to much pain.
I asked John If he would like his back healed, and he laughed, then he looked at me for about three or four minutes not speaking with a puzzled look on his face and said; you’re serious aren’t you, I don’t believe you he kept saying, then would say again your serious aren’t you and I’d reply yes and Steve told him he had received healing when we prayed with him. After a little while he agreed to sit down and see what would happen. Stretching his arms out and then his legs out in front of him we prayed, using the arm and leg adjustment, a few minutes later helooked atmein astonishmentsaying, “my pain has gone, its away, its allgone!” and said. “I don’t believe this, this cant happen, I heard about this stuff but didn’t really believe it.”
He kept looking at me as we played our music on the beach and kept saying I don’t believe this, its impossible. I just laughed and sang praise to God in a country and western song. God accept all songs if offered to him as praise, jazz, blues, C&W, rock, anything can be offered to God if sung from the heart to him, he accepts it as worship.
When we finished our session for the day john left saying still, I don’t believe what just happened to me, Later John accepted Jesus as lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. God gives to those who ask.
Michelle’s healing.
When Eli was first diagnosed with Down syndrome, I told a group of people gathered round a table in Brenda and Musti’s restaurant that I would pray healing into him, even if he was Downs, One of those people was a nurse and she argued with me that it was impossible for Downs to be ‘cured’ she didn’t say ‘healed.’ She was covered in a skin disease which covered her whole body. At the table sat Michelle and her mother, I spoke directly to Michelle because I felt the lord was leading me to direct my conversation towards her, I told her God does not want anyone in pain or in a disease of any kind. Then I left their company.
Next day Michelle’s mother asked if I would say a little prayer with Michelle, I said of course and arranged for her to come to the beach at Musti’s where we spent most of our holiday. Next day she came and as she sat down she told me she had a terrible bad pain in her foot and down her front of her left leg, for a very long time. Would it be possible to get healed she asked?
I said, lets see what God will do and I laid hands on her foot and touched her leg with the tip of my finger just below the left knee. Within a few minutes of me and Steve praying with her she was healed, all pain was gone, she could bend and twist her foot anyway she liked without pain, her leg grew down about an inch and a half. She was amazed, saying it was freaky, she just about believed in God and no more, and to have God touch her was to her freaky. God does freaky things like healing people, praise God.
Ziade, Michelle’s Turkish husband healed.
A few weeks later Michelle’s husband was in a motorcycle accident and was injured and was in hospital recovering.
A few weeks after Ziade got out of hospital everyone was invited to a party for Eli held at Brenda’s in laws home. They wanted to make up for deserting Musti and Brenda when they heard Eli was Downs, so they arranged a party and invited Michelle and Ziade and her mother.
At the party Michelle’s mother Debbie came to me and asked would I pray with Ziade I replied did he ask or was it Debbie asking for him. She replied, no it was Ziade who asked for prayer. I called him aside and asked him himself if he wanted me to pray with him and he said yes, I explained my Christian God Jesus would heal him. He told me his arm was very painful and he couldn’t lift it since the accident. After a few minutes prayer the lord healed him and he could lift his arm and swing it around and around, glory to God, for healing Muslim’s. God loves all his children no matter which religion they aspire too.
Maureen’s healing
A short time after Eli was diagnosed with Down syndrome, the local Christian pastor and his wife came and prayed with him and blessed him. And I told him that Brenda and some of the
foreigners needed a place where they could get together and have some Christian time together, there was no Christian church, so Sandy the pastors wife decided to get together at her house, and have a woman thing and some prayer also keeping it light for those not used to the things of God. Anyway, after a few weeks Maureen was invited to come and join them saying they would say a little prayer with her and each other and share some goodies also. Weeks went by and all the ladies went to Sandy’s home and shared their goodies and shared prayer with each other.
