Never agree with Satan , the devil, or with anyone else who contradicts the word of God

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Never agree with ‘Satan the devil’ Or anyone else who contradict’s the word of God

Mc Crossan


Never agree with ‘Satan the devil’


We are holy

EPHESIANS 1-4 Common world bible-4 God chose us in Christ to be holy and blameless in God’s presence before the creation of the world. {CWB}

This is how God sees his loving children and when the devil tells them they’re no good or unworthy they should reply to him rebuking him with the word of God and what God says about them, the devil says you unworthy, you say - I was chosen to holy, so I rebuke you in Jesus name.

One night at a house meeting, there was a woman who is in ministry, and I was not informed by the lady who had invited me to come and speak, and afterwards minister healing to the people gathered there, that this other lady was going to speak also. I will call her Gertrude ‘not her real name.’ I was told that she had come for healing, but no mention was made reference of her giving a talk was made to me, so I of course presumed that she had just come to receive her healing from God.

Before the meeting began I felt led to share a brief word from God’s word and it was about love and I quoted love is never rude 1Corinthians 13 -5.

As I began talking I told the people that the word of God tells us that ‘the devil is a liar and the father of liars’ and they were not to listen to the lies the devil tells them that ‘you’re no good’ or that ‘you are a terrible person, this woman interrupted me and said, ‘I don’t agree with you,’ and launched into a ten minute speech of how she tells those she minister healing to telling them that they should agree with the devil, that they are terrible people or sinners, and that robs him of his power over them, she challenged my scripture teaching and my beliefs even though I had but spoke for less than ten minutes, and she quoted her beliefs and quoted Catholic church dogma to back up her beliefs. I was bemused to say the least, and was surprised that a person in ministry would interrupt someone invited to speak and contradict them as they ministered. I have listened to preachers talking and I knew they were up the left saying what they were saying, but I did not sit and contradict them, I respected they were at the place where they are now at this moment in time; I also was in that same place years before, and I am not bragging, I have learned a lot in thirty five years in ministry and one thing I definitely learned was that God is not pleased with anyone interrupting a speaker who has prayed as best as they could to hear from him and give a message to others from him. He is the one who says let everything be done in an orderly way, and conflict is not from God.

When I resumed speaking I informed her that I would never agree with the devil, that I do what Jesus did and St Paul done when confronting the devil or evil spirits, and she again said she didn’t agree with me and continued into a long drawn out point she was making.

Or anyone else who contradict the word of God
Brendan Mc Crossan 31-09-2011

Jesus never agreed with the devil or his evil spirits ever, he commanded them to shut up and get out, he never agreed in any point whatsoever.


Jesus Forces an Evil Spirit out of a Man—Mark 1:31

31Jesus went to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and taught them on a day of worship. 32The people were amazed at his teachings because he spoke with authority. 33In the synagogue was a man possessed by a spirit, an evil demon. He shouted very loudly, 34“Oh, no! What do you want with us, Jesus from Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!” 5Jesus ordered the spirit, “Keep quiet, and come out of him!” The demon threw the man down in the middle of the synagogue and came out without hurting him.

Did Jesus agree with the evil spirit, even when it said, ‘I know you are the holy son of God,’ now that was the truth this evil spirit was telling, Jesus is the Holy one of God. Jesus did not agree and say, ‘yes I am the holy son of God,’ but he rebuked it, told it to be quiet and cast it out. If Jesus wouldn’t agree with an evil spirit, and told it to shut up even when it told the truth, why should you; do you the same as Jesus, follow his example. Jesus told this thing to shut up he did not agree with it, he shut it up, if Satan or an evil spirit tells you you’re worthless, tell it to shut up in the name of Jesus, never agree with it.

These are the very words of Jesus in this next scripture talking about Satan the devil.


you are the children of your father, the Devil, and you want to follow your father's desires. From the very beginning he was a “murderer” and has never been on the side of truth, because “there is no truth in him.” When he tells a lie, he is only doing what is natural to him, because “he is a liar and the father of all lies.”

Satan only knows how to lie; and uses the truth to pervert it, he distorts the truth to try and destroy you because he just cannot tell the truth in its own right, he distorts the truth and uses it against us as a weapon, the evil spirit in the man in Mark-1-31- was speaking the truth but was Jesus going to allow it to go any further, and once having got people’s attention it would then go on to distort truth, but Jesus didn’t give it a chance to speak further, he shut it up and he certainly did not agree with it in any shape or form; he just shut it up. Jesus did not agree with it!


Mark-7-15- your souls aren’t harmed by what you eat, but by what you think and say!

Thinking that you can agree with the devil over any thing will bring you harm and my advice to those who listen to people saying ‘agree with the devil,’ it disarms him, and If the devil

says your no good agree with him; “you agreed with him for years and what torment” has it brought you, it sure didn’t make you feel good about yourself, it didn’t bring you the freedom Jesus suffered and died for, did it? My advice is to get as far away from these people as possible, if they can be deceived in this area and agree with Satan, then they are in agreement with him in other areas they might not even be aware of. The devil is the craftiest being on this planet and if he can get you to agree with him in one thing he has a foothold in your life.