Brenda got a prophecy from God telling Maureen that shortly she would swim in the sea again within a few months, after years of not being able to, because the salt caused her terrific pain, they forgot all about it and spent another few weeks sharing and praying together. Then Maureen declared that she and Roger her husband had to go home to England that she needed treatment there for her disease; medication was too costly for them in Yalikavak so they arranged to leave Turkey after spending almost 20 years there. Roger and Maureen were away for about three months when they returned for a holiday. The ladies gathered together to welcome Maureen back and when they called at Maureen’s house, Maureen had just returned from having a swim in the sea. She showed everyone as much of her body as she could showing them that her disease had completely disappeared; she told them within one week of landing in England her disease disappeared completely, she was healed not only from the skin disease but also from many other womanly illness and breathing difficulties. She used an inhaler, for years but her breathing was now normal, she had no need for any medication. Then they remembered the prophesy Brenda had given, that Maureen would swim in the sea within a few months, and they praised God for his divine love. It was just a few months and Maureen was back swimming in the sea. Maureen received a healing; the other people had received a miracle. A healing takes place over a period of time; a miracle defies the normal and happens within minutes. God is good.
Because of Eli
Because of Eli’s condition three different people received healing and miracles, Maureen, Michelle and Ziade.
And two of them had laughed at me when I said Eli would be healed by God. God used Eli’s condition to bring to these people’s minds the possibility of prayer and healing and each came separately saying don’t let on to the others gathered at that table in Musti’s on that day I shared with them my belief in God.
Incredible isn’t it, God is amazing; he used the talking point of Eli’s condition to bring about the healing of these others.
Miracle of our car.
Lord we need a car! Rose and I agreed together that we needed a new car but we didn’t have the money to buy one. One night we came before the lord and asked for a new car, believing God would turn one up for us, free. Rose said I want a red one lord, I agreed.
I wasn’t working at the time and couldn’t afford a car. I was taking a train every Tuesday to Port Stewart in N Ireland to pray with people for salvation the baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing at a meeting there in a friends home.
One night I shared privately with some of the children of my friend about my asking the lord for a car, and they laughed politely, but laughed anyway.
Keeping a long story short as possible, Rose and I continued praising God for our new car, waiting on the lord to bring it into being.
Weeks later I had returned to Port Stewart and was just about to begin the meeting when the phone rang; Bernard excused himself and went to answer it. I decided to go to the toilet and as I was opening the toilet door, I heard Bernard say; Trust the lord it will be ok. Inside the toilet I got down on my knees and began to pray for the person on the phone thinking they needed prayer. When I returned to the room I began the meeting, telling everyone there about salvation, those who never knew they needed to ask Jesus into their lives invited him in and got saved.
Then the phone rang again, a few hours later, and Bernard left the room again, again I felt compelled to go to the toilet, and as I entered the toilet I again overhear Bernard telling someone that things would be ok just trust God. I again felt compelled to get down on my knees and pray for the person on the phone.
Going back into the room I continued talking, this time about the need for the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the need for speaking in tongues. All in the room that night except for Bernard and Carol’s family, who had already received, wanted to be prayed for this wonderful gift God’s Holy Spirit and his gift of tongues. I laid hands on everyone and everyone immediately began speaking in tongues as they received this gift of the Holy Spirit
Then the phone rang again and Bernard excused himself yet again and left the room. I felt compelled to go to the toilet again, and again as I entered the toilet I again overheard Bernard saying to someone, there I told you it would be ok, praise God.
Again I felt the need to get on my knees and pray for the person on the phone, and this time I went to the toilet.
Returning to the room for the third time, as I entered the room, one of Bernard’s children laughed out loud and said to me in front of everyone there. Brendan is it true that you believe God is going to give you a car, and laughed again and everyone laughed with him. I felt indignant and replied; Yes and it will be a red one because my wife Rose wanted a red one. Everyone in the room was in stitches laughing and I was wondering what was going on. Time now to pray for the sick, is there anyone who needs a healing? I asked; Everyone put their hands up, except Bernard and Carol and their kids, I should say that each week Bernard and Carol seemed to run into people who needed healing and so they invited them into their home on the Tuesday night for prayer so it was usually new people every week.