Jesus rebuked Peter saying, ‘get away from me Satan.’ Peter was agreeing with Satan, when he tried to get Jesus to change his mind, and Peter didn’t realise he was agreeing with Satan but Jesus knew it. But Jesus wouldn’t agree with the devil that was using Peter to speak to him.

Mark 8:33 Good-News-Translation

but Jesus turned around, looked at his disciples, and rebuked Peter. ‘Get away from me, Satan,’ he said. Your ‘thoughts don't come from God but from human nature!’

Allowing Satan access to your thinking will give him victory over you at one time or another, Satan uses truth to tell a lie, he quoted scriptures at Jesus and Jesus rebuked him with scripture also, he was misquoting the word of God twisting the truth to tell a lie.

Luke 4-1

Amplified Bible THEN JESUS, full of and controlled by the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led in [by] the [Holy] Spirit 2for (during) forty days in the wilderness (desert), where He was tempted (tried, tested exceedingly) by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they were completed, He was hungry.3Then the devil said to Him, if you are the Son of God, order this stone to turn into a loaf [of bread].

4And Jesus replied to him, it is written; Man shall not live and be sustained by (on) bread alonebut by every word and expression of God. 5Then the devil took Him up to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the habitable world in a moment of time [in the twinkling of an eye]. 6And he said to Him, To You I will give all this power and authority and their glory (all their magnificence, excellence, pre-eminence, dignity, and grace), for it has been turned over to me, and I give it to whomever I will; 7Therefore if you will do homage to and worship me, [just once], it shall all be yours. 8And Jesus replied to him, ‘Get behind Me, Satan!’ It is written, you shall do homage to and worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.

9Then he took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on a gable of the temple, and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, cast yourself down from here 10 for it is written, He will give His angels charge over you to guard and watch over you closely and carefully; 11And on their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone. 12And Jesus

replied to him, [The Scripture] says; you shall not tempt (try, test exceedingly) the Lord your God. 13And when the devil had ended every [the complete cycle of] temptation, he [temporarily] left Him [that is, stood off from Him] until another more opportune and favourable time. {Amplified Bible}

Right answer me this, ‘when did Jesus agree with the devil? He never! He rebuked him with the word of God, and Satan used the very word of God itself to try and get Jesus to agree with him. Satan tried to get Jesus to agree with him and Jesus refused to agree even though the word of God was correct in what Satan was using to try and get him to agree with him. If Jesus agreed with Satan at any point, he was defeated in his ministry to save the world from sin and break the Devil, Satan’s rule. Agreeing with Satan the devil places you in a position to agree with him in other areas, once you agree with him you are in bondage to him.

And Satan has done that in the churches of God, he hides the truth from us blinding us with sin and keeping us focused on the wrongs we do to keep our minds off the grace of God which lovingly forgives our sins and transactions, and makes us partakers of the kingdom of God, and seated in the heavenly places along with Christ Jesus. He does not want you or those I preached to, to know that they are citizens of heaven and are washed continually clean by the blood of Jesus and also that they have victory over him in all areas because scripture says, ‘future victory is sure.’ He wants to keep the Christian church in darkness and keep them away from the light.


No one including Paul agreed with Satan or an evil spirit from Satan.

Acts -16-16- 16And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: 17The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, ‘These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.’ 18And she did this many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, ‘I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.’ And he came out the same hour. {King James Version}

This girl was a fortune teller that an evil spirit used to tell peoples fortunes, and she shouted out every time she seen Paul and Silas; “these men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation.” This evil spirit knew that Paul and Silas had the power of God in them and she was in effect preaching for them telling everyone within earshot that these two men were really from God and were showing the Jews the way to salvation, how to get saved, and she did this many days until Paul got so fed up with her he turned around and commanded that evil spirit to come out, he effectively shut it up, he never agreed with it in any way even when it was telling people the way to salvation was to be heard by these two men. Paul shut it up by commanding it to come out of her. Jesus didn’t agree with Satan himself when he tempted him, and Paul didn’t agree with Satan’s helper, that evil spirit, they shut them up and never agreed even though both used the truth against them.


I pray for this woman that she may come to realise that you cannot agree with the devil, or you give him a mighty foot hold in your life, this is a good woman but is being deceived by Satan. All your life Satan the devil has been trying to get you to agree with him in anything, and he uses everything you agree with him in to try and destroy you.

If Satan tells you that you are unworthy, rebuke him and tell him that you are righteous. If he says your no good, tell him you are forever perfect in the sight of God, never agree even if you feel like the biggest pile of crap in the planet, those feelings were pressed on you for years by your greatest enemy and he will never be your friend, he is out to destroy you any way he can, so never give him a look in by agreeing with him. Rebuke the devil when he attacks.


not even the chief angel Michael did this? In his quarrel with the Devil, when they argued about who would have the body of Moses, Michael did not dare condemn the Devil with insulting words, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you!’

The mighty angel Michael didn’t agree with the devil or call him insulting names but said, ‘the Lord rebuke you.’

This next scripture tells you exactly what to do when the devil says things to you, submit yourself to God first, then {rebuke,} resist the devil and he will flee, he doesn’t say agree with him does it? So never agree with the devil.


submit your selves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. {The Way Bible}

The word resist means - oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to.

When you resist the devil when he tells you that you’re no good, resist means refuse to accept; when you agree you accept that lie and give him a mighty foothold in your life. Amen

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