I prayed for everyone who asked and they all received their healing without exception. After the meeting was over, we were all having a cup of tea, when the phone rang again, this time I just sat there as I didn’t feel compelled to leave the room. A short time later Bernard signaled Carol and the kids to come into the kitchen he wanted to tell them something.
A little later one of Bernard’s children again asked me if it was really true that God was going to give me a red car.
I got kind of annoyed as I answered yes indeed he is and everyone again laughed.
The time was now after one o clock and as I started gathering my things up to go home. Bernard said could we take a quick visit to go and see someone who needed prayed and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, they lived just a short distance away. I reluctantly agreed as it was after one-o-clock in the morning, and thought that the people would be in bed. But Bernard said they were waiting for me to come over, so off we went. When we got to the house Bernard introduced me to the people inside, and said this is the girl that wants prayer immediately. I began telling her about salvation, the baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing and she received all three. When we had finished, I was offered a cup of tea, and as I sat drinking my tea, I heard the birds singing outside, I pulled back the curtain a little bit and saw that it was daylight outside, it was morning, I never had a watch at that time but I looked at their clock and it said 5-0-clock am. Oh my God, Rose will be wondering what has happened to me. I excused myself and got up to leave, when Bernard said something to me about a car. I didn’t understand what he said. But as we were going out the front door, Johnny the owner of the house handed me a set of keys and stepped outside and pointed towards a rusty looking car and said there it is. I didn’t understand and then Bernard said Johnny is giving you his car to go home in. Johnny muttered something to me but I never caught what it was he said.
In the dim morning light I thought that the car was covered in rust it looked orange in the colored street lighting, it was covered in dust.
I said to Johnny Is it insured? I don’t want to drive without insurance. Yes he answered and Ill cover you with my insurance until you get insurance yourself. I was confused there this guy was loaning me a car and telling me to insure it. He must be loaning it to me for a while I thought.
I drove the car home and parked outside the front door of my home and went to bed, Rose asking what kept me so late I explained that Johnny had loaned me a car and that it was outside, She got out of bed to look and said excitedly; “praise the lord its our car and its red.” I tried to explain that we just had a loan of it and Rose said no it’s ours, Thank you Jesus!
Later that day Rose insisted I should call Johnny and Jackie his wife and ask how long we had the car for. Eventually I called Johnny, and Johnny explained to me that they had bought the car for us. I was so embarrassed, I had insisted on the car being insured and all the while they were giving us the car. I tried explaining this to Johnny and he just laughed, and asked that I would come to their home every week as his wife wanted to have a revival in their home. I agreed of course and for over two years I went to their home to their prayer meeting that they started and taught the scriptures and prayed with people and God healed all who came for healing.
The strangest thing about this whole incident is that in Bernard’s home on that night that I went to the toilet three times, and prayed for the people on the phone, that person was Johnny, telling Bernard that God told them to buy me this car they seen sitting up a back lane. When they had talked it over between themselves agreeing that it was God they heard, they decided to go and get the car, but when they went there, the car was gone and the owner explained that someone was giving it a test drive, that’s when Johnny made the first call to Bernard, asking what to do. Then the man purchased the car and Johnny again phoned Bernard back again asking what should they do, Remember I’m on my knees in the toilet praying for the person on the phone.
Later the man changed his mind and returned the car and bought another car from the same owner, and the owner phoned Johnny and told him if he was still interested in the car its here for sale again and Johnny and Jackie bought it. Isn’t it amazing how God had me pray for this person not knowing that it was my miracle I was really praying for? And when I had entered Bernard’s living room the third time and his kid asked about me claiming a red car, Bernard had told everyone that I just received my car, and told them to say nothing, that’s why they laughed when I answered. Yes! Indignantly, and I will get it. They already knew I just got it. Praise the lord for he is so good trusting him works.
God supplies our financial need again through Johnny and Jackie
Brendan we have no money, we need to pay these bills before Tuesday, this was Wednesday night and we had no means of getting any money before the following Tuesday, so we did what we always do we got on our knees and asked God for our needs, telling him we needed it before Tuesday.
The week went by and no sign of God answering our prayer, and we were starting to get into an area of doubt, the longer it went on, but we fought against doubt, deciding to believe God no matter what.
Monday night came and we were sitting praying and saying to God, Lord you know these bills had to be paid by tomorrow, and you haven’t supplied like you said in your word; “My God will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4-19.
Just then there was a knock at the door and Johnny and Jackie Mc Fern stood at the door smiling, I was surprised to see them as they had never been to our home before, and invited them warmly in.
Rose look who’s here I called, Rose got up just as Jackie and Johnny walked into the living room.
Jackie a bubbly beautiful looking Christian woman apologized for coming so late explaining they had got lost and couldn’t find our home.
Rose said to me; “Put the kettle on and Give them a cup of tea.” I left the room and done as she asked me. Then Rose called out that she would put it out and serve Jackie and Johnny, herself. I came back in and sat down and began talking, chatting about the lord and his goodness, and they told me of wonderful things that God was doing for them. As we were sitting drinking our tea and chatting Jackie said oh aye I nearly forgot, The lord told us we were to come on Wednesday last week to give you this envelope, its from the prayer group. We thought it was a message and opened it immediately, and we were shocked to discover to the very penny the money we needed for the bills tomorrow was in there. Jackie said we were told by the lord to bring it last Wednesday but we were delayed, we’re so sorry. Rose and I stared at them and the money in amazement and told them, this is the exact amount that we asked God for to help pay some bills before tomorrow.
When we prayed, God heard and sent the money that very night, but Jackie and Johnny were delayed from coming to our home with it. We were tempted to doubt, but thankfully we rebuked it and chose to believe God. God taught us a lesson that night to believe him when we pray no matter what it looks like.
In the two years going up to Jackie and Johnny’s prayer meeting, never once did anyone give me any money for petrol or anything, and this night God told one of them to take up a collection for me and take it to me immediately, next day. O ur need is answered when we pray even if it takes a little while to get here
Saffa and three Turkish men’s healing
Saffa was a lovely, gentle spoken Turkish man, who had a lovely way with him. He was always smiling and chatting to everyone. He was the manager of a restaurant in Yalikavak Turkey owned by and Irish man.
One day as I was in a souvenir shop in the village I looked outside and I spotted Saffa hobbling by looking like he was in extreme agony. I called hullo to him and went outside to greet him, and as usual he smiled at me and began asking how I was, I replied I was ok but what had happened to him. He told me he had an accident and was in pain everywhere and mostly his feet and back and legs. Saffa was Muslim and I hesitated for a moment before asking him if he would like me to say a prayer for him for healing, and he surprised me by saying immediately, “oh! Yes please.”
I asked the man who owned the souvenir shop if we could borrow his chair and I sat Saffa down in it and began praying with his feet and legs. The man who owned the shop stood looking on asking Saffa what I was doing. Saffa explained that I was asking Jesus the Christian God to heal him. As I prayed with Saffa he experienced his feet being healed and he informed me that he had no pain in his feet. He still had pain in his legs and back and other places but no pain in his feet. He was giving a running commentary to the Turkish people who were gathering inside the shop curious to see what was happening. Then the pain left his legs and I asked him to stand up and see how he felt. All the pain is gone from my feet and legs he explained, but I’M still in pain with my back and neck. I then shifted my prayer to his back and neck and as I prayed all pain disappeared, he had no longer any pain anywhere in his body, and he began to do a little dance and bend and stretch as I asked him to do what he could not do since his accident. He was so excited and delighted that he hugged me and hugged me again, thanking me over and over. Murat the owner of the shop asked me if I would say a prayer with him as he had whiplash in his neck from a car accident, and was in a lot of pain. I prayed with him in Jesus name commanding thepain to go and immediately hewas healed, all pain disappeared from his body as well as from his neck.
His shop assistant then asked if I would say a prayer with him, talking in Turkish to Murat, as he talked I sensed the lord say put your hand on his back at a certain part and begin praying, even as he was asking Murat, and Murat had not told me yet what he was saying in Turkish. The shop assistant looked shocked as he felt my hand touch the very spot where his pain was most intense and then his pain left him and he was healed. He asked Murat how did I know where he was in pain. I explained that God told me to put my hand there on this part of his back, and that God loved him very much and didn’t want him in pain.
Another man had entered the shop and he was asking Murat what was happening. Murat explained that the Christian’s God Jesus was healing his friends. The man asked could he get healed. Murat asked me if I would pray with this man and I answered, of course and I sat him down in the chair and asked where his pain was. He told me and I began to pray and instantly he was healed.
The shop assistant asked Murat to ask me, how he could get to know God. I couldn’t speak Turkish, so I asked God how this young man can find him. He replied; tell him to come and sit on the pier tomorrow morning quietly and I will come to him. I told Murat to relay that to the youngassistantandhedid.Idon’tknowiftheyoungmandidthisornotIneverseenhimagain. God waits for us to come to him.
Water under the bridge
I was asked if I could come and pray with a woman in Coleraine who was suffering tremendous pain in her body. Of Course I replied I would. On arriving at the lady’s home I met Carol and Bernard who had asked me to come pray with their friend.
The lady was sitting in her armchair and I could hear her moan with pain as I walked through the front door, her daughter met us at the front door and invited us in and showed us where her mother was then left.
I began talking to the lady asking about her pain and how long she had it and so on. As I’M talking I am also asking the Holy Spirit about the root cause of her pain. Most pain that’s there without and injury usually has a root cause.
She explained to me that she had gone to Barry Mc Guigan a famous Irish boxing champion’s trainer; to get therapy for her pain but to no avail. She said she had to crawl up the stairs on her hands and knees in great agony.
The lord told me she had resentment and unforgiveness against her son in law.
I asked her did she have any unforgiveness against anyone and she replied; No! Of course not!
I then asked her if she had any resentment against her son in law. {I didn’t even know if she had a son in law. I just knew, this is what the lord told me was the reason for her pain. She looked at me and said; no “it’s all water under the bridge” and shook her head sideways. Then the lord said to me; ask her if she would make her son in law a cup of tea, and did she ever make him a cup of tea. She answered indignantly No! I would never make “him” a cup of tea. Then she began to cry and said he left her daughter pregnant before they were married, and she just couldn’t forgive him for that. Then she realized that she did indeed hold unforgiveness against her son in law.
I asked her to forgive him and explained that forgiveness is a decision not a feeling. She forgave him and the very instant she forgave him her pain disappeared. She straightened up in her chair and exclaimed, all my pain is gone then she got up and began to do exercises as I directed to make sure there was no pain. She had absolutely no pain. Then she said I have to try the stairs and went to the stairs and began to walk up them very slowly then as she realized still no pain she began running up and down them, her daughter and husband came out from the kitchen and watched her in amazement. She then insisted that she make us all a cup of tea, and serve us. Her daughter watched her, mouth hanging open, as she handed her husband a cup of tea and asked would he like a biscuit. She looked around at me and smiled as she handed her son in law a biscuit laughing at the look of disbelief on his face. He was her son in law for over seven years and she didn’t even realize
that she had so much unforgiveness against him and never in seven years did he ever get a cup of tea from her hands.
People don’t realize they hold unforgiveness against others and don’t realize that it is the root cause of their pain and can block healing from taking place. Forgiveness brings God’s healing power.
The brides healing
Brendan could you come up to my shop I have a woman coming to pick her wedding dress tonight and she is in terrible pain, they have to lay her down on a special car seat to get her here.
Patricia owned a wedding dress shop in Coleraine, and many a time she joined me in praying for others, tonight she was requesting my prayer support.
I arrived at the shop about ten minutes before the lady arrived to choose her wedding dress. Patricia told me that this woman was in terrible pain and had to be lain on a board going from the front seat to the back seat of the car, and she was determined to come and choose her wedding dress tonight. Patricia told her of my praying with people and she asked if Patricia could get me to come to the shop and pray with her.
The woman arrived at the shop helped in by her husband and father. Patricia greeted her and introduced her to me. They decided to pick the wedding dress while she was on her feet and able to move a little bit.
After choosing her dress she sat down on a chair waiting for me to begin praying with her. Patricia and I laid hands on her and began praying and shortly she was healed, with all pain gone she decided to pick her wedding veil also, and chose one, after what seemed to me like a long while. Still no pain she said smiling. She went to the front door of the shop and signaled to her husband to come into the shop for her, and he was amazed that she was walking with no pain, and then they left and went home to prepare for the wedding rehearsal next night.
One week later I was in Dunloy at a prayer meeting and in came the lady, whom Patricia and I prayed with, she was obviously in pain. She told me she was at the wedding rehearsal in the church and it was freezing cold. I sensed that she had tightened her muscles to protect herself subconsciously and this caused the nerve’s to tighten causing the body to go back into pain. Once again Patricia and I laid hands on her and she received her healing again. This time she also asked Jesus into her life and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. After the meeting was over she and her husband who also received Jesus into his heart left. This time her healing was complete and a few weeks later I heard that they got married and no hitches or pain. Praise God. The bride of Christ got healed
My car drives miraculously.
I took a friend Robby Doran to the prayer meeting in Port Stewart to give a talk there. On our journey home after the meeting I heard a loud pinging noise from under the cars bonnet and a
few minutes later the car rolled to a halt outside Gransha Mental hospital in Derry. I pumped the gas pedal and tried everything I could to get the car to start but it simply refused. Robby was asleep in the seat beside me and began to awaken to the noise of the car engine turning over and over. I told him the car had stopped and I was trying to get it started again but with no luck. We got out of the car and opened the bonnet and looked in. Neither of us knew anything about car repair so we just stood looking in at the engine, muttering we don’t see anything wrong. It was about four thirty in the morning and we were tired and no mobile phones in those days. We decided to pray and ask the lord to sort the car out. Robby and I decided to push the car hoping it would start with a push. We opened the doors of the car and began pushing it down a little hill, then we both jumped in and I put it into second gear and let the pedal out quickly and Praise God the car started. I tentatively drove the car home stopping at Robby’s home first and dropping him off, then drove to my own home and came to a halt outside my front door and turned off the engine and breathed a sigh of relief and a great thank you to the lord.
I then tried turning the engine on again but it refused to start. I was too tired to try again and thought Ill have a look at it tomorrow.
Next morning I went out to the car and stepped inside and turned the engine on and nothing happened, just the sound of the starter turning over and over.
I got out and lifted the bonnet just as my next door neighbor Adrian Horner exited his home. Having problems he cheerfully asked.
I told him what happened the night before and he asked he have a look at it.
Adrian was a motor mechanic and an excellent one at that.
Looking under the bonnet he reached down and pulled a cable up for me to see, and said, no wonder you couldn’t drive it you’re accelerator cable has snapped in two it’s impossible to drive with a broken accelerator cable, it supplies the petrol for the engine. Where did this break he asked. I informed him I heard a loud pinging noise about three miles outside of Derry at Gransha hospital.
That was the cable snapping he replied it’s impossible to drive a car with a broken cable he repeated. I see it but I don’t believe it he said, it’s impossible only God could have got you home after this cable broke.
HeofferedtofixitformelateronandIwasdelightedtoaccept.WithGodallthingsarepossible 1818